HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-9-3, Page 8ifeemeleemexteeeeeee INSURANCE, URNEST 414LIO`r,AGENT FOIZ THE, WESTERN ASSUB! NCE Coli. PANT, of Toronto; also for the PHo NX b1IR:[L INSVPANCE COMPANY, ox J-103:4 01:4. Englana,tbe Roy.1,Lt7ANdADIAN, of Morn Wel. era the ONTARIO IltUrvaL LIFE ASSURANCE, CO'Y of Waterloo established ls7e. Assurara:esiuferee,$13,127,•t00, lionises every five yeare. Smallware Dearfine n t. The Mart Counter Goods : Toys Store Polish Pitchers. Beads Snae •• Spice Tara Dells Match Safe Salts, Ind nines Needllee P.elee Balls Hair Pine Hammers 'ar=e, a, e ireles Tacks SI Potel9a Beaton Agate Screw Drivers Br,e^ ea • ' Pearl Festal Cards W crew a ii a l ,erc:.,efc Can Openers C:r e '1 >..el- Curling Tangs —v 11 :eke N d r, Ties Fire Shovels Feria e 1 ,. Salt Sifterda 'tri O ,«,; leFhers reedy' elashei s Wereee 1 I e• -ll is Toast 1'owka Sears eeld N 1"r s?es Tia Fels Sege • 'Pea Ste eeers I 6• Y, , t statues ea eeenee [ aFE•:i Tee te, •• Ian.t Pane l"oa"d: >a 1' .Fi etee r,'.e IL eae r'::es ropers Egg Beaters Calve Turners Pana Lem. Settee. er.e (`arta Serewa Seel' I,tilles t:.la:ta J. GRIG er6 xeter •H FR � 1 .ret i�•4• Specini Bargains for Saturday -- 3_ le for et lee Nese t:,u.,le for 1P'; 1 i<e filar lie. :: '> s TMLaldl feta i4attlyda 1111.2i fer tier > 1) ''-1:ere: t:a',!ai ete for tree. Ceeinkee 4 for alae:. k jr l free ;'3i^,,.. Pod e.. an", lle;atiett:i for tee. see' lMga:: Ile:tari••ttri f rt t ee 1, 1 tereirterete SOF 7 Heikrielte for era.. Sia.teat l; l4ainS tar w ai':iday—. f,'ered • for .;,. 1.3... Mete for 0eke 3 le Peinte Ear tri i•. 1* Setc -ole torr Weer. age Bial Bargains for Saturday— (,ivy Manuel for 14e. i , ; t trey Flannel far Dee. •' id b 1 `:tunt•I for ,3,'e. eee c oar; h:.;uriel far 27e. Sp<viol Bargains for Saturday +0+ c, --AT THE— Bankrupt Score. Vii} M1V ':.ratty l'r YFWWud� Tli:i: tsDAI, SEPTI•:MBER 3rd, 1601. LOCAL. HAPPENINGS. Ciadienge. To the He neell croquet o1ub.—On be- half of the lieetee eruquet club, I hereby challenge the members of the Hensall club to aw geene of croquet --two, four, six or eight players,—at any thne, oue game to be played on the: Hcuraall grounds, one on the Exeter ground's and the rubber "if neeess. ary" any pI tee dlesiree by the Ileusall teat.i Awaiting an acceptance, W. LeveTT, Secy. Buy at .Elorue : In Exeter we have some of the finest stores in Ontario, and competition being keen, goods tan be purchased at as low r lower—as in the cit a price—if not l a anal the selection will be found large The London merchants are in the habit of ad- vertising at this season of the year, offer- ing bargains to persons visiting the fair. arenot asgood as eabe The bargains n got in Exeter, as has often een realized y the bargain seeker. By buying in Exeter one is saved the trouble of the burden of the goods while on a pleasure trip; besides it is the proper thing to spend the cash in your own community. Visitors to the ex- hibition will do well to paste this in their hats. married. On Werinesday evg. the residence of Mr. David Spicer was the scene of activity and merriment. The occasion wasthe marri- age of the only daughter, Maggie V., to Mr- Elwin S.I3raund, also of Exeter. The bride was supported by Miss Mc- Nalley, of Hanover, while the groomsman *as Mr. Luther Braune, of Exeter. The The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. L. Russell, in the presence of about forty invited guests—the more intimate friends of the contracting parties. The wedding took place at 5.30 o'clock, after which a bountiful dinner was partaken of, then the usual sports were engaged in by the festive gathering. The presents were many and valuable and of a useful character, which together with the showers of congratula- tions and good wishes, went to show the high esteem in which both Mr. and Mrs. Braund are held.. The St. Thomas Times of Aug. 21st., publishes this letter : Slit,—There is an unscrupulous, quack travelling around the country with a brown horse and phaeton. He wears a moustache. By his blandishments and false representa- tions he is "roping in" the poor, sick and unwary.. He states that he has been sell- ing the same kind of medicine to the pro- fession, not one wordof which is true. The object of this communication is to warn the public against such unscrupulous liars, W. C. VANBusxIRB. As will beby een. a notice in another � columna silver and a. bronze medal, given by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts As- sociation, will be offered for competition at the'South Huron Fall Show, to be held, at Exeter on the 28 and 29th of September. These medals are offered as follows : A Silver medal for the best herd of, cattle of any breed, said herd to consist of four females and a bull. A Bronze medal for the best pen of sheep of any breed, said pen to consist of one ram, pair • of aged ewes, pair of shearling• ewes and pair of ewe lambs. 'These prizes' are offered id addition to those in the regular published list. Minard's Liniment Dares Diphtheria. Brevities. The harvest is not yet all gathered. The wet weather has been a draw back, Large quantities of wheat is being mar- keted. The price paid is 93 cents per bushel. Mr. Geo. Fisher, of Usborne, sowed fall wheat on Saturday last, the first of the season. The third shipment of fruit jars will' be to hand this week Get your supply from J. P. Clarke. The average youngster with book in hand can be seen plodding en toward the dreary Aldi school. The library of the Exeter :Mechanics' Institute is ore of the largest in the Ce. and is the best selected, 11 h tier c sir 4 l•,• t the record. It bad a pupaai. l#ertie Pringle, 9 years obi, who passed for the High School. Orr tal:le oaf remnant .tress goods and prints, offer you great I'argaius. don't for- got the p'a,:e, ,L P. Clarkes. D rd k sheetic'g erere rencevi Tuesday and the local sports were out in large numbers. They report the game as scarce. A more atti.estiye lot cf toilet sets has not been shown in Exeter. than are being shown. Iry J. P. Clarke. Call and see them. Mn dames Lo:ttlman of Hay wan taken. 'a•ltlenly il! on 1lkorel y, of iye.entery. The atteel: is t► beef one, but nothing seri- is a j rehd::atlr.i. In the eloehoute Criss at the taederieh reeve het w eale ' ,`glee ey Joe, the property Mr. . _ ,• \ r , t n _ this wo ,. 1 twelve ,.lades n .\1 m i l n F t list n d.nev in thi a str eight heats. Time 1 2.45. The t.,.h ..i eeherel eneton Monday with • a goad. attedant•e. The l riucipal is T. ole Brown: is-i•atdinten---yliee Vosper, Mies Gregory. Hies Grill, Miss \\'alrone and el Ise l'i inl;I6>. While :et tht' stetien on Monday. oue of Chlistie's livery homes, taking fright at the cars r:in away, It ran around the yard 1.ut was std:pppe.l after having broken the wa,,.,n e;,nsi1erably. ee Aided 76 hea'le, to ire ;:rvcrs'ii by one of the beet bargains pa soft and hard frit beta The,se hat' will be sold from 25e to ekkee t i 'a kc0214 ;;teat bargain we: a;. ! fere` eereti.>n et J. 1. Made - Several l e'a.Several a stied is have Shia week lost their pinine. The other night tt party- of yen% eeensv wt'rl..'7aa, :at in the act e!1 Stealing, :6:1.1 ;Ina:niece be p1- ler the truit if the 6:11vu.i n•r,di" i keep the matter quiet. It has, tem -ever. lee.eed.ont. A lab :*,apo ,:i48n Many had a lig time in the t+, are ld use on Tuueday evg. Mr. .1: ,,, , :+lab e,r't'r, of England, was the at- tr..,tl.d a:p+lilt The attendance WAS not I:as',;6', hat tlt,7se who were: present report proving stare at good time. The Blyth Standard has entered upon its lffth year of publication. It is a newsy p, tiler and ,leser es the hearty support of the people of Illyth. When without a paper, people miss it ; but after it has 1•e- e.'nte a few months old, its el%rts are not appreciated, as a rule. W. White, deputy postmaster -general, has issued a noticepointing out necessity of people registering loam and packets containing money. Ile urges upon all to demand certificates, of registered letters from postivasters. If these instructions are earl ,1 out the risk of losing money will be meetly reduced. Mr. John Cudniore met with a serious aa.ericent Thursday Iast in a somewhat pe- culiar way. lie was leading a horse along the street, when the animal, with playful- ness, jumped into the air, jerking .)Ir. C. with great force and causing hint to alight on his shoulder. which was badly dislocat- ed. The accident will necessitate his being off work for acme time, The volunteers, some 27 in number, of the Exeter Company, ander Command of Capt. W. Andrews. paraded to the Triyitt Memorial church on Sunday afternoon, where a special sermon was preached by the Rev'd Rural Dean Craig, B. D., of Clinton. The discourse woe practical and interesting and was listened to by a fairly large congregation. The Exeter Connell, Royal Templars of Temperance, accompanied by lodges from Crediton, Hensali, Kippen and Brucefield, some 75 in number attended divine service at the Main -at Methodist church Sunday morning last. The Rev. McDonagh preach- ed an eloquent sermon from St. John ii, "Marriage in Cana of Galilee." The con- gregation was very large. February, 1892, will have 29 days ; in other words 1892 will be a leap year. The rule is that all years whose figures, or date numbers, are divisible without remainder by four are leap years, excepting the cen- tury years, which are leap years only when they are divisible without remainder by 400. For instance, 1800 was not a leap year,and 1900 will not be, but 2000 will be To the average observer there is now a marked diminution in the length ,of the day as compared with four or five weeks ago. For the two or three weeks follow- ing the 91st of June, when the daylight period was at its maximum, the, change was scarcely perceptible, but now the les- sening of the days, though it is by slow degrees as yet, makes an important figure in the aggregate. There are so many instances of farmers being defrauded when dealing withstrang- ers who represent that they are selling goods so mach below what they may be obtained at from our own dealers, that too much care cannot be taken when coming in contact with these gentry. Farmers should trade with the dealers who are here, and who, having to depend on them for a living, cannot afford to palm off worthless goods for what benefit may be obtained. The Charlottetown (P. E. I.) Examiner of the 21st August, contains the following: " Suddenly, at Upton Mille, Dundas, on the 10th inst., greatly beloved and deeply lamented, Mary Lymons, wife of Alex. Hayden, Esq., and relict of the Rev. Wm. Harris, of Launceston, Cornwall, .England, leaving a sorrowing husband, three daugh- ters and a !large circle of relations and friends in England and Canada to mourn theta loss. 'Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord: " The above deceased was sister to Mrs. John Gill of Exeter, some years ago deceased. J. A. Thomas, agent for the Ball Elec- tric Light Co., well known in Exeter, proved himself to be quite a pugilist in London•the other day. The victim of the affair is Geo. Treblecock, a clerk in the city. Thomas says Treblecock had been taking improper liberties with a twelve- year -old, child, hence the disturbance. Treblecock was pretty badly used up. Mr. Thomas is one of the most gentlemanly fellows we have ever met, and. unless he had good and; just cause for offence,he would be the last person to enter into,.a 6 #ragas of this kind. Ile has been commit- ted for trial, however. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori Perim/els. D Tait returned to Tilsonburg on Fri- day. --err. H. Hooper has returned from Europe, after a month's visit there he re- ports a nice trip and has better health.— Owing to the wet weather the latter partof last week, nearly all the campers have re- turned from the Bend,—Dr. Lutz is still confined to his room; his condition, how- ever is improving,—Miss Ella Evans, who has been visiting friends in London for a few weeks, returned home Saturday evg.— Mr. D. French has returned from Oshawa, whither he bad gone to celebrate the golden wedding of hie parents. Mrs. k'rench is visiting in Toronto.—Miss Blanche • Clarke has returned from her visit to Cobourgeand other places.—Rev. Mr. Doe and wife, of Toronto, spent last week at Mr. Trick's. The milliners are attei.diug the t.p,eeinge at London and Toronto,—Mr. Dan Dyer, of the Paynes - vine News. gave us a call last week. Mr. D. is as robust as ever and his appearance indicates that Paynesv rile and the news- paper business agree with him.—Mr. Rd. (lidley visited the Detroit exposition last week. ---Mr, Francis Graham ahe bas been visiting friends here for a time left on Wednesday for Toronto, from which city, in company with :Mfr. Berg, he will leave for Vancouver, 11. C., to enter extensively into the *he to berblumbering business,—Mr. r. T u eman Brownlee, of Chien°, amt Mr. Robert Brownlee, of New York, are visiting their nlather in Centralia:—Rev, S. F. Robinson preached in Clinton on Sunday last, Ree. Mr. Craig, otipeiatiug in the Trivltt Me- morial church Exeter. ---Miss Birtie •Ii'eard t i, guest \I' 0London tete tt 9t of .. rss Lorraine e £ isi, rr n 1• Ilooper.—•-tieorgo Russell and ,Miss Esser left on Monday to attend the (,oderieli Normal SAM; n bile Richard Pickard and Charles Currency are attending the Clinton Nigh i ehool —Mr. and Urs. L. Thorne left on Saturday for their home in Los Angeles, Cal., after having spent a couple of months visiting friends in this section,--MlssSi:siiseuior left on :Monday for her home in INleuhehn,after a prolonged vieit with friends in Exeter. -Alias Maggie Murray is visiting friends in Chatham,— Miss Isabella :Moir left on Tuesday for .Killarney, Man., where she wit visit for the benefit of her health. --Messrs Thos. Andrews and Geo. Delbri^ige, of t'dsiaorate, left au Tuesday selay fur Virden Manitoba,, on a prospecting tour.. --:tar. Spencer I cnaing- tonwho has been engaged to the Maisons *Built for the p:aat year as Led,;, r keeper, has 1 een tram.ferred xn Clinton. his place here being tilled by f erric De Laney Sam - well, of Portsmouth, England. ti'e evish Spencer every sueeess in his new 4lulal, -- Miss Millie Verity left on Monday for the Toronto Conservatory of :\plain to pursue her studies in that institution.—Mies Laura Brawn. after a summer's visit with her grandmother here, returned an Tues- day to her homein 11'roxeter.--Miss Lizzie Elliott has returned to Sarnia after a ipro. longed visit with friends in Exeter. ---Little Hiss Vowel!, who has been visiting at Mr. Eel. Spackman's for some time, returned to her home in I3ellville on Monday. --11r. Ed. Speakman left un Monday tor Mon- treal on a purchasing tour.—Mr, .Riming. ton, of Montreal, brother of Spencer Rimington, who has been visiting friends in Exeter for some time, returned home last week.—Mrs. Charles Tom is visiting friends in Kingston and Belleville,—Mr. Richard. Harriston is spending a few days with friends in Belleville. -Will Walter has gone to Detroit to w•orlr.—Fred Fern - comb has returned frorna visit to London.— \1ra. Thomas Allan, of Winnipeg, who has for some tune past been visiting Mende in Ontario, has extended her visiting tour to her son's in Joliet, Ill.—Miss M. Gregory, of Exeter has resumed teaching in S. S. No. 10, East Wttwannsh.—Mrs. Dingman bas returned to Stratford, --Miss Fisher, of Zurich, is visiting friends in town.—Mr. A. J. McTavish, Miss isle- Tavish and Mr E. Carley spent Sunday with friends in St Marys —Miss Cave has returned from visiting her parents in Michigan.—Mrs. Wm. Grigg left yester- day for Perth and Montreal to visit her sons. Mr. Wm. Grigg accompanied her as far as Toronto.—Mr and Mrs Edward Maruire spent the past in town. To those desiring first class trunks and valises at reasonal'le prices, will find a good supply at J. P. Clarke's. Mr. Ed. Maguire has sold his faam S - lot9, in the 3rd con. McGillivray, contain - ng 50 acres to Hiram Miller for fe3,0C0. W. H. Graham & Sons, of St. Marys, on Tuesday exported to Scotland eighteen of the finest carriage horses that have left this country. We wish them success. Snell Bros. & Co. are increasing the manufacturing facilities of the pork pack- ing house, the business this year having been double the amount anticipated. Since announcing the sale of our prints at cash price until the last of Sept., many of them have been sold. Call and see the balance at J. P. Clarke's. The evenings are getting considerably longer ; the mosquitoes have died a natural death ; Exeter's fall fair is yet to come ; four months till Xmas, and TUETimtxs till New Years for a quarter. Before purchasing your china tea sets and glassware, you will do well to call and see those shown by J. P. Clarke, custom- ers speak highly of them. Inspector Ballentine was in town on Monday. He visited the station hotel, kept by Mr. Orns, and found aquantity of liquor. The liquor was confiscated and the owner will likely bo taken before the beak to answer to the charge of "selling without a license." The following is a statement of members received by each of the Agricultural Soci- eties in the South Riding of Huron for this year. and, as returned to the -Govern ment, and upon which the Government grant to each will he based : South Rid- ing Society, 82; Tucbersmith Branch, ,358; Stephen and Usborne, 286;; Hay, 160; Stanley, 187, making the total member- ship for the whole riding, 1,073. The Exeter Volunteer Co., No 6, some 40 innumber, under command of Capt. W. Andrews, paraded Main-st on Tuesday, preparatory to leaving for camp. The parade was a good one, the company being composed of. a . fine looking lot' of men.. They boarded a special train about 3.30 o'clock in the .afternoon and left for St. Thomas, where they will put in 10 or. 12 days. We wish them pleasant weather and as enjoyable time as can be expected. Wilfred Davis, B. A., T. C, T., the youngest son of Judge Davis, died at his father's residence London, Tuesday, aged 23 years. The young gentleman had studied law in the office of Meredith, Fisher & Beattie London, he was a grade - ate of Trinity College, Toronto, and a bright 'career lay before him. But his ;health gave way, • and although last win- ter was spent in Colorado, the end came quickly. He will be burned in Sarnia. He was a brother of Mrs. (Rev.) Robtps, of Exeter. IN BW G-QO1J1 FOR FALL TRADE. We have just received a large shipment of goods from manufacturers in in France and Great Britaipt, per S S. Pt nussia. via New York, They will lie ready for inspection by Saturday next. Call and see the latest goods in the market, RICHARD PICKARD & SON. Exeter Municipal. Council, The Council met on Thursday evg. at the call of the reeve. All present, except Mr. Ross. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved, On motion of Bissett and Christie the following eee't'a were passed and orders greeted on the treasurer for the saute ;-'— l3Issett Eros., $21.16, hardware; Wbite+t Sons, $30.:5, printing F. W. Farucombe, $9, surveying ; Jno, k.. Dignan, 35c, ham- mer handles ; A. Allen. .,95.76, stone for crossings ; Carling Bros. $2.11., sundries ; Jus. Dignan. $14.63, blaeksmlthing, repair ing, etc.; A. Bissett, ee'0, street -watering. —Carried. A +ltaptttatian from the management of the p'reshyteri,an ehnreh aeeetl that a de- feetive elms—lug leading to the church be repaired. The Comtuiesionereves instrrtet- ed to attend to the matter: Tenders for lumber for sidewalks were then opened. There were two sealed ten- ders—one front Messrs. Dyer & Howard, apt $ 13.25, per M. delivered in Exeter ; one from Jos. NVilliama, at $11 F. O. B. cars at (=oderlch ; else a verbal tender from W. Seeard, at $11 per M, at (3oderieh. Moved by W. Bissett, (no seconder) that Second's tender be accepted. Moved by Christie and Carling, that, in view of Mr. Seeord having no written tender on the table. the offer of J. Williams be accepted.—Carried. About 11,000 feet will be required. The reeve asked liberty to fill in ditch in front of his residence, he agreeing to furnish necessary tile, and teams to haul clay. Granted. W. Treble, who was deputed to enquire into the matter of a hook and ladder ap- paratus, reported that be had done so. He thought that all that was required would be a few pike hooks and grabs, and a truck for the ladders and pails ; they could be made in town and would cost about $100. Moved by Carling and Christie that the OJhiof of the Fire Compauies procure the necessary hooks and a roof -ladder ; and that he prepare a draft of the proposed truck, to be submitted at the next meet- ing of the Council, when tenders for the construction 01 the same will be asked,— Carried. Jas. Creech was instructed to procure necessary street lamps, to replace those destroyed. The next order of business was the strik ing of the rate of taxation for this year. The clerk reported a total assessment of $465,520, and an expenditure—actual and, estimated—of 37,213, including interest falling due. The rate was figured out, and at 15 mills on the dollar the sum of a fraction over $7,000 could be raised. It was thought by some of the Board that 16 mills would be necessary to meet the ex- penditure. To this coup. Carling strongly objected on the ground that it was more prudent to borrow a small sum of money if required for additional expenditure later on, then to add an extra mill to the rate, merely to show a surplus at the end of the year ; the money might better be in the people's pockets than in the treasury. It was accordingly moved by Carling and seconded by Christie that the rate be 15 mills on the dollar, divided as follows : 6e mills for school purposes; 7e mills for local expenditure ; 1 mill for county rate ; and that a by-law coufirmingthis rate be draft- ed and submitted at next meeting.—Car- ried. The rate last year was 18 mills on the dollar. The Council adjourned to meet Thurs- day evg., 3rd inst. • 2190,480 00 will be given in prizes of from $4.50 to $15,000.00 during the month of September next. to lucky ticket holders in the Montreal Sweepstakes, &o. Send a dollar for a ticket, or a la. or 3c stamp for open or sealed circulars, with the full par- ticulers, to P. Euglish & Co., Printers, 30 St George street, Montreal. ---Aug. 22, lm. Mrs. J. A. Graham, wife of the Sheriff's officer, well known in Exeter, was badly hurt Tuesday night in London. She wag driving with Mr. Graham and their infant daughter, and at the foot of Dundas street hill Mr. D. Daly drove into their buggy. The result was an upset. Mrs. Graham was thrown with her back against the wheel, and Dr. Moore, who saw her soon after, said she might be a cripple for life. The fall extent of her injuries are not yet ascertained. The other occupants of the buggy escaped uninjured. BORN. ANDERSON—At Crediton, on the 31st Aug. the wife of Wilson Anderson, a son. 0Axx—In Exeter. on the 21st ult., _ the wife of Wm. Cann, a dausbter. MA.liil l II t). TOPPING—MoLAREN—on the 25th ult., at Ailsa Craig, Mr. James Topping. to Miss Eliza Mc- Laren, of East Williams. BRAuN»-SPiOE a..—In Exeter, on the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride's parents. by Rev. A,L. Russell, Mr. Edwin S. Braund to Miss Maggie V., only daughter of Mr. David Spicer, all of Exeter. DIED. Gounn, In St. Marys, on the 20th inst., Edward son of A. E. Gould, aged 9 years and 5 days. 131Ln3NGs—In Exoter,ou the 1st Inst.,Thomaa infant sonofH.T,.and Lilly Billings, aged 5 mos. and 15 days. SnARP.—In Seaforth, on the 26th inst., Sarah Jane Livens, wife 1r dT. A Sharp, aged58 years, months and 0 ay MAWSON—.On Aug • 2eth, at the residence of her son ,William, 186 con McGillivray, Margaret Mayrpon, relict of the late Joseph IMawson, aged 73 gears, 6 months and 9 days. DRESS PROPERLY You eau do it as well as not ---with our Mel. There's lots of satisfaction in it, not to speak of the I profit. Begin at the Deck ; Nothing proclaims a mala like his Neck Tie. We have -,., ria SJ "*i BOWS--- 1.32 Endless varlet --in. the NeWest and Best Designs, Well, we'll let the prices speak for themselves. They can do it wishout assistance. And talking of prices ! We are offering the most remarkable values in the l..,mnrr.IPT II�w Extra fine ones for evening wear. Dress Shirts and in lower grade goods. HATS 4240 CAT$ ir And everything required in Gentlemen's Furnishings. TRY US. CARLING BROS. 300. GERMAN JACKETS AND ULSTERS We have just received 300 Ladies' Jackets and Children's U1sters. DIREC'P FROM GERMANY. The Goods are PRFIT PITTING And EXTRA GOOD VALTJE. :O: Before purchasing don't forget to see our Values. SPACKMAN & CO. Samwell's Block, Exeter. CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings,. Prop Shaving and Haircutting in the latest style of she art. Every attention paid to cutting `l a 'sHair Ladles and Ghr �r n The Molsons Bank (OIiARTERED B Y PA RLTAMEN T1855' , Paid up Capital ital ... ... $4,000,00 Rest Fund .. .,. 1,000,00 Head ()Moe, Montreal , F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Esq., • GI nxiasi.MsNAese Money advanced to good farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day,froni l0 a.m.to 3 p.m' SATURDAYS JO a.m.to 1p.m, 4PerOent.perannum "allowedformoney on DobositRwimp ts. Savings Bank at 3 per Dent. N. DYER HURDON, Sub-Managef.