HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-02-28, Page 7DUNGANN 130vNGANNON, Feb,,, 20. xrs., Harvey- Culbert's parents,' ., and Mrs. ,Tae. Beaton, Luck. now, ori February '27,, observed their 50th weddingAnniversary Mr. Robert Durnin spent a few days last week with his daughter, Miss 'Flora Dwain, Markdale, returning - home on Friday. r i . w NIr. and MVirs, Thos. Webster visited • last Saturday evening with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. BIake Alton, and; aunt, Mrs. Albert Alton of T'ucknow, who was visiting there. Born, February '19th, at Wing - ham hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alton of - Belfast, a son. Congratulations! Mr. ,and Mrs, Thomas Park on Tuesday of last week visited her sister, Mrs. George Lawlor of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherwood, Carlow, on Sunday visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert: Mr. Cecil Culbert • is home from GoderiSh hospital, after seven weeks of treatment for infection in his leg. Mr. Mel Reid of RCAF, Clin- ton, returned home after spend- ing a few days last week in Winnipeg. Mr. Richard Park, sr., who was seriously i11 with pneu- monia, was taken early Tuesday morning of last week to Wing- ham hospital for treatment and made a marvellous recovery He was able to leave the hos- pital and' was brought to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert are on the mail delivery be- tween Dungannon and Goderich for Mr. -And Mrs; Frank Glenn who witIktheir son Harold (Bud) Glenn are on a -.-motor trip to Brownsville, Texas. The World *Day of .Prayer will be . observed in Erskine Presbyterian Church on. Friday, March tst ' at `"2:30- jo.an.. The ,guest speaker -is the minister of the• church, Rey. Roderick' MacLeod, Lucknow. Master 'P'eter Erskine, Gode- rich, is staying with his aunt, Mrs. Ross Eedy, , for three weeks while his parents are in Florida,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stothers• and family on Sunday visited Mrs. Stothers' sister, Mrs. Mary. MacLeod, Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Goderich, en Sunday visited cousins, Mr. -and Mrs. Herb Fir! Ban. •- Their mother, Mrs, Ada Wilson of Goderich visited sisters, Rebina, Nettie and Clara Sproul. Miss Clara Sproul re- turned with them and was on her way back to Stratford. C'rokinole Party Despite the stormy weather, there was a good attendance at, the crokinole party at the Un- ited Church sponsored by the C.G.I.T. There were 11 tables in play and prizes went to:' ladies' high, Mrs. Robt: Bere and Mrs. Cecil Blake, who tied with 18 points; low prize, Sher - con Pearson; men's high was won by Bill Blake_" with 19 points; second men's high, Cecil Blake, 18 points; men's low, Bob Eedy. With a bazaar table and door receipts, the girls realized $3.0, which will be used for new hymn books for the congrega= tion. C.G.I.T. Meet The C.G.I.T.. held their meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Herb Finnigan on Monday night. HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVILLE, Feb. 25. — The Messengers of Holmesville United Church met in the Sun- day school room for their Feb- ruary meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha read the Scripture introduction, and Karen Mc- Clinchey read the Scripture -les- son. The meditation, - "The Understanding Heart,''' was given by _Mrs. Trewartha. Eliza- beth Jones 'led in gayer: The business was conducted by the president, Lucille Bond. The offering was received by Brenda McClinchey. Articles for the "Clean Up Soldiers" are to be handed -in at the March meet- ing. A -'story. was read by Mrs. and-_�Ianiee Tre- wartha played a piano solo. The game period was conducted by Nancy Ginn. Mrs. Herb .Po= ,e3C —assisted.....Nancy Om in the junior study period, and Mrs. K. Trewartha took the _senior study period. Paul Mc- 'Ctinchey gave out the "World Friends." Mr. and Mr's.. Frit* McCul- lough received word last week that their eldest . son, Ted, on .staff at the Royal Bank in Beamsville, was, rushed to Ham- ilton General Hospital, for em- •ergency treatment. Ted's friends will be pleased to know that he is, i t'n rovb'g inhealth every day_ Diane l i rington led the meet- ing.. Mrs.. -N. L. Gostonyi held al discussion on the Rood of Mark; also Qn "°haildcraft;' The giris'aro having a %bowling party this Saturday night. Next Moo - day' night's meeting will be fol- lowing the World Day of Prayer progra Meet Tlie Dungannon United 'Church Women met inthe church basement Tuesday dfter- upon, -February 19th, with 27 'Males present. Scripture was read by Mrs. Raymond -Finnigan attd Mrs. Wm. Petrie.., introduc- tion of the study book "What is Religion," was given by Mrs Herb Finnigan and Mrs. N. L. Gostonyi. Discussion groups were formed and questions were answered by each group. An- nouncements were the World Day -of Prayer, March 1st, and the Huron Presbytery to meet at North Street United Church, Goderich, on March 21st at 9.30 a.m. A, donation was voted to be sent to Five Oaks and it was decided to make a donation towards purchasing new hymn books., PORT ALBERT ,-,PORT ALBERT, Feb. 26. -- Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl Martin of London visited with Mrs. Dave Martin over the weekend. Mr. `Clarence joy, LAC Clar- ence Hoy. and LAC Terry Tul- ley of RCAF, Centralia, went fishing at Long Shoal, Lake Simcoe on Saturday. Mr. acrd Mrs. Harold Taylor of Wingham' and Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Hoy and Debbie of Gode- rich were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert McGee Sunday. ti THIS WEEK'S USED APPLIANCE SPEC1ALS REFRIGERATORS - Two Only, --- WESTINGHOUSE each $60' Three Only — Apartment Sipe KELVINATOR ,, . each 50.00 FRIGIDAIRE - 45.00 - EXTRA SPECIALS 15 -cu". ft. FREEZER 89.00 PUSH BUTTON — COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC 21" RARIG___. __ __--89:00- All High Speed Units Like New Five Small Heavy Duty RANGES As They Are 25.00 each WASHERS Three Only! s23 845 $50 WE .BUY USED REFRIGERATORS For Parts. Any Condition .47 ERRY'S Appliances ' '-F-HE STORE THAT 'SERVICE BUILT" 59 Hamilton Street JA 4-8434 HOSPITAL (Contlnucd from page 1), services performed for the hos- pital by that organization. Representing Vie Medical So- ciety, Dr. J. W. Wallace ex- pressed appreciation to the board for their ° promptness providing additional surgical equipu nt needed by a new member of the medical staff, Dr. K, C.• Lambert. Dr: Wal- lace stated that as a result of talks with Dr.wise of the Ontario Ht spital Services. Com- mission it has been found neces- sary to restrict the number of chronic patients at the'hospit- al to those who are completely eligible. He also pointed aut that, the main -'X-ray machine at the hospital would be in need trf replaeeinent soon. Mrs. F. J. Curry reported a cash balance of $130.97 for the Hospital Association, Miss L. Youngblutt, director of nursing;— expressed the thanks of the nurses for what the -board had done for .therm. She said there are now 19 reg - _TURN, 'WASTE .P.,ACE INTO LIVING SPACE! Turn your attic into a comfortable den and guestioom. We'll help you plan the job, supply materiels and labor, and arrange financing. See us thit week for an esti- mate, or call and we'll come to your home. No Down Payment Is Nece;sary DIVISION OF wODERICII MANUFACTURING CO. L.To. ANGLESEA C4141DRIA RD. - GOIARICH 0 . -711..e,77tre831:1 • istered rxurses An. staff and 15 assistants, wh`1c is two less than a year ago; Reguler .Meeting Following the adjournment 'of the annual meeting, the regu- lar monthly meeting was, held. At this, • 'Mr... C. M. Robertson reported of the sale of contbnts by tender of the residence of the late A; 'M. Robertson, Vic. toric street, whichas left to the ihospi .1. He said that the.. furniture `event to Ed. Jeffrey and the books to Carl Anderson. It was pointed out that an offer had been made for the purchase -of the house itself. but it was the feeling of the board That the. sale of the house should be' further advertised. Sealed tend- ers will be called for' with the deadline to be set for some date about mid-April. Miss Youngblutt suggested that, as a condition of employ- ment for registered nurses at the hospital, they be required to be a member of the Regis- tered Nurses' Association. This suggestion. was referred to the hospital's , executive committee for further study.. A letter from the .Ontario SUNDAY SERVICES hospital expressed' the hope that' present. Unoccupied beds in the nurses'' residence of Alex- andra Hospital could be used for nurse at5.1lates taking a psychiatric course at the On- tario Hospital: This__ was , left to -'the, director of nursing and the executive committee of Alexandra Hospital to decide. Hospital statistics for . the month sof January are: Patients remaining in at the end of De-' 'cember;' '70; patients admitted, 157, patients discharged, 146; deaths, 5; patients remaining in at the end of January, '76; pat=s ient days, 2272 (adult),'144 (new- born), 2416; operations, 14; em- ergencies, 78; meals, 9033. KINGSBR!DGJ 40Nosi3K0G, — Mr. and Mrs. Vdward Rehn of Seaforth have taken up rest-, dence in the Wrn. Hogdn house. We welcome them to the com-' munity. Mr. John O'Connor is a pat- ient in Victoria "Hospital, Lon- don. ` Mr. and Mrs. Dob Leslie and daughters of Neustadt spent the weekend at Norman, Q'Con- nor's home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney spent Thursday in London. Mis..Eldon ,Austin is a pat- ient in- Victoria Hospital, Loh - don. The Ooderieh Signal:Star, Thursday, rehrtitOrY 28O, 1003 I' Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Dalton torentian who- spent the w spent Sunday in Lundell. Misses end. at their homes retur Alice Delten and Marl 1411 with them. LE Noith Street linited Chtirch $undayi at, 7 P.Alr gireryone Is Welcome" 9-13 March.3rd, First Sunday In Lent 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7:00 p.m. Evensong Thursday, Feb. 28th — 7:30 p.m. Mid -week Lenten service and address Thursday, March 7th — 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion in chapel 7:30 p.m. Mid -week Lenten service and address Rector; REV, CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, MA., D.D. Mr.. George Burgoin, Organist and Choirmaster. SAUSAGE 2. ii:;s $1. SIDE BACON tb 69c 1BACK BACON ib 89c THE UNITED—CHURCH OF CANADA North Stieet United Church -0 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. — LENTEN SERVICES — 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Why The Death Of Jesusi" (Nursery and Junior .Congregation) 7:00 p.m. Evening Worrship "The Meaning Of Lent." WORLD DAY OF PRAYER mg. L. H. DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director Bi2°)NoEsSi ROAST Save 30c LIBBY'S' SPAGHETTI sa,e WHITE SWAN TISSUE - lb .9cICOTTAGE ROLLS! -69c SWEET PICKLED 7 15 -oz. tins for 8 for 200 Tissue Size --LEENEX -Knox PreS1584-e-riary-Church---- THE REV. G. LOCK -HART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Miss Marion Moore, Deaconefik': - Mr. Herman de, Jong, Director of Praise 10:00 .a.m. Sunday Schoel 10:10 a.m. Minister's Bible Class (Church Parlour) Study: St. Mark 12:3544 11:00 a.m. Service of Divine Worship SERMON: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF CHRIST: (9) "The Highest Commandment". Nursery and Junior Congregation 7:30 p.m, Young People's Society FRIDAY, MARCH 1 'Women's World Day of Prayer in North Street inter to Worship Depart to Serve Save 30c 7 for Heinz'Fancy Quality 48 -oz. Save 16c TOMATO JUICE 4 for United THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Monarch. Pouch Pak Save 23c E MIXES for 43:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. First Satrithey In Lent "Dead Or Alive" AlrPopular Brand 10c CHOCOLATE BARS Or 4:30 Church and, Sunday School 3100 p.m. Vnion, Church after Sunday School REV. CECIL A.. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. Montreal orreet Near The Square Churc-h School; Young Adult Class. 11:00-a.mr.- "The Love Of The Spirit" 7:00 p.m. -evening Serviree A11- Popular Brand 201s, CIGARETTES - Gerbers Strained, BABY E ODS 3 ior Save 17c -9 for PRODUCE a as FREE METHODIST CHyRCH- a.m.' SUNDAY. SCHOOL' 11:00 a.m. "The., Cure- Of Evil Speaking." (cont.) 7:60 , •"The Unjust 'Steward's WED.,,J.:36 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. NO 1 COOKING ONIONS 3tbs 25c TEXAS NO. 1 CABBAGE 2, heads 39c INDIA RIVER SIZE v5.41 GRAPEFRUIT ,t 1 0 f°r 63c 1 r 7 9C I rix6s. 1 CARROTS 20 oz 2 for 209c BetKel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School; Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tt*sday, 8 .p.m. Bible Study and, Prayer Fri., 8 p.m. Young People's Service BIRPS EYE FROZEN PEAS or KERNEL CORN SAVE 13c 12 -oz pkg f r $1 . THE SALVATION AR.MY SUN. 10 A.M., SUNDAY SCHOOL 1I:00 a.ni._HOL1NEss,meeTING 7:00 p.M. SALVATION MEETING TUES., 8 p.m. PRAYER, MEETING ALL ARE -WELCOME RED & WHITE FO DMASTER Open Nightly Until 1Q, P.M. for Your Shopping Corivenience 91 VICTORIA ST. 'N.