HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-11-15, Page 7A -r BAYFIELD •o- BAYFIELD, Nov. 12. — Miss Jean McKellar of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr•e John Lindsay. Mrs. June Humphries and son Carl spent the weekend wit her . parents, Mr. and Mrs, Kerr. With Mr. and Mrs. K. Ferg son on Sunday were: Mr. an Mrs. AndyyMaletor and childre of Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. D H. Rayinond and Mrs. RubMaletor of Crediton; NIr. an Mrs. Ken Ferguson -Jr. and fou children of London. They gatl ered for a family dinner i honor of Miss Della Lou Fergu son, who was celebrating he 15th birthday. Mr. Percy Renner returns on Friday from Montreal Rive where he spent two weeks wit his father, Rev. Peter- Renne of Wiarton. They were on. hunting trip and were fortunat enough to bring home a moose Miss Ethel Blair of Londo spent the weekend with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair Messrs. James and Ernes Kells called on Mr. • and Mrs. R Kerr on Su day. They were re' turning t Petrolia after a sue cessftl hunting trip in Bruce. James Ferguson The community was shocked last week to hear of the sudden Fergusondeath of Mr. James of London. He was born -in Bayfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson. His father predeceased him but his mother is in Parkwood Hospital, Lon. don. Bishop of Georgian Bay The Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Apple. yard, Bishop of Georgian Bay, was with Rev. Mr. Harrison for the -weekend. He met forbreaie fast with the Board of Manage- ment in Trinity Anglican Parish .Hall after conducting Commun- ion Service at 8 a.m`i9 On Sufi - day afternoon he was at, Middle. • ton'sChurch for confirmation. It 11. d n y c1 r 1- n • r r r a e n• • r { On - Thursday, November 8, the Trinity Club of Bayfield held an open meeting in Trinity An- glican parish hall. The meet- ing was opened by the presi- dent and a short devotional service followed. The main event of the evening wds the showing of a film on India. Mr. Alf Scotchmer kindly operated the film for the club. Western India was shown first with its beautiful carvings and statues in all the old temples and caves. These, along with the scenery. took the audience back Trinity Club Hard WaterWorn You Ragged ? 'There's no need to'put up with that nasty old hard water. To enjoy •an unlimited supply of pure filtered soft water, just remember those three little words. Call and say ... tCULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING :32 Hamilton St. JA 4-9571 45.46 I to the study of ancient history. The next section .was that of Northern India , showing. the People at work and at Play. A vast differ- ence in costumes and people from that of western India was noted. The greater part of the population of Northern' India are peasants, it was explained. 011e very interesting factor for the women was the hair styling, very elaborate with many flow- ers and ornaments. Following a short business period lunch was served. Remembrance Services Remembrance Day services were held in all local churches -ori Sunday morning. The usual cht rch parade took place for veterans of Bayfield and • dis- trict. Those 'forming the color party were: Robert McVean, Fred Weston, Legion; Terry Fitzsimmons, George° Lindsay, Scouts; Calvin Scotchmer, Cubs; Lynda Scotchmer, Gayle Turn- er, Guides. The parade of vet- erans, Guides, Brownies, Scouts. and Cubs followed' the color party to ' ,the Presbyterian Church where they joined in the morning service, conducten by Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton. In his sermon, he emphatically stated that we must not break faith with those who gave so nobly of their lives; but above all we must hold- fast to Chris- tianity, or their dying will have been in vain. At 12.30 people from all churches ' gathered at the cenotaph in Clan Gregor Square where a short service was held. Prayers were given by Rev. A. G. Pease, St; An- drew's United; Rt. Rev. Bishop Appleyard; Rev. D. J. Lane; Presbyterian, and Pastor L. Hob - bins Baptist. Those placing wreaths were: Mrs. Ruby Arm- strong, for. -the Presbyterian Church; Mr. A. Dunn, for St. Andrew's United; Mr. A. Scotch nier, for Trinity Anglican; Mrs. R. Kerr;' for Baptist; Neil Bell - chambers and Allen Pease; for Scouts and Cubs; Janis Merner and Sharon Heard, for Guides and Brownies; Mr. Harvey Cole- . man, for Lions Club; Mr. S. .. Cann, for Legion; Mr, M. Toms, for the L.,Q,Le Mrs. Q. Hopson, for the - Province of Ontario, and. Mr. F. Arkell, for the vil lage of Bayfiield. 35th Wedding Anniversary A *surprise party was held at the home p£ Charles Scotch- mer recently to honor Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seotehmer on the oc- casion of their 35th wedding anniversary. The immediate families- were present, Esther, (sister of the bride) and Lloyd Makins pinned on the corsage and buttonaire alter which Nirs. Gordon (Rose) Scotchmer read an `address and the bride and kroom of 35 years were pre- sented with a wall barometer. A social evening was enjoyed after which the bride's cake was cut and a lovely lunch was served. • It was also the occasion- of Gordon Scotchmer's birthdr) and he was presented with a smoking set. We wish Mr. -arid Mrs.. Scotchmer man. , more years of happy wedded' lite, ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Nov. 12: Frank Hamilton -is a patient in Kin- cardine hospital having suffer- ed a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. William Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes spent the weekend with relatives in Oshawa. Gordon Finlayson attended a Trusteees' Conference i n Guelph last Saturday. Alvin Collinson spent a few days at his home here while his boat was tied up at Prescott last week. E. Douglas Horton The death occurred in Wing - ham hospital on November 3 of E. Douglas Horton, 74, fol- lowing a lengthy illness. Ser- vices were conducted by Rev. R. MacLeod in the Johnson fun - e 1 home on Tuesday. Burial wain Kintail cemetery. Sur- viving are one sister,, Mrs. W. C. McFarland, Toronto; two bro- thers, Leslie -of Buffalo, and Gor- don of Winnipeg. He was pre- deceased by his wife, the former' Eva Mary Drennan, some years ago. JUNIOR 'B' HOCKEY FRI., NOV. 16 Owen Sound Greys VS. Goderich Siftos immimmennow TUES.; NOV. 20 Stratford Burtols VS. Goderich Siftos GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Adults 75c'- Students 50c = 'Children 25c Mr. any Mrs. C. M. Graham of Kincardine will never have to say they wished they 'lad a picture of Gil at -the age of 11. They recognized the fact tnat he was going to grow into man- hood all too soon. Now they have a picture that in years to come will bring back many treasured memories of a -won- derful age. Capture that special age by having a portrait done of your child. Call R. J. Nephew Photo- graphy at JA 4-7924 and make an appointment. If you plan on having the portrait done in time for Christmas, we sug- gest you call today. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doak, Sue and Steve, Mrs. Will Doak and Elwyn Doak spent the weekend in Hamilton and at- tended the hockey game be- tween the Peterborough Petr: and the Hamilton Red Wings. Gary plays defense for the Hamilton club. He is the eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doak,- Park St. , - 1 Awards Presented (Continued from page 1) Arthur, B.A.: Barbara Alexander, Jaynes. Bridle, Rutii Brindley, Doreen Clinchey, Judith Murphy, Blair Redmond, Peter Rowlands, Wayne lxeitz, 4rOrn Turner, Jack Van der Meer, Paul Wel- mark, Robert Watson, Anthony Will amson. Graduation Diplomas C. Kalbileiscki, B,A., presented the following secondary school graduation 'diplomas: Dwight Aldham, Bonnie Allen, Pauline Anderson, Robert Ball, Nancy Boyce, James Boy.es, Paul Carroll, Clark Chisholm. Lynda Crawford, Lorna Dailey, Alice Dalton, Karen ,Dawson, Klaas de. Groot, Donald Des .. chambault, Raymond Donnelly, Evonne Drennan, Andrew Du - bride, eDenpis Duckworth, John Ervine, Douglas Fisher, Lynda Foster, Norma Hamilton,. Ivan .Harris, Susan Hindmarsh, John Hinton, Ronald Homuth, Audrey Hoy, Eunice Hoy, Roberta Huck - ins, Martin Hurst, Sandra Jewell, Beverley Johnston, Rebecca Johnston, Audrey Jongejan, David Kelly, Margje Koopinans, George Liiithwaite, Andrew Lang, Judith Linklater, Peggy. Linklater, Paul Linklater,.. Gail Lockhart, Shirley McCullough, Bernice McDougall, Alexander Mackenzie, David Neville, Gar- nett Picot, Nancy Robinson, John Ross, Heidemarie Schmidt, Neta Sherwood, Lloyd Skeoch, June Slater, Barbara Taylor, Coby Terpstra, John Walter, Edward Walzak, Barbara Wat- son, Josephine Wedlock, Karen Weigel, Judith Witmer, John Wright, Peggy Young, Terry Zoethout. Commercial The secondary school gradu- ation diplomas, commercial, ware presented by. W. G. Mac - Buchanan, Ruth Durnin, Ethel Fuller, Shirley Mallough, Joyce Matthews, Diane Morris, Joyce 11fugford, Barry Prouse, Bever- ley Scruton, Olive Shields, Pat- ricia Simpson; Ann Van der Ley., Subject .Prizes The subject prizes were awarded by various members of the teaching staff to the follow- ing . winners: '- Grade IX—Catherine Gould, John Pirie, Martha Dragstra, Daphne Dukelow, Jacques Naud, Terry Hodges, Paul Dockstader, Trudy Adams, Bonnie Weber, Tina Terpstra, Melvi n lal rel 1, Carol Stoddart, i3iyan Feagan, Grade XII, ---David Kelly, Paul Linklater, John Hinton, Susan llindmarsh, Bonnie Allen, June. Slater, Barbara 'Watson, John Ross, Klaas de Groot, Margje Kooprnans, Ray Donnelly. Special Commerce n1 -, Ruth Durnin, Olive Shields. Grade XIII—Wayne Feagan; Wayne Treitz, Judy . Murphy, John KalbfrIs+ch, Brian Turner, Jack Van der Meer; Susan ('or - less, John Kinkead. KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Nov. 13. -- Mr. Raymond Heffernan retur- ned home last week from Vic- toria Hospital, London, where Myrtle Borland, Maureen Dewds, he. was under observation for Brian llaltotr.1 of a fall. injuries sustained as a result Grade X ---Gloria Jean Lutz, Mary Etue, Barbara Foster, Margaret Haines,. Colleen Con, nelly, Martie Koopmans, Diane Van Oenen, John McLean, Susan Bell, Betty Idsinga, Ricky Mc- to extend a thank you to all Gi-atten, Joan Fisher, Rosemary who helped her in the Signal- Turland, Brian Dowds. Star subscription contest. Grade XI -Nancy Watters, Miss Alice Dalton,' nurse -in - Leo Hoogenboom, Brian Weaver, pital, Landon, was home for pital London, was home for Mr. Leo Courtney attended the trustees' 'convention in Guelph on Wednesday. Miss Sharon Courtney wishes Marj,owey,-eCarol Kalbileisch, Reed Webb, Barry Bogie, Diane Ilamilton, Richard .Jongejan, the weekend and attended grad- uation eiercises at the G.D.C.I. • NOTICE • CHANGE OF BUS TIME TABLES FALL AND WINTER SCHEDULES Effective November 14th Obtain your copy from your local Agent Trailways of Canada Ltd. Formerly Motorways -45 SAVE Xt.-Z: LIBBY'S FRUIT'(O(KTAIL21f5o9 c SAVE /3c ' s ROSE' MARGARINE 51bs.sl • D. . Tins CHERRY P!E FILLER 2for67C � SDOLE'SLICED PINEAPPLE "39� KERNEL CORN SAVE 9c 15 -oz. Tin LJBBY'S SPAGHETTI 3-'for47C SAVE 9c • 15 -oz. Tin YORK FANCY- PEAS '3 for.47c SAVE 18c —. YORK ' 20 -oz. Tins PORK and BEANS 6 f° -99c - 4�eev s TOMATO CATSUP 2"f°0:it;Is5c 14 -ox. This 6for99C IDB financing for Canadian business a You fit right into any social di picture when your spotlessly clean suits, topcoats.and hats -proglaim you as a person of `fastidious' good taste. Try -us and let us prove it! GOD6121GH French nDRY CLEANERS 4` r W. D. WILSON, Prop., WEST ST. JA 4.8452 , The Industrial Development Bank helps finance most' types of small And medium- size Canadianbusinesses for a 'variety of purposes. , If you are engaged in a business, or plan to start one, and required financing is not available elsewhere on ,reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to, visit an I.D.B. ofiice,or write to one for a booklet. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK • 'WA'El RLR o,; SQUARE 'BUILDING ' . Kitchene Waterloo Telephone IY44.4186 i BOLOGNA BURNS BACON No By -The -Piece Ib. GRADE "A" 3 -Ib. Avg. Ib. 39c FRESH, PORK HOCKS 89c WIENERS Ib. 2 -Ib. Bag 99c FILL .YOUR FREEZER INN SWANSON'S. SAVE 10c BEEF, CHICKEN, .PORK, TURKEY C NO. ONTARIO 1 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, Nevennher 1.5t17�. spent the weekend' ' wl on Friday .evening NIr, iugene O'Keefe of Hann iiton visited NKr. and 146, .Jos- eph O'Keefe • .ant ,family ovr r the weekend. . Master Peter Frzyne had his tonsils remoired ian Godr,�ch hospital last week. k Mr. Walter Kelly, Londoi, par. fits, Mr.. and Mme. , .J• Mr. and 1v4's,I Para lya►,; Pot reit, spent the' weekend wttja . r. 'and: gra, Walter nClitjr : ,. Miss Blanche Bilodeau, MOOT; *; ilten; Rpt nt the en l wtt ` the -fieffernan faiinily. GODE1ICII LITTLE, TIEEAT E:' "HIGH. GR November 23-24-26-27 Curtain 8:30 MacKay Hall BOX OFFICE for reserved seats At The Office of R. W. BELL, Optometrist Nov.' 17 - 27th Afternoons Only SUNDAY SERVICES ST.9 GEORGE'S CHURCH Nov. 18th, Twenty-second Sunday • after, Trinity. 8,:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10:00• a.m. Sunday School arid. Bible Class 10:50 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregaflq'n and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong. Rector; REV. CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D. Mr. George Burgoin, Organist and Choirmaster. oRiOr . THE. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. Morning Service , "0 God, that bread should be 'so dear, and flesh and blood so cheap." (N,ursery and Junior Congregation) The REV,,,W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D. MR, L. H. DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director r Knox Presbyterian Church t THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B'.A', Minister Miss Marion Moore, Deaconess ° Mr. Herman de Jong, Director of Praise 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:10 a.m. Minister's Bible Class (Church Parlour) 11:00 a.m. Service of Divine Worship Sermon: '"The Transforming Secret" 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society (Church Parlour). THE SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM Enter to Worship Depart to Serve THE UNITED CHURCH .• OF CANADA Victoria Street. United Church . ' 11:00 a.m.' Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "The Looking .Glass" 1:30 p.m. Benmiller, Church and Sunday School - 3:00 p.m. Union, Church after Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, :Organist. 1 GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a,m. "Positive Christianity" 7:00 p.m. Evening Service REV. E. VON, KEITZ, B.A., Minister. FRESH WHITE MUSHROOMS .le 49 REGULAR 93c - BAYER' AS NO. 1 SPANISH ON'IONS 2fr25C CORDUROY —' Assorted Colours DECORATOR CUSHIONS 1.z9 SEAMLESS NYLON FOOD SITES 51 GAUGE 1, nk..,,,, ,...f' t Pair RED6WHITE FOODMASTER Open Ni9htivrr.Until 10. P.M. for Your Shy pping Convenience .. 91 •VICTORIAST. N. • FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. R. G. PELFREY, B.A., B.D., Pastor. Phone JA 4-9306 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.r i. Missionary Day: "It's A Shame To Sleep In Harvest" 7:00 p.m. "Trifles Can Triumph" WED., ,7:30 p,m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: Bethel 'Pentecostal Tabernacle Cerner Of' Elgin and Waterloo. Sts. REV, ROBERT CLARK,. Pastor .1, , 10 a.m., Sunday School; Classes for all ages. ATTEND OUR ADULT OR YOUTH CLASSES BRING THE CHILDREN .WITH. YOU 11 a.m. Morning Worship o 7:30 p.m. Evengelistic Service. - Tues. 8 rp.M. Prayer and Bible Study. Fri. 8 p.m. Young Peoples', Meeting. ' SALVATII 1 (caot, Aw Eaile 1. '' SUN.- 10 a.m.. SUNDAY SCH6OL' • -11 a^;rii,4161,INESS ii4,E8.IING 7 p.hiw WiUEES. HgPOAiRML AVEiCA,8. 1t ,OAMG8UEIEN` GIN O,:. Att.'ARE IVi t.t MB