HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-09, Page 164.24 24,2.42 fl ij Z The . Goderich' Signal -Star, Thursday; May 9th, 1903 Basementless House 'Of Todaya Should Sit 'Upon Day Ground Houses without basements are slabs are suitable for high more prevalent in areas where' ground or well -drained sites the winter climate is moderate,'where but with today's improved'heat- ing methods, such homes are practicable, even in colder reg- ions. Ilasethentle s houses are of two main types, those built on concrete slabs, in which the concrete floor rests directly on the ground, and those -with a "crawl space" between the mails floor and the ground. Other typr's require special consideration by CM-IIC if fin- ancing under the National Ilousing Act is being consider- ed by the owner. Concrete Slabs Houses built on concrete water collecting at the base of the structure. The bed on wliieh the concrete is plaeeu should be carefully prepared so that there is no danger of the concrete floor absorbing ground moisture. Vegetable matter such as leav- e', top soil, humus and roots .hould be removed tb provide a firm. bearing surface. The earth should be built up to a level slightly higher than -the surrounding ground and then covered with six inches of bro- ken stone or course gravel. l?in-• ally, an effective vapor barrier • should be. spread over the en -- surface before the concrete is poured. The vapor barrier; inlay be polyethylene film over a layer of building paper, heavy roll Tooting or equally suitable material. All joints should be lapped at least six inches. Needs Backing If the material selected is not '•gid enough to withstand the weight of the concrete without tQaring, it should be backed with ,some other, :more resist- ant, material. The edges of the slab should also be insulated to prevent rapid loss of heat at this point and to avoid condensation along the base of the Ovalis inside the house. A special type of in, sulating - material is required, one that is sufficiently tough to resist tearing or scuffing, im- pervious to moisture, and not susceptible to rot or deterior- ation. If the house is being fin- anced under the National..Hotis- In Act the insulating material must be acepted for this pur- pose by CMHC. With concrete slab construe - tion, some form of footing or support for' the exterior wall§ and bearing partitions is re: quired. This can beiirovided either by making the slab thick- er at the edges or alternatively resting the edges of the slab on an independent suppol•t. • It may be only a surface footing, or it m y be a foundation wall extending down to a point be- low the line of frost penetra= tion. Various Methods There are various methods of insulating the floor to prevent heat loss, depending on the type of slab construction. If a con- ventional foundation with foot- ing is built independently of the stab floor, the insulation should be placed between the found- ation and the. floor. If the foot- ing is a thickening of the floor rG• itself the insulation should be placed along the outside edge of the slab and should extend at least six inches below ground level. " The success of the Parapsych- ology Laboratdy at Duke Uni- versity, in the U.S.A., in demon- strating the ekistence bof nsy.- chokinesis--.art ability that some people have to influence, by thought alone, the movement or behaviour of an inanimate ob• ject, is told by the Encyclopedia Americana, This was achieved by nine years of research in dice -throwing tepts. The 'sub- jects tried by Will -power done to make the cubes fall with a specified face turned up. Pre- cautions were observed to pre- vent any bias in the dice or to prevent tche'' Ilse of dice -throw- ing skill. The results, announc- ed in 1943, indicateil' that some persons do have this ability, for their success was too great to be explained in any other way. QUICK"CANADIAN QUIZ-.. 1. What motto • appears on the Arms .of Canada?, 2. Via e boat thand ra 1,shortest whatroute is thbye mileage from, $t. Johns, Md., to , Victoria, B.C.? 3. In 1939, when Canada's pope- cation° -was 11;2 million,, fedder spending 'totalled •$553 'Pil- lion. In the 1961-62 fiscal year, When population rwas about 18.4 million, what- was the total of federal spending? 4. There were 389,744 motor vehicles "produced in Canada in 1961. A What was the 1962 total? 5. Of the 17,130 manufacturing companies subject to corpor,,. ation tax in 1960, what pro: portion operated at a pi•oti.t? ANSWERS: . 5. 11,772 operat- ed at a profit and 5,358 at a loss. $. $7,188 ''million. 1. The motto, in Latin, is "A maxi usque ad mare," which means "From sea to sea:" 4. 507,997. 2. About' 4,300 milers. ' "TRANS Heating and Air Conditioning • CRANE-- and ---- American Standard • The Brand Name Products We Were Pleased To - Install In The New Goderich Building Centre • WORS E L L BROS.'. PLUMBING AND HEATING Goderich ELECTI W RK DERICH ELECTRIC b• This is a sign you see often. Here again at Goderich Building Centre we were proud and pleased to have been chosen to do the electrical installation. If you have a build- ing project coming up why not ask us for an estimate? . 1 CongratuIatiofls to GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE -Your New Building Is A Fine Addition 7o Goderich . MAN_jJFACTURER-S and WHOLESALERS of ' The Famous Line of Dashwood f d ani e ran; your " or •en's wise r -roof me" A'( ese a onsid( more d or uild a SOME lable, your ingly 1 oney urse, of the mater of ar instal ired. is pa reate base' e as $ or zewa) , mor mat( um v do ti '11 be tial��: irepre n ide. it nomic decora edge tape d•in care; nt eat a duce whe;' the b 1 boa) duces ooth GODERIG BUILDING CENTRE • Weather-stripped Double Hung • Horizontal Sliding Casement • Sashless - • Awning and Hopper • Swing -Out Casement • Curved Bow Windows • Weatherstripped Basement • Door -Frames Wood and Aluminum Frames Sash of All Types - • Economy ,Cottage Sliders t an al bu; reliab t sho these ardle tle of 1, the ante er su ,as Light Anal) g a b that e yot g an pelt; odes An ii ons tl neled ght'.': riety aIer'! esent lxere ed 3t: Tina nett ay tn.. ens its re DERICki Bl71LDING CENTt'k on their J•GRAND OPENING Of Their Ultra Moclern Showrooms tObERICH 'BUILDING CENTRE Are.AulM1orizzd Agents for ItsSi nal mp-c freqi IlyI hate] an 1 Ors Ppit . kr rind 4st hien ttea Th( ng tno0 SPECIALTIES:- o �esale Suppliers df Armstrong Floor Tile HAMILTON, ONTARIO wua - tieN- MMir - Notice The Fine Quality -BROADLOOM a _ And The Beautiful .,.. b .w, "f ' _ _ You will always find a beautiful selection of broadloom and drapes in stock at oul• store. Finequality broadloom and beautiful drapes -0 such as you will see, during the Goderich Building Centre's Open House can be yours. Drop in and see us for your home decorating needs. CONGRATULATIONS _ , --GODETtlafl3UILDING ;ENTRE ,,, Your Building Shows True Faith In A Growing Town r . LADIES ,WEAR LTD. rG• itself the insulation should be placed along the outside edge of the slab and should extend at least six inches below ground level. " The success of the Parapsych- ology Laboratdy at Duke Uni- versity, in the U.S.A., in demon- strating the ekistence bof nsy.- chokinesis--.art ability that some people have to influence, by thought alone, the movement or behaviour of an inanimate ob• ject, is told by the Encyclopedia Americana, This was achieved by nine years of research in dice -throwing tepts. The 'sub- jects tried by Will -power done to make the cubes fall with a specified face turned up. Pre- cautions were observed to pre- vent any bias in the dice or to prevent tche'' Ilse of dice -throw- ing skill. The results, announc- ed in 1943, indicateil' that some persons do have this ability, for their success was too great to be explained in any other way. QUICK"CANADIAN QUIZ-.. 1. What motto • appears on the Arms .of Canada?, 2. Via e boat thand ra 1,shortest whatroute is thbye mileage from, $t. Johns, Md., to , Victoria, B.C.? 3. In 1939, when Canada's pope- cation° -was 11;2 million,, fedder spending 'totalled •$553 'Pil- lion. In the 1961-62 fiscal year, When population rwas about 18.4 million, what- was the total of federal spending? 4. There were 389,744 motor vehicles "produced in Canada in 1961. A What was the 1962 total? 5. Of the 17,130 manufacturing companies subject to corpor,,. ation tax in 1960, what pro: portion operated at a pi•oti.t? ANSWERS: . 5. 11,772 operat- ed at a profit and 5,358 at a loss. $. $7,188 ''million. 1. The motto, in Latin, is "A maxi usque ad mare," which means "From sea to sea:" 4. 507,997. 2. About' 4,300 milers. ' "TRANS Heating and Air Conditioning • CRANE-- and ---- American Standard • The Brand Name Products We Were Pleased To - Install In The New Goderich Building Centre • WORS E L L BROS.'. PLUMBING AND HEATING Goderich ELECTI W RK DERICH ELECTRIC b• This is a sign you see often. Here again at Goderich Building Centre we were proud and pleased to have been chosen to do the electrical installation. If you have a build- ing project coming up why not ask us for an estimate? . 1 CongratuIatiofls to GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE -Your New Building Is A Fine Addition 7o Goderich . MAN_jJFACTURER-S and WHOLESALERS of ' The Famous Line of Dashwood f d ani e ran; your " or •en's wise r -roof me" A'( ese a onsid( more d or uild a SOME lable, your ingly 1 oney urse, of the mater of ar instal ired. is pa reate base' e as $ or zewa) , mor mat( um v do ti '11 be tial��: irepre n ide. it nomic decora edge tape d•in care; nt eat a duce whe;' the b 1 boa) duces ooth GODERIG BUILDING CENTRE • Weather-stripped Double Hung • Horizontal Sliding Casement • Sashless - • Awning and Hopper • Swing -Out Casement • Curved Bow Windows • Weatherstripped Basement • Door -Frames Wood and Aluminum Frames Sash of All Types - • Economy ,Cottage Sliders t an al bu; reliab t sho these ardle tle of 1, the ante er su ,as Light Anal) g a b that e yot g an pelt; odes An ii ons tl neled ght'.': riety aIer'! esent lxere ed 3t: Tina nett ay tn.. ens its re DERICki Bl71LDING CENTt'k on their J•GRAND OPENING Of Their Ultra Moclern Showrooms tObERICH 'BUILDING CENTRE Are.AulM1orizzd Agents for ItsSi nal mp-c freqi IlyI hate] an 1 Ors Ppit . kr rind 4st hien ttea Th( ng tno0 SPECIALTIES:- o �esale Suppliers df Armstrong Floor Tile HAMILTON, ONTARIO wua - tieN-