HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-18, Page 44 TIAQ GOderielt Signa,Star
Sdayt APril 1f3t1963
t. rtreles For Sale L Articles For Sale
SKINGTIliTE baby carriage and
Uov•ct.;P•40, 4,3_11, with eanapy,
Vibtoria t.-16
ASPARA.GUS roots, Mary Wash-
ington, three years old, five
cents each. Phone -TA 4-7518.
IF 'YOU are constantly„ asking
Inople • to repeat things then
maybe you are in need of a
hearing aid, Call us fififf an
-awointment or for service.
Complete stock of fresh batter-
- ies. Campbell's,, The S'quare.
Phone 7532. -16tf
VANITY; automatic knitter;
hi.eh chair; ladies' suit, epatsa.
d. es:es, size 13-14;. RCA Victor
re ord player. Call 8610. , Mrs.
" Viola Carter, 212 Regent St. •
Fitk;E: Send for your free list
of- Hardy Garden Chrysanthe-
mums, to Clinton Greenhouse
and Garden Centre, Box 212,
182 Churcl4St., Clinton, Ont.
14 and 16
AQUARIUMS, • various sites,
Ironical fish and hooks; also
lights and stand. Phone 7295.
Pieced reasonably. -16
1THICA deluxe Pimp shotgun,
$135. Also 12 -gauge shot shells
reloaded. JA.4-9372. 16x
NINE -PIECE modern living
room set; Electrohome TV with
23" screen. Phone 8985.
ONE beam power tale -off orch
ard sprayer: 160 gal. tank with
hose and guns; one fresh Jersey
and Shorthorn cow with calf;
one pair peacocks; calves. 'Harry
Mitchell, R.R. 2, (lodrich.
Phone JA 4-7619. : -16
ONE.. large well-built white
prayhouSe with shingled roof.
In excellent condition. Could be
used, for other means: Hardly
used 4 -cycle Lawson power
-rnowersr-2-r.2 h.p:. 20" rot-
ary blade. Singer blittonholer
.with case plus zig zag attach-
ment. JA 4-7992. • -16
40 -GALLON empty steel short-
ening drums, $2.00 each: one
hravy corn syrup barrel; $4.00.
Culbert's Bakery. -16
SPACE heater with pipes: com-
bination 1.au-ridrY tub and stand:
kitehen sink. Phone 8437. -
• 16x
EIGHT genuine cbrnItower cry-
stal water glasses: one dining
room extension table: one round
table; chesterfield. Phone JA 4-
8139. —.-16 •
InECTRIC sto, lour new
elements., - good - oten. $20';
dotible steel tubular bed v. ith
tult-m springs, like new, $7,
tanning mill. with sieves and
pulley, $8. 61 plake St. -16
2. Cars, Trucks For Sale
1959 MOBILE home, 32 x 1•0
wide, two, bedrooms and •all
conveniences. In A-1 condition
inside andout. Will sell . cheap
fOr quick'sale. .Apply to Wm.
Hamm, Blyth, Ont.
.clump, truck with seven-ssard
„clump box. ' Phone 9486.
3. Real Egtate For Sale 3. Real Estate Per Sale
HOUSE and lot for Sale at Port-
er's Hill. If' you are looking -
for. a 'country home see this
•roperty. Small down pay-
ment, balance easy -terms. Con -
'act A. Ca TownShend, Clinton
HU 2-9107, .or K. W. Colquhoun,
HU 2-9747. -16tf
INVO-REDROOM .house at. 144
Warren St., large kitchen. liv-
ing room, full basement, oil fur-
nace. Phone 7454. 1647x
THREE•BEDR,OOM brick house
with garage attached, angel -
stone front, one,flopr,not year
old, aluminum windows, recre-
ation room. 182 Cameron S.
Phone JA 4-7580 after five.
TWO-BEDROOM house. for sale
or rent. , Phone JA 4-7696.
['JUNKING of Rambler? Visit ,
he Bluewater Service Station, I
Bayfield Rd. JA 4-9461. i
-15tf i
3. .Real Estate For Sale
W. J. Hughes
Real Estate Broker
General Insuraace
50 pgin Ave., E.,
Phone TA 4-8526
New 3 -bedroom, Wellington St,
4 Attractive almost new homes:
3 -bedroom, brick, Widder , St.
3 -bedroom, brick, Palmerston St.
8-bedroorna brick, Mars,',St
3 -bedroom, brick, Keays St. .
3 -bedroom modern home, Salt -
4 bedroom, brick, West St.
3 -bedroom, insnl brick, Quebec
. St.
4 -bedroom, frame', Elgin West.
4 -bedroom, frame, Arthur St.
3 -bedroom, frame, Palmerston
4 -bedroom, brick, East St.
4 -bedroom, insul brick, Albert
3 -bedroom, stucco, Nelson St.
We have party who will trade
a good farm for, a home in
We have a number of -good
businesses far sale. No
information given by phone
on these.
QUANTITY of No. 1 Sabaeo Farm Salesman: L. H. Pentland
po atoes, 75 pound bag, $2.00, Huron Rd. -JA 4-8041 In a very good section of
seitable.'afor seed. Phone ..JA 4- ' Elgin Ave. _W., a nice • small
-7037, Bruce Mceliriehey, R.R. 2,7 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES -house, with garage, on a choice
Goderich.• -16' - . INVITED lot.
FULLER BRUSH products. Spec-
ials-Ciirl ' set lotion and dis-
penser., ironine set. D.C.W.'a
furniture polish. Phone Tom I
_.1A 4-9514. -16-17
• _
.30-A(7RE farm in • Goderich
Township. Five miles from
Godsrich and 1,-a miles from
the highway. Excellent house.
IA 4-7048. -16
EIGHT-RoOM brick house, new
combination gas and coal fur-
nace, _good acreage, reasonable
for quick sale. Apply Percy
Barker, 235 Bayfield 13d. Phone
4A-4-8120. -16
Malcolm Mather
_ Real EsMte Broker
46 e West St. JA 4-9442
• On. the 4th concession of
Goderieh Township, we have
a double house (two semi -at-
tached houses) requiring final
finishing. The building is in
an attractive setting, overlook-
ing a stream; it is insulated to
electric heating requirements,
has a well, pressure system,
septic tanks, bathrooms, alum-
inum windows and can be
bought as low as $600 down.
We have a very good.2-storey
rea brick house in a nice-H-peritral location on Nelson St.
On Hincks St., an inexpensive
,4 -room, 1 -floor house, heated by
a new gas furnace; garage; large
lot also if required an extra lot
We have an attractive, new
stone veneer dwelling, nicely
situated among new homes.
Features are stone fireplace in
pleasant living room, 3 bed-
r000ms, National Housing fin-
ance at $96.00 per month which
pays taxes, principal -and inter-
est. See this with us.
Has Elna at Hibbert & Son
offered such a saving: arr the
purchase of a new Elna sewing
--- -ma chine. - - -
One week only,
re.sularly $199. $100.00 OFF,.
only $99.00
Gordon -Rennie
Salesman for Huron.
_ •
SiXtr..s.D-HAND lumber., phone_
JA 4-8355. -16
.NUMBER of small household
articles including a 'bedroom
suite and dining room suite
. .
friaidaire 6', apartment -size
elactric stove, cookingvvare,
garden tools, hose, etc.' Phone
JA 4-7016. 15-16x
RUSSELL seed oats, good qual-
__ _ _
its , locally grown product of
registered- seed, cleaned and
tr ated, ready for your use.
Inquire at Pfrimtner Bro.:. Ben-
--mi1er. Pho e -JA- 4-6393.
14 -FT. CEDAR Milo runabout,
deluxe model, 6 -ft. front deck,
2 -ft.--- rear deck, windshield,
stecrins,_ 35 horsepower motor,
mooring tarp. Excellent condi-
tion. J. Bird, Bes 52, Bayfield.
. -15
ALL choice annuals, 16 and 18
alio tomatoes. cab-
bage's. .cauliflower, pansies, per-
ennials, primroses. Phone 7994.
B. R. Munday, 12'7 Widder St.
USED . Sunshine baby buggy,
excellent condition and reason
able. Phone JA 4-9645.
SEED FOR SALE -Government
-SALE-- —_
Located at 28 Elgin Ave., East,
the land consists of 2 lots
1(104 x 208) with an .e,?,c,eellent 8-
Iso.oni red' Brick house-, modern,
and in AA -1 condition. Three
bedrooms (or four), all with
clothes -closets. . Den, living
room, dining room and spacious
hall have all been newly -carpet-
ed. Kitchen .has tiled floor and
is modern: The basement is a
good height with outside -en-
trance. Oil furnace with hot
water heating. New. roof, new
eavestrough, .•and the entire
hoese, inside and out, was re-
thcorated last year. A steel-
sofed building, 50 x 60, and a
irame barn faced on Picton St.,
are also included.
This entire property can be
Iurehased 'very reason -ably„ with.
a no mal down payment, and
1.1 (sesllent terms.
A very well -kept, easily heat -
ad three bedroom home; on the
east -side 'Of Cambria Rd. A
modern bright kitehen, tiled
floor, double living" room with
hardwood floors, •carpeted 'stair-
way, and upstairs hall, bed-
rOorna and bathroom are .also
'fled., A large- gassed -in ver-
anda, curtained, a good base-
mO'nt with oil furnace. There
is also a double garage with
Paved' driveway. All windows,
have aluminum screens and
storms, arid the many other
extras make this If very desir-
able ,1?uy. Two thousand down,
wilh..balance on monthly_ pay -
men s.
grown alfalfa, $33.00; red clo
ver, $24.00: Scout clover, white
or yellow, $14.r0; alaika clovsr,
$16.00; per lb.; timothy, 20c;
certified Climax timothy, 43c,
•Birdsfoot trefoil, 70c. We carry
a complete 1iie af clovers and
grasses 'for all hay, and pasture;
purchases ,mixed free right on
the job .• Seed grain of all var-
ieties. Seed cleaning by ap-
pointment, over oirr special
machinery. Roy Cramni & Son,
Seed Merchants, Pinkerton.
Dial Cargi1l...366 - 2494. •,
4.R...4„used applianeau Why,
pay mare, See -them at-Ltnnbys,
136 East St., Goderich, Ont.
• • -1.215
• .. •
clear Old stOck of these books,
they Iffe reduced in price -only
11.00 fOr a ,package of 25 books.
-Original price was,. $3.75,- Buy
bunch. on can't go wrong
on these. The Signal -Star,
'GOderich,. , -1042
HYGIENIC supplies, (4. "it bb et
gOOde) mailed poStpaid, in plairi,
sealed enVelope witlypriee listSlc.
tki0V-ItUbber 'Box 91, HAM,
$1.00. Mail* rder Det.. T-5
sainplOs ,25e: saniplesi CHAPMAN
moo, (At. aochirleh, Phone JA 4-9662
$2,000 DOWN
l'oa a two-bedroom house; locat-
ed on 2Ia! acres. Kitchen is
12 x 24, with lots of cupboards
and tiled floor. Living morn
has tiled -floor, is 12 x 24, and
opens to a large glassed -in ver-
anda. A large glassed -in Sun-
Aorch at the back. This resi-
dence is nicely decorated
throughout, has bathroom, Pres-
-tire system, Septic bank, hydro,1
partial basement and garage.
TOTAL, PRICE $6,000.00
,--41.41tazge,K01.-tiine, we have
a large listing of older hemes,
in all price ranges. -
Several new homes available
Mr May 1st.
,Phone JA 44801
Realtor Manager
Modern split-Ievel, on corner
lot, many extra features. -
Long ranch -style home, on
, lovely lot.
A large four-bedroom brick
residence, with small acreage,
corner Bayfield Rd. and Blake
We fiaTe -Suffiriier-cottages- m
very _ .excellent Lake Huron
We have several choice, ser-
viced building' lots, 60 ft x 133
ft., in a developing area, for
We have approximately -4
acres in Goderich on west side
of Bayfield Rd., in an area zoned
for local business
Real Estate and Business Broker
83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont.
General Insurance
Phone JA 4-7253
-.----- • '
BUILD for Less wlin a Halliday
Home -Call at qur office for
your new 1963 catalogue. "
Mary St. Very good terms
RANCH -STYLE home on Wil -
St., overlooking the lake.
Easy terms.
HAVt one of the largest
listings of farms in Huron
County from 43,300 00 'to
$75,000.00 -
r",arm Salesman: John I. Rapson
152.-Sauth -
55 Montreal St. Phone JA 4-7875
Agent for
Realtor, Walkerton
Second row lake lots, hydro.,
Summer -cottage, furnished,
House on BEuce St.
Small brick hotson two
lots, -Bayfield, $4,500. --
House, barn, an rge work --
shop, Clinton.
ilottm, barn,. 4.1,40,4149.514.-2,1,.
.acre land: trefir SenniMer.
, 50 Acre farm; on county road
50 :Piero farm, 1 storey
house, barn, near Nile. '
. . .
50 -acre farm, modernized red
brick house with new roof, new
furnace, aluminum storms and
screens; barn, garage, in Gode
rich Township,
100 Acre farm, modern six -
room frame house, buildings in
gad condition with water in-
stalled in barn and .house.
Save yourself headaches, and
Let McIntee list your business.
WHITE fraine lieuse, large let,
,corner--Ilincks and Mary Sts,
Phone JA 4-7016.
HOUSE for sale an Toronto St.
Anyone wishing to see this
house may call at 90 Toronto
St., after six p.m., any day* ex-
cept Sunday. 1A16x
Real Estate Broker
General insurance .
Agent in Goderich District for
Kernohan -Homes and •
LEE BUILT Home a •
$2,800 Down Payment - $102
Monthly P.I.T.
Beautiful, new six -room bun-
galow in brick with angel stone
front, attached garage and
grade level entrance, full base-
ment, gas-fired, forced air fur-
nace,, ceramic tiled bathroom
with -colored fixtures. Full
price $15,200 including lot.
Other Homes For Sale Through-
out Goderich
Four - bedroom, two - storey
brick, close to uptown. A real
buy for the larger family.
Several four, five and six -
bedroom houses at reduced
prices and most in an excellent
state of repair.
Summer Cottages
Two three-bedroom cottages
at Bluewater Beach, Both re-
cently constructed\ and well fur-
nished on lake front lots.
Two:bedroom cottage at Blue -
water Beach, $1,000 down pay-
38 Hamilton SI. 121a1 -JA 4-7272
$1,000.00 down. New three-
bedroom home, completely land-
scaped, with attached car port.
-The full price is only $12,000.00.
A sliding glass door from the
rear living room, leads to a
tone patio.. The living room
area is 19' .x 11', -and is open
to the dining area of 9' x 12'.
The kitchen will' be completely
finished with rolled arbourite
counter tops, twin stainleSs•steel
sinks, Recreation area in the
baS'ement is 18' x 20'. If you
are interested in a new resi-
dence that will carry ;for PIT.
of .$85.00 monthly, it will pay
to investigatethisbuilding.
$13,500.00. Two-bedroom brick
veneer home, located, on a .55'
x 110' lot in the West erid of
town. This home has been well
looked after, and modern in
every regard. "
$13,500.00. Two-bedroom brick
veneer home, located on a 105'
frontage lot on St. George's
Crescent. Heating costs on this
home are very low.
$10,000.00. Four-bedroom solid
brick family home, with attach
ed garage, New gas heating
gke-eneli-r-alue, and tle-s-e- to
school area.
$17,000.00. New threedied
room home located in South
end, of Goderich. This home
will be completely finished to
buyers' desires. This home has
to be 4,seen to be appreciated
This Broker offers complete
services on lst and 2nd mort-
gages, on new pucchases or
existing hOmes. For further
details contact:
Real Estate Insusance
4.4 North St. JA 4-9531
4. Real Estate -Wanted
WE HAVE many clients 'Want-
ing to buy farms in Huron
County. List your property
with C. Buruma, R.R. 1, Clinton,
ph. HU 2-3287. Salesman for
John I3osveld, Realtor, Meaford,
HOUSE in vicinity of Oxford
and Regent Sts.: also srhall
'brick honse anywhere in Gode-
rich. Ruth Van der Meer, Mc-
..Intee Real- Estate,- phone 7875.
15 16x
Summer Cottages and town Pro-
perty. Alexander and Chapman,
Realtors, Bank of Commerce
building, Goderich, Phonel
TA 4-9662. • - 718
WE REQUIRE Listings of
houses - antemrtierei-al
nesses and 'properties.
ReaI Estate
44 .North St. " JA 4-9531
WANTED -Listings on farms,
homes and businesses. Apply
Mrs. i° Ruth Van --cler-Meer, 55
Montreal St., Goderich, •phone
TAckson 4-7875. Agent for Wil-
fred -.1VIcIntee, Realtorw Walker-,
ton. Write for free 60 page
catalogue. : -50tf
HEATED apartment. $75.00, 33
Hamilton St. Immediate posses -
Large living room, two
bedrooms, not' --suitable -fel'
children. Apply P.O. Box 989.
APARTMENT, three large -
bright rooms, unfurnished,
heated, upstairs, Suitable for
quiet, temperate couple. Avail-
able May lst. Mrs. S. C.
Argyle, TA 4-7155. -16tf
prvt.Room apartment, up-
stairs, two-piece bath, heated,
available immediately. Phone
.1A 419590. 108 AngleSea St.
. . • -16
o. To R4ettl,
TA 4-9434.. -16
"ROOMS, private home, clo..e to
business section, ladies or mar-
ried couple, abstairrers. Phone
JA 4-9375. l6x
TWO -BEDROOM apartment,
heated, unfurnished, above
former business college, avail-
able April 30. Phone JA 4-7450.
FOUR-ROOM, heaed apartment,
downstairs. Hot water supplied.
Phone ,1-164. -16tf
_ .
APTS. One or two bedrooms.
Stove, frig, heat and hot water
supplied. Hardwood and tiled
floors. Available May lst.
Alexander 'EChaprnan, JAckson
FIVE -ROOM apartment, newly
decorated. 151 Stone -house St.
-16 LADY'S set of right hand golf
NIcELY furnished' apartment, clubs wanted. Phone 8816.
living room, kitchen, bedroom, ' -16
.- •
share bath, separate entrance, PIANOS wanted, any condition,
$55 monthly. Available immedi- will pay cash. 'Write Box' 105,
-ately. ° 220 Britannia Rd. E. or Signal -Star. 16-19x
J A 4-8711, -16 -
8, Rein Wirited 12. Tenders Wanted' - 15.'Not iee To .Croditors
Owbrook Restaurant .
CAR hop4;vided.-- , ''.‘iPply '11;;NDEit'S-WII--- POLICE UNI- IN THE tsTATE bk----DArsaii
MAN or wOni_an to supply estab-
-16 Tenders Will be received by the NETIVIVOUVTringt
nationally advertised Watkins
undersigned up to April 26th Gm DEcEAsns.
lishea customers with fatnous for supplying:
products. No investment. Earn- All persons claiming against'
,if you would gnjoy woriting 3
or 4 heurs a day calling regul-
arly each month -on a group of
Montreal 15, Quebec.
ings of $75 and up weekly pos. Further garticulars available
sible. Full or part-time./Write from the Chief Constable.
to y. IVIuzzo, 350 St. Roch St., Lowest or any ten
- 14-17 necessarily accepted.
der not
6 uniforms -shirts and ties
Goderich, Ontario. Goderich, Ontarie,
Town Clerk, May, 1963, after which date the
on or before the 6th day of
assets will be distribute&
their claims to the undersigned
to forward fiky particulars of
the above Estate are requited
18 The Square,. ,
Studio Girl Cosmetics clients vatommainamak,„, -16 Solicitors for the Estate.
on a route iq bp established in
and' around Goderich, and are
willing to make light deliver-
ies, etc., write Studio Girl Cos-
metics, Dept. CWA. 840 Lafleur
Ave., Montreal3 Route will
pay up to $5.00 er hour.
10. Wanted (General)
TWO -ROOM apartment, fur- lady's size. Pho'ne 8677.
_ 120 BASS accordion wanted,
nished and heated, in vicinity
of hospitaL Would prefer a
middle-aged business lad*S;:* Ap-
ply I3ox 104, Signal -Star,
LARGE •Irousekeeping roam,
furnished, frig- and rangette,
heat and light supplied, use ,of
phone. Miss Mary- B. Howell,
12 St. Vincent St., phone 6642.
TWO • 'large,: rooms and bath,
fiirnished, private entrance,
suitable for about three single
• -16
WANTED-- Flocks to supply
large hatchery with all breeds
o,1 hatching eggs, eggs , from
many breeds taken every week
in the year. Large premium
paid. Apply Box number 94,
Sig•nals,Star. - -16
. — - --- -
CHILD'S crib with drop side,
play pen and gate wanted.
Phone 8011. -16
USED shutters wanted, in good
condition. Phone JA 4-7578.
men: Phone 8881. - -15tf -16
UNFURNISHED one - bedroom SMALL barn can be had for
apartment, modern kitchen and taking it away and cleaning ,up
four - piece bath, heated, cen- Thyafd. Ed. Scruton, Bayfield Rd.
tral-ly-1,steated. Immediate POS- 'phone .JA 4-6215." -1d
session-. Contact Mr. Bedard, --ROOM and board for a retired
gentleman (abstainer), would
prefer private family.• Willing,
if necessary, to get own meals
weekends or other times. Write
I3ox 102, Signal -Star.
Q at TA 4-8346. -15tf
NICE heated cottage, sleePs six,
frig and electric stove, $15
weekly. Phone 32 Dungannon.
FURNIghED, heated apartment,
frig. and stove supplied. Avail-
able April 15. Phone JA 4-9715.
• -14tf
KENT HOUSE - Comfortably
furnished rooms, kitchen facil-
ities,. at moderate prices. Dial
JA 4-8433. 15-16x
ONE-B-EDROOM apartment, gas
heated, self-contained, ideal for
couple. TV and FM aerial sup-
plied. Phone JA 4-7540 even-
LADY'S golf .cart wanted, used.
Phone 9106. -I4tf
ONE circular saw frame wanted,
with pr Without saw and man-
drel. ,Phone,Dungannon 11 r 1.
11: Employment Wanted
LIGHT trucking, clean _up yards, VICE, -32 Wellington, Stratford.
.131f,etc. Phooe . Harold Leddy,
-14'or all airlines, steamships, rail.
1JA 4-7287. 15-16x
hotel reservations, tours." Low
UNFURNISHED three - room bank rates on time payments.
apartment, with bath, heated. PART or full -tine job wanted Prepaids arranged for relatives
Available April 1st. Phone in household (cleaning), morn- visiting from overseas. Call
JA 4-7171. 12t1 ing or afternoon. Ph -one JA 4- 271-5710.. -16
-16x GARDEN tilling done reasmi-
GRADE 12 girl wishes summer ably. Phone Don Canip_bielltlf,
dmployment, will do baby-sit- JA 4-9673.
ting, clerking, etc. Phone 9874.
13. Auction Sales
AUCTION SALE of raedgril
househoid effects from the limbo
of 1VIrs. Carl Freeman, 192 Eliza -
Dein St., Goderich, on
at 1.30 p.m. the following:
SParton 21" 'IV; rotar and
aerial; ,steP end table; 3 wrought
iron nesting tables; walnut
bookcase; 2 -piece modern ches-
terfield suite; Axminster rug,
9' x 12' with under pad; Hard-
ing rug, 9' x 12' with under
pad; 2 walnut step tables; wal-
nut coffee table; 2 stereo speak-
er cabinets;a- electric door
chimes; wicker, fern stand; 2
table lamps; hob -nail table lamp;
3 -piece walnut (linied) bedroarn
suite of dresser, high boy and
bookcase bed with box springs
and foam mattress; 3*piece wal-
nut bedroom suite of double
drawer dresser, chiffonier and
bookcase bed with box springs
and inner spring mattress; set
of maple bunk beds; upholster-
ed swivel chair; 5-dratver chest;
5 -piece modern chrome suite;
Frigidaire custo-in deluxe elec-
tric range with oven window,
automatic oven and electric
clock (nearly new); Sunbeam
steam iron; G.E. iron; utility
table; chrome step-up stool;
studio couch and matching
chair; sanitary canister; dishes;
cooking utensileTectric fan;
2 h:p. 4,cylinder lawn mower; ALL persons having claims
child's swing; :child's glider; against the estate of FRANCIS
fish aquarium; 4 -piece luggage' WILLIAM JOHNSTON, late of
set; children's toys; quantity of the Town of Goderich, in the
sealers; garden hoses garden County of Huron, Laborer, who
TERMS --CASH. died on or about the 3rd day
Mrs. Carl Fkeernan, filleAtphreils, a1m9e63‘,viatrhe fuJi upi aver ctli tuo
Edward W. Elliott; tl ha r; 4wt hi t hd a tyh eof unmdaeyr,sig1n96e3d, bays
Auctioneer. •-)
This is a high quality sale, aefstteartethwaitildabtee t4hiestarisbsuettsedo,f, the
Plan to attend. -15-16 Dated at Goderiph, Ontario,
this 9th day of Annl, A.D. 1963.
Barristers, etc.,
33 Montreal St.,
Goderich, Ontario. •
16.- Public Notice
ALL persons having claims
against the Estate of SUSAN-
NAH HONKING late of the
Town of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, Spinstei, who
died on or about the 27th day
of' March, 1963, are required
to ,file the same with full par-
tieulars with the undersigned
by the 4t1i day of May, 1963,
as after that date the assets
of the estate Will be distributed.
• Dated at Goderich, Ontario,
this 5th day of April, A.D.
Barristers, etc.,
Goderich, Ontario,
Solicitors for thtlEstate.
ALL persons having claims
against the estate of ROBERT
JOHN RATHWELI„ late Of the
Township of Goderich, in the
County of Huron Farmer and
Carpenter, who dieastsh or about
the 12th day, of M'arc'h, . 1963,
are required 'to file the same
with -full _particulars with the
undersigned by the 4th day of
May, 1963, as after that date
the assets of the estate will be
Dated' at Goderich, Ontario,
this 9th dav of April, A,D. 1963,
Barristers, etc.,
33 Montreal St.,
Goderich, Ontario.
14. Services Available
CONSTRUCTION men -off-sea-
son accommodation, large self-
contained units, showers, frig,
gas range and automatic gas
heat -newly decogated. Mrs.
Ken Allin, Maple Leaf Motel,
54 Vietoria St., Goderich.
-Adults ,--anly. . Available_ middle -
of March. Apply 92
hook-up, laundry facilities.
MODERN, heated, fuer_a_anishieFa_d
apartment,utilities paid, TV fatingarmait_,___ . . 16x
Rd., phone 9437. • -10tf Immommumiiiimmummumgammuum
TWO-BEDROOM apartment, 12 Tenders. Wanted -
self-contained, ground* floor,
the hour or day. Phone JA 4-
9684. -16
DUTCH student, age 17, would
like domestic duties for the
.aummer holidays. Phone 23 r 18
close to uptown. Phone JA 4-
7186. -13tf
6. Wanted To Rent
FURNISHED apartment want-
ed, 'kitchen, bedroom, living
room and' bath, private ent-
rance. Young married 'couple,
no -children, no pets. Wanted
June 1.. Write Box 106, Signal
Star, 16-17x
THREE- or four-bedroom house
wanted, must he in good condi-
tion.- Will sign a two-year lease.
Possession by Juno 1st. Con-
tact Herb Lyon, % Bell Tele- Sealed tender a on forms and in
phone Co., JA 4-8301 between
envelopes available from the
9 and 5. 'lStffoffice of theiaundersigned will
WANTED' to rent, three -bed- be received until 5.00 p.m.
room house or larger, with fur- EDST on
nace, walking distance of town
centre. Possession July 1st,' or
thereabout, for teacher. D.
Evans, Bloomfield, Ontario.
.• • -1546-
7. Teachers Wanted _
S.S. NO., 9, Goderich Township,
requires a teacher for a mod-
ern one -room school, beginning
in September, 1963. Apply
stating ciiralificatioos, last in-
s • eetor and -salary.--010Peeted-t*--;
win C. Wise, Secretary -Treas-
urer, R.R. 3, Clinton, Ont.
_ -15-16
THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1963
Tor the folloWing:
. • .
(a) Ctirstract HC -63 -119 -for the
• erection of approximately
3,000 'rods of wire fence on
County Read 12 from Brus-
sels to Highway 86.
(b) Contra& 1C -63 -120 -for the
" suppiy of 14ndustrial type
4-whee1 tractor, with front-
end loader and rear mount-
flYet:ThatrItC-11' lackhoe =-
trade in_ .
The lavest or any bid not
necessarily accepted,
County Engineer,
Court House, '
Goderich, Ontario,
8. Help Wanted
WOMAN wanted to do light
housekeeping.-- Sleep in. Phone
Giving Rawleigh Service among- CHIPS ON PER YARD BASIS
st your 'friends and relatives. Tenders will he received by,
Better than working for a boss. the undersigned up to 7 o'clock
Easy . to Start. Good di,strict p.m.,•Priday, 26th,•for the 15; Notice To Creditors
available in Huron County. supplying...and-delivering- of the
Modern equipment, all work,
guaranteed. Write Louis Blake,
R. 2, Brussels, Phbtre Brussels
442 W 6. 14-39x
GARDEN tilling and plowing.
Nene too large nor- too small.
Bud Clements, phone JA 4-9506.
- -----
Highest cash prices paid for
sick, down and disabled _cows
and horses. '
Dead, Caws and horses picked
up for removal.
• Please phone promptly.
Call collect
Phone 133, Brussels
Licence 95162B.
CUSTOM plowing, discing, culti-
vating and sowing. We special-
ize in large acreages; also back-
filling and light bulldozing.
Prices reasonable: Phone Lyle
Montgomery, Clinton HU 2-7231.
PIANO TUNING - regulating,
repairs, experienced. Eric W.
Rice„ Lucknow, R.R. 2. Phone
Luckno% 528 - 6695. 14-22x
ELECTROL1UX Sales and Ser-
vice. Don Smith. For free
demonstration phone Clinton
HU 2-7889. 246 Matilda 7St.
ACE Radio Radio TV Service.. Frank
Wilcox, 60 Picton St., W., Code -
rich, Ont. Phone JA 4-7771.
LET us restore accuracy and
beauty to your watch. Fine
jewellery repairs and diamond
setting. Modern equipment.
Ma ' - - . - kerJhe.
SID BULLEN'S Cabinet *-Shop
custom furniture, kitchen cup-
boards, furniture repairs. 184
'libbons St. Phone 9631.
-31 tf
Saws: hand and electric, hand
-16 power lawn mowers, cutlery,
etc. C. H. Homar, Htiron Rd.,
opposite store. -1211
Write RaWletala"'lie t• 'LL persons having claims
against, the estate of GERT-
PENTER, late of the Town of
-adetich, in the, ,Coun-ty of
tfuron, Widow, who died on or
about the •7th ,clay_of April,
1963, ai e required to file the
atne ‘vith full particulars with
the undersigned by Abe llth
day of May, 1963, as after that
date the assets of the estate
will be distributed.
Dated at Goderich, Ontario,
this .11th day- of April, 1963.
Barristers, etc.,
33 -Montreal SL,
Goderich, Ontario.
11/11174005'Richelieu, Ontrear.
. -18
MALE OR FElvtAlk-- for clerk-
ing in local office. Must have
'-f.rade 12 or equivalent. Excel-
lent fringe benefits. Apply in
writing to Box 108, Signal -Star.
TYPIST required part-time.
Write Box 93, Signal -Star,
Insurance reporting firm re-
quires a representative in Code -
rich. • Good opportunity for
nensioner of retired man.
Write P.O. nok 2363, Terminal
A,°Loridon, Ontario. -16
1,000 yard3 haltinch stone chips
with' not aver 10% sand.
2,000 yards 4 three-quarter inch
crushed gravel.
NTaterial to be (1.‘1ivered to stock
or whore the TOwn Fore-
man may direct. •
Delivery date to he satisfac-
tory to the :Chairman of the
Public Works Committee.
Lowegt or any tender not
necessarily accepted:
A marked cheque for $200.00
Must accompany the tender.'
Ton Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario.
MORTGAGE money available
on good residential properties.
Call Harold W. Shore, JA 4-72/2,
38 Hamilton St. -15t1
FINANCE, the purchase of your
next auto or farm machinery at
batik rates through Harold W.
Shoe, 38 Hamilton St, Dial
JA 4-7272. -1511
The Liquor Licence Act
Licensing District Number 2
lake notice that Maitland
Golf Club Limited, of the Town
of Goderich in the County of
aL --1-au-ao9-,---will_make_apsilissi_ti on
a .special meeting or- the
Liquor Licence Board of Ontario
to be held at the Canadian Leg-
ion, 48 Ontario St., North, in
the City of Kitchener, in the
County of Waterloo, on Friday,
the 10th day of May, 1963, at
the hour of 10.00 o'clock, D.S.T.
in the -forenoon for the issu-
ance of a Club Licence, for the,
sale and consumption of liquor
with or without. meals in an
establishment classified as a
forthe following,premises:
Club House, Maitland Golf Club,
Goderich, Ontario, A twO storey
frame Club House 'located on
the Maitland River Flats in the
Town of Goderich. This pro-
perty is known as part of Block
"F" in the said Town of Gode-
Any person resident in the
licensing district may object to
the application, and the grounds
of objection in writing shall* be
filed with Mr. R. B. Trott, Q.C.,
the deputy registrar of the
ensing district, whose addriess is
Dunker Building, Suite 402, 251
King _,St. -West; Kitchener; 'at
least ten days before the meet-
ing at which the application
is to be heard,
Dated at Goderich this llth
day of April, 1963.
- Maitland Golf Club Limited,
Goderich, Ontario,
Donald MacEwan, Presiddnt,
Goderieh, Ontario,
Ccill 8331
and place
STAI-1-4 -1--?11.1"" ''Inin'agyanlAdavpea;aningeffoearliftilael
19. tiot And round
Derninfme, TA 4-7450.
pital, Goderich„ on Aprill
1963, to hlr. and Mrs:lb
mond H4ggitt, RIZ.
Albert, a daughter.
SANDER,SON:f--=Don and Joyq
(nee Gingras) announcelt
birth of their son, Paul 1A,
encp, on April ,6, 1993,14 itt
South Waterloo MeMorig
Hospital, Galt, a brother ftlz
TYPEMAN.-At Calgary, ratt;
on April 11, 1963, to Mr, ad
Mrs. Jack Tyrernan, Calory,
Alta., a daughter, Shelt
DE WINTER. - At Alexanda
Hospital, Goderich, on :April
15, 1963, to Mr. and )14
Marcel De Winter, Goderitli,
a son, Louis Mark.
C. Briefs
Order Shelf furnace oil and
stove oil from Edward heir
tank truck dealer for all Shell
Oil Co. products , Phone
JA 4-8386.
The C.P. & Fund committee,
of Goderich Oddfellow and Re.:
bekah lodges have wheelchairs',
and other equipment for,loaa,.
free of pharge,_,C'eotact.'403,
Osbaldeston, Park St:, plaills
9623; or Fred -Fritzley, Wilson
St., phone 7217. -16
D. In Memoriam
BROWN. -In fond and • loving
memory of a dear mother -and
grandmother, Mrs,
Brown, who passed away four
years ago, May 7, and of a
dear father -and grandfather,
Mr. 'Will Brown, who passat,
- away one year ago, Apri1,19,
Without farewell -they fell
With only memories for us to
Their helping hands.' were al-
ways first.
To- render any aid they aould
Their voice was always raised
to praise,
Their words were wise and
good. - .
God gave us strength to bear
the blow.
Those , who knew theni all will
How .much- we lost those years
--Sadly missed arid fondly re
membered by 'their family and
grandchildren. '160
JOHNSTON.-In loving memory
of a dear husband, father and
grandfather, James 13. John-
ston, who passed away six
years ago, April 19, 1957.
Treasured thoughts of one so
Often bring a. silent tear:
Thoughts return to scenes long
pasta a
Years roll on but memories last.
_ -Loyingly remembered by
his wife and family. 16x
E. Cards of Thanks
BEAN. -I wish to thank all
my friends who remembered
me with cards and gifts while-
d was -a patient in Victoria
Hospital, Londoa. Special
-thanks to Knox Church Mis-
sion Band.
_Mrs. Nay Bean.
BISHOP. -The family of the
late Mrs. Ada Alice Bishop
express sincere thanks .and
appreciation for the kindness
and sympathy shown in the
Joss of- a dear wife and
mother. .16
DURST. -May I take this means
of expressing my gratitdk to
all those who remembered me
so thoughtfully while a re-
cent surgical patient in Clin-
ton Public Hospital. Your
warm wishes are much ap-
preciated' by me and my fain -
Hy. Thank you sincerely.
Ina Mae Durst.
- • .
POPE. -- I wish to thank all
those who sent me cards and.
, flowers, or eameAo visit mea,
during tny stay in hvpital.
Special thank q to Dr. V. L.
MeGeough," the nurses and
help in second East. -
Mrs. L. M. Pope.
STIRLING. ---I wish fo thank my
'friends and relativea for the
cords, ;gifts, flowers and calls
I• received while a patient in
,the Stradtard,,,,,hospital.
- -"D..- Stirling.
vArtrot --I wish to' thank 'ffi•
J. W. Wallace, the nurses and
hospital staff for kindness to
me; also my relatives, neigh -
bars and friends, North Street
United Church and other or-
rafiizations who so kindly re-
membered me durins
my St*.
in the hospital.
Mrs. Margaret T Vareoe. ,
WESTOW.---T wish to thank all
my friends and relatives for
visiting me while 1 was a
patient in the hospital. SPec'''
ial thanks ,to Dr. N. C. Jack-
son and thenuisifirstaff:
Robert Weston.