HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-01-03, Page 3Ai
Captain A. .Bailey,- Conn nder of the 'quarters of the new S88M.00 Citadel At
Goderich Corps of the Salvation Army is rights *she• is seep: at The lectern in the -
seen,t e in the. eem Orta le
tor�um;. Signal -Saar photos •
"This''is a thrilling occasion,
• the opening of another hall
where God's message will be
declared," Said Com►missionei
W. W.Bobth, head of the Sal -
vat m A ny in Canada and--Ber--
-mnda;-�i+�--offi at core
monies here--Satur-day__whie1 g
€eially-opened_ _t -tie new Salva
tion Army Citadel at the corner
of Waterloo and Lighthouse
streets. Other'high-ranjdng Sal-
vationists were in attendance
from Toronto and London, -and
i-acai--oificials--Weire ealso-pr-esent.-
bringing to nearly 150 persons
' the congregation taking part.
The--modern----new red brick
building was declared officially
opened after, a key turning -sere,.
mony, followed by a service of
praise in the auditorium of the
building, attended by an over
flow congregation.
The opening ceremony, con-
ducted out-of•doors in a chill,
blustery wind, included prayer
by .Major L. Titcombe, prelim.
inary remarks by Lt. -Col. John
Nelson, of .London, presentation
of the front door key by _ W.
Malaniuk, the builder, and the
-symbolic --opening o. the door
by Commissioner Booth. •
First To Enter -
First to pass through the
door were two senior members
of the congregation, with Mayor
E. C. Fisher. They were Mrs,
Mary -Stinson and Herbert Neill,
both with many years of faith-
- ful service to the, work.
The opening ceremony
brought to fulfilment the hopes
and aspirations- of a relatively
small congregation which had
• hard and faithfully over
many years, , a risidorabj
personal sacrifice, to have th
new building erected. Costing
in the neighborhood of $38,000,
it provides a church auditoriuin
seating 110;• primary and Sun-
day school rooms in the base-
ment along with a seem for t'ie
Home League plus washrooms
and utilities room. The build-
ing also includes quarters for
the Commanding Officer, Capt.
Alice Bailey, consisting of,oflice
Jiving room, bedroom, kitchen.
and bath, ally tastefully furnish-
Dedacation Service
The dedication service com-
menced with. a few. remarks by
Brig. C. Stickland, who announce;
cd the opening hymn, followed'
by prayer by Mrs. John Nelson
of London,. Presentation of the
Territorial • Commander was
made' by 11 -Col. John Nelson.,
- Remarking on this being the
80th anniversary of the Salva
tion Army in Western Ontario,
lit. -Col. Nelson stated that this
„year had .brought many out-
standing features in the work,
but that the, opening of the new
building _ in Goderich was "the
icing on the cake."
.Commissioner Booth spoke
Grant- Re uest
From E, :.,Africa
-The request of-a-Goderich
it Io one' of her favorite
h3L b�_ _ dun at the-
dedcation of the newSalva-
tion Army citadel here Satur-
day was complied with as
nearly 150 voices joined in:
"Thy presence and Thy gIor-
ies, Lord," a familiar hymn
_of -dedication. - Tie --request
came from Major Violet Lar-
der, a native of, G'oderich who
has been serving -it a mission_
post - in' Nairobi, East Africa
for the past two years. Al-
though Goderich Salvation
Army is her -ho fie corps, Maj-
or Larder was never stationed
here as an o cera btl cdh-
siders the local : corpse her
"Spiritual . home"- so -to -speak.
Capt, Alice Bailey, local of-
ficer commanding, will be
writing soon, advising that
herwish was fulfilled, and re-
porting a highly successful
opening service.
briefly at, this _ timo, stressing
the importance of continually
adding new buildings and facil-
ities so that the evangelical
endeavors' of the,- Army might
go forward apace.
• "The comrades of Goderich
can be doubly proud of the part
they have played," he asserted,
remarking that much had been
accomplished -by a� ,,,r�elativc ty
small grbup of people, and that.
it was_.QJ. yious much work and
personal sacrifice had been con-
�, inbnted-•-oma. loo period of
years. He also referre -the
presence 'of the London Young
People's Band whiclr'Cpntribut='
ed both in the outside ceremony
and in the regulars service. -
Rev: E. Von Keitz, minister
of Goderich Baptist Church' and
representing the Goderich Min-
isterial Association, spoke]
briefly in . congratulatory vein,
summing up, the achievement of
the relatively.. small -congrega-
tion- ai -nothing less than "in
bream Fulfilled
On behalf of the - Town of
Goderich, Mayr E. C. - Fisher
stressed that the neW building
is- importd'ht not only to the
Salvation Army eongregation,
but to the.,enta,Pe' town as well.
Declaring' that- the church is -tne
centre around which the im-
portant aspects of, community
life • revolves, he spoke of the
Sunday schools` teaching the
higher and more honorable
ways to youth,• -and the church
offering comfort and compah-
-ionship for the members in later
life: He remarked -that he had
mad the honer, to be present
at the sod -turning for the build -
ing, and "now, today," your
dream is fulfilled." He express-
ed the hope that the Salvation
Army v ild now be able to
onrry on in the standard of ex.
cellence fob`" Which it has be-
;carie -known, and --perhaps set
- new records of achievement,
—. President •-- Jamey Adana: -.._of
Branch 10$, Royal Canadian Le-
gion, who beaded edelegation
pf Legion officers in attendance,
spoke of the great privilege it
was to -bring the greetings of
the Legion on such an' occasion.
He referred particularly to- the
strong bond that had been` estab-
lished in_ World War I between
the - Salvation Army and the
troops, and added that this bond
had become one of strong af-
feotion during 'World War' II.
"It was not only the coffee
oughnuts_ the ,boys got
coming out of- the line," he de,
dared, "it was something 'much
deeper and more significant
than that, I. am sure?u '
"It goes much dee-per," he
4d. "That affection has never
been shaken from the founda-
tion that * was-- --established• m
.1914-18.., . It •is our ; sincere
wish that the Salvation Arniy
will.; have continuing success
with the- work that it is doing
the world over."
Former C.d -
Lt. -Cot. C. Hiltz, Toronto, now
property secretary fei• the Sal-
vation ,Army, refer'ed to the
fact that he was stationed here
38 years ago - when he vas
young ,in the service, and car-
ried a*.ay . with hem good mein-
oriel -of .the, beautiful town aw.t
the devoted workers,
•think I was only back" once
since then, but I have ^nom A'er
fai e e 'aithfui
group, the handful, actual y, so
faithful in their witness f•�r
Christ," he said. °
He also reviewed ;the finan-
cial aspects of the build.itig pro-
gram," indicating clearly that
much effort •and - sacrifice had
been involved on the Bart of
the local Salvationists,, aided by
the interest and sympathy of
headquarters. Hesaid aid it was;the
hope that, when plans are _corn
pleted for disposition of the oll
-property, that__a debt of only
about $3,500 will be outstanding.
Capt. Alice Bailey also spoke
briefly, and read a letter from
a former commanding officer
now in. the mission fields of
Taking -his text from seven
places;;-iri.-Chronicles II, Corn-
niissioner Booth related them to .
the dedication -of the new build-
ing, and prayed that a new
"baptism of fire of the - Holy
Spirit would fail on the people." -�
E .ARE rttopo TO
NEW T \.: ITA D F, .i.
a— eInstalied
and RODS
�n Thi
New Building
' For their enterprise and foresight
in building this fine new .
building. It •will enable - th- to -
serve our community better. -
and HEA IN
—We Were Accorded The
Privilege Of Doing
All Electrical Work