HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-9-3, Page 1VOL. XIX. NO 3. AND IITJEO MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE ORIPS FALL WHERE. THEY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1891 JOHN WOIaCI .& SONS Pullilsli$Ir tea4 reoprdetore Entire Revolution Of Medicine. THE HISTOGENETIC SYSTEM, Ail diseases successfully treated by a nese system of nonpaieonous and tasteless meal. eines. Sens for free book explaining system and testiotanials of the meet remarkable aures on record. All letters answered amine +day received. TESTIMONIALS CONST; 1PTIVB:I etTtl;NTltI I. ]113Tooteteilt Mceiesseek latetoe: tlentleaten, du„n slab to bear lay Leet .. ecu' o the magic noners of ifl;,togenctie bigamies in the cure of lung disease- Three Few ago 1 bad a severe attack of intermittent fever. which shook guy constitution very ser ionely,ese,eeially MT 1nn;', liver.and brop.,hiee tubes. A year age I took la grippe. which loft me in a bad condition. I had a�very bad cough and profuse cxaeetotation. noun! not sleep far 2ertltltinu awl pain in my lunge. I hadnieete Sweats and tither eenlonees of a destructive i Mee44 gOing 00 in my system. All I took and did, including cod. liver oil and other ceneuren- tive remedies. did Die too permanent good. I anally ireeame dj-eeuraged and reelizee flint consumption would Loon carry me off unless route unusual tratment wee. brought into use in sly case I et wuM and still worse. until About the middle of Beet -natter last when I eotiee,l an avlvertieeenent in the Toronto Noire girtee tine testiteepy of amen a uu a ]dope2x4 having been cured of vele minion. Also the teetinttatly of another Aurteete citizen naoac,2 �I1^elgtr�env; l;ef #r, a isiewit'atitere,,eeetee 13e1.e nee. I eve4o::.• 2Ile, t,.'ar, Oneof the incest, at exemiaera fit thea-•Qe:iattau., Ile was ,strive atter A v ;etalgate:atanatienetntyeene pdition,t?tat Ifs to eactre elelielucs persever peep; t.ai:en s:•i:old Mien at !oil an arrest of tlae disease ane entry pr;dett..l a radical etire. 1 camuter,ciel trcitauet nt once aaa.1 began to gain replilly when, unfderver:ately. i tock a were vile. ,uttjcreevereewith the treatmeee nods: l ".r. bettor luau neral as'ln. 1 lasso rapidly improved till my euugb.expectoratiun, rain anal might meats are entirely gene. T havcinane,l u1ore/ewe ceinuaeaainfi the treat- mentfain I hall ben dur2ng my illness Ififtecn taeTears.IhalYn more nn bewtofow m usual etnnia.ynient all dee availed splendid. The action et' these beautifully prepared, taste. Ices medicines is miraculous and permanent, and Iltey leave lielniorionw effects. 'wish in this testimony to tender my hearty tltanl:e and eke tlo eu of lay own happy wife, to the 111910 • genetic AE eoiatton for the deep interest thee' loch to mycete. which Inas resulted. through tied. in my life beingcaved when all else failed. I Phan glndly answer any inquiries concerning (40111Cocts in my case Touts truly. THOS. WILLIAMS, �f r 10a Robert St.,' Toronto. District of Niplssing. .l1attawa, Deo, 211th, 15;1]. litareneseric :11rrnleten AsSnOnArtoN : tientloraen,-I received your lir't package of medicine two weeks Ago, and have f'aithtuily woe it ever since, Tnew wish to bear Inv testi- mony to its txeoilenoo as a remedy for chronic mrensea, iVith unqualified toy I declare, that. dung my long years of ail -health I never ex- paf,uuced each benefit from any remedy I used, it the year 161'11. thirty sesta ago. me, health stiddeniy collavFeti in the shape of violent trembliege, dizziness, nervousness. having many groundless fears, groat palpitation of heart. depression of spirits, and so unable to study. that I had to Itivo up mY profession of tweeting. tied only knows what misery I en- dured in those yeara. I soon foundout that I was paying for nasus of ml' yourhfuf follies. As teas natural, I began ttsing ale the patent medicines of the nay but a1I to little purpose, I also consulted "spccia1ists" of every school, and though soma helped mo up for a time, yet I was never cured. Under ono 0012 r110. sorubb- ed and washed so much that my skin was nearly worn through, and it only made mo weaker, So I wont on in a partially broken down o on- dition for yeara; my intellect blighted, and manhood marred, which of late years has been about lost entirely. I bad about given up all hope. when one day last July, I was reading tbo Presbyterian of Toronto, and my oyes caught the words "complete revolution an medicine." Ah, thought IPerhaps a gracious God, to whom 1 have been praying for help, had something for me here. So Tread. and saw two very honest like letters from two ladies In Toronto. who had been cured of long stantl.ng complaints. I obtained the book and not only read.but studied it. and thought about it as well as I could nt the time. I bid faith to believe Dr. Jord,in's theory to beethe true ono. And now. having tried tho remedy for only two weeks, I tbnnk tied that I was ever directed to it; furl certainly believe it was providential. I am, so far, fully satisfied with it as a simple, easy to bo taken, safe and effectual remedy. I felt almost as Well asany man could wish to feel. Low spirits all gond, get up in the morn- ing singing -could sins all day -beginning to feel that vigor and lightheartedness which makes life so pleasant, ;try head is splendid. Oh what comfort I have is reading now. I do not exaeet.'tis true, to be made into a young man (being now 55),but 1'firmly believe I will be cured of my i11s after usingthe remedies for a length of time corresponding to myage and long standing complaints. Tho medicines I had taken in the past wore dreadfully strong, and many a wry face I made in using them,and always had to increase the:dose. 1 often felt myself injured by them otherwise; and no won- der as I took so much. But not ,so this medi- cine. It is perfectly harmless. o -,orating so gently and yet with such wonderful effect, as really to make one wonder,how suoh a simple looking, almost tasteless substance could have such power But it is a builder up of the poor broken down body,.and brings joy to many a heart. 1 So I advise all who are afilicted with sickness which baffles all the" old schools" not to allow any unreasonable pr diudice to hinder them from giving- Wiese remedies a fair trial, and I am sure yon will not repent it. ,:This is no "blow merely to help the Histoge- netic Association, but I am speaking what I' ; selemn,3' believe to be tree concerning myself so far asIhave gone, and for the benefit of the suffering, for whose aid' believe God has raised up and prospered Dr.Sugone Jordan. GratefullyN BU1tLANG1;TT. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BL AT EX]TER CENTRAL HOTEL Tuesday, Sett. 8th. 910 am. to 5,80 p.m. AND AT HENSALL HENsALL HOTEL v Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9p.m. CONSULTATION .. , TA TION FREE L � -• HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS o�i�A'rl;or�-Rooms s H - ooms 2 and 3 Albion Block; Richmond Street, London, an 19 Young • Street Market, Toronto. Menton Exeter Mita, Facts are Facts! And the Fact that McTavish & Co.'s is the right place to buy good Goods at low prices is fast becoming osbablished. We have no long prices for long credits; but Cash will go farther with us than with any house which doe the long credit trade. No credit nlealts "NO ball debts," "No big profits"; Ind means "Small profits and quick returns. '2Ne call attention to our special lines of White Cottons at 9, II, Anti lac., and Grey enttous at W. and t5a. A. rhea Parasclat 50c., worth 75o., and an Umbrella worth $1.0() for 50o. Big Values in Collets at88c A. J.1 MoTA felSSI c 04. HUY.. Buii:ra-?.,fits BellaEaeret1 of Detroit has returned. She la very In and is etayipg at bet bre:ther-in-taw's, Mr. Teter Munro. -- Ethel lior,theatt, who has Leen ill ofsearlet. inn, is reaming. Centralia. 3tv1oIs r.--Satnrdsy last while Mr, Ed, Hollins was riding along tho road on a milk wagon he accidentally fell troth the aame. The fall was a severe one, resulting in the kuoaking ant of lila teeth and causing con - anion of the brain. Ile 2e in a low elate but will recover. HayOo nCzl Tho council council met et the call of the reeve previous to the Court of Boylston, in the town hall, en Saturday, Aug. 201h. A petition was presented to the amnion by Mr Rennin, signed by about 70 rate- payers interested In the Hay swamp drains, praying tho.o uaoil to take no further notion in reference to said drains, and to have names removed trona the original petition, There was nothing of importance done at the Court of Revision en account of the on. gineer's Absence, ho being called to Loudon of his father's illness. Court adjourned to meet attain on Sept. 20th, at 10 a.m. SAu, J. LATTA, Clerk •-•a+-a Varna. Noxne.-tZcssra Bobier, of Exeter, and McCool, of Varna, have oommoneod to put an apple evaporator into operation here. They expect to haveevorythingin readiness for work by next week. This is an enter- prise that will prove of great convenience to this large apple growing community and the promoters desire to be liberally patron- ized. -Ahead of onto was taken the other day from a field owned by M1'. Thomas Keys, Parr Lino, that contained 292 grains. The crop was grown upon rich new land, and will average about 75 bushel to the acre. Now, if any one can beat this let n8 bear from him, Sippers. DEATH -We are seely to learn of the death of Olive, youngest daughter of Elam Butt, which took place on the 20th nit. She .was a bright little child, aged 19 mos. Her remains were followed by a number of friends to Exeter cemetery. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents, ` eBltnzrs-Miss Martha Kennedy is at present the guest of Mrs. James Miller. - Miss Logan is visiting Mrs. R. Hunt. -Mise M. Blair, who has been sick, is around again, -Mies M. McMordie bas been sue - easeful in obtaining a second class certifi- cate, and has got a situation as teacher at Kincardine, -Mr. John MoNevin, who had a relapse, is again reoovering.-On Friday last a large $24 bell was put up in the school of S. S. No. 10, tIay ; this speaks well for the section. •0.11 Tuckersmeth A NEW Sawn HOusn,-The nbw school house in section No. 9 is finished and ready for oeoapation. It is without doubt one of the best school houses in the county, and refleets much credit on the contractor, Mr. Welsh, for both' the workmanship and ma- terial, everything being first class. The trustees have spared no pains to make the building a good one, and are ;anxious that it should remain that way for aome time to come. Ihey have agreed to allow prayer meeting to beheld as before, providing that nothing Is destroyed. It seems strange that some boys cannot go to a Meeting of this kind without spitting tobacco on the floor, tearing books, scribbling on Week - board, etc,. but each is the ease, and if it is oontinned the only remedy will be to stop the meeting, or let those interested make an example of those boys who have not sense to behave themselves. After diphtheria, scarlet fever, pneumonia or any. other severe ifnees,thereis no better tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla. A Nexnow Esoerz.-1 would probably have been in my grave today had it not been for Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw - beery. For two years I suffered from bowel complaint and became very weak and thin, but after using halt a bottle of the Extract 1 was completely toured and have e1nee had no return of the oornplaint."-Mian Hilton, 34, Huntley St., Toronto. Att Children Cry for Pitcher/a._'Castors; Clinton. Bowes -Arthur Cook, of Ciiuton, has plums which measure i exec iinehes.-.Can- telon Bros, shipped from here last week 1,590 baskets of plumes -,Provincial De- tective .aturray has gone to Portage La Prairie, Mau., to bring to (:oderieh goal the man Chambers, who shot Constable Balmer. of Listowel, while the latter was trying to arrest him at the Commercial hotel, Clinton, last spring. Chambers bee aen putting in time iu prison at the Port- age:. Woodhull. I31ttr-,,Ka,--T1*ie plaoo has been favored with whet few otherplacea on this gentia. ant can boaat,viz 1 A centenarian visitorF-11re. Mille, formerly of this place. but now of St, Thomas. who has been apending eeveral weeks with umbers of her family and friends. Sabo hag attained to the wonderful ago of ono hundred and els years; ieduitao well and active -able to *ice in the morning at 5 o'clock and maim her own ked. -Tho Bev. Ur. Leech, wits and family returned to their house on Wednesday teat after a vacation of three or four weep*. The llev, S. E. Coach, of Carlingford. Conference student, supplied with very great aaceptanca far abr. beech during his abeeuee,---Tlte Mieees Case of Loudon, are spending a few days with their friend, ;4]r. Samuel Ford. Mr. Wlfitetie1d 1"*rd is opeediugthe last of his vacation in the cauaty of 1;tie* , where he formerly taught selteel.-Only for the recent rains the fera2ers hero would be about three& with their harvest. •. mow., -.e-.- Zurich. IlniyFt--An old and esteemed friend,Mr. Dan Dyer, who le web known ht thla vici oily and who WAS far a number of yeara a enmpeteut clerk in the general More of Sir, 1). Steinhach, is visiting friends iu the village. Dfr. D, had been absent about 2a yeara, during which time ho has been en- gaged in publishing a paper, (Paynesville NOW, Mu.) Ile was not a printer by Fre. !eosin, but webeltove hewn a born printer mud :mob. belief would bo confirmed by a glaaco over the neat little sheet above wen. tioued. Wo always looked upon priutera and editora aa a "loner, lanky lot" (?) bot Dan eeema to be an exception to this rule ; but then when the eiroamatances are well considered together with a good jolly uaturo auoli an be poseeasos we do Bat wonder that ho looks so well. We aro pleased to neo iiia good natured smile again amouget us, aha wbon ho returns to his borne in Paynes- viite reinforced as we believe he will be, may his muss be greater than ever.-- ,lien Maggie Lippert, who has been in Chealey for some time, 10 home On A oieit -The following is our list of visitors this week t 11r. Hess, Misses .4,ug. flees, Mary Hose and Annie Rees, friends in Detroit; Mist Laura Williams and Bobt. Williams, friends Montreal; lilies Annie Weber, her brother in Port Arthur; Miss M. Deicbert, bor brother in Anu Arbor. -Mr, Geo. Buchanan has returned to tbo 11. S. in (loderiah.-- Master John Kibler starts on Wednesday for the Basineae College in Hamilton. - Mrs. Doan's mother and winter have return. ed to Kansas City. Crediton. Brum -Mr. Samuel Booty has rented his farm to lir Joseph Edwards; Mr Easery having other work on hand, he cannot well attend to it, Joe is an oseellent farmer, therefore be careful, farmers. Lest you fall behind. -Mr, Albert King of Stephen Town. ship. about two miles from Crediton, lost a valuable mare the other day. It appears that while he was in the not of taking her out of the stable a sharp stick ran into her body, allowing the entrails to protrude. - Mrs. Ed, Ramsey, of Buffalo. is the guest of Rev'd John Staebler,-We are glad to see Rev`d Mr. Brand about again, He had been laid np for a few weeks with severe in- juries sustained by a fall, by which he had broken a rib. -Quarterly Beryline were held in the German church here ou Saturday and Sunday last by Rev'd S. N. Moyer of Stratford. Several clergymen of the neigh- boring stations assisted o1a.Saturday.-Miss Mary -Grab of Zurich spent Sunday in town as the guest of Mrs. Aug. Hill. --Her many Mende were pleased to hear that Mrs. John F. Guinter (former Bliss Bertha Eilberj of St, Johns, West, has presented her husband with a bright baby girl. -The Boys] Tem- pters wont to Exeter on Sunday to attend church with other lodges from the sur- rounding villages' -Some of the local sports had good fishing at Grand Bend lees week. The partymanaged to capture about 100 pike in two days. -Mr. Hobbs, principal of our eohoot, had the misfortune to lose his driving mare on Monday. She had been running in pasture on Sweitzer's flats and it appears that in going to the river to get a drink she had her foot naught between two roots in such a manner as to be unable to extricate it and endeavoring to do eo broke its leg. When found she was some distance away from where the aoeident oc- curred, both the bones completely shatter- ed, and after consulting a veterinary it was decided best to shoot her. -Mr. John Seg. dere, teamster, also had a serious Ioie, When he mute to bis stable on Taeaday morning he found one of his horses lying dead. It is /supposed he died of ()olio. .Eensall. Tho'Exeter football club, known as the "Exeter Braves," were to have played a game with the Hensall team Thursday last on the grounds of the latter, bat were pre: vented from doing so. However they faithfully promised to' come on Monday evg. On Monday noon Mao. informed the boys that all was 'O.K.,' and he was as jubilant as though he had Oarrie-d the news al] the way in his arms, Joe having Ada -ed him.. A little later things took a. turn and -Mae. was informed that as the "Exeter Brave*" had very recently begun wearing a "White Feather" they could not. come. This, of course, was a severe' bit to bit and it was thought he would not our - vivo, but in a couple of hours he was Amid-' inglyOarne-4 off and soon regained his usual jolly manlier. -Wm. Cook, son of H. Cook, miller,has gone to Hamilton to at- tend the Commercial College. under the management of MIr. Gallagher. Samoa. - Bev. H. N. Casson. formerly of Bencall,bet now Fattener'. paid our town a flying visit. Rev. air. Magee will prea:2 a german to jke ehildren of the village next Sabbath, 1fr Magee is a good speaker and the child- ren are in for a good, sound, ;practical ser- mon. Tro-or-W.tn.eeThe Howell .pull Fahr Directora have secured the beat available tag otevar teatua for the second day of the fair. Every one wants to conte and. 800; n0 other t'lp.of-war can Ler Comparison with it. It is the best of the moon. Lover* of foetball can be eatisfted by coming to the fair and witnraaing a tuatelt between the two best teams i0 the county--the'Huroua' of Seatorth. and the 'Rovers' of ]3rusaels. The tug-ob,war will be opou to the world, Find prize S35. 2nd prize $15'; three teams to pull or no second money awarded. .Elicit. EerlenTerseresr.._On Friday evening last a very iuteresti g entertainment wa8 given in Ilia mehool.houeo under the auepieea of the Eden Football Club. At the time of commencement the building was literally basked, and the chairman, 4r. O. Holman. Snaking a few remarks in reference to the enceeer• widely hast attended the to Abell clube preeer.l('d want the proaraua. We filet Fay that the Firearm was in every re• epect one of the teat ever prepared for such alt evasion. At space will net Izermlt us to give the names of those who toolc part, and while praise is due t r all pert2021!aate, it would not be amiss tie say that DIr. James Acmpeey was the interesting charaater at the evening, and his ability as acarnYt WAS clearly shown by the rendition of numercua cantle soave, etc. :iufalce to say all were well pleased with the affair. May succara ever attend the Eden Foot Ball Glnb, fi4dkd. Ihtuwa--3(. S. Collins, barrister. 01 Exe- ter, ball in town the poet weok.-blies Ada Hutton of Hirkton has been appointed to a poaitton in tbo Goderie]i Public Sebool,- Mr, Alec, Murdock of Hensel) was in town on Sunday. -The tug Wales, with the barge liotohkise in tow, was oft this port iu the storm oh Thursday. and near whine ht, ae she was shippiug considerable water and making no headway, she east off her tow ani made straight for Sarnia, Shortly after the separation the Hotcbkis* com- menced to break up, and during the night the boll broke from the deck frame and sank. The crew remained on the Boating deck till a.m, on Friday, then took to the yawl and made for the shore, landing at Dryadnln shortly after 3 o'clock. The crew ooneisted of 6 men Rua a female cook; and although when on the wreak and afterwards in the boat, they thought all hope gone, they aro elf malting arrangements to get nuother boat. --Tho Fall Assize Court opens here on Monday. -There was a burglary in towu last Friday night, a young married couple !losing ell the presents presented them when they were joiuod 2n wedlook'e bonds, -.The sturgeon catch in tho neigh- borhood of Grand Bend was very good the past week, -Tho ladies of Si. George's church gave a High Tea land Fancy Fair in the Court (louse last Thursday and Fri- day and netted over $300 thereby. -The yacht Norma has returned from her trip to Detroit. -The schooner Pinafore arrived is port on Monday with a cargo of ealt from Port Frank. -Quarter Master Beek left for the Camp at St. Thomas on Monday, and was followed on Tuesday by the Goderieh Company under Captain Dudley Holmes. - Surgeon W. J. 11. Holmes, Major Crockett, and Paymaster Jordan of tbo 33rd Battalion left town this week for the St. Thomas Clamp. ---Tho High School re -opened on Monday, but the two junior classes were holidayed for a week, the alterations not being oomplete.-In addition to the list already published, the following candidates have received certificates, their names hav- ing been omitted by mistake from the original list; Miss Florence E. Ball, 2nd Mass; John MoLean, 3rd class; Mr. Rich- mond, matrionlation,-The County Clerk's room is receiving a new covering of matting -There aro at least thirteen applicants for the Co. Clerkship who are sure lfof the posi- tion. Dashwood. Tern Srx Unarms or DAeirwoOD,-Talk se you may about the twenty-two Heroes of the Long Sault who kept at bay for a num- ber of days about seven hundred Indian warriors, but in future do not forget that Dashwood can also boast of brave heroes as the following facts will clearly show. It so happened on Wednesday evening last at about six o'clock three drunken Indiana in- yaded our quiet village. After pausing quite an excitement for some time they left and travelled towards the east for some distance, (,where they took lodgings in a oertain fence corner for the night. Tnie did not seem to please our six braves very well so as soon ash became dark they met under their commander, Waxer, and determined lo pursue the Indians and abase them far- ther east so as to insure the safety of our village for the night. So under their com- mander, Waxer,they marched to the Indian camp and began to shower stones upon them. They bad no sooner started their charge when a volley of revolver shuts went buzzing over their heads,' which set our bravos to their heels in double quick time, three running towards Exeter and the other three towards Dashwood, when another;shot watt sent after the latter three and one of the heroesfell to the ground evidently think. ing he was shot. How to get back to their comrades was a difficult problem for the commander and his two braves but they managed to get batik, probably by way of Mr, G. Kellerman's ditch. . When they were together 'again .theytook counsel of. how to proceed next, upon which they de- termined to get a. gun and some powder so that they would not need to gojtoo near. When thea had been proonred commander Waxer loaded the gun and marched with Minard's Liniment aures Colds, eta. Lie company to within several hundred yard* of the Indians and then fired. but as the charge woe rather heavy the gun re- boundedstrikjzM the leader on the sbonider and learir,g a black mark, after which they returned home and tried to get a little steep After their dangerous encounter. Neat day they spread the news of their adventure and of bow cue of the bails came within three feet of Lieutenant Tae/or, After they had the news pretty well eireulated they heard to their utter chagrin thatit was net the Indioaa who Area, but two well known par- ties of our village who httd overheard their plotting. Theca two got ahead of the llereee and went to within a Seco yards cf the Indiana behind a #bock of oats from where they fired the shata into the air, while the Indian', who were two drank to mere. dui not seem to he disturbed in the ]ea#t. The gallant Lieutenant must have ramie pretty high leaps as the balls were a sat straight up into the Mr. Bnieee-On Friday dant Mr. A. McCor. in2ok hauled a load of flax to Mesita Wit - re 1 ,2 llartieib'a flex lulls wbich weighed 4 ton 035 lbs.-.. Mr. H. Stiller wart on tSet- urday married to Miss Mary Held. Father Kealy, et Limerick, ofkciated,-On Wednes- day morotug last while walking along side a load of flax, Ida, a daughter of Me. P.hode, etereaded and felt under the wagon, the hind wheel pasei, g over leg and arm, On being picked up' it wad found that 8120 wag Rule injured. --Lae* week Mr. Charlea I.fatticib, formerly 'veva neater hero. tea:• ed to Zurielt where he lies laden charge ct the eider mill. We hear he ham greatly 2inpr0ve41 the mill by putting 2n a new grinder, which lila es capacity of 201 Winds per hour. We wish Lim suezese in hie utiv enterprise. --air. J. Eillerrnao Bahl Zurich it .dying 'visit on Meuday.-31r. I,nuis Staubfte was the guest of Mr. Snider ou Sunday last, --Some fine singing was ren- dered at the Central Music Ball 1112 \Zonday evening -Mr. H. Wiiled *hipped a ear load of teethe to Buffalo ]ant week, for w hleh h4 paid $4 50 tech. -Mr. Gai11 this aumoier $raw a cabbage head in hie garden which neeeture4 thirty Bine inches in cirournfer- enc0 0110 way and 91 2001208 another xray, alter the outside leaves had been taken off. It weighs fifteen ponnde, who esu heat that a - Ho has aloe 2240118331420* piaut which meaeurea five feet in height and over ten feet in eirenmfereuoe,-:hiss J Hall has returned home from her trip. --Mr A. J. Styles who attended tbo Godorioh H. S. wig in our. Tillage en TLuraday. He was ono - aerate' in taking a Drat class certificate at the late examinations, -Mr H. Sehaoeder moved on Tuesday into Mr Hartleib'ahouee South ]lonudary- Condensed News. Seaforth'a taxation for this year is 20 mills on the dollar. Dr. Milne of Blyth will erect a $4,000 residence this summer. The /new rubber loose for Solidi:. fz s dept cost $2.10 per foot, The High School Hoard, of Mitchell, has engaged. a Mr, Smith. of Ingersoll, at $700 par annum to succeed Mr. Bald, resigned. The population of Sonth Huron accord- ing to the late aeneus is 20,020, as against 22,512 in 1881 ; East Huron 18,908 as against 22,720 in 1881. All saved of Seatorth'e fine fire pro- tection apparatus was a brass condenser for a hose nozzle. This happened to be in Mr. George E. Henderson's saddler shop for repairs. The Clinton Organ Company are tacking about removing their works from Clinton to Wiagham if the Wingham people will give them sufficient inducements. The matter is now under consideration. Many will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. T. A. Sharp, of Seatorth, which w- eaned on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Sharp has been a severe but patient sufferer for many months and the ebange wee a happy relief to her. She bas been a resident of Sealerth for twenty years. The merchants in Seaforth have signed a doonment, agreeing to close their stores and shops every Saturday night and nights before bolidays at half past nine o'elook, instead of keeping them open until eleven and twelve, as has hitherto been the prac- tice, A note from Rev. G. B. Howie, Ph. D„ formerly of Brussels, says he arrived safely in Jerusalem on June 20. He left Montreal on bray 20. On arriving at his old home he ,was greeted very heartily, and many listened with interest to his sermons in Arabio. The sun rises seven hours earlier there than it does in tbia country. Dr. Howie says he may return to Canada before Christmas, but if not he will not leave Syria until next May. It will be remembered by our readers that a number of barns were burned a few months ago in the neighborhood of Kin- cardine. Finallya large reward was offered, and a young man named McLeod was sen- tenced as a firebug to 14 yeara in Kingston: Two thousand of those who watched the proceedings have already declared by peti- tion to the Minister of Justice that they be- lieve McLeod to be innocent, and Lis re- lease has bean asked for. A yearling Oliver Wilkes colt, owned by Mr. Strachan, of Brussels, which had been left with Kidd Bros. for training for the Dolt stakes, met its death instantly a few days ago. It reared up on its hind feet, striking its head against a post, and drop- ped dead, evidently from concussion of the brain. It is valued at $500, and gave pro- mise of being the smartest of the fifteen colts entered for the stakes, it having made an eighth of a mile in 26 seconds on its first trial,.- [Listowel Standard. A very sudden death ocourred on Monday evening of last week in Egneondville, when an old and ranch eoteemed resident was zee moyed hence with scarce a•moment's, warn- ing. It seems that Mr. John Muldrew had that evening gone to the pasture., for the cow. - On returning' with her he placed her fn the stable and then want to the house and asked Mrs. Muldrew. to go and milk her. He returned to the ratable and, Mrs: Muldrew followed in a' few minutes. On AT THE Market Store Exeter, Om will u l 1 stud the best and cheap, est assortment of prints going, and they are going to go at our reduced prices.. We bare a lot of them and they must be sold. Call and get our prices. Cream, Fawn and Grey Dress Gcods will be reduced 20 per Bent. Now 15 your chance Ladles ? bring the cash and you will get goods et right prices, depend upon it. The best stock of Boots c` Shoes we ever had has arriv- ed and prices lower than ever. Highest I'ricesPaiti For Trade. BARGAIN DEPOT. J. R. ROSS. Fall Fairs. Hansell..,.,, Luoan .-.. ., Garde rich - Sept 16.123 London Western Fair Sept 17-26 Mitchell Sept 23.24 Exeter Sept 25.29 ClintonhISept 28.30 Aea haig. •.. M Sept 20 30 eStratford flet 1.2 Oct l-2 South Perth, tat Marys Sep 29.30 The Industrial, Toronto Sop9.23 Blentlhard. Eirlato0 Qat 84 Zurioh Sept 14.15 Greaten Sept 2040 Ailsa Craig Sept 29.80 Wipgham Sept 29.30 Bayfield Oot 6.7 8tafi'a ,.... < Oct 6-7 ..........,.Sept 25.16 Sept 16-17 13ayiieid, Mr. Fee, of Detroit, was in town last week. -till Colwell and MoICay, of Pin - conning, Mich., are guests of Mr and Dir* Meorehouse.--The remain of the late htr Muldrew, of Egmondyilie, were interred in flee Bayfield cemetery last Thursday, -The petition in favor of opening the road leading to the Jowett Grove has failed to connect. The citizens cf Bayfield know their own in- termits and are oat so sleepy as they look, The Inspector of Peet Offices. mail routes rte., was iu town last week dor the purpose of either renewing the present route or changing it by Seafotth as it was former- ly. ormerly. What will bo done has not been as decided yet. recoiling the stable she was startled to see the form of her husband lying on the floor, dead. Theeall name with terrible sadden - nese, and the spirit took its departure with- out leasing any trace of a struggle. No doubt heart disaase was the cause of death. idr. Muldrew had reached the age of 72 yeara, but was a smart, vigorous looking and active man for that age. He was one of the pioneer residents of the township of Stanley, where for many years he lived on bis farm near the village of Blake. He was for years an elder of the Berne Presby- terian church, and was also Superintendent of the Sunday school. About three years ago he rented his farm in Stanley and re- moved to Seafortb. In response to a request from Mr, A. Marcy, the representative of the Doherty Organ Company, of Clinton, Mayor Oar- penter called a special meeting of the Chatham Council to ooneider a proposition he had to offer for the removal of the Doherty Organ Company's factory from Clinton to Chatham. Mr. Mercy, on behalf of the Dohertys, wants to establish a com- pany with a capital of $96.000, and asks the modest sum of $40,000 for patents and good will. The town was asked to give a $10,000 building, free land, taxes and water The Planet says the proposition sent a cold chill down the backs of the Councillors. DR. T, A. SLS UC M'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE 0011 L1VER OIL, If you have any Throat Trouble -Use it. For sale by all druggists, Dos'T You Fortese Ir, -"I would never forget that Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry sayed my life. Five years ago I had a terrible attaak of summer complaint and was given up by t e doctor and my parents. A friend advised .Fowler', Straw- berry and at the second dose I was relieved and soon was well as ever." -Maggie Mo- Gillivray, Falkenberg, Ont. Canada for Autrust and Septem- ber. A Southern dialect stoiy, of ebeorliing in- terest, by a Virginia Canadian, will be found o omplete in the August and September milr,- bers of CANADA, the new national magazine, The two numbers will be sent to any address pose -tree for 20 cents in stamps, • Poetry and prose by ablest Canadian writers ,choice selee tions and bright and timely departments in every number, Beery Canadian family should subscribe for CANADA: Aone dollar bill will pay for it from now until the end of 180. Address : "Canada," Benton, New Brunswick. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps andBlemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couggs, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful 13lemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,