HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-25, Page 5r- n
Through the efforts of the Goderich Community Concert Association, residents
ol, eerich, the surrounding Townships and other communities in Huron County are
afforded the opportunity to attend fine concerts.
Entertainment is designed to provide music that will appeal to all.
Therefore the Municipal Council of the Town of Goderich has directed that
the week of April 22nd to 27th be proclaimed "GODERICH COMMUNITY CONCERT
WEEK". v
The Christian Reformed Neighbors and friends were pre-'
Church, Clinton, was the scene i sent to enjoy the games and con -
of a pretty wedding on Friday, tests f'tonducted by Mrs. Ray
April 19, when Ann Middel, Fisher, Miss Margaret Haines
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rein- and Mrs. Ernest Durnin. An
der Middel, R.R. 3, Auburn, be- impramtu quartette, "Paper
came the bride of Bert Kolk- Roses" was sung by Miss Angle
man, son of Mr:.'and-Mrs. Teunis Bakker, Mrs. Bakker, Mrs. Art
Kolkman, • R.R. 3, Goderich. The Haverkamp and Mrs. Gordon Do -
double -ring ceremony was per- bie. Miss Angje Bakker pinned
formed by, ,Rev. L. Slofstra of a corsage on Miss Middel and
Clinton at two -thirty o'clock in an address of congratulations
a setting of yellow mums. Tra- was read by Miss Margaret
diti`onal wedding music was Haines. A pretty hat of ribbons
played by Herman de Jong of was made by Miss Jannett Do-
Goderich. bie. Miss Middel thanked her
Given in marriage by her friends for their good wishes
father, the bride chose a floor and lunch was'served by Mrs.
length gown of white nylon lace Haines and her daughter.
with h boat neckline embroid-
ered in seed pearls and sequins B IT ` , w �v
and long lily -pointed sleevs. - �J H I
The bouffant skirt of scalloped
lace was caught up at the back Mrs. Jane E. MacDonald
revealing tiers of pleated nylon The funeral service was held
silk. Her elbow -length veil of at the Lode funeral home on
etnbroidererl silk illusion was Monday afternoon for MI's. Jane
.held by a miniature crown of E. MacDonald, 83, who died
seed 'pearls . and crystal drops Friday at Alexandra Ho.zpital.
and she carried a cascade 'boo- Rev. G, L. Royal conducted the
l iet4ol' red roses and white chry- service. Interment vas in Wood-
saen'themnms--showesr'ed-- by rib 1aff & 'Cemetery, London. The
bons caught:with rets rosebuds. pall • bearers \\'ere Donald and
Miss Betty Middel; sister of .Lewis Balsdon, Lorne 'Grigg,
the bride, was maid of honor l'cd Maks, Robcrt.Lell and Char -
wearing a street:length dress of les Friend.
blue nylon silk over taffeta with She was born in Goderich in
1880 and was the slaughter of
::t11 isleTf •r-ge•-and-Ann-i0ates -
In 1901 she married Lorne A.
MacDonald and in 1910 they
SwiftCurrent Sask-
moved t o
where he predeceas
ed her in 1936. After his death,
she came east to make her
hone with her daughters.. Mrs.
MacDonald was an adherent of
Knox Presbyterian Ch.11rcb ,and
a member of the Senior Citi-
zens' Club.
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. I,. (Mary) Balclson' hf Lon-
don and Mrs. R.. W. (Katherene)
Bell of Goderich as well as four
grandchildren. and four great -
matching veiled crown and she
Tr -S—= - a . "Leal" at - far-ixied a .-simii-at---bottque-t : 4f:
this price! 4 -finger; pink roses and white mums:
fully laced. Import- The groomsman was Bernie
of i n
ed,quality •KolkmanGoderich and the
q y
black fin-. .!9 ushers were Albert Middel,
ish. 5 to 8 ,. Goderich, ;Jacob Middel, R.R. 3,
yrs. Auburn, John Kolman and Bill
8 to 12 Years — Kolkman, R.R. 3, Goderich. ,
Ta h Horsehide. Following the service a re-
, Black and ception was held in the church's
recreation room which. w
•an trim..
oas at-
t� ...ANL
triactively decorated with wed-
' ffig bells, streamers and Spring
v, a flowers. The bride's mother as-
" s'isted the bridal party in receiv-
ing the guests- in a jackct,_dress
of a_qua nylon over taffeta -with
a white pleafed Tial, white acces-
sories and a pink carnation cor-
sage.... She was assisted by the
groom's mother wearing a navy
wooL.,su t, white hat and white Born at Auburn on' July • 11,
accessories and a pink carnation 1884, Mrs. ,Bertha Lloyd, 78,
died recently in hospital at -Web-
.. b' Later in the evening a recep- y p
tion was held for the 150 guests , ster, South Dakota. Following
in the Aubbrn Community Mem-
the funeral- service at Webster.
Hall.. A four -tiered wed- interment was in the cemetery 1
ding cake centered the bridal of that municipality. Living in
table and John Middel, Essex, ;Auburn until womanhood, she
_ brother of the bride, was the married John P. Elliott at Godc
master of ceremonies. rich on September 9, 1907, mak-
For a wedding trip to the ing their home in Goderich. Mr.
United States, the bride donned Elliott died in 1911 and on July'
a blue.suit of boucle wool, white 11, 1912, she married Charles
flowered hat and white acces- G. Lloyd at Aberdeen, •South
Series. On their return they will Dakota, where they farmed un-'
reside on R.R. 5, Goderich. til the °death of Mr. Lloyd. Last
Boy's•&- Youth's Guests -were- present- from -Es-- Se'ptember, Mrs. Lloyd went to
Professional "Campanella" Model --Sol• Sex, Wingham, Elora, Clinton, a rest home at Roslyn, S.D. to
Baseman's Mitt id' brown cowhide, snap- Blyth, Goderich and Auburn: live. Surviving are three daugl'1-
Tiop quality tan cowhide.
action hinge, big, Shower Honors' Bride tors, one brother, Ezra Young
Rawhide lacing; 'deep well' easy
liorsehhle rU Prig_t.a _ blot of Hamirtiinr Ontario., and_
li"—izlg� . .•'- w°anet� pee bride was the guest of honor at three • sisters, Mrs,-Balrbara
a shower, :'geld at the, home of gehultz, Mrs. Lizzie James a"'
Mrs. Doinald_fiaine;...aa_t u s. Y syn Ziegler all of On:
e -daughter Margaret in Auburn. tarso.
In a setting of white Easterilength gown of silk organza in
lilies with accents of mauve and l sheath design- with redingote mother who wore a green;, bre
yellow, the Rev. W. J. ten sloop- i apron panels. The bustle back caded dress with white acres
en officiated at the candle light featured a large organza rose. sories and a pink rose corsage.
ceremony in North Street Lace appliques, re -embroidered Mrs. McNee assisted in a pow -
United Church on Saturday, with pearl~ accented the fitted k dress
April„ 13 at .sexen o'clock in the
evening when Sandra Finnigan
of Goderich became the bride
o( Allan McNee or Newmarket.
"T`l e bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Kitchaner Finnigan of
Goderich and the groom's par-
2nts are Mr. and Mrs. Graham
McNee of Nile. Soloist was Miss
Marilyn Smith of Goderich and
Lorne Dotterer, Goderich, pre-
sided at the organ. '
The bride, giyen in marriage
by her father, wore a floor -
The Godexie1 Signal -Stab, Thursday, April atll, . 0
D R'MC „ .. _I ssu!S tt ring a: maple leaf symbol* in -
' dieating the truly Canadianrrt;ar
I ew Booklet ' ture of the .company, and ;its
1 Ails N. d.
Cpmmenting oneetike pnbd/Fa-
tion on behalf, of the company,
Jack MacDonald explained—to
Thi. Signal -Star Wednesday that
the company had felt a heed
for a graphic explanation of
the nature of the company and
the scope of the manufacturing
it does. - Not specifically a sales
tool, the book outlines" ili'e' his -
A 'new ilr'ustrated booklet
with the subtitle ,"A Dynamic
Canadian Industry" has been
published by Dominion Road
.Yiachinery Company Limited
and • first ,copies were i issued
..his week.
The .front covet is attractii'e-
ly designed in a green and
white color arrangement, Se. tory of tlip firm and its direct-°
ing personnel, and through a
series of excellent photographs,
portrays the ,complex steps re-
quired in ,fabvicating the cotta;.
pany's Champion road --graders
and other equipment literally
-from the ground- up."
Describes Growth
The booklet describes with
words and pictares the develop
meet of the company and its
products since 1886, and "em- •
pbiasizcs the expansion of the
Groomsman' Was Winston Kerr company from 1945 to a position
of Waterloo and the bride's of dominant leader in Canada ing
brother, George Finnigan, and this field, and also its growing
the 'groom's brother, Ken Mc- place in the export markets of
Nee, ushered. the world. •
The guests were received at The puhliral'on is intended
the Club Grill by the bride's for use as a mailing piece for
study by municipal councils
and other domestic markets,
and as an exposition,. of the
nature of the company and its
nodire which had_ a sc oop der blue jar et with
a story dillies -1W to con-
ncekline and til �Z;hing�ri T sorie5�nd cor-�' `in any ofher way.
y point-, sleev.es. •
;age of pink roses..
"Guests froth a distance were Easter visitors with Mr. and
present from Newmarket, Tor- Mrs. Chas. Breckow were Larry
onto, London, Kincardine, Wing- Campbell of London, and Mr.
ham and Stratford. and Mrs. M. C. Brocklebank and
—For For travelling to Vermont, family of Scarboro.
the bride changed to a linen Mr. Craig Bradley of Toronto -1
suit of powder blue boucle with spent the Easter holiday . week .
a Parisian blue tweed topper with his grandparents, Mr. and
and white and blue accessories. Mrs. Ernest Craig and attended
The couple will take up resi- the Young Canada Week hockey
gowns of white delustrcd satin
.'ith inserts of contrasting lilac
..face in the midriffs and skirts.
.herr white headdresses, which
matched the rose on the bride's
gown, had over -the -face veils
and they won white accessories.
1'hey,carr; ed lace. -covered Bibles;
the gifts of the bride, crested
with an orchid and showered
with lilac and white streamers.
1 Teenagers'
6 -Finger —
Black cowhide. Laced. Im•
prove 'your field-
.'be uty WWorth tl$6. 4149
Youth's 5 -Finger
Black 3 is
Teenagers' 5 -Finger
:Russet cowhide.
13orsehide lining
2. Pro -Style Fielder's
Glove —
New -style built-up sides,
puts you in charge of the
ball at all times.
Black 7.69
cowhide ■
5 -Finger, Top grain
Cowhide —
lining ■��
Tan Cowhide
6 Fin er,
Deep, pn,v 't model, teeth.'
,er linefi.- Excel).
9:98 g at
mai value ..
3. Black Cowhide 4. Senior Catcher's
Trapper Mitt Mitt
Gives ..you "bi league" "Campanella" model —
confidence! Fully laced
and ready for selected top grain leather,
the park. 98 full rawhide lacing. Gob -
Youth's 1 bles up everything within
reach. Well
51500 9198
Boy's Fully Laced W
Trappers Mitt
Quality tan
fabric �1�
Iter triple -tiered veil of Austral•
ian nylon sheer -net was caught
to an Elizabethan erown of seed
pearls ao.d she carried a bouquet
of Easter lilies and ferns.
Attending the bride were
'Miss Donna McNee of Nile, as
maid of honor, and Miss Marion
Sutherland and Miss Carol .Hind -
marsh', both of . Goderich, -as
.bridesmnaids.'They were similar -
Bence in Newmarket.
ly attired in short bell-shaped
start with
the lowest priced Canadian -built car
tn - sf� f'i =tiff �trcisel`i= • e ...
r�{{' Hardwearing semi -soles and uppers. Regula -
tion forged steel spikes. Sizes 4 to 12 •
Pro-styled. Double sales and heels. Regula -
tion spikes. Top quality uppers. Sizes 6 to 12
VE,Official Bats
The Rambler American Six is, the lowest priced
Canadian -built car, with features you won't find
eve i on higher priced cars. That's where its real
value lies. Because these features_ keep your
operating cost,5 down, to an absolute,•minimum.
is built. With Rambler pioneered Single -Unit con-
struction, the cal. Js stronger, lasts longer.There's
.our policy, too. of designing every component
in away that wit •. • "maximumusefulness to
the user.'.That's-'I, main reason why thee'Y96"
- There's Deep-D-i.p- r-ustproofing for example:--< Ram -titer was chosen winner otthe coveted Motor
This process makes*th-e Anteftea-n the Trend M- gazrne''Ca-r of -t+ Yea -r.' award.
world's most completely rustproofed car. Then So when we stress our low price. we're giving
there are th-e three gttara nt-e-es¢ The C-era-nmt-c
Armoured muffler and tail -pipe are guaranteed
for as long as you own the car. And the battery
and coolant are unconditionally guaranteed for
two years. or 24,000 miles.
Another major feature is; srmply the way the car
you fuII-v-altie-for-err dollars. T oThoii-the m -4e -s
and years with a Rambler American Six. When
you startto run out of'numbers on The odnmeTh7 ---
you'll still have happy memories of the low pace
. you paid. See. your Dealer today and run up a
few, test miles on a Rambler Arnencan S'\.
Sofll Bats
liig,0L --OF ,3.. MODEDS • J
Hann ardball Bats
1;79 2310 .3.49
J3ard and Softballs
3 Qualities
°59 1.29 1.75-
PHONE -4,, 3A 4-7394
Fri. and Sat. Night-
In ur.'Dining Room
Chicken in the Basket
As Well As A Complete Dining. Room Menu.
Dining Room Hours: Men. to Sat., 12 Noon - to 12 Midnite
' n
The, 'Elntihsven' Invites
To Visit Them Foe Sunday Dann"
`"Flours l2 b 5 .8:30
�1mer•ic'�n Six