HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-9-3, Page 3Ww C0uGH,
¶ A jEOM afew doses of Ayer's Cherry
YY YY PQttoral will. relieve you? Try it.
:hoop it to the house. You are liable to
have a cough at any
time, and no other
remedy is so effective
as this worid-
renowned,p- 1
,e lara-
tion. No Nousebald ,
with young ehildrea,
should be without it,
Seore3 of lives era
saved every year ley
R' its timely rye.
Amanda B. Jenner, Northampton,
amass., writes : " Common gratitude sni-
1g me to acknowledge owl
the greatbene-
fits I have derived for any ebildreu front
the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry
Pectoral, I had lost two dear children
•* om croup and consumption, and had
Zbter ear an toeing soas they y were
g n
delicate. Happily, I find that by giving
them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first
symptoms of throat or hung trouble, they
are relieved from danger. and are be-
CODI ugrobust, healthy children.
"In the win"er of 1615 I took a bad
cold: which, in spite of every known
remedy, grew worse, so that the family
physician consideree) ine incurable, sup-
consumption. As a
s ran to
Q Cherry Pecto-
d Ayer's C;1t r
pot c 4
las zee � #.
and, 111 a short lime, the cure was
complete. Since then I have never been
without tike teeth -mine. l Rut fifty years
of age, see:, ra over leo pauuds. and ate
tribute n.e good health to the use et
Ayer's Cherry xiectoral,"—t:.W.Yuuker,
"Last winter I tontra.tetl a severe
cold, which by riprated exposure, be -
tame quite obst.uare. I was much
troubled with Iio:trsene` e tiud bronchial
irritation. After trying; various meds.•
cines, without relief. I at last purchased
a bottle of 4.yee's Cherry Pectoral, On
'taking thio medicine, my cough ceased
nlmen immediately, anti 1 have been
well ever aiemo." —1tev.Thos.B.Russell.
Secretary Holston Conference and P.1:`,.
of the Greenville Visirict, :d1. B. Co
Jonesboro, Teem.
rncracnn Iix
Dr. J. G. Ayer re Co., 1.cwell, Mem
Sole rya;1eouneat■. r:Ott St;..xa;rtexe9:.
TOO Lgtj'j_;, f sit round, and the distance seemed twice as. SEED WHEAT..
The barque Ruudhey in the London kept lookiu' ever his shoulder to see what The Dotettotott [Uletic onetwittee nate
Docks, taking in the last of her cargo and way we were makin'.' The mate he says Tbetr del►gett.
getting ready for sea. It was mid-day, and nothin' but a few words of .encouragement The committee appointed at the recent
a pleasaut Intl had followed the din and • every now and again ; but. at last he stands meetiugofthe Dominion Millers' Association
turmoil of the morning. Che huge steam up, grasping the tiller rapes in his hand, to cep eider the question of seed wheat in
cranes on the quay -side were at estan+lstill, and with his eyes fixation the boat we were Ontario has issued its report as follows ;
their suppressed vitality :showing itself in makhe for. 1 'eery line of his face was The Seed Wheat Cornntitteeofthe Dentin.little puffs. of steam that escaped rvitlt a leis- worniri with excitement ; but a moment ion Millers' Association, after investigating•
sing smite from. the sifety-valves: 1 h ring afterwards, he turned the colour o' -the Lha matterof malty diflereuthinds of ettoter
o the iu hammer W hushed 1 at WAY 1 fol`
f e s lir, a ac'
ccanvas andsaidhusky i
a in a voice the e
t t e
gwhoa b tomelte the fol sv' e
ke la n on
, I r e imen-
rxliile. SLeretiOt'CS i'in •e2*7 pointers, and r5 r t ' -k " ,
, of, , 1weren t t a frit like Itis awn. Were too dations to Lite farmers of t?ntazio. The
carpenters had gone ashore to dinner, and late, lads l Easy all !Stand by for'ard there farmers' and millers' interests are identical
the half-dozen hands left aboard tete oath• nit the boat -hook.." And the next mo- in promoting the cultivation of those vene-
ered for the same purcose in u snug tale mem we were alongside the stranger, to ties of wheat producing the best grades of
cabin on the meindeek just for'ard of the find—a few rags of canvas hanging from e. flour; Hence we helieve it to be the duty of
charthonse. Ben, the sailmaiter, in }demes- mast, an empty water -breaker awash in the our association to make as public as possible
vas jacket, was a prominent member of the bottom, some pieces of sodden leather, a' all the information we have gathered on this
group, He was a man in the prime of life, pencil -case and a human legate ltu+t!lled in 9 point.
wait a plea nns look en his sunburnt face, 'Lite stern sheets—dead. The information has been gathered from
Ilia heart and soul were in Itis calling. for Well, mates,
\ rlI, i Hies, vee took the boat in tory and farmers and millers in Qutario, some from
his experience dated front boyhood, and he made back for our own craft. The breeze i the United States, and considerable at the
had a way of telling things that was racy of had sprung up at last, and site was coming 4 -Yodel Farm, Guelph, which the committee
salt water. down to it'` like a yacht, han•i over hand, , vas invited to visit and inspeetthedifferent
The conversation had turned iron the with every line of her moves filled, a varieties (some 62) of wheat grown on small
business in hand to the letestbit of shipping and it was a pretty sight to see her hove.to.1 plots as tests.
news, the loss of a well -know London trader, There was a row of anxious faces !suing the A large committee appointee) bythe as -
that In h i posted d'P
1 at s d that Horn ngbeen at Lloyd's; s ; hulsvarks as we pttiletl. alongside ;but they . seciatfon visited the Agricultural College,
as missing, Many were the neniisisrent'es' disappeared one by one when they maw we 1 and was greatly pleased with the plans
brought up by first one and then another had done no good, That night we stood', adopted to secure those tecta, At the, same
•' ,,.
taut1 nub the skik) ci ,and crew of the ill- ;round the gangway bt;relteatde'1 while the time all were of the opinion that the past
fated vessel. skipper said the last. words ever the poor l dry season has been very conductive to the
" 1)- ye thick there's any chance that snore: fellow. extraordinary outturn on this farm the
of sem may ha' bin pinked np?" asked one. f 'Then we made sail once niore ; and never present year, believing that on this particle -
, e
:�o elan't "ens lei Ben, r that's
I ell a at 1e
n 1e s•
, ,front diet a to this h it ever been drlar 'a
t a
t asfarmwetseasonwould a. us
y eau. cl c e winter
the truth. I'm atfeard it's the old story of covered to what ship or to what port that wheat to suffer from eelst. If our province
death in an open boat. ii any of these got t,oat belonged,'away front her at all. And thee reminds me I i is to get the full benefit of those testa, wlifeh
away front her at a11. And thee reminds me : We believe will ben very great boon, we
of something that happened bout tw.. rears "j"he Everlasting 1}3t'ltforial. k think it would be wise for the Government
ago,whiehIneytrruoueofyouletveeve•r::eard, , . toseeur'e ten acres of suitable land in South.
but a iticlt is as true as we're a'sit t1th here t 1'p atnd awes. Motile dew or the nicrning. ' ern Ontario awl ten neves in Northern
in this odaiu." 1'hat,aar; Ans wrhe eanh to its home in the
nun ; Ontario to be used for those tests under the
" 1 shipped (said lien) train the pot t of )lull 1 so let use steal ansa -, gently and loriegly. supervision of the professor of agriculture
aboard the queen t?f Keret for n rotted voy. a• Onlyremembered n,- what 11(ave done. et Guelph, as oftimee a variety may be very
ago to Iiong k,nl,. She Wag one °I.the . 31y name, awl s» ' place, and ml tomb all tor- suitable for ane kin,) of soil and eltmateanit
Hell Luse, anal It smarter that I neveri ;;often. not for enothcr.asthe soils and climate of
wish to anti aboard o . she was well found a file brief nice of limo wen and patiently run, our large Prise-himver; considerably. i
tom, };ear, :omen and'.s•er} thin};. Welt, we ^gist rnr l'3"ts 5i•, pracetatll�", silently. 1 Prof. Shaw and hie a 's A
Ilniy remembered b what I have dQne, s>tl_t3nt, qtr. C.
made a fest paentee out. meth lair.rweather ; s Zeviw, rendered great essietance to the
but because we rs alined to be first house. (ded1S :twee front tide toil would'I hasten. committee in aiding iia to acquits: all the in -
front the time we dropped the pilot until , .t tit, Or c'roun that for moha.150511 5505; forniationt possible In our Investigation, and
we asossssithe lint- itwas:atto'ethcreittierent, • Frau, utho nraninr ee' nln,rinprat+.v' p ga
S poi • renieulhe•rad by what 1 have dour. after Being driven over the farm to sea two
Far drys at a time we lived in our oil- dillerten test plots, some in shock and route
skins, you navel vas ; the emotes, were 1 •p stud away like the odor. oI .un.ei. not ret harvested, we beg to state such a
battened down, and the fes a 4h• oras inash. • rhaotn recuse th- twi'ight a�.lao'.nt..:route+ farm for agrienitural instruction isah great
$ottth':►r+1 of the Cape s5,• eau 11110 the s5oset . el. i,o 110 lits --a thing telt bus not noticed. . benefit and credit to our fair Province.
gale I think 1 was ever w in my life ; end - And 1 hutremevnlrered by what 1 have done. The fallowing aro the results and rerant-
I'ut sure n' time, that not many a snafu "•,.-, ➢ikn the f: i• t tare that w,endrr+ in dark meuelations growing .antof our investigation would ha' lived ibrnugh it. For threedays" urs a "•' vii.:-�• 1
we were 'levee/.muter e•lo a s•eefesl topsgs, tr'istn the glowers that it came Event ate Otis, p wing• ry en
rvi*h the wind ?.east ting mei reeving tlaatuglt ' Fit u nssl gage ; £ n �`,
Uva rigt;in'.tili it �1essse l a, if +ices stick a ig� remembered til lwOrld'.:55enn dtsrrl➢ert. i Surprise"lheztt--HighlyrecotnutendesL 1.
bat 1 ha o one.
met go, mitt ti,,O t•ed, tunablite over the , small plot at the model farm tested 63 bush"
fo'e':ale and quartetdcek as if they nae€tut : Xrtbt. *here the panne of the love -written re. els to the sere and h21 pounds to tite stand-
teat•in' the croft punk front Blau*., How- rorel. and biteltel.
Thn;tr c+a a l rr t •t i, r n a o
long, for every plan was on the tiptoe of ex-
citement, and anxious to get alongside, and
Women and Political Rights.
This clamor for political rights is woman's
confession of sexual enmity: Gloss over it
as we may ie comes to this in the end. No
woman who loves her husband would wish
to usurp his province. It is only those
whose lusti.nets are inverted, or whose anti -
sexual vanity is insatiable, who would take
the polities) reins from the strong bands
which have always held them to give them
to others—weaker, less capable, and wittily
e naw sto dTo womenwho v their
t en to toe
desire is totheir husbands"; u he ee •
de e th r li i ads and t o
tug remains as an echo in the soul when even
the masttr voice is silent. Among our
most ienonnetl women are some who say e
with their whole heart, "I would rather
have been the wife of a great man, or the
mother of a hero, than what I am—famous
IO my own person.
Not That ind.
r u s o
a e .old 3irs. Jones, as she look n ste o
up the house, " bow o14 fashions come in
"' What is it now?" asked ;►lr, Jones,
"" Wb fr. S'intmonspassed just now, and
I guess be thought it was you he was talking
to, for he walled out that helms going down
street to get a night-cap."
And 11t. Jonas didedt enlighten her, but
; lie wished, oh, he wished, he bad gone
sluipnin rvitlt Sin:moos.
ever, she +•acne through .gh it with no worse ; Tlie th Dr,s o'� )Haile icer ole Pet eneui lei cite Canadian Velvet Chaff—Highly- mow
than a..et of tops;s audcanrec_. Atter' et,ry. { mended. Yield -ld at tite model farm, a9; testa
CEN TRAJ.• taw tee had a brief npcll of l'etta r weasel- ; ; lr-c'luuredans; but remembered by whet we Ith. mondani Lushe/.
the tea dropped, and the shies eicareai, "'Bulgarian White-^Iic;,ntmcndeal. )'tela),
Drug S t o �, and we wore aisle to make a bit more Bail, d l lead not be meow. if nit life iia' )teen jinn, ,1I1 bushels:: model farm testa, G l ij.
Well, itast.:tbant that tinte,we werewa'-tin {ng, Seulcl. "))teat ---Our friend of }ore.
decks one inornin' at daybreak, wizen the tee nonunion.: anis) autumn maned .ilently 1 t',snstde: 14e of this wheat grown aroand
.. , id seem al mate, who had the ;siovnili iviuell, 1 file 1►:o01tt. and the fruit. and the aced of its) Plattsville.
eines Dart 10 nue of the Lula : ' Go below, reztiont ? ilnnlsey wheat—Introducedinto Brant
1 r,1441101814:::111 * be remembered by what 1 bare County two years aggo. Fair milling wheat.
Democrat—Seed obtained almost any -
1 nes- i nut ho mined itanotite, sewed nu,. `t: where. When first this wheat was intro -
!'o meltdown those field.; wlairh in annus 1, duvet' sante years ago it was considered to
A full stook of all kinds ol1
)); A -stuffs fuij package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winau's
the ;wast
in the mark -
of and always
reals. Family recip-
ei s carefully prepared at
Ct�ntrai Drug Store Exeter.
ea L ' Irk' TZ
Anamphlet of information and ab.
atract of the laws, showing Mow to
Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade
Marks, Copyrights, sentvee.
Auras MUNN & C .
361 Broadway,
New 'fork.
VIGOR 2111412 5`Ti°ASrNG'i^Itliil.
Fel- LOST or masa Il*1i800D, General and t1as-
p:ma DEBILITY, Wealnera of Sady and )glad, Effect* of
ori or Excesses Is 01d or Young. Eobeut, Notlo UM -
IMOD frilly loitored. Bow to Wargo and sttroagthon WEalt
f�V+NDEV OPZD OSOd118 k PARTS of SOW. ebtolutely an -
falling EMI
60 Statin ands cxlga Cotatrtai 1 Write thorn, Eooli
e>platutloa and proofs mailed (tooled) Roo. Address.
and feta: the glasses out of my calm.'
Away he gac9, au+i presently comes up with
0, pals o' these here npera•g`sa » thing'.
Wedidn't take. rnueh nut ire u' this, for we
thought perhaps Iia <t sighted a sail in thehave town: produce a Hoar too yellow for fall
distance. But rafter a long loop ahead, he Ile ss eatouts c e rend nho *owed is not miss. 051 mhos{ floor purposes, but tite millers
Calle Taut again t ' Bo"ams. just take a► look Ile !eosin rem/mooned be what he 1tas done, now consider it has ltnprored MI this point
through these and tell teed if you eau see anndrerounnend farmers still to sow hart of
anything sits'stl�yensler, %. itit till site IT het mPo"1 but the truth that m life 1 hats• their fall wheat ground to tide taelett , es-
arattt , Xmr . slsnut two points off the' Not tnl.clr, but the teed that in life I have pat)ally in sections where it bee prayed. it-
rteathrr I,l rv, tart: einrvtt nn to rvatmr.'� .non, sell a good ate or.
"Chat do yon utstke ell i t :" :hall pct,. on to ag+ha all about mt'targattett• ltBt: witewtrs.
i a r , Sane the truth I'have spoken, the thinv 1
0t oiisetnin ,twit ilii -re, stns h,ir r done. Ilon't sow the Roger wheat ; it has no
eutsugit,' answers the hosutt after a pause, f good bread properties to it, and inelined to
' and looks as if it wire about. midway be. Suitt toy living he, so he my tieing; S p
tweet: the ]tory of the ship and the ltGiunn my Haute lit'. ttnitln: onod. ;1111;;;1111;;;°"1;ou; sa to so t; and would recommend not to
r owe): e l and Hunte:see,1 shall still hormone. eon too extensively the Manchester. In-
het 1 can't rightly make it out, sir, withfien' d: ' formation obtained so far indicates it is a
these. 111 ge aloft and take a look Yee bntremcmbered by what] have done. soft reheat with very little gluten in it.
ntnnnl.',�..,....— Jones' Winter Fife --Splendid strong
Isi less th.,n sive ntitttttes his voice segue A New, Experience. wheat ; iiG bushels at model farm ; tests
from the fore topmast erosstrees : ' Below p Oa,
there 1' New Arrival (in barber's abtair)—cc lie- ybrid Mediterranean—Good bread pro-
' : \y 1 try ,r t nto:let.• 1 the mate.,gorra, *vat's that y'r dein' now ?" pertios ; reeonmsended ; yield, model farm,
Thais. it ifsip's l.,'stt uhtrail these, ar, Barber—" I've begun sharing your neck, 4; bushels: tests Get,
from what f mu maw "f it : but it ain't sir." Where Scott wheat and \Ikhigae amber
no bigger tient •a munih hand srotn here,' New Arrival--" .loy 1 moy: I)o yez can be grown sueeessfaliy, millers would
reports the leo Sal„ shave a mon all nseriu this country 1" specially rouommend theist, They both are
So I thought,' WWI the mates reply.
capital bread makers.
' All right t that'll do.' Then "lancing at Waiting, Ever Waiting, L on}lserry Rod --lair yielder : good
the catnvaa aloft, he muttered an oath. Waiting,
(of insane asyIilnl) —" This poor breadtnaker: accurate outturn scot yet ob-
woman imsgines she is elnopping all the tune. tinned.
Sometimes she sits in silence for whole Committee saw a German wheat its *hock
weeks." called Miracle ; peculiar )head ; very dark
Visitor—" What is she doing, then 1" chute but grain white and nlump, and, we
Warden—" It is supposed that she ima- think, will be a splendid'milling white
gines she is waiting for the +:hangs. " wheat.
' Confound the wind ; it's dying away a1 -
together now.'
And so it was ; and by the time the sun
had been above the horizon for an hour,
there wasn't breeze enough to lift tate leech
of the royals, and the lower sails beat
against the masts and riggin at every roll
off the vessel ; for though the surface was
like a looktn'-glass .there was a bit &a swell Two Ways of' Viewing the Situation.
on that might ludbin a reminder of some of Miss defiaell(angrily)—" ou told me
the heavy weather we'd bin havin, or it
might mean a bit of a breeze again before this horseshoe lace pin would bring me good
nightfall. Anyway, there we lay with the luck, and now Count De Moneyhnut has
tacks and sheets hen in' in festoons over reposed to another girl and my poodle is
the side, and a stretch of blue water lyin'
between us and yonder speak, that had got Jeweler—" Madame, what more amid
to be covered somehow. heart desire ?"
As you may guess, we were all agog at
this news, and not a ten- of the watch
below turned out have a peep over
the weather bulwarks. Some said they
could see her, or made out that they
could ; but for my part, when I came to
look, I couldn't for the life o' me make out
her whereabouts. But there was no doubt
about it, she was there, and maybe lsalf•a-
dozen poor wretches aboard of her, wonder -
in' whether the big ship saw them, or was
going to leave them to their fate. It's a Poor Rule EtO.
In the meantime the mate had gone below
and roused out the skipper, who name on Mined -cure Doctor—" Make up your mind
deck lookin' sleepy and not over good -tem- there is 110 pain,atnd there is none. Five dol.
pered. He had a look through the glasses, tars, please."
and, my word, you never saw such a change Patient (moving toward thedoor)—"Make
in a man all at once. He was wide awake up your mind there is no payin' and there is
in a moment, takes a turn or two up and none."
down the deck, glances sharply aloft at the
idle canvas, and then has a careful look all A Message for a " Bob White."-
hite.""round the horizon,as if looking for the wind;
but never so much as a breath came to his
aid. A few words with the mate, and his
voice rings out over the deck : " Clear away
the • starboard lifeboat." A dozen hands
spring forward to execute the order; and in
ess time than it takes me to tell you, lads,
the lashings were cut and the boat swung
over the side.
' ' Lower away easy there,' comes the next
order.--• Now, Mr. East, take half-a:dozen
men with you, and make the best of your
way to yonder boat, and let us know
whether there's any one living or dead
aboard of her ; but don't be longer than you
can help, for I believe the breeze'lI freshen
again soon, and we don't want to lose a day.
—Bosun, pipe the hands to shorten sail,
and clew up your fore and main sail.'
You may be sure I did not • want to be
asked to form one of that boat's Drew.
There was a bit of a scrainble ; bat I was
the firsto drop ino her. 'The,number was
soon made up rand in a few moments we
were pulling in the direction of the dein-
From her royal masthead to her water-
line, our ship looked a picture as we pulled
away. front her ; and the voices of those left
aboard, as they bent to the ropes, drifted
'cheerily over the sea. It was a stiffish pull,
I can te11 you, for the sun had got a bit o'
power by that time, and made things warm
A Rare Genius.
Jinks—" That luau does nal: look very
smart, and you say he has made a mflli:n."
Winks—' Smart ?He's a genius. lie's a
great inventor."
"You don't say so ? What did he in-
vent ?"
" He invented an tipple barrel that won't
hold scarcely anything at all."
This is the English of It.
The following examples give some samples
of English. not cis she is spoken, but as she is
pronounced :
Abergaaenny is pronounced .tbergenny.
Beauchamp is pronounced Beecham.
Bolingbroke is pronounced Ballingbrook.
Brougham is pronounced Broom. t
Bulwer is pronounced Buller.
Cholmondeley is pronounced Chumley.
Cirencester is pronounced Sissister.
Cockburn is pronounced Cobun.
(•olquhoun is pronounced Cohen.
Cowper 1s pronounced Cooper.
Grosvenor is pronounced Grovcnor.
I3'awarden is pronounced I-Iarden.
Holborn is pairs ou ncelHolrun.
Knowllssis pronounced Knowles.
Leicester is pronounced Lester.
Maioribank is pronounced Marchbank.
Marylebone is pronounced Marrabun.
Salisbury is pronounced Sawlsbry.
St..Lcgeris pronounced Silliger.
Wemyss is pronounced Weems.
Taiiafarro is pronounced Tolliver.
Norwich is pronounced Norridge.
Talbot is pronounced Torbut.
Mantel, is pronounced Terns.
k otum Lady—" What is that whist- A Tender Heart.
liil+armer Furrow (host)—" That's Bob "I don't think it's weak for a man to
White." show softness of heart,"said the party who
Young Lady—" I wish you'd tell Mrs wits first to drain his glass and slowest to
\V:1ite distinctly that Pm not going out. I treat. • Once coming home to supper I saw
don't propose to flirt in any such countrified my wife with an ax in the yard trying to
y „ cut some wood. The sight was to much for
wa ' me ; I could not look at it. I rushed—"
" Well ?" interrupted one of the others.
" I rushed back to the saloon again till I
Mr. Slimpurse-",My dear; that outing thought she had got through withit."
dress of yours needs washing."
Mrs. Slimpurse—" I know it, but if I
wash it, it will shrink so I can't get into in
and then I won't have any.",
Summer Goods.
Time to (cool Of.
Proud Father—" My old friond,I ealledto
see if you couldn't make a place for my son
in your establishment. He has just graduat-
ed with High honors."
Old Pl ritina—k My dear old boy, nothing
would please me better. Tell him to cell
around, in 'two years."
Without money you're without every.
thing. However, as a philosopher ._once
observed, for the comfort of him who has
stone, "If I," who have only one shilling,
am so unhappy, what a miserable dog he
must be who has thousands 1"
The reason why lovers are never weary of
one another is this—they are always talking
of themselves.
The Washington correspondent of the
Globe, after warning the public against sup-
posing that all the experiments now being
made by the Navy Department are with
plates made of nickel steei,and pointing out
that the purpose ofthe department is to ex-
periment with all plates that seem available
and appear to be at all adapted to the pm --
pose, says "Thus far the plates from Can-
adian nickel have given most satisfaction."
This will be welcome news to Canadians,
who have just nory more nickel than they
know what to do with. Should future 'ex-
periments confirm the trials „)ready made;
it is certain that a great impetus will be
given to the Canadian industry.
Please Read Them
We respectfully ask your careful
attention to this statement, brief but
important. and trhich we will divide
into three parts, viz:
i sxThe Situation
Health depends upon the state of the
blood. The blood conveys every
element which goes to make up all the
organs of the body, and it carries away
all waste or dissolved and useless "
material. Every bone. muscle, nerve
and tissue lives upon what the blood
feeds to it. Moreover. every beating of
the heart, every drawing of the breath.
every thought flashing through the
brain, needs a supply of pure blood. to
be done rightly and well.
2d. The Necessity
The human race as a whole is in
great need of a good blood purifier.
There are about a uo disorders incident
to the human frame, the large majority
arising from the impure or poisonous
condition of the blood. Very few in-
dividuals enjoy perfect health, and
fewer still have perfectly pure blood.
Serof/tla, a disease as old as antiquity,
has been inherited by generation after
generation, and manifests itself today
virulent and virtually unchanged from
its sue:ent farms. If we are so fortu-
nate as to cacape hereditary impurities
in the blood, we may contract disease
from germs in the air we breathe, the
food we eat, or the water we drink.
Sda The Remedy
in Hood's Sarsaparilla is found the
medicine for all blood diseases. Its
remalkab'e cures are its loudest praise.
No re:7edy has ever had so great suc-
cess, nn medicine was ever accorded so
great public patronage. Scrofula in its
severest orms has yielded to its potent
power:, blood poisoning and salt rheum
and many other diseases have been
permanently cured by it. If you want
statements of cures, write to us. If
you need a. good blood purifier, take
Sold by druggists. 5; six for 55. Prepared
only by C. L HOOD cG CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
'Unlocks Blithe clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, gamy
ingoff gradually without weakening the
eystem, all the impurities and font
humors of the secretions; at the same
time Correcting Acidity of the
Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys-
pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,
Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness
of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of
Vision, .eau ndiee, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Muttering of
the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen..
mal Debility; all these and many
other similar Complaints yield to the
y influence of BMMOCK
I have • positive remedy for the above dleene; by its
use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long
standing have been cured. Indeed so strong is my faith
In its efficacy, that I win send TWO BOTTLES FREE,
with a VALUABLE TREATISE an this disease to any
sufferer who will send me their Ex8PESS and P.O. address.
e,:000.c ti n. eta p o..., ..,I de by lt.
• t:ood,,h, Fro1 N.S.,01 ',on, tor sir, Ileader,
you Tule Ilea matt' t bine)., but wC Can
tench ,'on quickly 110W to cern 15ua 1,5 to
110 a. day at the mart trod more aa you go
on. Holt. 30.tC,, all tiger. Ir tiny port of
America, you van euttunenve at Inane, air -
leg all Sour It;no,ot ',Miro Monavth, 01 ly 10
the work, All la neer Went pas' JI 1110 for
vvory.vatkoc', We *dart you. 1lroleiting
everything. LASU 1 7,.3 1511111 Ivor nen.
1•A itsICIILA.`e8 AMEN.51Address at once,
0171805 k CO., itot the, 118188,
30'01t. 1p.[l.Im:
Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago., Backaches
Sore a Throat,
Frost Bites, Sprains,
rulses, Burns, Etc.
£'old bx Druggists and D
ealers everywhere.
Fifty Cents a bottle. irectio .
11 Languages.
THE CHARLES A. voGELER i't"fl., sattiawie.l
Canadian Dept: �,.
The direetroute betrreeuthe West And en
otsoueLowerSt, Lawrence stud lisle
des i:kelenr,Provinco of Quebec; also for
new 13 run ewick,:lova Scotia. Prince 6derard
Capoltretonlalands,aisd owfanndlaadstud
St. Pierre,
l aprosa trains leave dlmatrealand Malllaa
dully (aunaaya exeepteds and ran tbrougQh
witheinchauge beiweeu these pointtitl: 1
home and *5 minute*.
The throb h express train ears of the In-
tercolonial Railway Ora brilliantly R.gloted
bvelectricity.andlieuceti by steam from the
locomotive, thus greatly lac•eaming the corn
fort and safety ut travellers.
New and elegant enact sleep' log end etuy
care ere rna onalnrouglt espresstraiue.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passes ger Route.
i'+eseagerotorereat,aYritaiunr the 'math
Sient.by teraviog Ito encal ort 1<'riclay me -ruing
will legit out erd vaitflstesttner s.x Heltfaz
on Saturday.
The et leaden *Toth ippon is directed team
supetiorfeelltt lets °Cerra by this route for
thetreusportottluu r s: )tame e,l us.rcbeau-
diseintended fgrtLeli ieteiao Pt'FY:Ilecs and
:►ewfoundittsrd; also for sbptseeuts of -rani
and leroducolute» deet for tea ii+erarl.u5a suss•
Tickets may be ohtaineaaDaiWorn Attatt
about ttieroute ; aisofret&bt and pa gouger
re,teson at+plication to
Weaternrreight & 'as.eal:e Avant
as Roininlloupettlacic.York zit Toronto
Valet Superintendent.
IStilwey Oibce, elencton, S.D.
Jan 1ettll
Cures Burn?. Cute, Plies 3n their worst form
Swellings, I:rysipela4, Inflammation. Fro$
Bites. Chapped Bands and all Skin Diseases"
lunrbagc, Sciatica ithounoti.m, Neuralgia
1'ethaete, Pains in everytorm.
By all de:tiers. Wholesale by F. InDally Wo
oilrty, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay,
promptly and permanently cured by
Does not interfere with elict orusua] occupation
and fully restores lost vigor and insuresnlu Zeot
manhood. Price Si pox 1.30x.
Solo Frdpdeter, 1I. SCHOFIELD, ccho-
feeld's Drug Store, Ext.: ST:itw.e. Totorro.
Wilco I say I erre I d0 not mean merely to atop them
Inc a time and then Dare them return again, I 'neon a
radical core. I have made the disease of SITS, WIMP.,
SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life.iung study. I warrant.
my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have
failed is_ no reason for not now receiving a cure. Sand at
iemedf n Gitreatise and ve EXPBESS And POOSBottle
OFFICE. Infallible
H.u. ROOT,
OOT, M. . 186 ADELAIDE Sr.
WE' 30rine5 03(01 huuaral:3v. l'y thwn..':;',1
chh„r,('1.30(31351(0 oId'1,111i;
and 1n arr
lA[■ty��■� et�p,�G ew'llan.•aothe. hr0e.ror theylivn..ln.
E i Itci
OW gnu d0 the W ork. UAW to Ivan.
We f1rn1 1, everything. 15e .tart you. No risk. You eau les
your •pnr.1., loran., or all your time to the Mork. The. I. an
entirely a 'w h a,Latd hringr nouderitd suecese to every worker.
Beginner. err earning front 553 to 880 perp eek and upward,,
rad more al 0r alittle c t1 atonic. 150 can furnish you the em-
pptoymen at d teach r..0 , e'* R. 3 .. rlsre to espini,1 here. Full
informal m SIM. 1.51 t• Is' r:. CC5., A. (85 518, 541.15E.
Cod Liver Oil
Eypophosphites of Lime and Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss c t Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debiatyr &c.
Beware of all imitatirms. tisk for
"the D. &, L.'.'' i:?melzion,and refuse
all Others.
PRICE FOC. AN", 411 rt58 !e.avt5.5.
_.1,_-0300 0.-..+r.