HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-04-04, Page 18The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday', April 4th, 1963 as, il4:tu4,,r,,i1 i, : ,,millaiiiiil7r aililrrrinunirmrorinial^t711;!?,f8,a uDU;ultiorrnilf glii11 RI1fi({U (11 i!n`A a , ill: y f°. SUG 1. and SPICE u0uilln11214 By Bill _.Smiley Something Unprecedented, u called for, and unmistakable happening to Qur good, g Canadian people. 'their feel- ings �'e showing. 1l i iEillllllljlluni stream. His ink -like blood is aboil. Strange, savage snarls Is-; are escaping his thin -lips. Deep ray within him, a Beast is being aroused. • He's prying up the stones of his patio to hurl at somebody, though he• isn't quite sure whorjt is. Gone is his decent reserve. VaniShed is his phlegmatic calm. s: , Ripped to ribbons is his ancient m, fear that somebody might think One of the things I've always admired about us Canadians has been our dour lack ot, re- sponse to any of the usual stand- ard emotional stimulant Queen, country, flag, anthe -politics, religion. Latin races are expected to Itie excitable, emotional, voluble and revolutionary'. !Nobody is_ /surprised when ,a Teuton wants to beat you up one minute and sob over a song the next. Scan- dinavians are noted for their moodiness. Slays are explosive Asians form shouting mobs Africans are unpredictable. Not us. At least, we neve were before. Compared to us the Yanks ham/always always bee a wildly emotional nation. Eve the British, who pride them selves on their reserve, ar sloppy and sentimental romper ed to us. Or at least they used to be. We have always been thorny owly, surly, ornery, indepenci ent and deeply unenthusiastic greople. We have been unim- pressive, perhaps, ,but also un.- ampressed. • Other nations have had pro- cessions .ind parades.' The peo- ple turn out in hundreds of thot.sands to cheer. at the tops of their, voices, wave flags, surge agaii*t the police lines. We have had our parades, too. • If it's not a nice enough day to go for a picnic, or play golf, or go fishing, or work in the garden,- Canpdians will turn out in their handfuls for a parade. They will stand in their scanty ranks, stonily watching anything from a prime minister to a Santa Claus parade. Oc- 'casionally, if it's the Queen or • • r n gone haywire. "PM JEERED n BY STUDENTS," says the head _ line. "HECKLERS DIStt lJ r e MEETING," it says. "SPEAKER - HOWLED DOWN," it gloats 'Isn't that enough evidence for anybody? The Canadian public, famous for its total, soporific calm during election campaign, is aroused. The tiger is loose. Can you actually conceive the picture of an honest, placid Canadian standing up and ask- ing questions at a polit,ical meet- ing, unless he was drunk? Can you imagine sensible Canadian voters- cheering, except .at a { hockey game? , he was displaying emotion. new,- ,strange violence surges through his knotted veins. There's going to be terror in the land. I can feel it. • "Nonsense," you say. Oh, ye I can hear you. "Piffle an poppycock," you sneer. Al right, don't believe me. Bu don't say 1 didn't warn you. Just take a look at your .daily newspapers. It's all right there. Your fellow Canadians have eco . Group Visits DJJMCO Ten trade representatives of foreign countries visited the Dominion Road Machinery Com- pany's Goderich plant last Wed- nesday. The tour, sponsored by the federal trade and commerce de- partment, included represent- tives from Lebanon, Jordan, India, Norway, Argentina, Eng land and Paraguay. They were taken on a tour of the plant by resident , Jii.tn K. Sully and later were guests of the company at a dinner in the Redford Hotel. Poiic;e Budget Set At $40,000 Hoye Constable The budget for the operat:on ,)f Goderich Police Department was set at $40,000 ,at the regu lar meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners 1"ridaj I .P , JNiQOGK, + UE$T SPEAKER Friendst- Vi s , S sits . eed�� Recover '10OfMental Patients, 4•urses ToJd•. Dr, D. M. Moogk, 11I.A., assist- ibility of preventing and treat - ant superintendent at the On- ing mental illness. He told the nurses there was a real need for a "sheltered workshop" in Huron County where\ ex -patients would be re- tained in working conditions. "Many mental handicapped people are unable, because of long illness or severe symptoms, to compete., with' well workers in the•labor.inarket," he stated. He also zieported many 'lonely peg ie finch it diliicult to fit into ordrnary social organizations where they must dress well and share responsibilities in the operation of the group. The nurses were. told that in many cities and towns the Can- adian Mental Health Association has organized "half -way clubs" where -0' ex -patients and other:- may ther: may find fellowship and where the atmosphere is relaxed and undemanding. Dr. Moogk - urged ever y one interested in helping those with mental health problems to giye their fullest support to the Mental Health Associ- tario Hospital, Goderich, told the members of the Huron County Chapter of Registered .Nurses Association that if neigh - bars. and fellew workers were willing to put up with unusual behaviour in others, some peo- ple with minor symptoms would recover more quickly and never have to go to mental -hospitals. Speaking at their March meet- ing at the hospital, he 'said that when in spite of the best efforts of all (the family doctor, the minister or teacher) to help the person with his problem, admi-- sion to hospital for treatment is necessary, recovery is spetAl if friends visit and if the family is willing to take the patient home as soon as possible. • Dr. Moogk gave a resum9 ' the "Dymond Report" which outlined plans of the Provincial Department of Health to provide mproved and expanded facil- ities. for the prevention and treatment of mental illness. He noted the place of the Mental Hospital in the Com- munity Health Program' but pointed out there is need for individuals and groups within every communi,ty to share with the professional workers in the mental health field the respons- S, I \,larch 22, repro_:tinting a -small d increase over the actual 01)1.- 1 .'ting, en its of last year: Joan System The board aI-o accepted the wo:king agreement with the Goderich Police Association previously ratified, and auth- or:zed- the secretary to notify th-' secretary -treasurer of the • Ontario, Municipal Employc,'s 'etirement System that the board hr d elected to join the • system. As a resttlt, all eni- p10 , oes joining the force, or the • nunicipal payroll, will come under the retirement tent after one year of continu- ous service. Engage Constable Robert F. Craig of Scarbor- ough was engaged as Probation. Constable at—a salary of $3,550 and will 'commence his duties here April 14. He was selected from five applicants who appeared before the hoard, namely: Paul McAlliine of Toronto, Willard Morris of Owen Sound, Elgin McNall of Goderich and John Ruxton of Port Elgin. The board granted a travel allowance of $10 each to the unsuccessful candidates to -'-'-cover costs of their trip here. Raise Salaries On' motion -_of_- Judge F'rarik Fingiand and Magistrate- H. Glenn Hays, the salary of Chair man-E.T. Fisher was increased by $80- per annum to $200 per annum, and 'that of the secre- tary- from $100 to $200 per annum. The other board mem- bers remained ---on the present rate. The annual report by Chief Constable -F: Minshall, was pre- sented to the board and accept- ed, and has been 'dealt with in detail in a separate news story in this issue of The Signal - Star. It is said that 'when the mad - stone is applied to any wound inflicted by a mad dog, hydro• ihoiJia is prevented. A choco- late -colored madstone in the A Wvas _ oTr -'orri- fr-tn i Scotland in. -1776. It is report - .to have been employed against the venom of- a mad dog 130 tirries—all successfully —during its American career. Belief in the madstone's strange power goes back many centur- ies in .the Orient. • * Winston Churchill or somebody of equivalent rank, there might be.a gentle patter of handclap - ping. Once in a while, some eccentric will actually cheer— one little hurray! He subsides immediately, " horribly embar- rassed, while everyone in his vicinity stares at him coldly. In other countries, university students write poetry, join par- ties, man _the barricad,+ss,march on the palace, -'s die for their ' adeals. In this country, the uni- versity students write -letters- home for money, go to parties, man the bas's, march to the folknik joints, and die at a ripe old age, usually for their high living. * * But things are changing. The solemn, cynical Canadian is be- ing swept out of his quiet back- water into the seething main - E • Best Varieties • High Germination • Reasonably Priced You would have to be a super - 'expert to look at two samples of seed and -be' able to tell which one is better. But if one sample -bears the name "Jones, MacNaughton" you know at a glance that it is reliable, de- pendable and top value for your. i .t'rtoney. Over the years, Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have built up '5 reputation for reliability and ;fairdealing, that is your :best 4 in►tur'ance against disap- pointment. Buy from your local d ale r—eontplefe list on re- JOIMtS; acN UGHr. O i ``1]Ds� Dieter, 235-0363. Cirtdifoit, °23466363',. London :432-22SR The 1963 election is going to go down' in history. It may not solve anything, politically. but emotionally it will, - sym-bolize the time when the wild, free--,s'pijrit of • the Canadian people burst loose, and we were revealed for ° the tempestuous, exotic, romantic ra,ee: we really are. It's beautiful, somehow. And, somehow, sad. For generations there was nobody , l ike us. And now we're„ just going to be like everybody else. :,: :s: a: Farm Picture In Huron I1OL'1IES ii.T-E. - ,Huron County, , has only 137 farms consisting of 400 acres or more in contra -t to 5,100 fa: ms each hae ing than 4(.0 acre.:, Ae -oruo.; to the Pillcen !t'i. So stated Ian McA1lisger of Zurich at the Goderich 7, o"'ri-hip F� ei- ei'aflon. in; here o'i :i:,rch 21:!. :•1: .Aic.111'-ter th'' n).° ject of "T:•ends in Agricu:- ture in Huron." They z;u,•.t peaker anted a trend in Huron to growing more corn. II' caiiit.on-d against over -spending g on equipment to handle- corn craps, until growers are sure their so:1 is suitable and also fits into their overdl'l plans. Next meeting is to be Fam- ily Night with ladies in charge of the program. OBITUARY • JOHN SPOOR A---susnaier -resident -at Blue - water Beach for some year where he also conducted an antique business, Jack Spoor ied suddenly at his home. in Birmingham, Michigan, on March 25th.. _Mr_ Spoor had ail atitgfie sµhop%n Birmingham lso and was active in a re- erve unit... of _the= -ILS, - N :- d a E. H. (AL) CLOSE The death occurred at Vic- toria Hospital, London, last Thursday' of E. H. (Al) Close, 883, retired Seaforth barber, who was bandmaster of the Blue Water Band at Goderich about ten Oars ago. Over the years he led several bands including those of Seaforth, Clinton, Mit- chell arid Hensall. He began his musical. career at the. age. of nine when he : and his five brothers played in a. -band at Stratford. At one time he was regarded as -one of W stern. Ontario's foremost cornet play. I ers. The funeral service was held at Seaforth on Saturday with, interment ih Maitland Bank cemetery. Canadian ation. Over 60 nurses attended the lViltarch meeting and a length' discussion was held on the sta- tus of the new College of Nurs- ing. It 'was pointed out, that only 4. Business Dfrethry + INSURANCE 'REAL ESTATE W. J. HUGHES FIRE and AUTO - 50 ELGIN AVE. E. Phone JA 4-8526 Roy N.. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. Phone JA 4-9521 GODERICH — ONTARIO If You're TIRED ALL THE -TIME Now 'and then everybody gets rt - "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidner-Jjlls,.Dodd'a-help.___ stimullate'-the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling; Then you feel better, rest better work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box witir•the red band at all drug counters►You c(tn_deptedeivDedd--a,,so- Before Julius C'ai sar, yc'forin eel the, Roman calendar in 44 13.C., Novt'rahrr had 29 hays i+t stead of the f resent s30.. The Romans nearly clro,ngod its naive to that of Tiberius; how- ever,' that celebrity declined the honor. :The Anglo=Saxoris call, ed `" November Wiridnionatlt (wind -, IIilOittll) arid '1 odloriatti :(blood ii>lorttki) horn the alaugh ; ter of tattle, ifl► L itt Seaton. (while space is available) , F OR REGISTERED GUESTS ' '• .IN DOWNTOWN. 413 FAMILY RATES No Charge for Children 12 and Under 1* $ho centee'of all downtown attIvities. Newl decorat,.ed, Ultra inodein, comfortable gue, rooms. 'bicellent food at moderate prices, i our modern toffee shop and cafeteria. Radio, Television Rooe, Available. Air Conditioned foams in:fe'aten. 800 ROOMS WITH BATH from rioter I FOR THE BEST IN PORTRAIT$ CALL, PHONE OR WRITE DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 St. David Street TELEPHONE JAckson 4-8787 Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER PHONE JA 4-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton STILES AMBULANCE Roomy — Comfortable ---Anywhere—, Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142 17 Montreal St., Goderich CaII Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NiGHT Prompt — Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE JA 4-7401 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST - F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square JA 4-7661 • Mechanical and Body Repairs, Wheel Alignment and Bal- ance, Window Replacements, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich , Phone JA 4-7231 George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualty and Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 319 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE. -AND, REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg.' Goderich. Phone JA 4-9662. A. J. Alexander, Res. JA 4-7836. d. F. CHAPMAN, Res. JA 4-7915. 4 registered nurses and registered ILUrsin;,g, a s tants -ars iiex*ed'kl,cr.Fso iby the College tot practise their proiesaion. Since the College came into Being the registered nurse is now 1t�nowa as leg. N. and, thel registered nursing assistant as R.N.A. The .meeting went on record to take every opportunity to in- form the public of the • status of the qualified nurse. • • Plans were made for 'the dis- trict meeting to bp ' held on April 1Z at the Ontario Haspital, Goderich, at which Huron • County chapter will be ho:;tes's, March 23, when his ability . wast paired t y alcohol or drug. Culbert also pleaded ',guilty of having liquor in !unlawful place on the same da and was fined '$35 and costs, or seven days, lois licence wa suspended for one year. Remanded Glen Charles Allen, Goderich was remanded for one week when he appeared charged with disturbing the peace and quie of a dwelling house by diseharg ing firearms on March 23, in Goderich. Allen was also charg- ed with being intoxicated in a public place on March 24,.and remanded for one week. He was also charged with damag- ing furniture, the property of Mrs. Charles Reid, Goderich, on March ' 24, and remanded for one week. Gerald Buruma, 19, R.R. 2, Clinton, was fined $20 and costs, , or ;four days, when he pleaded guilty to having liquor in Stan- , 'TREAT PILES tQ ley Townsbi i on N.tar h }S, in air !unlawful place. an Gerald Hinz, 19, R.R. 1, Born-� holm, was fizzed $25 aitdsts to or' five days, when hem eaded, guilty to 'having liquor" #Iu1 lett TownshA.p on March I0; in .an unlawful place. John Charles McKay, RCAF ' Station, Clinton, was fined. $50 and coats,,.oi' seven clays, when he pleaded guilty to unlawfully, t 'having care and control Of a. ' Irietor vehicle in Tuekeramith e• A ` Hear Six .Cases In Court Here In court here last Thursday; Magistrate Glenn Hays sentenc- ed Robert Graham Lindsay, St. I. Thomas, to five .months deter- minate and 12 months indeter- minate in an Ontario reforma- i tory, when he pleaded guilty to unlawfully entering the dwelling - house of •A. H. Mc- Lean, Ashfield Township, on March 19, and committing an indictable ,offence therein. Impaired Norman Melville Culbert, 22, of Dungannon„„wa-s fined $125 and costs, or 14 days in jail, after pleadiig guilty of driving a motor vehicle in Goderich- on savommirmotarr 'minnow the MECCA wax Relieve pile pain with antiseptic Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 with ingredients containing herbs for shriildng and healing swollen piles. Sold at all druggists. 1 MECCA PILE REMEDIES No. 1 for INTERNAL PILES No. 2 for EXTERNAL PILES SHELL F OFFERS FRE UR ER SERVO From •J1d_ward ,Fuels You Get : • annual burner and furnace conditioning. e mid-season check of your heating equipment. © emergency service anytime. ALL FOR THE PRICE OF THE OIL ONLY EDWAR OFFERS Township on March 16, while his ability to do so was impair- ed by alcohol or drug. A Personal Mention' is welcome. k�- It is recorded -.that i�ay (500 years old, aGcQrdin Hebrew scriptures, , fathered Shem, Halal a i th, from wheal ,Lite man descended. N,pat sly and animals ee barkei Ark when he was,'600 died 350 years' later, The total 4 fedevaar Oa' and municipal ,,fit' stet ,•health and wall' ° grams will be $3 8 b' Canada • in the cot�ig there is a "statutorp matte, increase of abtiul, 000,00.0 in such speri year. Goderich Kinsmen Club. PAPER DRIVE Wednesday, May 8, START SAVING YOUR PAPER NOW • Notice • If you would keep hard bound, or paper back hooks ser arate we will deliver them to the Ontario Hospital for to, by the patients. 13.16 it `Ii061-4(Seitrii Y:. j'1� ”, .r. 0';.. �� ,': P�'•4'r:x �"`11? -': fl 4��' Seed Barley Contracts Seed Grain AA Fertilizer Dealer FIE. err Vic h ch 2 Jer. bleu ei eric ai eld he l ble Huse ors. a bar h,x) en ies es. 11 bi he C Lhe eta ries rnal er eatl t tr car The ng at. ortl Thi H Pri ride o\• iss ack ELS Drop in and see us for your Spring requirements. Seed and fertiliser supplied for barley contracts. . you the choice of service man. If you have a favorite serv- ice man, he may do your burner service work. YOU have the choice. THE WEST WAWANOSI1 1yIUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.' Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD 'OF D iREC T -O R'S - -- President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R.-1, Dungannon; George, C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. -MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich: Allan Maclntyre, R. 5, Lucknow, Wm. Wiggins, R, 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thompson, Dungannon, phone Dungannon 48. • HURON CO-OPERATIVE ME37ICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans' at Cost REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE'= 'SERVICE— . All makes — All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES 59 Hamilton St. "The Store That Service Built" Ben Chisholm Esso' Imperial Products 20 Albert St., Goderich Office --.JA 4-7502 Home—JA 4-7835 tf Butler Dooley, Butler, , yi Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 Nortll Street. JA 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO. . 3?tf the way _ o RTs_: G RS - President, Fordyce Clark, BR 5, Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow;" Mrs. O. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, 'Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel: Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell -T. Bolton, RR -.I, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR `2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodburn. C. H. Magee • Secretary -Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary • For information, .`5 call ..your nearest director of our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751. or see your CO-OP representative GEORGE TURTON 319 Huron St., Goderich Ont.. Phone JA 44411 SACIKO SRAM) CIRCUS PARK DETROIT, MieliiGAli Harty E, Poiseh, den. Mgt. EDWARD FUELS Your Shell Fuel Oil Distr;butor 13 tf Phone 24 or 249 ERIENCE as no substitute . . . and experience was neifer more needed -than today am stee avi an er the tou ,H If you want a government in Canada for Canadians4 then give Diefenbaker a „working majority on Agril 8. VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO S EAR ED -YOUR SUPPORT The Conservative Ca4date in Huron A4.:IalARPER & CITAUTZRED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST, GODERICH, ONT. TELEPHONE JA 44'562