HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-18, Page 19 •",:,
9199,,,ZintArl- "•'•
oun Canttda
Single Copies 10c
ow Levelling
ew School
. . .
Inkling Site
eric 11 Fire Department
muting by, signalled the start
work Itiesday on the new
blic school. which is le be
ristructed here for use by the
w term in September.
An old wooden structure on
c property was removed by
'e when it was found note‘ea&„
le to remove it by ordinary
reeking methods, as it was
end the inaterials did not
arrant salt:lige. With permis-
on- of Goderich 'Public ;School
wird. the building was razed.
ith the co-operation of the tire
epartment which kept a watch-
ul eye on prokedings.
Heavy Equipment
The general vontractor, Logan
ntracting •ALiniited- of Strat-
ord; has bulldozers and earth
oying equipment on the Eldon
treet site and is carrying out
yelling procedures before a
tart can be made on the,build-
g itself.
The. sghool will ,,consiSr'''of
*ght classrooms and a combin-
tion auditorium and gymna-
um; and' when completed Will
• dim:elm. • • n se
ere next Fall.
No •Nanie Vet
Goderich Public School Board
s now considering how the
upils of the town,will be dis-
ributed- among the three
chools, and a name for the new
cliO61, not as yet "christened",
s also being sought by the
oard. •
No informatiOn was available
esterday as to how many men
ight be dmployed on the pro-
ect this summer.
Coach ",Sing" Alexander gives his boys a pep tailc before their
first game Egainst Byton. Listening attentive:y are left to right:
Jiro McAstocker, Ray Volland, Ron Arthur, George Schram,
Ken Bowen, Greg Smith, Wayne Harvey and Ken Meriam. In
front are Joe MacDonald and Howard Lumby. Picture on the
bottom shows Ken., Meriam.(hidden) about to be mobbed by his
teammates after he scored an unassisted goal to put his team
out in front 3-2. Already on top of him is No. 9, George
I;chram and moving in is aSsi-Stant captain Steve Doak. Circle
shows where the puck landed on Meriam'ashot. Picture at the
left shows Byron defenseman skating in to stop Dirk Wolter -
beck. He is too late however as the shot that 'Wolterbeek has
just let go landed in the UV right hand corner. This was the
fourth Goderich goal and it proved' to be the w inner as the
locals won the game 4-3.
Hedding Fo• Th
The 'town has been solidly in the grip of Young- .
, Canada Week" hockey fever since last- Friday. with
1 "the biggest little hoekey tournament .111 the ‘.vorld" now
• • IlVil(11112; illt() 111e. littOr stages. ,with championships to
Salary Negotiations Here decided Friday and Saturday- in all series.
Teachers Federations Enter
The 14th ainitud congress of yeewee t( 0I1' from (
Negotiations' on teachers sal- ber of pupils that wotild h-nefit -ttir;e. Queliett and Manit-olla has browllt a daily inflii-..
aries will be re -opened April -22 from the settittg up of two wine. al heletcs and their co,teikts,R11i1el 4- alnl Iriethes
with Goderich Public School remedial readicti, classes, and it
' 1 .,: t rain 1, u ; and pri Val (.4 viti :,;, solliti 011 SI,Ileduk. sOni,•
Board it was decided, at the wns dveid,,d to leave ti s .inat• 0..,-. i 1
,. 'tours .•eitrly. Trani,' run, both ways. as eiiiiiinat-d
i• -
regular board meeting,, April . er with th5._,. school manageni-tnt teall0 tilk(' thoir departure. diappointed not to hay-
ceptable to Ihe 'teachers' neg,oti- School principals-- Shackleron .. • . their divkions but tilled with &tilt liii,iasin for the
-10, providing that date is ac- commiVee.
ating committee. . and Smith pre3ented a - report, (tx item, :it of ;lie eontests and the fun of the trips 11..1,,
on the possible di -Iribution of 1 i"`•1' or 11:!'ar l("'"I'lles.
.i . 1.-- i .First and Last
pupils Lor the -,tliree schools ' _ I • For some of the players it
Mrs. Wallace thanked th- n !,- iii
commencing, ry.xt S,,,s1H ,, ..,
ame D. Pulleniv,:11 be the 'f,rst and last visit
;to the tournaimnt, as age
cipals for preparing the report 1 - tiers will prohibit their taking
and recommended that it.... beI - part in another Peewee contest,
given further consideratio.at To Huron post
_ , but the boys are quick to as -
the sl‘Iay meeting. . , 1 sert it has been 4,. memorable
a membt‘r of the teaching staff, In ; ably nev er. , forget. . .,,i,t• •
A -letter from Joan Vasella, •I experience that thy `Will., prob-
boaid for lo.4s or damip„,,e 01 Agriculture
, • Teams are on hand train such
claimed damages from ' the! u .1, ,
lit. 1! iiiA,pipeointments and transfers'widely s:Tarated ponds .;s 1.,,, no
'ter car while it was parked 1Lake, Manitoba and Montr,-....,
the school lot. . The claim was ii extension branch of the
Ontario cli'pa;•tin-..-1.11 of an
gricul 'Quebec.. Few small towns i
oassed on to the firm holding
itr,Soutlfern Ontario have not b.:eii
th- school's liability insurance t lul'e been- aonounced by
j'' '
!presented in the 87 teams
policy. , kericulture Afinister W. A.
, competing, and by the week's
Not Needed ',Stv wart. end about a thousand young
c -puck chasers will have given
.---"flicr- matter of providing a ; Six Assistants
',their best on the Goderich Aleni•
cabinet for fire hose in tint neaelicw ' S..iN. have been named assistant
orial Arena 1:ockey cushion
school to be constructed this ultural representatives tO,
ttiheil bXLegin work next month. Theto Carleton County; .1. K. Ind
ybeoaOrrd wsacsserceitisayerli.ssco'civd, I are L. -. Cm
apb:,I1, oChampionshii) Games
'f llderton.'
1 On Friday and Saturday the
the Ontario Fire Marshal's Of-
'championships in the live series
fice does °not require such a,' .-4
1(1(11, of Granton, to. Fsse-xl D.
,t1-"aditionaf East-West game. be-- '
will, h4.,v e - been ciecafed, and the
cabinet, , 0. Pullen, of Granton, 1:; ilitron.
Riddle, Connor and Associates
and it was decided tilai ..1. D. Jamieson, of Clinton, tor.
, ill cap off the affair Saturday
/..,i10,010 111.1(1 weliand, W. E !tween Goderich and Winnipe,g,
.. b ._ th,Broadworth, of Madoc, to Peter .
be advised that the fire hose night s
new school speCifientions, -- --"Iborough: 'and' E. 1 1. Lick, of .a.bihet may e deleted from e ' A highliht of Thurday's
The matter of Placing insunGoes To Huron i .
'C4ielPli,' to Wentworth. -
i Lhe ,Waterloo -Leamington ..tilt
t ' - -
'program was anticipated to 'be •
atice coverage on the Eldon i
',scheduled for 4 p.m. when the
street school was referred to both agricultural- engineering ILeamington OMHA 1
G. S. Moggach and N. A. Bird',
with power„to, clamps, un -
Trustee Shore wispecialisat-the Vv'estern -On-Idefeated all season, were to
act. jtario Agricultural School in tangle with the Waterloo ag-
The teachers' associations
Moved into the picture and in-
dicated they will take a hand
in the negotiations. •A wage
counter proposal offered by the
board has ntil-been accepted,
and a letter was received by
the board from the Federation
of Women Teachers' Associa-
!tions of Ontario requesting the
board to fix a.date-for 're -open-
ing of negotiations, 'along with
(Signal -Star photos) representatives of the Ontario
\ Public School Men Teaches'
• t Federation.,
Expect Leadale
Chairman Russell Bradford
\ presided at the meeting which
was attended by Trustees Mrs.
He.re Aprd 29. ;3. W. Wallac'e, J. Freeman, liar-
; old Shore and W. McCreath.
• The printipalls rep,ort for
March showed Victoria school.
enrolment to be 689, average
attendance 581.43, percentage
92.08,'- and supply teachers. re-
quired for 15:5 days. For Vic-
tor Lauriston school, enrolment
312, average attendance 296.5,
percentage 93;51, supply -teach-
ers required 13 days.
For Salt Load
Owing to the lateness of the
navigation season on Lake Hur-
on, the first shipment of salt
expected to leave Sifto Rock
S -alt .Mine will _probably not be
until April 29 when the Lea-
-Ale is expected . to take .on
about 10,000 tans of rock salt
for Toledo, -01161-
A numbei; of other ships are
expected in ,a matter of days
following the Leadale, 'probably
in the first week of May.'
Apply Siding
Meanwhilconsiderable work
Is tieing Carrietcotitpn,.the new
conveyor belt -system \recently
erected at the mine. Asbestos
siding is _being applied, to the
struetvre as the sheeting in
process goes forward. The con-
installed and wa§ expected to
be In opsration today, accord-
ing to W. G. Muir, mine -man-
Mr. John Aberhart, son of
r. and Mrs. Don Aberhart of
Goderich, has been ,awarded, a
$2,000 bursary it the University
of,Nestern Ontario. He will be
usiag _thisk commencing in the
fail, when he wilt -start WOrk-
ing on his M.A. degree In chem-
istry. John is scheduled to ob-
tain his B.Sc. degree in -honor
chemistry at the University of
Western Ontario this spring.
Last year he .won a $700 bur-
sarY awarded' bY a chemical
Larry Jeffrey
Hits Headlines
The -Stanley Cup finals have
an added interest for district
hockey t fans since Larry Jef-
rey, a native of Goderich, is on
the Detroit Red Wings line-up.
Larry received considerable
publicity in the sport pages on
Tuesday through a Canadian
Press story out of Detroit writ-,
ten by Paul Rimstead. The story
had to do with a mishap last
summer about a mile out from
Goderith,- harbor in which an
outboard motorboat, in which
Jeffrey was riding with two
-others, capsized. The story in-
cluded the statement that "Jef-
frey is a partner in a tugboat
Service at Goderich? Goderich
officials have stated that the
reporter's Statement is untrtie.
Jeffrey has only made arrange-
ments to operate a boat at the
harbor this summer which takes
visitors out for a ride on the
Mrs. Ross McNeil and boys of
London are spending the Easter
holidays with Mrs. McNeil's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harty Wat,
sOn at Auburn. •
Spring Rains
Aid Gardeners
More Than 400 Players
In Bowling Tournament
More than 400 bowlers par- Ann Dowds tolled the high
ticipated in the Little Bowl's triple of 585..
fifth annual five pin team boyd, „Second place id men's class
ing todrnament on Friday and "A" -was taken by Jack Garrick
Saturday. Many Goderich bowl-
and his teammates .as they roll-
ers walked off with top honors cap
in the event. tained by 6era1d Mero, Bill
Dean, and David Gower finished
In the class "A" ladies'event
the -team of - D,;,, Queen tooi fourth, sixth and seventh re-
in the q.A" classiti-
top honors- with- 3893. High
single was won by Marg Moore cation- ..
wilh 338. , . Jim McWhinney's and Clayton
In ladies' class "B", Barb Nivins' team copped second
team finished ,second and third place honors in the
Goderich gardeners -are view-
ing their plots with more satis-
fa-ction today-, following the,
tart spring rains which fell'
riteAlay arid Wednesday. A
gentle Sprinkle Tuesday after-
noon and a mote generous
thunder shower Wednesday
morning went a, long way to
liven lawns and encouraging,
hyacinths which are already
blOoming, and daftodils whioh
are now at the bursting Poirit.
Little Damage .-
There is little apparent Win.
ter damage in local gardens,
despiti the, hard winter, and it
wears gardens here will glow
, their ctistdmary glory from
nOw on. .
he rains, 1(186 accomplished
Part of the job of cleaning Up'.
streets arid sidewalks around
ptowt, whieh had°1)00ame „tin-
iigkly *with bits of, winter" ref.
use and straps and p overly
tif sand militia.
No Definite Dates
No definite dates for arrival
of ships at Goderich Elevators
have been as yet confirmed,
George Parsons told The Signal -
Star Wednesday; although some
corn ships from the U.S. inay
arrive soon. A tentative date
has been set. for one, arrival'
from the Lakehead about April
26, but no confirmation has
been -.received.
No Arrivals
Arrivals were nil up until
press time, although navigation
Was officially opened here with
the departure of the Fort Wil-
doc for- Toledo and Toronto
Sunday morning. Imperial Oil Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Murray
ships generally make the first of , Toronto visited .with his
call here, but have not put in sisters, Mrs. P. Scrimgeour, Mrs.
an appearance to date, although W. Taman, Mrs. F. Catlin, Mrs.
air shows a F. McCabe and Mrs. G. Steven -
Moor ?e,s.
with 3204 and Lucy johnston iteri's class "B division -w
rolled the high single of 247. 3957 and 3893 respectivefy. Both
Alice Ahstay's team, entered the high triple and. the high
in class "C", also took second single in class "B" were won by
Presents Report
J. W. Coiilter-, Inspector of
Public Schools, presented his
report on his observations made
in Goderieh schools during the
past fall and winter terms. He
summarized the report for the
board and a number of points
were discussed. The report is
given in more detail in a news
story elsewhere in this issue
of The Signal -Star. It was adopt-
ed and left with the secret-ary
in order to be available eo'boaid
mem ers, ram time to time.
Ask Sprvey
The board decided to request
the Department of Education to
conduct a survey in the local
schools to determine the num-
The matter -of a name for the !Ridgetown, have been trans ,gregation.
new school to be built on Typical Drama
and 'Blake streets was referred
Eldon . felted. Mr. Moggach will go to -
Perhaps typical of the con -
to the finance coMmittee for a IcIintrnctIonn,C(Ludntyirt,oBli)red ,lviocnaitegd.o' fin° .
' ttnuous sports drama 'tha't has
been unfolding itself before the
hockey fans each day and even-
ing was the exainple of the
G'oderich Peewees who were fin-
,allyelimirated bv Tillsonburg
"Sing" Alexander's "B" series
team had come through a
Engaging of necessary teach-
ers to fill vacancies, on the staff
for the school -term commenc-
ing September 1963 was re -
erre t e school inanlge-
ment committee with power .to
Next regular meeting of the
board will be May 6th instead
ofMay 13th as originally sche-
Easter visitors of Mrs. J. F.
Thomson were: Mr. and Mrs.
Orval Lobb ,And family, ,,Cha-
tham; Mr. and Mrs. Howard
-Pollock and family, Toronto,/
and Dr. and Mts. W. K. Thom-
son and family, Kingston.
place with 3001. Team member
6 A
An ."ifidustriaI park" " consisting of 160 acres-, of
dicated the request would be
land on- tb.e south side of Cloderieh on the Bayfield Road given crarly consideration.
may be Acquired -15y--t-he In addition to Mr. Hunterthe town in the near future. An
application for annexation of the 'land from Goderieh 1elegation to Goderich Town -
Township was to go to, the.Otitario .Mnnieipal Board this ship Council consisted of coun-
week, .ennbodying a bylaw passed by town council in cirlors Joe Moody, Ber,t Squire,
chairman of the industrial com-
special session here Thursday evening.
' TrbA)novo is an outcome of growing dissatisfaetion rnittee, Reg. Jewell'' and clerk-
• treasurer
Sherman Blake. Mr.
'on eouneil f suitablland for dna 'the, itiduarial ebinmiKsion NvitiLt lie llaixii-
-peescnt owner of the priat'c'nheer'tny', was also in, attend-
eap impotwd by hulk oe inir&rirt-tptitit'--
po4es,-,when industries for the town- are being actively.,
• ,, . - ance.
- Eseritial.-
Mitchel( .
•xplain the 1(mi-7T-it —11 eqntrenients Ownership of suitable indus-
KnOwn as the ought. ' arryMitchell 2...' ....._—_____.... ------
Land ' '
at connection with the land trial 'land by the town is an
farm, the- land involved Con-
dealr.essential factor in order, to be
iSts,of lets threand four, in M.1-luniler described the area successful in: &ring to attract
sd '
the Ind concession of oderich Tsemg
considered and mention- new industries. to this locality,
TOwnship ;ahes on 1 , 't, that in annexation proceed- Mayor Dille Fisher told The
nd . t .
road, south ad- j ' ,n s undertaken by the town Signal -Star in the cptirse of an
- ' e Of Bayfield
about ten .years„ago, proceed- interview on the subject Tues-
'ngs had been fr.cilitated by day. . ,7
the complete co-operation of the. lie spoke of the disadvantage
, „ undnr which the 'industrial Cat -
There was some discussion mis5ion has been in the past,
of how the towns.hip's assess- when it was found next to im-
ment might be 'altered, in View possible 'In arrive; at any firm
of debenture obbgations aris- undertaking with art interested-.
Ing from the recently construct- industry, when land Was 'Iliit.,
cd,School at liohnesville: At immediately available, at a firm
the eoncIusibt of the 'discus- price, with'. figUrei oil -05Segs,
slon Reeve Walter Forbes in-, ment, taxation' and installation
.. .
ice -sur e
fairly clear satiation between
here and Sarnia, with the worst
'congestion in the Owen Sound
(Continued en page 8) , and Georgian Bay area.
o nnex Land
Industrial Par
joining the present toNvn litnits.
Mr. Mitchell has agreed to nuilte
the property available to the
town on annexation for a prite
of $44,000.
Consult township
-A delegation from Goderich
town council,' with tOWn
tor Ken Hunter as spokesman,
appeared before Godor 1 c h
'rownship Connell in session at
liOlme8Ville Monday evening to
of services`^availale.
• Ideal Community
GOderich is an id.eal commun-
ity in Which td live and rork
and raise families, Mr. Fisher
believes, aiid the community
assets, in the way .of schools,
churches, shopping facilities, re-
creation facilities including the
parks, beaches, golf ,course and
Other ami;i1rt-le's,. toge,t4ms-with.,
an adequate pool of Tabor in
the immediate area, make Gode-
rich an ideal 16cation for many
types of industry.
Heavy industries would not
be so .likely to be attracted to
this part of the provinee, owing
to the cost fa6tOr iit-transport-
ation of heavy materials and
shipRing of heavy products of
low unit value. Light and Med-
ium industries, with a .high unit
value on their products, should
find the location very attractive,
he believes, and the town
should be ready with an ado-,
quate supply a suitable pro-
perty. „
Asked if he thought there
niight be opposition to tho; an-
nexation proposg, Mayor Fisher
soh over the holiday; Mr.-
Scrimgeour, London, visi
with his brother, Pat; on Sat-
Essex County, to be located in
Essex. Both transfers are effec-
tive June 1.
There is a good percentage
of spring seeding in the ground
in Huron County. There is
,,ery little growth du:, to cold
weather and the lack of a warm
-,pring rain.' Fall wheat clon't
look too strong.
thriller on Monday, taking the
measure of the powerful Byron
group ,with a 4-3 victory that
was only accomplished in the
third period when Dirk Wolter-
beek came through with the
winning counter. -1
The game was typical of the
heads -up type of game being
turned in by most teams. What
was lacking in finish was more
than made up in enthusiasm and
honest effort which frequently
brought applause from the fans,
many of whom tended to be
somewhat. biased, many being
blood relations! -
Hard One To Lose
The Goderich entry seemed
to be playing equally Well in
the Tuesday encounter with Till-
sonburg, and had a lot of scor-
ing chances, only to find the
Tillsonburg goalmouth virtually
sealed' by a netminder who held
hem- down to a single tally,
while Tillsonlititgltoved au} _
further contention and a pos-
sible championship "in the "B"
gerWiehsile the week-long mara-
thon continuesother aspects of
the affair have been interest- •
ing the townsfolk and visitors_
Escorted Tour
The Lynn Lake team and
friends were special guests of
Ma., or Ernie Fisher who took
- -
of 130,,Milli00 Road Machinery
Company Limited plant where
t h e ' manufacturing processes
were explained, and also to the
Sheaffer Pen Compaw- rialt
where•a radically different p,
of operation was the eentr,, ol
Teams arrivin2..
well on time and perhap, •,, ,
sehechtle• to make sure
threw hillet int.; arran_,..1..
on p
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Catlin of
Detroit visited at their summer
home at Dunlop over the week-
•-----1/11-..-and Mrs._ Harald
bury have returned Nome by
plane after two weeks' vacation
in Edm9nton with their son,
Kenneth; and- family. Their -
youngest son, Donald, who went
with them is remaining out
Mr. and Mrs. George McLean
and daughter, Bonnie Lynn Of
Belleville, , spent the Easter
weekend with Mrs. McLean's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Peachey and Wayne. While
here they - atteitdred a family
inuarvoliatgor--Duallop Inn, the
occasion being the 54th weddini.,
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Peachey, VVarren street,
grandparents of Mrs. McLean.
Mrs. James Stallan af Tor-
onto spent the Easter holiday
with her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Sandy, South street.
Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Thomson
and family visited Mrs. R, E.
Wilson, West street, at Easter.
NOw a foster son of Goderich
'Rotary Club, Nguyen Thai Dao
is a Vietnamese, born December
8, 1953, and is three and atialf
feet tall, weighing bely 38
pounds. The lad lives with his
father and two _sisters in a
;mall leaf -roofed hottse in Sai-
,on. Their mother' died of T.B.
on Christmas Day, .19,6,2, and the
father is so seriousirill with
commented that in the past tuberculosis that he is unable
Goderich .has received hundred to work and provide for his
pertent eo-operatfOn from the children. One of the girls works
township in 'every way, and he as a small servant and .brings
expected this to continue. horne het total wages of $4.16
"When fi new industry comes, a month to help the family.
everyone gaits," he said. riao is a e armi g little fel-
low who speaks slowly and hesi-
tantly because he tis shy and
afraid of strangers. 'His father
says that when at ease, he can
be gay and full of fun. The lad
is in the second grade of -prim
ary school, works 11;11'4 at
tiidit's and g^ts especial -Ty 00,noit
marks in arithmetic -anc1 dicta-
tion. Ile his set his heart on
being a school tearher some
day, and so works hard to make
Ei good sehoshl rerord
The contributiOn of Goderich
ttotat.y Club assures •6 cash
grant of $8.00 a month t� pto-
vide food, clothing, special
medical care and it chance for
education of thoir foster son.
Third Week
Accident Free
Ontario Provincial Police,
Goderich Detachment. report
the third stiec,ssive week in
WIlICIA 00, qPriOlIS motor ‘phicle
iceiclents have been -recorded in
this immediate district. 4 The
feeling prevails that thi''S to.
a situation to last, and
drivers are urged to take all
precautions' pwsible to main-
tain the good recor'd.
'Regular patrols, Inspeptions,
and property checks are 'being
maintained throughout the •
jurisdiction. -