HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-18, Page 5u-, i14! Smythpril and l� Carol, hild- �' CLinda and Bobby, a , nd Mrs. ',ill Carruthers and nCrag, Toronto, spent tlaster eliend with their aunt and ncle, Mrs• Bessie Stewart and' r. Brown Smytb. The Smyth amity are remaining' for this CekWinnifred Widcombe, indsor, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. BA_ At - ikon, Oshawa, and Mrs. Laur- tta hefrord and daughter Lois, oronto, were Easter visitors ith Mr;. and Mrs. Herb • Fin- ,i°an Cong ratulations to Mrs. W. H. lcO,hu'e who observed a birth - Engagements ish to announce the engage- day-on ngage day.on Saturday. Relatives and friends gathered for a party at Pinecr•est Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow, where she is a patient. Mrs. Earl Sherwood, Carlow, visited her parents, Mr.. and 'Alt's. W. A. Culbert and brother Bill, on Friday. Visitors on Sunday with li'r. and Mrs. Jackson Rieves were Mr, and Mrs, ,John Conway, ,8renda and Bradley of, Eagle, Mr. Bill Clements and Miss Mary Lou Sterling of Goderich. d Mrs. Albert Prudes"' Hent of their daughter, ever ey Ann, to Mr. Clayton Nivins, all of Goderich. The wedding will take place in Knox Presby- terian Church on May 11. -16 G. Coming Events —Reserve June 5th for an even- ing of song in the Collegiate Auditorium, sponsored by the Ilarbouraires. -16 The U.C.W. are serving a Schneider dinner 6.30 p.m., Thursday, April 18, at Victoria Street United Church. Adults $1.00, children 75c-, Tickets available by phoning J4 4-7155. -15 viou jy, he, had been giant lds oz l 4-.5-..11$1,1111 and the- newsof his death was a shocit to the community. Possessed of a hap• py disposition, he" will be miss- ed as a kind neighbor and friend. Ile was tale youngest son of thu° late David S. Erring- ton and Olivia Jewitt Errington ofDungannon. Surviving are his wise, the former Mary Krauter of Brussels; three daughters, Mrs. Harold (Isa- belle) Adams, Port Albert; Mrs. Robert (Marjorie) Anderson,. Vancouver;. Mrs. Jerry (Norma) Crawford, Goderich; one son, Wilmer of Kenora; four sisters, Mrs. George (Gladys) Turnbull, Brussels; Mrs, Bert (Belle) Bad- man, Comber; Mrs. Mary Itiv- ett, Dungannon, Mrs. Stanley (Cora) Hugh -es, Toronto; ,one brother, Victor, ' West Wawa - nosh Township; also eight grandchildren. A brother Fred lost his life in World War I and a sister, Mrs. Roy (Eva) Black, died three years ago. Visitors with -Mir. R, J. Durbin over Easter weekend were his slaughter, Miss Flora Durnin; 1VLiss Grace Crawford, Goderich, and Murray Creyke of Schom- berg. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and family of Toronto visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Esther Riv- ett, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Park ..of Brampton, who were married last Thursday, have been visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benson • Park, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Whit - lam and family of Toronto and Mcs. Warren—Bamford of Pres- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stothers over the weekend. Mr. Lawrence Gray of Belle- ville visited on Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Mathew Shackle- ton: Mr. and 'Ms. Richard Kil- patrick, • Karen and Grant of Wingham were visitors on Sun - 'day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mr. Delmer Maize, teacher at Scarborb high school, is home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maize, for the holidays. Mrs. John Falls spent the weekend visiting her .daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Hopkins, at Milton. Mr. and Mrs. „ Douglas 'Reid of Toronto spent the weekend visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Reid and brother Jack. Easter visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Chisholm were their sons, Ronald of Edmonton; Ray- mond, Mrs. Chisholm and little daughter, Susan Lynn, of Gode- rich, and their daughter, Mrs. Murray Oke and sons, Stephen and Mark, of Windsor. Bingo in Legion Hall, Luck - now, every Thursday nite , at 8.30.15 regular games $10.00', 4 share -the -wealth games with combined' 7 i week jackpot$5.00ton 58calls. -14-17 Rummage sale on Saturday, April 27, at 1.15 p.m. in St. Gorge's Parish Hall. Spon- sored by Margaret Seager Club. Plan to attend dessert card party sponsored by Goderich Graduate Nurses' Association, !Wednesday, May 1,'at Canadian Legion Hall, at 8)p.m. Prizes and draw. 50c each. Reserv- ations, phone 7913. -15-17 APRIL 18th thru 27th ... 10 BIG DAYS of the Rexall. Spring One Cent ' Sale' at RIECK PHARMACY. . Remember the Men's Club lea at Knox Presbyterian Church, Saturday, April 27, 3-5 p.m. ..46-17 Rummage sale, Saturday, April p, at 1.30 -p.m., in Cornish Electric store, West St:, spon- sored by the Home and School Association. - A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, April 24th, 1963, at 2.00 p.m. at St.• George's Anglican Church Par- ish Hall. These will be. held at weekly intervals for nine weeks, Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the health Unit, Gode- ,rich JAckson 4-7441,- between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. -16 GORDON LOUZON Announces That'He Has Taken Ove!' His Father's Business of • LANDSCAPING • SODDING • TILLING . • GRASS CUTTING • ROLLING . • TREES ri CALL JA 4-7171 ASHFJ LD, April Gordon Fish of Wingham will preach in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on April 21. . Among Easter .visitors here were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lead- better and Barbara of Toronto with Mrs. Colin MacGregor; Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Oke and children of Oshawa with Earl Bowes; Mr, -and Mrs. Alan Mac- Lean and children of c ciliing wood with D. A. MacLean; Ray MacKenzie of Toronto with ,Henry MacKenzie; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.'R. Grant of Goderich with' gig i Geo. ouerie1; Mr, and; Mo, Gordon Ronald and Jgelc olinson of Toronto with Wm. Johnson; Miss l3extt? Anne k'arrish. of London with A1px 'Parr'ish; Richard Compton of Toronto with Mrs. Sandy Mac- donald. Mr. and Ws.. Austin Young of, Ottawa were holiday visitors over the, Easter weekend. Their children and grandchildren, Mr.. and Mrs. ° Roger Proula and Katie of Biz;I} og.ham, Michigan,' and Mr.. and Mrs. Allen Mc- Cormick and Benjie of Muncie, Indiana, were guests , of Miss F3sther'.Garrow. The body rested at the Arthur funeral home, Auburn, until Tuesday when the service was conducted at 2 o'clock by Rev. N. L. Gostonyi of the Dungan- non ilei' ed Church. Interment was in. Dungannon cemetery. Allan William Ivers A ' native of the Dungannon area, Allan William Ivers, 69, of Vancouver, died -at his home. last Friday morning. Ile was a son of the late William Ivers and Mary Ann McRoberts of Dungannon. As a young man he learned . the tinsmith trade with the Chas. Lee Hardware,. Goderich. Following service in World War I, he settled in the West where he operated a hard- ware store in Vancouver. He had made several visits home, the last one being about four years ago. Surviving are his wife, the former Mildred Olts; two brothers, Lore and Maurice of Dungannon; two sisters, Mrs. Gordon (Pearl) Congram, Dun- gannon, and Mrs. Mary Smith, Goderich. The funeral service was held on Monday- with inter- ment in4 Vancouver cemetery. 0• Everett G. Errington Everett George Errington died suddenly Saturday evening of a heart attack. He was in hjs 51st .year. Though he had suffered heart seizures pr"e- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mac- Donald were in Brantford for Easter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown,_ Lynn, Jan and Kim, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lamond. Mr.and Mrs. Maitland Driver and Miss Edna Driver spent, the Easter holidays in New York. • WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS 1962 :(IEAR'OUTS t�NL'F-J�FFW LEFT — 12 cu. ft. — automatic 105-1b. freezer — cold injector porcelain meat keeper and humidrawers $249 With Trade --$13 Per Month .to HI-FI — STEREO — AM -FM — TWIN SPEAKERS GERRARD:CHANGER CLEAR 94.1T $18.9 WiL REINHART'S TV SERVICE HAMILTON STREET E and HEAR! :V: CAMERON'ORR THIS. SUNDAY, APRIL 21 Dynamic man of God who is a missionary to the sailors on the Welland Canal HEIVittL E -Ai �_�1C-ON-T E THEME "God's Work Aboard- Ship". .BOTH SERVICES 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. 10 AIME CHURCH SCHOOL GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH Montreal Street Near The Square 1 EV:u . aVON . KEITZ, B.A., Minister AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN WANTED �0 U Largest volume automobile franchise north of Lotffld"n requires energetic salesman with aggressive personality. Excellent working condition, including group insurance. You can earn a lot more than your present salary. Car supplied. Experience an asset but not essential. • APPLY IN WRITING TO BOX 107, The Signal -Star, Goderich, Ontario. -16 SUNDAY SERVICES ST. 'GEORGE'S CHURCH April 21st, First Sunday After Easter ,x,$:80 a.m. Holo' Communion 10:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7:00 p.m. Evensong and' Sermon Rector; REV, CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D. Mr. George Burgoin,' Organist and Choirmaster. • PRING KLEENEX TISSUE SAVE =0c' CHAMPION DOG FOOD CQRN NIBLETS SAVE 17c The Boderieh. it -Star, Thursday, April 1,8th, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church ti 9,(4.6 i0 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship (Nursery and Junior Congregation) The REV. W. J,ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister-. MR. L. H. DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES SAVE. 20c CHOI CE QUALITY PEAS. and CARROTS Knox Presbyters. Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister ,,{, arson Moore, Deaconess Mr. Herman de Jong, Director oPraise 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:10 a.m. Minister's Bible Class (Church Parlour) Study: St. , Mark 13:24-37 11:00 a.m. Service of Divine Worship Sermon: "My Lord And My God" Nursery and Junior Congregation` - Guest Minister — The Rev. R. H. MacLeod, Lticknow 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society `Enter to Worship Depart to Serve REGULAR SIZE 7 FQR SAVE 14c 15 -oz, tins SAVE 20c PORK and BEANS Si;NE 2,9c FQR 14 -oz. tins 6 FOR 20 -oz. tins 6 FOR 20 -oz. tins 6 FOR 20 -az. tins 6 FOR BONUS BUY OF THE YEAR These chairs are of 1" aluminum tubing. Wide range of, colors. Polypropolene webbing. TISSUE WHITE CRASS A THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street --United Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship i.. "The Risen Christ Appears To His Disciples" 1:30 p.m. Benmiller, Church and Sunday School • 3:00 p.m. Union, Divine Worship REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J, SNIDER, Organist. 3. with $5.00 order SAVE 27c 8rolls-for AYLMER - - 11 -oz. btls. SAVE 15c 4 for 4 , i-SPAN RIC 'BEA FREE METHODIST CHURCH - Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. R. G. PELFREY, B.A., B.D., Pastor. Phone JA 4-9306 9:50 a.m._ SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. "Obedience Or • Judgement" ' 7:00 a.m. "The' Day Of Reckoning" WED., 7:30 p.m. Prdyer Meeting and Bible Study. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, -Paster 10:00 a.m. Sunday__ School; classes for all ages. 11:09 qm. Morning ,Worship_ 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8 °p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Fri„ 8 p.m. Young People's Service • THE SALVATION ARMY' (_Capt. A. B'ailey) SUN: 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL . 11:00 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING 7:01) p.m: SALVATION MEETING TUES. 8 p.m. -PRAYER MEETING WED, .8 p.m: HOME LEAGUE... ALL' ARE WELCOME GItbNT SIZE YORK 1" SAVE 18c SAVE 3c .20 -oz. tins RIBSFresh MeatytyPARE - � SWEET PICKLED PURE PORK COTTAGE ROLLS 1e 59c 'SAUSAGE BOLOGNA. '31es 1.00 WIENERS GRAPE FRUIT REFRESHING USA MARSH SEEDLESS ICEBERG LETTUCE FRES RAW ASK FOR TICKETS AT CHECK-OUT THIS COUPON WORTH lOc ON THE PURCHASE OF 10 -Ib. bag of SUGAR Coupon Good Only Until Closing Time Saturday, Api. 2,0 TH1S COUPON WORTH 30c Mt T THE PURCHASE OF 100 BAYER . ASPIRIN Coupon Good Only Until Closing Time Saturday,mApril 20 Ibs. 1. 21bs.8 0 for CRISPY FRESH USA NO. 10 HEAD 1st. Prize--SO-Ib. bag o=ff'Sugar 2nd. Prize — 20 -Ib. Turkey 3rd. Prize — 50 Ibs. of Potatoes THIS COUPON WORTH 20c ON THE PURCHASE OF ECONOMY TUBE Crest Tooth Paste Coupon .Good,Oily Until Closing Time Saturday, April 20 THIS COUPON WORTH 40c A ON THE PURCHASE OF 60 Tea Bags ANY BRAND Coupon Good Only Until Closing Time Saturday, April 20 CERTIFIED KATHADINS• & COBBLERS 75 -Ib. bag POTAT ES SEE - FOODM -'pen Nightly Until -10- P.M. for Your Shopping Convenience 91 VIKTORIA ST. N.