HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-20, Page 5r Canada's Great INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO SeptL 7 to 19 1891 Greater and Better Than Ever SCIENCE, ART AND INDUSTRY coMaWNED wiTF# INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS Latest inventions Superior Attractions .( CHEAP EXCURSIONS CU ALL RAIRAILWAYS.tT 4 .. J. WaTU O,!F lPresideot riliatnagersTOZOnt0 Vonew men I3 Vonnaaunn ..-MeoF n f the worst attacks Qf e;tolera utorbue, cramps dvseutery, colic, de., conte suddenly iu the night and speedy ettd prompt means must be ualcd against theta, Pr Fowler'slaxtract of Wild Strawberry as the remedy, 11eop it at hand ler flmergAnalee. It never Inds to pure or relieve. St Marys now town hall will most $14,000 when completed, yet they rate 4f toSi titin in that town this Sear ie only 14 mills in the ,donut. To'zit>;BIGHT-Bight aetionesprlog fromri ht priuoiplee, In casae of diarrhoea. ay'8entery, cramps, collo, sutnulnreomplaint cholera morbus, ate.. the right smelly is Fowler's Eztre et of Wild Strawberry, -an unfailing caro-mada on the principle that nature's retuedics aro beat, Never travel without it. Mr. S. 3. G ittera, of the Winde:lr bete 1, StMarye,in part;terellip with Mr.Inlauuifen, bas purchased the Brinell A;moricau hotel, Windsor. Morua:aa A\Q NonsEe.-•All who have the care of children shouts hussy that Dr. Fowler's Extreet of Wits Strawberry may be confidently depended on to care all pnmutar oompleinte, diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, coke, cholera infautum, cholera maim, canker, ate., in ohitlren or adults. Tho unpaid lacca of 1fi;t3 miter Dee. 4th in St .Barrs, amounted to ev:95.67,on whiolt $221.26 interest was realized. Human 1s Urns/.-14ealth.giving herbs, bloke, reale, and berries aro carefully corn• blued iu Burdock Blood Bitters, whish repo late the saortltiana, purify the blood and renovate and strengthen the entire cyatcm, /Mao, $1 a brittle, ti for R:r. sass tban a cent a dose.. Doge torment tho caretaker of the St' Uerya cemetery, nn.l tho council havo in. etractcd him to purchaao a revolver and kill ail canines found on the cemetery property. Burlook Blood Bittera for the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters for the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters for tho blood. I3urdook Blood Bitters for the blood. Bnrdook Blood Bitters for the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters for the blood. Iifr.Danielitosa was found dead on his 4' farm, near 8eaforth, a few days ago, baying 3 been fatally kicked by a horao, GREAT Clearing Sale J. . GREIVE Is going out of busines, and his ilnnlsrlse stock of OH, WHAT A DOUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible diseaso Consumption. Ask your- selves if you cau afterd for the sake of saving Mc., to run the risk and do nothing for it: We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. AVE YOU Any intention of taking a BUSINESS COURSE THiS SEASON? TM, so, THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, , Would like to correspond with Alniwirnwalv Fine Tweeds , Worsteds must be sold at once regardless of cost. Now is the time to buy cbeap Suits or Cloth by tho yd. Note prices: Scotch Tweed Suits for $11; worth $10. Fine Worsteds for $14 ; worth,$20. Fine all.wool Tweeds at 40c. per yard. This is no shoddy goods sale, as the stock is N'' GOODS and the best patterns.. CATALOGUE FREE. yeti W. WESTERVELT, PRINCIPAL. Mortgage Sale —OF— FdRM PROPERTY In the To>vnshiz of Hay. TINDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Power of Sale contained in acertain Dlortgage, made by Peter 5, Geiger, and Catharine Geiger, his wife, to the Vendor, which wilt be produced at time of sale, de. fault having been made ih the payment thereof, there will be sold by Public Auction At Peine's Hotel, In the VILLAGE ofZtTIIICH ON SATURDAY, THE 29th DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1891 AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, 8ubaect to such conditions as shall then be produced, the following farm property, viz All and singular that o attain parool or tract of land and premises,situate, lying and being in the Township or Hay, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement Fifty (50] Acres, be the same, more or loss being composed of the SOUTa HAT,F OF L' OT NUl41BER TWENTY FIVE, C257, in the TWELFTH [12] CONCES- SION of the said Township of Hay This farm is in a high state of cultivation, all cleared,ten acres ready for fall wheat. There is a good log houre, 2 frame stables, a good young orchard, and a flowing well on the promisee. TERMS :-Ten per cent. down at time of sale and the balance in 30 days, For further particulars apply to LLIOT 8s ELLIOT, En• EQ8=413E1n7, Vendor's Solicitors, Auctioneer. Exeter, Ont. Dated 8th August,1801-St. Remember we guarantee a sure ht or no sale, Gall and MOW our Stock J. H. GRIEVE. BOPt lel. wsr: ru--inCredits.n.onthelith tnet..th wile o! Gottleib Weertlr, a son. blorz.—In Crediton, °utlta lith inst:alten lfe of GRP. hlot4, ir„ a von. Etats -Nortb Bouudary,hlchillivray, on the 15tia inet., wife of W::4 i3itad, a. 414104ter; Brnno;4.-0n tine I4tb loot., at ilio Mol -o:5 Ilttuk.k:zoter.the wife of N. Dyer3ittrdou, t4 sen, +iiA.l iltIF,, u, Eine ;v -flu .t --On SYs:1nebday, l tlh suet„ at the rot.donee of the bride's reroute, bTthe Rev, 1:.13. Barnes. fir. 3', A. Mown. Pria- cipal of the Exeter Pablae Helmet, to Mesa Hato Hm, feeona daughter;,. t S, b', tltlIl, Bea.. of Uowinaavllie,: Lfe( I'.T\o,S'i1 ,u -•Qu Wo,i410501C7, ;ilio. 1:11 ,9F;1, Ug Roo. A. (trout, Il. AA -,at tho bride's savant,, ,111.:;-•Ltie.. 1fr, Gera. II, IcCractlen, of Vt.aliefaold, t,'tto..fartuoaly of St Way Vis,tadonaie1:,, aret+a:.l aluugtat.r ordlax; Seattle, I. . '�a11TiTO RENT. OLeofthe beet farm* ttn too Cr:utto. /ie,. rrovcaa:out3 not casaidexe",I ekiaattaiaittcr One banana +acted, l esus is _the Teatrns:.ip of 1'sb..rne,cola 1, lab l sritltia: half -mile of the Corleorntaono! I:°,ter. all B:eiag now in grads, but i acres. L. nit Tartotar. tx `1--Ira1, OItSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber often for sale hie property on William street, of One lot of luno, on which is oraeted n storey and a tealf frame rtaidonco. There is also a ataaloon the err. u;ises,a (plea, tit y or choice vain g frint.hear. in: trees Tho house cont .tats Rix roams katollast andwoodattctl, Situated nwor nitro bet, ken= easy, Apply to R. ii Lrrav, on the promisee. Aug 20,--1m, FARM FOR SALE. Thenndcrataueaoffers to rent on reason - able terms, lot is, eau 1, township of Irlddulpb frantic/I on London road, 0 nide-i south of Exeter, ono hundred lora of land. Thorn aro on the promises good frame house and batn.anagood wells *(water. The faro: is in aped nate of cultivatioL. For terms, oto apply to PaTnter. G n tviS. a5n11 Ithiva P,O. Eae6er R1cr dills. FOR SALE. North half of lot 4, north boundary of Step- hen tall cleared with good buIidings and good frame house, well foncodanddrained, farm in first-olasscondition ; also west halt of lot 0, north boundary of Stephen, with about fifteen acres good hardwood busk : tho rest of which is good pasture lands, well fenced and good water supply: these properties aro situated 1#miles from Exeter. Terms reasonable and immediatopossession. Furthur particulars on application to SoHN SwgaT, 31y16 -]m, Exeter: IUARKET REPORTS. Wheat .. 85s to 88o per bush ODIC SELI.INQ li'It10ES. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 60 " do Low Grade .. 2 00 Bran . .,, ... 80e. " Middlings .. .. .. 1, 00e " 1 10c. " ... V. 20 to 1 30 FOR SALE. A Two Storey BRICK DWELLING ROUSE. situated on Mill-st directly east of the Presby- terian Church, Exeter ; together with three- quarters of an acro of land, first-class frame stable and driving house. painted : splendid orchard of choice young fruit bearing trees, with an abundance of small fruits ; good well and cistern. Will bo sold cheap on terms to suit purchaser. Possosaion given any time Further particulars on aprItlioatien to M. PromBy 16 m1 On the promises, Western Fair LONDON. September 17th to 20th, 1891 Screening Ohop , • CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition ESTABLISHED 1868. Chop stone running every day. 3= T R 1 s Gods, Tti1 EXETER MILLING Coy, LARGE INCREASE O13' EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 was good, but 1891 will bo bettor. $25,000 IN PRIZES ! Attractions, etc., which aro being arranged for,will surpass any yetproduoed, Special Excursion Rates on all Railways. Entries close September 12th. For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, TILOS. A..BROWNE President. Secretary. Exeter Packing House James-st., Exeter. tABXBT RgPDRTS. l:s0•wra ReaVlhoat !sppring ;Yiaeat Barley Oats Oleo erSeed ... Timenby Pena Corn Buster ,.. PlourparbbI Potato es,perbr stie1 till!Ples,peroag DMA Applespr 1* flteere per lb. Turley nor lb Daekepor ib Cltickont perpr Ifeina iroeovaper 1CO Seal Eidesrough, .,, dressed Sboepaktni oath Calfs aids Wool peril? .., Iaayporton OuioarPerboob Woodaeroorcl We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we have on hand a good sup- ply of SUGAR CUBED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and NJRE LARD. We also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH & CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, in season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAID FOR .HOGS. SNELL BROS. 8c CO. 57 to iso b7 to its 511 to co• .-... f.4 ref too4 ofd 149taa;, -. .,, Ea to t•5 ,., 44oto el -. lto 1ta° 11 -: totos fa .. .., we. re. 0 59 ,,. 3 pct co 1 tea . to •IKp at;, Co to to 0 CO to 0,67 „. 025toO3'i ,,. ... 0 00 to f ta: 4Coto401 v05tts52a 009 to :a - , 040to..002 3 la to 0 la • o, a. 0 toe r,« U I0te059 2:oto sed; 4r441 44. 6T:',SRn'Rta Fall Wheat...... F1 Spring Wheat 4444.,., zti; n. Fez+py-4444................. ......,........ ... Ara0,.•t Oats...............................4., . « 0 ,a . 40 {hover '4••4•14•••••••••••• .r 31 Tamothg ,<, I "a 1 .' I'eRi 4114.... 4444. .. fi t.141 to 7.3 k gra , 4 a• ti ... I 01W Baxter. .. t 0 31 1'wtatoe* per bag L54 ri Apples por busts 0; .d oollserlh „ 3'10x;1 Hoytartaa 4 6:i se. E .. 34 CO34 Ca B Lode" ;;a 4444 ,,. «, ..£1 t+l`'.dGh1 Qastraetalnaralbt.,.....,, Po 43 ; 1+8 UQC9„ a^rr"e l per 3t 3. co �U tp ;i 60 -^•--„+44^^44, LONDON, Wbeet, men 1 nor lits. Date, 41c -or hue. Pens.7az to 71c per bus llar- tes,a2alting.•.i'i toy oper bus. Barley Fool, 4' e tq lye Far bus Lora. giro 17 t;e nor. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. Aug, 1� WL;eat Spring -No. 3 '.,: tc,9.0 pot bust red winter.No 2,1 t2 to 144 per bus. Manitoba No 2 hard, I t 3 to 1 t`3 No 3, too tonne t PEAS 7it'to -a per bus. t�PAfh ,+..o to Po per bus. 1!1.Ut 31. extra.$3 ss U ! :'1 Per b.'I Straight roller. 34.41 to VA/ 1 strong iamkera.140.,,1 to $4.10 DAIL!d, .. Ao 1. Tun (;raw d'caltr.l: MCsnit ;tr-ffio fano Lienal irregularities peculiar to the weaker eel, aro iuvnriably corrected without pain or inconvenience, by the use of Dr Moneta Indian Boot fills. They are the aafeat and 'surest medicine for all the (litmus in eidental to (melee of all ages, and the more eaapeeiaBy ao iu this climate. Lodi,e who wish to enjoy holt es should always have these rills. No one who ever uses theta once will allow herself to be ssititout theta. Dr 1lforse's Indian Beat fills aro sold by all Medicine Dealers, When Baby was sick, wo gave her Ceetorla. When she was a Child, oho cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, also clung to Castoria. When shelled Children, she gave them Castoria SF..... Flower, Field Te�a— Garden Seeds FARMER BROS, JULY ItIVES 70 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address, wo will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Coltbrated Electro -Voltaic Bolt and Appliances, and theirobarming effoots upon tho nervous debilitated system, and how they willquiokly restore you to vigor and Man- hood, Pamphlet free. If you aro thus atllietod wo will sone youaBelt and Appliances on a trial. Voararo BELT Co.. Marshall, Mich. Exeter M usie Store PERKINS & NIARTIN. Wo have oonstantly on hand a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purohaso of any- thing in tho above linos will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low as can be had at thomanufaotories. We would res ectfully ask yon to call and see our stook. It is as fine an will be found in any city music store. . P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agrioultural iniplo STAND :—Fanson's Block, Exeter. 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT —OF— Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Lollar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, .etc., :--BY— W. B11011130.. Milliners At Hall Pace, Ledios' Kid roots $1.25 Ladies' Slip,ltera................ t. i I;cavy Flauuelettes 10 lnalita • , .. , .. .4. Shirting— 4 4 4 .... , .. , , .. in Pritlt , .. :t Dyes$ Hoists} i Fins wits to tlydor i ;.t,El C.'attuA,'ole 4, J2c. inial u . SUGAR AT COST, --- choice tlrocerles and Purl' Sjitirti Ch< ip. We giro l:irihaat l ries fear linter and eggs DOUPE a CO., Kirktou. New ep w Fall Goods Just tt ..c .1"I'i vin x. New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Lin .s. ShiL tings. Cottons. " Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Glove, Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonaaes. 44 00 CI at it ti IC J. MATHESON, Hay P.O. -- EXETER NORTH. HURRAH! Tailor Shop The accompanying cut repre- Bente the famous Crediton Road Cart, manufactured by Wni. $. Wenzel and Israel Smith, eredi- ton, Ont. This cart has now been in the market for about two years and has met with great success. The manufacturers claim that it isthe best cart manufactured, both as regards toner -epee and durabil- ity. They have dozens of testi - rnonials. from parties who have purchased these carte, wla lob spealr in the highest tern:+ of them, The workmanship and material employed in their ean- W > oXWr)zTQ r x3.0 .r ?, > 4 e. struetion caa not be surpass_d, and tits mile is as Io was is eonsiet,nt herewith, .i's glance at the cut wtil show the reader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz -The easy mode of getting in ani out; the ab4eu,:e of springs or bora which bring the rider's weight on the shafts.' so ea to sag thein ; the cenvenieeee :f eiarr;,'iug a robe or rug in cold or stormy weath- er, These earts are rnanufaet:are'l for one or two persons, and. !sashed to suit the pur- haser. (tears f(rrniehel'te the trade. Air Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Budgies, Slakets, Etc., and does all iiiwsl8 of repairing in these linea. Air Smith runs a !i st-clew general bra lrsruithshop, and guarantees to give satisfac.. t!oai in all kinds of new wort;, relr:iiring l:nraeshoeing, eto., etc, to which he givaa Lis perscuul attention. `ce.oir:nl4ra tsar fr.rtl.er partionlara concerning toa.l tact. W. 11. WEN7,EL,1' Crediton.i at, ISRAEL SM1Tif, P We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on bile shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A --- Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS. ars BRQS. THE PROM r.r The cheapest ;pl e iu town to by Builders' Hardware, Mails, Hinges, Look% 019.5...s, Put.y, Paints and Oils. New stock of the c„lebrated tl:>9lrlstnll'a L quid Paints—Showy Carrs New - lines . f .\rt:ste Paints and brushes. L;rbtxl, I' n3N, Sttip. f4o.. '. :ll Galva:1;2rd 1Virescheap torCNVI:. Tiziwflre Stock Complete. --- Ea.vt3troug1tiug a Speei21ty (�ic� r�ss i ��+ CALL— We a4 T T 'N,.•,� Ray; :and tiewing .achilles and Net: lle ° elvs Gs ./. Cir.k-/L— ¥OT[JH E avetioughing DONE 8X WILL FOLLAND. CLERK'S NOTICE OF THE f FIRST Po TI`ti 1)F VOTERS' LIATS. Voters' Lists,1`191, Municipality of tho TOWN- SHIP 01' HAY, County of .tfuron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the porsmis mentioned in the 3rd and Ith sections of "The Voters' List Act", the copies required by said sectibn to bo so trans - nutted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Aet. of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said munici- pality to be entitled to voto in said inunicipal- ityat elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my oiTieo la Zurich, on the 7th day of August, 15:11, rind re- mains therefor inspection. Eleotorsarecalled upon to examine the said list and if any omiss- ions or any other errors aro found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrootod according to taw. Dated. this 7th day SAM. J. LATTA. of August, 1591. Clerk of Municipality !a$hnaI1 es J FOR 3ITS z H hap nthr Pwmeo Compton Sense, 9c. Composite, 9c. Crown, 11 c Red Cap, 12c. Famous Blue Ribbon, 14c. JAS. N. 11OW1RD, W. H. MONCUR, Proprietor. Manager. 0 1 0 tt THIS.: BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET 'THE BIGGEST YET t Best Ordered Clothing preduced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are acre of aatisfaa- tion moi. Z. ESIVICLL. Did you leo our stock of FINE 700TS and SHOES That wo have out in the store ono door south of the Post Office? Naw it iv worth your while to give us;i look. We will sbow you thrsugb. 1ti a have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' arid Gents' Shoes made in Canada, and guava:t_o they are right as far as wear and rains a les. If you want a real nice shoo, something that it is a pleasure to wear, come up and SCO ours. Besides our fico lino we also carry a largo anal well assorted stock of Boys' and Misses' Shoos for school wear, also don's Working Shoes and Iinee Boots AWAY DOWN IN PRICE. All our goods are guaranteed good. and as too wish to build up a TRADE and KEEP IT, we aro selling CIf1AP for CASA. Children's. Misses' and Ladies' Too Sllppers and Oxford Ties for summer in all the new shades, Bring in your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoos. T'h-ey are dandies. Give us a call. You are welcome. GEO. MANSON, DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST-ar,A.SS FUR NITURE AT LOWER RATS THAMSHAM GOODS ---A RE USUALLY SOLD- -TERN CALL AT - GIB''' -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Good �' At Prices Lower that so-oaim led Cheap Houses can gig o Undertaking in all I' Branches. S. GIDLEY, (sncoeseoe to 0- & S. Gidley) - °DI/FELLOWS' i3LiOf!K