The Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-11-15, Page 34 re At the . annual meeting and banquet of Goderich Township Federatioi� _44f Agri- culture last Thursday .evening," William Til- den (standing) President of the Ontario Fed- eration was guest speaker. Mrs. Tilden is seen seated at extreme ,right.. On the speak- er's right was William Riddell, President of the Goderich Federation and Mrs. Riddell Mrs. Merrill and Jack Merrill Vice -Presi- dent; Mrs. Ireland and Elmer Ireland, Huron County Federation President; Mrs. Orr and Gerald Orr, secretary. An excellent banquet was furnished by • the ladies of Holmesville United Church, where- the banquet was held. " * :t: * a: 4: GODERICH TWP. FEDERATION OF A. • :,: "A New Era Of Hope" Seen .For Agriculture HOLMESVILLE.—With home Department of Agriculture, the . facilities almost duplicating time may not be far. distant th,pse in the cities, prices stabil- when milk will ° be sold strictly izing and profits appearing above on a grade basis. F'or, a long casts . of `production • for farm i time " now- milk has been - the products, a good future seems ; only food commodity which has indicated for the younger gen- not been marketed on this basis. eration of farm people, accord. Wilmer Riddell, president of ,ing to William Tilden, president the Goderich Township Feder of the Ontario Federation of ation, was chairman for the Agriculture, guest speaker at meeting which was well attend• the annual meeting and ban. ed. The executive continues in. quet of Goderich Township Fed office for another..12 months, .eration, held at Holmesville having originally been elected United Church Thursday night for a two-year term. After reviewing marketing Also speaking briefly . were problems, including the serious Alex MacGregor, chairmanof disparity between fluid milk -FAME for „Huron; Alfred War prices and those for other types, ner of the hog marketing corn - he described what he saw as a mittee: Elmer Ireland, county "new. era of hope in agricul- president and- Russell Bradford, ture which has not been seen Dairy Branch, Ontario Depart for some years. He pointed out ment of Agriculture. that farmers are now beginning to get returns more in line with the actual costs of producing, and surpluses are ' literally be ing "eaten up" to the point where red meats are .in strong demand, partly as tiA result of what he described as "order• ly marketing." It appears to him that al though there is a trend to fewer and larger farms, the family type of, farm as we .know it will not disappear, and for the fu• ture of the young farmers, agri• culture "will be ,a very good way of living." He said that .in view of the present situation in milk mark- eting, what with a demand lot- a Royal Commission and com mencement of grading by the Oft ,1 g Representatives Federation representatives for the various school sections of the township were csleeted as follows:" Mr. and Mrs. Ron Geddes, S.S. 1; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rogers, S.S. 2; Mr. •and Mrs. Lloyd Bond, S.S.. 3; Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Merrill, S.S. 4; Alr. and Mrs. Argyle Lockhart, S.S 5; Mr. and Mrs. William Porter, S.S. 6; Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling, S.S. 8; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Miller,'S.S. 9; Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Welsh; S.S. 10; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trewartha, S.S. 11; Mr. and.Mrs. George Wright, S.S. 10 and 12: In addition to the president, Wilmer Riddell, officers.who will "serve for a furthr 12 WINTERS COMING. Black Board Slate (all kinds) TEPERMAN IS HERE BETTER GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES .NOW I. 50c sa ft, New 2 x 4's 54 per ft. 3x7x14's .... $1.60 ea. Fluorescent Lights 4 Bulb, 4 Footers plate Mass�� ..' . .�.4 404 ft. \\ .• --- Oil 'Burners a $1.O'ea. ' $16:00 ea. Beautiful Cupboards All Kinds t5 up 'r. Aditonnatic ? Door Closers t 5 ea. x10x10's ........ 99 ea. 1" Boards • .... 14 per ft. Just Arrived, a Carload of • - Wi'ndows'' .,;,; ,. ", .r'i'5 SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY PLYWOOD. WE HAVE NEW AND USED'AT LOW PRICES. - .. r �.�. ' 'r.ii`. ONTARIO'S LARGEST USED LUMBER DEALER 1136 Victoria St. North' On Hwy. 7 at' Itittthener Stock Yards SH 5-•0211 KITCHENERANATERLOO open prom y te.nr. to 6 p rn, Mon, in Sat. )onner:Parish Priest, F4thpf J. P. Gleeson, Honored B1TC.W.L. months are Vice-president Jack Merrill; lady directors, Mrs. Mervyn Lobb and alternate, Mrs, Wilmer- Riddell; hog producers' committee, Alf Warner and al. ternate, Gerald Orr; beef direc- tor, Dick Porter; -cream pro- ducers, Wilfred Penfold; poul- try director, Ray Cox; secre- tary -treasurer; Jim Lobb: audi- tors, Lorne Rogers :and Robert Sterling. CHURCH HEATING FUND STILL NEEDS $1,600 With practically all mem- bers of the congregation hav- ing already donated, a total of $1,600 is still required to complete the objective of $11,090 for the new heating' iirstallatihn at . St. George's -Anglican Church. 'the fund chairman, P. F. Carey, reports that a total of $9,400 has al- ready been raised either by cash or pledges. Former par- ishioners sent in a total of $235. Malcolm Mathers is chair- man of ' the heating instal- lation committee.. The new - heating system has already been installed and is in oper- ation. ' The November meeting of the Catholic Women's League Was held at the home of Mrs. Leo Chisholm, ,Gloucester Terrace.. Prayer in (nison was recited preparatory t6 the business con- ducted by Mrs. Dan Murphy; the president. Donations were voted towards the Veterans' jhristmas Fund, the Parent Teachers' Association; for a gift to St. Joseph's School, and the Muscular Dystrophy Associa- tion. -Mrs. James 'Donnelly read a list of suggested gifts for the Cancer Cupboard and ideas were gleaned for the shower at the December meeting. Rev. Father Moynahan con- veyed appreciation to the ladies who worked on the recent Dio- cesan Campaign and it was not- ed there has been an increase in amount collected this yea_". Acknowledgements of cards sent to shut-ins were read and Mrs. Carl Schneiker and Mrs.1 Earl MacLaren offered to visit the hospital for November. One letter of commendation to the CBC for Overage; of the open- ing of the Eucunenlical Council was forwarded. The name ef the late Mrs. James Brophey was submitted to the League Magazine for the Memoriam page. Members were urged to increase subscriptions to the Magazine. To commemorate the 50th an- niversary to the priesthood fit Rev. J. P. Gleeson a spiritual gift of a High Mass will be of- fered for him. Feather Gleeson, a former parish priest of St. Peter's Church, is 'now resident in St. Mary's Hospital, London. He was ordained December 21, 1912, a,t London. Deceased members and Fallen Comrades will also be remembered by the gift' of High Masses. An article called "Patience Centre" by Bishop Pultoric J. Sheen was read and Mrs. Mur- phy told of att'endin a retreat accompanied by here husband et Oxley for married= couples. It was announced that Rev. Joseph McCabe, a Jesuit missionary on furlough ' from ° India, would speak and show films on his work, in MacKay Hall Sunday evening, °Father McCabe is e brothetr of, Mrs. Joseph HOPI of town. The meeting adjourn- ed with prayer. The ladies adjourned to the dining room where a delicious ,got luck supper awaited, con- vened by Mrs. Lloyd Etue. The dining table was centred with a lovely bbuquet of mixed flowers. Alter partaking of the many dainty dishes, a social time was enjoyed. Articles for the coin- ing Christmas Fair were viewed and some goods taken home by the servers. Tickets were distributed.,, On behalf of the members,-MrS, MacLaren •thank- ed the hostess for her warm hospitality and an enjoyable evening. Signal -Star ads bring results J. W. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phbne JA 4- 8132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING afr` — • UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR ,SAYS . ° AT - THEATRE THE : SHOWTIME 7:30 Now Playing — "3 STOOGES IST ORBIT" with Carol Christenson also — Frank Latimore In • "Then There Were Three" Mon. -Tues. -Wed., Nov. 19 -20 -21 - "BRUSH FIRE Adult Entertainment ' Jo Morrow & John Ireland Plus a second entertaining attraction Bobby Darin & . Stella Stevens .' u" "11100 LATE BLUES" Thurs., Fri,, Sat-., .Nov. 22.:23-24 , Adult . Entertainment Suzy Parker — Michael Callan — Anne Helm In the year's best seller smash hit! "THE INTERNS" Saturday Matinee Only! — "The Man From Colorado" In color with William Holden &Glenn Ford "You know Fred He looks into things carefully and he chose The Mutual Life" Get the most from your insurance dollar G'Iaranteed pr tectio and savings—plus high dividends See the man from Roprosentative: GODERICH; ONTARIO A � The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF' CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record ,FRANK REID ` • PHONE: JAckson 4-9251 Female Graduates" Role Increasingly Important The increasing pressures and complexities which will face high school and university grad- uates were outlined by A. P. Gordon, B.A., Registrar of the University of Waterloo, guea speaker at the annual cons mencernentt exercises at Gode- rich District Collegiate .Insti tute Friday night. • A great deal of "know how" has been amassed in recent years, and at the present rate, it appears that the total mass of information becoming avail- able actually doubles itself eeery „seven years. This form idable circumstance is reflected in the pressures: and higher standards which students arc called upon to face as the years pass. Calling for more attention :o the humanities, where the pro- blems- and inter -relationships of people are concerned, he point- ed out That science has made tremendous contributions in re- cent ecent years, developing many great skills, including, ,as the i speaker wryly remarked, the ability to snuff out humanity , "at one shot." " As a yardstick of the increas- Cing importance of education. M>;•. Gordon pointed out that 5 years ago three-quarters of the available jobs could be tilled by unskilled laborers. Now only one -quartet of the avaiiahle job, are open to the unskilled. Perhaps the most revolution- ary changes are seen in the field" of the employment of women, who have long since abandoned marriage as their sole goal in life. They now hold positions ti es BINGO at LEGION HALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 AT 8.30 P.M. 15 GAMES — $:.,00. The prize for each regular game will be $12.00. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $80.00 IN 56 CALLS Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch 1.09 The: oderiellSignairs ar, Ch - at irnn:ortanc d rresso sibik, ity in an over widening tango' of joJa, and the old myth that women are unable to achieve xn;. scientific . fields has been ' $ , m:e pelled for all:tj, Many Pielc�s , Thousands of young• women ate now employed as laboratory technicians, matbematicials, therapists, dietitians, lihrariaus and other :highly skilled cate- r;orioconnected with automa- tion and data processing. It has been estimated that l least 67 percent of the women teachers in one public schopl inspectorate in this region are married, pointing up' the feset that marriage is no longer a sat- licient career in itself for many women. "We are not measured. by our words alone, but ,byy what we do," warped the speaker, stress- ing that a person's declaratiot,s are frequently accepted on a qualified basis by others, de. 11r ay, ' 1`1'ovember 9.01414 'Mere on the aehtevetnettp than onthe Au.* :. fort . f lits remarks. After. Bradt ationa, 40%1W must continue to. ,meet WOW' higher .standards all alon ,the - line,. and in order to do- 044, younC.. people must 410.4 their minds to employ their, Live abilities, their AgnOcpsic, backgroUnd$ with; ' .a spowertnt. motivation or willingness to serve. ' In his intrOlzct qn, o "tui, speaker, G. 0, Ginn, GPCX bt?1.t'd member, pointed to the great measure of responsibility held by Mr.t Gordon as • a universitj registrar at a very early age in • Re ;pointed out this as one criterion of Air. Gordon's outstanding ability which has been recognized by the univerts- )ty. - Appreciation was expressed to the guest speaker for his talk; by Dan Murphy, another mem- ber of the G.D,C.I.:Board. a IN A SPIN OVER MONEY? Talk it over with a Niagara Loan Advisor. It's his job to help you! Niagara loans are made up to $2,500 — and are usually completed sin less than a day. Remember, you will always be welcome at Niagara. NIAGARA LOANS Ndr NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Largest AII-Canadian Consumer Loan Company Loan Manager: Mr: J. M. Teahen 29 Kington St., Phone JA 4-8357 Meet `Marty' Agoggle-eyed• i iw-from autea pace: stn ttual.-Novi aur.cliildr l as sra; This lovable,laughable character who with Marty at home., Come in and jingles, and squeaks, has charmed meet Marty—and see Mahees com, ' thousands of children on T.V. Marty loves children and the feeling aq plete range of popular priced shoes and slippers. Martyonly a I. y $1,29 t all Mattes shoe Stores