HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-09, Page 13orial managers and sales personnel, representing the Sheaffer Pen Company of Canada, Limited recently - three -day sales clinic in .Goderich. A feature of the ig was the announcement �pf a new line of fountain so nearly perfect, they are -e guaranteed for life. Shown bottom row, from left to right: B. Clifford, London; Hawthorne, Oshawa; G. E. Keith, Calgary; J. T. McFee, 4: tonal managers from to Cape Breton employ-. the W. A. Sheaffer Pen ly of Canada, Limited Goderich this past week hown new lines of -writ- -truments the company luring_ in 1963. g a three-day meeting, al firm announced a line time fountain pens, back - lifetime guarantee, and ng 14K gold inlaid The company hascopy- 1 dhe Lifetime trademark e, in Canada, with. these pens. Along with• the rue writing instruments, pletely integrated merch- ig prp,ram motion dis- counter- displays and ►f -sale material was in- School Pens ° > features- at the meeting special assortments of g instruments for the o -school selling season. o -school sales are ex- ly important, according E. Everett, president, and at to as much volume as other season, including Imas. le company feels the Life- line of tens provides ari tunity for high sales vol. W. R. Gardner, vice -pre - t, stated. 'Many gift -giving events pregent the need fer long*lasting quality items for which, the Lifetime concept is natural. Gifts for weddings, graduations, as well as birth- days, Mether's Day and Father's Day require gifts -that show evidence of forethought and selection for permanence," he said, The company conducts three or more—sales meet $aro year, either in Goderich, or with groups in their particular regions across Canada. Winnipeg; J. Wilson, taint John, N. B., ..H. Black, Fort Madison, Iowa; C. E. Everett, W. R. Gardner, J. H. Stott, J. B. Russell, Goderich; E. L. Williscroft, Vancouver. Top row; left to right:. C. M. Asch, Montreal;, A. D. Perdue, Toronto; A. E. Hope, Hamilton; R. H. Hill, London; W. C, Robinson, E. Rea - burn, F. H.Parker, all from Goderich; G. 11111, G. B. Lawrance, both of Toronto; A. J. Perkin, Ottawa; and E. J. Smith of Goderich. Mrs. K. E. Taylor Ad d r --ss s -e s -.M -e Meer Mrs. K, -E. Tailor; Goderich, presided at the 76th annual meeting of the Women's Aux- iliary of the Anglican Church of Canada held in London last week. The meetin'J opened on Wednesday :morning, May 1st, with a service of Holy Com munion in St. Paul's Cathedral with 693 communicants.,. Special speakers for the occasion twer'e the Rt. Rev. R. 0. Hall, Bishop of Hong 'Kong, .and Deaconess Olive Robinson of the Episcopal Churrir-tn the Diocese of Mich- igan,- both of whom gave most informative and inspiring ad-, ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, May 6.—Mrs and Mrs. Ross Errington visit- ed her-mothers_Mrs,__James Lit tie on Sunday in Victoria Hoc - pita', London.., Mrs. Fred McQuillin attended The Huron Diocesan, annual meeting of the W.A. of the" Anglican Church in London this past week. Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and Karen. visited Mrs. John Scott in Lon- don recently. Messrs. Fred Webster of Lon- don and Elliott Webster of For- est were recent visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Tom Todd. Mr. and Mrs Lorne Woods spent the weekend in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown and Mrs. Mabel 1VIurdie. M-; and Mrs. Horton Talmay of Goderioh were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller• trntforct traklerites, some of able sum over the five-month whom have made the camp -at sown. $unlet Park their sunnier home , leimited Use. for as many as 25 sea ow , may Ite thought that the new .rates be relieved from the burden of on the daily basis were fair for a° still increase in camp fees the .over night trailer campers, recently anthorN:d by town but the „ permanent campers cor.4 ncil. while leaving their trailers A sympathetic hear ns; to'a � here during the summer, actual given representat-Ines by a dole- ly used them only two days a 'gat°on of Stratford nm"n who week.. He" proposed that coun- appeered before coencil at the cil consider•a season rate, and regular session Friday evening, mentioned $00 as a suitable following up a letter of pro- sum. test which they had sent er:rlier. Rate Too Hii111 Norman Anderson who acted as spokesman for the delega- tion, on invitation of Mayor E. C. Fisher, addressed caution, de Glaring that the campers felt they„ could not afford th»- new Mr. Anderson replied that the rates as published in the press, group had approached Mrs. as the new monthly rate repro Mooney on the subject and had sented an increase or a hundred received a sympathetic' hearive. percent over the farmer rates, The delegation was assured that the pronosed jump being from the matter would be reviewed $20 to $40 a month. early this week on Mrs. Mo - He reminded council that the oney's return, and they would trailer campers who spend the be notified immediately of what summer here bring consider- the decision might be. able revenue to Goderich not only in camp fees but in ex- penditures made for groceries -a-ndeath.e.r-supplie s. oast that_. thee money spent here by a dozen families represented a consider - dresses to large and attentive audieteees. An event of special int -crest to the people of Goderich was llreseptat1on`-of- .-a-- petit% pointe handbag ,containing a cheque for $950 to LMrs. A. C. Calder, a former resident of Goderich who retired as Dio- cesa'n President in December to assume her new duties as first vice-president of the Dominion Board of the W.A. In present- ing these gifts on behalf of the executive committee and all the branches of . the Diocese, Mrs. C. R. Partridge, diocesan treas- urer, .expressed their affectieree for Mrs. Calder and said the bag and cheque were for her per- sonaI use as a small token of the esteem•in which Mrs. Calder is 'held throughout the Diocese. Councillor Reg. Jewell point ed out that the matter came under the jt.ir-isdietion of De- ppty Reeve May Mooney, who was absent, and that it should properly be considered by her committee. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Murphy of London were weekend guests of .the latter's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Breckenridge, Light- house street. FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN CROFT FIRE =AUTO - LIABILITY= CASUALTY—Phone JA 4-7253 Mrs. Howard Dickinson of Renfrew renewed acquaint- a-nees '-in.-tawai_Thr a few clays last week-_ 1: urea Didn't Like Water Fuel Despite, the fact, that he just had' bits fuel tank filled with 125 gallons of "fuel oil," Tom Fry, 146 Widder street, found' the furnace ,go out and refuse to operate. A cheek was made on the contents of the fuel tank. It was found to be water instead of °oil-, Apparently the company's tank truck had been flushed with water _ the night 41efore and the driver forgot to em- pty it .and re -fill it with oil. The water had to.be pumped out of the fuel tank and re- placed with oil. The Gederic 1 . tSignal.Sstar, Thu sday'a. O 9til, 1903 r . There _are more that. X70 known Ca>nadlau 'A,ssociation for causes of mental retardation. tard:ed Children is establ siti ng Science has begun -to find- pro a $I.,C00,UDO fund to promote ventive methods in some cases. such rese lrch work. ° 4 BINGO apt LEGION'HALL! SA" "URDAY, MAY ._ 11 AT 8.80 P.M. 15 GAMES -- $1.00. The prize for each regular game will be $12.00. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined, JACKPOT OF $80.00 IN 56 CALLS 8pongoored by Canadian Le h n Branch 109 CHILL and SERVE — DOMINO TRY TASTY DOMINO PLUS DgPQSIT GINGER ALE3.3 30 -oz. bottle 2 for c RICHMELLO- a . McNAIR DATE ---ASSORTED SIZE PLAY DOMINO * � i1'r9:30 to 10:30-a:m. C.F.P.L. T.V., London PRIZE WINNERS FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 27th, 1963 $500.00 MRS. SARAH PLAIN, Sarnia Reserve $50.00 MRS. IVY MADGE, London $50.00 MRS. JOAN- DEVENPORT, London - $50.00 MRS. NELLIE SLEEGERS, London $50.00 MRS. M. TELFER, London PLAY EVERY DAY GET A NEW DOMINO Card EVERY WEEK • AT YOUR DOMINION- STORE GODERICH, 1 -Ib. bag PACKAGES lb. CRISP — CRUNCHY CALIFORNIA NO. 1 VALUES E` FECTtVE-tN GODER-ICH UNTIL CLOSFNG--TIME SATURDAY, MAY 11 ° Free Town Delivery With Every 2.00 Purchase. tr'ANY LANA ,1AN----GYPSUM COMPANY, LTD. the greatest name in building extend sincere N-s----- to a .progressive' firm GODE RKH G _CENTRE YOUR CENTRE MARKS A BOLD STEP FORWARD IN BUILDING DESIGN • P a V. 15• We Were Pleased To Have Installed The BACKGROUND MUSIC SYSTEM In The. New GODER1CH, BUILDING CENTRE • HUTCHINSON Radio — TV • • 308 HURON ROAD 1: urea Didn't Like Water Fuel Despite, the fact, that he just had' bits fuel tank filled with 125 gallons of "fuel oil," Tom Fry, 146 Widder street, found' the furnace ,go out and refuse to operate. A cheek was made on the contents of the fuel tank. It was found to be water instead of °oil-, Apparently the company's tank truck had been flushed with water _ the night 41efore and the driver forgot to em- pty it .and re -fill it with oil. The water had to.be pumped out of the fuel tank and re- placed with oil. The Gederic 1 . tSignal.Sstar, Thu sday'a. O 9til, 1903 r . There _are more that. X70 known Ca>nadlau 'A,ssociation for causes of mental retardation. tard:ed Children is establ siti ng Science has begun -to find- pro a $I.,C00,UDO fund to promote ventive methods in some cases. such rese lrch work. ° 4 BINGO apt LEGION'HALL! SA" "URDAY, MAY ._ 11 AT 8.80 P.M. 15 GAMES -- $1.00. The prize for each regular game will be $12.00. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined, JACKPOT OF $80.00 IN 56 CALLS 8pongoored by Canadian Le h n Branch 109 CHILL and SERVE — DOMINO TRY TASTY DOMINO PLUS DgPQSIT GINGER ALE3.3 30 -oz. bottle 2 for c RICHMELLO- a . McNAIR DATE ---ASSORTED SIZE PLAY DOMINO * � i1'r9:30 to 10:30-a:m. C.F.P.L. T.V., London PRIZE WINNERS FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 27th, 1963 $500.00 MRS. SARAH PLAIN, Sarnia Reserve $50.00 MRS. IVY MADGE, London $50.00 MRS. JOAN- DEVENPORT, London - $50.00 MRS. NELLIE SLEEGERS, London $50.00 MRS. M. TELFER, London PLAY EVERY DAY GET A NEW DOMINO Card EVERY WEEK • AT YOUR DOMINION- STORE GODERICH, 1 -Ib. bag PACKAGES lb. CRISP — CRUNCHY CALIFORNIA NO. 1 VALUES E` FECTtVE-tN GODER-ICH UNTIL CLOSFNG--TIME SATURDAY, MAY 11 ° Free Town Delivery With Every 2.00 Purchase. tr'ANY LANA ,1AN----GYPSUM COMPANY, LTD. the greatest name in building extend sincere N-s----- to a .progressive' firm GODE RKH G _CENTRE YOUR CENTRE MARKS A BOLD STEP FORWARD IN BUILDING DESIGN • P a V. 15•