HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-11, Page 44- (l'he GodOrich Sigual-Star, Thursday, April 11.th, 196g " _ „ Articles For Sale —rfar,ReatEstate For le2 BABY carriage, almost hew phone 8.983. A INIPMBER of small househol articles including a bedroom suite and 'dining room suite frigiclait e 6', apartment siZe electric stove, cookingware ,,earden tools, hose, etc. Phone J A. 4-7016. 15-16x GARRY oats, excellent quality Phone JA 4-7096. -15 le0 ACRES, south half lot:412, coneession 12, Ashfield Town - Ship, 20 acres hay, balance pas - d ture, 5 acres bush land, run- ning, water. Priced for quick , sale to elose an estate. Blake' Alton, R.R. 2, Lucknow, phone , 84 r 14 Dungannon. John Rit- chie, R.R. 3, Lucknow, phone 68r 10 Dungannon. • -14 . WHITE frame house, large 101, corner Hincks gild Mary Sts. Phone 4A 4-7016. 15 16xtf - BOY'S C.0 M. bicycle, in good shape, 18 "16 inch frame. Ph -one JA 4-8087. • -15 _ 81..,SSELL e.e.d oats, good qual- ity, locally grin n, product of reeisteFect seed, _gleaned and treated, ready for • your use. Inquire at Pfrinimer Bros., Bon - miller, Phone JA 4-6393. • A5-16 1:0DNEY 0:i1s, good for feed oe_ seed. aperoximetely 121'0 letshels. Contact Norman Pul- ler, R.R. 2„ Goderich. -15 YOUTH'S HaVV Wool blazer, $5: rto,.'s wool jacket, $5, size 12-14, bot1e dry-cleanect. Six-foot hath tub. Phone 7739. -15 - - NLAN'S suoe-cy(00 hicy, et,e 11-4,(1 one year. Can''''die• seen at - Peonies Store. Also .1_ C. Hig- gine' racer. Phone 6251?-• _ -15 1 .\DY'S bicycle, standard size Phone JA 4-8891 -15 SPACE heater with pipes, wash tub, and 'sink. Phone 11437. - -15 14 -FT. CEDAR strip runabout. (letup model. 6 ft. front deck, 2 -ft. rear deck, weirid,hi-eld, steering, 35 horsepower motor, mooring, tarp. Excellent condi- tipn. J. Bird, Box 52, Baylield. -15 - USED McClary cook stove. in ,eood condition. Phone Dun- gannon 85 r 12: 15x irE electric record player, au:amatic changer, and live re- cords, $18.. Phone Dungannon 32. -15tf LARGE electric pop cooler, per- fect condition, $45. Phone 32„ Dungannon. • '-15tf ALL choice annuals. L6 and 18 in a box; also tomatoes. cab- bages, cauliflower, pansies, per- ennials, primroses. Phone 7994. Munday, 127 Widder St. -15tf ZIG Z.AG electric sewing ma- cle,ne, sews _back and forth, does decorative stitches and button- holes. Can be had for balance $48.80 or $7.00 payrnepts. „Write Box 105. Signal -Star. .• -15 - -.--- „eNTIQUE couch; also small metal ice hoe suitable. for cot- tage. Write to -Box 101, Signal - Star.. , . 15x _ SAND, gravel and fill for sale; dump truck for hire. Phone JA 4-6319. e -15 t+SED -Sunshine --ba b_y _ buggy, excellent condition and reason- able. Phone JA 4-9645. - SEED FOR SALE -Government ! graded No. 1, per bus. Ontario grown alfalfa, $33.00; _red clo- ver, $24.00: Scout clover, white or yellow, $14.00; alsike clover, $16.00; per lb., timothy, 20c; certified Climax timothy. 4t3c. Birdsfoot trefoil, 70c. We carry a complete line of clovers and grasses for all hay and pasture; purchases mixed free right on, the job. Seed grain of ,all vale iefirs. Seed • cInaning by ap-" peintment. over our special machinery. ROy Cramm & Son, Seed Merchant, ' Piniertorr Dial Cargill 366 - 2494. , -14-16' SIX -MONTH-OLD- Zig Zag sew- ing machine. Reverse stitch, does buttonholes. $57.00 cash i balance • owing or $8.00 pay- ments. 'Wtite Box 97, Signal - Star._ -14-15 W. J. Hughes Real Estate Broker General Insuraac. 30 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 New 3 bedroom, Wellington St. 4 Attractive almost new homes: 3-bedroohi, Wielder St. 3 -bedroom, brick, Pahnerston St. 3 -bedroom, brick,. Mary St 3 -bedroom, brick, Keays -St. 0 -bedroom modern home, Salt - ford. 4 bedroom, brick, West St. 3 -bedroom, insul brick, Quebec . St. 4 -bedroom, frame, Elgin Nest. 4 -bedroom, frame, Arthur St. 3 -bedroom, frame, Palmerston St. 4 -bedroom, brick, East. St. 4 -bedroom, insul brick, Albert St. 3 -bedroom, stucco, Nelson St.' 4 -bedroom, insul, brick, Park St. Lot 66 x 132, . 'corner Elizabeth and Caley Sts. We have a number of good businesses for sale. No information given by phone on these. 100 -Acre farm, 8 miles from Goderich, good house and barn, land is level and all workable Full price $12,500. Farm Salesman: _L. H. Pentland Huron Rd. -JA 4-8041 LISTINGS AND- INQUIRIES INVITED ° L),. Cars, Trucks For Sale Amor _ . NEV and used appliances. Why pay more? See them. at Lumbys, 136 East St., Goderich, Ont. -12tf _ . . SALES 'LHECK. BOOKS. '10 clear old stock of these *books, .thrediie'ci $100 fo7 a package of 25 books. Originel price was $3.75.- Buy a bunch. You can't go wrong on these. The Signal -Star; Goderich. ' -10-12 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) nailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price, list. six sample25c;" 24 samples Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale 1960 l'01 KqW 'WEN' (lei -Tie -re le -alter tie it )1e) v, u1 n r . Geri. a,: . o L.., k, . 1 shield washer.Contact E. B. o Dunn, 33 Edmonton Rd.'FRCA, eSlinton. or phone IIU2-7346. _ -15 1959 MOBILE home, 32 ,x 10 Wide, two bedrooins and all conveniences. In A$e.,e-ondition and.. -out. 'Will sell cheap for quick sale. . Apply to Wm: Hamm, Blyth, Ont. 15 16x 1__. '58 -A-184 INTE1N.1TIONt-AL dump truck with seven yainl dump box. 'Phone 9486. . -1316 - THINKING of Rambler? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Bayfjeld RcL JA 4-9461. .15tf "aisisummeievesso . 3. Real Estate For Sale 100•40It1 farrn, well drained tlaY' .10a1i1-, lot 7, tOncessiOn T, AShfield TOWI.IshiP, - tine Mile, '' Yitirtitt . dr -Dilfigantten, two inileS Wes „ ! • ' - farin and' '00(1 ' .Vitell :eight4tOil1 1101.1se, 'With I 3-. ti ), tilted biattiroern. ,Apply riOti, ,„ uy PattitteitO, Ittt- 11 IYilitgatittOt4 - EStabliShed 1937 Oilt. 4, 4445 ,, • • , A-1 USED CAR SPECIALS Now Is The Time To Trade Up 1961 FALCON TUDOR Radio, optional motor. 10,000 original miles. 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN FORDOR Automatic: radio, low mileage. 1961 FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR eVtoreatic, radio, we sold it -new. 1960- FORD TUDOR Economical six. 1959 MERCURY MONTEREY FORDOR Lots of extras. - 1959 FORD GALAXIE TUDOR, . Hardtop, antomatic;radioepowe windows, brakes and steering, the most popular used car today. 19.58 FORD FAIRLANE 500 FORDOR Full power, jet black. 1958 CHEVROLET BISCXYNE FORDOR Two -Tone • 1958 MERCURY MONTER.E'y FORDOR 195'7—FORD V-8, automatic, radio, two-tone. 1957 METEOR NIAGARA 300 TUDOR 1957' FORD Tafir0:2 RANCH WAGON 1957 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR 3. Real Estate For Sale NICE 'store building with six; room apartnfent above. Ilydro, tap water, near school and stores, 10 miles froM`Goderich. Full price $1,600, only $100 dovm Will accept any car on del. Phone 32, Dungannon. -12tf Malcolm Mathers Real Estate Broker 46 West St. JA 4-9442 On the 4th concession of Goderich Township, we ehave a double house (two semi -at- tached houses) requiring final finishing. The building is in an attractive setting, overlook- ing a stream; it is insulated to electric heating requirements, has a well, pressure system, septic tanks, bathrooms, alum- inum windows and can be hoUgh't with approx. $2,500.00 down.. We `have a very good 2 -storey red brick house in a nice cen- tral location On Nelson St. .• On Hincks St., an inexpensive 4 -room, 1 -floor house, heated by a new gas furnace; gapage; large lot also if required an extra lot adjoining. We have an attraccIve, new stone veneer dwelling, nicely situated among new homes. Features are- stone fireplace in pleasant living room, 3 bed- r000ms, National Housing fin- ance at $96.00 per month which pays taxes, principal aixi inter- est. See this with us. In a very good section of Elgin Ave. W., a nice small house, with garage, on a cboice lot. Modern split-level, on corner lot, many extra features.' Ldng ranch -style home, on lovely lot. • A large -four-bedroom brick residence, with small acreage, .corner Bayfield Rd. and Blake St. We have Sununer cottages in very excellent - Lake Huron lareas. We have several choice, ser - i vited building lots, 60 ft x-138' I ft., in a developing area, for sale. We have approximately 4 acres in Goderich on west side of Bayfield Rd., in an area zoned for lecal business. KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance Phone JA 4-7253 _BUILD ter Less with a Halliday Hume -Call at our office for your new 1963 catalogue. 1THREE-BEDROOM home on 1 Mary St. Very good terms 1 available. RANCH -STYLE home on Wil- son St., overiboking the lake. - Easy terms. VE HAVE one of the largest listings o farms in Huron County _from $3,30000 to $75,000.03 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED KEN CROFT 'arm: Salesman: John 1 Rapson 152 South St. -JA 4-8559 -4tf BAYFIELD --13ARGAINS $2,000 DOWN For a two-bedroom house, locat- ed on 214 acres. Kitchen is 12 x 24, with lots -of cupboards and tiled floor. - aving -Mein has tiled floor, is 12 x 24, and opens to a large glassed -in ver- anda. A large glassed -ire 'sun - porch at the back. This resi= 'dente N nicely decorafed throughout, has bathroom, pres- sure system, septic tank, hydra, partial basement and garage. TOTAL PRICE $6,000.00 A three-bedroom ranch -type home, only three years aid. This is an attractive looking property, has large modern kit- chen, living room and dining room area, 4 -piece tiled bath- room and all floors are covered with linoleum or good grade tile. Full -sized -basement with laundry tubs and oil -furnace. Private well with pressure sys- tem, septic tank, with a separ- ate drain for laundry-. Heavy duty wiring, cement walks, and a heated insulated utility room have been added, Tkie _pro: pertYjs. aateC,011,-Ahs, edge, of Rayfield, on an extra large lot, and Oh a mIirrroad. Taxes are $108.00 and the price is only $9,000: Some terms can be arranged. 6 -cylinder. , 1956 VOLKS DELUXE - D54 '1VrEMIII,V"--. ., -.2 TON odench Motors Limited SOUTH ST. JA 4-7308 Om/sr EVENINGS,. "Give 'US A Try Before You At the present thne,ewe haVe a -large listing of oder homes, in all price ranges. Several hew homes available ror May 1.atr- E. E. CRANSTON Phone JA 441801 Realtor Manager " For ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN 3. Real Estate For Sale _ THREE-BEDROOM brick hOuSe with garage attached, angel- s.tone front, one -floor, not ,year old, .aluminum window% recre- ation room. 182 Cameron St. Phone JA.4-75g0 after live. 15-16x HOUSE for sale on Toronto St. Anyone wishing to see this house may call at 90 Toronto St., -after six p.m., any day ex-, cept Sunday. 15-16x HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker" General Insurance Agent in Goderich District for Kernohan Homes and LEE BUILT Homes NOW .IN IIURONVIEW PARK S UBDIVISION on. BLAKE AND BENNETT- STS. THESE NEW HOMES FOR SALE $2,8p Down Payment - $102 Monthly P.I.T. Beautiful, new 'six-roem bun- galow in brick with ahgel stone front, attached garage and grade level entrance, full base- ment, gas-fired, forced air fur- nace, ceramic tiled bathroom with colored fixtures. Full price $15,200 including lot. Other Homes For Sale Through- out Goderich Four - bedroom, two - storey brick, close to uptown. A real buy for the larger family. Several four, five and six - bedroom houses at -reduced prices and, most in an excellent state of repair. Suriirrier'1Catages Two three-bedroom cottages at , Bldevvater Beach. Both re- cently constructed and well fur- nished on lake front lots. Two-bedroom cottage at Blue - water Beach, $1,000 down pay- ment. 38 Hamiltcin St. Dial JA 4-7272 RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St. Phone JA 4-7875 Agent for WILFRED McINTEE Realtor, Walkerton Shcond row lake lots, hydro. Summer cottage, furnished, $2600. ,house one Bruce St: Small bi•ick house on two lots, Bayfield, $4,500. House, barn, and 'large work- shop, Clinton. ' House,- barn, drive shed, 1 acre land, near Befi-thiller,. 50 Acre farm, on County road. 50 Acre- .farm, lee; -storey house, barn, near Nile. 100 Acre farm, modern room frame house, buildings in good condition with water in- stalled in barn and house. Save yourself headaches and dizziness, Let McIritee list -your -business: -1.5f1 10,000 -4 -bedroom, --solid brick home, new gas heating, wall- to-wall carpet in the living room. Excellent buy for a .:Yamily home. 13,500-2-bedrobm new brick veneer home. Includes new gas stove and refrigerator. This home has attached gar- age and all basement walls are cement plastered, ready to convert into recreation room. West end location. 16,000 -3 -bedroom home, dining room, living room, completely moderh in all regards. 11,000--4-bedroom. frame home, located in north end of town. This is an older • home, but . completely up -dated to mod- ern living standards. Now you can own your own three-bedroom home for $1,C00 dole/re with monthly payments of approximately $82, PIT. This is for a finished home and de- tails can be obtained by con- tacting this office. PETER S. MacEWAN Insurance- Reit Estate 44 North St. JA 4-9531 inewmassmasizaiir AMID 4. Real Estate Wanted WE HAVE many clients want- ing to buy---ta-rms- in-Hur County. List your property with C. littruma, R.R. 1, Clinton,_ pliee 2=3287:=Ws John-BoSVeld, Realtor, Meaford. 15-17x HOUSE in vicinity of Oxford and Regent Sts.; also small brick house anywhere in Gode- rich. Ruth' Vart-der. Meer, Me- Intee Real Estate, phone 7875. -15-16x LISTINGS WANTED '- Farms, Summer Cottages and tqwn Pro- perty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, Bank of Commeree building, Goderich. Phone .TA 4-9662. • 46 WE REQUIRk LiStinds 'hnuses and commercial busi- nesseS and properties. PETER S. Ma.LIWAN Real Estate 44 Noeth St, JA 44531 211 --is-- WANTED -Listings on farms, homes arid businesks. , Apply Mrs. Ruth Van der Meer, 55 Montreal St., Goderich, phone JAekson 4-7875. Agent for Wit- -Meintee, Realtor, Walker- ton. Write for free 60 page catalogue. -- .50tf sismoiammireiniumiammisammume 5. To Rent P-Idt-G7g totitri, furnished, frig and. igaildette, heat and light supplied, Use. O . f phone. MiSs Mary ft itowen, 12 St. Vindent 'phone 81342. 44tf Goderich Phone .0A 4.9662 ' To Rent TWO -ROOM apartment, fur- nished and heated, in. vicinity of hospital. Would prefer a middle-aged business lady. Ap- ply Box 104, Signal -Star. 15xtf TWO large rooms and bath, furnished, privateentrance, suitable for about three single men. Phone 8881. " FIVE -ROOM apartment, u.p- stairs, two-piece bath-, ,heated, available' immediately. Phone JA 4-9590. -15 • ONE and two-bedroom apts. HOW available in the riew apart- ment building.on South St. In- spection end inquiries welcom- ed' by Alexander & Chapman, JAckson 4-9862. -15 _ _ wo -BEDROOM apartment. Iiie irpstairs apartment also in- cludes living room, kitchen and bathroom. Heated and hot water. $60 monthly. JA 4-8435. -15 BACHELOR apartment on ground floor, heated, furnished, private entrance. Near the lake. Available May 1st J A Snider, 62 'Essex St. -- -15-16 UNPURNISHED one - bedroom apartment, modern kitchen and lour - piece bath, heated, cen- trally, located. Immediate pos- session. Contlet Mr. Bedard, 9 to 5 at JA 4-8346. —15tf THREE large bright rooms, good cupboard and closet space, available May 1. Mrs.,, „S. C. Argyle, JA 4-7155. -14tf • NICELY furnished apartment, living room, kitchen, bedroom, share bath, separate entrance, $55 monthly. Available April 1. 220 Britannia Rd. E. or JA -4- 87-11: 14x TWO -ROOM heated apartment, downstairs, private entrance, near the Square. Phone 7417. -14 NICE heated cottage, sleeps six, frig and electric stove, $15 weekly. Phone 32 Dungannon. -14tf FURNISHED, heated' apartment, frig. and stove supplied. Avail- able April 15. Phone JA 4-9715 -14tf KENT HOUSE - Comfortably furnished rooms, kitchen facil- ities, at moderate prites. Dial JA 4-8433, . • ' 15-16x APARTMENT to rent on The Square, four rooms and bath, -gas heat. Apply O'Briens Market or D. M. O'Brien, phone 8744. -13tf ONE -BEDROOM apartment, gas heated, self-contained, ideal for couple. TV and, FM aerial sup- plied. Phone JA 4-7540 even- ings. . -13tf UNFURNISHED three - room apartment, with bath, heated. Available April 1st. Phone 'JA 4-7171. 1211 CONSTRUCTION meh-off-sea- son accommodation, large self- contaiped units, showers, frig, gas range and automatic g e 1 heat -newly decbrated. Mr Ken Allin, Maple. Leaf 'Motel, 54 -Victoria SL; Goderich. -10tf ..1VIAN or woman to supply estab- lished customers with fun„oeus nationally advertised. 'M,,,,,"111S products. No investment zarll- ings of $75 and up weekly Pos- sible, Full or part-time.. Write to V. Muzzo, 350 St. Itot"th St., Montreal 15, Quebec. 14-17 hyaPSiailovi"uyen.megaSme°pnplINatie,olayys":4aernf-thorpobuorer;sueolrw:tetae(stili:kif mwsseeuin:Ithati ing ability, end willing to learn. Applicant must be in her late 20s, er 30s. High school stud- ents not acceptable. Awly in person at Veal Office. -14 BABySITTER wanted t4) care for.-Viree-year-old child, Mon- days to Fridays. Phone 9137. -15 MEN WANTED Are you satisfied with your work? Would you like ci bui- ness of your own? If yescwrite Rawleigi's, pepiD6- GG, 4005Richelieu,VOntreat-15 CLERK -TYPIST for insnrance office. Apply stating aped- eece to -Box 1270, Goderich. -15 - • --- WOMAN „WHO CAN DRIVE... If you Would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day arly each month on a group of Studio Girl CosmeticsClients on a route to be establiSlied in and around Goderich, and are willing_ to make light deliver - ie -s, etc., write Studio Girl .Cos- metics. Dept. CWA. 840'Latieur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00t per hour. -15-17 -- 1 10. Wanted (General) BOARDEft wanted. Phone JA 4-8737. -15 ROOM and board"for a retired gentleman (abstainer), would prefer private family. Willing, if necessary, to get own meals weekends or other times. Write Box 102, Signal -Star. 15-16x CONGENIAL girl to share apart- ment with another girl. Write 'Box 103, Signal -Star. -15 IfolifES •warited for seven Pups Phone JA 4-8090 after six p.m 114. Sexylces Available GARDEN tilling done reason- ably. Phone Don Campbell, -.TA 4-9673. -14tf , SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, It. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 442W6. 14-391( GARDEN tilling, and ploxing. None too- large nor too small. Bud Clements, phone JA 4-9503. 17 MARLATT'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE . Highest cash prices paid ,for sick, down and, disabled cows and horses.. Dead COWS and horses picked up for removal. Please phone promptly'. Callcollect BRUCE MARLATT Phone 133, Brussels Licence 95162B. 14-17x CUSTOM plowing, discing, culti- vating arid sowing, We special- ize in 'large acreages; else back, filling and light bulldozing. Prices reasonable. Phone Lyle Montgomery, Clinton HU 2-7231. • 14-16x _ PIANO TUNING - regulating, repairs, experienced. Eric W. Rice, Lucknow, R,R. 2. • Phone Lucknow 528 - 6695. 14-22x ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser- vice. Don Smith. 'For free demonstration phone Clinton 1115 2-7889. 246 Matilda St. -14-17 ACE Radio TV Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St., W., Gide- rich, Ont. Phone JA 4-7771. -31tf' LET us restore accuracy and beauty to your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment, Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. -42tf SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 9631. -31 tf SHARP? ARE THEY READY? Saws: hand and electric, hand power lawn mowers, cutlery, etc, C. H. Hoingie Huron Rd., opposite store. -1211 PAINTING and carpentry work • by eXperiented workman. 5., Phone Bill at eJA. 4-8642. 14-17x HIGH chair and child's corn mode wanted. Phone 8185-. - 15x LADY'S golf cart Wanted, used _ Phone 9106. -144 WOMAN wanted for genera cleaning one day per week, one storey home. ,Steady 'employ ment, hot dinner. -Write .Box 96, Signal -Star. -13tf ONE circular saw frame wanted, with or without saw And Man- drel. Phone Dungannon 11 r 1 -13tf liegivammocummor 1. Employment Wanted LIGHT trucking, clean ‘up yards, etc. Phone Harold Leddy, JA 4-7237. ,- ----------15-16x. LADY clerk desires position, ve years experience, refer- nces. Phone JA 4-7945 morn: ngs or write Box 99, Signal - Star. * 14x HEATED and newly decorated furnished room -Suit two work- fi ing girls. Hot plate if desired. e lyIrs. Ken Allin, 54 Victoria St. i -10tf MODERN, heated, furnished apartment, utilities paid, TV hook-up, laundry facilities. Adults only. Available middle of March. 'Apply 92 Cambria Rd., phone 9437. -10tf TWO-BEDROOM _apartment, self-contained, ground floer, close to uptown. . Phone JA 4- 7186. -13tf 6. Wanted To Refit! THREE- or four-bedroorn house wanted, must he in good condi- tion. Will sign a two-year lease. Possession by- June 1st. Con- tact Herh Lyon, % Bell Tele- phone - JA 4-8301 between 9 and 5. -15t1 WANTED to rent, three-bed- room house or larger, With (ur- nace, walking distance .of 'town centre. Possession July lst, or thereabout, for teacher. D. : Evans, Bloomfield, Ontario. -15-16 • 13. Auction Sales GLEARING Auction Sale of farm stock, implements and grain will be held for Howard Squire, lot 6, concession 10; Colborne Township, on MONDAY, APRIL 15 _:_at 1 p.m. This is registered herd of dual purpose Shorthorns. HOWard Squire, Proprietor. D. B. Blue, Auctioneer. 1.5x AUCTION SALE of modern hous'ehold effects from the home of Mrs. Carl Freeman, 192 Eliza - Dein St., Goderich, on SATURDAY, APRIL 20th . at 1:30 p.m, the folibwing: Spartan 21" TV; rofar and aerial; step end tala;.e; 3 wrought iron nesting tables; walnut, bookcase; 2 -piece modern ches- . erneid suite; Axminster rug, ' x 12' with under pd; Hard - ng rug, 9' x 12' with ' under Z ;walnut step tames; wai- reot,coffee table; 2 stereo speak - cabinets; electric door chimes; Wicker fern. .stand; ,2 table lamps; hob -nail table lamp; 3 -piece walnut :aimed) bedroom uite oUdFesser, high boy and bolfakc,ase bed with box springs efbariT.-nrattteai;th-TePiecee nut bedroom suite of double drawer dresser, chiffonier and bookcase bed with box springs and inner spring mattress; set of maple bunk beds; upholster- ed s-wivel chair; 5 -drawer chest; 5 -piece modern chrome suite; Frigidaire custom deluxe elec- tric' range with oven. window, automatic oven . and electric clock (nearly new); Sunbeam steam iron; G.E. iron; utility tablechrome step-up , steal; studio couch " and Matching chair; sanitary' canister; dishes; cooking utensils.,_ 24-cYlinder....1m5a mowerr child's • swinz.. child's glider; fish aquarium; 4 -piece luggage iet: children's toys; quantity of sealers; garden hose; garden 7. Teachers Wanted S.S. NO. 9, .Gaderich .Township, Ireq-jedretreac#ereefottea-erne 2 ern one -room school,- beginning - in September, 190. Apply. stating qUalifications, last in - specter and salary expected to Edwin C. Wise,Seeretary-Treas urer, R.R. 3, Clinton, Ont. • - • - -15-16. gonitummamppiympiiii . Help Wanted TELEPHONE „ SUPEAVISOR $3030 - $3480 EpARTMENT-OF-N,ATION-AL, DEFENCE (AIR) - —CENTRALIA, Ontario- , -- Preference in appointment given -to qualified residents of Centralia, Ontario. Ability- to supervise a tvtko�r - three panel ;PBX telephone switchboard; at least two years of eXperience as a full-time PBX, toll or Anformation tele- phone . switchboard -operator. For full particulars as. to resi- dence, qualification require- mentS and applieatiOn forms, see posters on diSplay at Na- tiOiral Employment Service and Post Offiees. ApPiy before APR/L 16c,,1,963 to the 'Civil Seriicerommis.ston, 25 St. Clair avenue Vast, Toronto 7, Ontario. Please tpioth iopettiort No. 6944155- .15' tools. TERMS--CASIT. . Mrs. Carl Freeman, Proprietress. Edward W. Elliott, Auet ioneer. • ° This is a high quality sale. Plan to attend. -1.5-16 fidliiiPLETE dairy herd dispers- al Of 40 head, fresh and spring- ing, Iiolstein cows and heifers, at 'the farm of Gerald Walter, cOneo4cion 0, Ashfield Township, TlitrilThAaStLY36 ApP.mR.III 18 This is a choice *tiering Of daffy oWs, Many produeing up to 18031bs-.-of milk. Gerald Walter, Pit piletor. MacItityre, Auctioneer. -15 11111E.11.1111111Miliets. 15. Notice To Creditors IN T112 ESTATE 'OF DANIEL BURL WIGGINS, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH; IN THE COUNTY OF HUR- ON, DECEASED. All persons - claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY, DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 -The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. ALL-- persons having claims against the Estate' of SUSAN- NAH HUNKING late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who - died on or about the 27th day of March, 1963, are required to file the same with full par- ticulars with the undersigned by the. 4th day of May, 1963, as after that.. date.' the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this _5th day of April, A.D. 1963. HAYS, P.REST & Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. -15-17 d aiNotice Co Creditors - - ALL persons naving against the estate of FRAWC WILLIAM JOHNSTON, lat4of• the Town of Gotierien; in" he CountY of Huron, nborer, who died on or about the 3rd day of April, 1963, are 17iquired to file the same with full particu, lars with, the unik.esigned by the 411i dav of 14»y, 1963, -as atter that dete th- assets -of the sstate will be distributed: Dated • et Go,derieh, Ontario; this 9th dav of Anil, A.D. 1963. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 1VIontreal St., Oderich, °Marie. -15-17 impoptimmemmes,... 16. Public- Notice MORTGAGE , money 'available on good residential properties. Call I:Jerold W. Shore, JA 4-7272, 38 Hamilton St. -1511 FINANCE, the purchase of your next auto -or- fatm machinery at bank rates through Harold W. Shore, 38 Hamilton St. Dial JA 4-7272. -15t1 VERNE BEAN of CarlOw, has changed -his shipping day for marketing hogs to MONDAY, starting APRIL 1st. His yard will be open every Monday thereafter. The receiving dead- line, 12 'o'clock noon. -12-15 HOLMESVILLE CEMETERY - The Council of the Township of Goderich intend to take im- mediate steps to- clear the ground, and otherwise imbrove she condition of the cemetery at Holmesville. This action has been requested . by Anglican Church, the Weed Inspectors, arali4nany individuals, but the Council would appreciate re- ceiving any suggestions from the families or relatives of those peOple interested in this cemetery. For further inform- ation contact any member of the Council, or the undersigned. R. E. Thompson, Clerk. -15 NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence Act Licensing District Number 2 Take notiee that Maitland Golf Club Limited, of the Town Of Goderich in the County of Huro-n, will make application at a special meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held al the Canadian Leg- ion, 48 Ontario. St., North, in the City of Kitchenql in the County of Waterloo, on Friday, the 10th day of May, 1963, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock, D.S.T. in the forenoon lot- the issu- aiite of 'a Club 'Licence, for the sale and consumption of liquor With or without meals in an - establishment classified as , Club, for the.following premises: Club House, Maitland G-olf Club, Goderich, Ontario. A two storey frame Club House located on the Maitland RiVer Flats in the Town of Goderich. This pro- perty is:known as part,of Block "I?" in the said Town of Gode- rich. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the appligation, and tire eiounds '-o-f---objeetion in .weitin .shaljJie filed' with Mn. R. B. Trott, the deputy registrar of the lic- ensing district, whose address is. DunkerBuilding„ Suite 4Q2, 251 King St. West, Kitchener, at least ten days before the meet- ing at which the 'application is to be heard. Dated at Goderich this llth I day of 'April, 1963. 'Maitland Golf Club Limited, Coderich, -Donald MacFevan, President, Goderich, Ontario, LIILER.-14 ••04), of Mrs. (le Bacchler, who -,, April 10, In our hearts yet4,, lingers, Sweetly tender, foe There is not a day, k That we do not taiQ --Ever rernenikv, husband and 1.501111: plink v.C.Wr (111 need .APr childre, '10 b)." P' go everY ' regu areAlle: E. Cards oW' f. Th fled Jac ot IS - BEAN. --I wish, to -1 the.,e who sent ineo cards, and those at the funeral he My' mother passed cently. Mrs. aa BOGIE. -We do wanti our kind friends anl hors for the most evening held iet4 at Carlow Hall on A' and for all the heo presented to us, thoughtfulness is. grei preciated and will 't /be forgotten. Thank Robert and Lilliaa BOLTON. -1 wish to th 4V. N. Waters, the and hospital staff for kindness to me. thanks to the Sen101- 0 the ladies of Victotia and Knox churches, a those who remernkr with cards while apt heepital. Mrs. William BROWNLEE. - We vi thank our friends and bors for their kind sions of sympathy dor' - recent bereavement. thanks -to Rev. R. G. . Dr. W. N. Watters, then and staff of Alexandra pital for their thought! toward our sister. Arnold and Bill Br CLARK.- I would like lo Dr. Street, Myth, the n and staff of (71inton ho for their kincln(wi witilel a patient thore. Also thanks to thi• friends: sent flowers and cards thosP. Who \ kited me. Sirs. Margaret cORY.--Mr. and Mis. AV Cory wish to thank the' latives, friends and n hors for gifts, flowers, and telephone calls ree on the occasion of their en wedding anniversary, .0., HALLAHAN.-I wish to th all these who remerali me with cards, treats, ers and visits. Special th to Father 'McGuire, Dr.S and the nursing staff of ton. hospital;also sp thanks- to 'all those who h ed in any way. ' Billie Joe Hall IIOGGARTII.-:=We' wish to' tend a sincere "thank to all our friends and n bors for their flowers, sp ual-bouquets, cards_ande expressions or sympathy the time of our recent -eavement. We are grateful. Mrs. Harold J. 'lloggartht family. . _ IUGILL,-1 wish to thank friends, relatives and n bors for the eardi, lo and gifts 1 reeeival_whi was a patient in the tosp Special thanio, ro 1)1.. G. Mills, the nurse, and staff., would also like to-thanki those who visited Mrsea:lifford Ihup • -13-16 invwxstrarrsz--asaanionmaillb 17. Business Notice FULLER Brush products. Spec- e ials-mothprodfer spray and mop 'heads, ending this Sature ay. Phone- Tom Cooke JA 4- 9514 or 151 Wilson St. -15-16 ALL persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM HINTON MUSGRAVE, late of the Town of Strathroy, in the County of Middlesex, Retired, who died , on or about tfic llth day of Marc'h, 1963, are required to- file the same with full particulars with the under- s-th-e 20th day -et April; 1963, as after that date the assets of .the estate will be distributed., Dated. at Gesterich, Ontario, this 14th day of March, 1963. HAYS, PREST & RAYS, Barristers, etc., 33-1VIontreal St., - -13-15 - _ ALL persons having claims against the estate Of ARCHI- BALD HORTON, late of the Township of Colborne, 'in the' County of Huron, Retired Farni- erf Who died on or about ,the 18th day of March, 1"963, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 20th day erf April, 1963, as after that date the assets of the estate will be 'distributed. Dated- at Goderich, Ontario, this -21st Aim Marsh,- 1-9 1-17/1Ya; WIEST & HAYS, Barristers, etc, 33 Montreal St., Goderich-, Ontario. -13-15 - _ ALT, persons having claims against the ei,tate of TULIN late'of the Township of Goderich, in the County of -TITO ti, Primer and 'Carpenter, who died on oredimit 'he 1211i day of Marele 1963, are required -to-file the same with full partictilars with the undersigned by the 4111 day of May, 1963, as after that date the aSsets of the estate.Will be- disti'ibtec!, 1, Dated at Goderich-. Ontario, this 9th clav of. April, A.D.,1063. HAYS. PREST HAYS, Barristers, etc, — 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario.- . .1541 - • LADY'S watch found. Owner may have sameeby identifying, atid paying for this ad: 186 St. Dividat. -45 LEATHER case containing three keys lost last Saturday, vicinity of high school. Finder please leave with Tam Dougherty, 46 Nelson St.- -15 ' Lost on Mondayt• April if, cameo drop . earring. Finder lease. __return_ - _ _Signal -Star - RED key case lost. Finder nlease leave at Pincher's News Stand, Reward. -15 insimmaiskommim 19; Lost And Found, . , A. Births BERNARD. -At Alexandra Hes- pital, Goderich, on April 5, 1963, to -Mr. and Mrs. John Bernard, Goderich,- a son. KNOX.-.-Mr. and Mrs. David Knox, Goderich, wish to an- nounce the arrival :of their eechoSen- -daughtere • Li1nd a KNOOP.-At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on April 5, 1963, to Mr., and Mrs. Anthony Xnoop, R.R. 3, Goderich, a daughter. RYAN. -At Alexandra Hosnital, ' Goderich, on Anril 7, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Eueene - Ryan, Goderich, a on. TRANQUADA.-- At Alexandra Hospital. Goderich, on April 3, P6310 Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Triniquada,..Goderich, a son, I3arry Jude. ummaniaimaimmowniti'iosa( o C.,'Briefs , Order Shell furnace, stove oll, frOin Edwar tank% truck dealer for, Oil Co: Tiroduois ''.4-83tio. *64 and Shell n # 49tf Chapel, , tarnity of lee F. IV. •Winsion wish thank their many friends latives and neiehh6rs forth Oriel acts, beautiful flu tributes, loan or cars and pession of SytHHatilY ili their " bereavement. Spec thanks to the Legion Amu iary and Mr. and Mrs. Stiles. -1 PATERSON.--Mr. and Mrs.„Ge W.. Paterson wish -to than Their iiiany-friends-fal kindners ire so rrrany.w during their recelt ilin Special thanks to Dr..1. Leitch and the staff of Alt.; andra Marine and Genet. Hospital while Mr. Patera)i was confined to hospital. TAT EM,• -=';T- iff-thnuglitftilirefl and Sympathy; extended 11 Our friends and neighboli during our recent vrrowtvill always remain with us'asl lasting memory. Our-eitere thanks to all. James H. Phalen and fainily. -15 TEP11ENS.----My sincere thanki t6 all the many friends who remembered me with cards, gifts, flowers and- while I was a patient in toria Hospital, London. A *eclat thank -you to leY pupilsa-L.Victori a saga and Rev. and Hoopen. M. IL Stephens. •'15e wigsmimiimma.~0,00. gngagements W.'S:. Ingham Ni1(7. Jardine, Suromerside, announces the engagement of her (laugh' ter, Mary Rebecca, to Mr. .1a01e5 Grata Xalbflersch, son of Itr. and, Mrs. Claude g. KalbfiNse)),, Goderich. The marriage will take place early in May. The engagement is annotineW _ of Elizabeth Jean, daughter oh Mr. atitl/frs. Wi11iatl J. BeitY to Itoriald 1VicPherson Hamiltoni Son of Mr. and Mrs: Wilmer. Hamilton, all, of Goderich. The marriage will ,take place 01 20, 1963, lit Knox Presbyle0 KI WED ALI bet1 .15 IV( The wl colo finishe ma