HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-12-20, Page 3� LONDON Rev. Mr. Gostonyt gave an ap- prppi iate address and 'the 'ser- vice closed with they hymn "Joy to the iVorld'.the'Lord is Come," followed by the benediction. CRG.14�'. To Hold Party The C -GILT. field their regu- lar meeting on Monday night with Diane.Errington presiding Doreen.„Culbert was acting -ic-. retary and Carol Culbert read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. N. L. Gnstonyi read from the study book. A . Christmas party will be held on January 2nd, with exchai gejof gifts. DONNYBROOI The parcel peak. hit Goderieh dost {rice this week, as may be seen from this photo taken late Monday • morning. as Postmaster A. 1g. Homuth (left) and staff members tackle just a portion of the thousands of parcels flowing in and out of the post office. The peak seems to be coming earlier in recent years, probably in response to repeated "mail early" cam- paigns, and with Jhe help of the mailmen, the good people of Goderieh will get their share of Christmas gifts, on time. (Signal -Star photo) Dungannon DUNGANNON, Dec. 18. -- Merry Christmas to all! Mrs. Bob Andreasen and little son Kenneth of ' Vancouver are spending the Yuletide season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errington. Mr. and, Mrs,,. Robert Purdon, Belgrave, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry and family of Cedar Val- ley were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Irvine Henry. We extend our sincere - sym- • pathy to the bereaved family of the late George Hodges who passed away in Wingham hos- pital. " The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from 'the Me Kenzie funeral home, 'J ucknow, to Dungannon cemetery. He is survived by two sons, Kenneth and Lloyd, Dungannon, • and a daughter, _ .Mrs.. Jack (Donna) Alton of Belfast. Mrs. Gleitilouston and family - of ',Ripley spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Culbert. Mrs. J. Falls had as recent visitors, her daughter, Mrs. W. Hopkins of Milton and her son, Jack, his wife and family of Markdale, M Mrs. Henry Horton who is spending the winter at the home of Mrs. Mathew Shackleton, visited at the home of her bra- then; `Mr. Steve Stothers; `aiid .; Mrs. Stothers, Lucknow, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cant- well, (Joyce Culbert) have mov- ed from Colborne Township to, a house owned by ,Mr. Alvin Sherwood at the south end of the village. Mrs lack CUM -1m `has~ re- ceived word from her • husband at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, stating he wouldn't be home for Christmas; not until after thenew year. However, he is making satisfactory pro- gress. I.14ply , ?Jight., ,On this ' r iniversary of the birth of our Blessed Saviour, accept our most sincere good wishes for a joyous' Christmas -to you , and yours. HEATHER BEAUTY SALON Harry Colclaugh Mae Ketchebaw Dian'ai Navilla Donna Hadley r�+eilCaE►�k��� Christmas Concert S.S. 1Jo. 17, Orchard Row school, held the annual Christ- mas concert on• Saturday night having been postponed from Tuesday night. A variety pro- gram was enjoyed with Rev. N. L. Gostonyi as chairman, Mrs. Robert Irvin, the teacher, Was pleased with the performance and She adult attendance since the weather was a bit unsettled. Brian Stothers won the turkey door prize. Suffers Stroke We were sorry to learn of Fred Baechler's sudden illness an Friday night. After turning off the TV about 11 p.m., he slumped to the floor as he went to get-up, suffering a weak spell.' Mrs. Baechler went to, •,a- neigh- bors for help and medical aid was summoned. It appears he had taken a slight stroke. On Saturday he was removed to Goderich hospital by ambulance and at time of writing his con- dition remained unchanged. Mrs. Baechler is staying at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hines, Goderich. C.G.I.T. Service The United Church at Dun, Bannon resumed the morning service again on Sunday as the furnace was repaired during the .previous., week., A C,G-I.T".ser vice was held with the leaders, Mrs. Herb Finnigan and 1VIrs. N. L. Gostonyi, assisting. Mrs. Finnigan announced the open- ing hymn, "Hark the Glad Sound, the Saviour Come," with the C.G.I.T. forming the proces- sional. Mrs. Gostonyi led in prayer. Ater the choral, Scrip- ture reading, Psalm 98, Betty Irvin read the Scripture from Luke 2:1-20. The C.G.I.T. came forward and sang "Gently Mary Laid Her ;Child." Mrs. Finnigan led in a litany prayer with the congregation. The offering was received . by Diane. Errington, Patricia Eedy, Mary Lou Henry, Bernice Thompson, Faye Pear- son and Lynda, Young: The candlelighting ceremony was performed by. Diane Errington, Ruth Bere and Dona Pentland. • t DQNNYBROOK, Dec. 17. The Donnybrook United•Church Sunday school held their an - nal Christmas concert Friday r avening, December 14, with a ;ood attendance. Jim Robin - on was chairman for the pro - ;ram which opened with the singing of carols. The remain- der of the program consisted of the following: an address by I SIR Rev. C. W. Lewis; "Away in a Manger," by the junior classes; a recitation by Joyce Chamney; two films projected by Rev. C. W. Lewis; "Joy to the World," by the senior classes; a recita- tion by Robbie Harkes. Carols were ..again sung and Rev. Mr. Lewis offered prayer. As Santa Claus was unable to come the gifts were distributed to the Sunday school children. DOG STRUCK A recent case in which a Goderich man was fined $50 and costs on a charge of cruelty to an animal, arising from a dog .being struck by a car and being left to suffer, may have made an impression on other drivers A similar accident oc- curred Monday %night, but tiu lady driving remained at the scene and contacted the owner, and duly reported the incidert to Goderich police. Unknown to many drivers, Section 387-1A Of the Criminal Code of Canae.a covers such cases. r■■ ".11 t 011 's 1100 ..r - ..111.11.% -'1-^r►n A r •a .. ■ 1 I'.. s! 1 r d sr- ' I■ ■ w►k ,.. I�■I r MAI . 1 f ! •• a ■ l a�....�..�.�--•••1111\ ek Sino cUR/srM AspqWI<< SOON BENIGN - AND IPINE IS RUNNINGHIGHCUE ETNATNUSUAL Q,Y 1TNYS 70SI. 41qcKsrNS FuRNir O dO) (AHI(ApilifLimOMr . WuO1vtCf'i SPORT OSMALAN E ' Cashmere • soft ,English ,F,lannol From, $10:95,, Choose from Swiss knit cot- tons, cosy Orlon & Wool, lux- urious Antron and other fine fabrics. There's Button Down, Turtle Neck, and Fashion collars in a. marvellous array of plain shades, 'heather tones, stripes, etc. SHIRTS Forsyth sport shirts are gifts \\he;s hound. to appreciate. ,In Regular and Tapered `Fit styles; Button Down ' and other popular collars. A won- derful selection .of patterns and colors in Sanforized and Wash 'n Wear cottons From $5"00 BON VIVANT $6.00 NORTH SEA $7.95 • ERNEST MacMILLAN host and conductor ori. the Tues- day night CBC radio network program, Talent Festival, which introduces young Canadian con- cert artists of the highest cali- bre. is The 1961 census reports that almost two out o five occupied dwellings in Canada were con- structed in the' postwar period since 1945. CHRISTMAS TURKEY DINNER with all the trimmings SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 1-2 p.m. 4:30-6:30 p.m. TIGER DUNLOP INN Early reservations appreciated. Catering, Weddings, Christmas parties, etc. MRS. G. KAITTING Phone JA 4.8601 • r RITE �.LT SERVICE T NORTH' STREET Twq trad Banal '-services were held at North Street • United Church Sunday when the "Whin' Gift Service" ,fallowing the cus- tom of many years, was held in the morning, and the Canadian Gula ,In Training candlelighting service was held In inc evening.. In the White Gift 'serviceitlie Sunday school • classes make a practical contributi in to the needy in the form of a special offering. The candlelighting service is a „devotional service of an in- spiring nature, filling the, c lurch with a soft glow of ut:,/, which members of the congre- gation find very impressive, The Explorers groups also took part. Both services were conducted by the paster, Rev. W. J. ten, Hoopen . with L. H Dotterer, organist and choir leader in charge of the special music. An advertisement in the Sig- nal 'Star brings quick results. BRIQGE SCORES, . Five tables ` were t' play at, the Duplicate Bridge Club an Monday evehing, ;Winners and tIio,hi' ;scores were Ss follows: %►Lrs. �._D. Moondy and Mr, P.1, Carey, 80% points; Mrs. J'. Don- nelly and Mrs. B. ,M: Ross, 157 points; • Mrs:' J. Cook and Mrs, 1. Papernick, 84% points; Mks, J. V. Thomas and Mrs. R Wheeler tied with Mrs. A. Nicol and Mrs. D. R. Stoyle, 53% ,points. TRAILER BURNS About '$600 damage was caus- ed to a house trailer owned by Alvin' McAllister of RUR. 2, Goderich Friday when a lire was caused by someone trying to .thaw out A frozen waterpipe in the, trailer, according to the Goderich Fire Department None was injured. The Sam Hop Tong, a secret fraternity, has existed since the establishment of the. Chinese nature. Its history can be trac- ed back to the 17th century when, as a patriotic -group, it helped to overthrow ,the Ming ,s we hark back in reverence to a night of wonder and holy joy, nearly two thousand years ago, may ..the spiritual blessings of that first Christmas be with us all. STILES:,FUNERAL HOME Montreal St. JA 4-8142. The Goderich Signal Star, .Thursday, DeCernIvr 20, Z; 'dynasty, Later,the Society turn" a, Sam WO Were not eh cecjl:' ed to crime.'Its , activitie i spread Itulfg� 189,E' rhea- ,the esu to North 'America, daring MO government len arrested e n )4r last century,Publicly nmask- Hundreds. ; .after. which. the se* ed' in San Fr!anciseo in 1891, the clety *Wally ceasedto exist. AT THE Now Playing - "GERONIMO" In Technicolor with "Rifleman', Chuck;Connors & I amaIa DeW THEATR swowr��nE a�a+ Mon., Tues., Wed.., Dec. 24-25-26 Terry Thbmas -- Russ Tamblyn 8 June Therburn In the unique, merry and colorful melodY;show that has. captivated audiences everywhere "TOM THUMB" 1u Technicolor Special -Short Subjects Thurs., Fri., Sat., Deo. 27,28,29 -, Bob Hope, Joan Collins, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour Present a festival of fain, fact and fiction along "Th•e ROAD To HONG KONG" Coming: Elvis Presley in "Follow that Dream" fS .+ •••,L,',C• t,,%,:••wo'. ?'Ch:.! S; •o'i's ,'ffi,•.� ;. •! ,• '° GRIETIN Merrily, merrily 'we sing out our wishes to you for the happiest holiday season ever! • Kazc Autci Bio � fes Your Motorcade Store. Huron Rd. Phone JA 4-8822 COME' TO ' CONKCIN'S THE PLACE TO SAVEON ..eg. 800 4.95 Baby Pullan ,; Unbreakable - 5 pieces in each package Christmas Decorations 69c,. or 2 pkgs. 88C Reg. 7.00 „A11 Metal Service Station , 5.50 Reg. 29.0Q' , Red Fire' thief Pedal Wagon 18.95 Plush .`.oys , 1.98 up Sleighs 4.50 A Selection Of Toys - 88c All Toys 25%.off,or lower as marked These and hundreds df other sensational toys are .now on display at .Conklin's. And remember Conklin's also have many wonderful gift ideas for adults and your home. HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Buy NOW For Widest Choice Princess Toy Phone 95c Monopoly Games 3.88. 5.49 Rocking Chairs ' 3.99 Easel Chalk Boards 3.50 Sparkle Paint Sets 1.49 Lionel Trains, complete with track board • 19.59 Give -A -Show Projectors 5.95 Paint -by -Number Sets 1.95 Split Level Doll House 8.95 Tea Sets C 1.99 Erector Sets 8.95 Chemistry., Sets 7.95 Pink Lady.Cleaning`'S+ert 3.40 Child Guidance Toys -97c 'Unbreakable Dump Trucks 3.95 Hockey Games 8.50 Bartenc er 5.95, .`r Doll Cribs . • Open Every Ni`e 'Til 9 p.m. OhtiI Christmas'. ' • Plenty of FREE Parking • Ask` About Conklin Custom Credit LtiMBER COMPA Y LIMMll1ED '. 295 BAIEI,D.ItOO, +GObEItiCH, Ysit Conklin Toy At' '4,.