HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-11-22, Page 1212 The Goderich Signal: -Star, Thursday, November, 19621 55th Anniversary of; We11.Kow Couple • Mr. and Mrs. George Join now an honorary deacon. Mr: ston, a"pair of the most higLiy • .iohnston taught Sunday school regarded -citizens of God rich, .or mora_ than 4,5 years and ni,, quietly observed their 55 n • always taken an active mini e .t wedding anniversary at then .n tiro work .ot the Dtircas"acci home, 53 -Stanley street, Muir Mission groups of • the church.' day, and this Friday will be th,' zind -is a member of the bo rd centre of a family- gathering u: of management. Although • Tier- Dunlop Inn when th'u .aking quite as active a. pj• 1 6-- sons and their fail -lilies w,ll ..s -formerly, Mrs. Johnston' 1. - gather to do thane honor tains a lively 'interest in - tn. Although Mr. .'ohnston is ::i do.ng, of the Horticultural .qtr his 91st year, and Airs. ,lohnstur ciety. as both. a:e very to in somewhat younger, both :ire ot flowers and gardening . hale and bright, and welcom.tt the Signal -Star w r i1>ort-r Keen AtI fete warmth` and good humor when • keen athlete in his y oun.; he called the other rias. er days, Mr. Johnston was ..member of the fanned Huron Young In Heart .Lacrosse Club and cherishes a Their attractive personalities group picture taken of the team seem to take no undue. notice.. in_ 1907. The photo of the Hut. - of the years, and as Mrs. Johtt 'on stalwarts includes the la_ E stun remarked,,"you're as young : William Johnston, a brothe>•, as you- feel," and indicated thin' ' and also William Doak ot Uodt neither of them makes any bur- rich, the only other surv'i of den of age. !from that group. Many Goderich and. district Mk. Johnston recalled with residents are aware of the' great ' smile.that the Huron team play - contributions to the welfare of - ed a special exhibition game, the town these people have, with a team of Indians from made through their devotion Walpole Island. He' recalls tliat to the Baptist Church and its they were "pretty good players- - work, as well as the Children's but did not saywho won Aid Society which Mrs. John-', , ,stop has served as a memb'r ! Maintains Interest of the board for the past 15 Mr. Johnston, himself a keen years. 'hunter and fisherman for mai;, The Wedding years, still takes a lively inter - Fifty live years ago, at tilt ost in such things and. follows bride's home in Inverness, \le th•e "exploits of the members of antic County, 'Quebec, the la;e'his family in this field. Evident • Rev. Daniel Slick united in inai • ly the Johnston boys don't for- �, riage Bertha Main Mooney. i set this, because their father - daughter of Henry R. Mooned scan still speak appreciatively ' i • and Flora. Artn McKillop.,with a recent roasts of venison and;.. G.eor a;lil9'4 ort _>,u� a wttQse _..heat that, -same Lo t,h ,:i..� ,•>r+sr*x•rm+'a:r �:xt t 1 �-.. ,.F4C�a. ,r..-��• M. s,. . �.. ,v,,.. r..,. +..,,.... :�.,�...-.. 1p of Goderich Township. The OnLarro. Mr, ohnston has tray- • Yale 3,•". a _- ` .� `q' „�iIE? .-32:"+,-••� `b - to Goderich w ht>r , he was the north country and recalls witIiT proprietor of a furniture- husi•- pleasure the days spent in gess and funeral home at th- the bush' not far from Tim - location now occupied by h:,' mins and other good hunting ; C. Rivett. areas, They have thi in' sons, Archiel Best ()Wishes and William of Goderich, and; - The Signal -Star joins with Douglas of London. fourth tit their many friends and ad-ini-rcrs i, - .on, Capt" Kel.>o Johnston, dtk.s.d l in congratulations on their 55th' • in Holland during World War' wedding anniversary, and • in lf,. as apayniaster with the ! wishes for continued health! Grey ''''and Sintco, For,-strl'!, 'and Happiness - for a long time I to come. There. are niner•andchilcIriui. - - ,i it:r. Johnston has been a d.ea-; -� — — — - - t:d.'i o` tit2 3apti,t Church here'; fpr min-•, many years, and is DOG''p000 Signal Star Want Ads Brine Fast Results' • ALL PRICES SH . WN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1962 HPIE AS OVEN FRESH IT! JANE PARKER CAN BAKE PUMPKIN PIE LARGE 24 -OZ PIE ARGARINE , Combine your - home-grown grains with NATIONAL* HOG CONCENTRATE. the fresh mix with the meat meal base! , Want to raise the perkiest pigs in the province? Then feed , 'em your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with National, Hog Concentrate! It's rich in meat meal protein, so -that it forms a perfect nutritional balance with the vegetable,i5ro- teirt you supply! . m . Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy right here at the mill , '.. using National Concentrate, of course. P.S. New from National ... a completely minced Pig Starter!• Mk about it! r a •A F►RODUCT OF -- CANADIAN INDUST.iRIES'.LIMITED SON FRICH, ONTARIO REG PRICE 55c SAVE fOc - Jane F. • Rea. Price each 59c-, SSAVE 20c ANGEL CAKE each 3 9C Ja-c F�r:--r r",W!1ole'W`:e3t Reg. loaf 22c=SAVE 7c BREAD SANDWICH 2 24 -oz loaves 37c • Frozen Food Features! Fancy p.j.;t.ty Kernel .Reg. Price bag 49c --SAVE 1Oc A&P CORN 2 -Ib poly bag 3 9c d Reg. price pkgs 39c—SAVE 4c Sou • :: r,d C .,.,Y� t0 oz pkgs 3 5c BROCCOLI Pricepkg59c—SAVE 4c Per -y Wisc.- • of o �, Cal Reg. STEAKETTES i ►b pkg 5 5c G FOOD Fresh Fruits and Vegetabies 1 BANANAS Golden Yellow, No. 1 Grade Valencia, No. 1 Grade, Size 150's RANGEs doz5 Ontario, CoI'd Storage Stock, Fancy Grade, ->Mclntosh PPLE� 3,;1b cello bag Florida, New Crop, No. 1 Grade CELERY HEARTS Arizona, New Crop, No; 1 Grade, -LETTUCE FIRM HEADS California, No. 1 Grade, Firm, Green BRUSSELS SPROUTS bd1 19� each 1 d lb 2 5',c , Extra , Specials! Ann Page Reg. Price 2 btls 39c—SAVE 4c KETCHUP 211;fI.ozbtls3 Sc Campbal.l''s Reg. Price 3 tins 37c—SAVE 2c TOMAJQ.SOIJP.:, 1b•fl•oz tins 35c.., Variet;es • - '' Reg. Price tin 276 --SAVE 9e ANN - :PAGE 'BEANS 228ortns45 c Marvel (Assorted t=lavnurt)* • •_ Reg. Price pint 25c—SAVE 6c Jane Parker POTATO C Oftristle** .Ca►thiai106,. P« pint brick 1 9c f#eg., Price 'box 59c --SAVE 10c IPS11-ozbox 49c ,, w pkg -E gc R'eg. Prte {i 27C—,SAVE 4 8 -et pkgs 99c Rea.Price 3 :tins 46c—SAVE lc lis-fi-oz tins 1.00 ROSE BRAND Reg. Price 4 lbs 99c ,SAVE 10c .> 41 -Ib pkgs 89c DOMESTIC (3c OFF DEAL) tr- CHUM (2c OFF DEAL) Reg. Price 4 tins 43c SAVE 9c DELICIOUS LUNCHEON MEAT Reg. Price tin 51c SAVE 13c ' TENDERFLAKE Reg. Price Ib 21c SAVE 2c yy . O15_ortins 9, 2 12 -oz tins 89, 1 -Ib pkg 19, CANADALS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF PORTERHOUSE, . SIRLOIN, Ib WING E -RIB Freshly Ground, All Beef Hamburg ROAST Short Cut Choice IbQuality, SlicedMINCED. BEEF 47c PORK LIVER Ib 33c 'MAPLE LEAF` PRODUCTS AT A&P! t a Cmoked, ' WIENERS 1 -Ib cello pkg 49c moked,�Rindless SIDE B-ACON PORK SAUSAGE BEEF. BOLOGNA QOKED HAM 6 <•,ks59c 1 -Ib pkg' 9c 1 -Ib pkg 53c t-Ibpkg 39c Choice Quality, Sliced CHICKEN LIVER lb Schneider's Pork HEADCHEESE 12-6 «n 39c Sea Seatd, Ocean _ PERCH :FILLETS Cooked (Heat & Serve) COD PORTIONS Rindlees Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, SIDE BACON 1 -Ib pkg 33c 649c 2 -Ib pkg . 19°1' • mo Stock Up Dilthig'A&P's unned food Sale! CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tins 37c --SAVE '12c CORNCREAM 5TYL 6 20 fl•oz tins 919c CASE OF - 24 TINS $3.96' — i ._ , Ann Page Cteeamy Reg. Price jar 37c—SAVE 4c PEANUT BUTTER 16-f1-oz�jar 3 3c ."''lona' (Co:sur & Pectin Addod).Reg. Price jar 47c=8AVB 4a STRAWBERRY- JAM 24 -11 -oz iar'43 SI Reg. Price jar-27e.—SAVE 20 SAVE 48c Y" McLAREN'S DILLS 15 -fl -oz jar 2 5c It,. %lee'• ,Off . -Deal ,,r t,,•.�,,,,,,• '—',/,',',,,., , ' . Rc,, a""Perla 95o --•S E 16 AV a INSTANT TODDY , 2-I6 tin 79C �Vccgetaate Reg. Price tin 43c—SAVE 4c c" 8 JUICE 4841 -oz tin 9c Cert Reg. Price pkg 27o—SAVE 2c .. WHEAT CHER ,2-cz pkg.2 St .. •TO•b c . PRUNES: 2-1b pkg.5 Sc , E .. 13 -_ _ I -+ MONARCH „2-1b pkg 5 3 t.. 'rt1E (,ItEAt' 1'ri WttC&,PA ine.TEA COMPANt L'ft.',,, ` " L L+: ` `,,�, ,' Wot, / v' s „t „ ,,,>Reg. Pricb,,2 _this, 371:i8A.E18b" ATOES • 620f�zjns99c OABE OF 24 'TtNS $3.96 — SAVE- 48c A P ANeY QUALITY • Reg..Price tin 29c --SAVE 8c 3 48 -f1 -oz tins 79-c MATO JUICE tASE .OP' 12 TINS $3:16 SAVE 32c Rag. Price tin 29c --AVE 8 IQNA � 3 28 -fl -oz tint 79c CASE. OP'24 1'INS $6.32 -- SAVE 64c Reg. Price pkg 59c --SAVE 4c• FOOD STARES ARP MEANS DEPENDABILITY •