HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-9-3, Page 5PIP'EP .rS Ca [Cr CNr )lie above eat represents the interest taken by Targe reapportion of uerrreaders in Canada's favoriteExhibition. This the directors deserve for their untiritig efforts to keep it at the front of Live Stock and Aur eultural >•'airs, Its grawii?g popularity is duo greatly to theatteu- tion given in revising the prize list, making eueh alterations ae are required' to the int- pres a n4'ut of Live Stook ; encouraging -the better 4l t es of Grains an 1 Seeds :for eulttva- boat in,1 bringing out and fuctering new inven- tic?ns of all kinds A largo number of Special ptnxt, are oif're1 for t lite=.e anti Butter as the 'itanataeirire of these article's is t ensidored two very rniportant in*1 strie.o1 this Province. `pet ial Prices are also °dare,' for the cow tusk ing tit:tritest butter on the grounds• the test to be under the supervision of an expert from the Agricultural College. The machinery in mo - den to the main building wee of such an inter- esting;and instructive, eharncter that special efTerts are being made 101ee1ips° former years, in the Art Department there is :t hots depart - and silo et Welt lfos already !proved exceedingly saecessfa1; artists are allowed the privilege of disposing of their productions by potato sale and 1 1`,l.eatlati •n; by a lap,ifi%thie course and *'Barts of Seoretary Browne they have Bemired a magnificent colleetionof Works of Art by Brits It Master,' containing paintings, valued at 41. Rao sterling. A sight of thesealone would well repay a visit to the Western Fair. but when they add such special attractions as the Wilt) tweet .how. Trapeze perfotatnnces. Fancy RI Ile 81:tenting. Fire Engine ContestsCross out Saw- ing %latches, elaborate Fire Werke Di' pIaa's. Balloon races by lady anti gent Banda of'1 traic, eta,. ':hero can we go that no will receive so sno,alu etilidinstructiun and ealiu mout at such little expense as to thewestern fair in LandOa, next September. 17th to e th? Toronto's Great £'air, The ananacers of the T,.rontc Exhibition, winter) art msec Sei.telnlaer 7th. have been most saese ,ata) in securing the best attractions for she d,xtaile(aim that have ever Were beet -teller ca to the public. Amoo+g thew may be mention r3 that ;turret of the century,lidi on's iniprev- ea plienograple Among the Apeatneular attrtc- to.en, will be Pain's III3Aerpiccc,' Tlie Siege of Paris," which includes scenes :luring the mien ,ef the C,muuno when the armies of Prussia utr+lnnded the oily of Paris. ')'hero will be also an immense exhibition in the horse rift every afternoon and evening, together with all kiwis of old English and itoin•*n spore's. In these some forty or tufty horses and double as seamy pet,ltle will take part. ;rlany of the latter are the best and meet exciting riders of the day. who 0* their garteons costumes, turnouts and Fxt 'ttug exhibitions will make a picture long to to remembered. There will un.lauhted y be a lanae attendance from this section of the pro- v.as ':rills; the fair. 10 NEVO S DEBILITATED _,- MEN. If you will Bond us your address. wo will mail yea our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about I1r. Dye's Celtbratod Electro -Voltaic Bolt and Applianees,.and theireharming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how tboy witlquiekly restore you to vigor and man- hood.Pamphlet free. If you aro thus afflictedwe will send you ItBelt and Appliances on a tria)1. VOLTAIC OLTAIC BKLT CO.. Marshall, Mioh. They have Diaoovered it ! "What ?" 'Vita Ore, which is warranted to euro Diphtheria or any Throat trouble, Dyspepsia or Female \Veakneases. Put up by the Vita Oro Com- pany, Box 89, Belleville.-atlGm3 Golorieh High Sobool paassd 10 teachers at the reaant departmental examinations. A woman who is weak, nervous and sleep less, and who has cold hands and feet, eau. not feel and act likea well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remoyo nervoasnoss, and give strength and rest. Goderioh's rate of taxation is two cents in the dollar for this year. The total income for the year, including a surplus from 1800, was 838,592.60,whito the expenditure was the same -$38,592.60. When the blood is out of condition disease is the inevitable result. Dr Williams' Pink Pills enpply the constituenta necessary to enrich the blood and build up the nerves. They core auppressions, irregularities, de- bility, etc. Good form.i andwomen,yonth and old. Sold by all dealers or sant on receipt of price (50 o. a box). Dr Williams Med. Co., Brockville. Ont. Arthur L. Langford, late teacher in the Seaforth High School, now classical master of the Winnipeg Collegiate Institute, was married on Thursday at Hamilton to Lizzie S.. daughter of the Rev. Thomas Stcbbs, TILE VOICE for THE PEOCLE.-In every part of Canada the voice of the people rules and the voice of the people endorsesBurdook Blood Bitters as the best and surest blood purifier known. Nothing drives out boils, blotches, humors,S sores and impurity so quickly as B. B. B., and perfect health:with bright clear skin always follows its use. • When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor's. When she was a Child, shebried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she ening to Castoria. rQV) When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. OH, WHAT A COUGH, Will you heed the warning. The signal of t e sure approach perhaps h of that inose terrible disease Consumption. Asst your- selves if you can affard for the sake of saving 50e , to run the risk and de nothing for it: We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. C. C. Rimesens to Co., I had the muscles of my hand so contract- ed that I could not use it for two years, MINARE'S LINIMENT cured me and I • nor, have the rise of my bend as well as, ever. • Dalhousie.: Mus. RACHEL,, S. AUNDERS, C. 0. RICHARDS & Oo., I hal a voh ahle Dolt so bed with Iiie41ge that I feared I would lose him" tyItNARD'S •- LINIMENT cured him like magic;` Dalhousie. I Cllnl•Tornen SAuxesliss J. H. (?REIVE of H. GREIVE Before you buy your Fall & Winter Cloth g Call and examine the large and well -assorted stock of Fine Worsted Suitings Fine Seately Tweed Is Ciaanadicw, as Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overooatings All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a 0001) FI or no sale,.. -Give me Fra call. GRIEVE. J. H. �/FRI EVE. A Coaluox Oat41i l --All skin diseases of whatever name or nature are caused by itn. pure bleed. Burdach Bleed Bitters le a natural lee to impure Blood, removing al foul humors from a common pimple to the worst eerofnlous sore. "Five years ago I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced ,•in flesh, and had been given up ;by'sny pbyeictans. 1 began to take Ayor'a Cherry Peotoral,and, after using two bottles of this medicine,was completely cured,"•-4aga A, Lewis, Ricard, N. Y. Mr. Duncan King, near Bluevale, deliver- ed 20 floe steers on Saturday last to D. Stuart. tie received :theist Sol) a heats for them. 41 AR.11 FOR SALE. Tbo subscriboroffers her farm, eontaiuiug 100 aeres beteg lot S, in the lata con of Hay township, for sale, 8] acres cleared, good bush, splendid water, 31 mllee frons Exeter, convenient to srbools and churches. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the promises or to :Aire, Iiobt. Murray, Hay P. 0, Sept, 3 -lm ALESMAN WANTED'. v D, - To t alto ord era for our Warranted NURSERY STOCK to be delivered III theslrring. Agents starting NOW eau make ;big Salary, or Com. rniesiou, Stttelf. nod variety :superior to any- thing heretofore shipped, Ontetand instrue Hon sfurnished FRLI;I. Write et once for terata to E.0, JRA1I,M, Nrnst nrafAS, Sp 1.91 Toronto, Ont, : i ARM FOR SALE. 153 acres in the Township of Stephen, I0t acres tillable land. 40 acres good pasture. 10 nares bush. Soli all best slay loam,well fenced, watered by,3 good walla. 3 good (orchards. large brick house 26.x 36, bank barn 40 x 70. barn 3t` x 4.5, This isa find farm,6 miles from Exeter, 21 from Crediton, elle mile from school and cbnroh. Possession given at once. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to St3-31 WILLIAat ISaralDEne. Crediton. DISEASES MEN Of all ages, resulting from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Youth, may bo permanently cured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully rostored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing of GLEET, STRICTURE, SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with porfeet success. Our field is in CHRONIC CA SES in which others have failed; if you are incurable wo will frankly toll you so. Write forpartioulars and treatise, Free, to ST. LOUIS MEDICAL Co., 162 and 1 a King Street, West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m The Exeter Fall Show. • -0- PRIZE MEDALS. At the South Huron Fall Show to be hold at Exeter on Monday ce Tuesday, Sep. 28 d 29, '91 The following PRIZE ilinnaas given by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competition in addition to the premiums mentioned in the regular published prize list. viz: For the best herd of cattle any brood, said herd to consist of 4 females and a bull, -a silver medal. Forthe best pen of sheep of any breed, -pen to consist of ono ram. pair ofaged ewes, pair of Shearling ewes and pair of ewe Iambs. -a bronze medal. No Special err trance fee required to compete for the above. M. Y. MCLI:AN. JOHN KETCiIEN, Secretary: President. Sept. 1 -it Auction Sale OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY. Pursuant to a Power of Salo contained in a certain Mortgage made by Robert Elston, de- ceased, in favor of the Vendor, there will be sold by PUBLIO AUCTION' At the TOWN HALL, In the V'illag'e of Exeter By JOHN GILL, Auctioneer, on .,Satia.rday, Sept'r. 5th, 1891 At 2 o'clock n.m., the following valuable -village property, viz: Lots Niimbers SIX, SEVEN 'and EIGHIT, on the west side of Main street, south of Gidley street, in the .Village of Exeter, (Girlies, s Survey) containing by admeasurement ONE HOOD, TWENTY AND FOUR-FIFTHS PER- CIIES,more or less. There is on tbo premises a good storey and a half frame house, and a good orchard, TERMS OF SALE :- CASH. Tito property will be solei subject to a reserve bid: For further particulars apply to R. iI. COLLINS, 0'r to JOHN GILL, .Ven`der's Solicitor, uctioneer. Exeter Easier Honer Mills. MARKET REPORTS. Wheat .. 85e to 88e per bush QUIZ SELLING PRICES, Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 60 do Low Grade .. 2 00 '° Sian , , ,,. 80c. Middlings - , , .. . 1 00c. Screening „.. 1 10c. Chop . , ... 120 to 1 30 Chop stone runuiirg every day, U,'"TERAIS CASH, TUE EXETER MILLING Coy, 44 I4 44 44 MARKET REPORTS. EXETER RedWheat 90 to 06 Spring Wnoat ,,, Barley .., Oats.. Ole?.er Seed .,. Tiimg nhy 1 40 to 1 40 Pea-, 60 to e5 Corn ... 0 40 to 5o Eggs .., 1210 13 Butter ,., 13 to 0 la Flouryesrbbl ,. „ 00 40 S 15 Potatees,per bushel .„ ... .60 10 0 555 Apples,per Dag . 1 6010100 Driedd.ppleepr h .. ... 0 410030 tiooee perlb, es ,.. 0 05 to 0 16 Turkey per lb ..,. ... 07 to es Ducks per lb,., 0 Oeto 0 07 Cbiciteuaporpr ,, „, 0 25 to 0 30 Hogs,dresaedperiCO .r 6 00 to 6 25 Beet .,. .., 4 00 to 5 2:, Hidesrongh, ,.. - .„ 4 00 to 4 he dreaded ,., 5 OO to 5 25 Sheepskins aeon„ 0 60 to 70 °alfskins „ 0 50 to 0 as Wool porib ., „, ;, 0 18 to 0 19 ReaTerteta ,,, 3 0 ton [0 Oesonsuerbusts ,, .. 0 50 to 0 50 Woadparaard ,•, 2 50 to 300 ST.:1tARES $ Pall Wheat g0 9,3 Spring Wheat .., ,... ,.. 9O 95 Barley .... ..,. .... 0 45 0 50 Qats 046048 Clover Seed.- . „ . ,..... ......... 3 75 4 25 Timothy 1 25 1 30 Roar 065 0 70 Butter.; .............. ..............,,...,.,.,, 1 0 13 ]4014 Potatoes per. .bac 30 55 Apploe per bush 0 50 Wool per ib 18 0 13 Ray'porton,..,.,.., S 50 9 0Bran per ten 14 00 14 00 Shorts'* 'r, . -,20 00 23 0* Oatrnealperbbl., 6 00 7 00 Hogs,dresaod per 100.-, ..... .., 5 OO to 5 25 HAVE YOTJ - Any intention of taking a BUSINESS COURSE THIS SEASON? xF' so, THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, Would like to correspond with you. CATALOGUE ]?'REE, W, i'ESTERVELT, P11z*]ciPar., SPET)S! Flower, Field '45.app1.`1 D Seedds 4 i 606Q too Gy t04 ;p 48 Garden .en,., LONDON. Wheat, :91 to'93 per bus. Oats, 39e to 41e per bus. Pone. 72e to 75e per bus. Bar- ley,Aralting.501 to 67a per bus. Barley Feed, 44e to •Nin per bus Corn. 61Ie to @7o per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. Aug, 26 -Wheat Spring -No. 2. 97c to99e per bus; red wintor.No 2.1 (2 to 103 per bus. luanituba No 2hard, 108 to 1 O8 ;7o. 3, 040 to 95o t PEAS 70e to 75,e per bus. OATS 37c to 40eer bee. FLOUR. extra, $3 85 to 33.94 nor bpi; altraigbt roller, 1;4.40 to 4 t0 ; stronghakers,e4.00 to $4,10. BARLEY, 'No 1, TELE PILL Fort THE PEOPLE, Melilla, Sta., Ont., Jan. 13 1890. W. H. Ceyt*TocE, Brookville, Ont. Doan SIR,-Havo been selling your Dr. Morse's Indian Beat Pills for the past eight years; they are the Pill for the people. After having used them once, they always come back for more. Yours truly. Jiro. 14feLEsx. SEVEa to SEASONS. -"For several seasons I have used Dr Fowler's Extract of WIld Strawberry and find that it makes a perfect cure even on the severest attacks of summer complaint and diarrhoea. It is as precious as gold."- Mrs F. C. Winger, Fonthill, Ont, Minard's Liniment is the Best. FOR SALE. A good buggy which can be used as a single ordoublo rig. Can bo:seen at Mr. Geo. Hodgin's barn, For particulars apply to Manx CLARSE er ROM SANDERS , A]xeter,-A27.3t rOST.- J A dark colored cow -farrow -on or about 10th inst. Any information as to her where- abouts will be liberally:rewarded by W. G. BIS - SETT. Exeter. FAR11T TO RENT. One of the best farms in the Cont.ty, im- provements not considered, containing one hundred acres. being in the Township of Ilsborne, con 1, lot 22, within half -mile of the Corporation of Exeter, all being now in grass. but 7 acres. Aug 2u -lm. L. NoTAGGA1er, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tho subscriber offers for sale his property an William street, of one lot of lana, Olt which is erected a storey and a hall frame residence. There is also a staple on the ure- mises, a quantity of choice young fruit 'bear- ing trees The house contains six rooms kitchen audwoodshed. Situated near ma-- ket, berms easy, App!. to 11. 11. NELSON. on the premises. Aug 20,-1m, FARM FOR SALE. The undorsisued offers to rent on reason- able terms, loth. con 1, township of Biddulph, fronting on London road, 0 miles south of Exeter, cue hundred acres of laud. There are op the premises good femme house and barn, and good wells of water. The farm is in agood state of cultivation. For tarms, otic. apely to Pareson: G LAVIN, a5ml Iibiva P,O. FABMVI FOR SALE. Two excoll tut farms foi sale very cheap, Will sell i 1 W A c f C get oho price of the improve- me01s. Both lots in; Thes+aloe towiship, five miles •oast of the thrivirg village of Thossalon,where wood s: selling at 38.00to 553.50 per cord every winter, Both lots on main road, half mile from school, three- quarters mild from railroad, convenient to both grist and saw mills, good protestant neighborhood. Bad health cause of selling. No rock on either lots except a few acres un the corner of one. good soil, level enough to run reaper ormower, and seittble either for stock, dairy, or grain farming. Will sell in ono block, or in parcels of 80 or 160 acres, to suit purchaser. South west f section 31, 100 %ores, 40 under. cultivation, balance heavily timbered with black birch, spruce, balsam, cedar. pine and hemlock; 40orod.s good cedar fence; new frame house 20 x 20 feet, kitchen 15 x 22. good 1c g barn and three other sheds, good well and spring crook, root house, half acre small fruit, some apple trees bearing. Pries, 01400. Also S .east #section 31,'100 acres, 00 acres under cultivation, balance heavily timbered with mixed timber seine as the other lot ex- cept about 10 acres of hood :nave bush, lie buildin es on this lot but good water and .0 rock. Price for clear deed, 3750 or 5400 for 80 acres. For putts cul are acid f ess, with s tamp to ANDREW WA,I.II.cit Thessalon; P. 0 - District of Algoma. The tsalon, Ang 12te. 1801, Ontario, -$1413Z$13-- FARMER 4' $ T• ARi R■ER BROS. Happy Prize Winners On the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. sat, the street opposite the Dominion Lahore,- tory was blocked by boys and Girls made happy by prizes drawn by purchases of School kooks and Suppliea at l3rowning's Book and Drug Store. 1'he following is a partial list of the winners : - Tickot No. til-tWillie Clarke, Beautiful Napkin Ring in Satin and bold Covered ''ase No. 212IIS--I--.EddielottlomCofokonPerfu Teapotme stand :' No.-IIerbert Ilandford. Dress Fan 2i3 -Miss 1lunter t1,'sbornel Pocket Bible 2i'4-JohnSvraekman, \MagicSlacc,Cloanor tal -.Hugh Uould. Pocket Neee-satrio 7i -1t. kinsman, Polished Ink Stand 100-1Ynt, Brooks, Set Silver Enife,Fork.Spoon Nc 1" "-.le57 Ste ('reaccklncah )land nine Dress ran 21,17--Almer Nelson, 'Scholars Companion 210 -Eddie Crocker, Lacrosse Stick or bottle of Florida )Water 77-11. Kinsman. foo -Cart 17 -Louis 'Manning„ .S,'teaoe*ipe complete with "a,-linumddiel'ber of hargokar udplash aanio phutographio views '-W. Brooks, Scholars Companion with Lock 2:,;, -Hugh Gould, (lo -Cart 21,- 1i's IItrntertl'sborne) Fish Pond Garne 21' -Fruit Basket f6 -Wm. Clarke, Necessairo 21:i --liras hunter, Cut Mass Weight 201 -Eddie Dignan. Stamp album 230-IIugb Gould, Ladies Companion nes-Eddie Crocker, White wood Money -box. Fa -Louis Manning, Magic Pocket -book 6 -Sylvester Eaorett. Rubber Ball 55 -Wm. Brooks, Fruit Basket - 40 -John Snoil, Magi:: Slate °leencrKf 3- Sylvester Eacrett, ]fund -painted splash 231 -];wily Gould, Mother of Pearl Purse 'lot -henry Gould. Fountain Pen 7d -R. Museum -Rose wood Writing Desk. BOYS T. GIRLS All should buy their Seh000l Books and Supplies atl3rowning's and securea chance of a Prize at the hest great drawing. All Goods Sold at Lowest Prices and the chane for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tickets -free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter HURRAH A. NEW ailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS. TO THE General Public Having purchased the STOVES and STOCK of Will Folland, and engaged his services to conduct and carry on Tinsniithing Business We are .now prepared to execute work on the shortest notice, and at prices to suit all. Repairing a Specialty • All Contracts - made by Mr. Folland will be strictly adhered to ; but all pay- ments must be male through the' tntsi- ness office or to the Propoietor. • All persons getting Goods at the store, will be responsible for payment of the Same, excepting only when all order from the Proprietor is held. ,M4 II,,. I TEin CMmsseXTON 10.A.SD C 1..19 . The accompanying cut repre- sents the famous Crediton Road; Cart, manufactured by Vlrm- E, Wenzel and Israel Smith, Credi- ton. Ont.. This cart has now been in the market for about two years and has met with great sueeeas. The manufacturers claim that it is the best cart manufactured, both as regards conven ence and durabil- ity. They have dozens of testi- monials from parties who have ' purchased these carts, which speak in the higheat terms ot them. The workmanship and material employed in their con- struction can not be surpassed,., and the price is as lo was is consistent therewith, A glance at the cub will show the reader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz --The easy mole of getting in and out; the absence of springs or bars which bring the ridee's weight on the shafts - so as to sag thein ; the convenience of carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy weath- er, These: ctrts are mina£.tetared for one or two persons, and dntshe3 to suit the pur- chaser. (tars faruialsed to the trade. of lir SVenzelrepairing1n talsohmin:1£ eselinLcttl:es Waggons, Buggies, SI ighs, Ete,, and does all kinds es. Mr Smith runs a fi st-elass genet al blacksmith hop, and guarantees to give satisfac- tion in all kinds of new work, repairing;. horeeshoeing, etc., ate, to which he gives .his personal attention. See circulars for further particulars concerning road cart. W. H. WE NZEL, x Ceeditou, Out.. ISRAEL SMITIJ,a BISS.ETT BROS.. rTO THE PROM...'. The cheapest pla3o in town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges, Looks, Glass, Put'y, Paints and Oils. New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Uquid Paints -Showy Colors. New lines c f artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black and Galvanized Wires cheap for Cast.. Tinware Stock Complete. - Eavetrollglliug a Specialty. New Raymond Sewing Machines and Needles GIVE US A. CALL ,14 $• Exeter M usic StoreG Whizz PERKINS & MARTIN. We have constantly en hand a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SE\VING 11A BINES, BICYCLES and SMALL AIL'SIC.3L INaTRUM\:NTS, Persons anticipating* the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and. prices :islets, as can be had at themanufactorics. Wo would respectfully ask you to call and see aur stook- Itis as flue as will be found in any city music store. VS. -Agents for all kinds of agricultural imtlio STAND : -Fanson's Block, Exeter. JULY llRIVES ,Milliners At Hall Pnce. Ladies' Kid Boots ..$1.25 Ladies' Slippers 25 Heavy Flannelettes10 Muslin 4 Shirting 0 Print 5 Dress Goods 7 Fine Suits to Order .13.00 Cottonades, 12c. and up SUGAR AT COST. -- Choice Groceries and Pure Spice - Cheap. We give highest price for butter and eggs. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton, !aihiniIi Styles 1�1 J �0 U1 z F 0 Did you see our steels of FINE 74OOTS and SHOES Thar we have nut in the store one door south of the Post Office? New it is worth your while, to give usa look. We will eht,w you through, We have all the Finest Lines of Ladies° and tlents-Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they are right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoe, something tlisrt it is a pleasure to wear, e01nO up cull see ours. Besides our tine line we also carry a large and well assorted stock of Boy:' and Jfia:;es' Shoes for school wear, also Men's Working 'hoes and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN PRICE. AU our goods are guaranteed gond. and as wo wish to build up a TRADE and KEEI' 1T, wo aro selling CHEAP for CASH. Children's, Misses' and Lefties' Too Slippers and Oxford Ties far summer in all the new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair Of School Shoes. Tboy are dandies. Give us a call. Ion aro welcome. GEO. MAN SON, New Fall Goods Just ..A.]'1'1`'lY] New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid G1eveS. Corsets. Cottonades. tr is J. MATHS SON' HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. DO YOU � WANTTOBIJY a FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAA' SHAM GOODS. H THL BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET • THE BIGGEST YET 1 Best Ordered Clothing Induced In Exeter Gentlemen l leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine 'Trimmings, :'acid the best Cutting in Town, yea are sura of 9atisfao- tion .. f . '' 'av LL. -ARE USUALLY SOLD -- -THEN CALL AT- GIDLEY'S -ONLY FIRST-OLASS-' Reliable G000', At Prices Lower that so -cal led Cheap Houses can git e Undertaking in all Eranchas. S. G-IDLEY, (Successor to O. &• S. Gidley) ODDFPL'LO'WS' BOCK