HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-20, Page 7..Mall.
Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache,
s(., Toothache,
Sore Throat
Frost Bites, Sprains,
Bruises, Burns, Etc.
Sold by Druggists and dealers evezawlter .
Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions m
1.1 L
an uages..
THE CHARLES A. VOGEIEit CO., Baltimore, i12
• Canadiext Z000t: Toronto, Ont.
Exeter Butci er Stop
Butcher & General Dealer
-----I\' $1,14 ItIND9 7` ••—••
Uasterism supplied TUESDAYS, TUUL
DAYS AND SATUBp;1YS at their resider
The dire route between the West and all
points ontheLower St. Ga'w onremidBale
acs Chaleur,P,roviuco or Quebec; oleo for
NewBrunswiek,Nova tteotia,Prtuee Edward
Car ealrotonIslauds,aud iaewfoundlandand
St. Pierre,
trainaloave b%ntreeland Halifax
daily {Sundays excepted) aud run through
wititeutobaugo between these voila:fin Sat
hours aud w minutes.
The tbraupbexpress traineara of the Da-
tens/andel Itablway aro brilliantly l.^ittetl
by eleatrieity nail heated by steam front tine
locomotive. thus graatly incensing the oom
fort andsafety of travelers.
New and olofaut l,nffotslaoping and day
ear's areruu onthro» l;b oxilrec;strains.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passenger Route.
Passeueere tor (treat Britain or the *mita
neat by leaviug Montt oal ou teridayincening
twill join ontward mailstoanaer at Halifax
on Saturday.
Tboattention ofasbippore isrlirccted totho
superior faoilltles ofreenalby this route for
the trar sport otilou r endgame:ei merchan-
dise ineentiod furthotastoirn Proviueos and
Nowfa ndland • also for sbiamonts of grain
anti produce intetided for tuo 1 au mar.
T1c;;otemay bo obtatundand ititerutetion
about tho onto; aisofreight anti pa newer,
rates araoplication to
1VesternFroight &Passenge Agent
Oa Sent nil mute Block ;York St.To route
Chief Superintendent.
I 'aluay Office, Mouoton, N.B,
Jen lsl -!I
Cures Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst form
Swellings, Erysipelas, inflammation, Frost
7iitost Chapped Hands and all Skin Diseases,
Lumbage, Sciati" ; ltheumatisni. Neuralgia
Teta:lane, Pilins in everyform.
ay all dealers. Wholesale by F. F.Dally &Co
86000.00 n year is being made by John1I
,etwork for us. Head.
you may not make as much, but we can
tench you quickly how to earn from $b so
1010 a day at the start, and more as you go
on. Doth sexes, all ages. In any pert of
America, you can commence at home, gir-
tng all your tbne,or spare moments only 10
the work. All 10 now.' Great pay SURE for
every worker. We start you furnishing
everything. L3
?AIt'I'ICULABS FREE. Address at once,
Cod LiverOil
ophosphites of Lime and Soda.
Re other Emulsion is so
I easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
MVMent&I and Nervous
General Debility, &,_.
of all imitsttker s. Mk for
t "the Ii. f L•" irnli15Lonn, and refuse
on ethers.
Return oithe French Beet --Franco-Prus-
Sian Intrigues with the Sultan.—Gralid
Duke. Alexis in Earls.
The champagne continue
stadt till Tuesday. Then the French fleet
put to sea and no accident has since been re-
ported. Speculations upon the political
scope of this visit are still but speculations.
l hereis, however, something like agreement
in all the capitals concernedthat Admiral
Gervais Itas been on duty not out,/ as Admiral
and Amphitryon, but as diplomatist. They
begin to believe that oven in Berlin, where
the natural scepticism of the Gorman iniad
is reinforced by strong political interest in
disbelief. No doubt, from the beginn-
ing they • believed more than they
said. The unofficial and best -informed
papers hinted thatthe French and Russians
meant business. Then Caine a suggestion
in a paper known to have relations with the
Berlin Foreign Office that France and Russia
had certain interests in common, whether
they signed a treaty or not ; a tetnark quite
in the manner of Lord Salisbury. This was
followed byan admission of the probable
truth of lst week's statement about pre-
Iimfuary negotiations.' Next appeared, in
F"The North German Gazette," a semi-
official paper, a rather
of the le subject,
inspired lit' some high
personage, who plainly believes In the axis.
fence of an understanding between Fran•>o
and Russia,
Muck is still said of Franco-Russian in
triguea to induce the Sultan to depose the
Khedive. Sir .lames Forgusson's tteuial
makes no impression abroad. The author
of the ftt'at dispatch on this subject make;
the obvious remark that the ` oltan wan site son ht to at awe from the tttrmotlancl
not have taken tho English Foreign Office hustle of the el� Andythat indneetl at tog More than fifteen years ago Jack Marion g 'l'i'e II1 tl"t'$If�tlstl tviSFles to inform time 1 4tlpli( in general that he
into hiseanildoenaliad lloanysuch intention, y ` and a man named Cameron set. nut together
The litre taken in France is si ntflcallt decade upon Na greatest
testa Iter villa was (leiwagonona r' i lire 5 i;onstltitl\' ill stock all kinds of
g ro1'atetl icko eke a d bri -ultra awl was o ell . the Blue River, hu� r 1p �� atr r, ;�ej, sc`A few
enough. The best journals 'tore lose their with knicknacks and brfc•a•hti . of all sorts,
beetle when Egypt fs mentioned, and their ll 11 the other dainty ac s • ' s 'hays later the su'apased hotly of Cameron 1
not Russia but England is his most
it �, � � � a i �� ������(��;�j �a�j��', �+„�,k,
Latest Fienek Sensation.
. A13'rench correspondent writes :--Francs ` '
has an occasional sensation, it is true, but ~`:— visa,
the one that is now agitating the beautiful
old city of Nancy and the surrounding. = . - -- ----
country, it is generally admitted, has few it �yOULD not be Joins Justice tattle i ted'( I medicine that had IAtsD MY urn—that had
any parallels in the history of the country°, Withheld a statement of my exile
unless one exception is made in favour of Jaundice,andhow I Was contpnsy a cu.
those occasional fantastic stories which Jaundlrop ea Lyittan's completely
bee IP
modern leaves,
romancers are fond of putting be. No one ran tell what I suffered for kine
ow$ ar takenak byh afterwards, imams. third of which I was confined tom bed, -with the a .. v -
fn yellow, are es the public as facts, y
lien. medical skint, could obtain in the 1ity fry lap to v #e ° r.,�- *?.s
re this instance,tts there are four tomb stones, remove my of (*.tion, but Without out even , .d11lp M9*. a ,vim J��
the passing away of fats young so �,� ,a �, �J
lives, which stand as slum warrants of the, temporary relict- Sly berme was net
that ft °•rs �„
this story. For Painfulforr*.tosai?., Icouldnotbeara.lyclotllOb ^M
testimonyand truth 3 � " , -'`--•f ` �'�-T *�
t' htaroundroe, mybowel; only o _rsead when tak• , - �
some Mime past, in a suburb of the city in � y p'
question, in nue of the most beautiful villas tug purgative medicines,. my apn.r:te 1a$ zone,
imaginable, surrounded v.•ith magnificent rothinr-Mould retrain en my stomach,a..dmyeyes
grounds, carefully tended lawns, and pret- a .d hotly were as pilaw r s a guinea, When en 1 yen.
tilt' laid out gardens, there lived a lovely tined onthesL...tit. :d irtuna.t' 1 xth.
woman. Her reputation for beauty, grace, arepu?sivefe :g1, ta_pse • F>. Thor: i••, .,:d
wit, and charm were long knower and were (::ere war,sac t, tar lee. I made rip, nes raaa tsc .e,
asLITZ IAP IC,.re»; ITS cranes. taste day a iii:t.d
c 'sal to se n.a and c : ised me to try 10:: a &
r r.a's 'ter 'l le Dacevery. I thereat it tile_ / %La `'"g"".41'114:,,-.
;la cc::3rt,,tctuan.:,r,:.atiathr t^a ci trill, ]' "S:4'n,
I ` ca1"C: ,irate i -1.,. fur at eeIe.e- sib J
cl_ itc :s. tr.. t,, I I , x I.1.,t.`.° incl, .-....«
_m ehc _+ 2 it ;.. ': to :c9•. d:- duos. o n' :t re- est. 'MEM I 63101nCi'e44 taking r'•'e Ole.
not call for any special Mean," and (nay s •cr £ ea astam et t':: t:i:r
be readily passed over, so that you may come to . Despair gave tii !Katie t 1721 -Its o . tl icer a of a
to and a I. s.t a- 1 '- a.rg the cl:re� -
Iiotr e. -s t: :.. o#im�$at ti'
F: C a
• T
t to yt[
.-, Mae netxltor�
r .d the flits 1..t-�c- ..•ten 1•-•i uo tart r
..iii e x the— a' c t a my tystem every restiga of the w. list type of
rience with stored tar to htalth--ns I was radically cured. 'I'i ..,.Ltl , and A dote $ Iaciteve there- is tt ease
sal byusing natural color tad rep';teed the dingy yellow, 3 co:.-.. or Jasnd:cc, Liver coal/debit or Di :most*
iscovcry. eat three meals a day, in fact the tro:.:-",e raw ;: • <c (,sat it exits not tare_ { Toronto.
weeks,. one �,,,:>a-�,,— .,r, ,mr•r,r.�• p ..
widely sunt; throughout the country by
many admirers. site was Marie Renee, the
(laughter of a wealthy land proprietor who.
comes from. the department of Isere. 'Marie
was born in one of the pretty suburbs of
Grenoble, and her childhood, whioh no
doubt resembled that of other elfin: en, does
'flit e la1ratod axsd ::ao is a compo ad extracted
ta ircite tae ael1 tm:diciera barks, roots and bar l9. Ii
is the preduetien of many Soars' study, user rib and
investigation. It pcsse—es prokerti s barfly vege-
tabs, chemically end sckn le al:;* c•; .,ar i,. It fa
Nature's T.en:edy. It is perieet ; hMnriass end
free from any bad effect upon the sy et on. Itis near.
Sliming and r'-ralthcuiog; it acts directly wort the
blccd,and every part out the a .tire body. It
quietathenerrcresyste.n; it gi.ss you good, s .'est
,.sp at ,f t It is a grcat para. ca tor our .aged
lathers and mothers, foritgivrrtheca strespih,ttri ett
ria ar terms, end gives there I at eros erect as
J as be sn proved by saa:ly e s aged person. It Le the
t day to fiat. i t ver; me we:,,itt ' •a of y 13',; 1.. , when i Li`.eited Great Dteoil Furriers It 5$ a Eoot°:ilea remedy
stoliop.•,�ti,e :..ni teas. r . about for our children. Its veearidcures tlldsea sod
•.cntcut tar- half : pound per day, andI never felt tartariaifey the blood. Give it a fair trial for aver se pi•*i4a
ee;c uutx I tact life. No one can tell liow thanktal I wafer t,l:>ttxis then you will say to Tour tris -.»r, rte a
v:tnderfulxacda"l:lehasdonefcrtre. It Ma atvluatutatlees:"TI•yit;Ithas eur time `""
its Iter career, when five years ago she blas, I'
soured forth as a den,imontlaine de prentier
oritre, for which nature had So bountifully ; " '"'"ff nit
endowed her, and, naturally. enough, she
made her headquarters in Paris. Thereehe
met a young fellow just out of college, the
possessor of unlimited menus and the sir. of
Id a General iu the Preach army, With hill _X ER
HANGED AN tTROC 8NT Marl, ` � ) ,
Tice 1iudii-g ot"l'srnlrrurr, supposed to Slate , .
Wen 3lnrdr red �'Iftet% Wears ago.
danger -
present effort is to persuade the Sultan that
cis arse. etas found in time lineR.iser, and when it
ton rite couple lives,
Its tie cls 11 I Q t can
whioh wealth Slate can n -Ovide. 1.11ere for ! was tliseoveretl that Marion hail been seen
to soetuliyf bliss. ,trill t arncran s te,wt and •no.'s in his las- PnQSa ea., O ` cl.res tad-
otls anemia But one matninir altltou �lte,aetl what led t f; 1 ! ,
Grand Duke Alexia of Russia arrived in tz i ly i 1 ses..iurt, lie NM snspect(I t murdering
to the rouble h asuor er l ^en told, the lot v ' , until t ' ,
Paris early this morning. An elaborate de• t of ilio t,eneral s soil ttas•tutnc1 lvingorttsbtl•o comp:mien. He was not apprehendedt i
iuottstratiollln his honor has been art:,nr a:i, : tent rani afterward, and eHS Weil several SIIIN LES - lSPECIA,LITY
of qre 'ate of the villa f c tl b 11
for this afternoon at the Tuileries. His re g •' 1• time a busily a iet.ted in Mamie
it 1`1R„
pointed to tite fact that it was a ease of
suicide, and the poor fellow was hurled
without any particular Inquiry being made
into the cause. In spite of their intinatcy,
however, it was noticed that the sad in,•
dent did not scent to affect in any wa,, the
eareOI• of the [soy demimondaine, for within
a week she was carrying on with another
young saran, ecat'eely :!,i years of age, Owen
eupie y. arm. • Daly
ceptien was to have been trade the occas
of a popular demonstration last night, aud
a number of buildings had been decorated
in the Duke's honor.
When he arrive;, this morning he was re-
cognized at the station, itotivcs er, and as 114'
stepped from the traiu he was greeted with
shouts of "Vivo le Grand Duke Alexis 1"
eL Vire le Czar !" " %lye la Russia i"
The reports from *s Parts ether suurresltl atent rite of to til firmsl er a ,gontieted; of Iart;e prop1 bi t tt°ho lama
P in the immediate seaway, lairs young man
Duke Alexis pastpouetl itis visit to. that city was independent of his father, for he Kati a
in order to avoir. a public demonstration. great deal of money in his own right. 'heir
teenage did not last long, however, for it
was scarcely six weeks from the time they
had fast conte together when itis body was
one day found in a field
Warn Itis Tit I;OAT atm
The evideneV winch tris brought tor wart
ii PLIS tad Oe( fid' 511111...1 s 11 Itii 111
ion William 11� ymort an uncle of Marius has l 00 00() attd .
The correspondent adds that the explaua,
tion of this may be that Russia wishes to
show Germany that she is not so fully oom-
witted to a French alliance but that a suit-
able bid from Germany would be listened
Country Girls in the City.
"I have hearts country girls talk of Coma
ing to the city for employment," says a lady
writer, " and they have given as one reason
that they wanted, more social life. Well,
that is just what they will not get. The
woman of business isnot a woman of leisure,
and has no time for society, Site will find
1 if inhome, even if she be a
more socia life her h r
worker, than she could ever Itav o in the city,
and there is no lonesomeness marc absolute
than the loneliness of a strnuger in a crowd.
Salaries aro not large enough to permit of
such relaxation in the way of recreation, and
after the day's work is aver ono is too tired
to go in search of enjoyment.
"Ittthe country home, in these days, the
darty paper and magazines came, so that
one may keep in touch with the world,
even if she he at one aide of the bustle and
confusion of city life, The fashinn article
tells her ]tow to dress hos hair and make
her gown ; gives her the latest notion in
smalltoilet details.
Few towns are so small that they have
no public library, where all the now books
tomo ; anti the lecture and concert are not
infrequent in visits. Railways anti tele-
graphs have brought the corners of the
earth together, so that ane is never far from
the centre of things. There is occupation,
too, for the girls who stay at home, and
particularly those who stay in the country.
Do not go to the cities in search of employ-
ment, as you will be doomed to dii.3appoint-
S Ms Tinto Oh France.
• The new French tariff is already begin-
ning to hurt in England and a number of
manufacturers have petitioned the British
Government to take some action to secure
the modification of that provision in the
French tariff which requires manufacturers
importing machinery to accompany each
machine with a complete list of the parts,
in order to enable the imposition of an in-
creased tariff for incomplete parts. The
Government ishelpless to do anything for
the British manufacturers in the matter,
but there is a strong movement, to which
the Government bas virtually given assent,
forthe imposition by England of an increased
duty oil French brandy, which is largely
imported to England, the object being re-
taliation for the virtual prohibition of many
English products by the new French tariff.
Eight Years Without Speaking,
An inoident in the career of a coachman
has startled the community of Breitzen, in
Germany. Eight years ago when a tat-
terdemalion, homeless, and dumb orphan
this man was rescued from the streets. He
was educated in a college for the .deaf and
dumb. His unfortunate condition enlisted
much sympathy. A situation as a coachman
was obtained for him, and he was deemed a
trustworthy servant. But one day he was
sent to cash a cheque, and both money and
servant disappeared. He was apprehended,
and at the recent - sitting of the criminal
tribunal was sentenced to six months, m.
prisonlnent. The feeling of sympa ,ht' in
the crowded court was soon - changed to
amazement on the defendan* prooeeding to
address the Bench. $c' ;nerited his disgrace
he said. Eight 9aa'rs ago he had assumed
from dire nenegity the infirmity of being
dumb. IIe '-„ vas led to persevere in the fraud
from fe'.r of injury to the college in which
he N item received so much sympathy, and had
pent so many happy days ill his enforced
from ear to ear within less than a
milo from the residence of the lady. No
question seemed to Have been asked as to
how be died, anti it was admitted to he a
clear ease of aucide; for the young lean bad
left letters in whioh he said he regretted the
net he bad taken, but it was thought re-
m trkablu that there was not a single word
of reproach against the woman who was
genecall • supposed to have driven bint to
•s Sal -
his I ngroom )u a ,
r �t
fatted a as 1 t te..sl ( Lord al
1 is < e;ti�1. She, however, o£essed the Ii
t i p ippahney's entering rather suddenly for the
that lua
liegesgveree of twaeiting to do hoIns mage to loin in
accordance with time-honored custom, he
was startled to find the newly crowned uncle
of (,(teen Victoria. striding up and down the
room fanning himself with a huge palm leaf,
and in a state of absolute dishabille. Lord
Salisbury—and his son, the present Premier,
vouches for the truth of the story --declared
that the monarch, although divested of the
remainder of Itis attire, had retained the
crown upon his head, Dither through absence
of mind or perhaps in consequence of an ap-
ptehensiun that he might when undressed
be mistaken for an ordinary man.
always believed the latter ituateent, and has stock. A call solicited and gatt1SfaLt4t1o11 *gl1ttiir}tat.fw,t 't�,1.11et1.
.7.11.V.17.115 YFt , 1I
- at length proved it by finding + scnter'on.dive .
In La ('rose, Kau,
c' oweron went immediately to 1 Mt situ and
• thence to Alaska, after lasing Marion o..
tho bank'( of the Blue River, and returned
fmtn Alaska only aear ago. fearing of
Marion's execution glen for the fir -t time,
• and, fearing that be was amendable to the
t law, he eoneealed his idcutity, but rem sire
i cause.' him to reveal it. He is fully ideuti-
t tied.
Stuck to His Crown.
1p1 LEN' LUNG .�:AL AI 1
CS 0.� RS Pea �L G+ri
NO L:ln'i T E. i Rl~F1 )Y FOR
Tho ?(Marquis de Frontnliae relates this
story in the New York Iteroraer: The late
Lord Salisbury, father of the present mar.
quits of that ilk, was one of the lords-lit-�- y - (� cw
waiting of King William VL at the time of
;� 4.l iY L i O r -1 .�M ` .^ 0.
ids coronation. The weight of the ermine -
lined robe was enormous, end intend the
j portly and e00entria monarch to entree tor.
ribly from the heat and fatigue. After the
' principal pertion of the tedious eerenlnuy
' was over the king retired for an 'tour's re-
pose to a room within tilt Westminster Ale
boy precincts which had been temporarily
she was a'bsoiutely ignorant of the eirc'tna-
stauees which led to the deed, and aclsled,
as if to prove her statement, that when she
parted from hill the night'before ho was in
the happiest frame of mind possible, and
from no word that he uttered had she the
remotest suspicion that he would take his
own lite, and that when next site looked
upon hire she would only see him pale in
death, and unable to reply to her endear-
ments. He was laid to rest, and another
mound was added to the eemetery of Nancy.
After this event Marie repaired to Paris for
about a month and then returned to Nancy,
taking up her residence in a beautiful villa
just without the city. Within two months it
was remarked that she had formed an inti-
macy with another young man, this time a
captain in a line regiment stationed at
Nancy. He was haudsomo, rich, and mach
courted, belonged to art excellent family,
and bore a good reputation.
It is thought that Hai alien will have an
encampment of 10,000 Atriat'clis Militant
on the occasion of next summer's carnival.
The City Council of St. Thomas has pass-
ed a by-law to compel grocers -to close their
places of business every evening except an
now some menthe ago, the inhabitants of i Saturday at seven o'clock,
Nalioy were startled and shocked to hear s,sti, ��•.
that his body had been found fleeting in the
river. Hero was another clear ease of
suicide without any explanation why the
crime was committed. Again the young
woman was rigorously questioned, but was
either unable or unwilling to give the slight-
est reason why the young captain should
have committed the fatal act. For a time
there was a storm of disapproval all through
the town, Marie Renee was shunned by
everyone, and it was in the face of this
public disapproval that she had come to
Paris, where until lately she had remained
in obscurity. About six weeks ago she :re-
turned to Nancy and reopened the villa with
a great fete, to which, in spite of the shadow
overhanging her, all the young men in the
neighbourhood flocked. Within a few days
she became known, and her beautiful eyes
won to her side a bright young fellow, Albin
Gaston de Marcs by name, belonging to one
of the most distinguished families in the
country, who was preparing to enter the
military school of Cyr, and who iuthe mean-
time was serving in the 2.6th Regiment of
the line, then in garrison at Nancy. His
friends disuaded him as far as possible from
this connection, but with no effect, for the
fellow was madly in love with the girl, and
she appeared to be devoted to him. You
may imagine the sensation that -
How difficult it is to get men to believe.
that any other man can or does act from
disinterestedness. —[B. R. Hayden.
Contentisthe best opulence, beoause itis
the pleasantest anti the sorest. The.riehest
man is he who does not want that .which is
wanting to him ; the poorest is the miser,
who wants that which he has. --[Paul Chat-
of Nancy when you hear that Monday last
the dead body of De Marco was found daiig-
ling from the branch of a tree in the garden
of the villa belonging to Marie. The inquest
developed the usual condition of affairs.
There was a long, penitent, heart -broken
letter from the suicide to his family, but not
ane word of explanation why he killed him-
self nor one word of reproach et condemna-
tion for the woman he had been living with.
Your correspondent has it from the bps of a
gentleman who was present when the young
man's body was cut clown that tears were
streaming from Marie's beautiful eyes, and
grief was written on every exquisitefeature.
She kissed the dead man's face and implored
hint to return to life. " Very sad indeed,"
I ventured to say. " Yes, so sad," replied
my friend, "that I saw her the same even-
ing—Monday night—sitting in a e•1fe sipt-
pingabsintheanct shush '„•+yly Irii1:;W4•
other young man . a lieu tsmolt nl ti. • :met
regiment which the 013 (71 '2 .t :rte 1).. '•i ice
had belonged. to - I cou'rI not. 12 Op wonder
ing how soon this poor you i•gfelie p s trains
might' be scattered over the velvet carpet of.
Renee's boudoir." It is impossible to tell
you the effect this story created in Nancy
and throughout the.-surrouuding country,
No explanation whatever. can be given for
action of these meta
The Safest
A ND most powerful alterative is
1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Young and
old are alike benefited by its use. For
-,. the ernptive d]s-
eases peculiar to
-- 4— children nothing
else is so effective
as this medicine;
while its agnea -
ea bee flavor makes
its easy to admin-
' later.
"My little boy
had large scrofu-
lous ulcers on his
neck and throat
l from which he
= suffered terribly.
Two physicians
attended him, but he grew continually
worse under their care, and everybody
expected he would die. I had heard of
the remarkable cures effected by Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, knd decided to have my
boy try it. Shortly after he began to
take this medicine, the ulcers com-
menced ]sealing, and, after using several
bottles, be was entirely cured. He is
now as healthy and strong as any boy
of his age."—William F. Dougherty,
Hampton, Va.
"In May last, my youngest child,
fourteen months old, began to have sores
gather on its head and body. We ap-
plied various simale remedies without
avail. The sores increased in number
and discharged copiously. A physician
was called, but the sores continued to
multiply until in a few months they
nearly covered the child's head and body.
At last we began the use of Ayers Sar-
saparilla. In a few days a marked
Change for the better was manifest. The
Sores assumed a more healthy condition,.
the discharges were gradually dimin-
ished, and finally ceased altogether.
The child is livelier, Its skin is fresher,
and its appetite better than we have ob-
served for moritbs."—Frank M. Griffin,
Long Point, Texas.
" The formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla
presents,for-chronic diseases of almost
every kind, the best remedy known to
the medical world."—D. M. VDilson,
H. D., Wiggs, Arkansas.
Ayer A Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J, 0. Ayer &. 00., Lo'+vr11, Masi,
&ricc 8i ; , >. as .Toru bi a bottle.
7101.7.0.t O.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in the fano vin;
14.1 •car -
nod, Mrigine
S Molt C "•-1.n.
ELt,x elr a
For Sale By BISSETT BROS, Exeter, Ont.
• oe :THE
Is need both internally and externally.
It sots quietly, affording almost instant
relief from the severest pain.
fn Canadian Cholera and Bowel
Complaints its effect Is magical.
It cures in avery short time.
oar Beware or Counterfeits and Imitations.
•Se4" ow
�• wet
oar waswlS 0ro11��o`o�ro>e ties°
S is 6° 9,0oe
ik3" tie ae
\* a ac' e4
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�` T �tgea� d'� yte °� 0+ �ylelti�p� s° glc> >Le
ti° i c,0* gets •+pt° °t c •v+� o^ea w`3
se��� •S°� d4ase \.,„as e� ooa4.19 ti e
a' c9 ..o
gg- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots.
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious,
11.101•1110111, SISMESa.MNINIONI
” There are no flies on me," said the board-
ing house steak. -
No, replied the boarding house butter,
" flies (could starve to death while they
were trying to get thea teeth through
" But look at the flies on you !" retorted.
the steak. " Why don't you run away from
them? I'm sure you are strong enough:"
A medical journal asserts that the applies
tion of hot water will prevent fainting
That's it exactly. Die explains why men
seldom. faint. .Their wives keep,theinin hot
Murdered a Man 110 Years Old.
Near Szegedin, Hungary, a farmer110
years old was murdered by his servant. His
body was discovered on the rails, and as the
physician saw wounds which could not have
resulted from being run over by a train an
investigation was ordered. This proved
that the servant had the wife of the termer
as an accomplice when he committed. the
deed, and that she bad helped him to
remove the body to the rails, from which
blood marks- led to the house, and these led
the detection of tho murderers.
•-.-eras...aan sofa -man....'.-•---•'
s The barber is not always understood. He
i talks over the people's heads