The Exeter Times, 1891-9-17, Page 4Established 1877
Tren mot e sgenerelbanIs in g businese.
Reeeivea the accounts of merchants and
there faverablet erms.
Caere everiaccommodatiet oonsiet out with
are andeoueervativebenk in g principles.
Fiveper cent interest allowed on dePeeite
Draftsissnedintyable at any office of the
Otte ht.tueraland nine eleotion pro-
test& are on the doeitet for trial, -V o.
themZ Ontnrio, 35 int innebee, lt; in
Send% and tho other 11 in New
ileunswielt, Prince thisvaa island And
Menited,3. In this pravinere else, 17
creds peiniens here "teen dled. There
w11olonilleSS te a number of "saveders"
4mi vt witinirawla •, veverthele$s
the emote will heve their liande full.
D. I), Wilson, us seaforth, left Net
weCti With a very large coneignment of
thildh tor the Old Connote lie ia re-
perted to hz1V0 gaiti titet exPortind edge
Beitain does nor ray. But then, as
Mr. Wilson lei a Btu:rich Liberal, he saya
so merely for political gain ; if it did not
llownnid not go further iuto the
elneeing. The fact ie it does yes very
The male:idea 3 u1 1 thich
were revealed on tile two neenaleste were
:he reolt t f ooze maddente and es. mit
r oethinet. The feet that irresendiritiee
here hsen tiiicesered he serise of the De^
t ettreeets dues tied fer `elaande of
eheernoited Tire Gevernmenti inns -
cent t complleity.. The Premier hes
initinted the most rgeome medsures
I reeled raeurrence.t , tad
and wittier er wie, in the doneer el eats -
so. n I Aide will nielouirtally he re -
withdraw Irene the Cabinet.
The Zterieht Fair.
Dram PAW:MON.-Fifty pounds gait butter
The 27tli Amend Exhibition of the Fliti Mils,C+eo Nott„Taceb hthader,4W It Battler;
Township Agricultural Society was bold in Ton pouxide of butted (
Sparke; Horeceniede obeeseeo Sobellig, Geo
Zerion on Mond, day and Tuesday of this. , AriJennetent
Williams) D. Senoras,
week. Monday the weather was fairly good,
end brought out large limber of exhibits
for the indoor department% The ladies'
work, WM hematite, while tlie dergedie
menufaotures were a a siigh oaaa, Ji
fruit there was a Tory large exhibit of all
killed and the judges had dawny in
awarding priees. The vegetables were the
best ever Pon. lime a the elephant vide',
weighing neaxly three:pox:eds. Dairy PXO.
duce was of a $uperior class and the exhibit
good. Altogether the inside depattnaenta
were fully better than onpreviOus occasions,
Tuesday was wet, and the weather mieer-
able, which no doubt hept a great many at
borne; but notwithstanding this draw-
backs gm attendance wee as are as en any
former eccasion, to Which the proeeeds
e22e will testify. The sbow f aninsala
was goad, especially xoedsters, of which
there was a good exhibit. The heavier
clessee were well fillea, but we have eeon
them more attreetive. Cattle, alirep and
Lege, geode peultry, fair; while in ';,imple-
ciente the clispbto eelipsed former pare.
4, 4
v * v
avvend Americen open lave pa
IL-Iwa :Taal dedeetelies autweitudoo
thet "Queen Vie threuell Letel
bag hes ordered the irainediete dissolu-
titer of tho Cancidiau Parlianieot in con-
evetience of the deindals which have
ft.:only been investigated. Of courae
eueb. a statement is absurd, and its pub-
lication hes been made the eecasiou trf
great deal of funby Canadiao pariere.
The average Canadian knows that the
Queen has nuthing to do with the cliheu-
laden rd Parliament even if membera
steal every dollar in the treasury, but
still are there net meny peraonstn Can.
ade, exercising the riglit:of franchise who
do not know ;tree better?
t t
There are 40 menabera of the Domin-
ion House of Commons weighing over
200 pounds each. They are Messrs.
Fraser, 280; McLennan, 278; Earl, 250;
Lariviere, 254; Cleveland, 252; Guriy,
248; Savard, 245; Montague, 243; Mig-
=oft, 2311; re'ibson, 232; Tyrwhitt, 230;
Ives 227; Welsh 225; Desjardine(L'Islet)
225; Allison, 225; Putnam, 224; Burn-
ham 223; Haagen, 220; Macdonald (Vic-
toria) 216; Cockburn, 218; Landerkin,
215; McKee; 216; Onimed 215; Fair-
bairn, 214; Allen, 215 ; Colter, 216 ;
Hutchins, 213; Mulock, 212; Bechard,
210; Kenny, 210; Davidson, 210; Rin -
fret, 206; Mille'205; Watson, 202;
Armstrong, 203; Dewdney, 203.
* * *
Sir Hector Langevin's resignation as
Minister of Public Works is considered
as final, by both himself and the Gov-
ernrnent. While Conservatives will re-
gret the necessity that existed. for Sir
Raster's resignation, they feel that no
other course was open to him. The
Minister administrating the affairs of any
of the greatspenclingdeparements,should
possess the unquestioned confidence of
the party. The Prime Minister and the
leaders of the Commons are rnen of in-
tegrity and great ability and in the re-
construction winch is expected to take
place after the closing of Parliament, we
xnay look for a Government conspicuous
by their intellectual attainments. In
the meantime, no doubt the Premier
will insist upon the resignation of every
member of the Cabinee who may be open
to suspicion.
* * *
The reporb of the Senate Railroad
Committee on the Bath des Chaleurs
bill declares, in connection with the last
payment of provincial money voted in
aid of the construction of the road:
" The proceeds of such letters of credit,
amounting to $175,000, ;have beex ap-
plied as follows : "-
Paid to the promoters of old com-
pany .. ..$ 71,750 00
Paid 0. NArtustrong... ....... 111 at
Paid James Weeper. • • • . 2,250 00
Paid Bon, Honore Mercier and B.
Pacaud, and in 'retiring personal
obligations of Hon. Honore Mer-
cier, Ron .0, A. P. Pelletier, Hon.
()has •Lanaelier, HOII. Francois°
Langeher, Jed. Tarte, Ernest Pa -
scud, and others ...
Bank discount, 54,700 00
-There has been drawn from the Z435 78
banks, ha addition) cheques of,
Ernest Paenud. 44,752 60
$175.000 00
This report is based on evidence taken
under oath and uncontradieted. It in-
dicates that public moneys voted by the
Legislature to build the BEde des
Chaleurs Railway was put to some other
• purpose.
What steam is to an engine, Hood'a Sar-
saparilla is to the body, produoing bodily
pa. ee and furnishing mental force.
The following is the prize Eat -
11onsra,-Broed are, T Werry, des
Loadman. Jr Cochrane in Co; Foal, Throe
Ryan, J Cochrane A. Ca. 2nd 3r4; One year
ell Ally, T Werra.; Two year old Ally, Thee
Wetry, Coglirane a Co; Alex borne; SPan
of harem lity Baer,
AkillICCI.IcitAt.--Bread Mare Vitli foe!,
Wra Felten, .1 Murray, A hicBeth; Foal.
Jas Leedom% J Murray Wm. Fenian rear
ld gedlieg. Rohl Mcdrthur; Two-yeer old
Enmeel; One-year old dild, J
eked Jae Famed Jas Jerreth Two-year
filly, Wood Brod J Murray, 11 Bauer;
Spau of lensed Glavin HOPS, Leo Hunter, E
GENERAL Praroee.-Brood Mare with
al.J Decker, a Jotineton. H Diderot on
Johnston D Spencer, hIcrees Geiger; One
yearerld fltly J adman, Win Dow; Two
year old Oily, Wendel Smith Fetey Bendew
Span of horsed II Bauer, G Neruer.
Certureec.-Brood mere with foal, Alex
Ingram, J :timer; Foal, I Arinetroug, J
Merner, Alex Ingram Tear -old
Chrie Elber, Casper Barg, Jae Oilehrist;
Two year old geldirig John Voelleen Geo
Spark*, Conrad Wagner; One year old illly,
debit Ester, Jelin eUer Jaa Gilohriet;
Two year old filly, J Armetroug, Weed
Dred J Ruby; Span of harem E Beeeen-
hem. Chas Wife; Buggy bored E J Heade
John Duna, Wm White, Special prize by
eitizeue of Zurich, for beet cerrIage teom,
C Wolfe, Ed Bosse:them.
CATVL,N.-DATIMA. 31illdt cow, E OW, r
na.oder, Jne,11 Deaner; Two year old heifer
Mut Welker, John Mcallistex Jacob
Reader, rearliog heifer, Jecob Roeder,
"leiter calf, John Mcellister, H Beller 2nd
auil 3r1; Bull as, John Voelker, 11 Bauer,
Jacob Roeder,
idileh Jaceb Beaded Id Phul, 0Sar-
rade: Heifer cath Jecob Roeder; Yearliog
loafer, hob Dealer, Alex logvase, 11 Liaff
Two year old heifer, Jacob Brown, D Say.
uras, Jacob Brown; Two year old steer, D
Srourae, lat and 3r1, tt Pfaff; One year old
geed Li Pfaff; let 2nd 3rd; ft cow or heifer
Chris Oswald, J. Arizietroug, 2na and 8rd;
apealal milob cow, J Armstrong.
SUESP.-Aged ram, .1 Ponhale, R
Snowden; yearling ram, John Penhale; Van
Prudery outdo cheese, Sol. Martin; Ironed
in oonab, hob Thawed Clout ()meld
Bread home made, Geo Sawing, D Saeerae;
Bread bakery made, Chrie Hillier; Extracted
eioney, Rio Geiger, Jared) Haberer.
INOTAZDEtt, rine VotatoeS,
0001t Bznth, A. Geiger, Joseph Eettle;
"White elephant potatoes, Oelin Sraith.,Jelsn
u. John Welker; Any other variety, D.
S. Faust, Alonza Folder, A Geiger; Small
white beaus, Geo Swim Peter Bender;
...Any other variety bean, Peter Delehert,
Peter Bender; Yellow corn, Hy Ortwein,
Peter Bender; Sweet etoo, Geo Seheilig,
Danl Steinnaeb; Large red onions, J.
Txoyer, U.Walbneisch; yellow ouiona,Colies
Senth, John Troyer; White field carrote,
Peter Bender, W B Battler; Bed Add
carrots, John Trofer, And. Johnston, Red
garden emote. Jacob Ruby, John Troyer,
Swords* turnips John Jarrett, Colin Santh
Yellow globe marigolds, Peter Bender, W 13
Battler; Long red manflolds, Chris Schoch,
John aerritt: Amy variety meugolde, Ai*
Minden; Paniplibed W H Battler, Michael
Gartner; Squath, John Prang John Voelker
Water melons. John Voelker, A Geiger;
7-t1nsk melone, By Oxtwein, Daniel Stein-
bacb; Oxford cabbage Wna Voelleer; Drum
heed cahbege, P3nielSteinbeeh, Jacob
ROY; Blood beets, daceb Jnby, John
Troyer; Booted beide. Jed* Ruby, Colin
Smith; Tomateed John Toyer jaeoli Baby
Caroler, John 'Welker. Ily Ortweice Bleek
wealth Wishes, Hy Bauer, Wendel Sinitb;
Whits radiahee W. B Bettler, MOW
Gartner; Catilidower, Michael Gartner,
Daniel Steinbath; Beeelele-Celerd Ry
Meted; Potato% ,4„ Geiger; Rbuberb, WrIt
iamb, John Perthale, lat and 2rat; pair ewes
John Penhale lat and 2nd; pair yearling
ewes, John Penhalo lat and 2nd; ;lair owe
lambs, John Ponied° lat and 2nd. Fine
Wooa-dMel ram, John Dunkin, Jausee
Cooper; yearling ram, Jas Cooper, rem
lamb, Jes Cooper John Dunkin; Pair ewes,
Jae Cooper; pair yearling ewes, Jae Cooper
pair owe lambs, john Dunkin, Jae Cooper;
pair fat sheep, US Cooper, John Penhale;
largest and best flock of sheep, John Pen -
Prea.-Large Breed, Aged boar, F Rum -
sell, }I Bauer; nee sow, Peter Koehler let
and 2nd; spring sow, E Glee, Peter Koehler
FEBNOMBE. Aged boar, Rich D elbridge
aged mow Rich Delbridge, lat and 2nd
spring boar, John Vodka, Rich Delbridge;
spring sow, Rich Delbridge tat and 2n1
Susrotar. Aged sow B. Gies; spring sow,
E. Glee
iron harrows, J Deokert; lumber wagon
patent arm, El Reese, Fred Hese; carriage
Fred Hess 18t and 2nd; open buggy, Fred
Hess; covered. buggy, Fred Hess, lat and
2nd; cutter, Fred Hess let and 2nd; collec-
tion of leather, H Dumbed; collection of
Wee, J Foster; half dozen brieks, J Foster,
A Foster; road oat, 'W Wenzel lat and 2nd
special land roller, L Coleman,
Ponmata.-Hamburg hens, F Boelder,
Jas. Gilchrist; Plymouth Rocks, H 'Nagel.
John Deichert; black Spanish, F Boelker;
light Brahmas, H Warm; leghorna. H
Nagel, H Wurro; games, D Steinbach;
pekin chins ducks, E Gies 11 Bauer; Rouen
ducks, H Bauer; Ducks any otber breed, H
Bauer; Geese, H Ortwein, pair turkeys, It
Delbridge, best collodion Pigeons, Peter
Koehler, H Ortwein; collection of rabbits,
Jos Foster, Geo Buchanan.
HoBTICULTuDLI, PlioDUCTS.- Collection
apples, Aaron F archer, Jacob Bonder, Gott
Mealier; Fall apples, Geo Sparks, Gott
Merner, Aaron Keroher; Winter apples, Geo
Sparks, E Gies, Aaron Karcher; King Tom -
king, Wended Smith, Peter Koehler; North-
ern Spies, Jacob /laborer, A. Geiger; Bald-
wias, John Schnell, Aaron Kerchen Rhode
Island Greeninge, Jacob Haberer, Hy Ort*
wein; Spitzenbargs, John Foster, Aaron
Kereherer; now apples, Isaacs Sartirao, Gott
Merrier; Russet, Hy Lippherdt, A Geiger;
Canada Red apples, Isaac Sarum!, Jacob
Roeder; Ribston Pippin apples, Hy Wurm,
Geo Sparks; Golden Russets, Isaac Samna,
Hy Warm; Fall pears, John Sahnell, Peter
Deiehert; Winter pears, Jacob Koehler,
Chas Wilson • Collection of pears, Jacob
Koehler; Plakof plums, Wm MoKlinehie,
John Prang; 12 peaches, A Lashrean John
Voelker; Grapes, Jacob Haberer, Fred He
Colleotion grapes. Jacob Haberer; Prunes,
PeterKnobler,D. S. Faust; Collection plums
And, Johnston; Crab apples red, John
Decker, Fred Beaker; Crab apples yellow,
Geo Sparks; Speoials-Preeerved plums,
Wm McOlinehery; Collection of fruit (0, S.
Faust's prize) Conrad Wagner; Elder-
berries, Jacob Haberen
riaani.-Clawsen wheat,And. Johnston.
Jacob Brown, Gott Merrier; Red fall wheat
D Serums, fly Bauer, Hy Warta; Democrat
wheat, D Serums, A. Johnston,: Francis
Coleman; Amber wheat, Fred Boeker, A
Geiger; Spring wheat, And. Johnston, jas.
Jerrett; Specials-Sialk of beans, Chris
Oavrald; Corn on etalk, Herman Well; Sun-
flower, Hy 'Koehler; Two -rowed barley, E.
Girs, Six -rowed barley, Peter Beuder, And.
Johnston, D Sarnras; Bleak oats, And.
johnotot ; White oats, And. Johnston; Oats
any other variety, And. Johnston; Small
white peas, Peter' Bender; Mummy peas.
And. Johnston. Jae Hegel', Aaron Heroher;
Timothy seed, ITy Lippert, And. Johnston;
Michigan Amber fall wheat, (special by J.
Wager, Ralf nbe, Jos Fester.
Ftewans.-Colleetion of flowers, D. 8,
Varlet; Briquet of out idowere. D, fia Fatten
Colicetiou of Faceted Fred UM.
Domenic a Hone Ilesurecrimes
cloth, Geo xott. And. dobeieton;
Herne made ilenuel, Geo Nott. And. John-
ston; Home made flannel cohered Aud.
Johnston; Pair blankets, And. Johnston,
Geo Solleilig; Set horse gimes, Wm. IL
Wenzel, WH Wenzel; pay Metes Shces,eow.
rid by haud.F Kibler. D. Gotteehalk; Pair
Melee shoes pegged by hand. Fred Kibler,
D Gettetthelk; Colter:4ton Leather, Uy
Naiad; Seeelals-Sawing mite/tine, Jas,
Watson; Crime Hemline Well,
Lome Wourr.--Creeliet gent, Geo
Spars. And. jehriston; Crewel work, Geo
t;lottt Tufted quilt. And. Johnston; Knitted
quilt. Geo Note, ;Mee L Faust; Berlin wool
wroth, Allea Is Faust, Aug. Manes; Log
cable qailt, Geo Nett, dud, ZOIMStoll;
Patched quilt, Geo Nott, 3. A. Williams;
Quint limed on ground. work, Ara John.
stem Geo Nett; Home made coverlet. T
dohneton, John Geiger; Henn mode mats
Aaron Kerther, Geo. Sebehig; Home made
rag carpet, Geo Nett, Awl. dolnuttou; Faint-
ing on velvet, 3 A William, 3 Arndt;
Berlin wore work, Mies L Faust, Geo Nett;
Berlin wool pillow cuthions TJelniston, Geo
Nett; Crochet work, Geo N'ott, And. John -
litho; Hair wreath; John Docker, Peter
Koehler; Wreath of feathei
re T Johnston;
Braiding on eotten, Geo Nott; Card board
work. Jacob &towns; Sofa mullion, Aug.
Blume T dohneton; Cheuille work, Miss
L Faust; Honiton lace, Geo Non, And.
Johnston; Knitted lace curtain, Geo Sparks;
Menem in Berlin wool, Geo Nett, Hy.
Kalbfleiech; Leather work, JttatUtt
leather work on tremolo D Gottschalk;
Comb work, And. Tohugton; Cousin Toilet,
Geo Katt; Lamp mat, Hy Lippert, Geo
Nott; Grads work, Jim Geiger, John Decker
Bead work, Geo Nott. And Johnston; Shell
work, Geo I•lett, Miss L. Faust; Gent's draft
third Gao Nett, And. Johnston; Embroi-
dery in silk, And Tauten; Embroidery in
remain, Wm Wenzel, W McKlinehey; pair
wool atookinge, And' Johnston; Geo. Nett;
One pair cotton stockings, And. Johnston,
Knitted mitts, wool, And, Johnston, Geo,
Nott; Knitted soOltfl, WOOL Geo Nona And.
Johnston; Paver bracket, Mies L Faust;
Armen° work, Geo Not*, Vireo. Clindhey;
Pencil drawing, Mies Maggie McAllister;
Crayon work Miss Maggie McAllister;
Crazy work, Mise L Faust, Geo, Nett; Silk
patch work, Geo Nott; Special/a-Leather
book work on frame, D GotteehaIl; tloli. of
quilts, (Apple de Zellerts prize) Geo Nott;
Patched quilt, 0 8 Faust; Painted pin
cushion, Conrad Wagner; Collection of
Crayon work, (ffeas de Bros prize) Mies
Maggie McAllister; Pencil drawing, Maggie
McAllister; Sofa cushion, Geo Nott; Patty
work,Fred Hese; Araacene work,Hy Kohler;
Flowers on panels, Thos Johnston; Collect -
tion of Photos, Hess Broo.
JUDGES -Grain and Seeds, J Eadt, Dealt -
wood; Jacob Heist, Crediton; Jno MeNevin,
Klemm. Grain and Produce, Dairy Pro-
duce and Domestic Manufactures, Chas
Brown, Crediton; Wm Fulton, Grand Bend;
Robt Drysdale, Drysdale; Ladies' Work,
Mrs It Patternon, Hansen; Catharine Baur-
gen, Johnstone Mills; Maggie Allison, Us -
borne: Fruit, Flowers, eta., Jno Allison,
Usborne. Heavy horses
Wm Bissett, Exe-
ter; Wm Dixon, Brucefield; Gott Morluek,
Crediton. Light horses, R Cook,Dashwood;
Jno Dunn, 131ake; Robt ehea, Blake; dtobt.
Elliott, Goshen line, Stanley. Clattle,Hugh
Chesney, Seaforth; Dann McLeod, Kippan.
Sheep and pigs,WmCampbell.Tackersmith;
Alex McLaren, °remedy; Wm Chapman,
Hay. Imp'ements and poultry, Wm Kyle,
Kippen; 0 0 Wilson, Seaforth; I Handford,
The tug of war took place about four
o'clock between lirmen of Stanley and 10
men of Stephen townships. The Stephen
was captained by V Bans, reeve and com-
posed of the following Eilber, J.
Eilber J. Vincent, I. Minn, Peter Kroft. C.
Wolfe, Hy. Nebb, Jos Danncev, Chris Sib •
ler and C. Schrader. The Stanley team
captained by W. Lamonte, was composed
as follows: -Peter Lamonte, Alf Dawson,
Thos. Sherritt, Hy Johuston, Robt, Ward,
J Bothwell, W Kyle, J Stickler, Jos, Den-
omy and Robb. Armstrong. Everything in
readiness tugging began, and although
Stanley team were the heavier by many
hundred pounds, they were quite easily
pulled by the Stephen men. The rerange-
reents were first two in three. In the first
pull Hankie drew their opponents about
two feet woes the mark, (the distance to
will being four feet) but soon the Stephen
team put ou steam and pulled Stanley
across, winning in one rainute and sixteen
seconds. After a short reet they again
• caught the rope, but this time it was a
walk away for Stephen, palling Stanley
awes the mark in 17 seconds. The Judges
were Fred Hess, kaurieb; Wm. Think,
at Inlay; Wm. Wenzel, Credlen The tug
of war created great excitement as before
the pull it was conceded by every body that
Stanley would win. The Germans are the
100 yds race woe by J0/160; putting the
141b shot, Fritz 401t.; standing j env, Jones
10(e 2in; rimming jump, Fritz 1949 in.
etandiug high jump, Jona 4(i 21n; vault,
seq hole, demi 8ft din; mother hop step
and. sump, Frits Sem
Nozzle -The Credit= Band enlivened
the proceedings by Ike nanSion-altere Was
an unnsusl number of fakirs and medicine
men on the grounds, but were poorly pat-
ronise:le-Jones and Frith contested in
athletic sports ou the roach -Tile phono-
graph was not at hand, mach to the die-
appourtment of mule -The mauagere aro
to be coagratulated upon the 8114008fi ol
their fair this year; this fair is losing gone
of its world wide popularity.
The Houma Fair.
ATIIELETIC.--The atheletic contest be.
tween Jones of Parkhilaand Fritz of Zurich
resulted in a victory for Jones, he winning
the most games. --The following is the
score. -
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori2 Minard's Liniment cures Colds, etc.
Tim first animal fall Exhibition under
the anapices of the Hensall Dominion
,Ageicaltural Society, was bold in Hernial
on Tuesday and Wednesday of thia wear.
Tuesday being a fine day the hall was well
Oiled and one of the best indoor shows we
have ever seen for a country ehow, was the
one in thieconnectiom There was a grand
dittplan of ladies' work. while of fruit there
was a large exhibit. Roots and vegetables
were largely represented, demestio mem-
lectured spite:WM:gram and seeds abundant
Tho due art department, embraced some
fine speeimens, while the displays made by
the merthents were airanlY gTaLlxL and it
apace allowed ue we etiouldlike to pronged -
%rigid Of impleneeute, boogied eto , there
wee a large exhibit, Weineedey was a tine
lay, axed the outdoor °lasses were well tilled
in horses, cattle, sheep and pige, there Was
a drat class inhibition eerie* to far more
pretentious tithe and in awardiug prim,
the jridgeir totted na mit difilculty, The
village was beautifully decorated and look-
ita 'nicest, ;mitring a . Womble impress.
haft On the sisters, On the vitae tee dir,
einem are to be complimeuted on their the-
eeee, and commended for their euterpriedin
uuderteiring 40 risky' s prided as inaugFra-
ting an iadepetaleat agricultural wieldy
in a coaurannity so welt supplied. Follow,
ing is the prize nett--
Homenee-elmported beery draught -
Brood mare with foal, D. McKinnon, J
Cochrane & Son, T Worry; foal, 0Tiles
Ringo% Robert filddiordie, T 'Worry;
three -yr -old, P. McKenzie; two -yr -old,
J CochMne do Son, Tikes Wety, 3Ifuls
tester); ono yr.old, T Werra,. annuli=
dreuedit and agl-eteam, Robt Ron, D.
ME von; brood mare with foal. James
Murray, Wm Fulton, Perkins47Martin;
foal, Jas. ?Hurray, dee, Loadinend Robt.
Hicks; three yr -old, Wm Commit, S.
AleKenzie, L Hunter; two-yr-old,Wood
Bros, A Buchanan, Jas Murray; one -yr
old, II Rundle, Senal Doupe, Hugh Mc-
Kay. The KO special for best 5 eolts,
Berry & Geiger (Machean.) General
purpose -Team Hugh McGregor, L.
flouter; brood 'mare, John Johnston,
McArthur, Joo Decher foal, J John-
ston, Jas Gould, Wm easy; three year
W Fotheringhem, Jno McBwen, L.
Hunter; two yr old, Roger Northcott,
Murray, Jno Holliston; one year old,
Jno Johnston, G McDonald, R Bacrett.
.,$10 special for 5 best colts, Berry &
Geiger (Mechem) Roadatera-Teand
Chas Wolfe; brood mare, L Dickson, A
Ingram, L Hunter; foal, I Armstrong,
D W Foss L Hunter; single driver, D.
MoTavielt, 3 Manning, Robt Luker- two
yr old, L Armstrong, Hunter rde Lang,
W R Hodgins; one yr all, 3 Gilchrist,
Alex Ingram, Jno Fitzgerald. Farmer's
trot, W. White, Joh Horton, Carriage
horses -Team, Hunter & Lang; brood
mare, Wm Campbell, G J Sutherland,
L Rueter; foal, Wm Campbell, woo.
Bros., Gs J. Sutherland; single driver,
Whit & Snell, Ed Bossenberry; two
year old, Alex IticBeth, Wm Stoneman,
Wood Bros.; one yr old, Jas. Gilchrist,
Wood Bros, Robt McLean; saddle horae
Goo. Petty, Dr Thomson; special for
the best lot of five Road and Carriage
sucking colts shown together, the get of
any one horse -Jas Berry (Edinburg.
lherxez.-Durham-Milk cow, Walter
Shillinglaw; two-year-old heifer, Robert
Luker; bull calf 1891, Elcott Bros lat and
2nd; milk cow, J Traquare. Grade Cattle -
milk eow, Jae Bell, Duncan Alawen; two
year-old heifer, Jno Traquare, D McEwen
2nd and 3rd; one -year-old heifer, Jno Fra -
quare, Alex Ingram, Jas Gilchrist; heifer
calf 1$91, D McEwen; two-year-old steer,
Jno Sheppard, Jno Traquare; one -yr -old
steer, Jas Gilchrist, Jno Traquare. steer
caved 1891, Robt McArthur; fatisteer,
Jno Traquare, Jim Sheppard; fat cow, Jae
SiiREP-Leiscester, ram, and for ahead-
ing ram, ram lamb, ewes, ewe lambs, and
shearling ewes Geo Penhale took lst and
2nd prizes. Shropshiredown sheep, aged
ram, Jno Duncan, Jas Cooper; shearling
ram, Jae Cooper; ram lamb, Jas Cooper,
Sam'l Doupe: ewes, J no Duncan lat and 2.
Ewe lambs, John Duncan, James Cooper.
Shearling ewes, Jas Cooper, Sam'l Doupe.
Ewes of any other breed, Wm Buchanan,
D. McEwen. Fat ewe, Geo Penhale lst
and 2.
HOOS-Chester white -brood sow, Peter
De Coursey lat and 2nd. Boar littered in
1891, Peter DeCoursey let and 2n8. Sow
littered in 1891. Peter De Coursey 1 and 2.
Berkshire -Aged boar, P De Coursey, Jas
Coxworth. Brood sow, R Delbridge 1 and
2. Boar littered in 1891 R Delbridge 1 and
2. Sow littered in 1801, R Delbridge
POuLTRY.-Turkeys, R Delbridge;
Geese, John McEwen, Geo Knox; Pe-
kin ducks, Geo McTaggart, John Mc-
Ewen, any other kind Jos Reit'', Jos
Hudson, Brown Leghorns, Geo Nott,
Bissett; Light Leghorns, A Bissett 1st
and2d; Black Spanish, A Biasett; Light
Braharns, A Bisset* .Hamburge, Jas
Gilchrist, H Cook; Black breaated red
game, A Bissett lat and 2nd; Patridge
cochims, D Nichol; Bantams, A Bissett,
H (look; Plymouth rooks, Jas Gilchrist;
Colleution of pigeons, A Bissett; Coll.
of fowls, Jos Hudson.
GRAIN AND SNADS-Bed Fall Wheat, Alia
Johnston Leo Hunter. White Fall Wheat
Jas A. Bell, A Johnston; any other variety
wheat, Wm Logan, Goo Thompson; spring
wheat, Robt Eaerett,Jos Hudson; fix rowed
barley And Johnston, Geo Ingram; black
oats, Jos Hudson And Johnston; common
white oats, and Hudson,
any other variety
oats, And Johnston, John Sheppard; mum-
my peas, Aud Johnstpn, Jno 1VIeRwen/
white Inane, And Johnston. flour, Henry
ROOT3 AND WOW:OLEO-Rose potatoes,
Robt, Eecrett, Thos Chtdmore; elephant
potatoes Jno J arrett, Thoa Cuclmore; any
other variety potatoes, Thos Cudniore, Jno
Blatchford; field carrots, Jno Patterson;
garden carrots. Hy Cook Robt Bell; swede
turnips, Thos Cadmore, jrto Jarrett; any
other variety turnips, Wm Buchanan, lat
and 2nd; long red mangolds,Chas Burford.
duo Sheppard; yellow globe mangolds,
Gilehrist; long red beets, dos Hudson, G
$utlierlend; globe beets, Itolet r Bell, Uri.
Gee Kythi; pumpkins, Jos fteith, 0Afe..
ZWND; Iva =ions, Ify Co*, la Urquhart;
yellew antique, /;(v Cook, nejarrelt; sayer
shin onions, D Untuliern indiae corn, jos
Hudson, W Hansom sweet corm Jno
Manning, G J gutherland, citrons, Robt
Bell, Jos Ileitht musk melons, And Johns
atone cabbage, D W Foss, Dead Stewart;
eaulidowere, A Johneton, D W Foss; pare
euips, gy Ccok, ilauson; largetomatoes,
Ohm Burford, Jos Reith; email toe:lathed
A Johnstout celery, Chaa Burford, let. and
Dun Paoreice.-Tub butler. Jas Bell,
Mrs. W Memnon; ten pounds better, Airs
Coewerthe Mrs 11, Carlisle; factory cheese,
Geo MeTaggart; home made cheese, Geo
Nett.4. Johnston; extracted honey. 0
t' °ergo, John Berry; bQ110), n ooD31)% Wm,
1301, John llerry; baker'bread, 0 W Foss;
home made bread, Wro Moore Wm 13011;
three pounds maple syrup, 34. Bell, Thu.
Dick; five pounds maple sugar. 3 Sheppard
A Johneton; collectiou eanoed frith, Mrs.
33'Wreu, 0 thembert; grape wine home
Made, Jas White 4 Johnetou; Omani cat -
rete one titled, Mrs J McArthur, Mra
W Foss; mottles erre quart mixed. Arra Con.
wertia, Hy Lang; pignIce one geed any
other kind, Francis Coxworth, Alta 0WAS,
FaCrr -Winter apples, Geo Ingram, Jas
Gilchrist; fell apples, Jas A Bell, Jas Gits
ehrier; bahlwins, dee Calehrist, Jas Bell;
King of Toniphine, John itleEwan, got.
P Bell, Rhode 'shout ereenings, Wood
Bros Jas Gnarled Northern Spiv, Thoa
dimpeon, Joe Bell; Ribeton Pinpitts, Joseph
Ileith, Wm hIeF,vren; tiol4en ltuesete, Wee
hicEwen las Gilthosti Roxboro Inuerete,
Jae Gilchrist, Hunter en Lend; Sea no
Vratbera, Wm Bell, Thee Owineare; lieu -
Thee Ctelmore; Vandervere, Geo
berme, Jae. Giiclirist; Spitzenhurg, Mem
Crulmore; Strew tippled WM MoSima,
Bell; ()nitwits, Writ Hittite:a, Jae Bell;
20on Pippins John Afeewen, Jas *Reheat'
Peaches 3.1' Wren, 4 Johneton; Crab
apples, riot Bell, T P httuell; Grapes, Tilos
Cadman., Wm Pengaley; Livasherd
Bold Bell, Alex lInchanen 81'4 any other
veriety plume, Wm Luker, Robt Bell; Peara
Flenuth Beauty, John Blatehford, W Han -
11013; Pears Dattlette, Jae A Pell, Bold Bell
Dutchesa Angolans, Jrat White, T Brint-
nell; Clapp Favorite, Alex BUCItaleen, sr.
Geo. Irmrant, Jersey, Iltoa emblem: Coll.
pears, 11 Bell, Ude Ingram,
Lorne Weire.-Knotted pillow ahem,
Mrs. S. Straka braided sham, Mrs Gee
Petty, hfra A W King; embroidered pillow
sham, Wm Moore, 3freD Urquhart; orochet
table tuati,1fra 11 .1 'White, afro Foss; toilet
raate, Oro Nett, Mrs H Cook; croeliet &aye
Geo Nottdifre Mem sofa pillows, tieo,Nott
hlra Bell; boded mats, Irs Manning, Wm
dicEiven.embroidery on alk,Mrs M White,
Robt Bell, creel:vat worl; in wool :ars 'White,
Jas A Dell; crochet work en cotteroldrsMJ
White:Cleo Nott, ernbroldesy in silk, Jas
Bell Aire Hohltirk; fancy braiding Itobt,
BellWm Hoare; butting in wonted, Geo.
Katt A Johnston; patelied quilt, hire Hob.
kirk Jae Dell, fancy quilt, Mrs Hunter. ;las
Dell, log cabin, qnflt, hire Cook Geo Nott,
knotted or embed quilt Mrs Geo Ewa,
Robt Garbelo, gouts linen shirt, And.
johneton Geo Nett, gents holey Ravine"
abirt Ana Johneton Geo Note Than hand
sowinp Arad Johnston. Wax fruit Geo Nott
Mrs Cook. feather 'flowers Geo Solt Speci-
men darning Robt Dell And, Johnston.
Berlin wool work ilat Geo Nett 3 McArthur
Berlin wool work raised, Geo Nott And
Johnston. Tea cosy Nies King Jos Iteith,
Pencil drewingJ 8 Henderson Wm Buch-
anan. Crayon drawing Arra MJ White, hi
McAllister. Water color painting, Mies
Manning, Two bouse flowers in pots D W
Foss Tiros Dion Baguet of flown David
Follick Thos Dick, ;Armoric, Mrs john
Hobkirk Theo Dick. Colleotiou of button,
W Foss. 01: painting portrait Jae Bell
B Hoggarth Panel mauling. Wm Chapman.
Real thee miller Mrs Mordant embroidery
on felt Mrs T Murdoch. Fancy knitting
Mrs Murdoch.
flannel, white, Geo Nott, Ruht Carlisle;
home made flannel, colored, (4.00 Nott,
A. Johnston; home made woollen blank-
ets, Robb Bell, Geo Nod; gents suit of
clothes, Jno Pope; coverlet home spun,
Wm McEwen, lat and 2nd; rag mat,
Chas Burford, Geo Nott; skein woollen
yarn, A. Johnston, Robt Bell; woollen.
stockings, A 4.ti W Dougall, Robt Bell;
woollen socks, Robt Bell, Mrs W Chap-
man; cotton stockings home made, A
Johnston, 3.4 Bell; cotton socks home
made, Johnston, 1st and 2nd; woollen
gloves, A Johnston, Geo Nett; woollen
mitts, Geo Nott, Mrs Geo Kydd; fme
boots, .A. Weseloh, lat and 2nd; coarse
boots, A. Weseloh, ist [and 2nd; assort-
ment Penner, .A. Weseloh; specimen
cooper work, C M Beek, lat and 2nd;
specimen cabinet work, Jas Beverley,
1st and 2nd; sewing machine, Jas Wat-
son, Perkins & Martin.
1.31PLEMENTS.-Lumber wagon patent
arm, H Reese; single open buggy, Fred
Hess, W Colwill; double covered buggy,
Fred Hess; single covered buggy, Fred
Hess, Brown & Clarke; road cart, W
Colwill, W H Wenzel; square box cut.
ter, W Colwill, lst andj2nd; gang plough,
Patterson Bros.; seed drill, Patterson
Bros; pair iron harrows, Brown & Clarke;
set of horse shoes from hammer, Brown
& Clarke, Jas Darymple; stove and fur-
niture, J E McDonell, McArthur & Ball.
JIIDGES.-Roots, Vegetables and
dairy produce, W. C Davis, and Peter
Grant,Grain 3 Somerville,Senforth, Wm
Brown, Exeter; Wm Scott, Brucefield.
Fruit, 3 D Hincliley and 11 McTaggart.
Ladies work, Mrs. D Spicer Exeter;
lYIrs Lammie and Mrs G Wren, Hensel'.
Cattle, 0 McLean, Kippen; John Del -
bridge, Uaborne; Ben HEtggart, Crone -
arty. Sheep,Pigs, Alex McLaren, Orem.
arty; Jas McTavish, ,Seaforth. Horses,
light horses, E Christie, Exeter; P. Mc-
Gregor, Brucefield, 11 Cook, Varna.
Implements and Poultry, It. P. Bell,
Kippers; Jas Down Exeter; 0 0 Wilson,
Seaforth. Heavy horses, John Marquis,
Goderioh; Rebt Scott, Londesboro.
The farmers' era created considerable
interest and was keenly contested.
The directorate displayed good taste
in not allowing fakirs on the grounds.
Tho gate receipts amounted to up-
-wards of $300, the crowd being very
The tug-of-war came off as advertised
--between a picked team from Kippen
and a Hensel' team. The first pull was
won by Kippen in 16 seconds ; Hensall
then pulled Kippen twice in succession
in 3 minutes and 17 second e respec-
A foot ball match between the
Minardai Liniment for Rheumatism.
Frints Prints
Summer Mustios
D.ross. Goods
We will: offer all. the:above .n.len,
tioned lines in stook
-AT: COST .P,R.10.
For..P4sh Qnly, •
FrOrrt .119W ittltn the end of Seper.
We will positively ,ell or offer
for sale all our stoek of 2(
Tweed Pants and Vest
At terrthly reduced prices.
There are just zo pairs of these
Joh line of Mop's Lace and
Buckle Shoes at $1,00.
Don't fail to see these goods, for
.e will sell as we advertise,
Yours ROM,
H011Sall team and a team from Brussels
was played at 12 o'clock. Ralf time was
called before either got a goal; in the
next half, Henson, got a goal in two
miontes, Brussels taking the remainder
of the time to score theirs. The match
was a closely cont wilted one, and both
teams deserve praise.
li'ronr Various Seams Throng -
out the DiStriet,
Plums are selling At 75 oenla a pail in
Tim Parkhill Telephone Company is
now affiliated with the Bell Telephone
Bus Gibtei, Bkfrid, has a curious
4 months old. The animal has no
teeth; yet the calf is remarkably
Meng and healthy.
The other day while Richard Sands,
of Ansa Craig, was digging a post hole
Itis eye fell out. Fortunately le was a
glass eye and no 50TIOUS derange was
Jailor Kelly, of the Middlesex Jail,
estimates that. his annual report :this
year will show the smallest number of
commitments by nearly two hundred
in the last fifteen years.
The death occurred in Forest on
Monday avg. of James W. Tronanian,
formerly a resident of St. Marys, and
for a number of years general agent
for Messrs, D. Maxwell Si Sons. Para -
'pie was WM cause of death.
Last week 'dlr. Hugh 3, Ross, of the
6th con., East Williams; met with a
serious accident by the upsetting of a
load of grain an the farm while draw-
ing m. Ilia head wee badly out and he
sustained some injury to his spine.
H. B. Quarry, overseer of Fisheries
from Blue Point to Goderich, prosecut-
ed George Taylor, of Stoney Point, the
other day for violation of the Fishery
Act, by fishing without a license. He
was fined $5.20 by magistrate Henry
Menem, of Forest.
Mr. floward Thomson has purchased
J. W. Cull's drug store, Mitchell.
A sunflower 22 feet high is one of
the curiosities exhibited at Fingal. It
has 46 blossome.
The Rev. Mr. Taylor, of St. Marys,
after a journey of nearly 2000 miles, by
land and water, has returned.
The Zorra tug-of-war team will pull
against a celebrated Provincial team
at the South Perth exhibition.
Mitchell's indebtednees to the bank
is now almost $12,000. This is a heavy
sum to be paying interest on.
Miss Nora Clench of St. Marys leaves
for Europe in a few weeks, where she
will sojourn for two years.
Moncton defeated Staffs at a game
of base ball last week, for a prize of
$20 in cash, by a score of 11-9.
Stratford council generously voted
the civic holiday celebration commit-
tee $200, but it was not found neces-
sary to draw upon the city for the
Rev. A. 1). Dewdney, Rector of Trio.
ity church, k itchell, was married to
Ka Illeen,daug hter of Isaac; Honeberger,
Esq., Roemer, on the 2nd inst.
1 iMr. Thos. Greenwood, of Fullerton,
has gone to Manitoba for the purpose
of looking up a good farm for future
settlement. He has sold his farm in
Fullerton to Mr. A, Nairn, of Mother-
Application was made to Judge Galt
for the releate of Daniel Whale, of
'Michell, who is awaiting trial for the
murder of his wife, on bail, the plea
being that his wife committed suicide,
but was refused.
Mr. .Joseph Stafford, of St. Marys,
has disposed of his fatnous trotting
mare tiMolly B," 2.291, to American
parties for a handsome figure. He
atilt owns the bay colt oDarebin,"
12851. Darebin is a half brother to
he fastest team in the world, Bit
Hamlin and Justinia. 2.13..
Robert Schroeder, hotel keeper, of
Stratford, died some time ago, leaving
a considerable estate for which there
were many claimants in the way of
next ot kin in Germany. Phey are a11
cut out by an order made by the mas-
ter for the payment of the creditors