HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-27, Page 8• SIONSISOPIPOINORXMOS IN atillANOR B11EI3T 4LLIOP. ,GENT FOB 'J,`RR WESTE1aN ASSURANCE COM. E.A.NT, of Toronto; also for thePIURNIg, iaDe.% INSURANCE COMPANY, of London; F.angland, the 110Y41140At1AD1AN, of Mon - tree'. aril tare ONTARIO MU L'U I4 LIES ASSIMANCF, COT of waterloo established 1070, Asauraucesinforce,$13,127 400. Bonuaes every five years. 49mallz are Deartment The Mart Counter Goods To Stove 1'olialt Pitohers • Beads Shoe '• • Spiee Jars Dolls, Match Safes Salts, Ind Maggs Needles Rules Balls Haar Pius Hammers 'ogee tr:himbles Tacks SI Pencils Button Agate Screw Drivers Drcebes •' Pearl Postal Cards clashes Handkerchiefs Can Openers Curs Towels.Curling Telma yBcoks Neck Ties Fire Shovels ra"nave,a Pans Salt Sifters - :tilt Organs Splitshere Potato' Mashers g lsirlts 'Taule Mate Toast Forks Soave -trios Dimeere NI Brushes Tin Pails Egg .beaters Slice , Tea Steepers Carse Turners :lc.eiag .. . eA) .et elands Paus • Zit<t:,a ' Venn) Cases Lein. Squeezers Teeth " Pant . cin, Corti Serewe t-Oln,'3 Pie tUte's Seep Ladree Tra” (3.14ets 3`+ GRI G, - Exeter The I Iter votiurteer CO. under ('apt.• ndr.•ws will parole to the rrivitt 31e- - . smori:el chureh on Sunday next at 3 o'clock where the rector Rev. S F. Rolaiuson will preaa:lt a special setnron. W. F+,lland, whose building was burned in the recent tire has sold his stock to J. N. Howard, with whom be will work. Mr. Follett(' was unable to procure a, suit - el le !MN -Hug in whielr to again start bush aro s, hence his selling out. The resent rains have greatly retarded the progress of the spring grain harvest. A great many irate and peas are cut and in 33revlttes, The Municipal Council meets on Thurs- day evening. Carling Taros. are offering great. bar- gains. Read the advertisement. ',Old Hutch" is credited with haying made $600,000 on the receut rise in wheat at Chicago. Large quantities of grain are being brought to town. The price paid on Tues- day was 9S cents per bush. Parcels to Great Britain, not exceeding seven pounds. may now be sent by mail. The former limit was five pounds. Destroy those caterpillar 'teats that are to be seen in webs on the shade and fruit trees, or your trees will be stripped of their team. . Several citizens of town have had the plums stolen from their gardeu s lately. The thieves are known aud may yet receive a Biose of hot lead. A summer s;ecinl under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church was held in the roller riuk last evg. It was quite a sn cessfuL affair. St September lit, last excursion to Mani - tube and the North West. Through, re- thin tickets. Bev iron -Wept Geo. Kemp. town agent, Granit Trunk Railway, town hili Exeter. The report that the Fireaneu were drunk e.t the recent tire, is basely false ; on no eeeasion bad they worked Letter. The people who rhnught'tltenr drunk could'nt have l,eeu quite awake. $' TT EUP ST J• .-U1:' EXETEF. Special Bargains fur Saturday -- 12}a Pri:ss Geoid for Cash. • Ise press Goods for loeae :he: itr'sa 110o413 fair 14r'. • Special Bab -gains for Saturday— Blael (aFI.mere fer :.ti 1lSe I;leek Cashmere tar •J: e. rig liixck Caslunere for tt• 1.13^:s Hceariette fer t te- ti ;e Mak k Heenria tta ler t tt •- I,tet 11 Uenrr:tta f r b1.11 klirJ kker,rit•,ta fer tISe. Spatclal 1)argaiais fo)1' Seltt."tla -;c Pants f.'r 1 Priets fer flus:. 14 Prints for W. 1So Satreaas fer 12te. Special Bargains fir Saturday— ,a: tIroy Flannel for 14e. .aur farcy Flannel for 1Sc. :arc i.rey 1• round fort 4e. :':ea [::ivy Flaunel for 27c. Spociai Bargains for Saturday —AT THE -- Big g Bankrut Score.. Z1vo 'Oulu ?Amu. THURSDAY, AUG. 7th, 181eo. LOCAL %: PPENINGS. Increased Piro Protection. A special meeting of the ec:uncil was held on Friday evg., at which the captains and chief of the Fire Compauies were pre- sent. The tn:ttter of increased fire pro. te,:tiou was thoroughly discussed, and in :stony respects the question was well ven- tilated. Of all the echemes advanced a system of waterworks seemed to be the most practicable. The,waterworks pro- ject being too indefinitfor immediate • The London'CZolere, A paragraph appeared in THE TimEs of last week, referring to the visit of members of the. Forest City Bicycle Club, to Exeter and there deportment while here, The item was not pleasing to the club and some of the members take great umbrage to it ; and so eurely have they become to realize what they did in Exeter that they now with blustering dignity (such as is the case with the guilty) rise to resent the attack. A private letter to the editor of THE TIIES, as also a communication to the Loudon Free Press set forth their resent- ment, We dealt very leniently with the boisterous members of the club in last weeks' issue—gave thein in a trifling de- gree an idea of what the Exeter people thought of their conduct. As we said be- fore some of those in the party conducted themselves gentlemanly, but others acted the part of sharp alecks. They paraded the streets singing all imaginable chestnut songs, to the disgust even of the small Lop, who followed and jeered them at every turn. The fact is some ot the youths belonging to the chub, who bad probably, never been away from home be. fore, thought that as they were in the country they might do as they pleased and that the country yahoos would think it smart of theta. In this they were sadly mistaken; their conduct was the talk of the town, and had they conducted them- selves similarly in a city they wouid have been taken before the beak in chert order. There may have been some proud fellows in the crowd, but as with the two dogs, 11$nap" land "Tray" they have to sutler e• . , a t r , •e. i taw bad l r.crtt a t tau s 1 lx the coin aq t +. b l 1 Personals. Several front this neighborhood left un the excursion to Niacara G=alls Saturday. —T. A. Brown, Principal of the E. P. S. accompanied by hie bride, returnees to Exeter on Friday. ---J. N. Iiooper, of Shel- burne, wee in town het week pinking after his interests in the property recently destroyed by lire.—Mrs. John White and Miss 'Stagger White returned from their European trap, reaehine Exeter ou 'Weel• nesday.--•-Fraueis Graham, of Portland, the IS I is and if the weather :trice not he. °regozr, is visiting at Mr. John P. late's.•-•- ertee drier they w•illl towaud considerably' Ijr. Lutz is still quite id, and confined to di et' their value. the house. ---Mr. Ed. Marwood of Toronto. .k re-enrtsee- th, t that tae.uty erop this v.• se will i,e. eery :spell! call over the coun- t toy, awl especially in the Niigata penin• spent sevtral days e 1 thi 3 rt e li nit!, Hen in town. ---Mr. (,re:,;(;ty: Ht Tont, teate principal of the Exeter 1'ullte$ehonl, who , .et I :. In that per there will not lee half a re,ently went to Vunv:el ver, ix. (.., has et p, as the whit(• ail -art r and l sestvoad lets been sucee sful in of t.i'tuiug a Ugh grade 1,te:.a ;.n entire fal'ute. certitleate at the revolt examen.- ' Mr. Christie is bzviug his livery barns tion there. He has reeeiverl the position of eeeond teacher in a hii;h Maid, at ra salary of over ti I.1 t1) per nnnrrn,,-•-Itliss McTavish has returned after several weeks' visit at home in liincardiuc,-Mr. 1. Carley stud sister have nturned house after week's visit in London, Hamilton and 'iornnto.--Mics ilau.lfordi left en Tuesday for Palmyra, Wis., to Visit her male.— Mies Inman, formerly milliner with James Pickard, spent the forepart of the week with friends in town.—I:obt. Sae:deis left on Monday for the Northwest.—R. 11. Collies was in Sernia 1 the forepart of the week, being interested in a law case there. —11. Cook, of Dashwood, left Tuesday morning for South River. where he has an interest in a large sawmill and lumbering business. --W. J. Clarke, of Toronto, tea visiting friends in town.—Messrs. J. P. Clarke, W. J. Clarke, D. A. Ross, W. IL Persons, and several others are in camp at the fiend. The cold weather, however. tenders their vacation not at all pleasant. —Mrs. J. P. Roes returned on liaturday front an extended visit to her father, at Niagara Falls.—Walter Clarke, of Credi. ton, who recently loft for,. Ln taureach- ed Liverpool oSaturday.—Miss Lizzie Beattie, of Stratford, spent the forepart of the week the guest of Miss Mettler*. — Frank Snell, who has been visiting his parents here for some time returned to Winnipeg on Tuesday.—Mr. 1Vi11 J. (could, of Oshawa, spent a few days with friends in town last week —Miss Burritt returned from her :several weeks' visit to Exeter on Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Verity. The latter will remain in town while Mr. Verity is snaking his business trip to Manitoba and the Northwest.— Mitchell Recorder. --The Rev.MuDonagh and Russell of the Methodist churches, exchanged pulpits Sunday morning last.— Miss L. Loughrey and Miss Tackaberry, of London, have Leen visiting Mrs. C. W. Welsh and acquaintanees.—Mise Affa Essery, John A. Gregory and Rennie Kinsman, of Exeter, were successful at the recent departmental examinations in securing non-professional third class certi- ficates. They each passed creditable ex- aminations.—Reg. Elliot of Toronto spent the past week with his friends in town.— D. Tait of Tilsonburg is spending his va- cation at home.—Mr. Thomas, representa- tive of the Ball Electric Light Co., was in town the fore part of the week negotiating the sale of an electric plant to some one in town, Mr. Bobior haying withdrawn his agreement to purchase the same. Mr. T. will likely find a purchaser.—Mr. Wm. Graham, wife and two sons arriyed in Montreal yesterday. Mr. Graham has brought from Scotland a shipment of six fine Clydesdale stallions—among the best ever imported.—Mrs, RalphSand daughter are visiting at the Central.—Miss Carrie Fitton, who has been visiting in Hamilton, returned home Tuesday evg.—Miss Maud Christie has returned from a visit to fuends in Sarnia.—Wm. Brooks of Woodstock is visiting his parents in Exeter. --Mr. Braund and wife of Toronto are visiting friends in town.—R. Hicks and family have returned from a week's camping at the lake,—Dan'l Dyer, a former resident of Exeter, but who is now publishing a newspaper at Paynesville, Minn , is visiting friends in town. Mr. Dyer will remain here for some time, but upon returning will be ac. companied by a bride, now known as Miss Shannon, of Walkerton,—Mr. and Mrs. L. Thorne will leave for their home in Los. Angeles, Cal,, on Saturday,—Mr. and Mrs French went to Oshawa yesterday to cele- brate the golden wedding of Mn French's parents,—Benj. Swenerton is renewing aa- quaintences in town.—James Creech, jr., who has been running a tailor shop in Tilbury Centro for some time, has secured a lucrative position as cutter for J. G. Wing, New Dundee. -Mr. Fred. Carr, of Sarnia, is visiting friends in town.—Mr. Pratt, Fisher who,has been dangerously ill elate was driving yesterday.—Fred., Collins, deputy -P. M. is en)oying a well. earned vacation.—Geo. Russell has return ed from a visit to friends up north.—Miss Miners has returned to Sarnia. —Mrs. Ed. Dyer, is visiting Heinlein Richmond Hill. She will be absent for a month. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munro have returned -to Rich- mond Hill. ^t_ Mrs:Ohne. Smith of Jimee, Ohio, writes : I have used every remedy for sink headache I could bear of for the past fifteen yeare,but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good- then oodthan all the rest. • Minard's Liniment cares Diphtheria. panitee1 nloc°rh greatly improves the ep- o ►ranee ad the mune. This being a very ecce. pi. etou-1.1.ee, it has for several yearn a - ,. as oa: a .1 for posting show bills, ete., 1.:t Mr. C. i, -'w says he will strictly pro. Li- it !either de,f,tciug of his mails. :Setae•1 opens on Mom lay next, The uncut •dI..•er will then commence duties, and all children wire are given to playing "peke" will l e sharply looked after. We would advise all the children to commence school with the opening and get an equal chit with the others. On Sunday morning next, the Royal Tenmiars of Temperance, accompanied by the brethren from t.',rediton, liensall, Kip - pen and Erucefield, will marsh in a body to Out ylein-st M:ethodlist church where Rev. Mr. 3le1)onagls will preach a special sermon a aubjeet :"Marriage of Cana at :Mos Lilie May. a pupil of the Parkhill High School, only 12 years of age, has enemertfniry passed that Non Professional Examination for a Teacher's 3rd (.lass Certificate, held there last July. She is a daughter of dr. W. F. May, :Mathematical Master of the Parkhill High School, and formerly of Exeter. $191),450 00 will he given in prizes of from t:.-'4.51) to $1:1,0'O_(1 during the mouth of September next. to lucky ticket holders in the Montreal Sweepstakes, &c. Send a dolor for a ticket, or a lc. or 3c stamp for open or sealed circulars, with the full par- ticulers, to P. Euglish rSa Co., Printers, 30 St Georga'atreet, Montreal. --Aug. 22, 1m. neeessity, it was resolved to purchase a The marriage of Mr. A. B. Bennett and hook and lathier apparatus; and accord- :flies Alma Moi)onell was oelebrated in a tingly chief Trab1e twos deputed to visit quiet way at the residence of the bride's London and examine the appliances of the mother on Wednesday morning. The camper:1es there. Ile will report in due Rev. S. F. Robinson officiated, and only ecurse. intimate friends witnessed the wedding. -- -- The couple took the morning train on a To Farmers and Grain buyers. tour east, Toronto, Hamilton and Guelph The constable desires us to call the at- being objective poiuts. We join their tendon of farmers and grain Layers to Tay- many friends in extending congratulations. 1= NO. 9, of the village ot Exeter, clauses Do you want to have a prosperous town, a""1, 55, 56,ui and 58, whishprohibits the where people will be disposed to make 'their home : Then do away with—bury selling or purchasing of grain, wool, wood from eight—all local differences, all jeal- and dressed hogs, anywhere within the ousy, all spite; work for a common pros - corporation excepting on the market. The perity, and a general benefit. Wake up, import of the clauses is :—"A public mar- rub your oyes, roll up your sleeves and go ket is hereby established in the village of to work. Dont go to work with fear and Exeter on lots 13 14,15,Main-st and lots trembling; borrow no trouble, but all 27, 24, 29 and 30, elington-st." "No unite and make the biggest kind of a try. person or persons shall purchaseany grain, On Friday last Thomas Lynch of the wool, dressed hogs on any street within 16th concession of Stephen, appeared be- e the corporation of Exeter, except on the fore His Worship, Justice Snell, upon a I said market." The constable desires us charge of using indecent and abusive Lang - to also state that hencetorth he intends to nage, at the complaint of Angus McIntosh. rigidly inforce the by-law, and will have The trouble arose out of too free a use of all offenders fined to the fullest extent; a jug of whiskey, and all parties concerned thus he is giving al a final warning before appeared to have made very free use of a taking action, miscellaneous collection of choice epithets, —,— The prosecution failed owing to the faulti- Boyai Templars of Temperance, ness of the township by-law under which The seventh annual session of the Do- the case was brought, the magistrate re- markingminion Council,Royal Tempters of Tem- that be would like to have fined Y P all parties concerned in the disgraceful peranee, convened in Hamilton on the affair. 11th inst., and as the order has several 13y reference to advt. in another column branches in this county the following in- it will be seen that Labatt's ales, manu- formation will be of general interest lectured in Londan,Ont. have been award - According to the books as they appeared ed the Gold Medal at the recent interna - on June 30, there was a tax paying mum- tional exhibition held in Jamaica, in bership of 20.130, asci the actual member- competition with ales from T+ ngland, Scot - ship was 3,000 in advance of this. Last land, United States and''Canada ; and so year 16,000 members only were reported. superior were Labatt's goods that • his ex - During the year the order formed 74 new cellency, Governor Blake, praised them councils in Ontario, 13 in Manitoba, 9 in highly, and said he could not want to have Qnebee, 6 in the Northwest, 4 in New a better class of ale. Mr. Labatt is now Brunswick and 1 in British Columbia, the proud possessor of Gold Medala for his The present membership is divided as ale shown in competition againstthe world, follows in round members : Ontario, 16,- in Philadelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876; Paris, 000; Manitoba, 2,500; Quebec, 2,500; New 1878; Australia, 1877; which, besides its Brunswick, 1,000; British Columbia, 400; wide spread popularity among the people, Newfoundland, 150. In the beneficiary places it at the head of the list. department during the year new business t h t of 1 $ 5U 000 o the extent a most 7 was writ- The bill for incorporation of the Ontario ten, bringing the totalinsurance up to express Co. passed the railway and com- 56,000,000. The death rate during the merce Com. of the House of Commons Fri - twelve months was barely up to the aver- day. It removes any doubt as to the age of four years past,,6 in 1,000, which legality of the formation of the company is considered very low. The receipts in and permits them to do a general express the beneficiary fund amounted to$ 72,349,- business as soon as they satisfy the treas- 62, and after paying all death claims there ury board that $500,000 of stock has been remained a balance of $27,500,42 to be subscribed and $103,000 paid up. It was added to the surplus in the bank. In the stated, however, that already $631,000 of general fund the receipts in the Dominion stock has been subscribed and $137,000 Secretary's department were 811,728.81, paid up, so that there are no reasons why and the expenditure $11,461.20. These the necessary authority to do business figures do .not include the receipts and should not be immediately forthcoming. expenditures of the publication department Competition is the life of trade, and it as :follows : Receipts, $7,271,03; expeni- was just as essential to have it in matters re, $3,673.71. of this kind as in railway competition. Ail 'rl y fair Pa#cl:ergs Castor Minard's Liniment cures Colds, etc. QQ FOR FALL TBADI" We have just received a large shipment of goods from manufacturers in in France and Great Britain, per S. S. Funussia,They via New York, will ready for inspection by next, Cain. and .E•'Saturday see the latest goods in the market. RICR..R1 PCKARDSON, Shoot1ng Hatch. On Thursday evening last a shooting match took place for the geld medal of the Exeter gun club among; the following members of the club, Mr. Bd. Bissett again wins the trophy, this beiug the sec- ond time ie sueeessron. Following is the score IOlaissett L 1 1 1 11.1 3 011011 1 13 J. Weeds 111Oai001011111 10 lt,f aaerett et01 0111 000001 11 7 K. D, Ilurdou 0 1 1 1 1 1 101 1 1 1 110 12 Card of Theauics, The undersigned wishes to thank the Lancashire Fire Insurance Co, of England, through its agent here, ('atpt. (leo. Hemp, fur the prompt adjuatnieut of claim for. damages to stock by fire and removal, on the oc,:asian of the tire, Sunday 10th inst, The valuator t xuua tted thttstaelw on Tues. day and on Wiley following a aebeek fur the amount was received. I would res speatfu1`y commend this company to tiny contemplating the placing of Fire Insur- ance risks. WILL FOILANP. ruler, Aug. 23rd, '91. :1. Now Telephone Lino, A number of the citizelns of Dashwood visited Exeter en Friday evg. last to con- fer with the Petard of Trade of this place, in reference to a line of telephone between Exeter ani (icrand Bend. The meeting was a fairly large one, the members of the municipal council being present. The question was openly discussed under every phase, the popular idea being that a private telephone would prove more satistactory than connection with the Boll Co. The meeting was then brought to order, a chairman and secretary appointed and the general routine of business transacted. It was resolved that a limited stock Co, be formed with a capital stook of 13,000, the Co, to be known as the Exeter and (.brand Lend telephone Co. A deputation was appointed to canraag forataelc, a report of the success of said deputation to be made at an early meeting of these intermit - ed. The success of such a project is as- sured. The local business between these places would be such as to render a (good dividend. An instrument will be placed at various points along the Line, and while the company realize aprofitthefarmereand others in the Lack part of Stephen and Hay townships will be afforded n great eonvenienc(. 'Alien the lino he got in good working order to Grand Bend, other tran- ches will he erected from time to time, until this section is thoroughly connected by the 'phone of the Exeter and Grand Bend Co. May unqualified success attend the promoters of the projeot. Ora Tuesday last while in company with several other small boys, Jennie Leathern was playing around the saw mill. Among other things they tried conclusions as to whom could descend the log tramway, in a sitting posture. with the greatest despatch. They did nicely at it, but one time while Jennie was on a downward trip he was suddenly stopped by a large sliver. This hurt the boy's feelings, he began to cry, and was soon on his way home. Surgeons were at once summoned, when it was learn- ed that a sliver six inches in length and an inch in diameter had penetrated his left buttock to the thigh. The sliver was taken out, buttbereromained in the wound several square inches of his pants, which it required the opening of the skin from one end to the other to remove. The boy is doing nicely. BORN. Jou is.—In Exeter, on August 23rd, 1891, the wife of Wellington Johns, a daughter. Folitn.—Ia Crediton, on the 19th inst., the wife of James Foard, a daughter. Sears—At Fairfield, on the 23rd inst, the wife of Job Sims, jr, a son. MARRIE D. BENNETT—MODONELL—In Exeter, at the residence of the bride's mother, on the 26th inst., by Rev. 8. F. Robinson, Mr. P. A. Bennett, to Mies Aima M. B. Mc- Donell, all of Exeter. WEnsm—Muxn.—At "Fairview," the resi• dence of the bride's parents, Clinton, on the 26th inst., by Bev. A. Stewart, Mr. W. O. Weare, of Udora, Ont., to Miss Maggie V., second daughter of William Muir, Esq. OADeE1t—S:rITI1—At Trinity Church, Mit. chell, on the 19th isn't, by the Rev A. D. Dowdney, Mr Geo Cadger, to Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr Charles Smith, all of Mitchell DRESS PROPERLY You can do ib as well as not --with our aafl, There's lots of satisfaction in it, not to speak of the profit. Begin at the neck; nothing proclaims a man lake his Neck Tie, We have SCAR $-_, our in Banda, dtt DIE DI" DswAN—In Biddulph, on the 19th inst., P. J Dewan, aged 50 seer S. Rstx—In Biddulph, ,•n •the 19th root, Nathaniel Ryan, aged 77 years. Bomar—In Clinton, on the 15 Inst, Annie E. Beesley, aged 36 years and 22 days. Brox—In Clinton, on the 19th inat, Anne, wife` of Arthur. Knox, aged 68 years.reesse,a Canada for August and Septem- ber. A Southern dialect a tory. of absorbing in- toreet, by a Virginia Canadian, will be found 0 °replete in the August and September num- berg of CANAne, the;new national magazine, The two numbers will be sent to any address post-free for20cents in stamps, Poetry and prose by ablest Canadianwriters,ohoice Belem tions and bright and timely departments in every number. Every Canadian family should sub rcribe.fOrCANADA; A one dollar bill will pay for it from now .until tb a end of SO21. Ad: rose: "Canada" Benton ,l New Brunswick, BOWS—An 1ndless Variety—in. the Newest and Best Designs. Well, we'll let the prices speak for them -elves. They can do it without assistance. And talking of prices Wo are offering the most remarkable values in the Extra fine ones for evening wear. Dress Shirts and in lower grade goods. 3 And - erything required in Gentlemen's Furnishings. TRY US. CABLING EROS. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods—all new goods. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Cors. Sateens, Prints and Angola Suitings. All good washers. :0: LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroidery, Skirtings Lawns and Delaincs, for the hot weather. LADIES! We sell the best 25o. Black Hose in the Dominion, worth 40c, and warranted stainless. Call and see them. LADIES, Remember we carry "one of the largest stocks of MILLINERY In the town. Every hat new. No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new styles for spring and summer.yy •.fi E. J PAp. rrrr iVIA 10 Samwell's Block, Exeter. Oen CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop p Shaving and Haircutting inthelatest style of the art- %rery attention paid to cutting Ladles' and Chi/''rev's Hair The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED BYPA1tLTAME NTO 886 ) Paid up Capital ... .. $1,000,00 Rest Fund ... „. ... 1,000,06 HeadOfmoe, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTANTHOMAS,Esc., (:}RIMM&laMAxeGs4a Money advanced to good farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. • Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, froml0 a. mato 3 p.m' SATURDAYS,10 a;m.to 1n.m, 4PerOent.perannum allowedformoney on DepoeitReoeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cont. N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager.