HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-02-28, Page 4•
—• 4 The Goderich: Signal -Stars Thursday, 'February 28th?, 1
Ii'• bj'r'tr ;�ttuL.ar
.....0.,_ The County T
' Awlnl 'Newspaper of Huron ,--.�,,,
Established �NNPRlL wily,
Signal-Star Publishing. Limited
In its 116th year of publication
Subscription Rates -- $4.Qu a year. To U.S.A. $5.00 (In Advance/
Authorized 'as second `class mail, Post Offic •.•,• •
••�••••-- � i�eParktt>tlelalt, Ottawa, and for
"Y payntenit of postage in cash..
Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B.C.
Circulation — over 3550 GEO. L. ELLIS. Editor and Publisher
Comfortably -seated indoors while w
1 ry winds Avery, blowing a( r o s s El
County outdoors, -members of the St. `1'h(
as Canadian Club were recently remind
of the good old summer time and one
Ca biggest industries - -Tourism
• eph Jeffery .C„ of Lon• i
� don, was reini
iug the club members fhat foreign touri
last veal' spent $;50,000,000 in Canada,
,but $50,000,00( of.,.whi!.)i was spent by to
i-ts from U.K.A.
The Loudon la\vver pointed out that
}'956 Canada obtained 46 per cent of the
1'.S.A. tourist (foliar going outside df the
• country while today we are barely 1rassinr,
• the 17 per cent marl( II'e advocated the
ndeption by Canadians of more cheerful
eo operation a11(1 politeness as (111e _means
..,i' restoring.tourist_ trade from south of the
Although he also mentioned severa
oIb-'-r• well-known remedies, we believe h
overlooked 11 factor which will become it
1•reasingrl\• r('i•oglilzed in Canada._
The. longer _that 1'.5.:1, tourists stay i
Canada the more money ,1 hey 1vi11 habil
illy spend Anil you don 't -(relay thes
tourists' Visits ,1011 by 1)u1ti•ng thein 01
speedy dy tllrou hwrty s. 11. they get off th
11 i;�hwa v an(I spend inure 1.1111C ail oil
•'•1•t,it% (41(1 by
• vvrl�`. tht � vv -ill 'inquest ion
nh.ly prolong their holidays in ('analla
( onsideI• out ,1
\\'ll rrl'ea, ri .111st one sinful e
r`infOi••' How many 1'.*.A. tour'is`ts speeding
Illi No. 21 1l'gl1wrt1' T
`- �- think l l going •
illig�)1 ( n
>1nr., 1111ar1c
.one' tell nudes or `E) to 511 tile- b('autlfltl
vomit 14t•olllld li(1111111'll'1', the •11earbb
•'Little Lakes- or the picturesqueness ot 1•'rtlis 1t11 the Maitland Hi,er? These
in- tourists would welcome being 'dire(•te(1' to
trill such 1►ratlty spots, (quite unknown to,tlietn,.
On a holiday trip to England, we re-
ed call -carefully avoiding being stampeded
or into taking standard bus tours for to -1
os- They invariably took you to well-known
nd- historical spots along Blain travelled rodas.
sts Interesting 1(1 these are, they still don't"
all provide' you wlitli an 0 1) port u 11 i t y- to'
REALLY see and know England and its
people. Instead, we rented a little ear and
ill purposely gat off the "main roads and back
into the little villages and country roads,
it fti1 from the -maddening throng of tourists,
" etc. By (going this, '011 (0111( to see
know England 1111(1
plan d ill 0 way you never would
•1)y remaining 011 the 111ai11 roads. I3y the
sante token, this holds true in Canada.
( )1" i�otlrse. it takestime to visit all the
spots one would like to -when ill a foreign
country. In this -ikcaaajieet - w(' recall over-
hearing a conversation 111 London, Eng-
land. One obviously Newly -rich but uniu-
- formed American Mille was asked by an -
n other tourist if sh' td seen t it r 0 u g ll
ranee. She unhesitatingly replied, `'` 011
e of course., we (li(1 that yesterday.''
But to got Mirk to Tourism ill Canada.
e • The time is (1i,nlin, when U.S.A. tourists
r \ ill have to be more informed afW beau-
_ �i
l �rll-
t Dots 10 h( found OFI'' the main high-
. ways. I hese, the -visitors wi�I1 love see.
\\•ill 1) staying longer, ,e•
r, t$ 1
_ Est
r f
and 1 (•
()IIsi ( ll( nt 11 spending
Do olley.
your • I part t�) pr(i�mote this idea ;a,zld make
Tourism till inere051ugly 1) a y 1 11 g 111(lllti-
• try ere. ' {{
}�\ NO di) il)g p)tt are making a
f valuable contribution to the overall wel-
fare. -of ('a-)1.0 In •
r' Y • 1
50, Years Ago -1913
J. H. Castor, of the engi
int staff of the Hydro Electr'
L'ommission, is in town toda`
--He is preparing to commenc
the work of planning the trans
mission system for dight an
power through the town, an
.111 also look up customers !'o
j'.ewer._ If satisfactory arrange
ments can be made the line wit
r be extended to Saltford, for th
accommodation of customer
The .newly -formed Industria
Commission held its first meet-
'ing at the town hall on Wednes-
day afternoon. The members
of the- Commission are ,_Ma, or
Reid and Reeve Munnirg, nol,i-
inated by the town council, arol
• C. A. ,Naire zzo,m-ifat'e
1 r .:Nairn %l a s
elected chairman.
30 Ygars Ago -1933
The closing of banks in -the
1 nitecl States for four days and
consequent fiurry .and 'cell.-
fusion has had its repercussion
in Goderich in a small way..
There are hundreds of former,
1•^sidents of Huron County to
Dctrciit and nearby Michigan; '
many of whom 1h•arr savings ac-
counts in Goderich,..= --
• these transferred most of their
1- funds to their Canadian banks
c, mon=ths agog,, when the Michigan
banks became .wobblj•; • Manu
• ; later closing their doors. Others,
e I finding themselves without
cash last Monday and no way
d 1 of securing any, telegraphed
d I relatives here for currency, but
r difficulties were presented.
- There was no American cur -
1 rency in Goderich, it was found.
e i Banks, 'express companies and
s the post office were forbidden to
sell bank drafts or money ord-
1 ers. Telegraph companies were
stopped from wiring the money
It was an unprecedented si.tu•
15 Years , 9o,•—,1948
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hay' er-
ter Lairled._..the�merla}l i:.s- 1e
of Commerce staff
on Fr•ic ay- afternoon `at their
home itahonor of Bruce Mac-
, Donald who is leaving the bank
Ito take a position at Ottawa;
with Eldorado Mines. After a
t short'°;a%ldress Ey � Mr. Hay, Miss!
Jean -acott, on behalf of the
,staff. made the presentation of
an electric sandwich toaster '.o
Mr. ,and' Mrs. MacDonald, after
which tea was served.
About 25 members • of Kno,
ant of 11111r -cel G ' 1-"r undrl• th 1
leadership of Mrs. Jos. McNevin
and Miss Robina Grant, enjoy-
ed a sleighride party on Tues-
day evening with Mr. .1. Rrind
ley as teamster, After an en-
joyable hour or so in the out-
doors, the girls, assembled at
the church where games were
played and lunch served.
The- Ontario Legislature is in
session this week. Thomas
Pryde, elected for Huron riding
at the by-election last month,
was introduced to the •House
and took his seat
By Rev. R, Clark, Bethel "Pente-
costar Tabernacle
• We can ser life in the ,radiant•
glow of its greatness, its dig-
nity, and its. p1•iv>i�ge when we
realize our Carling from God.
1. A Life of 'Surrender (Romans
1. Jesus never said it would be
easy to be 'His disciple.
a. He did say, "-If any n
will be my disciple, let him
deny himself daily, take up
his cross and'follow'me,"
b. One of the startling para-
doxes so often spoken of
by Jesus was fhat the man
who finds his life -'shall
lose it, and the man who
loses • his life for - -Christ
shall find it.
2. Moses surrenderet1 to God
after ,Making several excuses
for not wanting to go lead
the Israelites out of bondage.
3. Christ surrendered to God
the Father :• in the Garden of
Gethsemane, saying, •"Not my
will but thine be done."
II. A Life of Separation (I John
1. One of the vital issues of the
Christian walk is one of sep-
aratibn. •
a. The path^of--least resistance
is pursued by multitudes,
but the- one who pleases
God will often walk through
wilderness places and amid
adverse circumstances.
b. Man does not truly own his
own life. We have been.
•bought with a price; there--
fo>L•c,--w•e owe all to God.
2. W
oridly allurements prevent-
ed Lot's wife from escape.
a. Saul's s
armor prevented
David from fighting -the
enemy, emy, 'so he removed '
l t.
b. The great possessions
the rich ruler prevented' his
following Jesus.
c. A life that will lose itself in
the cause of Christ will find
a rich signifilratlee iri' eferii-
i ty. _ [,
III. A Life of Obedience (John
14:23; 15:14)
1. To obey ,is better than to
sacrifice. ' -
a. Some will give their money
for worthy causes and their
time to do some work in
the name of religion, but
caioai • wants us to obey His
ce nmands,
b. The . Word -•of Cod is 'our
guide and map through this
c. Jesus. is a worthy Interpre-
ter of life, and we can know
Nis will a oimiy through a
thorough knowledge of the
IV. A Lift "of Imparted Power
(Acts 1:8)
1.pod never calls a person
without :equipping hint for
the position.
a. When Jesus was ready to
go ` o`. the Father, He pro-
mised the disciples the
Comforter wbuld come.
b. The Holy Spirit of God
dwelling in the hearts of
men enables them to carry
on for God.
c. We can have ppwer to over-
come every obstacle.
d,• We can have power With
-God oto' gain His help.
c. We can have power with
man to move him for Go•d.-
Letter To Editor
Wingham, Ont,
Feb. 25th, 1963.
Editor, Signal -Star.
Dear Sir: , A
Again this year, Huron Coun-
ty Hog Producers are being—
given an opportunity to - en-
dorse the present hog market-
ing plan. 'The annual meeting
of the Huron Hog Producers on I
February 12th gave many an op-
portunity to express fheir'views
on our present hog marketing
plan and,many• interesting facts
were revealed.
Ontario Hog Producers re-
ceived d a
higher ri
ce '
P their
hogs in 1962
than producers
did in any other part of this
continent, so this speaks well
for our method : of selling hogs
and the.Ontario Hog Marketing
Plan. N
One • of the speakers Roy
Atkinson, of Saskatchewan, in-
dicated th t h
A largely � attended funeral
was held Feb,: 10 in Stl" a iitey'
Anglican. Church; here for Ron;
ald Kdward Knox, 18 months,
who died Feb, 15 it an-arnbult.
ante enroute to' London. Rev,
W. R. Craven officiated, •
The baby was .the only son
of M. and Mrs. David Knox of
Goderich, and was being trans-
ferred Irani Aletandr4 Marine
and General Hospital, Goderich•;
to • War Memorial; children's
Hospital, London,
He had - apparently been re•
covering from a cold contracted'
earlier in the week, but became
worse again Thursday night.
Arcfai hospitalized ' here Friday
morning and oirdered transfer-
red to the War
Ni ai
n(# r al Child.
ten's Hospital. He died in the
Stiles ambulance while still 20
miles, from Loudon. An ac•
eompanying nurse, using resus-
esuscitator and hypodermic injee-I
tions, was linable .to keep him.
The boy was pronounced dead
at' the Victoria Hospital emer-
gency ward. A. pest nnortein
was conducted .later.
Surviving besides the baby's
.parents are the grandparents,.
Mrs. 1Vlargaz'et Hogarth and
David' Knox, .sr., both 0New-
castle, England.
Burial was in Maitland ceme-
tery, Goderich.
Donald .Kirkland, ago 201 son,
of 10. -.and Mrs.' Gordon Kirk-
land of Ashfield,' has obtained;
the highest standing in the4862
'taradtiating class in the Wp 'I0r r
section of the Ontario SChiety
of Radiological Technicians, .
The ,sectioncont-
prises students from seven
vitals. in. the area. Quaid is is emp1 yed as X.
ate nidal at St. Thonaas.)ta1.
Nos�ital where he recently co
painted his two-year tr,
Personlall mentions are ally
welcome in The Signal -Star,
• PRYPE .�..L
Fine$t Stoafe •, and •Experienced Woxkmansblp
Frank Mciiwain.: DISTRICT
. J,AI, 44001, or 200 Gibbons, :t. - • i-)
ahog producers in
the three prairie provinces were
looking upon ,our plan with
'great favor and stated that a
hogmarketing plan was about
to be organized for the produc-
ers in the West.
Through a great den
fort and time in past years on
1 of ef-
I bington and Smith were .other the part of°our Federation of
marksmen for Goderich. Agriculture, we obtained farm
One Year Ago -1962 marketing legislation" and by
The body of. a rat which at -''this we, were able to have a
tacked a man on Hamilton marketing plan for farm coin -
10 Years Ago -1953
Proceeds from the draw for
the Meteor car at Aire'"tfireha
on Monday evening of last week
was the final nail th fin
of the Lions Club-if'In-
stalling the permanent floor and
drainage at the arena:, . Fr
th ca> vass•La t•d n1cans cif
raising money a total of some
$12,000 was raised by the Lions
Club to pay -off all' owing 0
installing the permanent floor
This' money was raised in --T;
than a year:
When Goderich Lions, Bant-
ams defeated Walkei•ton 8-4 a
Goderich,�last Friday night they
made it two straight victoines
over the }truce county town to
take the W.O.A.A. Bantam "1;"
championship. Jerry Wall scor-
ed three goals and collected one
t'r e b
s reet about 9 p.m. Monday' may modities. •
There/Pis likely to be a vote
on an egg marketing plan this
year and producers are gener-
ally agreed that it should bene-
fit them.
be sent away for a rabies...test.
As W. H. Talmay, East street,
stepped out of his ca•ry he np_ted
a large rat run out from under-
neath a .nearby parked car and
head towards him. The rat
bit the cuff of his trousers, but
beforeaty .uxt:lier�skir'hiishes,
r. almnay kicked the rat a
hefty blow and killed it. It
was taken to Dr. T. R. Malady
for ,possible rabies analysis.
1VIfis.-C1: -1I. Samis, 86 Picton
• street East, on Saturday had
s 1•the misfortune to `tall over a
hassock at her home; She.,,ms
1 regard it as -my - duty:_p
expr •ss r • wr$--,� pt oducer
marketing and I therefore ad-
vise all producers to support
the marketing plans 'for farm
modities that will come be-
e them in the near future.
President„ Huron County
Federation of Agriculture.
taken to AIexandra Hospital suf• in
t feri•ng from a fractured should- wee
er. ....
Hon. (neo. C. Wardrope,
t2irio\Minister of Mines, visited
Sifto'-Rook Salt Mine on We(1-
,}xJ.gsday afternoon. It was his
,,,first visit too- a salt mine.
assist. Graham, Iamb, Stub -
troduction of a 35 -hour
k in industry with no re-
duction in take -Nome pay would
"e the equivalent of a 14 per
cent increase in wages.
aeaumont,Sport Deluxe Convortibte Interia,
Acadian's interiors are pert, practical and eye -pleasing: Step In, you're
rewarded with a rich look of luxury. The spacious dimensions§, tet every')tje
sit pretty in superb comfort. Bucket seats available_on some models.
Acadian's taken a
fresh, new approach to style
in this neat, sweet roofllne design!
>iti7 .141
f •••/V
Acadian's ultra -smart Instrument panel design will have ou
applauding. The plan? To have everything in easy reach and
positioned 'just -so' for easy viewing. - -
Smart as a Paris creation,
daisy -fresh from every
viewpoint! See how tasteful
touches of chrome highlight
Acadian's style -leader beauty?
:111 Lht \WL`; •• Lh••,: h•:7{:
11L lti,• ,
Whitewall tires optional at extra cost
Acadian leaves itself open to
admiration everyway. Hand-
ome-trlrrr to-higs a rig t
look to Acadian all over!
Here's fresh, exciting styling that leaves other cars in this
class lookirig downright uninteresting. It's the car a mannan
point out as his own with special pride. These are a few of
ffresh.yling features responsible for Acadian's refreshingly„„„
originalpersonality. And Acadian's a frisky and functional
car,. too! 1 1 models, all wear low, low price tag's: Go. see!
Many Acadian owners add
rakish wheel discs to th.
standard equipment. Can yo
blame them, they look so smart
Be sure to watch "The Tommy Ambr9se,5h9,w” on the.C.B.C.TV, netvvork; -Check: lotallistingsfortime,-and
Is your' washer
all washed ,up?
for heel i11 s of, clui)s.
y orjrrli'riitlt il:ns - and 5(01(1 les,
Reserve the,room for your club. by
phcning the ,pffice at JA 4-7381.
Available during the day or after
regular office hours.
supplies cash for big purchases at low cost
You know,.exactly what you pay—to the last cent -with
a. tertmplan Loan. No hidden charge's. No "extras": •
And very likely a lot less than you may be asked to pay
elsewhere. So when you borrow to pay for that new washer,
or a car, -or doctors' bills, or vacation expenses . , for any
retisonable purpose . . . come see us about a terrnplan
Loan. Any 'amount up to $3,60; up to 36 months to
pity. irn) le, tittsinesslike. Life.thstrred. Just talk to any
RoYa•Jt3hnk managelt, .ot • ask for our ter'r'ilplan folder.