HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-27, Page 4LEGAL,.
LH. DICKSON, Barrister, Boi-
. eito of Supreme Court, Notary
petal*, Conveyancer. Commissioner, &a
oneo loan.
°Meath Fanson'aBloolt. Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.
ZaZTElt, - ONT.
011ier over the Post Office.
EilltiOT 4; ELLIOT,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &o, &o,
ouey to Loan at Lowest Bates of
B. V. itituoT. J. 7141101%
A pretty girl and a gold dollar pass
currency anywhere
Bekutiful Extmet-Ilelping a young lady
and out of a 11111(1 puddle.
and most powerful alteratives
WHEN they And how rapidly health
is restored by taking Ayer's Sar.
saparilla. The reason is that this
preparation. contains only the purest
The woman that deliberates is -last
Best recipe for catching a husbaud-Don't
A music dealer advertises The Smoker's
tanks. To thousands yearly it proves
veritable elixir of life. Song." A spit tune, probably.
Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre. Even if we could, see ourselves as others
writes : "Liver complaint and see us, most of us wouldn't stop to look,
ancame near ending It is the man who is always in hot water
d tuy existence.
For more than four years I suffered un- who complains that this is a cold world,
I reduced lmost to
Said the night ti
watchman to the dav
told agon. Was a
indigestion made. my life a
, skeletony, and hardlz had strength to watchman: " It te a long me betweeit
drag myself about. lands of food
distresse(1. ine, and only the most deli-
cate could, be digested at all. Within
the time mentioned several physicians
treated mewithout giving relief. Nall -
=anent good until I began the use o
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which bas pro- -" Beg pardon, sir, but there are two more
duced wonderful results. Soon after acts." ' es, I know it. That's why I'm
It takes a goo 4 litany years fora man to
get old, but when he once gets it he hangs
on to it.
ing that I took seemed to do any per -
Theatre Manager.(to departing spectator)
Sacce.eer if. L.Billings.
Me tuber of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons., Teeth inserteo watt or without
Plate. in Oold or Ruterer. a. sato An mattetie
Olen for the painless extructien of teeth.
Plates secured firmly in the month by
Terae as Patent Valve.
OFFICE : Over O'Neire Bank. b
P4nson's Bleck, HaIn.st. Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without
and 1 ourtil
ZralCII on the last Thur -
dot each moat tt:
T mr. BROWNING- M. D., M.
• P. s, Oraenete Vietoris. Ulairere ty:
°Mee and reeidence. lictintriCni Labe as
tory. Exeter.
RYNDMAN, ooroner for tae
County a Raton. Oftlee. opp.site
Carling Bres.atore.Ezeter,
J A. ROLLINS, M. C. 2, S.
O. Office. Main St. Buten. Ont.
recently occupied be P.
attiPlitlfipe, Esq.
-11-F her or the calle-0 c.‘f Physicians and
eurgsen% Ontarin. Physician. Surgeon and
Accoutteur. tece,LtASIIWOOI,
AA?' A. THOMS0'.•:, M. D., C.
v v • u„ Member of College of cla
an eons, Olatalio•
tuNIVERSITY or Togo:ao)
Physician. Surgeon. ete. Having foam', the
winter of Iiise-S7 in New York,. and winter of
11.S74S Vienna.Austria.
Diseases of the
Eve glasses and Spectacles furnished for
both l.Vear and Distant. Vision.
Always at home. except en Prickles.
No. I .8;; Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
teener for the Comity t.f Huron,
Charges moderate. Exeter P. O.
o Auctioneer for Counties Huron and
MnlHex.ReSidence, 1 mile south of Exeter.
1'. 0. Exeter.
"L"‘ BOSSE1413ERRY, General Li -
4.2.4 • ceased Auctioneer Sales conducted
in aliparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges
moderate. Bengali? 0, Ont.
HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer for the Counties of Huron
and Middlesex t Sales rionducted at mod-
erate rates. Mee, at Poet -anise, Ored-
Ion Ont.
. Auctioneer andLandValuator. Orders
s. tint by mail to my address, Hayfield P.O.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. b. H. PORTER, Auctioneer,
Tennent & Tennent
Oradna.tesof the ontario Veterinary 001
Oren: One door South onown Hall.
....La..per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented,
Barrister. Exeter.
'Provincial Lana Surveyor and Civil En-
Office, lipstai rs. Samwell's Block. Exeter.Ont
CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
oontinues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents ,th e most favorable protection in case
of loss er damageby fire orlightning, at rates
upon se& liberal t erms . that no abet respect-
abl e company can afford to write. 42,375 poll:
cies in feree 1 s t Jan ,1890. Assets $378.428.00
in cash in bank. Government depot. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAMBS GRANT,
President; D. C.MoDuNdLIO,Mapager. DAVID
JAQUES, Agent for Exeter andvieinitv
A Terrible Law in France....
• Gen. Alegrier complains that there is too
much old.fashioned swearing in the French
Velocipede service is to be formally in-
troduced into every Russian regiment. It
will bo used to facilitate the delivery of
messages from headquarters to the officers
of the various companies when the regiment
is stationed in the held.
The champion bicycler of Franc; M.
Dubois, has been murdered near his home
at Lux. He was riding borne one night,
when for no justifiable reason a workman
became irritated at him, and quarrelling,
killed him with a crowbar.
The shape of some of the new clothes for
eommenenet to ttle the S..rsapan a g. Frenchmen eccentric in the extreme. One
eould see
thing?' Fanner (whistling) -" No, but I with skirts like a frock coat and ver low
Tratrip--" Can yon put me on to some- sort of jacket is worn buttoned at the waist.
crowned and broad -brimmed hat makes the
It always ptys to do a kindness to other Parisians look like English curates.
in my condition, my appetite began to
return and with it came the ability to
digest all the food taken, my strength
improved each day, and after a few
mouths of faithful attention to your
efirectiens. I foiled myself a well
woman able to attend to all houseliold
duties. The medicine has given Me a
new lease or lite, and I cannot tlacnk
ycll too Ulna."
"We, the undersigned, citizens ot
Broaway Centre, Mich., hereby certify
that the above statement, made by
les. Lane, is true in every particular
and entitled to full credence." -O. P.
Chamberlain. O. W. Waring, C. it.
Wells, Druggist.
14Ny brother, in England, was, for a
loantfoll.naeunable to attend to his emu.
byreason of sews on his foot.
sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes.
timonlals it contained Unlaced him to
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. .After using it
a little while, he was cured, and is now
a well man, working in a sugar ill
at Brisbane, Queensland. Australia."-
A. Attewell, Sherbet Lake, Ontario.
Improvement Can put something on to you."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DG 1. C. Ayer o Co., Lowell, InlasS.
Price el;
• bettles.V. "WWII $5 a lute.
Established in 1868.
This Company has been over Twenty-eight
years in successful operation in Western
Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or
damage by Fire, Buildings, Merchandise.
Illanufaatortes and all other descriptions of
insurable property: Intending insurers have
the option of insuring on the Prerairm Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years this company has
issited, 57,095 Policies, covering property to the
amotrp), of 540,872 we; and paid in losses alone
S709.752 00,
Assets '5116,100.00, consisting of Cash
in Bank Government Deposit and the unasses-
sed Premium Notes on hand and in force;
J.17.7.1ti 1..DMI M.D., President; 0 M. TAYLOR
•Secrets, , J. B. HOODES, In epeetor. CHAS
SNELL, A gent for Exeter and vicinity,
people z it at doesn't pay you, It pays the About 25,000 Germans, Austrians, and
other people. Austrian Poles in thesouthwesternprovince
Re-" And, darling, what does your ofRussia will have to leave in consequence
fa' her think of, uty suit 1" She (sobbing) of the rule in Podolia, Kieft; and Valitynia.
, "He thinks it is a alia6t," Colonists of the above -valued nationalis
"How pale the cream looks," said the ties must become Russian subjects.
lielitiekeeper. "Ves'in,' replied the cook; The RussiauMinister of Imperial Property ,
"it's been whipped, mum.has sent out a circular to the Government
Blanche -4'1 saw the biggest combs in agents under his control ordering thein to
the world while I was in Europe." Cora allow the peasants of the districts where
(tentatively)-" Yes ':" Blanehe--" Yes ; the crops are bad to pasture their cattle and
eut grass in the meadows belonging to the
Government, *also to gather berries, mush-
rooms, nuts,and other fruits in the Govern-
ment forest&
Drug Store
the catacombs.
An old lady began her prayer by *eying ;
"Ob, Lord, Ton hastprobably read in the
morning papers how Thy day was tleseerat.
ed yesterday." In the Communal Aesembly of Si. Peters.
Clara --" Did you see Miss Palisade in burg A as proposed to impose a tax on all
her new Paris bathing dress ?" Maude- factories in which children of aoninor age are
, " No ; I was with a, „eentleman as we passed employed. The money realized is to be used
by and I didn't data leek."
for the establishing and maintenance of
"She waved her umbrella and caught his night schooland Sunday schools for those
eye," said Hawkins. "Did it put the eye jewels.
414"" asked SrItithersi who hadseen women The Ministries of fluance and of lin oriel
waving umbrellas betere. • Property propose to establish a line of
It is hard to name, the strangest thing in steamers between St. Petersburg and Havre.
this world, heenuee even when you think t;ou with a view of promoting direct trade
have picked it out. you have to admit that .between Russia and Prance.
your next-door neighbor's baby is a. little Pri'e of aleoholie drinks has risen very
a Stranger. 9 high in the Government of Kharkoy. The
"1 prefer the Eorrowton glove to any ''authorities have issued orders to stop the
other. ' said Alicia. " at is thp
eir een-Ildistiiiing of brandy altogether until the
i liar merit?" asiked GMertrude. " They are autumn, and the export of spirituous li-
all marked two b4
t are." e3 Sina/lerthaa they reallY1tpors from Kbarltoy to other Governments
lot the empire.
Age comes to every man, but fate
It's kind to women fejt'. The Health Society of St. Petersburg bee •
recently appointed a committee to 'west'. i
For when she reaches twenty-eight
Size stops right then and there. agate the sanitary condition of these who are
employed in the rag bueiness. The commit-
"Ste,Marystirenot these flowersbeautifull" Ito° was ordered to pay special attention to
"'Deed and they are, miss i Many a time ; the places at the outskirts of the city where
have I seen just like 'cut in bunnits : Ain'tthe garbage is desposited in large heaps,
it wonderful how nat'ral the Lord can make :‘tial whence the ragpiekers obtain most of
Minstar their supplies. On July 10 the committee
A drill sergeant in the British arrer was I submitted its report, denouncing the rag
recently ordered. to ascertain the re igious' Ittisineas as highly injurious to the health or
views of some reeruits and this is how lie did' those engaged In it, "if' rags aro picked
it : "Fall in 1 Church of England men to the from dunghills by children, over 15 per cent
right, Roman Catholics on theleft, all fancy'sof. Om suffer with contagions disesses:
religioes in the rear!" and less than half attain a mature age.
' WI en the society begins its regular sessions
Kissing the baby. may result in deforming i in Vie autumnitwill sedan -sly consider
A fall stock of all kinds of its nose or bringing on near-sightedness. ismlot mes„n seo la
u be employed to proteut
The safest plait is not to kiss a baby of the .
, the health said the life of the ragpiekers,
A man cannot be truly eloquent if he
knows not how to listen.
Beware of the vicious man who proposes
to reform his life on the installment plan.
Tommy (yawning)-" A river must have
a good Cale." Diek-" Why ?" Tommy
-"Because it doesn't have to get out of
" Oh, papa," said little Nellie,
And a new thought to her springs,
" What ailed the fallen angels,
Couldn't they work their wings 2"
"The dead reareh of Erfurt" is the phrase
used by German dailies to describe the
terrible experiences of the soldiers who
participated last month in manoeuvres near
Weimar. Dozens of men were injured for
life by fatigue of the undertaking. and
hundreds were rendered seriously ill for two
or three days. The soldiers were got out at
the first sign of daybreak, were led along a
dusty way for fifteen miles, and were then
plunged into the thick of difficult manoeuvres
m the b'irning beat of a mid-day sun, despite
the fact that they bad the long homeward
march before these. When men began to
succumb to this treatment it was first learn-
ed that the officers in command had not
taken the precaution to bring with the
troops a single physieian. Berlin dailies
demand thesevere punishment of the officers
" who thus recklessly played with the
lives of Germany's ea wens."
Dye -stuffs and package feminine persuasion until it; attains the age
is much stronger then. !of study' in the high school of St, Petersburg
' of eiekteen years. The cartilage of the noee A young lady desirous to pursue a. course
Dyes, constantly on .
hand. "Milan's ,must present witl, her potation the following
Condition Idocumnts t A paper in which the place of
The Pau-Oongreaational Council.
!Ler birth, her age, and the clan of society
Powd- ; A Pau -Congregational Council, the mem- !she belongs to are officially attested ; cer-
tificate fvns the institution in which she
; bars whereof eamo from every quarter
has finialted the middle course of studies ; a
under heaven, has just been held in the
,ciartificato of good charaeter, properly
the best city of London. The object of the gather- ldorsed
a, certificate from her parents or
in the mark-
ing appears to have been to cultivate the
fraternal feeling, to ascertain more clearly *]j, that they have no objeetion to
*]j,er scholarly pursuits the declaration of
et and always the opinions of representative ministers in•
responsible persons that'she has sufficient
resh. Fsmily reeip.the means to live upon durhes the time of her
diffirent parts of the world touehina
ees carefully prepared at of religious feeling, and activity among the !horse%
!studies, and finally, two photographs of
whither signature, endorsed by two
living Issues of the day, and. the stimulating
Central Drug Store Exeter, mtbeemmbeerfs tobfe eittereliceoeu zone eraaiiiicly. through
Owing4. ally. The women's high school of St Paters -
of good standing who know her person -
of Congregationalism that each On111:011 15 alt Prillenualburg can accommodate 400 students, and no
more than 150 new pupils can be admitted
to the essential and funtiamental
Cu LiU9V.Zn independent organization in affiliatien with every year.
other churches of the same nan e and order,'
1 and supreme i The Swiss watch trade bas undergone a
but subject to MO centra
ecclesiastical authority except the Bible,the complete transformation during the past
A pamphlet of information and ab -
street of the laWs, Awing How to
Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade
?darks, copyrights, sent free.
Address MUNN di, CO.
361 Broadway,
New York.
Ng ated opinion was the opinion of a majority of Europe, i. e., a nation with its own
Council did not undertake, nor could it -fifteen years, owing.to the work being done
properl undertake to formulate any creed in large manufactories instead of at, the
which should hebinding on all the churches. :homes of the watchmakers. The result is
Each member was present to give a volim- ithat there are much better watches at less
tary expression of his views, which the other cost, and greater sales. There aro schools
members were free to accept or reject for teaching watchmaking at Geneva,
according as they judged the opinions wise !Neuchatel, La Chasm des Fond, Loci;
and sound or otherwise. Strictly speaking Bienne, St. Imier, and Vorrenuery. In the
the gathering was not a °email in the last six years the number of watches ex -
ecclesiastical sense ; that i; a conference of !ported from Switzerland has increased from.
church representatives invested with the ,2,734,234 in 1885 to 4,431,301 last year,
power to construct a theological creed which i these figures not including the works and
shall be the standard of belief in said phurcleteases exported separately. Altogether th!
but a debating society, the influence of ivalue of the exports last year is calculated
whose work will be in proportion to the re- i at $20,000,000.
spect inspired by and entertained for the, Prineellestchersky, editor of Grazhdanza,
several speakers. Nor was any attempt ap-
par.ently made. to ascertain the extent to 'commenting upon the anti -Russian articles
which any particular theological view pre- !which have recently been published in the
railed or to determine whether any enunci- 1Figaro and Eclair of Paris, remarks : " We
i Russians are destined to be the barbariaus
Laocoon in
the coils of
the fatal ser -
penis was not
more helpless
than- is the
man who pines
under the ef-
fects of dis-
ease, excesses,
worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take
heart of hope again and BE A MAN
We have cured thousands, who
allow us to refer to them. WE CAN
CURE YOU by use of our exclusive
methods and. appliances. Simple,
unfailing treatment at home for
Lost or Failing Manhood, General or
Nervous Debility, Weaknesses of
Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or
Excesses in Old or Young. Robust,
Noble MANHOOD fully Restored.
Improvement seen the first day.
How to enlarge and. strengthen,
PARTS OF BODY. Men testify from
50 States and Foreign Countries.
Write them. Book, explanation
and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
or of all the members. This crcumstance, I
though it will not render the gathering peculiar history, its own spiritual mettle
futile, will doubtless lessen its value to that; tions, and its own civilization ; hated by
everybody and independent of the good will
large portion of the communitvwho have not !'
yet passed the stage in whiall others mustiof anybody. We should be trained to ap-
preciate the fact that there is not a wise
do their thinking on all difficult questions ;man in Europe but considers us his sworn
such as those adnneeted with religion, polg!enetnyt bis dreaded monster -a natio'? of
tical economy, social obligation, etc. An
barbarians," &c., to that effect. Ni.voye
probably to this cause may be ascribed the viema'
y reproducing this outburst of
fact that the council has not made that im- 1 ."pathos and satire, " warns its contempor-
pression on the public which the relative
strength of the Congregational churchand
many of its sbo 1 -
ary that it might be dangerous to indulge
ffi such losigratee. " Prince Mestehersky
the distinguished abilities of 0
a d know that the Frenchmen who rail
ministers would naturally lead one to ex- against the lerauen•Baissittn sympathies
pect. The public have not been looking for belong to the antiquated denomination of
any authoritative deliverance which would politicians, the terrain of whose song was
be a law to any considerable portion of rice /n Po/oone ! Their words and their
the Christian church. Certainly this inde- sentiments have no significance at the pre-
pendence of individual elinsehes and minis-
! sent time."
tors has its advantages, but it is not alto-
gether a gain.
A Russian paper advocates the institution
of public works by the Government in order
Fifteen Shots Per Second. to provide employment for the starving
peasantry. It would have the Government
Very little has appeared in the papers build railroads, dig canals in the dry dis-
about a new rapid -firing gun Which was tricts, clear the shallowing rivers. Thou.
recently invented by R. M. Catlin, a mine sands upon thousands of laborers could in
superintendent of St. Louis. This gun has a this wise be employed profitably and provid-
Winchester band and stock, with a 15 -re• ed with the means of livelihood. Grazhdanin
peating magazine in the stock. It is a trifle on the other hand is strongly opposed tii
beavier than the ordinary Winchester, but this plan. It thinks that it would be a
its great feature is that the whole 15 shots suicidal policy to rob the national treasury
may be fired in one second. The shells are in this manner. "The needs of the peasants
thrown out, end at the end of the firing the are. may a transient evil ; in a year or two
gun is as clean as though only a single cart- this trouble will pass away. But a well -
ridge ha4 been exploded.. An instantaneous filled national treasury is a permaneet tower
photo was taken of the gun in action, and of strength. We cannot afford to let our
while the exposure was made 'five shells treasury get empty until the public works
were in the air tossed out by the inconceiv- proposed by Novoye Vremya begin to pay
able rapid working of the gun. All that the and to fill it again. Besides this, where will
man who does the shootinghas to do is'to our contemporary talsetherneaes to exercise
fill the chamber with cartridges, cock the control over the large masses of laborers who
gun, and then pull the trigger as many times may in their ignorance become a threatening
as he wants to shoot.The gun is accurate power against our -established social order,
et short or long range. against our 'communal' peace 7"
Tired Feeling
tt dangerous condition directly due
to depleted or impure blood. It should
not be allowed to continue, as in its
debility the system is especially liable
to serious attacks of illness. It is re-
markable how beneficial Hood's Sarsa-
parilla is in this enervating state. Pos-
sessing just those elements which the
system needs and readily seizes, this
medicine purifies the blood, and im-
parts a feeling of strength and self-con-
fidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best
remedy for that weakness which pre-
vails at change of season, climate or life.
"1 believe it is to the use of Hood's
Sarsaparilla that I owe my present
health, In the spring, I got so com-
pletely run down I could not eat or
sleep, and all the dreaded diseases of
life seemed to have a mortgage an any
system. I was obliged to abandon my
work, and after seeking medical,treat-
ment and spending over,$so for different
preparations, I found myself no better.
Then my wife persuaded me to try a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before
the first bottle was gone I began to
amend. I have now used two bottles
and have gained 22 pounds. Can eat
anything without it hurting me; my
dyspepsia and biliousness have gone.
I never felt better in my life. W. V.
EuLows, Lincoln, 111.
Make's the
Weak Strong,
" Early last spring I was very much
run clown, had nervous headache, felt
miserable and all that. I was very
much benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla
and recommend it." MRS. J. M. TAY-
LOR, 1119 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O.
"I was very much run down in health,
had no strength and no indinatlen to
do anything. I have been taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla and that tired feel-
ing has left me, my appetite has re-
turned, I am like a new man." CHAUN-
CEY, LATHAM, North Columbus, Ohio.
sf •
Sold by druggists. $1; six for $6. Prepared
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
POO Doses One Dona --
113nlocks allthe clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry!.
ing off gradually without weakening the
system, all the impurities and foul
humors of the secretions; at the same
time Correcting Acidity of the
Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys-
pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,
Heartburn, C'on.stipetion, Dryness
of the Skirt, Dropsy, Dimness of
Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas„ Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousnees, and Gen-
Pral Debility; all these and many
other similar Complaints yield to the
happy influence eef B canc.Trix
sziocy.,'? ..ornmits,-
HILBURN & CO.. Prirariss., "rwroato„.
I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its
rise thousands of MOO of the worst kind and of long
standing have been cured. Indeed so strong Is my faith
in its efficacy, that I will sond TWO BOTTLES FREE,
with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any
sufferer who will send me their EXPRESS and P.O. address,
T. A. Ssootste, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE
secoo.-co year Is being mode by .Tohng,
,tioodwin,Troy,N.Y.,at well: Inc us. Reader,
you may not make as much, but we ca11
teach you quickly how to earn from 85 to
810. day at the start, and mote nit you go
on. Both sexes, all ages. In any part of
America, you can commence at home, giv.
ng all your tIme,or spare moments only to
the work. All is new. Great pay SURE for
eZ.ca_g_14"''. Wo Mart 3011, furnIuIiliig
00t'PABTALAItS susYn. Address at one,
brines a CO., PORTLAND, MAIN
36114;:)3E1 tt4L.
Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache,
Toothache, y
SOre ThrOat,
Frost Bites, Sprains,
Bruises, Burns, Etc.
Sold by Drbgeists and Dealers everywhere.
Fifty Cents a bottle, Directions in
11. Languages.
Canadian Depot: Toronto, Out,
The direct route betw eeti the West and all
points on the LOWer St, Lawrence and Bate
des Obalenr,Provinee of Quebec; also for
Now Brunewiek ,Nova Seo tl a, Priuce Edward
Oapenretontal an de , an d N Wowed Ian de, lid
St. Pierre,
Exproas trains leave Montreal on d 110.111E.
daily tSmidays executed) and run tbrou
without change between these points in
hours and 55 minutes.
The through express train oars of the In-
tercolobial Railway are brilliantly itghted
by electricity and heated by steam front the
locomotive, thus greatly increasing the corn
fort and safety 01 travellers.
New and elegant buffetsleoping and day
cors areruu on through expresstraine.
Cana,die.n.Europeast Mail and
Passenger Route.
P.issengers tor Great enitainor tbo coati -
neat by leaving Mo ti ea I on Vridaymerning
will fain outward alai' steamer at Halifax
on Saturday.,
The attention ofaskinpers is directed totho
superior facilit les offered by this route tor
the transport anon r and general niercltn-
die° intended for theEasteirn Provinces and
Newfoundland ; also for tillpments of grain
and Proilneeintetided for tile En repeal) mar -
Tmliets may bo obtained and inform Oen
about tile route ; also freight and pa satngor
rates on application to
WeeternPreight P 'mamma Agent
03Itosei u House Block ;York it .Tor.mto
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Oillee, Uonoton, N.11,
Jan 1st in
Cures Hum
:.Cuts, Cuts, Pilos in their wor. 'arra
Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, o'rost
Bites, Chappell Ilandi and all Skin Disc.,
Lumbage, Sciatica, Rheum:tam. Neuralgia
Tothache, Pains in everyform.
By all dealers, Wholesale by F. F.Dally &Co
bility, Seminal Levees and rrema,ture Decay,
promptly and permanently cured by
to 0
Does not interfere Witiliet or usual oocupation
and fully restores lost vigor and insureenarket
manhood. Price 61 per boa.
Sole Prop.letor, H. SCHOFIELD, Self 6.
`i curs Drug Store. Eau STREFT. TossoNTG.
When I say I cure 2150 not mean merely to stop thcm
for a time and then bawl them return again. 1 mean a
radical cure. I have made the disease Of FITS, MULE?.
SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life -lone study. I warrant
filficref 1%10 icettestuMottOhranlvtrgantehtraulurthegnrat
once (Wm treatise and a Free Bottle o1 rny infallible
remed_y. GITO ExpnEsS and DOSSOFFICE.
H. G. ROOT, M. 0. 186 ADELAIDE ST.
,all ,,0maned 054 NRIV line ofwork,
rapidly and honorably, by time of
either sex, young or 0115, and In their
own loettlities,wherever they live, Any
one eau do the wurk. Rosy to learn.
We furnish everything. We start you. No risk. You eau devote
your spun moments, 00 ,11 your time to the work. Tills is an
entirelynew lead,m1d brings wonderful 506008 30 every worker.
Beginners are earning from 825 to *50 per week end upwerds,
O id more after 0 little experience. We eat furnish you the em-
ployment and teach you No epee° to exploit, here. Full,
information FREE. TIE DE dr, CO., Ak tiCSTA. IIIAINR.
Cod Liver Oil
Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cram.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting D iseas es,
Chronic Cough,
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, Eke.
Beware cf all insitatiens. Ask for
"the D. Et L." Emulsion, and refuse
all others.