HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-27, Page 3Canada's Great INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO Sept. 1 to 19 1891 Greater and Better Than Ever ENDE, ART AND INDUSTRY COMstNED Wim INSTRUCTION .A,lio AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS Latest Inventions Superior Attractions CRAP Emu= OW Al•1. R/AWAY* .7.47. W1wTIT.1 OW IX. Z. Ia eaiti cert II4ouver, Toronto 11T1 otlrel. f oN rrtArtetz-Bishop O'Connor will be is Alt,t, arrnetSnuday to bless a Pew bell and altar, Arid Irivc+ confirmationto about fifty ehllelron. Confirmation and outman high. mass at 10 n.nn„ blessing of the b:ll at 4 p.m All f O invited to attend. lust ... .L iP.NED 1 r 1'.ar,r:,11t$I00.-4,Ian}* ' the worst attacks of eholerltmorbus. cramps dysentery. colic, eto , come suddenly in the nigh„ and epee,ly and, protunt cleans tnuot ba us -d. against thew. Dr Fowler's Extraet of Will ;strawberry is the remedy. Keep It at heti far ernes„ twice. It never fails to ewe, 41 relieve, Ott \5'ollieallay, the 12th ioaat , Mr. Chits, Will^r1,. of (arec'nwav, threshed for Mr. (lith •l4 ti is"vo, Moray, commencing at 3 o'cleolr, nal tluvithed I3° huslia'la of barley, cleauna l tip tlaa 61 ager and threshed fit) bleb. cf iiia mt tty 5 e'clfatol;, atsepped ono hour for sups l r then tlnra;ahed tuna hull pest eight e"c11/7.%, it was faunal they had put through '411bushels of wheat and 142 bua;ue'1•+ of barley, ;nal:ing in all Sig bush. in f:+.ar ilanrs and thirty minutes end. clean( l t1) trier twice. Sit ;;do i Ii3triu-PI.i;htasticna8pritaq from rt,,(ilt principles. In cased of diarrhoea dyseantt•Tr. cramps. colic, SUnutiorens plRiot cholera marlins, etc., they right remedy is Icowle ee Extract of Wild Strawberry, -=an unfelt .t:; Baro( -matin on the principle that nntttrtl'•t rentedir8 aro hast. Never travel without ts. 11 , tt..nil AND Nt'nsr,a,-<111 who have the o era^ Of chit [reit should know that f)r. Fow'i t'.l Extract of Wild Strawberry may bo o.tutideutiy depended on to oars all summer complaints, diarrheea, dysentery, cramp, colic, cholera in feature, cholera ul�tlde, canker, etc., in children or adnits. A°S"afnrth paper announces that D. D. Wilson id i1, 1lontreal looking after a ship_ meat of ('t;ga to the old country market. Lets see, remarks the Godorics Star, this is the same gentleman ivho assured the guileless strangers that it was all nonsense to talk of an old country market for eggs. They eoaid be shipped there ouly at a lose, a-,i,t1 it would surprise the public to know 11,11;v much be had lost in trying it. r Hrsr.rlr rx Hun Ds, -Henith•gtii•in Korb , harks.roots, and berries are care f1,l I com- bined in Burdock Blood Bitters, whn yoga late the secretions. purify the blood and renovat.+ and strengthen the entire system. Price. Sl a bottle, G for e5. Lass than a cent n dose. OH, WHAT A COUGH. Shill you heed the warning. Tho signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for itt We know from experience that Shiloh'' Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. Skit iHMAItaa x.n, King st, Kingston, says: "I was afflicted with chronic rheumatism for years and used numerous medicines without success, but by the use of 6 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I was entirely oared." I am acquainted with the aboie named lady, and can certify to the facts as stated -Hoary Wade, Druggist, Kltigaton, Ons. C. C. BCCHAuns & Co., I had the muscles of my band so contract- ed that I could not use it for two years. MINARD'S LINIMENT cured me and I now have the use of my hand as well as ever. Dalhousie. MRs. RACHEL SAuNDERs. C. 0. Bromism & Co., I had a valuable colt so bad with mange that 'I feared Iwould lose him. MINARD'S LINIMENT cured him Ithe magic. Dalhousie. Onelsxops En SAUNDERS. HYMN OF THE CRUSADERS. (Written in the Twelfth Century an sung by the armies who sought to recover fir eHoly Land.] Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of natured: Jesus, of God and of mercy the son 1 Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor, Thee, my delight, and myglory. and crown. Fair are the meadows, Nairer the woodlands, 13 obod in the flowery vesture of spring; 'Teens 1 fairer, Jesus is purer, Making my sorrowful spirit to sing . Fair is the moonshine, Fairet the sunliabt Than all the stars of the b e•wenly host ; Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels 10 heaven can boast. Toronto's Great Fair. The wheel of time has again revolved and the tremolo of Canada are invited once again t) vt•,it Toronto's great Industrial Gair,whioh will bo held this year from the 7thto the 10th of Sept. Pitney.tmportant alterations road Improvements hays been made in the build- ings since last year. The attractions onthie occasion will be on a far more extensive and elaborate scale than ;over before. Specs In all the buildings has beeu auptiedfor earlier than usual this sea on; and the livestock and agricultural department is awayhead of any previous year, :All intending exhibitors abouts bear in mind that the time for receiv- ino, entries will olose in a few days, after which the books will not be again a paned. In oonelunion, we may sat we cannot recom• mend a more profitable or intereAting holiday trip than a visit to Toronto Exhibition. Dur• Mg its oontiuuauce the Zhlapest rates of the year will prevail on all$railwaya. J 11 GREIVE :Before you buy your Fall & Winter Olothing Call aid examine the large and well -assorted stock of Trine Worsted Suitings ,Fine Scotch Tweed as Canadian, iaan, " Fc. Also all the leading cola and patterns in OVerCQa ilags All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a coca) rxrr na sale. -Give mea call. � R1EY Ee "filOR A good buggy which can be used as single ordoublo tar. Can be seen at Mr. (leo. Ilodgxei'ie barn, For particulars aptly to Slang CLAa&e or Roi;r.SaNnaas. Rader. -647•3t rVST.-.. a A dark colored cow -farrow -on or about loth inst. ,Any information as to her where- abouts +Sill be liberally rewarded by \%, U. Brs• slur. Exeter, FAItI FOR *$,AIS.(t`,. Two excellent farms far sale, very cheap,. \\'illstll,ifT get ;Ito twice et the initrove- trients. Moth lots in. Thessalan tow;'alllp, five tulles cast of the tbrivitg village, of Thesialon,wbetewood s selling at fi24ofito 30,5) per :cowl every winter., Cloth lets on main mad, halt mile froth school,throe- .luertera mite from railroad, convenient to both grist nod saw anisic, goad protestant neighborhood. llad health cameo of selling, No rock on either Ioteexcepa a tow acres on the corner of out. good soil, level enough to run teener or mower, amt t,uitablo either for st.iel . dairy, or grain fanning. Will sell in one block, or in parcels one or 169 acres, to cult purchaser. Bondi west f section al, Ica serec,46 unit. r cultivation, Valance heavily timbered uitit black birch. spline, balsam, coder. pine and heattlnei ; ='DO roils geed cedar fence; now Immo hots,' 29 x :.'n feet, hitch( n II5 x :2, good lag baro and titres other sheds, good well tau.: eprptt; creek, root house, half acro small fruit, some apple trees bearing, Price, $14011. Also S oast # aeational..10tt'erns, ad acres ntnaler t'ulttvatton , bal:Ito e heavily timbered with ulilcd tinnier same an tile other lot ex- ceptabouttuaoroe of stood maple bush, no hnildin to on this lot but goael water and to rook. Price for oloar deed, 7G0 or SRO for 83 acres. For particulars add less, with, s tamp to ANDREW WALr.ER, Tbessalan, P, ()- District of Algoma: Theisalon. Anil 12ttt.11421, Ontario. uotion Sale OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY, Pursuant to a Power of Sale contained a ra certain Mortgage made by Robert Elston, de- ceased, in favor of the Vendor, there will bo sold by PUBLIC AUCTION At the TOWN HALL, In the ►'tissue of Exeter By JOHN GILL, Auctioneer, on Saturday, Sevt'r, 5th, 1891 At 2 o'clock p.m:, the following valuable village property, viz : Lots Numbers SIX, SEVEN land EIGHT, on the west side of Main street, south of tlidloy street, in the Village of Exeter, W ildloys Survey) containing by admeasurement ONE ROOD, TWENTY AND FOUR-FIFTHS PER- CIIES, more or less. There is on the promises a good storey and a half frame house, and a goodorehard. TERMS OF SALE :- CASH. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to R. II. COLLINS, Or to JOHN GILL, Vendor's Solicitor. Auotioneor. Exeter Mortgage Sale -OF- VALUABLE !RM PROPERTY In the To zonshiv of Hay. TINDER AND BY VIRTUE OF JJ a Power of Sale contained in a, certain Mortgage, made by Peter S, lieiger, and Catharine Geiger, his wife, to the Vendor whioh will be produced at time of sale, de fault having been made in the payment thereof, there will be cold by Public Auction At Peine's Hotel, In the VILLAGE of ZURICH ON SATURDAY, THE 29th DAY OF AUGUST, A. 11,1891 AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, Subject to such conditions as shall then be produced, the following farm property, viz : All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises,situate, lying and Wing in the Township of Hay. in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasuretnent Fir ty [51] Acres. b: the same, more 0rless being composed of the SOUTH HAT.F OF LOT NUMBER TWENTY FIVE,[25),in the TWELFTH (12] CONCES- SION of the said Township of stay This farm is in a high state of cultivation, all cleared, ten acres ready for fall wheat. There ie a good bog bou re, 2 frame stables, n. good youag orchard,, and a flowing well on the premises. - TERMS :-Ten pry cent. down at time of sale and the balance in 30 clays, For further particularsapplyto ELLIOT & ELLIOT, ED' BossIxnennr. Vendor's Solicitors, Auctioneer. le Exeter, Ont. Dated 8th August,1501-3t. Exct Roller Mills. MARKET REPORTS. Wheat . • 85c to SSG per bush .OUR SELLING PRIORS. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 00 .•". do Low Grade .. 2 00 " Riau . , .,, 80c. " Middlings .. 1 OOc. <r Screening . •1 10c, " Chop ., .•• $1 20 to 1 30 44 Chop stone running every day. TiRMS GASH,. THE EXETER MILLING -Coy. MAEBET REYRRT8 ;au7.''SR RedWheet Spring WIFeat .. Barley Oats Clo: erSeed Tirncniby Pear Corn Doctor Flourue4bb 1 Potatoes,per but1seI Apples,per nag AriodApplespr b flee5e per lb. Turkey per lb Thickener lb Obickensperpr Hogs lresaodperlf0 Reef .., Hidesrough, .., 44 dressed Shoorakinseach Calf -skins Wool pert b Hayperton Oeionseerh use \lioodpercord O. 00 to :+6 0 to y; 50 to 55 4fd0to4;8 1 4 t to 1 4e< 6U to (5 ,,. 0 Ort to 5 t 12to T'1 lata03`1 wile a15 50 to 0;,, 1C0to100 0 4to0lxo 11(5tolt6 07 to fB 0 Cato a 17 020 to 030 600 to62s 400 to 5 25 400 to4ht) 1103 to52i 21111. 060 to 70 050 to 054 0lato019 3 G toy [•n 0GOto050 250 to oil 4,44 N, S Fall Wheat Spring Wheat...,,- ...•.....,. , e0 ti1 OntAey ................. .. ' 0 45 0 co (lover Seed....,.., .,..........3 7 i 4 41 Timothy ,............... ... , ..,. 1 ' 1611 Peas .................. ..................... 0t f 0 d hl;ge..,. ............................. ........ 13 0 13 Butter. 1is 14 Potatoes per bag ,........,. 514 .. 4 a Apples, per hush ............... ..,..,„ ., 050 Wool par ib 38 i4 Ray porton... Rrgntser lou7:734 Dl oatmeal per 1X1.. , 1.,......:......1'.2118('';0112'7:14C0.':11 Hogs,elressed per ACO. , ,,..,, 5 011 to 5 :"e LO17DO:N, Wheat. fill tell) nor bus. OMs. R+1 to 41c per bus. Poas..2o to 75c per but. liar icy, niting• 513 to 57e t,er bus. Barley Peed, 4•lc to Ode per bus Corn, 6(}e to C7o per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. Aug,24-Wheat Spring --No. 2..7a to9ie per bust red wintor.No 2.1(2 to 101 per bus. Manitoba No 2 hard,1 OS to 1 (5 No. 3, Plc to Pic ; PEAS Tee to 75e per bus. t)AT5 to4tis per bus. FLOUR, extra, $3g5 to :ra per butt straight roller, $4.40 to Attie • strongbakors,$4,W to $4.10. BARLEY, FAKE TO RENT, Ono of tho hest runts I n tbo Cnn tty, im- provements not considered, containing ane bunctr)d acres; boiug i1, tho Township of Vsuoruo, con 1, lot 2:1, within half -mild of the (terporationof Exeter, nil being now In grass. but 7 acres, Aur 21,-1m, L IVcTafiGART, 'OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber oilers for sale his property ;,u William street, of one lot of land, on which is oreoted a storey and a l.alf frame residence. Tore is t 0 There n s a staple o1, the ore - rinses, a quantity of choice young frult•boar- ing trees The house contains six rooms kitchen audwoodahod. Situated near ora*- kot, berms cast', &ppl' to it. ii.'Nsusa r. on the erem1soa. Aug 20. -lm, FARM FOR SALE. The nndersig,nodoffors to rent on reason- able terms, lot S. con 1, township of Biddulph, fronting on London road, 6 miles south of Exeter. one hundred acres of land. There are on the promises good flame house and barn, and good wells of water. Tho farm is in agood state of cuitivatior.. For terms, etc apply to PATRICar G navj*r, a5m1 Iibiva P, O. AVE YOTJ - 1l l Any intention of taking a BUSINESS COURSE THiS SEASON ? xr so, THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, Would like to correspond with you. CATALOGUE FREE. W. WESTERVELT, PRINCIPAL. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child,she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eleotro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and theircharming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted we will send you aBelt and Appliances on a trial. Vor TArc BELS Co., Marshall, Mich. Exeter Music Store PERKINS tit MARTIN. We have constantly on hand a Largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low ns oar, be hadat themanufactories. We would respectfully ask you to call and see our stook. Itis as fine as will be found in any city music store. P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural im pl e STAND t-Fanson's Block, Exeter. SI-1RD SI Flower, Fuld AzTv- Garden Seeds -as- FARMER BROS. J{LY DRIVES Million' At Halt Prwwe. Ladies' Eid Boots..............«51,2 I, allies' Slippers 2'1, Heavy Flannelettes 10 5ltnslirl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dress Goods., , i Fin Suits to Order- . , , .. . ,13.00 Cottonades, 12e. and up. ---:-SUGAR AT COST. -- Choice Groceries and Pure Spice .- Cheap. We five highest price for butter and eggs. DOUPE cSz, CO., Kirktou. New Fall Goods New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints, Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Hid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. rr 4r rr ft CA tt 00 at It tt J. MATHESON HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. HURRAH! TZW Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on tb.e shortest possible notice and in the Latest Stvles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed, W. JOHNS. Having purchased the Stock and busines of Will l'olland, and engaged his services, we are now pre- pared to attend to TINSMITHIN G in all its branches. EAVETROUSIIM A Specialty. J. N. HOWARD The accompanying cut repre- sents the famous Creditors Roark Cart, manufactured by Wm, H, Wenzel and Israel Smith, Credi ton, Ont. This cart has now been in the market for about two years and has met with great success. • The manufacturers claim that it isthe best cart manufactured, both as regards eonven epee and durabil- ity. They have dozens of testi- monials from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms of thein, The workmaosbip and material employed in their con-. c t6 s I Qsrxzo a ra ., e R P. atruction can not be surpassed, and the price is as lo was it consistent therewith. A glance at the cut will show the reader a few a lvantages this cart has over all others, viz -The easy moose of getting in and out; the absence of springs er bars which bring the rider's weight on the shafts so as to sag theta ; the convenience 4 carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy sveath- er, These carts are maonfaetare,l for one or two persona, and finished to suit the par- chaser. Gears faraislie 1 to the trade. .lir %1 enzel also mannf•ectures Waggons, Reggie?, S1>iihs, Etc„ and does all kinds of repairing in these Hues. Mr Smith rune a fi st•elass general blacksmith shop, and guarantees to give satisfae, tion in all kinds of new work, rep tiring, horseshoeing, eta., et^, to whish he gives his personal attention. See eircuiars for further particulars concerning road cart. W. H. WENZEL, Crediton. clot{ ISRAEL S91ITJI, rt BISSETT• BRQS - Fro THE ,. '1:10 .ter ?s The cheapest pla::e in town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges, Looks, Gla.ls, Put. , Paints and Oils. New stock et the celebrated a Qhnston's 1., cgt.ld Paints-Silowy Colors New lines 41 ;1rtiots' Paints and Ilrustes. Barbed, Plaza, Strip. shack and Galvarl,zad Wires cheap for Cash Tinware Stock Complete. Eavetroughing a Specialty, . New Ray 0.1 ,_C ,ii.g 1lacbiues and Needks GIVE CS A CALL $$* ' $*O 4. • IlarreloAr 13looe1 Bitters for tbe I3nrlocic Blood Bitters fir the it" ,,;,i, Burdock Blood Bitters for Clow 1,1 ),31. Burdock lllocd Bitters frr the 141 '1. Burdock I3cco1 hitters for till, 14,0 I. Burdock Blood Bitters for tho b;..;; I. I.ERK'S NOTICE OF THE'( \.° FIII'T Pti,TI\ti ('F VOTERS' LISTS. Voters' l•ists,1"'1.Municipalit • of the T.41,VN SHIP OF BAY, ('a.nnty of Duren. Notnee is hereby g;vin 0811,E I have transmitted or' delivered to the f cr',,ns mentioned, in the ri and 4th sections of "The Voters° hist Act".alto copies rerluired by said 802t10n le be SO trans- mitted ordoiis ere' of the list maie pursuant to said Act of all t'er'ns appearing by the is e r, et' r :r l-� last roit_er�a .e ..m t:tr 11 the n,l nnunic polity to be entitled to vote in said municipal- ity at elections t'or members of Ott Legislative Assembly, and at tnunicil.al elections, and that said list was first posters an at my office in l,urich. on the 7th day of Augu t,1M I, and re- mains therefor inspection Eleet.orsatrecalled '' Mean to examine the said list,and if any orut's- nous or any other errors aro forum]. therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according CO law. Dated this 7th day SAM. J. La1TTA, of August. 1S?1, Cleric of Mlunicipality !a:hina Styles ! 0 0 z 0 THIi BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the beet staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sura �f satisfac- tion ..>.3.5.13NZLEL. 1891. 1891 A FiNE ASSORTMENT -OF- Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Lollar and Cuff Cases. 1lanicures, etc., J. W. E}DWI G Whizz Diel you see our stuck of FINE 1 � � DOTS and: Sia( That we have mit in tho store tate •1..,,r south of the Pest letllee? Now itis worth pow white to giveusa look, We wilt show you through. We have all the Finest Lines of 1. lies' and (lents' Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they are right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoe, something that it is a pleasure to wear, eettne up. 14111 see ours. Ilesides our line line we also carry a largo and well assorted stock of Boys' and Misses' Shoes for school wear. also Mn'es Working Slums and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN 1N PRICE. All our goods arouaranteed good. and as leo wish to build up a TRADE end KEEP 11', rro aro selling CUBA for U 1S1I1 Children's. :Aliens' and Ladies' foo Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all tbo new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a call, lou are welcome. G -EO. MANSON, Western Fair September 17th to 20th, 1891 CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition ESTABLISREO 1868. LARGE INCREASE OE EXHIBITS AF.D ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 was good, but 1501 will be better, 25,000 1N PRIZES Attractions, a c., which are being arrange) for, will surpass any yet produced, Special Excursion Rates on all Railways. Entries close September 12th. For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE President. Secretary. DO YOU WANTTOBUY FUR NITURE AT LOWER RATS THAN 3HA M GOODS -A RE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN CALL AT - IDL 'S -ONLY FIRST -GLASS - Reliable Good At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can gii e Undertaking in all i' Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to 0. et 9. Gidley) ODDFELLOWS'BLOOS