HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-12-13, Page 9-Jt. CHRISTMAS GIFT StRIStRIPTION$ $4,00 PER YEAR IN CANADA $5.00 PER - YEAR TO U.S.A. ,,115th Year - No. 49 INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATES tit PRESENTED AT G.D;CI. t post of the 130 collegiate - students eligible for their Inter- mediate Certificates (Grade .k) were on hand for the presenta- tion ceremony in the auditor- ium of Goderich District Col- legiate Institute Wednesday of last week when board Chair- man Dr.'R. W. Hughes officiated. In an informal address to the some 120 students, he stressed the importance of making effic- ient use of "spare time"- which,, as he pointed out, can frequent ly be turned to very good ac- count in forwarding a pupil's progress. Following is the complete list of students receiving Intermed- iate Certificates either at the presentation ceremony or later by mail: Beverley Anderson, John Ar- thur, Darrell Baec'hler, Gerry Ball, Leonard Baxter, Susan Bell, James Bentley, John Bere, Michael Berry„ Peter Bettger, Telford Bissett, Ronald Black, Bill Blake, Anita Bosveld, Zane Brown, Lucy Brudnicki, Ronald Buchanan, Michael Carney, Sharon Carroll, John Chamb- ers, Paul Chambers, John Chis- holm, . George Clark, Colleen Connelly, Shirley Cook, Ken - CA 'lion Mugford, Pat O'Reilly,, Judy Patterson, Ronald Petrie, Jon Redford, Diane Redmond, Jeff Reid, Rod Reid, Bonnie Robin. son, 'Donald Robinson, Richard Rogers, Alison Ryan, Lynne llyan, Carol Sampson, Allan Sander's, Ed. Sanderson, Joanne Sheardown, Jim Sherratt, Rob- ert Skelton, David Smith, .Brian Sproul, Jean Stephens, Sharon Stewart, Melba Stiles, David Straughan, Jack Straughan, Susanne Saughan, Ross Sturdy, Kent Tho UM- Rosemary Torr ,land, Diane Van Oenen, Robert Wallace, Marys Waugh, Keith W/ite, Gretchen Whiteman, Eminie Wilcox, Mary Williams,. Dennis Williamsop, Danny Wil- sQ10, John Wright, Janet Young. neth Crawford, ^,Ronald Daer, Eleanor Davidson, Walter Davis, Karen Dean, Jake de Ruyter, Brian Dowds, Ronald Drennan, Richard Duckworth, Ronald Durnin, Danny Enzensberger; Mary Etue, Joan Everett, Ken Parrish, Gail Fisher, Joanne Fisher, Barbara Foster, Denzira Fowler, Jack Gemmill, Wayne -Glazier, Rose Marie Haggitt, Margaret Haines, Barbara Ham. ilton, Douglas Harrison, Joanne Harrison, Leroy Harrison, Rob- ert Helesic, Carole Henderson, Joan Hindmarsh, Michael Hobbs, Clair Hodges, Elaine Hodges,i John Hughes, James Hunter, Betty Idsinga, Evelyn Johnston, Walter Kelly, Margaret Kemp- ster, 1Vtartie Koopmans, Walter Leamen, Robert Leduc, Gerrit Logtenberg, Paul -Ann Lowery, Gloria Jean Lutz, Barbara Mac- Cuspey, Don *McCabe, Cheryl McCarthy, Betty McConnell, Carl McCormick, Norman- Mc- Cullough, Peter McDonald, Ricky McGratten, Tom McIver, John McLean, . Karen McLean, Helen McNee, Robert McNeil, Scott McTaggart, Robert Mc- Whinney, Lyall 'Mahon, Jean Macey, Shirley Manderson, Val- erie, Mathieson, Barry, Millian, HOLIDAY, VISITORS This is not Only the season to be jolly but also one dur- ing which you will soon be having visitors at your home from out of town -or you will be visiting out of town. Sig- ' nal -Star readers at a distance° Watch fer these Personal 11fention items in order to. • keep track of their acquaint- ances back in Goderich.. The Signal -Star would appreciate it if these news items were phoned in, left at the office. or else inserted in the mail box on the front door of The Signal -Star office. TREES Balsam, Spruce, Scotch Pine wItrA- UP GODERICH MOTORS LTD. South St. -JA 4-7308 t.. A NY�e Selection Of JEWEL BOXES from 2.50 4,1 • MENS • Onyx . Initial from 12.95 Boy's Onxy Initial.,from 10.50 Onyx Initial and Diamod from 19.95 Ruby Initial from 14.95 Ruby Initial and Diamond from '27.95 Blue Sapphire Initial and Diamohd from 28.75 Knights of Columbus n ,.. from 19.95 Masonic from 19.95 -Masonic Tubier Cane .. 38.00 Plain Gold Wedding Band from 13.50 Diamond and Onyx ° from 39.95 Diamond , from 100.00 Black Diamond from 21.95 Plain Onyx and Matching Links 75.00 White Sapphire from 24.95 High School Rings 5;95 • LADIES • Cultured Pearl Black Diamond Pearl and Diamond Birth Stone Rings - Onyx Initial Cameos •- from ........ from from from from from biamond Wedding Rings from Marcasite- from Engagement Rings . from High School Rings 7.95 10.50 19.95 5.95 9.95 14.50 22.95 8.95 34.50 4.95 GENUINE GEM SONES " Jade from 34.50 Garnets from 27.50 Opals , from 13.50 Turquoise, atrix from 26.75 Amethyst , 125.001 0 Aquamarine fi Citrine a 150.00 d DINNER RINGS Cultured Pearl and Diamond 139.50 ,, 1.1Diamond. Cluster 175.00 ..10 Diamonds & Genuine Blue Sapphire 250.00 2 Diamonds & Emerald Cut Blue Sapphire, 375.00 3 Stone Diamond • 800.00 1.15 •Carat Diamond (cinnamon colored) and 20 sur- rounding diamond's 1150.00 JEWELLERY GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'DECEMBER 13, 1962 Town Coulci Nurses. She also announced • Graduate Nurses HoId Yuletide , !that the members of the Huron Chapter of the RNAO•vill hold their Christmas party December Party• New Officers Announced 13 in Clinton. Gifts were donated to the Members of the Goderich Graduate. Nurses' Association met at the nurses' residence for their annual Christmas party. Mrs. H. Enzensberger, presi- dent, resi-dent, conducted the business Mrs. J. More, chairman of the nominating committee brought in the following slate• of officers for . 1963: president, Mrs. ..Ja Donnelly; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Lumby; ' 2nd vice- president, Mrs. I. McConnell; secretary,; 4.1.&,,A. More; corres, paiiding, , seciry, Mrs._ -Gra MacEwan; treasurer, Mrs. H. Jeffrey. Miss D. Hawthorne gave oa explanation of the organization and function of the College of Cancer cupboard and clothes. and food for the Christmas family. Games and carol singing were enjoyed under the direction of program convener, Mrs: D. Mur- phy, Mrs. L. Bamforth read the Christmas story. • A buffet lurch was served by Mrs. Wm. Dean and her com- mittee. H $1,2, ,, the employees who live in the Canadian. • Underwriters Assoei- neighborhood and walk to work ation that tests carried out , oil.:. have been very nearly injured the new. K1n,g-Seagrave dirt by speeding highway traffic pumper ,satisfy the ., require. - which does not slow down im- men% and a rot ,o# the peg, mediately at the town limits. folrmace figures Was inclui Short Session Documents were received The council session was a from the CP -R; with a draft • relatively short one, with a nuns-. agrefMent coagerPhIg the ri t .., bei of matters referred to the of -way .allaWanCe between the. appropriate committees for ac• twe 'at the lakefront. tion later; some were deferred Oi#ala ;pingo until `thee new council sits. man A letter from George Beech- : of the' water, light and h r - ler requesting an abatement of nor committee, explained that taxes on the restaurant property after viewing the area,: C.P.R. on the Square, which has not representatives consented to been in operation in 1962 was lease a passage 25 feet wide to referred to the Court of Re- give legal access from one beach vision. to the other. Although a width A request from Harold Shore, of 50 feet had been originally local realtor, for permission to requested, the thought was that erect a lighted sign four feet too much space would encour- by six in front of his place of age - loitering in the area, and. business, a bond of indemnity that .if the . passageway' were having been signed, was re- restricted, people would' have ferred to the public works rom- a tendency to use it merely au mittee with an amused comment a connecting path, which was from one of the councillors that the' primary intention. Coun• the sign • has been up and in cillor Jewell remarked that 25 operation for some time. feet will be adequate, and iii' The works committee was also -fact is welcome, considering -handed over -•a -request Imm-�t P "Pili arfiirst: i wad"eonsideit'd " -'..' Bell Telehone Co.. of Canada by some to be unobtainable. ' for permission 'to place a cable The report of the tax col - crossing Colborne street. ' lector showed that during Nov - Dog Advice ember $1,977.77 in arrears of A letter from the Humane taxes had been collected, plus .,P Society at London, Ontario, gave $217.41 in interest for a total some advice on provisions set of $2,195.08. Uncollected taxes out in ad Towno of Goderich by- due in the years 1961, '60, '59, law governing dogs. The letter'58 and '57 totalled $32,494.51. was held over for 196.3 council • The balance of 1962 taxes due which will get down to finally was; at the end 'of November, passing the controversial bylaw. $55,717.25 indicating a_percent- •-,•._ A County of Huron resolution age of 89.09 collected as against requesting` the Provincial Gov a percentage of 89.42 at Ale ernment to inquire into the.ad- same time -last year.... • visability of establishing alPro- • Permits Up. vincial Park in this area, and Building permits are -up sub - requesting endorsation from the stantially, now exceeding a `mil - Town of Goderich was turned over for consideration of the lion and, a -quarter dollars in committee of the whole,,as were value, it was reported by E.H. documents from the, Ontario Jessop, "the total value 2. Nov- oepartmeiet�of iighways'reg::., ;> rrt,° , irveni. �2 f] :° i•; of a small frame uringovemer, 3*perch ing acquisition were issued, for a total value of tion of Gloucester Terrace re- $193,075; three for dwellings, quired to complete the Maitland value of $37,000; ,one industrial, Bridge approach, property. value of $150,000; nine alter- ations or repairs, value $6,075. The. topic of housing for sen• for ' citizens as proposed by Branch 109, Royal Canadian Legion, will . be discussed in the near future by representatives Of ' the Legion and Goderich Town Council, it was decided' at the Sregular meeting •of council Friday .night. . A letter from Eric Johnstone, chairman of the . Legion's com- mittee working on the housing proposal, was read to council, indicating that the property known as the `old hospital site" is under consideration, and that provision of the type of accom- modation planned by the Lehr._ ion 'Would give respectable homes to the elder citizens re- quiring them, and would at the same time relieve the housing shortage which still exists in town toesome extent. ,. It was,also indicated that the Legion wished to discuss the financial aspect of the project, pointing ' out that the amount of cash that could be raised initially would have a bearing on what rentals Would have to be charged the tenants, and this sliotil'il "bE"'giivern car'eftil`�con-•' sideration. Mayor E. C. Fisher comment- ed that this project is an•'im- portant'and interesting one,,and deserves to be taken up at the earliest practical time. He sug- gested that a meeting might be called before the next council meeting, providing suitable ar- rangements r rangements could be made. Action Deferred Action on a request from. C. E. Everett, president of Sheaffer Pen Company Ltd., for exten- sion xten sion of town street lighting past the plant, was deferred until the New Year :on motion of Councillor Jewell, chairman of the water, light , and harbor committee. Mr. Everett's letter pointed out that ' the plant the within the town limits, yet .street lighting -on-the-highway does not extend far enough to make for safe walking condi- tions. He added that as the factory is working two shifts, some of 1 Notice was received from the Councillor lteg'Jewell, chair JANUA IV DECE CHRIST -` A STOCK T 4P 0, DOMINION by ASHER Truly the aristocrat o`f wrinwer washers in • style a n d features. Lustrous white is accented by the gleaming stainless steel double t u b .. Exclusive a;t{tbiiiatic safety wringer. Automatic timer., World famous economizer mech- anism GIIARANTEED YOlt 6 YEARS. WASHERS FROM NO PAYMENTS 'TIL FEBRUARY PLUS TRADE 1 REDUCING F� T GIVING I3`lMa.. 10- 2 0 2 DAYS LEFT TO RECEIVE FREE ELECTR1!~ BLANKET PPLI WESt STREET DOMINION. by DRYER -Here's 'a dryer that gives complete drying card for all fabrics with truly auto- matic control: There are three Fabrtimatic ` Pro- grams, .§imply set the 49,1 for regular, heavy or del - late materials, and the clothes will come out per- fectly dried. DRYERS FROM s.149 Action Deferred In reports of standing com- mittees, Public Works reported a request from J. K. Sully re-. garding the, town dump which was referred to 1963 council: - a decision to install a connect ing sewer on Sunset drive from Warren street 137 feet east:. Special committee reported an application for a bus license from Ken Ole acknowledged and filed:. -It is understood .a bylaw is in preparation. • New 'Lights Water, Light and Harbor con'- mittee '.reported that the P.U.C. , will be requested to erect ts‘ o new lights on Anglesea street near the Goderich Manufactur- ing Company property. A re- quest f�fn J. Remington for. 'additional lights in the area of his store was referred to 1963 ' council. Committee of the Whole rF- ported a grant of $250 to the Goderich Trotting and Agricul- tural Society. A letter from Harold W1' Shore regarding the widening of Bennett street un- der plan 37 was acknowledged and referred to 1963 council. - Commission To Meet Following council Meeting, an. informal discussion brought out that a number of citizens nave raised the question of the morale of the local Police Department in view of the turnover of con- stables. Mayor E. C. Fisher, a =zither •of the Poliee''`Cornm is- sion, stated that the regular' meeting , of the Commission would be held at 2 p.m., Decem- ber 14th, and any such ques- tions could be tiroperly dealt with at that time. OBITUARY MRS. WILLIAM J6HNSTONE Mrs. Mary P..'Johnstone, tis, died Tuesday ol last week at her Windsor residence, after ••a long illness. She ,was born in Stafford County, England,". and • Moved to Windsor •39 years age. iter husband . predeceased her 4943.: She was an Anglican, and a life member of the .Order of the Eastern', Star. Surviving are; two son 'rice Goderich Allai ,: Windsor, ihd' two, gtanachiXdron, The "falderal •s'erviCe:; _.. . n ,Thursday aftearnbo, ►er V; at the Anders'on; home. *indoor,' with thug 'D. ,,. termebt, »chat >p .. 9