HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-18, Page 1414 The Goderich Signal -Stair, Thursday, April 18th, 1963 GAIT!Iling1lnlllllnJailaUfillIIIIII11 IO111411111j5111 figllM(l1411(1 511111gG! SUGA and SPICE ,flilimosillan By Bill S'iniley mamma ior all. you folks in inland towns,'but this is a rugged time 40 year for the housewife in these parts, near the waters of the Great Lakes. Right about now our women. folk should be comsng. iw.o their own. In most localities, the ladies, bless and praise them, are working like beavers, groaning like galley slaves, hounding their husbands, chas- tising their children, and gen- . making life unbearable for all about them. It's house- cleaning time. But in this neck of the woods, things are different. The gals work •just as hard, beef just as bitterly, and turn things just topsy-turvy as their inland si ters. But nobody pays any a tention to fhem. At least non fof the males in the family d Only the few women with th foresight to get at their sprin cleaning early in March ge much reaction around her Those who leave it until the ic goes out of the creeks rnigh as well' forget- about gettin any help, attention or sympathy for a couple of hours frying, smelt fumes . wreathing their rosy faces, while the family works its way through about 20 pounds of the- wee crisp beau- ties like a school of porpoise cleaving its way through a gag- gle a herring. This is routine. But there comes a breaking point. After this smelt non- Eense has been -going ,on for about 10 days, even the old man and the kids turn a bit green when tomebody suggests a "nice feed of -smelt." And that's about the time it usually hap- ,4ens. One day the lady of the house answers the doorbell, and there stands one of the neigh- bors. as "Though you ,might like- a s_ little 'treat," he grins, and steps t- aside to display proudly a e bushel basket overflowing.with 0. uncleaned smelt. e That is the day the man of the house comes home from e. Women carefully lay their lans to have the old man help hem paper a room on his day if. Comes the time. She gets all the junk out .to do the job turns around to .call him, and he isn't there. He's a couple Or 10 miles away, trying to jump the .falls, or mucking about the banks of a stream looking for speckled, or splashing about at the mouth of the creek seeking some _sign of. the smelt running - He arrives hoine .about four p.m. The 'old lady has just washed the paste off her hands, brushed the cobwebs out of her hair, and put adhesive tape on the scrape she cot on her elbow when she fell off the stepladder. le!s sitting down with a strong cup. of tea, trying to tell her- self to be reasonable, trying to muster enough strength to be- gin peeling the potatoes for dinner. he cries jauntily, his face glow- ing from fresh air and the three beers he stopped off for on the way home. "We'll never get,that paper- ing done sitting around drink- ing tea, will we?" As this is a family type column, I shall draw is discreet 'veil over the rest of the scene. But this is only the first: phase in the spring ,hardships of the lakeside ladies. They've almbst got used to it, over the years. They realize that "Do slogan. It's a way of life. The real ordeal lies ahead. This com nences when the smelt actuayy stirt to run, and the perch running•right on their heels. The girls don't mind their men going smelting at 1 a.m., and craWlIng into ,Aec.1 with them, cctld-and damp, about four in the morning. They've -got used to going down to get breakfaSt and finding a TO -quart pail of smelt sitting in the middle of the kitchen, to be cleaned. They are not really dismayed Applications -will be received for the following position ' EMERGENCY CO-ORDINATOR FOR THE, _COUNTY, 'OF HURON Salary range $4,000-$5,000 per annum Applications must be sukmitted , on forms ,prbvided and m'ay be -secured, from the undersigned. Applications' 'to doge at ' 5:00 pA., Wednesday, April 24, 1063: Lowest. or any .apigication not necessarily, accePted..- ;rola O. Retry, Clerk.Treasurer CoUtity of VOurt (.:lo(lericli, Ontario, work to find his smelt net rip- ped -to ribbons, sixty pounds of smelt rotting in a heap ontithe front porch,"and his wife facing 'a _suit, entered by the neighbor, for assault with a deadly wea- pon? namely, a smelt. and Mrs. Ernest Rhen, Detroit; k.isited recently with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Ada Dewar. ,Mr. George Weston has re- turned to his home in- the vil- lage- after spending the winter months• with his son Harold in -1-cfr. Dough's- Dunn has Com- -Acted his course at Chicago Eqesel School, Toronto, and at the present is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bc_sfr Diann. Mr. and Mrs'. .T. Stewart have returned to their home al4r ,:pending some montns.,-in Petersbure-,, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barber and family, St. Thomas, were at their cottage the weekend Birthday Congratulations George Lindsay who celebrated her 84th birthday' on April 3 with her family. Mrs.' Lindsay is still a very active woman and takes an interest in- all corn good -many tols,hame ,with her keen menior,y, .atiri above all, her knowledge of the Bible. United Church Women United Church met in the church on April 4th. In the J. Lindsay, the meeting was chaired by Mrs. J. Scotchmer. Mrs. L. Makins read the Scrip'- .ture. The study book was taken by Mrs. LeRoy Poth, the chap- ter -being -"Mira-cles:" Follow- ing this, Mrs. A. G: Peak favor- ed with.a solo. The seeretary, Mrs. G. Sterling _read. the min' utes and the treasurer, Mrs. Poth, gave, her report. There was an excellent. reSponse for items—for the missionary bale. Lunch was served by the com- mittee. in charge.— ...2! Student:Teachers Mrs. Viha Parker, teacher of the junior room of the Bayfield school, has had, as student teachers, -*Miss Shirley Brown, Auburn, and- Mr. Gerry Jewitt, Londesboro, both of. Stratford Teachers' College. On April ,the college was there to observe their teaching. Mrs. LeRoy Poth has proudly received word of the honor given her niece, .Miss • Amy Grace Kendall) daughter of Mr. Elmira. Mxs. a is" the former Grace Jo of Bay- rield. With the Microbiology department at the 0.A.C., Guelph, Miss Kendall has been awarded a $2,000 bursary by z.he National ReSearch Council to continue her studies fin. her IVI.A. 'degree. Joseph MacAdam of Goderich has successfully completed an eight-week junior non-commis- sioned officer course at Camp Wainwright, Alta. He is a rnenr, b..r of 2.nd Battalion, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada stationed at Calgary, Alta. SHEPPARDTON Mr. and Mrs,,,Jim IIawkins and sons visited recently with the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pinder and family, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoy, who have sold their property to Mrs. Cowan, will be moving t,o ir-new-tcrrne 11.1 Go -ire -an bY the end of the month. , Congratulations to Mr. Earl Bogie who a televisionset Win one," Westinghouse con- test. The value of goods imported into Canada rose by 8.6 per cent in 1962, to a total of $6,268,300,- C00; the value okgoods exported -from Canada rose. bY 7.7 per ovi4rd Aitken To .Executive Mid -Western Development Unit The Mid -Western Ontario De- velopment Association, hard hit in .1962 by the withdrawal of a number of Participating muni- cipalities, looks to a somewhat brighter. future—ih •its 1963-64 tiring president of the aSsoei- ation's executive, said increased membership tins -y -ear will bring about $3,000 more into the treasury. • He also has hopes that others will join or rejoin. A deficit last Year of $1,846, he said, was cau`Sed by the lack of members. The 1962-63 rev- enue falom.0 mernb-erships had been estimated at $11,000 in the as. ociation's budget, but the actual revenue was $8,127. This ye.car, Mr. Savauge said, $11,010 will likely come' from member- ships. To date, $7,832 has been Delay Budget The board of directors, Meet- ing in the Windsor Hotel, Strat- ford, on Wed.; appointed a fin- ance committee to bring in the 1963-64 budget. The board had originally planned to determine the budget during the meeting, but A. H. Le Masurier, chief co-ordinator of the regional co- ordination division of the De- partment of Economics and De - ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. "Open Every Day" The Esquire Restaurant The Square-Goderich-JA 4-9941 + Business Directory 4. Roy N. Bentley INSURANCE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. REAL ESTATE GODERICH — ONTARIO W. ). HUGHES FOR THE BEgVIN PORTRAITS CALL, pHONE OR WRITE DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 St. David Street TELEPHONE JAcicson 4-8787 Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER Agent For REALTOR Walkerton STILES AMBULANCE Roomy --Comfortai3le Anywhere — Anytime PHONE, JA. 42S1_42 'MY Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt — -Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE IA 4-7401 OPTOMETRIST ConsVIting Optometrist The' Square JA 4-7661 A horse roaming loose on Elighway 21 near Mihail was killed when struck by a car Saturday, and the front end of the vehicle was` demolished 11.y the impact. The driver, Bruno Schaefer of Petrolia was un- injured although shaken up. The horse was -owned by Alex- ander MacDonald of Provincial Constable Ross Ball of Goderich-Investigated. In British Columbia a muni- eipality may become -4n incor- porated city if It has 100 male residents; in the four Atlantic prOvinees there is no minimum population requirement; itt Ort; tario, a. city' raust:Aave 'at least 15 000' population. ' APPLIANCE SERVICE All Makes -- All ty0es GERRY'S APPLIANCES , 59 "Hamilton St. "The Store That Service. Bpn Chisholm Esso Imperial Products 20 Albert St., Goderich Office -4A 4-7502 — Butler, Dooley,1 Chartered Accountants Trustee in BankrOptcy Licensed Municipai Auditor 44 North„ Street. .14 4-11?53 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf FIRE and AUTO - 50 ELGIN AVE. E. Phone JA 4-8526 Mechanical and Body Repairs, Wheel Alignment and Bal- ance, Window Replacemertts, Radiator Repairs. , Protect against rust with DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance tvCiamplete Line of Casualty and Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient...Claims Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster 319 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GEN Ell -AL- INSURANCE - - AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderich. Phone JA 4-9662. A. J. Alexander, Res. C. F. CHAPMAN, Res. JA 4-7915. HURON CO-OPERATIVE Prepaid Health Plans ' at Cost the velopment, suggested that it is not .fair to the MODA general manager, Elmer Goebel, of Stratford, to have him work at the budget The new president of the ex- eeutive, Allan McCulloch of Arthdr, and-fhe four zone chair- men, Ken Burke, Waterloo County, Howard Stacey, Perth County, Howard Aitken, Huron County, and Howard Latch, Wel- lingtOn County, were appointed to this committee. Other executive members elected were: first vice-presi- dent, Robert Kerr, Galt; sec- ond vice-president, Murray Greene, Exeter; third vice-presi- dent, Walter Gerth, Milverton; secretary treasurer, Harvey Goos, Preston. The association added six members to the 14 -man board ary meeting. They are the four exclutive FINOR-11RSTART of directors named•at the Janu- zone chaleinen, plus Walter Gerth, and Xra G. Needles of Kr, Stacey will rental(' as zone chairman Or Perth County, since Perth, which 'has two member municipalities, has been unable to hold a Meeting and appoint a representative. Milverton and Listowel are members of MODA. Mitchell, where_ Mr—Stacey—lives, Mayor- Ernie Fisher of 'GOde- rich was also a delegate. Suggests Drive Mr. Le Masurier suggested that a drive for merhhers be undertaken in Perth. He sug- gested that rural municipalities, could make a, strong body for MODA. Tho government representa- tive also steggested that the tio ' • n s office be moved' from Economic Research and Feast. bility" study the associationis illaitIng,„shoula De 'previewed at a meeting with township reprp• sentatives. He warned that such studies often get buried., and their value' is lost. The association's board agreed to continue with the tecondinic study of Huron; Perth, Water- nd Wellington; --and pro: Reed with the third part. Three sections in this part of the study deal with populafion, land use and agriculture, and in- dustry and commerce; and will be published as separate s'ec- tions. Total cost of the third phase will be $7,500. shanks, Wingham, were appoint- ed to the publicity committee. A request that the associa- WN BOY CLERENU AUTO WRECKERS Highway No. 8 at Holmesville. Now Wreckin9 '55-6-7 Fords, Meteors '56 Meteor 6 -cylinder '55 Zephyr '55-6-7-8 Volkswagens '534:7-. "bodges, Plymouths Parts for many other cars and Trucks FOR SALE '46 Fargo 2 -ton stake '52 Reo 3 -ton stake '51 Mercury 36 -ton pickup • WANTED CARS FOR NVRECKING 24 -Hr. Towing Service Dial HU 2-3211 15-17 was deferred for diteussion Tag- Coilettion Gone To:, Dog4 Dogs' represent a. potential source of -rnprothan;$808 tO the town treasury' but dog owners are avoiding- the muaie Aces this year with tra energy. Town amssor„ E. said last week that d( ha d been ,obtained of the town's more dogs. Tags cos $2 each • The deadline for the town' officials are novv ing methods of inducir evaders to pay up, YOUNG MAPLES Property owneisirdesiring to have young trees plau ' on -the boulevards in front of their propeqies should le their names at the Municipal Offices,'not later than A1 30th, 1963. Phone JA 4-8344. S. H. Blake, Town Clerk. 15 Drop in foitalemonstration today Bring Your Mower In For Tune Up or Overhaul WE RENT _ROTO TILLERS Argyle Repair Shop 88 BRITANNIA RD. JA 4-9201 • Goderich Kinsmen Club PAPER DRIVE ififedinescciii, May 8 START SAVING' YOUR PAPER NOW • Notice • If you would keep hard bound, or paper back books se arate we will deliver therii, to the Ontario Hospital for D's by the patients. 9 134 e s -a GUE 1 2 airs and a BANLON TOP are - • -r 1 1 4 - RST less Meshl OSE I BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice -Pres.; Gordon Kirkland, RR 3,'Lucknow; Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, !Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; 'Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR ka, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1„,__Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodharn. Miss C. E..:Plumtree' Assistant SeTtary ' For information, call your nearest director of our office in the Credit- Union-13Idg,/ 70.- On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone or see your CO-OP representatiVe GEORGE TURTON 319 Huron St., Gederich Orit."'" Phone JA.,4-7411 Hist Quality •Imma Mum. 1 01111.111, 11111111.1111 A gOod opportunity to stock up on this fine top quality hose. It's super sheer, with glamorous appearance and good wearing qualities, popular seasonal shades, full range of sizes. Take Four PAIRS SPARE 1 imossi Gives the wear of— — PAIRS Regular 59C aorom Wow. 00) 1 1 1 1 10.210. These Glamorous Idg .flattering hose have 5 -t -r -e -t -c -h banlon tops for greater comfort sheer micre-mesh with sleek f Buy several - pair a this how, lovrprice. 2 -pairs $1.00 - First Quality . 'Regular 660 2 1. sermurrinissor ARANTEED Tiro QuAttiry _NYILON$ (got... dives iites 1