HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-16, Page 1• •n,4s.,1A 1,144,— 4,44 " Nm�{i.'7ci ufi4 0 0$ . veen the stove and 1 erator, pots, pans, bo li istufts should be.R .re they will be usei .where foods are .lIdf be next to thel- ,or or stove' vorki s should he - provla d sink, stove and refrige sink's height sbeld Lily convenient for o Choose, With Care, urtains for the ki old be chosen from the. easiness to clean. mmend that they be plastic, since they eaq Zed and wiped dry lel ute;S. inally,. the latehett:, a, experts recommend it• tile or linol`m i, easy to clean an4 ng and can be el'f&, nonize with the otherga ie room. SsI FED . ADS )TINE FOR ACCEPTING THESE ADS 15, 6 P.M.. TUESDAY GODERICH, ONTARIO, , THURSDAY,* MAY 16, 1963 • sferring.- Clinton .Post resignation of . Robert language specialist, o,„ ech:a" staff. of Goderich t Collegiate institute for st six years,. was regret ;accepted by the school in session Monday even- ly board secretary was WINO' invite Mr. Smith e next meeting of the when the members would o meet hint. Smith leaves the local to take over tit" anguage lment at the co.nd- chool at Clinton, as an- ecllsets here in this issue e Sinal -Star. Mr. Smith ontinuc to stake his home his family here, on Cath- 4-rect Engage Tee cher m fill the \a.cancy left by mith's resignation, Joseph n of ,Walkerton was en- bv the board. old Donk was named to nitor for the school to e vacancy left by t tion of Donald. Squires, as left the post after near -- cc years. May Attend e board agreed that ',the TTr yaxcenbers of the. wishing to attend th ntion of the : Associated dary School Boards of On - at London May 17 td" 20 d he paid. No delegates named and the matter was open -for any who 'might .le to make the trip. the course of• his report e-board-Prifnci•pal_Okal-.D.ay unced the cadet inspection Wednesday afternoon of week, and also the awards _blyto be held day 24. e remainder of the session taken up with routine busi- and passing of the regular nts. Chairman Dr. R. W. es presided. ew Tourist -In Proposal Now Fireworks Prank Backfires More Area Cottages Robbed Three' juveniles who were dropping fireworks from a rail- way ailway bridge onto passing cars on Highway No. 21 IViay 11 were apprehended by Provincial Pol- home iLES NES AT appear - shingles: Ingle* charming EATED to E ar Serious e Averted at might have been a ser - and costly fire was nipped he bud Saturday night. n at their cottage for the end, Mr. and Mrd "Nip" tstone happen to remain awn last .weeiend. _About- s. -Abouts. Whetstone smelled e in their apartment over Canadian Tire Corporation e, Going downstairs they d the store filled with* ke. Some youngsters had letting off firecrackers and ed one through a hole at back. _of the store. The ignited and destroyed two s of brake shoes and was ing closer to highly inflam-- acid when discovered. The was eventually extinguished ire serious damage was An enjoyable social affair Friday night at Harbourlite Inn was the annual Spring Fantasy Ball sponsored by the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority to further their equipment projects for Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital. An enjoyable dancing pro- gram was pima y-Paui--cross and h-rs band freak ; Stratford. Don McPherson of, Windsor won the door prize and Mrs. Noel -Dumont, Goderich; wore '•a $50 bond. Left to right, members of the Sorority are: Marilyn Wilson, secretary; Dorothy James, president of the Trenton-. chapter; Marg. Ljunggren, Martha Rathburn, di- rector: Betty Etue, president; Lois Camp - be -l1, Gladys- Nicholson, treasurer; _Martha Duench, dance convenor. Vice-president Ellen Nelson was not present for photo. A holiday falling on a Mon- day such as Victoria Day, May 20, ,has a crippling effect 'n,. . getting.._.a weekly news- paper out on time that week. Subscribers have a habit of forgetting that _ newspapers should have holidays, too, and expect the paper out as us- ual, even though there is .one - day less in the week in which to do so Consequently, the printing staff of The Signal -Star will work Monday as usual. Ad- vertisers and news corres- pondents are urged to ''have their copy in by Friday or Saturday oflhis week for next week's paper. Such co operation' will be most ap- preciated. Then, ..all. day Fri- day and also Saturday morn- ing of this week the printing staff will haves, a holiday as a make -good for losing Mon- day, May 20. The proposal, advanced ipy the Winter Employment, Campaign Committee reeetltly that the inactive Super - test service station 00 Victoria and Hamilton srtreets be obtained for combination tourist and industrial in- forination. (•entre was endorsed in principal by repre,- ntatives of the Town of Goderich, industrial Com - ice of the Goderich detach mission and Braneh 109, Royal Canadian Legion at a ment and severely reprimand • - point sleeting in the National Employment S ei x i« s otfites last '1'llitrsday night: .� -S rvic-e i -lutes and the, l,'oderieh Business lieu's Assoc- iation who for one reason or another Wert .Trot repres.- eiitecl, will be called to another sleeting.. set for Mai. 2St h. ed and their parents notified, Sgt: ,H. Barker reports, issuing a '`warning that any similar oc- currences will bring court ac- tion. Sgt. Barker pointed out to The Signal -Star that this escapade involved trespassing contrary to quiries which are now bein; Tourists Ignored ignored. the Railways Act, and also con - The -committee vice-chairman, Favors Prbnoject_ l stituted a serious hazard to the B. R. Rpbir outlined the Mayor Ernie Fisher stated ire car drivers who might have been plan in , detail, visualizing the was in favor of the project .in startled.. into an accident. In use of the location with a full- principal, but felt that if the i - timegaff, or otherwise on a busi-ae - smen- of the_ tool n did addition the fireworTs could eas ily have set a convertible on fire. seasonal basis. Ile stressed the not shod}• more interest, the `value of the tourist business door might be closed on thy Cottage Breakins Ito this town, and deplored the project. Cottages at The Falls on the lack of interest on the part of Bert Squire, Industrialcha.r Maitland River owned by Ken those who stand to benefit dir- man, stated- that he too fav or - Hunter of Goderich and Mrs. ertly by furnishing the normal ed• the project, but pointed oil ,Jean -Piper, R. R..3, Stratford tourist services for the many in -that funds for industrial put -- have been broklen into, and some ___ poses have been exhausted on fishing gear, a shotgun and am the purchase of suitable Indus munition stolen. The loss was Chimney IInney Swifts f is trial land. While he felt the - I May 11 and invest- ,'teed for ,an industrial and tour ligation is being continued by invade Church ist information centre, the coin- ' Constables R. E. Sims and R. R4. IPrimeau of the Provincial Pot - ice. Similar Pattern Sgt. Barker advised The Sig-- nal -Star Wednesday that a sim- ilar pattern is seen in break- ins at Huron Sands Beach in Ashfield Township where Nor- man Mundy of Wingham lost a 17-ineh- -TV set and a 5 h.p, outboard motor; Lloyd Mundy of London had his cottage enter- ed but found nothing missing; George Ruby of Stratford had. lies use—and -cottage en tered and lost articles to the value of $45; the cottage of Gor- don Hobbs of Michigan was ent- ered, but no loss reported. The breakins are "believed -TO be the. work of local people and, police are 'continuing to work on the case. Youth Injured Lloyd C. Hoy of Clinton suf- fered undetermined back injur- GUN SHOOT Victoria Day shoot is to eld at Kippen on Sunday moon. A trophy was won is event last year by lied Prouse of Goderich. ss Fern Cranston, 'Windsor, nt the Mother's Day Week - with ther mother, Mrs,, V. Cranston, Rayfield About 20 Ministers of . the' Huron Presbytery -of the United Church of Can- ada held both morning and afternoon„ sessions at North Street United Church. •on Wednesday. devoted to a discussion on the . revisionof the mar- riage ceremony , - se . . ! y the United urchj, ° Can- ada. Chairman for this was Rev. W. J. -ten Hoopen of Goderich. A discussion' on the Uni- ted Church General Council report on baptism' and church . membership • took place at tlie. afternnoon ses- sion. 'Chairman for this was Rev.' Arthur .Higginbottom of Walton. - Should . ministers marry those who have no interest - h the --religious aspect -of-t-he_- Marriage ceiremony, which, in some cases even includes non believers? This was a problem which confronted -the morning •session. It was felt that ministers had two alternatives depend- ing on the particular situation Which . faced them. These were to either: 1. Send the couple to a judge or magis- trate for a purely secular marriage or, 2. Strip the cere- mony of its religious elements and perform ' a strictly sec- ular ceremony as an author - the latter were done, it would be completely 'inappropriate for the ceremony to be per- formed in the church ,and should be done either in the... minister's study or at his home. . It wag the general feeling Of the meeting that a relig- ious marriage service should be reserved for those Who have a religious faith and desire the blessings of Cod on their - marriage. The popular custom of hav- ing a wedding march played at the marriage .ceremony came under discussion. There was-a--strongpreference shown- - among the ministers present that a good religious hymn should be played rather than playing a wedding march.- ' The new proposed - United Church wedding Service was seen as being'definitely des- igled to point up - the relig- ious significance of the cere- mony rather than just mak- ing -a spectacle of it. Under what circumstances should an infant be baptized when the parents are not in fellowship with the church? Taxpayers • in the Town of Goderich will be receiving their annual tax notices today follow- Il ing e ma1IIT g by E.' Jessop, .tax collector May 15. A num- ber of out-of-town ratepayers have received notices which were sent out somewhat in. ad- vance -of •the -•.local.. ones.. _ ....._...._. Rates o Up The commercial and indus- trial rate this year has been set at 80.5 mills, representing an increase of three mills over last year. The residential and farm rate has been set at 72.2 mills, an . increase of .99 mills ovlastt _ear's rate •-a-•-P ''l ing er c9 ents on an assessment faced the afternoon Session. Among the points brought out in this discussion was the fact that a child should not be deprived of the right to be baptized just because the parents of the child were not in fellowship with the church. It was• further pointed out that such an occasion was an opportunity for ministers to point out to parents the im- portance of joining the church. WIN PRIZES Door prizes at the Dessert Card- Party of he -Goderich Graduate Nurses were won by: Mrs. F. Rouse, Mrs. J. Evans, Miss R. McGuire% X.rs_ R. Mc- D'onald, Mrs. C. Cutt, Mrs. Waugh_ ._. _ , 4, - The `dravii prizes Were won by Mrs. J. R. Wheeler and Howard Aitken of Goderich and Doug. Wakely .of Toronto. . of $1,000. Equalize Rates Originally it appeared that four ,rates might be quoted ow- ing `to a slight difference be- tween the public. and separate school rates. However, an 'ad- justment in the separate school rate has resulted in the setting of identical rate's, thus elimin- ating the two extra classifica- tions. Taxes are payable stalments. The first is due May 31, the October 31st. 4, Discount Allowed A discount of one percent is allowed on the total tax bill if -the -second instalment is paid by May 31st. . • The tax levy, this year is cal- culated to rais funds totalling $537,000,-. which includes an amount of $7,000 for local im- provements. Exactly 40.77% of the levy is paid by industrial, 49.23%-- by residential. ,. in two in - instalment second on The activities of the G.D.C.L Biology Club closed for the Echool.-.y_ear., with -_..a field .. -trip. on Saturday, May 11th. Nine members of the -club arrived at Benmiller ` shortly before 1.00 p.m. under clear blue sky and a cool north wind which effective- ly -dispersed any combined at- tack on the party by black- flies. •- •. _ fid" on a three-hour hike by foot through some of.. the more remote and isolated -reaches of the Mait- land River, 'where various wild flowers, trees, birds and animals were observed in their natural surroundings. Wiener Roast After" a brief rest period, the group travelled by car to some of the other local points of in- terest. Finally a ,pleasant shelt- ered spot was selected by- the river, a large fire was lit, and in due course the fragrance of roasted wieners mingled with the wood smoke as preparations were made to satisfy appetites only an afternoon in the open can develop. On The Hike Members participating in the hike were: Gary Bean, Ted Barker, Nancy Bell, Gunter Biernert, Julie Cox, Jane Fisher, John Hardy, Roberta Prest, Jeff Such, accampaiiied by Donald S. McKee from the staff 'of Js-➢► Bayfield erely damaged on the left side in a collision about midnight on Huron County road No. 13 Saturday night. A second car in- volved was 'driven by another 18 -year-old, R. Thompson, dam- aged to the extent of about $100 on the left side. Hoy was_ treated by Dr. P. Waldon of Clinton and admitted to the pub- lic hospital there. - Holiday- Post Office Hours PEN NIGHT AT GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE mission's financial contribution at present would be limited. Ask Support By Mrs. John Lindsay Stan McGratten, representing Bayfield.—Birds are known. the Legion, also approved the., for doing strange things and' proposal, and concurred in the one more happened 'in St: idea of calling another meet-- hurch h Andrews United C ere. When Mrs. J. Lindsay arrived at. the church on Saturday afternoon, ,'She found a huge flock of chimney swifts had taken. over. They came out of every possible opening in the old coal furnace and with them came the blacksoot: John Lindsay carne to .her, rescue -and later some friends happened in and the count was close to 200 birds 'car- ried to the door and let fly on 'their waj+ Af dile point' pn `o,eiiing_-the.fuitta-ee.door- they found over 30 massed on the door like wasps in a wasp .nest. Where they came from no one knows but ,Mr. Lindsay wonders if they were mi • ratin • and were cau • .t •. the heavy rainstorm early Friday morning and followed the leader to the high church chimney. Only • a guess but. sounds logical. ing to muster further support, as did Howard Aitken and Bruce Sully. Invitations to a second meet- ing will be issued this- week. according to Art Elliott, nittee chairman. Chipmunk Nips Holmesville Boy A,n 11 -year-old Holmesville hoy; Kenneth -Colelnti-eh; - •i s. he, ing treated- after- being bitten bv a chinmunk or small squir- rel Sunday. Kenneth told poi- ' ice he was out for a walk Sun- day afternoon when he found a chinmunk which appeared to ,to the animal, he was bitten. The chipmunk has tee's sent to Hull for examination for rabies, by Dr. J. C. MacLennan of Sea - forth. Postmaster A. M. Homut;:h has announced the following hours for the Post Office on Monday, Victoria Day holi- day: Wickets ' open from 8.30 A. a.m., to 12.30 p.m. Post Office lobby open from 7 ,a;,m. to 6 p.m. Only one - mail out at 6.15 p.m., and ,one mailin at 6.10 a.m. No rural -..mail delivery. FOR "EVENING OF SONG An outstanding "Ever.:ng of Song" is being prepared by - The Harbouraires to be pres- ented at the GDCI Auditorium on Wednesday, June 5, at 8:15 p.m.; Conductor of The Harbour- aires is George Buchanan while the president of the choral group is -Dob Irwin of Clinton. Tickets for t -h - :on'cert are av- ailable from 'any member of The 'Harbouraires. In addition to the songs by the 25 member -Harbouraires, accompanied by L. H. Dotterer, there will be a number of guest artists. Chief among these, will be a remarkable Junior Boys Choir under the direction of Mr. Dotterer. These boys rang- ing in age from 9 to 14 years, will sing as a group by them - 's -Oh -es and also along with the Harbouraires in several sel- ections. The 'latter will be "Lis- ten To The Lambs" and "Lir Liza Jane". Guest soloist- will be Mfrs. Barbara,McKee of Goderich, who haappeared,,, with The Harbouraires on previous oc- casions. There will also be a famed barbershop quartette trolt't Kitchener: This quartette placed second in all Ontario in competitions last year. , Picture la not upside :down, Its the boys, standing on �ir B heads'., to make an. interesting $ sfeCta�e for visitors oueric District Collegiate fns�itut� �n �igchtionroifaY evening; -The junior atheletes, under the lire nYsical`educabiort lnstruatar Wont dorter put °IL a ontiitiOUS program of pm class.rwo1k• hatoi(Si taOltp 4 • bll?�One. a the h e most popular demonstrations mon str a ti ons was the e series r. ie_ s of ffoil',c ora„ ocztspresented turin;the •evening' by Grede students who havetoiertnas c as an option under the direetionb WilliamTuckerothe school staff. The group -presented a tunv of simple but beautiful melodies, dem onstrating that much 'can be xlotO in the Course of one .. . ; . -e -no relimin- y. With little' or p Oen, With stiiderttd +� w a o year,� �h X._ ..in..• Woodwork acid metal:'work projects, clothing, ., pry. tra>tni. ,� foods,science project and all other:departments of the .,a coni pis. ole for si "tendon making, on the • whole, p acrinol vied, .t �_ _ .• hensiv a sampling of the work being presented and the students' accomplishidtentS. ra The ' girls' 'physical . education de p rl i et presetted' a series of demonstrations of dances' rriytintie ..exercises' and competi. five'team anokts as their.:contribution to the schools "Open Night.under the.di• - o 1. f Mis��-1..-�rox ler °of�tlie: C recirroni o staff. The girls went to. go considerable „F ef- fort and their work was viewed by a od �► s' 'dur- ing Erie d attendance . of 'parents a ve.•.•Y ing the a >�