HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-11-15, Page 6Tha (490Orie11.Signa1-Star, ThursdaY,fieveMber 1501, 1962 3, Real Estate For Sale 4, Real Estate Wanted 9. Agents Wanted Articles For Sale 2. Cark;Trticks For Sale c LISTINGS WANTED — Farms, good buildings. with all coo: Summer Cottages aid town Pro. perty. Alexanuer ;MCI LUainuan; NEAR New Liskeard 200-a re dairy farm. Six -can quota WFANLING pigs, four- sots, OM feeder steers. ,phone JA 44046, 45' **, 500 RED X SUSSEX pullets six Mentlis old. Arnold Alton, 1419140 Dungannon 67 r L. 45x MAN'S CCM figure skates and guards, size 10', excellent con- dition, $15; bluish -grey over - oat, size 38, excellent condi- tion, $15; '30 -ft. cable, heavy duty fOr electric range $10. Phone 8280. -45 — -- PUREBRED tpy Manchester puPpY,three months old. Male Phone 8607. 45 PORTABLE six -transistor radio, cheap. Phone JA 4-9708. - 45x APPLES, cooking and eating varieties—Macs, Spies, Court - lands, Greenings and Melbas. Also apple cider. Free delivery, around town. Art Bell JA 4- 8037. • 45t1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plaire waled envelope with price hst. ix samples 25e; 24 samples 51.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. THINKING of Rambler? Visit the Bluewater Serviee Station Bayfield Bd. JA 49461. -15U - 1962 FORD fordor, Galaxie, six cylinder, automatic, white walls. Will finance. Owner leaving town. Phone 7990. ---,-- — '54 DODGE -Crusader.. Phone JA 4-7708. 45tf 4- , veniences. For further inform- ation contact Box, '960, New buLtal„g ,„tie, mi. ptione. Realtors, Bank of Commerce Liskeard, Ont. 44-46x JA„4„966a. -18 FARM wanted on or close to highway, and near Goderich, 150 acres up. Write BoX 52, Signal -Star, or phone JA 4-6325. -45 amaiimanammamanawswaama.mam• 3. Real Estate For Sale STORE building with three- beditioin apartinvit above, hydro tap watei $.1,600 f I price, $160 down and Only $?.,0 monthly. Phone 32; Dunga.nnon. - -43ef New and Smart This home is nice looking on the outside,- but also has so many good features on the in- side that it deserves looking at several times. The kitchen and living room BOTH are on tne front of the house, and with large, bright looking windows, a desirable view is available from each room. There are hree bedrooms, all larger than the outside appearance leads one to believe. All have spec- ous clothes, closets. The kit- chen has lots of cupboard space, , and a corner sink is another ! new feature, which is a real , space saver. A modern 4 -piece bath and linen closets complete he ground floor. The full-sized basement is of proper height fax • a rec-room in one half. Neis gas furnace hot water tank and laundry tubs are all located in the other half. The „heating costs in this new home will be , truly reasonable, and the pro- perty, with completely finished home, can be purchased for less than $11,750. By 'making ,arrangements .. now, you can hAve your choice of floor cover- ing and color, decor. REPEAT OFFER — EUREKA t heavy weight floor polishers $33.95. Eureka vacuum clean- ers and supplies. Lay away i now for Christmas. Hutchin- son Radio, Huron Rd. 42tf CUT flowers, mums, etc., flower arrangements, baskets for any occasion. L.• R. Holman, 137 Cameron St„ phone 8852. -43tf Kenwood coat, hat and leggings, slZe 3, turquoise, ex- cellent condition. Phone JA 4- 8192. 45x ZIG ZAG sewing machine. sews forward and back; does decor- ative stitches, makes button- holes, sews on buttons. Origin- al. $139.00. Can Oie had for bal- ance owing $5200, or. payment's , of $8.00. Write ox 56. Signal - B -415 SPECIAL prices" on Sterling D and H anthracite; $$27 per ton; buckwheat for Herco units, $22 per ton. Phone Overholt Coal Co., JA 4-7421. -4547 13 PIGS, eight weeks old: Phone JA 4-7026. .45 • USED TRACTORS; • M -F 35 "die - M -F 50 gas; two Ferguson :model 2085; MB 44 standard; .is Chalmers WC; M -H 30; used, Versatile sWathers; M -H No. 10 baler; New Holland No: 68 baler; used ploughs; new, New Idea spreaders. ,Massey: Ferguson machinery, Purina feeds. George Wraith, Montreal' St., Gliderieh. Phone ,JA.4-9934. -45 YOU'IH'S grey slack suit; white, -n4ctron dress shirt; GDCI Glee 'Club blazer, all size 14; pair hockey skates, size 11. Phone JA 4-8257. -45 CHIHUAHUA pup:, about ont year old, fond of chijdren. Phone JA 4-8224. 45x 1 WEL'VE purebred Angus heif- 'ers and three steers. Apply Angus Festival Farm on High- Ns,ay No. 8, between Sebringville and Stratford. 45-6x WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, seven cubic feet, sealed unit, in good condition. Phone JA 9676 after five p.m. 45 -ACCIDENTAL puppies. Mother, registered German Shepherd Father. friendly. Frisky, play ful, healthy. Phone JA 4-9010 • 45-6x USED all -channel TV aerial. Call JA4-9253 after 5 p.tin. -45 - - - SKTES. boy's size, 1. 5; girl's, Sin 6. 9. Phone JA 4-9827. 45, O''POlTUNITY F07. (‘ Ar.."1-10'JS YOUNG MAN PCV lc eize (Cas'z D) and treck for sale. Fraech:— from Store., to stO:e and store to consumer. Moeereent from ` Goderich to Sarnia Reasonable terms. JOE ALLAIRE Phone JA 4-7671 -45-46 ONE oblong playpen; one grey stroller, $18 complete; coal ard wood range, small size, $5.0o. Apply WS. M. Courtney, Kin• tail, Ont. -45 _.._.. • ACOUS7120N hearing aid, fits behind ear, reasonable. Write to Box 54, Signal -Star, 45x FUR coat, lila& seal with lamb trim, size 12-14. excellent con- dition. rdasenable. Phone JA 4-7869: 45-46 USED chain saw, --one super - zip Hornelite, $95; one Pioneer "400," rebuilt, $100; one Strunk, rebuilt. $70. Special -- new Rernington .,,bantaiii, regular $184.50, now $156.50. Argyle Repair Shop, phone. JA 4-9201.! -45 HAVING trouble starting your -ear these cold inornings?—Atid VX 6 To your battery, 'All vkather starts at 40° below ion). ' , Guaranteed 27 starts a day Or the life Of your ear Ilailreads AfirlineS, , IlidtiS(ry 1150 it: ad.,. yotur# today, AtVILIP REINMT Mettle) Haniiiten St 4.t. • COntu44°ti4". ' .45 VIVA, may had blaa at 201 Uuron TA 4-8068. KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business Broker 33 Victiria4 St, ,Goderich, Ont. General Insurance Phone JA 4-7253' 011111,01111111111111111111.111111111% 5. To Rent BUILD for Less IN ILL a iialliday Home --Call at our culice tor your new 196241 catalogue. 7: New subdivision 3 -bedroom ranch style home, brick, beauti- fully. landscaped, 2 years old, close to schools:- Priced reason- able with terms. Owner mov- ing from Goderich. Wartime house on Blake' St. Owner transferred. Tip-top condition. Furnace, _oil heat. Low down payment a'fid priced for quick sale. LOW down payment rough -cast home, on Cypress St., ideal -for the handy man. WE HAVE a selection of 14 other homes in rest' of the town ranging from $3.000 lip. See us today. WE HAVE Jae of the largest listings m! farms in Huron County from $3,300.00 to $75,000.00 LOTS FOR SALE 1-66 x 104—Nelson St. 1-66 x 104—Caley St. 2-66 x 104—Palmerston St. 1 —100 x 289 — Sr George's Crescent TWO-BEDROOM, newly decor- ated apartment, front entrance, rubber tiles in kitchen, bath- room. and hall, venetian blinds. Available immediately. Phone JA 4-7813. -41 CONSTRUClION MEN — Fall and winter accommodation, large self-contained units, show- er and frig:, gas range. Mrs. Ken Allin, Maple Leaf Motel, Victoria St. -42tf PRIVATE office, heated, av 46 West • , St.. Malcolm 1.1athers, Real Estate Broker. Phone JA 4-944.2- ' -24 FURNISHED apartment, all conveniences. Ridgewood Park, phone 8891, -38tf SELF-CONTAINED apartment, central„one-bedroom, gas heat- ed. Phone 7540. -44tf UPPER apartment, heated, stove and frig; tower apartment, heated, stove and frig., Cali 7556 after 5 p.m. , 44tf IN BAYFIELD, furnished apart- ment and home, eight miles Ideal from Qntario Hospital deal for nurses and personnel. Contact L R Bannister, Stratford,phone 271-6641 or 271-2308. 4445x LARGE red brick home, three LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES bedrooms, double living room, INVITED 1 dining room and kitchen. There KEN CROFT are two bathrooms and house Farm Salesman: John I. Rapsoni is heated by oil forced air fur. 152 South St.—A-8559 nace. Available Nov. 1st for M -13 $100 per month. Apply Harold I W. Shore, Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton St„ Dial JA 4-7272, -41tf HAROLD W. SHORE REAL EhrTATE_ BROKER C'General Insurante HEATED furnished apartment, alifornia Style 38 Hamilton Stneet, fridge, laundr3. facilities, TV • built-in cuphoards, stove and Phone iA 4-71i2 Two-bedroom, modern bunga- low in a 'nice location, complete and modern kitchen and bath- room, utility mom,- enclosed breezeway, garage'. Many eictras and good teems. Several good buildi•ng lots, fully serviced from $1,100 up. E. E. CRANSTON • Phone JA 4-8801 Realtor Manager For ALEXANDER' & CHAPMAN Goderich Phone • IA 4-9662 • a co mat ers Real Estete Broker 114 West St. JA 4-9442 ' We have an attractiVe, new stone veneer dwelling, nicely situated among new homes. Features are sti one fireplace n pleasant living morn, 3 bed- rocroms, National Housing fin - an -.:e at $96.00 per month which pays taxes, principal and inter- est. See this with us. One floor .residence on a really excellent 11 e bank property. Picture win- dows, stone fi repl a c e, 3 bedrooms, as well,as • large , living room, attractive dining ,room, attached garage and many Modern extras. Modern split-levele„on corner It, many extra features. hoop -up, no children; available November lst. Apply 92 Cam - Your agent in the Goderlch bria Rd. JA 4-9437. -•-• . -43tf District for Kernohan Homes — TWO-,BEDROM apartment, hot , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , water heated, electric range — ; provided. Within three blocks How About a New Home in the , of the Square. $60 monthly. Phone JA 4-9306. Country? 45 I This' new home, close tol Goderich on a main road, has 1 FIVE -ROOM house, one floor, three' large hedrooms , and all 1 good location, available Decem- the features of the contempor-lber 1. ..TA 4-7448. 45x i ary modern home. TWOBEDROOM houseoil het- -, a — F'611- Septie rank Cleaning con- . Phone 29, Lucknow, manufac- , - turer of septic- tanks and well tile. 35-47x 16. F'ubliC Notice A: Birth's EXTRA money to make your dreams come ! II ou are MODEL car show M K H 11 willing to work two nights a November 17,10 a.m. to 10.30 week and on your day off, you p.m. Sponsored by Modifiers' can augment your present sal- Car Club and local merchants. ary selling electrical applianceS Prizes. judging starts at 7 p.m. part time on commission basis, Pick up entry forms and rules with well-known company in at Cooper Mercury Sales. business for over 50 years. ' 45.4 Write Box 29, Signal -Star„ • „mu FIRST. and second mortgage loans available, from $1,500 up, with 10 Years. to repay. W. J. Hughes, real estate broker, Phone JA 4-8526. 45-16 41111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111.11.1111 10. Wanted (General) RQOMER wanted, breakfast if desired. 159 East St. Phone JA 4-8565. -42' BOARDERS. 26 Bruce St. Phone 7990. -37tf PIANO wanted, in good condi- tion.' Phone JA 4-8478 after 6.30 p.m. 45x BOARDERS wanted, two private rooms available imrnediately. Phone 7113. 61 Church St. -45 PIANOS WANTED any condition. Will pay cash. ,Write Box 45, Signal -Star 45x 11. Employment Wanted RELIABLE woman would like baby sitting, part-time—day or evening. Phone TA 4:7185. 45x 13. Auction Sales AUCTION of fresh an g Spring: ing cows and heifers and calves this Friday and 'every Friday at 2 at Bervie Livestock Sales. Every, springer guaranteed. De- liver:lira-head. • -44-47 -aimueno 14. -Services Available DRESSM4KIN"G and alterations done. 'Reasonable, Phone JA. 4-7770. • 45 STAN BLOWES TRAVEL SER- VICE, 32 Wellington, Stratford. For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. * Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710. -45 • LET es restore accuracy and beauty to your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and ,diamond ;etting. Modern e:quipment. Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. -4211 Log House I ed, 156 Britannia Rd. Phone tact RONALD E FORSTER Goderich on Highway 21, this — Situated four miles south of 1 Clinton HU -2-7568. 45x rustic log house may be pur- ROOM to rent at 226 East, gl. chased with from two to ten Phone JA 4-8479. ' -45 acres of land at a very reduced price. Call this broker for an THREE - BEDROOM house, all appointment to inspect. conveniences, gas „furnace, im- mediate possession. Choice loca- Completely Modern Duplex tion. Phone JA 4-9598. Close to uptown, this duplex I 45-4 has been completely modern- ized. This is an excellent pro- ONE -YEAR-OLD house to rent perty for retired couple, pro- in Stratford, two bedrooms, Irv- viding a, lovely homer plus ing room, kitchen and bath, full income. basement with oil furnace. Available November 15. Phone Looking For a Large Horne? JA 448464. -45 Presently listed are four larger homes ranging from four to six bedrooms. All are in an excellent state of repair. Building Lots in Huron View Park Subdivision Several fully serviced lots now available in this excellent location. Prices start at $1.200. Special deal available to build- ing contractors: To build on or just to invest in. now is the time to buy your lot in Huron View Park. Prices are bound to increase as this area builds Up. m and Rural Salesmen 'far vey Lassaline. ).t;. lot. _ .1 leg ranch-stx le home. Frank Mackenzie,Rit, 1, Ripley R.R. 2*. GCcierich IGeorge Ashton, Fordwich 711 an E.-Xi:C:11Ra central iota- s LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES tion. an attractive 2 -storey brick i INVITED. residence, withattached garage. ! Fine red -brick residence in ;pod re'.idential district! -four bedrooms, ultra modern nathroom, good-sized kitchen, ! iouble living room, double lot,' ws garages, large attractive deli() area in garden. W. J. HUGHES Real Estate Broker General Insuraace 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526. HOMES FOR SALE New three-bedroom .home on large four-bedroom brick quiet street, brick with cut store. flont, This is an eX- ceptionally well-built home and must be seen to he appreciated. alortgage is 612%. --esidence, with small acreage, eornet Bayfield Rd. and Blake Bungalow on Picton St., two iedrooms, three-piece hith, Hy - ng room, kitchen with dinette rea, utility room, Other at- ractive features. Small, attractive cottage on the lake bank, four mires sotith Goderich. The cottage con- sists of living room with stone fireplace; which opens onto a creened porch; there is one bedroom and kitchen also. and adjoining the cottage at a short diSfance is a sleeping cabin with two-piece bathtoom, all on a very interesting lake front, lot. - 'Ori Bayfield Rd., 11/2 miles .rom new hospital, nearly 10 acres, or will sell half, insul- brick home. At the., northwest corner of lainbria Rtl. and Elgin Ave., a 'try good frame. 2-sforey dwell. Ing. . 7 ,We htive',several choice, ser itited ibitilding.lOta, 60 ft x 133 IL, insa.,,,160100, area, for 'We'havo-AtiVtiiiiiittatoty 4 Chri$,' itcfetr'in Ondetich enkikeat side rfient or BayIleId Rd., In an area Vilect 45x forloca butineis: - Deluxe rug brick ranch type home, overlooking the lake. gew, . three-bedroom home. south west. Attractive white brick home. centrally located, hot water heat Trig, lovely spacious grounds. _ Threehedroclit red brick, north This home is very well built and, must be sold to clear up eState . — Income home., brick. central location. Farm for sale on No. 8 -High- way, 2 miles *from Goderich, 3 -bedroom house, modern kit- chen and bathroom, berik barn, 1 -shed and implement shed, approximately 80 acres. • 20. Acres of land in To*vri of Goderith, priced for quick sale. POR BENT , Four-bedroOM -home on Elgin Ave, West. $75 per rrienth. !arm Salesin L, H. fierttitritli Huron Rd.JA 41041 LI$TINGS AND '114aCktilkilES 1NViTED TWO-BEDROOM apartment, tin furnished or partly furnished, living room, kitchen, full bath, equipped with gas heater and pipes for gas range. Adults only. Phone JA 4-8556. ;45tf FOUR-BEDROOM house, gas heated, available December 1, reasonable rent; Phone 8224. -45 APARTMENTS or rooms, auto- matic washer and dryer, furn ished or unfurnished, heated. Phone 37, Bayfield. 45x G. Wanted To Rent SMALL apartment wanted, heat- ed, furnished, close to race track. Phone JA 4-7202. , 45x WANTED in genmiller or Au- burn district, apartment' or house, with bath, heated' pre- ferred. Write to Box 55, Signal - Star. 45x. 8. Help Wanted • ARE YOU OVER' 39? .` Large firm requires represent- ative with a car for local work. You should .be over .39. Ideal. position for retired or semi- retired man. Dignified work with repeat sales. Write at once to Personnel Director, Box 817, London, Canada, for further details. -4446 COOK7GOVERNESS, also laund- ress char, for professional home in Chatham. Highest wages. Apply Box 53, Signal -Star. -45 MEN: Pleasant outdoor work. Average $2 per hour. No ex- perience . necessary. Write rtaw lei gh's, , Dent. .1t.21,0.,V V , 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 45 LAUNDRESS wanted. Apply Bedford Hotel. -45 SECRETARY, female, wanted, full time, ,for Meal business firm: Experienced in all phases ei office, wo.A. .4•PinY r• 1-30 X 840, Godtrich. -13-46 MAN or WOMAN to supply established customers with fam- ous nationally advertised Wat- kins Prodlieb4. No invettm.vo. Earnings of *75 and up weekly nostible. PUlt . or- Part-time. Write 10 M. Beatimier, 350 8t. Roch 8t., Montreal 16, Quebec. .44-47 ACE Radio TV. Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St., W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phohe JA 4-7771. ••p. - - -3111 SHARP? Ready for business? Saws: hand and electric, skates, cutlery, etc. Please call even- ings. C. H. Homar, Huron Rd., opposite store. " .-40tf ELECTROLUX, • (CA N A D A) LIMITED - For service call J. Amsing, HU 2-7302, Clinton -38tf SID RULLEN'S Cabinet Shop custom furniture, kitchen 'cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St.. Phone 9631. -alt' SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all , work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R 2 Brussels Phone Brussels TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Nominations „to complete the 1963 Township of Colborne Council and School Area Board of Trustees consisting of: Reeve,• Four Coucillors, and Three School Area Trustees will be received by the under - Signed on Friday, November 30, 1962, at the Township Hall, Carlow, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 'p.m. in the afternoon. AND FURTHERMORE, should an election be required, same shall be conducted on Monday December 10, 1962, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 pan. in accordance with the polling divisions established in the Township of Colborne. AND FURTHERMORE, at the conclusion of the nominations on November 30, 1962i' a meet- ing of the ratepayers shall be held to receive the financial statements and consider such other business as might pro- 'perly be brought before the meeting. Sgd. B. C. STRAUGHAN, Returning Officer. -45 CLERK'S NOTICE OF POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST' Voters' List 1962, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. Notice is hereft givenjhat have complied With Section 9 of Tbe Voters' List •Aet, 1951, and that I have posted up at my office at Kintail On the 9th day of November, 1962, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Muni- cipal Elections_and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voter§ to take immediate pro ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to taw,, the last day for appeal being the '23rd day of Novem- ber, 1962. Dated this 9th day of Novem- ber, 1962. Donald M.. Simpson, Clerk of the Township of Ashfield. • 45-46 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF HURON PROVINCE OF ONTARIO - TO WIT: ,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that -the list of lands to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Huron has been pre- pared and was published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 1st day of September, 1962. Copies of the list of lands for sale for' arrears of taxes may be secured in the County Treas urer's office. . , 442W6. 41-49x vor _mmons 15. Notice To ireditors ALL persons - having claims against the Estate of Charles Edward Allison, late of the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 8th day of Decem• ber, 1959, are required to lile tne aaine with full particulars with the undarsigned by, the 8th day of December, 1962, as after that date the assets Of the Estate will be distributed Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 12th day of November, 1962. HAYS, PREST 8z RAYS, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. , -4547 ememmummiemessicueimme, 16. Public Notice MONEY available fol. first mort gage on good residential and some types of cummercial pro perties. Apply to Harold W Shore, Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton St. Phone' JA 4-7272. -12U NOW finance your new or late model used car purchase at Bank Rates through. Harold W Shore, 38 Hatailioh St, Dia 7272. ANYONE having an account or ciAim With the Colhorne. Muni- cipal Telephone System please file the same with the Sec.- Treas., Mrs. Edna Vfoore, It:R. 4, Goderich, on or before De- cember 1st, 1962. -44-45 WARNING Anyene contemplating or con- spiring toward fraudulent *deal- ings, or other treacherous stunts, concerning the old DIM- canson White farm, 'en the 17th concession of Grey, Township, before all debt claims are satis- fied in full, will plaee theni. selves liable to full presecutiort under the eriminal ode and laws of the Department of Justice of Canada. Signed, Johnpatter4$soti. IN DEFAULT OF PAYMENT OF TAXES AS SHOWN ON SUCH •LIST ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1962, AT THE HOUR OF TWO O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER- NOON, I shall at the said time, in the Court ,House, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by Pub- lic Auction the said lands to pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon. • NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY OF THE SAID LANDS REMAIN UN- SOLD, AN ADJOURNED SALE WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEIVIBER 18, 1962, AT THE SAME HOUR AND -PLACE AND AT WHICH, 1V1UNICIPALMES MAY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE ANY OF THE SAID LANDS. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer. Goderich, Sept. 4, 1962. -36-48 17. Business Notice FOR dances, entertainment or night club work, call Elgin Fisher, phone JA 4-8886. Mem- ber of the American Federation of Musicians. , ,45X WEST STREET LAUNDROMAT 12 Westinghouse Washers 5 Dryers s !:$I3en 24 .11011ts-a . day. , 9 4a.m1.:!,rfo Illepa.nmin.gsiHono.urlso sat. Attendant 011'46*y during, thoe hours. 45 simimmosisommumammemis 18. Personal RELATIVES.—Mrs. E. Metkeii. na, (nee gilta Whitely), doughter Pf the 'late William Whitely, of the 7th COneession, would like' to hear of any relatives Who 'limy be living and would like to establish, contact. Write 21/ Egerton St., London, On- tario. . _ . 4445 1 BARKER. -,--,At Belleville Gen- eral ,Hospital„ Belleville,- on November 10, 1962, to leeL and Mrs. Edgar A. Barker, Bt wr sci a Liter. dal Kent and DIEROLF.—At Alexandra iiQS- pital Goderich, on November 13, 1062,' to Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Dierolf, Goderich, a son. FOURNIER. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Nov- ember 11, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Fournier, R.R. 2, Clinton, a daughter, Louise. HELL1NGA. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Noveni- ber 12, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hellinga. Auburn, a dapghter, Elizabeth. ROSS.—At St. Joseph's Hospit- al, Hamilton, oh November 9, 1962, to -Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Ross, R.R. 2, Hamilton, a daughter, DebOrah Doreen. ROSS.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 12, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ross, Goderich, a son. SEE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 6, ' 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. David See, Goderich a daughter. C. Briefs The *CP. & T. Fund commit- tee of Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah lodges have ,wheel- chairs and other equipment for loan, free of charge. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, park St., phone 9623; or Fred Fritzley, Wilson St., phone 7217. , 45 Goderich business firms! Are you making your Christmas plans? May we suggest you include greeting cards, specially° designed for businesses, from the wide selection Row on dis- play at the Goderich Signal - Star. 46tf iarder. Shell, furnace oil and stove • oil from Edward Fuels tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products P ho,n e JA 4-8386. -39tf People are already doing it!' Yes, people are already order- ing their Christmas cards from the many fine choices available at thd Goderich They can be ordered personal- ized or plain, as you prefer. Drop in and, look' them over. No obligation. -40tf Ammemaree D. In Memoriam BAXTER—In loving memory of Sheldon Baxter, who pass- ed avvay six years ago, Novem- ber 15, 1956. , At night the silent stars look down On a grave not far from here, Where sleeps the one we can't forget The one We love so dear.' —Ever remembered by wife Helen, and 'children, Gary and Ndrene. -45 ANDERSON.—In fond and lov- ing memory of a dear grand- child and niece, Rhonda Dianne, who departed this life November 14, 1959, aged eight months. Deep in the heart is a picture Of a dear one laid to rest. In life's memory we will keep it Because she was one of the best. —Ever remembered by Grand- ma and boys. " "45x ANDERSON.—In loving mem- ory of a darling niece, Rhonda Dianne, who passed away November 14, 1959. It was a November day; We stood by an open grave. We watched them lower a loved one We'd have given our 'lives to save. But we knew our theughts wouldn't waken That little soul in the clay, So we laid, our hearts beside her, And silently walked 'awa —Sadly missed and too sweet to ever .be forgotten by Aunt June and Uncle Ron. 45x MORGAN.—In loving memorY of our dear p,arents, John Morgan, who passed away February, 1947, and Catherine Jane Morgan, November 13, 1956. , Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days pass by, In our hearts a memory is kept, Of ones we ,loved and will 'never forget. —Lovingly remembered by the family. 45x FEE.—In loving memory 'of Donald Fee, who died NOV- ember 18, 1961. Two little hands are resting, A loving heart is still, A little son is waiting For us just over the hill. —Ever remembered by Mom- my, Daddy and Bruce. 45x silent down 37- R. Cards of Thanks BAXTER.—I wish to take. this - opportunity to express my thanks to all those Who, help- ed to make my stay- in. hos- pital more pleasant, by way viSits, flowers or cards. I .would also like to thank Drs, McGeough, Taylor and Lambert sincerely, for their great care ariot the Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen, Maitland Lodge No. 331A,F & AM, and Branch 109, /loyal Canadian Legion. / must say a very special Thank You, to all thenurses and staff of the hospital, who went far beyond thoir normal duty, to mtke me as hippy and comfortable as, was pos- '131e; Sometimes 1 am sure, was iniit the easiest to wait on. Thank you. all. , G. Z. Baxter'. 'asle E. Cards of Thanks CHAMBERS.—We desire to ex- press to our kind neighbors and thoughtful friends our heartfelt thanks for their many expressions of symp- athy. The beautiful floral 01- pf err:el agtsedw. ere especially ap- The family of the late Mrs. Thomas Chambers. ' -45 • MASKELL.-1 wish to thank my relatives and friends for flow- , ers, cards, gifts and visits while I was in hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. J. W. Wal. lace, the nurses and staff ior their kindness. Mrs. Olive Maskeil -45 MUTCH.—I wish to express sin cere thanks to my very kind neighbors and friends, Dr. R. W. Street, Clinton Public Hos- pital, nurses and staff, for all their kindness to me while I was indisposed. Also . for card flowers and treats: 7111 have been gratefully appreci- ated. • Elma Mute...4113. RUSSELL.—I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was hospitalized. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of both hospitals; also .to those who were so thoughtful to my family dur- ing my absence. Mrs. Peggy Russell. 45x YOUNG.—I wish to thank all those who made my stay in hospital more pleasant With visits, cards and treats. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. N. C. Jack- son, the nurses and staff. Charles E. Young. 45x MEW 41=1111111110 F. Engagements _ Mr. and Mrs. Sart° Healy, Goderich,• announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Dianne Elizabeth, to Mr. William Dobie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie, Auburn. The marriage will take place December 1 in St. Peter's Church, Goderich. 455 G. Coming Events Rummage sale, Saturday, November 17, at 2 p.m., Mac- Kay Ha. Sponsored by the Goderielf;W.I. Donations from anyone accepted. -45 Please save articles for 4 rummage sale for the Local Association . Girl guides an 14rewnies; -November 24, at Cornish store, starting at 1.30 p.m. -44 Tickets for the Earle Terry Singers concert, in , Victoria _Public School, on November 28, are available from any member of Knox Church Men's Club. -45 Skate exchange, sponsored by Home and School Association, in 11-.• H. Cornish Eleetric store. -45 Christmas ideas created csrpec- ially for you! Everything'Irom novel and practical gifts tor both children and. adults on your list, to the wrappings and trimmings' for your parcels. All crafted by the U.C.W. of North Street Church to please you at their Tea, Bake Sale and Sale of Goods on Saturday, November 24, from 2.50 to 5 p.m. Decorations will be festive and hospitality warm! Bake table, mm -m! Tea excellent! Please bring your friends, too! The regular meeting of the Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Mon- day, November 19th, at 2.30 P.m. in the Board Room. Dona- tions to the cancer cupboard would be gratefully received at this meeting. -45 C.O.F. Courts 86 and L-1901 Bendfiller, are holding a dance at Londesboro Hall, Friday, Nov- ember 23. Dancing from 10-1.30 to Jimmy Scottls• Orchestra. Ad- mission 75c. -45-46 The Goderich Horticultural Society will hold its last meet- ing of the year in St. George's Parish Hall, Friday evening, Novembdr 16th. During the evening, Mr. Percy Barker will give an illtigrated• 'talk on his, trip to the Lakehead this past suninier. ,p -45 Financial Statement GODERICH LIONS CLUB Following is an abbreviated statement of the accountant of expenditures of the Goderich Lions Club for the financial year ending June 30, 1962: Balance carried forward and re- ceipts EXPENDITURES Health and Welfare Boys and Girls Sight Conservation Civic ImproVements Goderich Retarded Children's School CARE C.N.I.B. Foster Parent Plan (Adopted Child) St. John Ambulance Muscular Dystrophy Alexandra Hospital Miscellaneous Donations Administration Expenses Placed in Student Education Account „ Excess of expenditures over revenue „ 605.67 '2,524.75 490.75 380.16 700.00 250.00- 100.00 -250.00 100.00 100.00 3,000.00 68.75 145.23 2,500.00 $ 10,972.56 $ 11,215.36 $ 242.80 MAURICE JENKINS, Treasurer -4 FINAL 3 DAYS 'BLANKET SALE Luxurious Satin -Bound Blankets 4 lb. 72",x 90" made from 1005 pure. Virgin CANADIAN • WOQLS I Reg. $16.00 Value Al $9.50 Colours Gold, Green, Rose, Blue, Red, White. 1/2 Price Glove and Mitt Sale EXCEPTIONALLY PINE — Men's goatgkin, hand - sewn dress glove. Colours naturfil and tan. $5.00' .... : Sale' Price $150 Ladies' kid, hanchaewu;--linter–Sd. Inirriita. Colours natural and tan„, Reg. 84.00 Sale Price $2.0,0 Lined Children's mitt, ilperskin tanned to always Reg. $2.00 . Sale Price $1.00 Also Men's Work Glove., Genuine Goatskin, only 50c pr. IVIEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS heavyweight, nylon, reinforced. - .3 pr. for $1.00- 13,#,INTON LIMITED These'of4rs available November 1 to November '17. ' Piece Hours ". 5:30 belly • -45