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The Exeter Times, 1891-8-20, Page 2
Agust Late Forlip News 9 a WELLED $><& FLT, F ower - very s Sleeper Mr. ILorenzoP t well kiiawvu to the citizens of Apple- ton, Me.. and neighborhood. He -Says. Fight years ago I was taken "sick, and suffered as no one but a •' dyspeptic can. I then began tak- "ting August Flower. At that time ,. I was a great sufferer, t very- l"thiug I ate distressed me o that I "had to throw it up. `then in a " few moments that horrid distress would come on and I would have " to eat and suffer* For that "again. I took a Horrid little of your lased- Iclne, audfelt much Stomach "better, and a f ter " " taking a little more Feelt • ing, August Flower my `e Dyspepsia disap- "'peaked, and since that time • I " have Never had the first sign of it. "I eau eat anything without the "east rear of distress. I wish all " that are af'dicted with that terrible " d. -case or the troubles c:iuslt by "it „•..fila try Augu-t Flower, is I "1 ar• D ttigfied there is no medicine "1 , + „ e 4 qj t 1 t' 1" t➢ T 1; it tltitf lire, o,t is . 'reaki n t; in, 1 k all i1 si , n -t a alt h, tlln silty, .,hilt ri at l+.Q,(iati lire al) . P g A Xoltu luau's il,eveage. Natreat e :11 The rag pickers of Paris collect about $10,- 000 worth -a night. 8witzerlanil yearly reek Ives about St15,O06a 000 from foreign tourists. Bi ekl:S no longer can he ridden in Danish eines faster titan the speed of a cttb, by .a decree of the <=overnnneut. Two million francs more leave been added to the • fortstne • of the liAttarpti de Persia through the will ,of the Marquis tle t t. Astier. - The Austrian census shows that initfalieia seventy-four per cent. of the population eau anther real iter write, and only nine per cent. can read. M. Matey, by arranging his own appara- tus, has sneeeeded in photograpping the flight of h seets, the exposure of the plate being nceese rib not over 1.25,000the part ;a a seerond, ba France four sttetehes of etratet�tee railway have been opened reeently. They extend from ,uvulae to Saint -Denis -les - Martel. Lotns•le•Sanlnier to Chalupa;,enols, 1'l:strees .` eint-Dennie to Seint•Juste ean- t:hawsie, (1'l±,streee-.aunt-Denis to Ftai.>y. More than twellty•tbrce million €ironer ar, neetle:i to keep.the standing g Andy t r Sweden en its feet in the year 1'+.".`., :a n{ this. the Government says, to vit.tbl1 the cuumry to maintain on :motel iten- > n tra'.it , w17lLh, it is declared, will ut tt:lhc- tr ee- a r. a further r :.i without! ens e 1 e t to til i I t s e t 1 1 fT t peteliture of ten million kroner 1m coast tie- fenses. • A alombay telegram, 1-a\:: `The trial of girl Pitet, however, refused to do this, sine li\toe So the tel s brother challenged g g c this last repara- tion. Pitet again refused h s ta duel. Pie n P oun man shot him tion. Thereupon the young in the chest with a revolver. Pitet now lies dangerously wounded. The ball has not been extrae,ed. The accused admitted the charge against him. He had voluntarily given himself up. He was acquitted timid applause from the crowd in the court. Pitet had to pay the costs of the trial. Two young fellows, each about 16 years 4 n on the • `1 " t happy s t o. :l\ s 1e their e# dh e 1 it h 1 t P 1 P banks of the Seine, Neither the pollee nor the morgue have been ab'.e to restore them to their sorrowing part lets. They slid not take mulch with theta. They only had a few frames and a fishing rod as their equipment for the journey they are now making. But they have something, or rather somebody else, whom they have taken under their protection. This somebody is no less than a young girl, who has consented to share their perils and privations and has runaway fromsehool to aceompany them on their trip. \1. Greltault, a Frenelt Egyptologist, is busy opening 100 iareophagi recently ells- eovered at Ttlebes. The first mummy that he uncovered is peculiarly interesting. The face is still beautiful. The mummy is so carefully preserved that the amulets \worts on the neck and forehead are still in their right place. The eyed, nostrils anti mouth Fiekles. Never, on anconsideration,u s brass use copper obell- mettle, kettles for pickling the verdigris produced in them by the vine- gar being of a most poisonous nature. Bet- ties lined with porcelain arethe best. When it is necessary to boil vinegar, do so in a stone jar on the fire Use also wooden spoons and forks.A small lump of alum added to• the vinegar nn which pickles are sealed ren- dors them crisp and tender, and if covered with cabbage or grape leaves a fresh green color will be irnparted. In making pickles, cider vinegar is best, but very nice, strong vinegar may be made of sorghar, as follows: one pint of sorgham to each gal. ion of soft water (hard water will do, but soft is best), add a cake of yeast and some good " mother," if you have it'. Tie a cloth tightly over the jar or keg and place it in the sun. It will be good in three or four weeks. Stirit well every few days. See that pickles are always completely cov- ered with vinegar, Itis a good rule to have one-third of the jar filled with -vinegar aut€ two•thirdsfilled with pickles. Vinegar should only boil freer she minutes. Too much boiling takes away the strength. Pickles will keep hest by being bottled, sealed while hot, anti set in a cool place. Bits tf parse-radishand spices, with a 'band- itti of sugar to call. gallon of pickles, assist in preserving; its strength, as well as greatly are et/rered wan . thin coating of \tate., improving its flavor. (ringer is the most Only tsco or three anomalies have leen :w it+]lesotltesl)ice for pickles; cloves are the so carefully embalmed as this one. The strongest, then allspice, cinnamon and mace. hely is that of a t;.ya1 prince belong; ug; to • Mustard• seed is oho very mice. If pieldles -1 Case 9f a Dogs Bite. tin. family of the high priestsof Ammon. In are raised and prepared at home in brme,an eV reels (:inlet;, M. D. the toldt was foetid a naantlseript, which, eaten cask; shoald be used, and they should If you are unfortunate enough to he bit - when de. iplierr", will prove quite a rove- he a,ept well cowers d, \witki plenty of'alt at ten ba do-, waste no time, in sendui g fora laden to 1: '. j4tologiats. tE:e 1 '.tom of the a ask, I11 44 .4 I4 g brine plies iau, a nut the wound requires instant tit vet.•tl iglils in tin(' e:tmm�ereial Sete"d Ile for pickle i,, it '4"'"1d ho sodlielenitly e:rang ' attention. First wash it ii n ediatel • with , Mistral, pllen4 - %1y, are Ferry that they to lac t. all egg, A pint of stilt to every clean, tepid id water. If this is not readil ' tried to frighten a eehoalm ate, William gallon of water is the usual propertied. ' obtainable, clean water of any tem eraturc Elvin, a nervotet bay of I3 yeare of eget e. . ► •01 and .i nein a Just after the aunl4dl parr s , )u •t a c h urn vee sever- al 1. mesa t hal been m 1 f e I a al beya tubi y"anat'Klein that he had failed to Iualifr in certain Imam:lies whes,h he had iced 04rauliy stadytng2 up. 'rho etatemt•ttt tthe 1,erne-, ;11ooedse.e -:1-•••it.- beton. t.1c ttrx go; true bait it sane•e-1 ti43 ha sa Ili;1:4 ('mart- Iters, on the chat a of mar n14;vlrthat i,1• istnt out, hmught a revolver tlerislg two 1'.xaee ..girls liv 1l% 1). n; them ewi shot himself. • from the sntemit of_ the I: ivt rsmty eto..t: 1 tower, terminated 1►y the ti:,ltu.rit of ateThe Italian \tarquis Prospero 1faraigli, (-need, the jure, eine a;,tiug of elteht ➢.too- who recently died in Bologna, lett bellied a c s ! t t, t 3 1t ut (i s :.. ' .., t alt. £hot G lire. Of ti i ' :, i about p 1 , E t'4f ll. a . .tt 11 6 d � 'l \ 1C1 pear:. and u r J r n m 1 1 n t; , .. P 1'ot sc � in 's Will 3!J( lire t not guilty. The trip No t at i c•.1 gecat a 1. uta he 1 let lit 11 1.OU 1 interest. ' i" .p h 't 1 1 the ecand Ii nein• a 4tieli the anti=cptie (peroxide a'aNeell.`hs:War.,1seeN•saaaSee'V kWae.. stSaa:7SO, 'ate i 3 for Infants and Children, '•"Castalrtt►lsso'trelladaptedtochildrenthat Casteds cures Colic, Constipation, trecommena timeepermetonneereseription Sour stomach, Diarrarea, Eructation, taxmen to ate. IL ..,aware, lark, xtus 'worms, eves sleep, sand promotes di 131 t3Qr OzfordSte D ho ti M 'narlyn, N. Y: 'Without MAO= medication,. TIM Cs.: -rare COtli*a.•+'k, 77 Murray Street, N. r,' i t►��f{�/j��f��tt°°�j1'IQIE ='t i * tealleat •essz IY'e. t'ernienent ,,• 7ilst� emu was guaranteed. filetiary anti, leaptases reed. ma- tear c- tearaxiyanta[testobeginner. Reekcewplete,mtitlast»aeltil)groeexaltfea. O11ITB'iT� ri EE. W6 4lsalrctntroptaat'W Overuse, write xsiaow 1 Z16LQTRER44.Naraex aen.Toronto„Ont.l btshouseisreliable.) t,'41R•dlna:tl Pllr elt>s.-••-Soak euetulliers tel,1 a from the brine, put in a kettle and •.'4(-C with vinegar. I iao..);w 1't.^4:t.t;s,'---Take two gallons of Owner, weer, t\wo I1.uutls of sugar, one ounce of tumlrt'rie, three of etl•4ni,7e, one of clove;, one of male, one pint of mutt- -lard 44 4. -lard seed, arta two tublespeoutu{s of celery l }Toni cauterise. fn my ()pluton it is a seed- Pe11114 ell tngether and stir to iant needlessly paintuloperation, and is very sel. vinegar. Take three large, tirld 110:81s of dem accomplished semi enough to prevent cabb;a.e, slice awl seeld to break', squeeze the hydrophobic infection front tatting 4. , \lilt blcach- s 1 sun. ren .t an ban intim u . 1 y tat e,l nit lira in cold etron • outages., then . 444010 • 1.1'.4 nvs-sea for there mime of la a r, smut. purposes1'•trcliartrlblc•hobequeathed Ivo n a jar and pour over 4 d of liy'111•cent to the r=ora, take care not to his goxlsmn. the \ 1mte,, lr. remove the .whits: foam that will be getters a saw This do t' 4 •s' will a. er, T.us will until a � ic4atr an ewer. arrives. If you Omuta be so situated that a r • 'C' t upon you,then ph}si tau venue attend xp n act .titer lhislting out the wound with clean winter, apply, by meant; of a glass dropper, a Cwcrltti auttaiepua. I regard peroxitde of hydrogen (nlellieit4atl a9 tlt0 best eoinpound, ;t telegram from. .nt 1„4 air rep :rt:) the e risen ry t see lrttli bite,,,,:e ikeentt% ' 1arelais Ili Regina sada m:egnidcent *telt- ° 'O'a(c\ 1'tc lei.t;•t•--Taketar:e,WhlteDrama; aced. Let it remain until it disappears, f1 titter a u 1 remove 1144 skin, anti .1441 over Rollin alt \'.Lich \1411 Of Mt' 441 a few 401044 ».. This they heett ,c' the Uttar c 44'- 41 a t, ea 1'.a 1, lits eoetei44, the Start 1115,` lanes ze). To his water t let ti cm slant three Bays, stony 03''''' ht'i41;.g hunt", a• VMPp t '- of ►t2) 14112nt cott044 e jl t f'ai'r R l i. � •t - 't .IIree 11 0 broad Iay{sg, it 1u tie. ]tin T � � and sail fn• -11 brine ; let tlmetll 5tzn^.1 o\e r•slalteti in the r4lo\;ttic of hydrogen, should tthe pi.eiattothe momat ins.intitlemanilh • er4�slt he;s4 .0 left laatid,.:ame ammlant.aref T' y a la a u!1 WV) franca~ ransom. Phis was .,sill. Th:, ..10aey, I41. Then hakehakene gra{Ion of vinegar, .to be lairs over the yore, wethatn ocer•cov cr:ng tax e• liketti1 e£ 1'atigol•ia has been waylaid, 114 144.81 3tin 4 c=f tic I I. 41ia1. 4n4. 4a"tis den-. t\v 7 11110.1 ref t.ritatr44 fe.11td anti 1Q41r o: °{lett silk. w@lik ' OR lacs.way to his Ira ce, tntartlere:l, aratl ad«t ted by the nunterotis sI►iesin theentpl9y hx 411e1 iten da •s ; 4.1141' t then speer Orland t put n " dreeeel iu the f3tn4 444 114. r Willi tiTwi :e coyly day the wound al exeouldc " rc,l+la.,l, of the F.ussxan l.o4eenmcnt, file 41 following talent strong v ins ga r, rr Ironed with red pip- ;! Lion that the peroxide of hydrogen, instead 1 ' ' tiering a severe t4 24. ler storm i" alae iterident 4.4.14 teal by a traveler on axle of r, loo '.1 1' )),a 01 4 • seers mnu,414.4 anti ,1 f being1 al all strena�th,timuld be diluted, ank,g;t• of Feleevle, in tee Pr t turn of 1 il>h'.• the ultimads of the Empire ; Two Weil- F well - small spice:: y half ami halt, with clean water—tepid or Ilu,stat the house ofapeasant. wasetrue." hr• .'lre'vga Paling inen Weal: seated together in ,^ P , iiltcred water being preferable. r • 0 .r .Lining ;n titst•eka4s earriage, engaged in a heatrl t r<rPt'11 1 tt.falXA.---( ut out the stem; of g ! hg,htntat,,, vilai'li am donna e, 1 "litical disetteiion, when they 'Vero healeal' fifty 1.:v- .' mango e 1 er•r with a sharp The sub:.egnent treatment dcpen19 upon two persons MAI s,»&,t 1. injuring!-r•wer.sl ; p 4'y' Y p 1 p-1 • ilio l «nhtlan of file dog that 41nAicted the ellen, flatly oil, nod umw ittatned N,,,d, it„.. to denounce tete (tier and the pulley of his 1;1)&1 till the peppers with chopped tab; f \round, 1)on t kilt a malted t tut-sshows Yatton (•ir.t ed, aned hr was faaud fast asleeptlorernnlont in the most violent terms. On , lage, horseradish, mustard ,.vett and seat Cvddents )On t kill of i 74 unift 4ob10 it she et and mrllarm,ed tinder a (causer bed. i reaching the first station they went out for rep;err the stems, tie with str"ng thread, t1rlesi 1.%111 4 1a a, safe ►lace. If, at ilio t luncheon, and while passing •4)014 ; the plat • ; and itself in a Atone jar awl e1vcr with . p ' ' y d form they met an calmer ot the gendarmes vinegar. 0r that' of 4)140 week, or not more than to 11410111 one of the youngmen uvea cul• v bso 4wrrls, it has not shown any abnormal p'' '+t•a�i�lt 1 It.l.ra ,.�Takc two dozen lame symptoms, the tient need not tear. lar Fig s, IIs fal{"well therm int" e'''' rest' 4ne4.44.4 a, one eek l fu1L ro\wn green 1 patient , , ,,,, � p g #a If. on the enn 111, the animal sie➢.ons meant, and while the supposed iris \, 4e tomatoes mud one doeen oedema, l.et the and dice. the ,:1tient. Afield he treated by ('(1.1 g;,etl lit aft . 4411.'ently:nmtt• 411-"il•:tri e" n eueutulters and admit) tolnat.at•s i:t.411t1 ill t1i Pasteur method bed as r ►tiekly as possible. "f the mesal th111.!) .f the 411 up and t:rreet• l,rine three days t en1. tate Pniei15 upawl 'Tho Fanner time better. lAt. the :„alma time eel the comb mien of theint the setn. Toe e�}}000 who hart given .:,g,radda with oak. TS►ko half z grail"n of 1 {hetieontentK of 1110,10 s stonlaelm and a par. gnenc t` dreadful. journey al•)441 4):('uma1)13 on xthu sl l"l)4Olit one said afrtQtrmcr i-,01441 cel r4r, ecd, one 41enof itempits limit nrrox,ing lycer1nnetl. tould peava44tf,11avO been in the habit • of se(kl it, for «111.1 %towns. 1 , sent to ti4e It aste48 Institute, No, 1-8 work iu the Lend of the Don t'Osvlirl:s slur. •; ,. cols of mustard dna two pounds of brown 1 west Tenth Street, New learn cit�yy, where r y , 7 rich 1 here risen into the dignity of tie- Kerte :simmer for half an hour anti pour experiments maj de4lda\wlletiter the animal • 1 t 'll died, with hydrophobia or not. Should the animal have been shot or other. 1 dint •' ^thio that the patient MARC killed, it is advisable should submit at ince to the fastens treat - isn't needed with the Ball corset. It's easy from the start. Coils of tiny vire springs in the sides make it so. ' "ry it, and you'll Iii*e it. if you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return it and get your money. Fort rale by 3. A. Stewart. Exeter. '1 In the provinces ref Sar:ttolr, Tula, Khar- 1 heti, 'I'nnlb0f, Nijni•N9rg lro4 and Ishater- iuotilag, the ert►Ps ars a•o poor this year that .ru is i'r'.: �,. e a a is r" 1 r 1tt she dtc a antat will have no seed for their feta•. ere e 1 teens.t�lr: Winter 1'y"! i4 11 141 0).(. lit emmedi"tris"1:a«£ s'Pa (13, t+ [ rer4ra tAr 47$102114`;16 vr a:.. the 4.14 4)ff province the rsignn of fa11)4.111 a mate n'r , c,n .t. Astor th and Uro have already appeared. t:: nlees the fiov ern- itb,aie,rl t r+.'arue. Event t. *Innen r ra•. a. tC fenita to talent Sends wAS4 tttnee at euro the roan!! 1lmoat,4 4• "'"' ""'''"P'2 4:4vr e Of 1'•Ou n1 r 11 lee 1 1&l e i And start a.x^nuvrrto (.r4r,rna s 44 ict !h. en r ,Des .)1+:,r. , ug ttatehte. NEW cn•iar,raltmf:,J.ra t:.nteaarlr,,:. ulletta . Co..Ittox.SS0 'UV1l14nrl,.'41at•1! R sEEd COMPOUND NCHITIS 130 teeing:ea Ave. New York City, Sept.10,1888. I hare used the Flax•Seed Emulsion in several rues of Chronic ilronchitis, and the early stager. of Phthisis,stdhave becnwelt leased with theresults. JAMES N. CROOK, M.D. CONSUi iPTION Brooklyn, N.Y, Fele. 14th, 1880. I haveueed your Emulsion in a case of i'hthis,s (consumption) with beneficial results, thea patient could not use Cod. Liver Oil in any form. J. H. DROOL, IS. D. NERYOOS PROSTRATtON Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 90th. 1 I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion aS helpful to the relief and possibly the =roof all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen• oral tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TAL2tMAGE, 31. D. GENERAL DEBILI Y Brooklyn,K Y. Oct. lOth I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as se gY., yy supertiiort0 the Cod Liver Oil EmulsionsA. in use. D. GORTON, M. D. I�AST(NGDISEASES 187 west S4th St. New York ,Aug. 6, 888. I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound In a severe pre of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfullyto the profession and humanity at large, M. H. G1LBERT, &I.D. RHEUMATIS_-- Sold by Druggists, Price $ f .OD. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CM 3fi ii;t➢e>ity St., New Yoti<r-r For :,ale by W. E. Cocheneaur, Exeter It ie a pertain and speedy cure for Void in the Road and Catarrh in allitu stages. SoOTH1N_O, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so.called diseases aro simply oyneptome of Catarrh, finch as beam- ache,partial deafness, losing sense of smel, foul breath, hawking and spit- ting, senses, general feeling of do- hibty, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or .kindred symptoms, your hove 0atnrrb, and should tone 110 time ►n procuring a bottlo of NASAL 4.018 'q Behd results in time, fol lowed by consumption and death. Moen Asent, poet pard, on receipt of pr140 (00 cents and $1.00) by addressing FULFORD & G0,, Brockville, Ont. *a�Llt�l''li ins the tar 1.!,. Arlt.. 1183aeat 11 J \l0ra4 1• eorltnee dinner tables. If you Semi ger- . it. over t141' e►leumbers.. Pot in jams and to be had, and the poor people have been , min:tting lettuce Fceel ill aleonol for about seal, forced to beg from door to done for a newel six hours girt it «11 the table JJhutte l in an rummy bread for "Owlet's take.' i equal mixture of untilaet ed lane and rich Give large cucumbers, half a peek of green A fly caused thedeath of a Inunat Vienna. soil, and at the soup sprinkle withlukewarm tomaiovt', fifteen large onions, four heads of ment, tor two reasons : first, because it is He was walking the street when the insect water, it Will sprout unmet Ian •„le, and the cabheen, olio pint of horseradish, half a harmless ; seamd, because its efiicatty leas suddenly took a position on hie forehead. As settle a will grow to about the su•,e of hazel pound of mustard seed, bait a teacupful of been ro,•etl beyond a doubt over fifteen soon as zt left a swelling appeared which nuts before the time for serving r;tlad. ground pepper, half a pint of salad 4111, one thousand persons having' been inoculated soon after gave the man such a paid that 11e A Vienna telegram saysA lad mitred mutes "t celery seed, cinnamon and turmeric since Pasteur's discovery. went tc al)hysieian. The doctors said blood Pauline Clairmont, who;u rived on 1I&C alt each. Slice the tomatoes and large onions, In ease thoanimal remains in good health, 8015481 1g had set in, and tried some remge_ ixlst, at. Ohlarn, pt 1Tpper Styria, to spend t14op the cabbage and quarter the Cnculnbers. it is unnecessary that the patient submit to dies to avert the daxl ger of cicath, hut tl•tc.• pall, of the summer at that 2)18101, tllade a Mix with salt, let them stand twenty-four inoculation, were of no avail, as the unfortunate exptr.,1 matumtaiu excursion tel the following flay to hours, drain and pour on winggar» Let the same nigi►t• the ridge of 140141,1)4.rg in thee:nnatlly of her them stunts three drys ; strain, an/111114 t110 The need surgeon ou1 On the statements of a mat) named Brat - Austria, phew, Mr. Paul Minuted. While mak- 84)1008 well, then hail one and a half gallons Ufthc Lubau \le4iiCal Canlpany is now at wic.rt Peter Pepsi, front Lasen, Uppel' irl,� the ascent, however, the lady suddenly of fresh vinegar, pour it boding het over the Toronto, (:suede, anti may be consulted o L Il 't)ranie Austria, \vas in i�Rtifotmaguiltyofars«nand slipped and roiled devil tlll)nlntutiitin side. pickles; repeat for the morll'angs, fide either !n person or by letter t a e wassentencedtoatermoftwelveyears'inipris- Although aseareleparty at artedintlnedtately third time, add a pounc.:.f sugar and. the oil diseases peculiar to Ln:ln. Men, young, old, omen* in the penitentiary. A. few months the unfortunate lady's remains were not dis- to the vinegar. or middle -egad, who find themselves nerv- ago it was discovered that I apet was entire- covered until the day after, owing to theGI.EEt TOat=trO Pi g><r.--Cut in thin one, weals and exhausted, wo are broken re ly Innocent, and tiritwiesz hixuse]f jiad been iaolited position of Oblarn, whish is almost slices, then place in jars in layers, with salt down from excess or overwork, sustin•• in the incendiary. The latter, who watt insane cut off from communication evitll the outer sprinkled between each. Let them stand ninny of the following symptoms: \lentil and an epileptic, had a mania of accusing world, over night, then pauroffall the\\utter which depression, premature old age, loss of vital. other persons of crimes of which they were r ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of entirely innocent. Of course Papst was The favourite tourist resort of Gossinsass, : the salt draws out of them. .Chen place in sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions released immediately when hie innocence in the Tyrol, for about six weeks past has jars in layers, with a layer of horseradish, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head - came to light. He appealed to been the centre of a considerable seisnie mustard seed, cloves and small red peppers ache, pimples on the face ot .7ody, ttchhmgor the Austrian Parliament to grant disturbance. Two or three earthquake between each. Cover with strong vinegar peculiar sensation about the scrotum, \vast - shocks areofalmostdaily occurrence, causing and keep tightly covered. zn * of the organs, dizziness,specks before west - him indemnity for bis business losses, \Miall E , _ P be will receive teem the Government, as the china and glass to rattle and hells to ring. SWUM TOMATO PICKLES.—One peck of the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, committee to whom the matter was referred Rash shock, moreover, seems stronger than recon tomatoes, sliced, soak in salted water and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits In the reported in his favor. that which preceded it. On the night twenty-four hours. Drain off ; add two urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the between Saturday and Sunday last the quarts of vinegar, one and one-half pounds scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, inhabitants and visitors were awakened from of sugar, spices of all kinds, and boil the desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, their sleep by the violence of the oscillations, whole one-half hour. constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of the wave-likemovement and perturbation of LEMON PIcIrl.E.—Peel very thinly about voice, desire for solieude, excitability of the eath's crust being distinctly perceptible sir lemons,take off the white, te, and cut the temper,n er, sunken eyes s surrounded with Observations are being regularly taken at pulp into slices, taking out the seeds. Put reams CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are the Royal stations. the peel and pulp into a jar, sprinkling be- all symptoms of nervous debility that lead During the month of July memorial tween them two ounces of bay-s'lt, cover to insanity and death unless cured. The services were held in different parts of the jar, and let it . to d three days ; then spring or vital force having lost its tension Austria and Prussia in commemoration of boil in a quart of vinegar, six cloves, three every function wanes inconsequence. Those the soldiers who had fallen in the war of blades of mace, and two ounces of bruised who through abuse committed in ignor- 1860. On this occasion the newspapers re- mustard seed. Pour it boiling over the ance may be permanently cured. Send you/ late& several war stories not before publish- lemons in the jar and when cold, cover. In address for book on all diseases peculiar to ed. One of these reads as follows : After a month, strain and bottle the liquor, and man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Se the battle of the Sadowa one of the pbysi- the lem • ns may be eaten as pickles. The B., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. cians of the Prussian army, Dr. Friedlaender liquor is a useful sauce for veal cutlets and Heart disease, the symptoms of which are of Breslau, searched the battlefield in order minced veal. faint s ells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- to help wounded soldiers who had not as yeb NASTURTIUM PLCKLEs.—Haveready astone tion skip beats, hot flushes rush of blood to been attended to. He dressed the wounds or glass jar of the best cold vinegar. Take the head, dull pain in the heart with beats An Amager farmer, going to town with of an Austrian hussar and then said kindly the seeds after the flowers have gone off, and strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart his load of cabbages, ran into a troop of to him "Now, my friend, you will be able taey are full grown, but not old. pia off quicker than the first, pain about the breast mounted artillery marching out to drill and to get on your horse, which ►s grazing over the stems or not, as you fancy, and put the bone, etc., can positively be cured. No scattered panic in the ranks. The war there, and return to your comrades." He Feeds into the vinegar. No other prepare- cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. horses, ran away leaving the guns in the helped him to catch the bora,, and wh@il he tion is •nt des"sal+y+, and they will keep one V..LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toren. off wroadas dragged along byand one of the thestirrups.men hQThe sudor my Wiled arousted him to le seddle the nd and said to him : 'Weser I Year with nothing more than sufficient coil to, Ont. vinegar to cover them, With boiled mutton they are an excellent substitute for capers, The French peasant is said to be changing, for the worse. He is losing both bis thrift and sobriety. He has taken to drink like and his of the cityshuns, inhabitants the In the villages the brandy. thirst is forg women are pictured as obliged—like the wives of the workmen in the cities—to hang about thepublie houses an pay clays and to fight for money to buy bread. Instead of putting his sous and sliver in it long stock- ing the countryman spends them In the tavern. Formerly he drank only on holi- days; now he treats himself and his friends every day in the week. The wives of mar- ried peasants soon follow their husbands in vice. Strong liquors are cheap ; there is no Sunday, or even early closing and no Blue Ribbon Army in this country. farinerl wing was as badlyscared as the rat, Pii.i made prisoner after the troops had rallied and was fined more than the value of his load for assault upon the Danish Army. A sad event took place the other day a the residence of M. Bargean, . in the .Rue Lennee, Paris. M. Bargean was celebrating a family event and had invited a large number of friends to luncheon.. Daring the meal one of the guests, M. Defizal, dropped a napkin, and was stooping to pick it up, when, without warning, a Danish hound belonging to the host, sprang at him and fastened its teeth to his throat. A fearful scene ensued; efforts were made to force the dog to release its hold, but by the time this had been done M. Defizal was uncon- scious. He was immediately conveyed to an hospital, but died from his injuries on the way. A young man was arrested a short time ago, in a provincial town of France, charged with shooting Pitet, a builder, 40 years old and a bachelor. Pitet had gone to stay at the hotel kept by the young man's parents, and while there had wronged his sister.. Efforts had been made to persuade Pitet to repair am your obedient servant, but have to in- form nform you that you are my prisoner," Noth- ing was left for the physician but to follow the soldier, who in such a way repair€ the kindness showed him, and he remained a prisoner during the the whole campaign. A Russian woman, who was known as rich, went into the store of a watchmaker at Memel, Eastern Prussia, and asked the proprietor to show her a good alarm clock. After selecting the cheapest one she insisted on a reduction of price, which the watch- maker granted. Before hehanded her the clock he asked her at what time she would cross the frontier. When the woman reached the Custom house she was asked by the Russian officers if she had any duti- able goodswith her. She said she lt4d no; and wanted to depart. Suddenly fNei l,o: g4ipsack a noise name which male lea, Iter and the officers stare lite watt els.r.,et• had. set the alarm olock for • the time t woman had said she would cross the 1rout.er and thereby got his revenge for the mean ness of the. customer.. Not only had the woman to give up the clock, but she hath also to pay as a penalty for secreting duti- able goods an amount thirty times as. large the wrong he had done by marrying the as the clock had cost, TOMATO AND ONION P1oxtr.Es.—One peck of tomatoes, twenty-four onions, quarter of a pound of white mustard seed, four table- spoonfuls of ground ginger, three of mustard, one ounce of whole allspice, half an oun••^.e of cloves, two tablespoonfuls of black pepuer and two of sugar. Pare and slice the toma- toes thin, and chop the onions fine, After the tomatoes are sliced, pack them in a jar, putting a thick layer of salt between each layer of tomatoes, cover and let them strand for twenty-four hours ; then pour off the liquor, and put the tomatoes, onions . and spice into a, large kettle in alternate lavers. (lover the pickles well with vinegar, put ;over en the kettle. and. r nrrk gently,. for 1 1 tui' it 11480 come thrt a g4sartllrs,of ail hon i c n o its 'boil; if the pickle soowa too tl:iuk, add i -little more vinegar. t What a good t t u ; it. :1r1 al if men 40800 angels.,'. sea, o. 3 ye • r say Lr)'m- other. ' Well, any ilia., all 1.1 ;,e who made love to me were." " Flow so 1' &leer• ly asked the former. " Why, because,they have all flown 1" A sohool teacher ask▪ e▪ d an Irish boy to describe an island. " Sure, mann," said Pat, tit's a place you can't lave widout a boat," 4EA1-WIAKER NEVE: FAILS t0 GIVE £ATISFA01101a FOR SALE Elf .ALL OE/AS.,8R1.i moms ux -a s. '�{:.rte, try Piso's Remedy forC tarrh 1, 1110 neat, Ea$iest to Use add Caespest, ldby druggists or *ens Ur rsxu,'Jac. U8801tlee, Warren, I`y.,. Il. xi A. A e e 1111' 1 .A V_ r f al 4 f t, p or $ lase ra k rC7 . . 44.", 1 sad 4.r. h4rr . 4)• tbcrh 914 elites Ors, roung,r rl'd• a y«J ...icy \Ye fe rt a one vett a4e. nets .,,, JY Jtaln. rn)611 rwrrtialag.114 1aa11 .0. ,) yper.parmrneate,eran�•ct.,loi'rot4ewcr». ;'...4*n sudte:y ucr'D 401 Ons 1 inra Wali .. Fee *,..! * '» Pe37nnel.artsael141chamitlatoFeercrrc:h,,u, w.r"nl,, 4a mer, nticrA 'erlepre.fa%�:IltaC!n- pplo; .40ti4 V10 Ir r 1".11 i"a.; erica e , e,t 1 n > ere. Null (nfcrrna:iva 4')44.4, TitoLI('0.,,&41,44, 5,85l4). ;IV 0, NE 11xaN, 'W rise for descrt0ttve catalogue C0ntaftnng teatimonlula from imndrods or ponplo 0440 i m. *awed from 4 to 3 cordo deny7. 25,000 now 884080& fully used. Aeeney +Ian be hail where there is a vacancy. A NM 1NVENNTION for fling saws cent free with each machine; by the use of mitt tool everybody 0aa Ole their own sumo now and de li: better than the greatest expert can without it. Adapted to ail eross•cut sawn. :➢very one who swam s: saw should 7e`0ne. No duty toung; Ire manerectare in.'aua,ln. ABU o dealer or wrie in b)AWi 141 MA. 0MINE 00., 4108 to„8iA 9. Canal St„ Chicago. 111. 1L�-E7'°P 'URE POWDERED 100Q :. PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. head 1oTulsatp_guy uantttl',Formatmlo,^, fipna, Sotten4ngwater.°llxxinreeunc andlthuudndorto*ee 410448. Ac$uequalr80ponnd8$atg04a, )iota by Alt Grocers and 1)ru51'4lt1, 3. •w1T. G+ r ..r.,cn3?...r 3`Silvtaaa.00. ERRORS OF YOUTH. rervo114 De. blhty, bem*oal 08aee and I'rematuxo Decay, promptly and Permanently cured by } Men not Interfero\t• 1Qt04usual ov t:melon nue tufty reltoreslost vigor and Ovate: deo mcnbood. Trico 41 3404440 . Solo Prop:ietor. 11. vitt+ 14 11'. :rat f q .a) ..©1Q's Drub Store, Lr.ta neaten,. CONSU PTI,ON CURE. The success of this Great Cough Curs is without a parallel in the history of runt ieine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, atest thatne other cure eau etc- cestully stand. That it may become 1:nuwn, the Proprtetars, at an enormous ex4101110. are placing a Sample Bottle Free into ewc:4s :tome In the United States and Canada. If yet: have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, u;:e it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use itart:randy, and relief is sure. If you dread that ieeithoue disease Consumption, use it. A 4E your Druggist for SIMILOH'S CURE, Price to •:t=., C' r.t', and $f.00. If your Lungs ere : sec ca Peek lame, use Shiloh's Porous Yla,t' ec e RMMORO'S SPECIFIC (TBADG rMA.N n4LIaTERED Solo Proprietor, ea atiso 'IIl.Lll, cnoneldts Drug Store, Lest ST., TORONTO. The artily ltomedy which wit per- manently euro Gone rrhma, (;_'.vet. r n.l ell t+*irate diseases, nomatter ilowlong eta, ::tag. WAR long and successfully used in 9rrl.elt and 3*x, lisl'i hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to o the worst case. Iricc,$ 1 nature onottle has tzai glaper bottle. Every bel. None -other the genuine. Those whc have ir.en o- ther ther remedies without avail will not be disaps pointed in this. Mention this paper. Dr. Morse's finnan Roos Pile .* THEY are the Remedy that the bounteous hand of nature has provided for .all diseases arising frog) IMPURE 04 0♦ �. or i ,rDr1CsNF.6f3,e5ETu.A�IIA� QIIII�,. ]tY11D1G1CkirH aQpf i, IIN)B R l( b' L014E'1°& N7C ' A.i[ LAS , 1m1P. �i11� t1)f�, nee., Eta. FOR SALE 61' ALL DEALERS. VW. IL COMSTOCK 9 BROCKVILLE, ONT. MORR/STO;;1N, Ails.