HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-27, Page 6Established 1877.. B. S, BANKER, EXETER, ONT. rrausaotsszeueralbeaskingbusiness. Receives the accounte of merchants and *hers on faaroranle terms. Offers eve ry accommodation° onsist en t with afeeedeoneervativehaekingprieciplee. Firoper ceet ieterest allowed on deposits Draftsissienisitrettle et ape ofSce of the Merebeats Ranh. NOTES DISCOUNTED, kt MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES It ENgtsre MITC:0 IURSDAY. AUG. 2;t1s. 1891. LeeWhi WITH THIEVES. Th investhgatiens which have been pr AFT, en at Ottawa. into ,,les eendnet beth the Dominion Ger eminent and the Government of the Province of Quebec win, let us hates, rests% in purifyine the moral aims:sphere et' Canade. Envy);It evidence less been ailducad the tett peters d the eV trairr '4t lar,4 NOTE$ ,AND (tOMMEN'TS. The Britiali market reports refer to the arrival of Canadian egg e in compli- mentary terms, the Glasgow Herald. a a few days ago assorting in its Edinbure market report " front whet has been seen of the Canadian eggs there is every reason to believe they will ultimately be a welcome addition to our resources in egg line." t 'elie Than McGreevy has resigned his seat in the Dominion House in conse- quence a the recent disclosures. Sir HectorLangevinhas also resigned. With the vacancy in Kingston c,aused by the death of Sir John, there will thus be four byeedections to be held shortly, Sir Hector having been elected for two constituencies. e a s The London Free Press poiets out het it is new over two years einee Col. Welker, late registrer of Middlesex, died, and dining ail that time the work of the ottiee has been cerrted on by the deputy regietrar. Any business man weak' say this as that the ealery paid the regietnir is a useless expense. Tire fact eniphasieee the tustiee a the preteat aglinet the faeesystem a such a + ▪ ir 43v.o.kavn'deflate's:arelit and itdt IT The Brandon Celan.)Stut eolleedeS that ride:net:sits end their foe -ernes. The the Government e; thellouae of Com- pete? system is ahead,: wrisiFy re:Tenet- , Kas fer dim thefts Or crimes, for they nedle IS Peutiettr se, 13W asks: "What are nothing Oast We (1‘) rust def mei abseet the country" ? With the ills. Coreierratives env more aihn Liherals h •gent Fe'ilenile and, elerlis et Ottawa, atetinst the eleitteet of stealing, AT b4th bounced, and big crops at big prices as. ere it human, teld the teat-tat-rya:eve is surest, the country proteins to he far hist as lieble to fell before the tempter a. la,"Jre presiterous than ever, and farther tbk Libt, but when the thievee are reateved front the denger cf annettetion, die:toes:red, they should be placed in the for which the Sun is continually clamor- terntentiary and treated as outents. i min In the eatte vf Sir Hester Lengevin, • + there is a reeeoriable d•subt :Is to whether Frinee, it is estimated, vrill this yeer he was guilty of collusien with Mev ththers, Meplanned thefafter y , ne — 4 —,e mhos of Care ti Inlpert MIL' .0.1 e oe t theft. from tho eublic trensury, but it is trieeet, a ineentity above the average. hard to rid one simile el the impressien There will, else, in all prabehility, be a that he cdetil heve fietrad ent if he Ihni fenne Ger:veiny, wliere the peo. en deeeted test whet the iteti wete de- tile nra, threetentel with deprivation of These to. whom the guitt is breetelif their ordinary lova by litu551u s KAN. shk4Ved to.^ ir,149Lealt. t.tt4..,N.p.prt ea eyes, Teeigin t snt ef the least In the eeSe ef Mereier. Itervest prospeete are improving, it Realer ‘if the Quaint t; ,Terntnent. eriaent that there will be little ex - Parma, the ;rink is tie era' as needilett. tegted from that ceuntry. The premise Thee men ceelly end deeding:17,4 e'en- ia that Aniericen farmers may get a lean etered tegether steel $11'9,00ei end. year's prices for a fat yeer's crop. they cietv and deliberately s: le tker nreesulat. The mow belenged te the iIt nreett Ise pieeeing news to the farmers mpht. The crime e 413.1de:iv:At, The thitetes ele hal be tirreett d. evreels int tit knew that %Vlie3t is ging CAA peuitere,Nrs fkir radela a duller per ibualtel before the If the hig thievei tire allowed to es. new yeer. Owing to the shortage abroad Wh.V. 1°,4. thele,n" TheePP aird the tunerior quality <if the fall tele. eteme from tne eiettaryht tin Is wheat in tine seinen) meet of the telltale cvt-r.v bt; r1"4 letuk. 4-9 the Pletzli"4" tir wittet will lie exported. Other yeara tee atteelifter, .•M the e,ilit'elenee '1pera,. eitr wheat vas -made unti dour and then ter, anti aliould have nteted oat es him expend, him this year such me be the same punishment. the tetae. The miller will hat e no ad - There are etesree tif Censervatives tuntee i•ver the grain tnerehants. the Ilettee tvhe weulti net upheld the reedy orders have been received for thwernment ler a nee:tient if it were several carloads of wheat for export. 4!ktrly established that any of the Min. itera Shared the guilt of Mr. Aleilreevy, ais triuseh as winked at any of the tle- eartinental irreg,ularities. There are as rimy pure minued men on the Minister- tal aide tsf the House as on the other ; bet they are not going to weaken in allegience simply because certain forms cerruption have been brought to light while a Censervative Government is in power. They see that the Govermnent has not in any way been guilty, nor in the lent degree has it countenanced the znethods by which a few men have en- riched themselves at the public expense. For this reason the party strength will mit he impaired by any course which the Liberals may take between now and the end of the session. While being per- fectly innocent of any blame for the cor- ruption which has been exposed, the Government is determined to institute 4. Morin an ▪ mete out retribution; and thet is all the Liberals could dn. But is it not a fact that stealin,g.has to some extent lost its hideousness in the eyes of many decent people ? The hard- ier, the swindler, and the cheeky thief have rather become objects of curiosity than of loathing and contempt, as they should be. The boodler is voted a smart fellow, the swindler mayliap divides his spoil with his lawyer and the detectives, who hold the evidence against him, and escapes,while the common thief is taken by the hand and encouraged by men who are themselves honest. Boociling, or rather thieveng, is on the increase, a fact which is due wholly to the coun- tenance shown thein by society. Let a thief be treated with the consideration hilds tespect due honest men alone, and thieves will multiply. If there is to be no punishment/ no ostracism of thieves on the pare of soaleky, IF the thief is to be taken by, the hand by honest men and made their associate, without any feeling that they are degrading themselves, old fashioned honesty must become a thing of the past. Exposure of pilfering, swindling, leJodling, robbing, or what ever it may be,no longer shock the moral Renee of the community. In many of our towns, men who deserve to be in the penitent- iary and. are utterly without principles, walk about with heads erect. They show no signs of shame. Honest people do not avoid but often seek their com- pany. What wonder then that the only thine some men fear is imprisonment. If'ss. thief be caught and serve a term in jail, he loses caste. If the thief be not prosecuted, though well known to be a thief, he appears to suffer nothing in public estimation, though why a punish- ed scoundrel is any better company than . an unpunished one it would be herd to tell. For the sake of honesty it is a good thing that these exposures of stealing have been -made. They may rouse peo- ple to a sense of their duty to themselves. It may separate honest men fromthieves. Honesty must be vindicated no matter whose party ex is gored. If thieving is necessary to keep either the Liberal or the Conservative party in power, then both should go. We cannot afford to bring up the present generation in an atmosphere of moral pollution. Down with thieves, both public and private. t t t Canada atill Ike behind in the manu- facture of butter for the European mar- ket. Last year the export of cheese aumunted to $0.000,000, while that of the butter reached only 8330,131. This despafry should not be so great, if our farmers availeti themselves of the ad. vantages brought to their doors. In no ountry have more pains been taken to put the agricultural classes in the way of proper dairying than in Canada, and it is Intel time that our butter -makers be- gan to give practical evidence that_they have gained something by the precepts and example that have been lavished upon them. * ** failure of the enumerators,is eliminated, it may be regarded, as approximately true that 2,250,000 families of the 12,- 500,000 families of the United States oc- cupy and own incurnbered farms and homes, and that 10,250,000 families oc- cupy farms and homes that are neither hired nor owned tree. The proportions of hired. and owned -free homes and farms will be known when the popula- tion dielsion completes the count of the returns pertaining to them. The pre- liminary resulte indicate that the average •debt for a farm in Iowa is $1,288; home, $719; average for farna and home, $1,- 140. If these averages timid good for the Union the incumbrance on the farms and. homes of the United States occupied by owners is about $2,563,000,000. e 1. ÷ The Ontario farmers increased their ive stock property last year by 18,832 horses, 84,103 horned cattle, 334,056 sheep and 15,757 hogs, and the cut of stool by 800,000 pounds. These figures do not look like evidences of ruin auti degay. , Successful Vanclidates. The following is a list of successint can- didates who wrote for Term/oreCertificatee (Nen-Prt.feseional) at the last July eeamina- tion at the following piacee : peneurrer.,—Ptintery or Third Class, o, Anderson. Edward Gibson, Flora Gott. John Keowth Lillie May, ;iota MeIntyre. Junior faeaviug or Seeand OW—Bertha Gilbert, George !demon, Kato MoDonald. Daniel McKenzie, Serah MeMi1Itt,Tbotnes O'Srieu, William Panetta, Jeale Began, Edith Robinson, Jennie Wataion, Lyme—Primary or Third Claes.- E. Dowell. J. °Diemen, M. Coleraine IL Fox, W,Guest, N. Ilaslato, 11 Raritan, 3. Mc Willietn, M. Meillbargey, E. Smyth. Jun- ior Leavum or Second Olass.—B. Onhbon, Hodaius, W. Meelaeter. liftecuttte-3rd Class—Magele Battin, Mary Fawcett, .Aille Iltulburt, K.attie Ken. .1:my, Lather a»d Mabel Taylor. 2nd, elan. —Walter Campbell, Lizzie Carpenter* Mag,eie Copeland. Alex Firth, TeressaKellv, Wesley Leake, Jessie Meehan, Katie Mel - berme Biz. eleNay, F. Thcenaou, Sarah Wilmer. Fred Ward. Sr MAIITS—Priatary-4 J Myelitis son, R Brook. 1t1 Duatilete, M Franklin:14, J Geed. AO,Hatchiesen, A MeConuel, MeCrachen, I Paled Stephen, A. Viniug, L Webster. E Wateer, /I White, F Walden. —Junior Leaving—W Allen, 3Atidueen, W Babb, A Firormion, A.Brown, W Btown, W Conway. H Detwiller,J Feurweatber, Gramm J Howard. A Irwin, A King, It Leslie, 3 Meahain, 13 Measie, W Reith, W Regale 1 Vernon, R Wass, M White, B Wilson.—Senior Leaving.— J Morgan, F lfeenteheen. I Roberts. W Rune% 3 Seen- eteeLtvelVt.tfillhavis.—eaMaintrire.ualtaiuti)o.nT—Dmateornti;, .vn. (Passed in Win), J Ford, (pass in Latin), B Ford. It Grant, li Harding, A. Ruppert, Stennett. Sreronen.—Prime1's-10 Bethune, lt egging. 0 Clernou, J Cloonan, W Connor, G Foster, W Gemmel, 0 tiro% J Kaldey, A Mctiregor, M Stunts, 0 Willie, Junior Lotivieg.-11 Beattie, (passed in Latin), 13 Elliott, M Fulforal, W lInggartb, L Kinoy, 11 McRae', A McGregor, W Rem W Robin. son, M Simpson, M Sniiflie, K Stewart, M Tyervean. Senior Leaving.—I Barr, E Hilton, U Smith. elatricalatiom—F son, (passed in Greek), tiomatzon —Pritnary--S Bell, E Buch- anan, lk, Christelaw, A. Daltou, G. Durniu, M. Halliday, E. Hamlin, A. hum M. Le Tauzel, 'Moir, 11, AfeEwtu, J. MoKay, R. Robertson, F. Robertson, /3. Thompson, R. Williams. !Junior Leaving—M. Blair, C. Fisher, O. Halliday, A. Johnston, R. Mor - nth, S.McLood, M. AleMordie, N. kfaciOor- rime, 1. McDonald, A.MoNeil, A. McDonald, M.MeIver, R. O'Reilly, AI. Potts, M. Hulk, A. Salem, R. Strong, K. Santhera, E. Wiggins. Matrioulation—E. McKenzie. CLIN'Te1V—Primary—F. Retaliate E. Chidley, V. Cooper, M. Cooper, A. Misery, 3. Gregory, J. Holdsworth, IL Kinsman, A. McLeod (passed in Latin), le hfcliowall, A, McEwen L. MoLaughlin, N. Medd, A. Moore. J". Mustard, PS, Porterfield, H.Rum- ball. W. Scott. E. Stephenson, A.. Taylor, E. Thompson, L. Wild. Junior Leaving— J. Grant, J. Henry, E. Jervis, 3. Lindsay, U. MoFadden, W. McDonald (passed in French.) B. Stonehouse, Er Whitmore. Senior Meudson, A.. McIntosh A. Styles' The name's' are given in alphabetical order and not according to the number of marks obtaoirthned. For 0 information of the uninitiated we may say that "Primary" means 3rd class certificate as formerly used; "Junior Leav- ing" 2nd class, and "Senior Leaving" lst classh. Te papers fer the third class examine. tion were exceedingly difficult this year,and it is surprising that so many passed. No one need be surprised if Mercier is ub dead politically six months hence as Parnell is now. The Quebec Premier has made use of his Papal deeeratione as a bait with which to Catet votes and the cloak of a Tinight of St. Gregory has been used to cover his plundering of the treasury of the Province. This has been done so openly that the Catholic clergy have been forced to withdraw their countenance from the Roman count. So far, Mr. Mercier has succeeded in keep- ing himself in favor of Rome, but he cannot long do this if the clergy of his own province array themselves against him. Withoub the Pope's assistance, and loaded down with the Baie des Chaleurs scandal. the fall of this political adventurer would be more rapid than his rise. * * The 1. S. prese has set itself to dis- parage Manitoba and the North-west Territories. The Milling World, of Buffalo. is very fond of trying to grind Manitoba to powder, In its last num- ber is a sayage attack upon some one who stated that Manitoba would yield 25,000,000 bushels of wheat this year. It goes so far as to say ,that, when that happens, "the Canuck sky will rain plum pudding and fricassed chicken." Replying to the envious remarks of that paper, the Journal of Commerce con- tends that one valley in the N. W. con- tains over 300,000,000 of fertile acres. If they were developed by culture that one valley could grow more wheat than the whole product ot the States. The Miller calls Canada "frosty." That is as unwise as it is unkind, for the epithet will hurt his brethren iii Dakota and Minnesota, which are fully as "frosty" as Canada. * * * The count of the farm.honie transcript made in accordance with the mortgage collections elause of the United States Census Act has' been cornpleted by the Census Office. The figures are subject to slight modifications. There were re- turned by the enumerators • 2,491,980 farms aad homes occupied by owners which ale incumbered• by mortgages. This number includes some farms and homes about which the enumerators made no report, and which belong partly to the class of owned and incumbered ()MINION PARLIAMENT 40 BODIES •RECOVERED. LAUGHTERIel OF UNITED STATES The Search For the Victims of the Fork found yesterday hotogether in • CATTLE IN CANADA. NEW Yeats: Aug. 25.—Six bodies were the ruins at No. 70 Park Place. The faces presented the appearance of death by euffo- Cation. The eyeballs, and tongues protrud- ed.and the bodies are swollen to an abnor- mal site. The odor of the decomposing flesh arising from the ruins is becoming horrible, and the disinfectants hitherto Wed EOM to produce little efrect. At 5 o'clock the body of a man was brought out from the basement of No. 70. It was found beneath the piress frame that had been lifted out of the debris a few minutes before. The head and trunk were burned beyond recognition, but the legs and feet were comparatively Intact. At 130 another body was brought out from the press room. Half au hour later another pme box was carried out of the rains and laid beside the other two. When the lid was removed there was disclosed the fright. fully charred, remains of a young mail. Another body was removed from the ruins at 6.45 o'clook. This made the thirty-fifth body to be taken out. At 7.30 the excava- tors in the press room unearthed the body of a woman. Biwa was flowing from her mouth aud nose. The Wily had not been tonchea be- the fire end wait intern The woman was apparently 28 years old. The body was under a heavy press and it was found impuesible to get, it out to -night. Thirteen bodies thus far has been identified et the morgue.. 12.30 a. in. the toed number of bodice 11:covered front the mho; was 33, none base ing been When tat einve smite. The mna- ber positively identified is2.0 and the mute her reported missing S. A PECULIAR SUICIDE THIS- Dowdney to Accent a hdeetenante ten Governorsbip—The Theft of the men Service gxamtnationFaners—Dr. Dion, tague to be Xtapeaehed. Orrawe Aug. 25.—In the Senate yester- day Mr. *Abbott mede an Important an- nouncement with regard to the eattle trade, Be said that 10 oe 12 years ago it was decid- ed, with the assent of the English authori- ties, to allow railways to carry American cattle from Detroit to the Suspension Bridge. The animals were taken out Of the Care at • some point in transit and watered and rest- ed. It was suggested Glut there woulti be no greater danger in allowing the cattle to be slaught ered at these points. Gentlemen of considerable capital now propose to carry on the trade of slaughtering American cattle in Canada on a large settle at a point to be fixed and under rules and regulations to be settled by the Govern- ment. Permission was net yet greeted, but WItti under etrusideratien of the Govern- ment. The proposed rules and regulations were submitted to the Imperial .authorities, who approved of them. It was probable that the manufacture of meats, and the different articles made from the offal of eattle would be permitted at more than one poiut in the country. He nide dde an- uoulieenlent bee:wee some uneasinese wee filt„ and he wanted it undettinessi that the pi -lenitive involved no more simmer from infection then the pratniee which lies been ranted on for some years and nett with the appneval of the English Privy Connell. There were no con mitt ee meetings yester- day aud around Parliament buildinge every- thing preeeuttel a dull end desertedappear. twee. To-tiay however, the Privileges and Feeetents aid -Pane Accounts -Committees will both be at work and further dietiosures are looked fon The meltability le that the further investibtat ions of the Printing Bureau will be gone on with. If not the Postotlice Department will be taken up. It le understood, that among the ex:inhere against whole chantee are to be made in the House will be Dr. Moutague tied Mr. :Mills of :enemies, N. The spevial committee emit:Wed toin. veetigete 4'ltale, adu.t Mr. CuelMnie tviU be caned bit orgenization itt once. The liketiliteni is thet Tisdale willbe elected (+Menem. The rumor is revived here that Dinviince wiR xesien at the Linee of the etssion and will be appointed LieutenentsUevernor. The ternt of Lieutenant -Governor Nelson doge ot expire until Mara next. It is vaid here that Ale. Lepine,M. end .Mr. Vitueber are einulidates ter the pietism saptriuttreleut of Printiug Beene. The latese„ who i n particular friend tit:Chap Wu, has the best eintliVe of -.attaining, it. smite depiny.seteeant at arias, re. turned toeley from (nwbec after a sceond eusuceessful sees+ tor Theme Mei ;teeny. The inveetigatiou into the theft of ex- amination papers previous to the Civil Stee vier, examivation of ltii10 by leeway mail ...Jerks was reamed toehay. John .1 it. Arne atrong, a tiecouthelaes clerk :Omitted that he had proenred papers and given tient another. He pee the name of the party from wiunn he got them and a simmeme was at once issuee. . — They have Discovered it I "What 2" Vita Ore, which is warranted to cure Diplathezia or any Throat trouble, Dyspepsia or Female Weaknesses. Put up by the Vita Ore Com- pany, Box 89, Belleville.—ag6m3 Mr James 11. McRoberts, an extensive exporter of thoroughbred stook from Bid- dulph, has shipped to Indiana 274 full bred Shropshire sheep and four thoroughbred Clydesdales stal ions. They oecupied•four freight ears. "Why, now I eannoteget enough to eat," says one lady who formerly had uo appetite, but took Hood's Sarsaparilla,. Henry Steeper threshed 255 bushels of wheat off six sores for T. Thompson, of McGillivray, the other day. The thresher was timed for one honr and turned oat 148 bushels of gran. Some people are constantly troubled with boils—no sooner does one heal than another makes its appearance. A thorough comae of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best of blood - purifiers, effectually puts an end to this annoyance. We recommend a trial. It is reported that John St John, wbo some years ago kept hotel at Olandeboye, was killed by Indians in the North West. kty friend, look herel you know how weak and nervous your wife is, find you know that Uarterti Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a boa On the farm of Mr. Thomas Dickens, Biddulph, Messrs. Delis & Dobbs threshed 180 bushels of wheat in one hour. Deo 0 MiuIig Export. Itemen-nme, Aug. e5.—William Coe of hheitet died at that place last night front a stroke of apoplexy: He was prominent in eounection with mining, railway enterpriae and atoek breeding, and was it member of the Ontario Mining Commission. In 1882 be unstweesefulle opposed the Minister of Customs for the House of Commons. Mr. Coe was about 53 years of age. He leaves a widow, two daughters and. four sons. Robbed the Only Passenger... OEILLTA., Aug. e5.—Robert Hall of Toron- to was set upon by three roughs at the Orillia station Sunday morning. He was the sole passenger for Orillie on the 2,38 a.m. train and was 'knocked down and robbea of all Ids rummy before leaving the station. Ile was kicked. and terribly ill-used. Three voung men named Darcy Mehlullen, Wil. liam "Veen and 3, Jones were arrested. Voase pleaded. guilty and was connnitted. Others remanded until Wednesday. Mysterious Death in llora Scotia. HArdr,tx, N. S., Aug: 25.—T1e body of a man was found in the river 12 miles below Campbelltown. No money was found on his person, but in one of the potkets was a ticket from Chicago to Point Diuthen and a baggage check which corresponds with an unexamined trunk that arrived at Point Drichen on Aug. 8. This trunk is filled with clothing of it superior quality, but no sign of money except a $5 Americrn counterfeit. The clothing was stamped with the name of James Shaw, La Grange, Cook County, and in the trunk was found a letter to the same address from his sister at Manitou Springs, Col. It was dated last December, and advised him, as the eldest member ol the family, to go on a visit to their mother in Prince Edward Island. The express stops at Campbelltown at midnight for 15 minutes, and it is supposed that Shaw got off fox some purpose, and either walked into the river in the darkness or was robbed end thrown in. THE PILL FOR THE PEOPLE. Marina, Sta., Ont., Jan. 13 1890. W. 13. Comseotur. Brookville, Ont. DRAM Site—Rave been selling year Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills for the past eight years; they are the Pill for the people. After having used them once, they always come back for more. Yours truly, Until this unknowri quantity, due to the hut. McMinn. Minfird's Liniment is lire Best. Wrote itis Epttapti and Coolly Vaned in Death, Nen' Yenta, Ang. injecting a poison, impposed to be morplime, into his veins week it. hypodermic. syringe Julius Dosser:dial, 'fisrty-eight years old, est:aped all his earthly troubles after writing hie own epitaph. 'Re was found dead in his room, at No. 22S West Thirty-sixtlestreet,,yestee day. atel from hie epitaph it is believed that he committed snicele 00 Friday night. Tha man weeit privete neve, incurably 111 with sioneumption, despendeut, tumble to got wink 4tnci almost peennese mmee wore hj reeneas tar killing himself. He left lieveral 1,t;,::i mei k o various itt.tt. Thes. wenfoutel by bis bedside. On the Wyk ot one of them, written lia Germen.autleiltireee ed to the eecorter, was this inscription, 'Which is said to lie eharemerietie sof the mara "Julies: Besentlard," lore Jannery 0, 1845, at Doan, Pruesia. Came to thia tenet ty July. Iteat. Died Anenst dl, 1A91. At empty hem slernde syrinhe wee by t the dad,' use% and a Retelling ea.. Idled the e'en. In the zoom were found it sealed letter to Seligman & Co„ bankers, at 24- lireadeetreet, it vivito if earde, it limit of oiliatal papers, a purse eonteining h1.50, threebottles of seine dark liquid, a valise, and the totter to the eon aim These things were taken to the eitittiop house, where the leiter was ripened. It read as follows: The Grand Trunk Censured. TORONTO, Aug. 25. —At the adjourned in- quest held last night at Mimic° concerning the death of Edith Redding, the child kill- ed. at the railway crossing, the jury, after holf.au-hour's deliberation, found that She death was accidental. They found also that the Grand Trunk Railway Company is to blame for not protecting hy gate or watch- man such a dangerous crossing as the one at Slnutch.street, and asserted that the safety of the public absolutely demands such protection immediately. Floods and Riots in China. SAN Feelemsoo, Aug. 25. —Advices were received here to -day from China and Japan. The China, papers print a report that the son of the present Chinese Minister to Eng- land, France and Italy has been arrested, charged with being it prominent member of a secret society and is to be tried for that offease• • Rumors were prevalent at Shanghai July 27 of it serious rebellion itt lietuta, blab it tamed out to be only a raid by. bandits. The Chineae custom officials of Ohin Kiang arrested six men charged with being mem- bers of the Kolao Hui Secret Society, Ivied: it is said fomented. ' The typhoon which passed near Hong Kong doing much damage, caused the Brit. ish gunboat Tweed to break from her moor, ins and sink in deep waters proving, it it sad, it toed loss. Floods at Tommy°, Jiman, damagea nearly 9000 houses. By the storm in Gagasaki-Ken,. July 21, 11 persona were killed. , A STE.Van; tarrren. New Yorm, August et, 1891. "To the lb:tenable Coroner of the City of New York: ine tired of living. and Itirce token poition hypodermically, reek anti suffering for it long time, only able to take liquid food, not able to tied it position, nothing left to sunport me for the future, very niece uegleeteit I.y fermer friends, not able to find it tenurial death here—have taken my own life. etre Mr, and Mrs. Ignatz Steirhart of San Francisco, Cale to Julius Bathe of Exeluinge Plaee, with Loeb & Kuhn bault. ers, and to Dr. Henry Schweig oiNo. 20 East Twentieth -street, I send, for their noble kindness during my misery, my last farewell, and may the blessings el the good Lord in Heaven ho and remain with them forever. "I woula prefer to leave this world a poor gentleman rather than to face this life as a beggar or thief. The grave of the pau- per has no terrors for me. If the good Lord desires me he will find me in any place. "I 'remain most respectfully, "JULUS ROSENTHAL." On the back of the letter was the follow. ing memoranda: ms HISTORY. "I am de years old. During the terrible epidemic of yellow fever in 1878 I rendered service for over four months in Memphis, Tenn., for many days and nights, and at last was found delirious and sick myself by members of Heward's Association. "Have never recovered since that time my old strength and for iny horrible suffer- ing rah name was pablished with great honor in the southern papers." Prints, Prints! Summer Muslins AND OPC88 Goods We will offer all the:above men- tioned lines in stock -AN COST PRICE - For Oash Only, Frominow until the end of SepVr. We will positively sell or offer for sale all our stock of MEN'S FALL .AND WINTE11— A Walking Barroom. HAMBuEG, Conn., Aug. 24.—Several years ago a, man named Kildeer Hufl came to this place from no one knows where and made his place of abode a rude hat onlhotato Hill. He was eccentric and he led a solitary life. He pretended to be deaf and dumb, but boys who tantalized hiln say that he could swear very fluently. He was apparently hump- backed, and on account of his deformity he was an object of pity to the townspeople. Last Friday he was found deadby the road. side near his hut. The villagers were sur- prised by the discovery that the demi mats was a humpback no more. The deformity proved to be a padded sack, inside of which was found a dozen pint bottles containing rum, -whisky and cordial, and in his pocket was found $197, mostly dimes and nickels. The humpback had been it walking barroom. The town is a no -license, and the Prohibi- tionists have flattered themselves that here at least no drinking was done. It is remem- bered now that Huff used to prowl around late at night, and it is alleged that he visit- ed the houses of those who love an occasion- ni nip, and either sold them it pint bottle or else it drink, for which he charged but five cents. Tweed Pants and Vests At terribly reduced prices. There are just to pairs of these Job line of Men's Lace and Buckle Shoes at $Loo. Don't tail to see these goods, for we will sell as we advertise, Youre Beep., P. CLARKE. cONDENSED NEWS. Prolix 'Various Sources Iliroug. out tite nistrlot. Mr. Jae, Burnett. sof Luca; has Itought out Mr. Bart. Cottands grocery and res- taurant business., Market Square. London, and will take poasession :About tbe 1st of Sept. Tbe other teeming, Dr. Spathe, of Lake. found his valuable trotting man, bunting ou an iron poet of it bath wire teee,e, tee peat hostile passed through the way, laceratieg the head. Two far:Imre of Blensbard, got into n dieputo aa to the merits and demerits of the Patrons of Industry, and one farmer Miami the other with it pinta fork, infecting an ugly wound. Mra, Corrothers, of St, Maya, was ar- rested in Toronto Int weak on a charge of murdering her huaband at Rat Portage,atel Was taken to that piece by Goverument Detective Murray. To be fro from sickebeadacee, ewe couttipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills Strictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liver and free the atemach trout bile. The editor of the West Lorne Herald, Arr. Colet.,11, late of Mitebell, oilers Wake "any terra moduce iu exchrinee" for subterip. bions. Pardee deetnug to purchase a car. load or pumpkins or mega° will do well to write to Bro. (newt!. Hugh Campbell. of Mitehell, it ilyed-ins the -wool Liberal has returned front a visit to Ottawa. He says he enjoys it great ad- miration for Sir Johu lemma= and would not be afraid to entrust hire with any therm even to the adminittration of our public interests. Pew children am be induced to take phy- sic without a struggle, anti no wc,nder— most drugs ara extremely natisentlng. Ayer's Pills, on the contrary, being sugar- coated, are easily stvallowea by the little cues, and are, therefore, the favorite family medicine. MMELEStx. Only 18, Tint He Had Three -46,1-; es. BUIMALO, Aug. 25. --Harry J. Thorner, the 18 -year-old son of a wealthy Buffalo merchant, is locked, up in jail here on a charge of having three living -wiv-es. The police.have been looking for lihn for some weeks. Aboat a year ago lie represented himself as 11erry Hamlin, the Dentware-avenne mil lieneire, and married a pretty clrygoode clerk. The girl found she had been cle. ceiveel on her wedding trip, and three weeks later she seeured a divorce. Since then Monier is saki to have married three times. " Parkhill is agitating for waterworks. The death occurred last Wednesday of P, J. Lewan at his residence, 8th mu. of Biddulpn. Deoatived had been confined to Iris bed for ovei a week, aul died from con. gest= of the lungs. He was born in Lon. don township in the year 1841. Mr Dewan served the township for thirteen years as councillor, and one term as deputy reeve. ais wife and nine children—five boys and four girls —survive him. An old pioneer died on Wednesday of last week in the person of Nathaniel Ryan. He was born September 9, 1815, in the Parish of nfountsea, on the Shannon River,County of Tipperary, Ireland. In 1834 he left the home of his ebildhood and landed in Que- bec. From tbis port be came direct to Iliddulph. When Mr. Ryan came to Bide dulph there were a few colored settlers ahead of him, who came in 1830. The story of Mrillyan's life and hardships would form an interesting book. When tee McKenzie rebellion broke out Mr Ryan was loyal. and together with a number of his neighbors they left their families and farms, marched to headquarters and volun- teered, and he served faithfully until the close of the rebellion. KeriON. Mr. Oliver Johnston, of Clinton, has dis- posed of his well-known driving mare to his brother at Zurich: Mr. Lack Kennedy has sold his fast driver to Mr. Dolmage, of Wingham. Miss Clifford of Blyth died on Tuesday from the effects of the runaway accident in that place Saturday, as reported in last week's Trees. She was 22 years of age and estimable. The Seaforth Lacrosse junior defeated Stratford by four straight 'games on Mon— day, on the grounds of the former. This was a western district championship game, The Stratford boys say half of theie pPon- ants were seniors, A large frame structure in .S tiforth, known as the Town Hall and market build— ing, with contents, wag totally destroyed by fire Sunday morning. Loss on buildings and contents, 34,500; ineurance $2,300. Incendiarism was undoubtedly the cause. John Fried, of Parkhill, while at the Bend last week, went into bathe. He mild' not swim and going out too far narrowly escaped drowning. He had gone down twice and was going the third thne, when caught by a email boy named Willie Zapfe, and rescued. Florence G., the welblinown trotting mare of Seafortb, took fourth in the 2.24 class at Rochester races last ,Friday, the purses in that class aggregating $15e0. She will be sent from there to Independence, Indiana, where she will compete for a five thousand dollar prize. Nature provides a remedy for all diseases, and in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, women have a remedy for all those ills peculiar to their sex, Suppressions, bearing down . pales, nervous headaches, etc., speedily yield to $their treatment and restores the sufferer to perfect health. Try them. Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price(50e a box) by addressing Dr. Williams Med. Co, Brock vine, Ont.