The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-04, Page 19'.t FOR A GREEN.ER THUMB by .G. MacLeodRoss THE SCENT OF MUSK One day, some years ago, we had just reoccupied an old fort in Waziristan without opposi- tion. Then, next day, the In- dian tahsildar—the representa- tive of civil law, such as it was in those parts, came to me and said: "I smell, a rat in the air!" Again, one day last week, the scent of musk was in the air in Goderich. However, this was "not the long lost scent of the musk flower which dis- appeared so suddenly some years ago and has never been recaptured. On, the contrary, this was a long and beautifully auburn haired customer which, quite naturally seemed at the time, was requiring the atten- tion of a hairdresser and find- ing the door open, entered and solicited attention. And what a tail it had! When I arrived with my hair h the same condition of, PHOTO. BY. R. J. NEP=HEW some iioribttnda canes /oohed green right to the top. A .newly planted climber which 1 had covered with a bushel basket, in addition to the soil piled up around ait, also looted green and healthy over the full ex- tent of its shoots. The bulk however, protected only by earth mounds had not been deeply covered with snow and. so it appeared that a gold deal of pruning would be necessary. it is not suggested that this is the moment to prune hybrid teas; it should.be done just �oefore growth begins. Remove the dead wopd; cut an inch or two under dark colored areas and if no buds are left, clip the entire branch. Cut off all weak growth and any canes sprouting towards ' the centre of the plant. Where two branches cross remove the weaker one. Shape by cutting in mut healthy canes to a uniform length, if not of color, the ton- height, but save as much wood sorial artist was engaged in I csnessshould bele. ts just aboveon ha strong outward facing bud. ,After a harsh winter such as last where plant tops have been killed, not much shaping is possible, so save all the live wood and prune down to about 1.2 inches. Floribundas may be pruned as for hybrid teas, but if you prefer taller bushes, keep them at 18 inches, even when the winter has been rigorous. Tree roses should be pruned as soon as they are set upright. After severing all .dead wood, cut the live canes back to six or eight inches from the crown to encourage compact and vig- orous growth. The large flowered and ever - blooming climpers do not de- velop as much new growth eac year as the hardier climbers, The targe flowered and ever - blooming varieties bloom only on second year or older wood, so make sure you preserve this, When ever -blooming climbers have finshed the original bloom, only flowers should be removed as reblooming occurs from top leaves just under flower clust- ers. - Shrub roses should be pruned after they dower and then LINFIELD-McWHINNEY trying to get his prior customer p into the chair. This I. ,, FIELD — McWHINNEY "• DESCHAMPS — HOLLAND I be a matter fraught with con- e marriage was solemnizedA wedding of interest took siderable difficulty, whether Place in Ottawa recently,•unit- from shyness or lack of accus- Victoria Street . United Pg Beverley Jean Holland, Comment was not made clear. ch manse on Saturday, ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fortunately there is a hard and ch 23, of- Marie McWhinney C. Holland and Maurice Adrian ,fast rule of the establishment Jerry Linfield with Rev: Deschamps, son of •IVIr. and Mrs. that ir f in 'youotlie chair and I . Dukelow•performing the Rene lose Deschamps. Y The bride, given in marriage was able to obtain attention to ceremony. Ole ring Eby her father, wore a white my own flowing locks out • of e is the daughter of ley peau de sole lioor-length gown turn. At the time -of writing Mrs. Elmer McWhinney, with a lace bolero. Her shoul- it is not known how the visit crick, and the grooms par - der -length veil was held in place will end, but it must be stated, are Mr. and Mrs. Allin by a rhinestone crown .and in all truth, that the "prior eld, also of Goderich. she carried a cascade of white I customer" seemed more inter - he bride chose a three-piece carnations and red roses. .ested in. house hunting than in ilio knit suit with a white Her only attendant was her (,hairdressing and to this extent msey, white accessories and Barbara, dressed in a',perhaps it should have tried a orsage of pink roses. She sister, pink peau de soie, street -length 1 few doors further up at the attended -L --by her sister, bara McWhinney of Gode- h,who xorea gold two-piece en suit «'ith white acCes- ies and a corsage of . yellow es. ill Linfield of Toronto was brother's groomsman. he guests were received qt Club Grill by the bride's ther Te'e'ing a navy blue eta dress with .white--acees- •les and a corsage of red mations. The groom's -me er assisted iii a blue wool eath dress with brown vel - t trim, brown accessories and carnation. corsage. R. TT..11 The bride topped her ,wed ng ensemble with a heiee to- 'Stratford; . I Mr. and Mrs. John I the various roses had ar Holland, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Where the -snow had drifted, at fox her wedding trip to Murray Holland, Woodstock, and . orthern and Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (Sandy) The yours'e couple will reside Milne of London Prior to her marriage, the -ide was entertained at two owers given in her honor by iss Sylvia Smith and Mrs. ack Kni,ht. Chilclren's Aid Groups Up Eijht.County.a Conferen�ilere. e -Group ,,discussion$ on a wide 'conference, besides Huron, Peel, range of subjects related to 1 Grey, i3ruco, Dulfer n, Simcoe, Ontario"and York. Children's Aid waitare stile.gm. . duled4fOr an eight -county con- HEART ATTACK ference of board .tnemhers to be held here on Saturday, April ' Mr. Glen Lodge, proprietor of 6. Sessions commence at 10 a.m , at North Street:"`1`Iruted Church, with registration a half-hour earlier. Ex -warden W. R. Jewitt, president of Huron Coun: ty C.A.S., will be in the chair for the forenoon group discus- sions. J. 13. SLcinner, Grey dtr ector, Miss C. ,McGowan, Hurgn director, 13. G. Hanly, Huron C.A.S.treasurer, and II. S. Cong- Veteran of stage, screen, radio and television, actor Austin Willis has an eye for the off- beat and for the interesting events that happen all around us. He relates' examples from his collection of tales of Cana- diana each Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the CBC radio network program Matinee With real estate office. Returning home, I looked up the book on Ondatra zloethica to see that dress with a lace bblero. Her headdress was a pink pillbox hat with shoulder length veil and she carried a ,bouquet of I the first litter appears March pink and white carnations. The groom was attended by his brother, Octave Dogbhamps. The ushers were Ernest 'Des- champs and Rene Deschamps, brothers of the groom. - The. reception was held in the dining room of the Butler Mo- tor Hotel, Montreal road, East - view. After a short honeymoon the couple are residing in Ottawa. now'that practically all the„ Those attending from out of snow has melted,. I Was par - town were Mrs. r. T) __ n.,,7 11ieularly interested to see how, f ed to April with the last of three,, and the .largest, appearing, in late summer. There is just a pdssibility that -it was not a permanent that that gorgeous dark rusty pelt was seeking and - so we must possess our souls in patience until summer answers the riddle. Pruning Roses Looking round the garden Lodge Furniture Store, suffered a' heart attack Saturday after- noon and was taken to Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital. He was in an oxygen tent for several days and is now reported to be improving slowly. The towns of Dock Island, Quebec, and Derby Line, Ver- mont, share a public library that don or Miss Jane Barry of :straddles the international Bruce C.A.S., are Scheduled toI boundary. lead discussion in the 'various.' categories. At the luncheon period, the board members will hear H. H. Dymond, executive secretary et the Ontario Association of Child- ren's Aid Societies. Discuss Duties In the afternoon, "Duties of Board Members" will be the subject of an address by Rev. R. G. MacMillan of Oakville, former minister of Knox church here. This will he followed by a discussion panel, with Chester Emmerton of Bruce, a Provinc- ial Board member, as chairman, and representatives from Brucf Grey and Huron participating. Miss McGowan will present a report - from the discussion group, and a 20 -minute period has been scheduled for resolu- tions or -other lilisiness. Huron Committee The Huron . committee ranging the program comprised Mrs. K. Johns, clerk -treasurer John Berry, Miss McGowan, Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore and President Jewitt. . Counties participating in the The 0041011 Sigt .-Stagy 'hUrsday, Aril 4tfl, 10 63. 1fi .4`ilI . YOUNO'STER i Parents are reminded that at this time of year it's especially: dangerous for toddlers to play on es 1 i; a so °amalt`, • it �• a s�ttle :fox; Lind oexcavation•s.�yhIf�yon i have yo:tngt)ters to keep away fz'o anynear .your home be tsttrL' I them.. - tiny children. stay away frO ' them, now that, 1PpOther armor and ice is thinning Evennafter the .ice isIVOK small !foolscnn lead to drown-' prune out merely to. thin or to remove worn canes. This -ariety does best when allowed to develop its natural shape. Hardy ramblers are . also pruned just after flowerig when old wood is removed. In spring remove only dead wood and weakened branches. The removal of living wood at this time merely decreases the num- ber of flowers this season. The first Canadian coins were 5- and 15 -sol. silver pieces, is- sued by Louis XIV of France. i WE BUY Y WRECKS Beverley is a granddaughter - FOR PARTS of Mrs. C. R. Holland and the late Mr. Holland and of Mr. J. WE SELL PRT S B. Milne and the late Mrs. Milne FOR of Welland, formerly of Gode (tight now we're wrecking: rich. 57 Pontiac sedan, 6 cyl.; 57 Ford Fairlane 500, hard top; 56 Ford hardtop; 57 Chev. coach; 56 Vanguard. WANTED: scrap cars. HigTie'st cash prices. The principal naval base of 1 e British Isles is Portsmouth, in Munica, Germany. The A cisli ampshire. TYie town has ex Mennonites, as .a church, da e ,ted al least since the sixth from 1690, when. they separat _�r�t-uy but did not become a ed from the Mennonites in Swit- aeal ba:“, until the reign of I zeriand an /sate, preferring 1 enry Vill Its Royal Dock- i .a more stri` way of life. . and comprises about 500 acres `--- drydocks, repair basins, IFOR DEAD OR DISAliLE� arv:e� and_ebuildi many ,s'oric. Nelson's ags ii ---- ---- NIS Victory,_as..on view: The fl gTp A3'dfiVlA L ocelists. Charles Dickens, CALL COLLECT - George 3lerecli h and Sir Wal- ter Besant, were` all born in DARLING AND COMPANY or .smouth. .,AiLish, settlement in Canada /),'gars in 1824. in Wilmot Town- hitr, Ontario, The, land given these devout farmers was prey OF CANADA LTD. Clinton - HD 2-7263 Collect. Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 iously .owned by a sympathizer j TF Jamesi1haLdsoit& Sons Ltd. "Serving the Yeed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONF, JA 4-8383, GODERICH OR: GEN;ERkLiNSiJRAWC See KEN CROFT • FIRE - AUTO -- LIABILITY--- CASUALTY-,-Phone ,IA 4-725 3 We are Exclusive AgenVs for FAMOUS lit 1G14AM P1PES 1N THIS AREA . " Sale's and ,service .. GODERICH NEWS STAND `ON tHe SQUArte AY COLBORNE ST. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. "Open •Every Day" The Esquire Restaurant ar- The Square-Goderich-JA 4-9941 SPECIAL: re -cap snow -tires. Nol trade-in required. $11.75. One /ear warranty. ' CLERE-VU SUN LIFE a progressive company in a jn'ogres'i2'e - i i (:L us t rte CORDON T.-WESTIAKE- AUTO\VC(1RS phone 6.0ayfield�--_-. Highway No. 8 at Holmesville. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 41tf1 SAN,®rBLASTING Buildings, trucks, all steel. works Jack -hammer work ,, HO SE FO;` SALE BY TE;'DE Sealed tenders will be received up to 5 P.M., Mond* ', April 8th, for the purchase of the House and lot situated on the South-east corner of 'Victoria and St. David Sts.' (Formerly. Robertson House). Full size lot approx. 104' frontage on Victoria St. A certified cheque for 20% to accompany tender and the balance payable within 30 days. Arrangements to view the house may be made by contacting Mi'. C. M. Robertson, Park Street. Yry Tenders to be addressed to Alexandra Marine & General Hos- pital, Goderich, Ontario. Att. Mr. S. Prevett. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. { Mr. S. Prevett, Chairman, Board of Governors Alexandra Marine & General Hospital ..� 12-14 Something new for torte growers is Aero Urea --tile biggest bag of nitt-o gen you can buy, lets you apply the Cyttd -hero Urea Atrazine nitrogen before planting: Broad Program. Spray Cyttoi at 1 gallon cast 100-300 lbs. per acre and work per acre asp soon as quackgrass is As another step towards the con- trol -of in the sprung. After 7-10 r>f after planting, days- t trod of -most weet<is, . A Urea let the ground settle until just be white, fore or a fter'einergence. Then spray long-last- ing I t t form. if in i 1 . Atrazin at ti lb. of 50% per acre. ram -Control quackgrass with Cytrol keep yields uj with Aero Urea; control broad-leaved weeds With Atrazine Remdmber the program -Control iss- when the quackgrass urns bite plow or cultivate. ero r supplies fast -acting and ong- as - ing nitrogen in an easy-to-use o . Cyanamid of Canada Limited, Montreal, 2,,Quebeo CORN SERVING .THE MAN WI(ISE 'BUSINESS IS AGRICULTURE US -We spill more than others use= to v f, Canadian winters can very quickly turn your car into the wallflower o `the used cartot. Rusta'nd corrosion take years off a car's value.• We've seen figures that say it can cost you up to $100 a year in,repair bills. Rambler checks rust' and corrosion before it starts. Here's how: —GAMIANIZINt F -or 1963_ att Ramblers have 75% more galvanized metal than before. This is concen- trated 'in critical areas such as the rocker panels which are constantly exposed to salt. ti T. rya keep your Rambler young for years TRIPLE ENAM-ELLING A chip -resistant, salt-resis tant super camel is sprayed ant baked on.A second and third coat follow immediately, then are baked to DEEP -DIP The enirecarbodyissubmergedintosix separate tanks., Each time, a solution cleans, scours and prepares the surface.Of the metal. PRIMER DIP The car is dip'ped'again, right up to the roof, in rustproofing primer paint. It gets more ru,tproofingthan any other Canadian car. (And we pill, literally, more than others use.) The body then receives a second primer which is sprayed on. Well over 15 pounds of rustproofing primer now coat the steel. After this, the primer paints baked on. a durable gloss.. SEALING A corrosion -inhibitine Max compound is sprayed inside girdets, rocker panels and fenders. A sealer compound is also L nra „'ed on critical under- body areas to provide add -r Toner t r(Jtection. -- Sounds elaborate? It is. process maikes your-a--.- R-ambler the most completf;i" rust nr^� � :�:r if, the world. Itcuts depreciation, ru -t (Hit rc'1 sts.;A sir painting co net It keep's tobehold,yectrsl0M er.(�f,ll', t.:�'��;r,�� f '.i�° +.�r• our ,tr<�t',; Po,%er. F,,� .in - down be amazed at y the Rambler feat,tre� t'��tt down on all��rl imum usefulness to the user, st a 'r_oo dealer soon. n„ • 4-9&3 Winner of the coveted Motor Trend magazine -Car of tis Year" award. "For outst5nding design achievement and engineering leadership" THE LOW-PRICED AMERICAN SIX • THE POPULAR CLASSIC SIX • THE POWERFUL AMBASSADOR V&- • — . SERVICE ....... F'H�t� JA. 4•°9i5b'i^ HAYFIELD ROAD.. ' • r .t