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The Exeter Times, 1891-9-3, Page 6
A Fact Tk iI Tc.13TB knowing is that Moog disc Y It eases which all other remedies fail Ile care, yield to .Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Fresh (emanates time of this state- ment comes to hand daily, Even Such deep..seatet and stubborn cont- plaints as Rhea- - anatiem, Bheutna- tie Goat, and the Iilce,are thonteg3t- fef ly eradicated by tIse use of tbiswon- derfui alterrtive.. Mrs. R. Irving bodge, 110 West 125th street, New York, certifies;— .lbout two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheutnaite gout, being able to walk only with great Uiscomfort, and Having tried Fatiou3 remedies, intending mineral waters, without relief, X taw by an adteerrtiae- rtaent be a Chicago paper that a mart batt been relieved. et this distressing com- plaint, alter lona suffering, by talii.ng Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I thee decided to make atrial of this med:etue,•and tools; it regularly for eight mouths. X ani pleased to say that it effected a eow plete cure, and that T have ainee bad nQ return of the iilsease." writes: ;Ones yearage1< wals taltt� ill' with rheumatism, being eonUned to Any balite ei;, tuontbs. I cam out of the eiekness very much debilitated. with no appetite, and tuy :system disordered in every way. X eowttreneea to Ilse A.yer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at ©ice, gaining in growthand soon re - meting my usual health, 1 cannot say too much is praise 1,f this well-kuawa medicine," "X have ta1ten a great deal of iuedl- ciue, batt t:thiu g has stone Plea so much good as Ay er's Sarsaparilla. I felt its beneficial cfi+sets before1 Hall quite finished one 'bottle, and 1 eau freely testify that it is the best bleed- Plc+lie ane 1 t.utow of." --le x.Ward, ST Woodland, Texas. yer's $arsaariI1a ri,v.p.0 , tee` Dr, 4. C. Ayer ik Go„ Lowell, Masa. Nei4.taiilaatGitlf. 1 office where he was employeddeseribing himDATE BRITISRNEWS. l as an "" inulingated scoundrel," and shniler language. Defender apologised and with- drew the charges, and was ordered to pay I the costs. Ile said he could not do so. A young and hell -dressed lady suddenly rose anis, stepping into the witness -box, said she would pay, adding—" Ile is a blackguard though all the saute." On Sun•lay, at (:auonbury Rotas, Rams gate, a terrible tragedy was enacted. Mrs. llerrinlau murdered her little daughter, aged five, by almost severing the neck from the body. After attempting to poison Ler, self the woman leaped front the front floor window. She WAS removed to the lnfir, teary, where she was treated fly I)r. Pass- more. Resides the effects of poison the un- fortunate woman was suffering from a frac• tured leg and itijuries to her head. After Batwing for three hours she died - During soave sports at Sudbury, Suffolk, on Monday, a stand with Clearly 600 people on it suddenly collapsed and fell sideway*s, u it- 's i . o the ground. Fortunate- ly tau e r c% flail alt d P a j platy of help was at hand, and while some hien held up the tarpaulin roof, others lifted and supporta 1 the beam while the people were extricated. No lives were lost, but a large member of persons were serious- ly braised, neeessitatug treatment by sever•- al doctors who were on the spot. The sports ,*ere resumed. Extraordinary Death Ora Soldier. 9.. FOOLISII WAGER. Ti'a ;ie Af'air in Euokiughafnshire. TttltoWlaiet • .A LA31t' AT A tfirE, ; William 11 ilkinsou, a bugler in the let Worcester Artillery Volunteers, encamped • near Conway, WAS drowned on Wednesday afternoon When bathing in the Vonway riv- er. Several others who were whit hint had nal row escapes. The F.aast Surrey coroner hasbeen informt- t ed of the death of :elf. Bohn Hoed, aprivate of the Colclstreaut Guards, Deceased jump- ed over Westminster ee Bridgeon anday escapearrested 'felt hadarae, e 1 night to a picket w le bine as a deserter, and was drowned, During a severe thunderstorm which pees - ed over Croydon on Monday afternoon a elan ,who had taken refuge under a tree was =ilia by lightning and killed. His head a was tens open and hie hoots stripped haul his feet. Ile war standing under a tree awl was seen to fail by a passer-by. TRE EXETER IVIES.. Al TS tN AFRICA. ate Stot t:lg Army Before Whirls 11;u �"itesday effected the attest of Joint Gray, silently, deadly and irrestso trove to the bul-iness of the eoneeptian," mttil reecntly a elete ;ive•st;perintendeut at these battalions ; out of the forest, down, -e c .. � - r o w . ;uta � • The bridge is constantly used and i$ in an Neel a tie, who tea caste 1 n a ars . across b t the tilted:, through the . v h It 1stealing '46, allay units, au 1 rap 6 pacelleut condition, n fact wl►iclt disproves THD FIRST IRON DR.IDOE• It Was Ruin Over Oue nuutirecl Years Arm and owl Stands. A 'present ay, when we are necust toined to lock upon Iron as the chief .eon- struetive material with which civil engineers and arehitects all ever the world deal, the first iron bridge that was ever built is a Curious sight. This bridge, the arches of which were made with iron, is called "Ironbridge,' ,and it was erected in 1779, Et spans a little river in the county of Salop oat the 1•ailread Hee from Shrewsbury to D: orebester,. its Ethgland, At the present day the structure' is surrounded by a thriving little village, which took its name from the bridge. Several iron foundries have been established in the neighborhood. The structure was a Wad attempt, at what has sineo developed into an extensive industry, There are three' supports; two of them are very. small and Dross a narrow country road, while the third e tis spans theoftheriver. I and largest .p bed r r •abort 96 feet long andweighs 378 tons. The braces were east .at Coalbrookdale, every bar being composed of two segments„ Stephenson, the great civil engineer, wrote as follows on the construction of this first iron bridge " When we bear its mind that the maul. pusation of cast• iron was at the time of its erection in its infancy we cannot help but feel convinced that unblushing audacity alone could conceive of such an enter- The nosier atitborities tit Devonport on flies; ; Prase, and the intelligence with which the details were niitlined and exeeuted ie espial t clic a rat d c a .ilg .int with 3., tae Lomat, ;weal stoekade,, across the aanare,`1 all the ontinotas elaalioringe of cranks that ' ',tetanal' it! the military hospital by setae h and into every nook call cranny conceivable ' the pernicious influences of rust will sooner or later bring, danger to the iron bridges of today. •artillerymen. When art -steel he atimitte,l that he was the man wanted. :1t Manchester Aesizes onTuesday, John they swanned. `the Prot notice: (they getter ally came at night) would Lea loud yell front some of the Alen "Leak out 1 Siete 1" There Elwes, a gentleman of etltt,atiatl, wast would. be nomere slee that might. After ex. fauna guilty of killing his mother with are- erieneegained.saysthe .Yinel(enll}Ceiiterry, rt -s P roeo• 1 ;i ex -Aimee wa y etat Hordle. c t i 1 nt•e 1 lei I, fat i , ' hs e o of •wefouti i u the hest .fan to clear out .f tr given that prisoner was insane, and the douses, rhsit. into the square and build nags other members of kis family evert ins ire, of lull around us. To put on ons s clothes and he wasordered to be detainee duringher was to get bitten lay 1d. ens all over one's Majesty's pleasure. • boil, unless they had been first thoroughly A haul: Wide).ex,:ursioniat to l,onloie' sato over a tine, Every � now and then ;lad an embarrassing experience: He tonne , yells and curses told how a lacy ono had got r ` `° +'' "aver of the .vorut 4111'rrrauew, is chain and over 1:•�eairl money. He WAS left the loofa and doors, were amply one seeds - answered as fairsy ani fully by an arti* in without so uletrli av e penny in his pc1'+itets, ing mass of struggling ants: ; They were , t1u current number of the F",a•+rrt. from the anal after wallah the streets all night had after the cockroaches, mice and insects that n of keis I. number cit itch, . lt. Irian pse• ter horrere a dew jolting,: from n stranger had taken uprtheir alto"le in the roofs, Now 1p cw lxarrlster, non* living its the Unite,. b' ' ➢ ➢.s f '• id h as \omit, Willi line ut , brill arrested. eueralsy a eo is -m cls, they wonld make 011 11eca entered into between the ------te or cutters, to have the ive The wan. \ illiianl .ial3n'ass, for whom the ! `jewes the hill ill long line. Luckily IQs of the propositionrsuat*ve ;ltit4eAute piffle are toat'4laile fun the uaanrdcr of his they never touched our 1;4 -anodes : t hall f • 1 I him»elf in Pic •a tiih• minus his and ••aught hi his bunk: The walls of the huts Goldwin Smith and the Jews. It does not often happen that an answer is voneheafvsi before a proposition is statee, or even that the reply is framed siutultan. eunsly with that whieltitreallymeets. This unusual experienee, however, has come to prof, tiobltvinSmith, whose ""New Light on the Jewish Question," its the August anorrierto k,anuttlttithe wtilt us uwurs au, Om +Iueal,so ycastn„111105to their States, as though a Special arrangement had in 1 oit.aiitisc, The thief is :,stppused to he sto ; As fast as thea ants found their load, tune ;t ct'tfe at I,;aieiloiise, ;t+ -till at large, sari they seemed to prefer alltuus tyoot , vinitli°s artiete iia teaaanly devotee➢ to eatab- altbso�agh he in well i nova iii the district, now a n hot rimorning rotes elf toutul oaalBilins the twa=oae propositiaii that the IsPubliseectevery Thursday ueaen na,a' nothing; has trans irc:1 regarding his where. S louterseention of the Jews in Russia is not, in } 1•looking f 1 bodwheel's1 TI MSS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE 1 `'buuty. it is the opinion of sante that; aPlraoe'1 y of t to thing body ;wpm , e suppose ten. r. . y senile a religiausp :rtetuttton, but:that it a ttuu•street.uearl „volute r'ation's artnocor .t,timns, who. is of a very excitable digpoar• i hail dust d ema aped. Usually deon is owing tt+the ghms.ons and petty tyranny t sy a west+ aaeloaftcr. rainstorm , bwie,Exeter.t3ut.,b'John tlhate Sens,l'ro• , Dont is a likely nein to commit suicide• a• of tlte,ipeish exaetdcn,le.t's petty have o • macaws. Lewis, who was also stabbed by .Adams, is then► cattle rota the fort already staggertug ' pressed and wren ed rite ar a s.;ants,uu tt !WITS of tttvrr.rteiNe progre�siei favourably. uaelerloads; tltcseappeared towander aliaut the have aien r revolt a iinst an alien Firstinsertion, portico .....................10 cents > till the others were ready. Next da • nota y against s• ch aubse idetiusertaon. er lino -....3centie" . ,1t the Prilece ":f 11'nles tAilli�•ry, 1 aatc- ,,tacluo;reli could lie founts in the place, salrace, wlw, dcspisitlg honest toll, seek 10 Uro So insure insertion advertisements eboteu 'frail. un 11'c.luesd;ty-, a pulley a. the head 1 1 did ld' t t npnn the Bare •cariiecl wageaof their fesla5vs, ba sontin senator than Wednesday iiiArniu,; gear broke, letting a ear drop toine'.it) teat t teams t us service Ito en lie it s ie a In a word, I)r. Smith Glamis that the Verse* these p/ see. The rata It, d ale .ani c a of .... yards dawn the shaft. This broke all tlac, � � calico is a natural consequence, and that and did not return for some da •e. 1•e have ()tuJCi4t 3'1:fSTftiG DEP IP.Tiit.•:T's qnn > h;,ft gearinc, trial ialprisouca between two 1 the dew is suffering the just. demerit of his LCC, s II I tl forts, o ante two a.the kargot( and bests:fuipi+ea eta Cao toosnv; anti there hanndrt•d risen in the pit. Stel.s affil 1 half d's •s Ina • • e the •would take i l ]a. � emus anthoritieQ are cpnatcd to ecu on su a the .armies ret all 5 O 2luron,:> i evorits:ntruste ► rr fit cv.a rn:o.ei, were immediately taken to rescue the then " " y f"' ' " • J „ prove butt tl peraeentionis not the tendency o trpromptatteution two and half days 1nsgmg tt Even spot ilt "244"1) 1111 ss'iief shaft, bat it(•ttat! I)uringthedaythe tnilrchwoilldbeiincessant"of theRussian or of the elI lre 1' o wlIle I se DeeSiol3S Eteg;trdinl: News. a ee edt r,ai1t would richt to s e stla•,fore overt' one utarehinl athis very hest', toward 1 1Snldtheir Iairiesthnd at the eXEOatien n1lstern Cltolerants I)ap)ers, a.l tb rat i t I] l brought he ui face. night they \chid ituddlo in a8eetlitilg mass, cI a 1 i p y• *Anypertonw it tabu,: t nspa- c' •.t15^,;•rrn•n ' On Friday night 1 eorge I'hillipv, tt fish ;end if disturbed scatter its all alreetmns, 9 towards a,lherents of a faith. differingfrom the post-o0lee, whether directed an his name or hawker, of Wanstead, who ]las been fur gibe width of Cho stream of rant: would be w their own. 1t'ttneases also aro invoked to another s,or whether he has-1b,a•ribcd or not ! sotue time of cacentrie and intemperate bo •two inches generitlly, (id. the flanks': establish the position that the Jew is luin- is respon'iblc for payment. t r t i habits, •lain wager that he w oultl swim of this were the soldiers, fully helve the' self tho aggressor, and that �his sufferings, he i lea nay allorders arrears ror paper publisher limy 1 au -re's ilia I:'t"lr I'otids, tnnt eabrouk, n length of the workers. On our arproaoh E if not just in the strictnaturally t3E the o he expected. continue to send It until tiee a mens is made. • well-known expause of water. Ile divested these big chaps would run out and up our , are only what was and then collect the whole camount, whether himself of his rletlie 4, save his trousers, and le ,F like li htniai No b•rda, hnt of ono , Chief among those cited in this connection *opener is taken from the entre or not, essayed to swim while in a drunken state b 6 are the British consuls who were stationed y sort seemed. to trouble them • these were instituted in the place where the paper is putt ` h t ld 1 disappeared. The body sP hundred of m fes away take newspapers orperIudur.el.• from the pest- . Mitchell, talo pugilist, was charged r. rets with Yankee 1 , other, or removing and leaving heir uncalled S l is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud nssaultin, Pollee -Constable Iialewhilo in �� i the exeentiun of his duty. Mitchell ap- 3 in suits for sulacription the suit may he For a few strokes he went alone; all riblet, lactic {allows about as big• as •arrows and in those Russian towns in which the disturb - Belied �ithon -h the sub cribcr may rc�ide n sin en v t reappeared , to yeas of a dull slay color armee took place in 1881, and whose report not rccovcird mall Saturday inoimiug, as ?resented to the llritishparliament, bears so 1leavil Il ion the Jews in connection with Two seamen have been raeiug aserious, 9f not fatal obje,:uoil to Ur. Smith's across the Atlantic in open boats. They are the captains—anti crews --of the dories Mermaid and Sea Serpent. One of them has just reached Land's End in a state of exhaustion. The chances of the other, 1100[1 miles bohind his competitor when last I The courts have derided that refusing to At J;rr•htun, nu Satnrda • Charles The Ocean Dory it ce. the troubles of that unhappy period. It is P . „ ..... In stamps tslmpfy• as a I Pearetl in the dock with al blood•ktained SEND50C gunrtnteeofgeotifa:ti, 1 ep licca altr shirt, and the policeman man h t Isis nose strap- C. us, and we will send Tots by expuas .C'.ti,Ii., ped and appeared to have been seriously this elegant wateh which yeti can seamme,atnti injured. The constable depuned that early if you do not find t in the morning he saw the defendant tor itall and cvansnore • titannwe claimfw•ranS linty with two women, and when he interposed d b n nt r ek it NOTLfe da stn 1 him and 00 TAKE IT but if perfectly sat--peniitea him severely. .liitehell was fined fsfaetory, pay! the t i and costs, Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE : A serious affray between soldiers took of 55.35 and take place at Portsmontlt on Sunday niglrt. It the watch. such a seems that some men belonein •b y° to the Royal chance to stcure s aeon » „ reliable timepiece Inniskillen Fusiliers lnet a party from the i ° of the Jews as ,c a parasitic race, as cu- nt such a Adieu. 1 orksltire Regiment, and an altercation i l . et the letter brought from mill -sett 1•y serting themselves for the purpose of gain Imlay low p1.11 C is e11 -red. Words led to blows, and belt; and I the slate of a steamer which passed one of into the homes of outer nations, while they seldom,if rciS ef,b f. -sticks n ern freely used. I:ve,rtna11 the ,, the tiny eraft is apt to make one pause its retain a marked and repellant nationality theory, however, that it atssmhes a degree of sympathy and interest on the part of the Russian authorities for the poor and unia- fluentialsubjects of the realm, which is en- tirely out of harmony with the histarical spoken, are certainly sou insurable. No ° character of said authorities. It gives them y credit for more feeling and a deeper sense stronger eurotion than the cariosity co' of justice than their former tett warraut. ' n d byolhtril ne_s has been kindled nolo afe l k idle c respect Mr. ourw•i ch a rev v tit In one reapeH t g s5 i in the breasts of their countrymen by. their Prof. Smith, namely, that the Jews are undertaking. The general application of being persecuted an account of their faith ; the comprehensive terra crank" was their atleast that the aecidentof difference of godspeed at the outset of their voyage, and faith is not the principal reason. Bat here it is likely to he their welcome at itstermin- their agreement ends. Dr. Smith speaks ore, of ere rr the ascii tion of a mere desire for notoriety is a genuine area pollee appeared oil the scene, and the men P y FILLED WATCN,madc disperser., . Four of them received severe as the motive for this gratuitous heroism. Col over comp os punishment, and they were taken to the This is an example tion metal. It has pollee -station, -'here their womids were .Everypar't of the (the Mermaid) has steel - tion • bow, cap and •,pressedbythe polic`-surgeon. led and warpetl,anaday afterday Iamwhitt- casebeauufnUten Atragicoeeurreucetooltt1aeatl)owntey, ling uoporde,un\otsnivith me,keep howthings itt ever. graved midis dust- near High, Wycombe, on Tuesday' et -ening. My eorgor de •has shrunk enough to aver- - t5 er- �prooz. ,'she works ' Joseph Sharpe, aged 5:1, general dealer, age up phe two. A week of this weather is richly jewelled with expan• sion lbalance as"( ' "1.1?otiie wit• h his t-• • • while he re, not over. and above pleasant. Steerin my 1 f 1 • i' maint,trort 1e gnu wentto l est „ sef re elated and we warrantit an accurate time. , Y Y: .t. With my etbv5v, : Ga4ting m) ,meas at of their own." Mr. Hourwtcb shows how contrary to historic fact it to speak of Jews as foreigners and new comers in Rus- sia. He says : "In truth, very far from being new -comers, the Jews had settled in the places of their present residence some seven centuries before those places were conquered byRussia. In the Muscovite state the Jews were never allowed to settle per.'per- manently, and later on the St. Petersburg g emperors pursued the sante course. But gentleman.• eer. it A suitableeo is sent witheach'. be bower show. Aboat half -past eight a the sante time r, blowing my fog horn ; with the acquisition of Poland and a man passing the house heard the report rata watching mycompass for the course ; mak- ywat c AddresskCEOoW Peterborough, WYATT & CO., gun,;and, goinginside, found airs, Sharpe Inc(a pre •ener spring with one hanas my et about a ttmillion ssia received ,ewish heritage subjects shot in tela abdoman She expired in a few ( b t t SEND ' nn and astir, of paper the moments. Sharpe who has been arrested, had team nam goes splash into the water Or • $E� USs size of your finger, and i rises ten feet in the air and comes down with we will send Sou postpaid this elegant only a short time before borrowed a gun a thump that carries away the cleats • ELDORADO DIAMOND• from a neighbor. SOLID COLD FILLED RING 1'.vatehin l the waves as they come tearing On SatnrdaY morning a prizef3 fight took alon•* be�iirup me and send me scudding into These rings etre new , place in a field at the rear of Thornes Par- the `depths below ; listening for vesels ; word by ladies and sonage. The pugilists were two miners, keeping the rain and spray out of the back gentlemen in the best named email and Gillear, hailing from of my neck and ori my grub—cold victuals some apana sea as Castleford, and they were accompanied by as much as possible—are not enjoyable con- ringcostrng$2o.00. We ; a number of other men. The combatants ditions. guarantee a perfect fit i fought for nearly two .hours, and severely It is impossible for the healthy Anglo- the harvest work of blacksmiths,carpenters, and Address etion- punished ea u ed each thethalir Se On the city pollee Saxon to read this narrative without feeling diggers, carriers etc." As fol the Jews who Pearce and four eonetitti c e Sergoant a little glow of pride that in his veins is the live outside the ""pale"he asserts that the Geo. W. Wyatt & CO. res rushed off to the blood of the only race that has ever delight- law is so framed as to leave them no option ; who had been living there from time immemorial." Dr. Smith, quot- ing from others, accuses the Jews of spurn- ing legitimate labor and of showing a prone- ness to lead a parasitic life, Mr. Hourwitch disposes of this charge by pointing to the towns and cities within the "pale of settle- ments" where every kind of productive work is carried onby theJews ; "therebeing very few Christian laborers there even for Jewellers '' scene Cf the encounter, but the pugilists ed in doing this sort of thing, and, des ire commerce is the only thing open to .them. Corning to the reasons of the prevailing anti-Jewish feeling Mr. Ilourwitch claims that religions bigotry and race prejudice may have some influence, the principal l lana- p es p tion is to be found in the economical e and political condition of Russia. • He • affirms that the persecution is " a constituent part d 1 blood. �1 l But h history I I' I h k of a calculated and well-planned scheme on Y g P g theside of the government." and that it is intended as a means of attaching the upper and middle classes to the present political system. By oppressing Jewish merchants, lawyers, physicians, civil engineers, guild artisans, clerks and the like more freedom is given to their Christian competitors, who h Jews a have the lively competition of the serious bar to the realization of their selfish ambitions and proJects. Naturally this policy pleases those in whose favor it oper- ates,and is, so it is stated, accomplishing its designed end. The middle classes are mani- festing nnusual loyalty to the government, and love for .the present political system - Whether now this explanation be the true one or not, it is at least inherently prob- able,being iu thorough harmony with all that -w know of that autocratic and despotic power. : Goslin-" How Miss Cucldlesome's face ligbts up at times 1" Dolley—" Yes ; she's a lantern-jawed girl, you }inow.'l Peterboroligir,bnt. and their friends succeeded in getting clear the enervating conditions of modern life it still delights in doing it. From a utilitarian standpoint there is absolutely no gain to the successful erformance of anybody from p this feat. Nay, more the closet moralist t1 'v Y, , calls it, with justice from his standpoint a wicked risk of life, which was meant to he put to useful ends. tt the us or of the +:u is •sea -in people points clearly to the fact that it has overrun the world largely on account of its love of prevailing over hardship, of facing unknown dangers for no useful purpose— for no purpose whatsoever save that bred of the fascination of doing things that no o FromFrobisher's s had dared to d . man else time to De Long's and Greely's, one of the highest heritages of the race has been the record of almost practically useless explora- tion of the Arctic regions. When Dampiere circumnavigated the globe he probably had little thought that he should make of the trackless water wastes he found the beaten pathways of a rnighty commerce that would bring gold from all lands to the bleak little island whence he sailed. When the Anglo-Saxon race ceases to breed men who will achieve foolish• feats of daring for the laveof, the obstacles to. be o ercome in. the achievement it will be time to tune up for the requiem over its supremacy. cttLETT; PURE 1 POWDERED 100P PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. Readyy for use in any quantity. For making Soap, Softening Water, Disinfecting, nd: dhundred other uses. A. can equals 20 pours SalSoda. Sold by All Grocers and Druggists. E. R9iT. G3a,IaETT. Toroatoo Yiso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use and. Cheapest. Soles by druggists or sent by mall, 50e. D. T. Haaeitine, Warren, Pa., U, S, A. away. On Wednesday night an old woman Cox died at Epsom Union In- firmary Ellen Go. ps n firmary #roan wounds alleged to have been inflicted by three men on Mondaymorning. The woman was found Ma field near Leather. bead with several wounds upon her body, and cover with or• . She statedthat three hneii follow•ecl her from a neighboriug public -house on the previous night, attempt- ed to rob her of a shilling, and assaulted and wounded her when she resisted. The police are investigating the.. story. Late on Saturday night,ht George Fisher, isher of Morris Street, est Bromwich, was ar- rested by the i olive, charged with a shocking outrage upon his wife, Ann Fisher. The husband anal wife quarrelled, when it was alleged the prisoner picked up a lighted lamp from the table and threw it at her, with the result that she was immediately enveloped in flames and was shockingly burnt. On Sunday night the woman's; con- dition was so serious that the police deemed. it advisable to take her depositions at the hospital. The prisoner was remanded. A singular incident happened in Liverpool Police Court on Wednesday. Peter Steed- man was charged with libelling William Forbes Simm by sending postcards to the NOTHING LIKE fr 'R, XQAk' SCALES, of Toronto, writes: "A bort time ago I was suffering front ncidney Complaint and Dysptt aria, Sour Stomach and Lan;zo iaelt *, in fact, X was cornpletaly prostrated and suffering intense pain. While in this state a friend recommended nae to try a bottle of Northrop c Lyman's. Vege*• table Discov&y. X used one bottle, and the permanent manner in Which it has cured and nutde a new m:an out of me is such that X cannot withhold Vora '•be proprietors this expression of nay gratitude." CURES.WQ-NIDERFUL: ...'R TRXRTY TEARS,.-- Utz. L. Squfrea, Ontario Steams Dye a r e "1' yearsa ed thirty X have d. o rabout iNox x s TO .� 3 Vox' . nt4 x s , c, e without n . for Liver complaint and la,lspep3ia getting any X then tried IElortl atop & Lgatali's Vegeta? bie Discovery, and the benefits X have received front this ataedicine are such that 1 cannot withhold this expression of ray gratitude. Et acts imme— diately upona the Liver, and its good effects are noticed at once. a Dyspepsia remed X don't tlainh, it can he equalled." y �. ... �. LEi E. AR»ENE1 AND ENLARGED X.XVER, .� It:[t's. Zi<. lE i311, IA Navariuo, T,' '., writes "For years 7, have been troubled with Liver Complaint. The doctors said my Liver was hardened autl enlarged. X was troubled with Dizziness, ]Paint in any Right Shoulder,. Constipation, and gradually losing flesh all time All food soured on my stofsaach, even with the closest Cha x attention to diet, 'X was under the care '-s three physicians, but did not get any relief. A. friend sent nae..• bottle of Northrop ith Lyman's Vegetable Discovery, and it affords me much pleasure to inform you that the benefit X have received frotu it is far beyond xray ospectation. X feel better now than. I have dune for -years." EXETER LUMBER YARD The undersigned wishes to inform the Public to general that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Dres ed or 'C '3 .dres ed. PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY 0,0OO X X and X X X Prize and Cedar Shingles uo«' in minted. stock.: A. call solicited and satisfaction gu IE5, WILLTM, a,. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? �N S LUNGBALSAM, ALLEN'S NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, 40. MoOOLL BROS. & COMPANY•, TORONTO, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in the faliowinfr specialties laardin,e Cplrnde Red Engine OILS 73°1 ^:ut't:ig Eurelta TRY OUR LARDINE MACHINE OIL AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. For Sale By B1SSETP BROS. Exeter, Ont. Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER 5(RI11Es THE R,;JT OF THE -0ISEASE Is used both internally and externally. It nets quickly, affording almost intent relief from the aovereat pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. HISTANTANEOi1S IN. ITS ACTION, For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLICA DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS,. NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAINKILLER, In Canadian Chglera and Bowel Complaints its effect Is magical, It cures In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS,, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE SOLO EVERYWHERE AT 269. A BOTTLE tar Beware of Counterfeits and Imitation'. .`u.oA� `�G eaeF ee\ `ee 0 0 e, roA Dot ��� vvo Q�4 © • ,d. �civ, lir Purchasers should look to the Label en the Boxes goad! Pots. If the address is not 638,'OXFORD S , LONDON, they areeptiroue. 0 Et 0 D u a 0 P r