HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-27, Page 1r�
Publisher and Proprietors.
Thhe Entire Revolution
'5 Of Mecliol .e.
All diseases suceesstully treated by a new
system of nenpc ieonoue and tasteless medi,
sines, Sena for free Wok explaining system
and testimonials of tins most remarkable
Ogres ort reeard, An tatters tin :wcred Panne
day received.
Weever:mis Meimage ASSOCIATION 1
tieutleauen,—1 now wide to bear my testi,.
merry to the magic powers of I1ietogenetto
Xedicinos in the cure of lung diseese• three
years ago I ha I a, severe attack of interaaittont
fever, which shook my constitution very ser-
iously, cspeetrally my Iungs. iiver,aud bronchial
tubes, A ,year ago -I took la greppo, which left
tae in:e bad condtttun. I bad a very bad cones
and profuse exueotoratton. Could not deep
for coughing and pain in my tunes, I had night
aweate and other evideneea et a destructive
process going on in my eestetn, A11 t took and
eta. stemming cad liver Olt and other °onsiuup
tiro rentediee.did mo no permanent good. I
finally be?aute discouraged and realized that
consumption would aeon Carry me off unless
mite unused tr'atnnent was brought into use
in my case I got worse and still worse. until
about the middle of Dcectnber last when I
noticed an advertisement in the Toronto News
riving the tvetiniony of alnan named Ilopareft
having been cured of cpnsnntptiort.Ater, the
testimony of another Tomato ,ettiaeu named
Sincleir envoi fat Iwo:retinae with itistosseettio
' •vflr Hear. o'
1 c n. to e. 1) eti . an the
I =cant.,1 r 1t ® t
pmedical examiners of ta
tion, Hewes
swittve atter
a earefu t esamtriatton of any con-
ototton.tEaat lliste;,enetie saleeiciuee
v taken wield o4fetAt $at nnaoraat of
tacsii=easeawl cerypra?.rnaaiyara+Iicatettre, I
asatrarwe'nc.I'at treetutent at oleo 11101 laeg'tn to
gate ennead • when. uufertunatels'. 1 tork a
ave a cold. but persevered with the treatment
stud ryas soon hotter tears usual again. 1 laevo
rapidly improved till my ceugh,expeetorrttion,
Pain and night streets are entirely gone. I
havega:etacd snore sinew oatntatenem the treat-
ment than I had lostdtaring my illaeea (fifteen
1aa3e(rada.a In fact.I it sigh five pounds more
than 1 Imre for Se ars. I am able naaw to foliage
nayy usual ema4 iyme•at all .lay audfeol splendid,
The acttt.a et' these boautifatliyprepared, taste•
less medicines is miraculous stud pommel,
sand they leaven° inturiotr3 effects, I wish an
this testimony to tender my hearty thanks. and
also those of easy awn happy wife, to the tftsto •
genetic Association for the deep interest they
ink in my cage. whish has resulted. through
Clod, in my life being saved when all else failed.
I shall gladly answer any inrtuiries coneeraing
the facts in nay case
Yours truly, TIIQS. WILLIAMS,
iall)Robert St., Toronto.
iistrict of Nipissing.
• ;itattawa, Dee. 27th, 1S1l.
hereon} \ETte Minn "ts a ASSOCIATION :
t;entlenten,—I reeeived your first paellaiio of
medicine two weeks .ago, and have faithfully
uSet it over since, I now wish to bear my testi-
mony to its excelloneeat a remealyfor chronic
diseases. With unqualified joy I declare, that,
during my long years of ill-Imelth I never ex-
perienced such benefit from any remedy1 used.
in the •t r iEMl, thirty years atm, my health
suddenly. •ollaeseii in the shape of violent
tromblin '3. dizziness, norvousuess. having,
fears. groatpalpitation
gli less era. at
runny Kr unal_ f,
heart, depression of spirits, and so unable to
etude' that I had to give up my profession of
teneliing. God only knows what misery I en-
dured in those years. I soon found out that I
was uaying fur some of my youthful follies.
As was natural, I began using all the patent
medicines of the Any' but all to little purpose,
I also consulted "specialists" of every school,
and though some horsed oto up for a time, yot
I was never cured. Under one eourso,1 sornbb-
ed and evashed so much that my skin was nearly
worn through, and it only made mo weaker,
So I went on in a partially broken down c on-
dition lfor years; my intellect blighted, and
manhood marred, which of late years has been
about lost entirely. I had about given up all
hops. when oro day last July, I was reading
the Presbyterian of Toronto, and my oyes
caught the words "complete revolution in
medicine." Ah, thought I perhaps a gracious
God, to whom 1 have been praying for help,
had something for mo here. em read, and saw
two very honest like letters from two ladies in
Toronto. who had been cured of long standing
complaints. I obtained ilio book and not only
read, but studied it. and thought about it as
well as I could at the time, 1 h'td faith to
believe Dr. Jordan's theory to be.the truo one.
And now, having tried the remedy for only two
weeks, I thank Clod that I was ever directed to
it; for I certainly believe it was providential.
I am. so far, filly satisfied with it as a simple,
easy to be taken, safe and effectual remedy. I
felt almost as tared as nny man could wish to
fool. Low spirits all gone, get up in the morn-
ing singing—could sing all day—beginning to
feel that vigor and lightheartedness which
makes life so pleasant, ;My head is splendid.
Oh what comfort I have in reading now. I do
not expcat,'tis true. to bo made into a young
man (being now o5), but I'firmly believe I will
bo cured of my ills after using the remedies
for a leneth of time corresponding to my ago
and to ng standing complaints. The medicines
I had taken in the past were dreadfully strong,
and many a wry face I made in using them,and
always had to increase the :dose- I often felt
myself injured by them otherwise; and no won-
der as I took so much. But not:so this medi-
cine. It is perfectly harmless, o;,orating so
gently and yet with such wonderful effect, as
really to make one wonder,how such a simple
looking, almost tasteless substance could have
such power But it is a builder up of tho poor
broken down body,:and brings joy to many a
hoast. , So I advise all who aro afflicted with
sickness which baffles all the "old schools" not
to allow any unroasonablo predjudioo to hinder
them from giving itheso remedies a fair trial,
and I am sure you will not repent it.
,r.Thisis no "blow merely tohelp the Histoge-
nctic Association, but I am speaking what I
soletvlt,vbelieve to be true concerning myself
so far ftslhave gone, and for the benefit of the
. suffering, for whose aid lbelieve God has raised
up ani Prospered Dr. J. Eugene Jordan.
Tuesday, Sett. 8th.
9.10 a.m. to 5,30 p m.
Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
COCIATION--Rooms 2 and 3 Albion
Block, Richmond Street, London, and 19
Yung Street Market, -Toronto.
.Dfenttott Exeter Times.
Facts are Facts!
And the Fact that McTavish
cK7 Co.'s is the right place to
buy good Goods at low prices
is fast becoming established.
We have no long prices for long
credits; but Cash will go farther
with us than with auy house whicla
does the long credlk trade. No
credit means "No bad debts," "No
big profits"; but mems Fe: mall
profits and quick returns.
We call attention to our sp eeial
o� White a i I
line ''hile �ottonS at �, ,
and I2e., and Guy Cottons at 6a-
kand Sc.
A nice Par a slat 50o,,
woitli 75c., and an Umbrella
Worth $1.00 for 50c.
mg values in Case's & t880
A. J.�r1cTAVI800,
Hills Green,.
Ilium—Miss Bertha Traver ie teething
tlreaemakinp in fieneall.—Mrs H. Smith is
vialtiug the home of Iter girlhood near
Moruington, -?4r Geo Troyer took ht the
eitonraion to Toronto last week,—dies J.
Smith of Exeter is visiting in thin vloinity.
Threshing is the order of the day, --A
number of 'camera have purchased seed
wheat from Mr Peter Cameron. It is the
"Velvet Chaff" variety tiuel yielded forty-
five buahelaper acre. ---Mr Francis Coleman
lase over it thoueaud bushels of wheat
threshed last week,
On 2511t August Mr Jos- Cobblediok'a
hired man was reaping oats and found two
bags continuing the following artio10
tour lady's dresses, ono lady's hat, three
child's dresses, and: numerous articles of
underwear; also two fancy hnndkerohiofe,
ladies sash, a man's coat and two pairs
socks; window curtains, fancy Dards, eto.,all
of which has been handed over to constable
Moladdonof Clandeboye. lTho goods aro
supposed to belong to Miss Bcttin or Us.
borne, the luta identified most of them.
r ,a_•
Bruns—On Monday laat, Mr 11, Cook,,
sola his driver to Mr J. Snell of Exeter to/
the handsome sum of $200.—A number of
our young people spent the evening of last
Thursday at the lake.—Mr H. Willcrt has
begun the work at his new block.—Mr
Brender, clerk in Mr J. Kellerman's store,
spent a few days at home this week.—Dr.
MoLaughliu, who spent a few days in Lon-
don, returned. Dr. Kilpatrick, who offici-
ated during Itis absence, has left again —
Mrs Staniar and her sister, Miss Schneider,
01 Berlin, are at present visiting friends in
our village.—Miss A Etaubua of Heneall
spent Sunday at home.—Mr A. McCormick
moved into his new house on Tuesday last.
—Mr H. Willert, of ;Michigan, is at present
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Bitters—The members of Grace church
have arranged for their annual supper to be
hold Wednesday Sept 2, the ladies of tho
Boston Methodist church are preparing for
their 17th Annual Thank Offering Harvest
Home dinner to bo hold Wednesday Sept
16th 1891: Their annual gatherings have
become institutions of our country and pro-
ductive of much good as they bring families
and friends of the different churches togeth-
er where the hearty abnko of the hand and
the kind words cheer others on in their good
work.—Mies Eliza McPherson of Boston,
Mass„ arrived here last week on a visit to
her many friends,—Miss Sarah Seank re -
tar ned to Detroit last Tuesday.—The band
tanned out last week and serenaded Mr Jas.
I. McPherson, who had been joined in Wed.
lock to Miss Sophia Eggert, by Rev J. E.
Holmen.—W. J, Wilson and family visited
friends in London last week.—May Wilson
has two kittens two weeks old an a they
have not opened their eyes yet.
• Lrediton.
BRimys—Mr Wm. Either, who has been
summering here during the past number of
weeks, has returned to Columbus, Ohio,—
Mr and Mrs Bricker of Mildmay, Ont, are
the guests of of their daughter, Mrs C. Kib-
ler.—Mise Lydia Riley of London is spend-
ing part of her holidays in Crediton, and is
the guest of Mrs S. Link.—Mrs J. Niool,
accompanied by her little boys, are the
guests of Mrs Smith.—Messrs Chas Fritz
and Alt Faust of Zurich, spent Sunday in
town.—Distriot meeting was held in the
Methodist ohnreh here on Monday, which
was attended by several clergymen from
surrounding villages.—Seyeeal farmers in
this vicinity had sown the Canadian Velyet
Chaff wheat which they had received from
the Experimental Farm at Ottawa. The
crop appeared very good and yielded well,
but on examination it was found (in every
case) that fully one-third of the yield was
smut which smelled terribly. Samples
have been returned . to the Experimental
Farm, and itis expected some means can be
adopted to prevent the smut.
Dollar" means simply that Hood's Sarsap-
arilla is the most economical medicine to
bay, because it gives more for the money
than any other preparation. Each bottle
contains 100 doses and will average to last
a month, while other preparations, taken
according to directions, are gone in a week.
Therefore, be sure to get Hood's Sareapar-.
ilia. the best blood purifier.
St, Marys.
Baxr,r's.—Tbc re -building of Knot church
is being rapidly pushed, forward by the eon.
tractors and will be ready for oecupatton
much earlier than was at first expected.—
Mr Johnston, leader of 1aoy church, is to
be commended for the excellent singing at
the Sunday services in that etturoh. He is
an energetic, planing choirmaster and fnrat
clams musician and deserves much more than
mere worda of commendation for his admir-
able services...—,We are pleased to learn that
Mr Wm Litt hag had the Ironer of being
rondo president of the Ontario Veterinary
Aaseciation for the year 1891. Mr Litt is
outs of the eldestmembers of the aesoeiation
and is deservingly popular among his fellow
veterinary surgeons, ilio practice is largo'
but poor health prevented hta powering all
calls made upon bin.---Tlte evidence given
on Tuesday at the trial of hire Carruthera
at Fat Portage was of a highly sensational
character, Dr McDonnell produced the
skull of Carruthers and gave ft as hfa
°pinion that the wound at the back of the
head was the Beat reeeived by the deceased,
and could not have been self-inflicted.
Poplar Hill.
Beulah—Mr. liauyan, of Waodhaut, bas
coreeleted the basement of Mr. D. A. John,
ron'e hare, ---Mr. S. Crawford, of Glendale,
favored tie by a display of the trottiug gnat -
*ties of his fact eolt. Sam says he has
beaten Mr. Pym'e mare, but as it was not
sanctioned by the proper authorities we de.
cline to accept it. We expect a lively time
t i l near future. Mr. Ger-
man of Glendale wall be among the contest-
ants with a young Sir Banner—a colt of
much promise, ---'Moat of the farm Inherent
of thin vieiuity have emigrated to3Sanitoba,
leaving as very scarce at harveat hnnda ;
and al Know' Bros. aro running two throb... -
lug nu obines on their beat, we are kept too
belly to attend to our eporte. But we hope
very soon to neo Measre, Mahlon(' and leaks
son et then posts agaiu, tuning all Aspirants
to tbo honors tot 2.tP, when your oarres-
pondent will always bo pleased to report the
same. --Our outerpriaing neighbor, Mr. Jas.
Brooks, left for Virginia on Timothy, the
20th fust., with a ear load of thoroughbred
Sinop and pigs.
Batmen—Tho rains of Sunday and Mon-
day caused a number of our summer viaitora
to leave for home.—The Model school class
assembles at 9 a.m. an Tuesday,—It is ex-
pected tbnt the Collegiate Institute will be
ready for opening on the statutory day.—
Tho schooner Pinafore brought a onrgo of
salt from fort Frank last week and another
this,—The steamer United Umpire had a
largo number of paseengers on her upward
trip on Saturday.—B. Campion, Q. C , bas
been aerionaly indisposed since returning
from his North Western trip.—The Publio
Sohools re-opon on Monday, with Mr.
Woods. Haat. principal, added to the stuff.—
Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, has boon ap-
pointed to a position in the Crediton public
school.—Jolin'tlobertson, recently of Clin-
ton, will shortly open out in the dry goods
lino in Acheson's old store.—The recent
rains have made everything grow, and sums
say there is danger of potato rot.—Mr.
M. C. Cameron, M. P., was in town on
Monday.—Several plonks parties have visit-
ed the Point Farm the past few days,—
Thete was a dancing party at the British on
Friday.—Fishing, although on the decline,
is still being followed up by the boats that
started in the spring.—The schooner Fore-
man, was in port Monday.—The steamer
City, of Windeor, was in port Friday and
Monday, and landed and took on passengers
on each occasion.
13niers,—Mr John Emery went to the
States last Monday with a carload of horses
—Mr J. J Smale, who has been sojourning
in this vicinity the past month, returned to
California last Tuesday. He was accompa-
nied by Messrs Henry Hogg and Tod.
Roberts of Usborne.—Mrs John Essery was
visiting friends in London last weep,—Mise
Mande Dempsey has secured a situation in
the telephone office in Luoan —The Sunday
school of this place purpose holding their
annual picnic at the lake next Wednesday.
—Mr West Handford is visiting friends in
London Township.—Remember the concert
under the auspices of the foot ball club on
Friday evg.
FOOTBALL—Our football club is awaiting
the tournament at Lucan on fair day. They
do not praotise any but think, nevertheless,
they can do Lucan up,—There appeared in
the Luoau Record an item which did not
please our. boys -very well ; nor did it do
justice to the referee, Mr Smith, of Ailsa
Craig, who refereed the game in a very sat-
isfactory manner. .Heeven favored the
Lucan club in his decisions. And then for
them to go against him because he did not
give them a goal,fe a;triok which no football
olub would do if they were gentlemen. It
is rot for us to say whether the goal Mo-
Gillivray got was a game or not, but just
the same the referee did right. if some of
those Luoan players would take a jump at
themselves—just onoe—they would not take
their defeat to heart so much. We have
nothing against Lucan or the football club,
but what appeared in the Limn paper was
quite unneceseary,
What does "OR" Mean ? It means the
only Reliable Kidney euro evet put on the
market. Pat up by the OR Company, Box
89, Belleville:—ag.6m3
proverb, "what is good for man is good for
his beast" is fully understood by all horse-
men from the turf to the farm, from the
stable to the saddle. Very high author•
ities on the subject of horse and cattle
ailments, concur in the opinion of General
Rufus Ingalls, late Quartermaster -General
U. S. Army, who eaye "St Jacobs Oil is the
best pain -cure we ever used. It conquers
pain." This department has the custody
and treatment of army horses and mules,
and thousands are treated.
lllinard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Nrremar,—Ou Wednesday evg., Miss M:
V. Muir, second daughter of Woe Muir,
Esq., was wedded to W. 0. Weoeoof Wore,
Out., Rev. A. Stewart performed the cere-
mony in the presence of near relatives of
the family. The presents were numerous
BnrE5 t—Mies McCartey,of Clinton, Ont,
arrieed in the oity on Friday night last,
and will spend the next couple of months
with her uncles, Alr 11. Cook, of Sallee,—
Breeden Suit.—Mr and Mra Swaitz rntowt
returning to Clinton aegt week from Gotha.
ride—Mies Lizzie Gorrell, who has held a
position in Lucan tor some time past, has
accepted A cimrlar ane with Robina Bros of
this place. Nista Garret' le a very popular
young lady.—Clinton races will be held on
Friday next and no doubt will be successful
if the weather be tavorabie,—Mr Whitely,
editor of the News -Record, is a caudidato
for the County Clerkship.
Tips B8g011,3 x;z Tlirit°pr t:,. --With ono SX,
eeption, every baker in town had It's bread
oonfis°ated Saturday evening, on mount of
the loaves being abort iu weight. The bread
tvas taken to the town hall. and what was
not Ripe* to the poor was sold and the pro.
eeeds applied to the charity fund. We un-
derstand that the bylaw of our town causes
tate bread only to be seized, and no fine im.
posed. This is wrong. There are many
1 in
people deo p ndt &upon the bakers for their
supply of bread, aim to canoe it to be seizsd
greatly inconveniences the public. Why
not Allow the bakere to divine of their
bread aridius;ead of confiscating it impose
a beery fine? Thia would have just 0.9
strong a tendency to eel -Trees the roguery
as taking away the bread does,
Bniere.—Mr. Andrew Turnbull's barn is
about completed and is one of the best fin-
ished buildings in the township. As the
eantraotore got their own price they took a
pride in doing their work iu a first-class
manner. The basement is built of alone
and brick with corners of drowsed stone from
M. Marys; and the contraotor, Mr, T11os.
IileClougliu, is truly a workman that needs
not to be ashamed: ho is master of his
trade, and any ono who wishes to have a
good stono wall built will make no mistake
and have no regret if they give him the
work. Tbo framers (Powell Bros.) aro
equally deserving of praise for the manner
in which they have dour( their work—not
only at Bir. Turnbull's, but wherever they
have wotked they have given satisfaction
and proved that, though they are compara-
tively young, they are first class meohanius
and can finish a bare or dwelling rinse to
favorably compare with any of their craft.—
Mr. George Godbolt, jr., wanted to got a
horse on his pen mow the other day and a
way to do it was soon devised by his and
other fertile brains. The rope was fastened
to the harness and she was drawn up to the
car and dumped into the mow just as nicely
as you please. Maggio must have felt funny
as she was lifted u -p and n -p and then so
suddenly dropped ; but she will never tell.
—Mr. Janne Clarke has rented his farm to
his brother Thomas and will soon have au
auction Salo to dispose of his stook.—Tho
public sabool was reshingled before reopen-
ing—Farmers have about finished n bounti-
ful harvest.—Miss Wiggins, formerly a
tet e11er here, paid our village a visit.
The bills announcing the coming fall fair
at Zurich are being circulated. The list of
special attractions offered is the largest that
has been presented for a number of years,
Among the number is a tng of war between
a team of ten men from the township of
Stanley and ten from Stephen. The first
prize is twenty dollars, the second ten
dollars. ,Stanley and Stephen, get ready
your pullers and be in Zurich on the 1515
prix.—Mr Fred Seigner, blacksmith of this
place, met with what might have been a
very serious accident on Monday last. Ho
was shoeing a horse when the animal reared
up and threw itself almost on Mr S., who
sustained light injuries about the foot. He
is able to be around, however, and we hope
soon to see him as lively as ever.—Our popu-
lar liveryman, Mr. Henry .Nagel is attend-
ing High Court Demonstration of the A 0.1'
in Woodetock. He was elected a delegate
to represent Court Bismarck, No. 7333, of
this place. Mr. M. is an enthusiast on For
estry and he will no doubt discharge his
duties in Woodstock in his usual efficient
manner.—Master Willis Doichert, son of
Mr. Nicholas Deichert had the misfortune
to fall into a tank of hot water while at
work in Johnston's woollen mfll on Monday.
The injuries received were very severe
about the logs and arms, but not so ser-
ious as to prevent his recovery in a few
1 days.—Mr. Edmond Zeller and his sister
Mre. Appel have returned from their trip to
Montreal.—The Court of Fevieion re the
Hay Swamp drainage by-law will be held
in the town hall, Zurioh, on Saturday next
August 29th, commencing at 10 a, m. As
there are some 60 appeals to be beard this
will mean a busy day for the Council.
Benue.—John Pope spent a couple days
of this week in the neighborhood of Dash-
wood, Mr. P. expecte to do a large trade
in the exporting of plums. His dealings in
cherries in the spring netted him a fair pro
fit,—Our croquet players are spoiling for a
fight. The champions would like to try
conclusions with players of Exeter or any
other town, -0. Mayans has removed his
butcher shop to the old'' stand, Hodgins'
blook.—The Marshall block has been re-
paired ; the work was done by Messrs Mo -
Arthur & 1Bal1.—A now ball of excellent
tone was this week placed on the sohool 1
miles west of this place.—Mr. MoNaughton
who has been in Exeter the past two weeks,
returns to town this week.—The Messrs
MoDonell were in Exeter Wednesday a, in.
attending the marriage of their sister Miss
Alma to Mr. Arthur Bennett, both of that
place•—Dr.' Thomson, who recently opened
an office' here, .is meeting with much suc-
cess. His practice is daily growing.—Mrs.
W R Hodgins returned ea Monday from
Detroit and pointe Ion the St, Clair river.
—Miss Morrison of Seaforth spent a part
of her vacation in Hensail,—Piums promise
to be cheap this year, about 35 Gents a pail.
—Miss Mary Aie3lordie, W. Hoggarth and
Alex. Moir. wero successful in securing 3rd
class certificates at the recent departmental
examinations. They wrote creditably.—T.
Berry who recently went to the Nor'weat is
enjoying improved health, his many friends
will be glad to learn —Mr King's new
store which is being built by Mr. George
ahaBwen, will soon be ready far oecupaney,
--The picnic of the season was that given
an Thursday last by our genial town%than
and enterprising sail mantafeeturer, Mr. G.
Mciwen. It was the annual outing of the
employees of the salt works, and with their
friends and a number of citizens, the party
numbered 7v. Bayfield wag reached at an
early hour and soon the happy erowl was
busily engaged al Inc various amusements
incident to seek occasions, During the day
the occasion was improved by the present.
encu et a handsome gold chain and °barna
to Mr. AMaBwen. Mr. Beek aeted as spokes-
man, and in well•couohed language presents
ed the token to Mr Moleweu, `which only
serves in a slight degree to testify the es-
teem in which he is held, not atone by hie
many employees, but the eitizeus generally.
The recipient, although taken by surprise,
made a feelinsi reply. The day was very
pleasantly spent by all, --Tito Rev. J. 5.
Henderson. of newel Presbyterian church.intends giving, a special netm+'Il to the
children, on Sunday, August .10.11. --It all.
be remembered that rov. Flenrlersnn receiv-
ed a call !MO a Presbyterian congregation
n California,
which he ree
eel. -ed ; the other day he received arati,r men
tnnnieetiou, requesting hint to re consider
the matter ; and if it might he an induce
tient to him. they would hold the vacancy
open for one year. We hive net learned
the rev. gentleman's intention% with regard
to the later proposal.--lIonsal'i is to have a
town bell, cauaiderable tnt.uey having al-
ready been subscribed for its pat-ehase. We
require some system of fire protection infin-
itely more than we do a boll, Vasa thohat
arom sd again: ---T. Ballantyne has returned
tram the 01.1 Country.—Ninety-eight eents
waapaid for wheat on Tuesday ; crowding
the dollar pretty cliaely.—Messrs, Coati,'.
Rennie, and Y' ung'h store is being repaint-
ed 'nettle anti out, and otherwise improved ;
Mr. J. Steaoy is the painter.—Miss Taylor
has returned from a visit to friondo in Lan-
doaboro'.—Thos. Palmer and I?. Roedding
spent Sunday at Niagara.—W. Colwell, the
popular carriage maker. has already this
year sold 32 riga.—
The Seed Wheat Committee of the Dom-
inion !Millers' association at its annual
meeting in Toronto, submitted a very in-
teresting report. The following wheats
wero recommended by the committee :
Whits Canadian Velvet Chaff, weighing
G2,j lbs. to the bush, and yielding 59 bush-
els to tho acre ; White Surprise, 62.1 lbs.
and 63 bushels to the acre ; White Bulgar-
ian and Ramsay, the statistics of these last
not having been taken at the Model Farm,
Rod—Hybrid 'Mediterranean, weighing 641
lbs. to the bush. and yielding 44 bushels to
the acro ; Jones' Winter Fife, weighing
641 lbs, to the bush. and yieidine 56 bush-
els to the acro ; Lougherry Red, statistics
not yet completed. The Millers' Associa-
tion will publish a circular as early as pos-
sible, giving further information regarding
these wheats, and will advise favorably re-
garding the Roger and Manchester varie-
ties as not containing desirable milling
Mrs. Alice Taylor and her daughter
Elizabeth, of Mooreville, came up before
Judge Elliot Saturday on a charge of
larceny and were remanded until Thurs-
day next to permit the defence to secure
the attendance of two witnesses who had
been subpoenaed but failed to appear,
namely ,Tas. Shereden, who is alleged to
have been seen in a buggy with the Taylor
girl on the right of the stripping of firs.
Penwarden's clothesline, and the stealing
of dresses and bread from her neighbor,
Miss Battin, resident of Usborne, and R.
S. Hodgins, storekeeper, of Lucan, who is
said to have bought berries from the Tay-
lor Girl on the night Cronin alleged she
was seen near Usborne. The evidence
tended to show the daughter Elizabeth to
have taken the goods, while her mother
received them and afterwards claimed a
portion of them as her own. The girl was
found guilty on the charge of stealing from
Miss Battin.
The official reports of the Grand Lodge
of Odd Fellows show the order to be in a
flourishing condition. During the year,
the ranks of the order in Ontario were in-
creased by the net addition of 767 mem-
bers, clueing the last six months a net
increase of 506 is shown, leaving the
membership on July 30th, 1891, 18,212.
During the year $71,476,90 was expended
by the lodges in the benevolent purposes
of the order—nearly $10,000 in excess of
the expenditure for similar purposes for
the previous year ; and the record has
been kept up for the past term, nearly
$35,000 having been paid out for relief.
The death rate for the year 1890 was the
heaviest known, viz : 134, or one in each
132 of our membership, and the average
sickness has advanced from two days and
a fraction in 1865 to nearly four and a ha't
days per member in 1890. Since 1856 the
order through its lodges has disbursed for
the different purposes of relief the sum of
$894 350.96.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore
and Swollen Throat, Couggs, ere. Save
X50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
A frog weighing six pounds is on exhibi-
tion in St. Catharines. The capture was
made' at Gainer's pond in Fenwick on
Thursday by John H• Broderick, Louth,
who was catching fish to stook a pond on his
Children Cry for Pitcher's Gastoria
Market Store Exeter,
You will find the best and cheap-
est assortment of prints going, and
they are going to go at our reduced
prices. We have a lot of them
and they must be sold. Call and
get our prices.
Cream, Fawn and Grey Dress
Galls, will be reduced 20 per cent.
Now is your chance Ladles ? bring
the cash and you will get goods at
right prices, depend upon it.
The best stock of Boots
Shoes we ever had has arriv-
ed awl prices lower than
Highest PricesPaid For Trade,
3. P. BOSS.
Fall 1 Fairs
Hensel: haept 15.10
l,::aan� e'.
ra1 .lel
(i:ederica ,.- Sept 16.1`c
Ignition Weet••rn Fair Sept 1;-t6
mitehtlt Sept 43,24
Beebe Sept 2'? -29
Ciint7n . , .. Sent 2S.,7s0
iii -a Craig.... Sept 29•.10
5e'tlfe•rtlt ()et 1-2
Stratford Oet 1.2
South Perth, St Marys.... .. Sep 20.30
l'ito Inde,trial. 'Toronto Sep 9-21
Blanshard, Kirk ton Oet 8-9
Zurich Sept 111a -
C; rats see Sept 29.g0
Rev. Geo. Brown died at Wroxeter
on Tuesday. He was born in Scotland
and had lately been a missionary to
the West Indies.
It is reported that Rev. ,Tohn Gray,
of Kincardine, formerly of Clinton, has
accepted a pall to the new Sarem
Baptist Church,
Itis understood that Sir. A. Seneca',
Superintendent of the Ottawa Govern-
ment Printing Bureau, has resigned,
and that his resignation has been ac-
Mr. Douglas R, Pelly, who lwas such
an important ;witness in the trial of
Birchali, returned to Canada a short
time ago, rnd has settled in Venom.
ver, B. 0.
While Chester Day, of Ingersoll, was
pitching hay on Monday, his leg be-
came entangled in the rope and he was
thrown to the floor ;breaking the leg
below the knee.
Col. Smith, Deputy Sergeant -at -
Arms, Ottawa, has returned from Que-
bec. He was unsuccessful in discover-
ing Hon. !Thos. McGreevy, M. P. for
whose arrest he holds the speaker's
Natural gas was struck at Belleville
on Thursday at a depth of 120 feet.
The blow sent a flame four feet high.
It burned all day, and at night the hole
was plugged. Drilling was resumed
Friday morning,
It is now thought that fully another
month will elapse before Dominion
Parliament will prorogue, and it is pro-
posed to add $500 to the sessional
allowance of Senators and members of
the House of Commons.
G. A. Lawton, of Union, has thresh.
ed 960 bushels of wheat, the product
of 21 acres, being 40 bushels per acre,
and 500 bushels from eleven acres, be-
ing 46 to the acre. The latter was .tied
Clawson wheat,
At last week's cheese itiarket in
Listowel 33 factories sold over $80,000
worth of July cheese, and at Wood-
stock and Ingersoll the same week,
over $100,000 worth was disposed of.
This is quite a sum of money to be
distributed among the farmers in two
districts for July cheese alone.
Some four months ago Nesbit Potter
of the firm of Potter & Finley, Hicks
House, Miteheil, left town without
giving the slightest information to any
person as to where he was going of
when he would return. He purchased
a ticket for Stratford, and there, it is
thought, purchased another for Buffa.
lo. Since then nothing has been heard
of him, and :his friends fear that he
has met with foul play. He ha'i con-
siderable money on him at the time,
and as the house with which he was
connected was and is still doing a very
large business, no reason whatever can
bo assigned for his mysterious dlaap-
pearanee. tie was widely known and
highly respected'
s.w0 e
GENTLEMuN,—I take pleasure in giving
my testimony to your well known MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT, as I feel that it saved
my life. In the winter of 1887 I was at
tacked by a severe pain in my left side
caused by a fall from a building during Um
provi,aus summer. I got relief every time
it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI
MENT and eventualy cured'by the use of
a few bottles. This liniment has made
some wonderful cures.
Sheffield, N Tnoaas WASEO.i,
Cry for Pitcher's Caston'►