HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-25, Page 6The Oodez ieh Signal -Star, Thurssda t, April. 25th, 3.963 lNGy44{VNO N DUNQANNON,,, A p lr l..1 23- utes and Heart Fund cards evi- Visitors ayith Mrs. Abner .Mor- deuced the high esteem in which .ris for the weekend were her the deceased.was held and the synlrrpAthy felt for the bereaved iamrly. Erskine W.M.S. The Women's .,Missionary So- ciety of Erskine Presbyterian Church met on Friday, April 19th with Mrs. Arthur -Stewart presiding and 21.7' members .pres• eat. The ,Laster service of wor- ship was followed. Mrs. M. Mc- Allister gave the Glad Tidings prayer. The responsive reading grandson, Mr. Charles Drennan and friend, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Mugf rd, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman, Clinton. Mrs. Morris accompan- ied the latter couple to visit Mr. and . Mrs. Len Christilaw of Nile. Miss Gloria Sproul returned to Stratford, Monday ,after visit ing with her sisters; Misses Net- tie and Robina Sproul. Mr. and Mrs. .Glen Weaver, Brian and Glenda and Dunne was taken from John 20:1-18., Eggleston, on Friday, visited at The meditation; was given by the homes of the formers par= ! Mrs. R. McLeod. Four of the ents, M;. and Mrs. Lovell Weav 'LJunior girls sang as a quartette. er, Chadiam, and brother RossRev. R. MacLeod commented and Mre. Weaver, Ridgetown. briefly on the synodical at Recent visitors with'Mr. and 1NVingham. Miss Iva Carr gave a Mrs. Cecil Blake were Mrs, D. short account on the need for S. Flues, Turontu, Mr. Grant increasing mission work. The Kilpatrick and Miss Sharon • roll call was answered by a Thompson, W inghanl, and 11ir. q u o t a t i o n on "Risen" or and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, Arose." Arrangements were ,Agincourt. tmade for the.bale fund. forty five were in attendance' Rev. Mr. MacLeod closed the at the Messenger service 'Sun meeting with prayer The ladies days-: morning in . the United served lunch and held a sale Church basement during the of baking in the basement. United Church Women • church service at w hick an i • Easter film was hown. Twenty-six ladies were pies- • Mr. Lawrence, Gray, Belleville,', eat when the United Church visited his sister, Mrs. Matthew !Women met on Tuesday even Shackleton recently. ling with Mrs. K., Dawson pre - Visitors during Easter wee!; siding. Mrs. Diel °Reed opened the meeting with prayer and with Mr. and Mrs. Robert�ai joined in repeating the Stothers were. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lord's Prayer; -Mrs.--f.'-ecil--Bla Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. War l:e �Geortie Whitla•m and family,'read the Scripture lesson. A ren Bamford and family, Pres- skit, "Did You Mean What You ton.Said?" was dramatized by Mrs. Film Shown I Mel Reed, Mrs. Herb Finnigan The C(IIT met on Monday and Mrs. Fred Young. A quilt has been completed and articles for mission supply were dis- played py the supply convener, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney. The next meeting will be held at 8:30 D.S.T. A fall bazaar was planned. The lunch .. was con - Funeral E. G. Errin ton eee, - Yeueg yl..: Mrs. Ross,. 'toward Johnston and Mrs. 1 Ii4GWhi i ... _ Perk• ---M Ketchlnie At 'St. Paul's United Church, Brampton, on April 11 at four o'clock, Ruth McKetchnie, sec- ond daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McKetchnie of Brampton was united in marriage to Ken- neth Park, eldest son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Benson Park, D1agatinorE. Rev, 1: M. McDermott officit bd. The bride, given in marriage isy her father, wore a street -length .dress` -of- •white satin and nylon net with short, sleeves and sweetheart neckline, and match ing elbow mittens. A flower readdress held her embroidered shoulder -length veil and she carried a nosegay of red rose- buds and white carnations. Miss Jean McKetchnie was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a street - length dress of Acadian blue nylon with matching veiled headpiece and carried a similar nosegay. Larry Park was his brother's groomsman. A *ed - ding dinner was served 'to. the immediate" 'rel'atives at the Brampton Orange Fall. For a short honeymoon trip to Dun- gannon, the bride chose a toast colored -ensemble with, beige accessories. They will reside in Brampton. ugh 777. night with 15 present under -the leadership of Mrs. Herb Finni- gan and Mrs. N. L. '.Gostonyi. The filrn "The Last Supper" de- picting the Easter theme, was snown by Miss Lynda Blake. - The pallbearers for the fun - et -ad -service for the late Everett George Errington; held on Tues- day, April 4, at the Arthur ftutieral home conducted - by Rev. N. L. Gostonyi were Jack Park, Harvey Alton, Mel- Stew- art, Fred Young, Thornton Eedy and Lloyd -Hodges. A large num- ber of relatives and friends at- tended and the many floral trib- SHEPPARDTON SHEPPARDTON, April 22. - Mr. Douglas Allemang of Ham- ilton spent the Easter vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins and family. Mrs. Agnes Foster left . for Toronto on Thursday, April 18 to go to Florida with her` daugh- ter, Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Nor- .- val Anderson for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoy and. family having sold their property to Mrs. Gowan of Dres- den are moving this week to their new home in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. George Sillib and far'rfily of Nile and Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Rising, Anne and Pat- ty visited in Hamilton on Sun - a, day with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin I Our competent Dry -cleaning 'loss and family. Miss Barbara Foster visited' counsellors on hand to help you inTorento dorm the Easter y (9 . vacation with her aunt and un- cle, • Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritchard. Sunday. Misses Dorothy and Karen_ • Brindley of Lbndctn spent tire, weekend with their parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Lloyd Brindley.'-'• - Let Us HeIp You - With Your House -Cleaning Now your clothes wilrbe MOTH PROCrP;»"'MILDEW PROOF and ODOR RESISTANT when clean" ed at - WEST STREET LAUNDROMAT and for the same low, low NGSBRID(i KINGSBRIDGE, April 22 - Rev. Father Ralph O'Loughlin, C.S.B., and his sister Mrs. I3iern- adine Kenny of Detroit spent the week -end here. Father 0' - Loughlin is 'leaving in a few weeks time for Munich, Ger- many for further studies., He was • guest` of honor at a gath- ering of friends at the home of Mr. .and ; Mrs.. Ray Dalton Sunday- evening. AT,-.TIi�.TRT!1PT Lou Drennan et London, Mr. HOU S VW $VES, . BEWA REL Maurice Dalton mtli4-h_ .,e se o. kf own . 4atesnnon. calling at Goderi ' and district i ct ho es to sell various things.,- Housewives should beware! The housewives should first ask the salesman Ar noid-0rsofar ►f -London on s enheveek at -their homes. . Miss Frauees Dalton lias' len accepted on the teaching staff, tit Catholic Centiat Righ School, London, for the coming -year. Mr, and 1VIrs. liay Dalton, Kathleen, Terry and Clitus and Mr. Jim MacDonald visited on Easter Sunday with •Ray',. -sis- ters;, -Sister Maureen - of St. Jos- eph's. Convent, Sarnia and Mrs, Josie Cleary arid family of Wallaeeburg° Mr. and Mrs: Theodore Red - Mond and fami-1y - of St. Aug- ustine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and fam- ily. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leddy, Goderich spent Sunday with Mr. andMrs. Clayton Leddy. Jimmie " and Joane retuyned with them after spending the Easter holidays here. The community extends sym- pathy to the family of the late Mr.. Bain MhDopal whose fun- eral took place oil Monday: Miss Beatrice Keenan of Tor- onto and Miss Mary Martha Moore of Algonac, Mich. spent the week -end with Mrs. O'Neil and Michael. . Conigratulations• to Mr. and Mrs. John Van Roy on the hirth of a daughter in Goderich hospital last week. Miss Bonny Johnston of Mit- chell spent the past week with Mr, and Nil's. Desmond O'Don- nell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe and family spent the Easter week -end in Toronto. Miss Shannon Stinnett of Det- roit spent the week -end here. Mr. Kerry Hogan of London spent the week -end with .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cgn Ho- gan. Miss Alice Dalton, Miss Mary price of 4-2 per load • -17 MAITLAND GOLF CLUB __-k+MfTEB - .Schedule of Fees - 1963 Membership: (Includes Social) Male Female - Man and, Wife Family ' * Juvenile (16 and' under)---� - Junior (17 'to . 21) _ 15.00 Social: (Must be Shareholder) Male or Female Married Couple Non- .- on - Shareholder Shareholder $45.00 -$55.00 35.00 45.00 60,00 70.00 70.00 80.00 10.00 15.00 20'100 30.00 GREEN FEES: $1.50 per day - Week Days $2.00 per day -- Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Green Fee play for residents is restricted for June, July and August to the following times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until 5:00 'p.m. Wednesday until •12:00 noon. No resident Green Fee play is allowed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. ' "; Juvenile and Juniors play is restricted for June, 'July and August to the following times; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday" and Friday until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday until 12:00 noon. Saturdays,, Sundays and Holidays after 3:00 p.m. • ' Senior members may bring guests to the course. without restrictions as to playing ti-ine. DUE DATE: Golf fees are due in full IV June 1, 1963. Playing privileges will be withheld after that date, sub- ject to payment in full. 5SHRES: Shares are available at $50.00 per share. The chase of one shade will open membership privileges to both the Golf . and Curling section • upon payment of the appropriate 'fees. TRANSFER OF SHARES: Holders of shares who leave the district may turn their shares in to the Club. Money would only be refunded when the share is resold by the club. 0: L. DAY, Cha.irmanT niacrsh-ip-Gonm t Club Professional -- Bill Breen Full Stock of Golf Equipment and Supplies. LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT The world's largest wooden Bailing ship was the W. D. Lawr- ence, 275 feet long on her deck, 'built. at Maitland, N.S., in the 1870s. LOWEST CAR RADIO PRICE IN 15 YEARS! Tran sistorsi Powered MOTOROLA CAR RADIO 49.95 - -Brings you clarity and brilliance of tone possible- only with tran- sistor_radio.t -- - These features make it the best value in car radio Virtually no hum or buzz -transist- ors eliminate vibrator. Virtually no fadeout under viaducts -as long as signal Is present. Low battery drain -operates on a tiny trickle of current. ' Extra reliability -because it's tran- sistor -powered. Full rich sound - from powerful Golden Voice' speaker.. Smart designlustrouschrome face panel. . Fits nearly all-. foreign and domestic cars •a!!!l111 11111111111111111111111111111 One year warranty covers all parts -all labor! Manufacturer's guarantee overs free ex• change or repair -of anycomponenl proven defective in normal use. Removal and reinstallation labor included. Arranged through selling dealers. i"-!!1!!!!i!!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I '."o x,o d o .-14s Peddles li Ur Town air, �w n ®t�:se �issucli byUre Goderich. No salesman is , en- titled to set. in Go.lerich from door to door Witlront a Pce'ge, Before being granted a, license, the •:gworthiness of what he is I *pill%.g.i5. me - berms, . Gideri-,ebA1?e a ; - opie -hay. been approached regently by a salesman `frbin - I;irniilon sell- ing valeuuxn cie. tadrs. Part of the deal is th t ,ti•�' prospective buyer furnl:`li th'e jiaanes of ten 7 n „IT• . , • HUTCHINSON RADIO T.V. 308 HURON Rb. JA 4-7831 TRADES,- TERMS EVENING APPt)lNTMENTS Is your car past its prime?- means ready cash for a car or any other big purchase .. - . puts buying money in your pocket on a low-cost, businessli=ke basis. Next time you wish to finance a car, a TV set,a washing machine, or need money for doctor's gills, or taxes ...any re sbnable purpose...compare the cost of a :Royal Bank term la1'l. loan. You may find yourself sa` ittg considerable money in interest Charges! llorrow.p , to $3,600, take up to 36 months to jpay back in regilat,instal- nients ' And the, span s life -insut d. Get "the . sill pie facts lint . your term fan loan booklet, at any Royal flank branch. ) H. G. sPiti 4G Manager HEINZ P-ICKLE-S` Bread &Y Butter 1b -fl - oz jars 49,,_ Reg. Price jar 27c ----- SAVE 5c t .; lett - 4)4rs area. As far a --is kilo*n salesman has noo local pec (c' teanse..- A Personal Mention is welcg welcome in Whe Signal -Stu; TOMATO JUICE HEINZ KETCHUP -HEfNaZ-(- N T-01WATe SAUCE SPAGHETTI CREAM OF TOMATO HEINZ SOUP WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ BEANs HEINT-COL,)NTRY G000 -,-CHICKEN NOODLE _SOUP Reg. Price tin 33c --SAVE 7 48 -fl -oz tins Reg. Price btt 25c--SaAVE 20 11 -fl -oz btl ' Ping; Prr iii 2 tins 37c --SAVE 7, 3 15 -fl -oz tins 4 Reg. Price 2 tins 27c -SAVE k 4 10-fi-oz tins Reg. Price 2 tins 37c -SAVE 7c 15-fI-oz!i>is Reg. Price 2 pkgs 27,• -SAVE 5c 4 21/2 -oz pkgs AP Nand!es Only Meats Purchased From Federally Inspected - Packing -Houses SHAN-KLESS SHOULDER Ib- LEAN MEATY BUTT. 1 Short Cut: (Canada's Finest Red Brand Beef) Fresh Ground, All Beef Hamburg ,MINCED' DEET .Supat -Right Brand, Vac Pao COOKED HAM- - IIADDO(KSnowbird Brand FILLTS . Cooked And Breaded• iL lb 1b43C 6 -oz pkg ✓ 5c 43c i63q� CANNED FOODS SAL Allgood - Smoked, Sliced, Rindless .a SIDEIEON Choice Quality, SLICED POI* LIVER „''.Schneider's CHUBS , ' BRAU S HWEIGER BACON & LIVER SX Brand, Jellied Pork HEADCH-EESE oiceQ Chuality PORK-n(1s- - _voice Quality - Reg. Price tin'37c-SAVE 110 A&P CHES 32.840,,yins1.0 1 SAVE Baa VE i6o= Foncy__Clea.l.ltyr Whop Kernel Reg. Prsca .2 -.tins 33o -$A A&P -CORN.... 14 -ll -oz tins 1 • CASE OF 24 -TINS $3A2 - SAVE 84c Reg. Price 2 'tins 3507-SAVE'S0 IONA PEAS 6 o-fi-Oz tins 1:00 CASE OF 24 TINS $4.00 --• SAVE 20c Henley, Choice .Quality Reg. Price tin 31c--8AVi 14c FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 20 -fl -oz CASE,OF 24 TANS $6.32'' SAVE $1.12' &; akery Products Jartd' Parker • Reg. Price each- 490 --SAVE 100 APPLEP1E- large 24,ox pie 39c Jane Parker. Orange or Reg'. Price each 69e -*SAVE 100 LEMON CHIFFON CAKEeach49c Jane Parker • ' ' Reg. Price loaf 25c -SAVE 6o VIENNA DREAD24-ox,loaf 19& Bide Packager Reg, Price 2-lb,t 65c>° -SAVE 210 NUCOA MARGARINE, , 4 i"lb pkgs,89 - All Put`pos MAXWELL E COFFEE,, .1 -lb lag 77c., laiLACK PEPPER CtuB HOU$E GROUND 4 -oz atoll; J 2 -Ib pkg 9 9c ib 8 -oz chub 23, 12 -oz plastic ctn lb Fresh Fruits ' •Vegetables ONTARIO GROWN, FROM C NTROLl„ED Nrigiu8Pk Eli WrORA wi l e cello bag Mexican, Salmon. Flesh, .lumbo Bite 6's CANTALOUPE No.1 Grade each 3 Florida, Rountl Stringless tl .. Mo..1 ra s. A: f b �gCiit,, r r rrf Ripe4, No. 1 C,rade r TMATOE 1,4-02 cella tube l c Ontario 1 edwfl, l°t"athousse, King Bits CIJCUMBER$,4NeV0k�AbC Ef Rlr A �r YELLO .... ..... Etinu STORES A:.0 MEANS DEPtNt7AIIILItY All i'iia+i* In '1`.hla ,A+;i• Go.iii.erifeed a l�acl h tottutedlljr, Apelf 2`?thi 1903 -