HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-02-07, Page 2The, 041 01.. Signal - tar,. 'Thursday, 1~'ebrua? y 7t1, 19G3: Mrs. Arnold -young and Mrs. Leonard Fisher 'demonstrate a piece of raw material, mor- rocco leather, with a pattern superimposed, from which, after a great deal of painstak- The regular meeting' of the (derich Kinettes held at the I:akeview restaurant. Monday eveningg-was pretty much of a work' -session • as nearly - two dozen- members discussed plans - for the annual Mardi Gras Ball scheduled for the PParhourlite ion February 22!ui. The ball is one of the club's major projects, and ",a number of committees have been at work .on various aspects of pre- parations for the big event. last . year • sevrt+al hundred people enjoyed, the party and the club hopes to be able to 7 -devote substantial proceeds • from°the ball to service work which the club carries on locally. Organ Presented One, such ,proje . this year has been participate . n to the extent of $550, r presenting• half the cost of th organ�re- cently present • o I uronview home chapel' ; t Clinton, in part; ners1iTT w , he ---Kinsmen. -Kin= " President oe- Heller made the official pr•sentation last week, and it was accep�`IIeeve' Cliff Dunbar of Grey. Township Elle behalf of -the lIuronview • 'eb nn%Tttee- of Huron County CQ%rneil. - Make Donations - P'resid'ent Mildred•Whet§ton was in•gre clean,. for the. busi- ness session; -in „which the club voted a contribution.- -of-- $10 to ..the St. 'John Ambulance .fund and a similar amount to the Mental Health Association. - `�°'• AnnounCen e'nt was made,- of iili•a forthcoming, interclub meet- , ing-or'"Zone B, involving 200 ICinettes. from various• club"§; from Owen Sn'rnd to Clinton, who will convene here 'April 21. Next regular meeting, a work se:sion in arilicipatioh of the Mardi Gras ball, will he held Monday, February 12. Mr. and Mr's. Walter Moore and son Brian, Straffordville, ,--s•'Oeht the weekend with Mr. Moore's another, neg. Ray • Moore. Peter Oliver- of -Toronto was nr -town-for- -t-he-•- veekend attend the the GDCI. "At -Home." ing .work„, a finely tooled purse will emerge. It. is estimated that 35 to 40 hours of dili- gent labor will go into production of one of these elegant articles. WEDDING GLENN — COMEAU Sacred Heart Church, Saul- nierville, N.S., was the setting for the marriage of LSEM Nor- man E. Glenn, son or Mr. and Mrs, George Glenn,, Goderich, to Lucille Marie Comeau, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alphie Com- eau, Meteghan. River, N.S., on December er 31,-_.1962. The at- tendazi'& vw-ere Louis and Paul 'omeau, sister and brother of 'he bride. The young couple are resld- 'ng in Halifax .where the bride - stationed on HMCS Ed Stiles 'Heads Cancer Branch The Goderich and District 3ranch of the Canadian Cancer Society held. its January ex- �cutive meeting at the home of the president, Ed. Stiles. Mrs. C. Baechler, in reporting for the serVice committee, stet - that 'it had oversight of 37 patients and that dressings and transportation had been pro- vided wherever , necessary. -Christmas---boxes hacLhe_en given to all - cancer patients in hos- pital. The election of officers for 1963 followed with the new executive being: past president, F. Lodge; president, Ed. Stiles; 1st. vine -president, F. Lodge; 2nd vice-president, J. 'Moody; s ry, M..I4 Stephens; treas- urer, A. R. Scott; -:educatn,. Dr. J. C:'-'11Oettical advi r, Dr. R. M. Aldis; women's see• - vice, -Mrs. .1:: Chisholm phone comrthttee, Mr 'Lenore Sutherland; campaign chair- man, Miss G. McDowell. • After a. -short discussion on She risks of smoking, the Branch gave its approval to. supporting any cainpaign directed to en- lighten young people op the possible hazards in the use 'of tobacco. The executive planned for an open meeting at Mrs.•,C. Baech- ler's home, Britannia road, in -February. ; The life expectancy ,of males in Canada increased from 6Q to, 08. years between 1931 and 1956, and life—expectancy of females: increased from- 62• to 73 years. Mrs. V. Vanstone, right, and Mrs. Ginn, get instructions from instructress Mrs. Agnew as they reach a touchy point in their purse mak- ing proiect. This craft calls ford a!goodcieal.of patience, considerable effort, and quite a bit of know-how. Notwithstanding the effort involved, most of the ladies expressed a keen' interest in this Institute spnsored mute. Mrs. Arnold Fisher.. -and Mrs:'' Norman Durst •display soiae .finished articles -'typical of the work .undertaken by the leather class held last week at Carlo*. The finelytooled de- tails may, be seen on the purse Shown here `Cost of materials tis estimated at between six -and eight ;dollars, whereas- ah,,conseryat ve estimate of a retail price would be.. $25 to $4 • Most of the pupils would never co Sider sell ing their pet project considerin msny Hours of toil 'involved. (Signal tar Photos) Of the 4,389,766 Canadians $2,000 -to -$7,000 income brack who paid personal income tax only 17,689 were int, the $25, in t9B0, 3,357;041" were in the and -over income • class,_ The number of persons seek- ing employment in Huron .,ounty at the end of January, was 89 less than at the same time a year ago, according to the statistics of the National Employment Office at Goderich. At the end of January there - were 184 females seekr`ng -work and 707 males, for a total of 891. One year ago, there were 224 females and 756 males for a- tote• oJ. 980. During the past two or three weeks, employers seeking Ylelp_ nave not been .numerous due to the blustery winter condi- tipns: In the construction line, there is not as much work at this time as there was a year ago. The RCAF Station at Clin- ton is_no•t_...employing as many civilians as at this time • last year because of the .government austerity program. OBITUARY MRS. MARGARET SPAIN Mrs. Margaret Spain, 83, of Galt, a sister of Mrs. J. Brind- ley _ ef_ Goderich, died in hos- pital 'at Galt on Frida. The former Margaret Nixon, of Au- btirn, she resided in Galt for the past 38 years. At one time, she lived at - Seafarth and the funeral -service `service •was held there on Monday with interment at Seaforth. Surviving are . one son, four lighters,- ane•brother; Dale Nixon of Seafortll, , and three sisters Mrs. J. Brindlley of Goderich, Miss Minnie Ryton and Mrs. FToreriie 'Sfnitl of Seaforth; also 10 grandchildren and one great -great-grandchild. - Sponsored by t e Tiger Dutilop W.L; a "course in leather craft under the eonve ership of -Mrs. Wilmer Hardy engrossed thir- teen participant from the neighboring co munity, who under- took purse making projects and the direction of Mrs. Jean Agnew of Downsview, 9nt. Here a number of the -group are Vernon G. ,Glen, 25, of Dun- gannon, fortunately escaped' in- jury ,early Saturday morning_ -when the 1956 Cheyro,let be was driving hit a snowdrift -and roll, ed off the high, way,.near Dunlop. „Heading -north -on Highway No. 21, the ear- went --eft „of• centrol after suddenly striking a heavy drift and left the high- way on the southwest she. Damage was estimated at about $600 ,by Provincial Constable seenassembled abaft' one of '-the. work tables -in the township hall at Carlow as work proceeded during' one of the after- noon sessions. -The course was a week-long affair, and a com- munity affair, attendedmostly by non-members of the In- stitute, which is headed by Mrs.. •Terence Hunter:` . Morley Groves, Goderich de- - (Signal -Star photo) NURSE GETS AWARD Miss Barbara Durst, Canton a former student of was the winner of the first of t vo awards presented during the, "napping" service `'field re- eent:lY at Kitchener -Waterloo: Hospital, Kitchener. These :awards, to junior students- for pi;ofieiency and nursing pro- gress are presented to each sch e r ' P - nursing m' the =pro Vince. annually by the Canadian Auks' Association. Why Wait For Spring? `BUY NOW and SAVE 22.5 Cu. Ft. $116 . 9 17.8 Cu. Ft. "" ,2 3 These Are Deluxe GENERAL Freezers With: • Automatic warning Light •' World famous Tecumseh unit • Food Insurance • Unit Insurance • Lifetime warranty • • New magnetic gasket _ :}. err -ts Appliances -Your Refrigeration Sales _ & Service Centre" 59 Hamilton St. JA 4-$431 SPECIAL! 3c OFF PACK=-$TOKELY'S_CREAM STYLE TENDER AND SWEET` • SPECIAL!' S '',,TURDAY FEB. 9th, 1:30 P.M,., SHARP AUCTIONEER FRANK BUUCK WILL OFFER,' FOR SALE . WITHOUT RESERVE A LARGE SELECTION 'OF FINANCE COMPANY REPOSSESSIONS, NEW BANK- R.UPT STOCKS, BAILTFT!' "SE ZURES ANDS PEt1SQNAL.�....- CONSIGNM1TS TfIAT CONSIST OF NEW 'AND, USED MODERN HOUSEHOLD -FURNITURE, TELEVISION SETS, APPLIANCES AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF . BII,D NEW CLOTHING, MOST OF WHICH IS STILL IN PLAS- TIC PACKAGES. - HERE IS A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD: large chest- freezer in new condition that holds over 500 lbs. - - ,Frozen mod; deluxe washer and dryer in new condition; 48 Ked chord organ with Music book; combination radio and' record player: 2 foam rubber chesterfield suites; 2 davenport suites that 'make into .a bed; 3 bookcase bed- rooat7cy "suites complete with box springs' and mattresses; 2 ' 39'*,continentalkeds complete with headboards; 6 21" tele - vis on 'sets and 2 17" Seta -all . reconditioned and in• A-1. - worrking condition; ,. 9 -piece coppertone dinette suite and ;., 7,pieee -and '1 5-piecekitchen suites;" 2 refrigerators; 2 ' . -electric ranges 2 washing machines with purmp; step and ..eof"fee' tables;living, rood,•:-1arnps; rockers;...hostas chairs; hi chair; phone% table; step' stool; writing desk; gossip • bench, bookcase, sina'i tugs ayd runners; x 12' rug; • records and many other useful household items. As well as the large selection of household furniture being offered for sal e,'wc will 410,84 n large quantity of cloth.. ingconsisting of mnen`s shirts, underwear, ' socks, etc., ladies" nylons,: 'biotlses, gloves, etc., and for,,, the boys and• girls and infants' just about every kind of clothing you can think of. N"1'' MISS ITIIIS OUT$TAN1 ZNG AUCTION, •SALH ✓ u 1RAb -X E K:/ V CAS A ATl'C'X(11 1 �E1, 'MUMS. C. 8If CIlt4tTEg ACCtP'3'E0 8% sale0 .taX f effect 15 -oz. TINS __I)uring the next 10 days' orders placed for ''drapes,, will be Custom Tailored to fti'iir-windows and installed at- NO EX- TRA (IIAJ (lE. 48 -oz. TIN Daily ,9:3Q to imap a.m. T.V., London . • PRIZE WINNERS • FOR' WEEK ENDING, FEBRUARY- 2nd, -1963— $500e0O--+•MRS. JEAN LUKINGS, LONDON_ $50,00—MRS. M. BOYLE, LONDON •MRS. ,E. J. GLANFIELD, LONDON - —MRS. M11 ALAYSKIS,' LOWOON —MRS. VIOLET .FISHER, 1LDERYON Drapes ihust be $2.50 per , yard or over, fuel width and not. less 'than -2 yards long. Drapes rni- - be lined or 'iurR- 1ined. PLAY EVERY DAY VALUES E r+ CTIVE IN 'GbDERICH UlITIL CLOSING TIME .. ..... SATURDAY, FEBRUARY nth Free Town Delivery With Every 2.00 Purchase., GT A NEW OMIHO Card EVERY WEEK ' lt"OUR ° DOMINION StOtte 60B Iti 11