HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-11-01, Page 4Goderich Signal -St 4r, ThuradaY, November 1i92 . • • - Iteles For Sale OPPORTUNITY FOR - AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN l'CV license (Class D) _Mid truck for sald0 'Fratchise from store to store and store to 'consumer. Mcivement from Goderich to Sarnia. JOE ALLAIRE Phone JA 4-7671 -42 "Y01_7 an lily Kelyinator or Ma3.tag Appliances wholesale at Lumbv*s, 39 , St. David St., Goderich. -43 WILTON rug, 9 by 12. Phone 7610 after a. 97 St. Patrick St. 43x 11. & N. nick chick pullets, day old and any age started. Quan- tity of ready to lay available Nov. 1st to Inth. Henderson's Started Chicks Ltd., ,Seaforth, Ont. Phone 558 collect. 4143 PROFITABLE vending machine route in this Area. Established for several years. FOR SALE. Excellent opportunity for an ambitious man full or part time. CASH OR TERly,IS. Reply: Automatic Vending, Box 13, Thorold, Ontario. • -42-43 BOXER pups, purebreel*, six weeks old. Phone JA 4-7518. -42-43 APPLES, cooking and eating Varieties—Macs, Spies, Court - lands, Greenings and Melbas. Free delivery around town. Art Bell, JA 4-8037. 42tf 1. Articles For Sale 3u-INtAl ELECTRIC range, win - Wow in oven, almost new, rea- sonable. Phone 8178. -43 ONE .Grundig tape recorder, with tapes, cheap for cash. TelJA 4-7984.. 43x GI,tL'S Kenwood set, coat, hat, leggings, yellow, size 2. Boy's navy nylon stbrin coat, quilt iining. zip -off orlon -lined hood, size 10. Phone JA 4-8849. 43x (lOING OUT QF BUSINESS. Known throughout Ontario and northern U.S.A. as eneof the district's largest and finest jewellery and gift stores, Fit , - singer's of Goderich entire tre- feeeidous. stack ! Watches -- china --- diamonds-, gifts, etc., is thrown on the ket tor IA hat it will bring. The latest in co Annie jewellei) going at bargain prices. 6-8-10 transistor radio:. values from $32.50 to $60.00. now $19.95 to' $39.95. Binoculars, barometers at big discounts. English china greatly reduced. Hundreds of beautiful gift it -elm. You will marvel at the variety and you'll marvel at the low, low prices. Baby lockets, reg. $2 50. now 98c. Stainless steel flatware sets of the finer quality, reg. I $21.50, /tow. $10.95; others, reg. $26.50, now $13.95. All watch and diamond ring prices, re- duced to clear them out fast. Entire store, just one big bar. gain counter. It's a SELL-OITT to the bare walls. -43 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, waled envelope with price list. Six saniples 25c; 24 samples B1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hain- ilton, Ont. • REPEAT OFFER — EUREKA heavy weight floor polishers $33.95. Eureka vacuum clean- ers and supplies. Lay away .now for Christmas. Hutchin- son Radio, Huron Rd.. -42tf OAK dining room table, three leaves, buffet, $35; sewing ma- sg chine, $12, all in good condi- tion. Mrs. Roy Black, 228 East St., phone 9076. , 43x FIECTRIC guitar and amplifier, fiearly new, reasonable. Phone 435 RECONDITIONED washers, $30 :and up; also Used dryers in stock. Gerry's Appliances, 59 Hamilton St. Phone JA 4-9434. r -43 LAKE size crib. Phone 9510. -43 PALE mauve foemal, worn 'once, and cocoa brown brocade dress, both size 12; New Scale WiUlams upright piano. Phone £277. -43 C OMPLETE furnace, pipes, reg- ters, and conversion gas unit. reasonable. Gordon Brindley, phone Carlow 3010 or 197, Pie - ton St. E. -43 SINGER electric sewing ma- chine with attachments, col- onial cabinet,, terms available. • Phone JA 4-7992. 43x ELECTRIC frig.; dressers; chest of drawers; tricycle; boy's bike. D. J. Patterson, 97 St. Patrick phone 7616 after five. 'AIso 'teen girl's beige coat. 43x 'IW.0 Holstein heifers, about 15 months old. Clifford McNeil, B.& 1. Port Albert. 43x COB corn from the picker. M. Lassaline, phone Carlow 21 - 7. 435 'IWO •gas space heaters: 1 — f,5,000 B.T.U.; 1-35,000 B.T.U. Exce'llent condition. Apply French Dry Cleaners. Phone ,JA 4-8452. -43 '!WC) German shepherd pups, f_rnales. $15 each. Phone Ron Geddes. JA 4-7097. , • -43 GIRL'S white figure skates, sizes 2, 4 and 6. Phone 8119. ' 43x S;liALL -Duo-Ther-rn oil spac..? heaVr. two 45 -gallon steel oil drums ---$30. Small child's ward- robe, half wardrobe and hall drawers, $10. Phone JA 4-8280. -43 3. Real Estate - For Sale -4 KEN CROFT Resil Estete and Business Broker 83 -Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance. Phone JA 4-1253 BUILD for Less wan a Halliday Home—Call at our oftiee for .),our new 1962 catalogu.e. New subdiyiSion. 3 -bedroom, ranch style home, brick, beauti- fully landscaped, 2 yeas old, close to schools. Priced reason- able with ternis, Owner' mov- ing from Gederich. Wartime house on Blake St. Ownpr transferred.Tip-top condition. Furnace, oil heat. Low down payment and priced for quick sale. LOW down payment rough -cast home, on Cypress St., ideal for the handy man. WE HAVE c. selection of 14 other homes in rest of the town ranging horn $3,000 up. See na toaay. WE HAVE eize of the largest listings o; farms in Huron County Iron) S3,300.00 to $75,006.00 -LOTS FOR SALE 1-66 x 104—Nelson St. I 1,- 66 x' 104—Caley St 2-66 x 104 -Palmerston St 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale, 1-100 x 289 — St. George's Crescent LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES THINKING of Rambler? 'Visit ' INVITED ' the Bluewater Service Station, ' KEN CROFT , Bayfield Rd. JA 4-9461. Farm Salesman: John I. Rapson 152 h .1 4- 9 -15tf • '56 MERCURY Monterey in -13! beautiful condition, power stecf- I ing and brakes, all extras; also . '52 Dodge pick-up in good son- Malcolm Mathers dition. Apply Maitland River . Auto Wreckers, Auburn. Phone Real Estete Broker 526 - 7730 after 6 p.m. -43 46 West St. JA 4-9442 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, in -good running order, privately We have an attractive, new sewned. Pholie-----JA--48278-e --slime' veIleer• dw-0.ling, nicely - 43x 1956 FORD Fairlane sedan, new tires, new motor, body excellent, built-in radio. Phone Dungan- ance at $96.00 per month which non 25 r 20. 43x pays taxes, principal and inter - 955 METEOR Niagara sedan, est. See this with us. V-8, good condition, reasonable . situated among new homes. Features are stone fireplace in pleasant living room, 3 bed- r000ms, 'National Housing fin - price. Phone JA 4-9317. One floor residence on 43, a really excellent lake bank property. Picture 1953 PLYMOUTH • Cranbrciok, dows, stone fireplac e, 3 bedrooms; as well as large living room, attractive dining room, attached garage and many modern extras. 1956 FORD Fairlane sedan, V-8 automatic, good condtjp. best offer. Will accept trade. Phone Modern split-level, nn corner JA 4-8280. 43x lot, many extra features. • • Long ranch -style home, on lovely lot. In an excellent central loca- tion, an attract.% e 2 -storey biick residence, with attached garage. Fine red -brick residence in good re dential district —four bedrooms, -ultra modern bathroom, good-sized kitchen, double living room, double lot,. two garages, large attractive patio area in garden. A large four-bedroom brick residence, with small acreage, 'corner Bayfield Rd. and Blake St. runs good, custom ra,dio, best offer. Phone JA 4-9466 or 9421. 43x • 3. Real Estate For. Sale 1 vINCI-1 plate glass window, size 5 x 8. complete with frame arid sesh. J. ,Ne Snider, phone 7943. 43 BLUE pram suit: grey Gendron I baby bteggy; Slinshine stroller. Pherie JA 4-7415. • - -43 NEW PIANOS—Various makes such as Sherlock -Manning, Ma son & Rich, Lesage, Bell and ' others, Also Electrohome Kfns- man organs. This is a gory.1 time, to place your order for Christmis gifts to the whole family. Garnet Farrier Piano and Organ Sales, Whitechurch, phone 404-1W-21, Wingham. 43x CUT flowers, mums, etc., flower arrangements, baskets for any • otcaSion. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron 8t., phone 8852. -43Cf PUREBRED Toy Manchester puppy,. nine weeks old. Hockey, equipment, 12-14 years. Phone 8607. -43 'LADJY'S JA40665. -43 THREE oil burners in gOOd eOriditiOn Phone 8881. 43 „ * • . 'ALMOST new SItiger COnsijit• -4,0W1riglfatWitie—trakos designs; buttonholes, ,blind benik ete, Will ateetit 61y #.00, POtilints d $56.0 ca, OW elf -be* tOntrAct. tertieri' Wrfte -,80x 47 40/ Abr. 4 43-44 State Your Terns • On a brand grew, 3 -bedroom brick bungalow on an extra large lot in a new development. mortgage of $9,500 01 634% full basement, landscaped, gar- age. This bungalow was built under N.H.A. inspection, has a mortgage of $9,500 63/4% interest, with monthly pay- ments of $65.08. All offers with reasonable down payment con- sidered. Only $11,300.00 For a solid brick, 4 -bedroom, well -kept residence in an excel- lent location. Comparable houses have sold for $13,500. See this one fora family home California Style Two-bedroom, modern bunga- lov. in a nice location, complele and modern kitchen and bath- On Bayfield Rd., 112 miles room,,eutility reom, enclosed from new hospital. nearly 10 breezeway, garage. Many extras acres, or will sell half, insul- 'Ind good -ternis. brick home. Bungalow on Pieter' St., twO bedrooms, three-piece bath, liv- :ng room, 'kitchen with dinette area, iutility room, other at- :ractve feattires. Small, attractive cottage on the lake bank, four miles south of Goderich. The cottage con- sists of living room with stone fireplace, which opens .onto a zcreened porch; there is one bedroom and kitchen also, and adjoining the cottage at a short distances a sleeping cabin with two-piece bathroom, all on a .ery interesting lake front lot. Several good building. lots, ulry serviced from $1,100 up: E. E. CRANSTON Phone JA 4.8801 Realtor Manager For ALEXANDE R CHAPMAN Iederieh Phone JA 4-9662 At ,the north west corner of Cambria Rd. and Elgin Ave.. a very good frame. 2 -storey dwell- ing. We have several choice, ser- laiele71 'building. -lots. 60 ft x 133 4.. in a dfo eveloping area, `r We have a neroximatelY 4 acres in Goderich on west side of Rayfield Rd., i an area zoned 'or local business FOR SALE -3. ReaRstate For Sale STORE building with three- bedroom apartment above, ,hydro, tap water—$1,600 full Price, $k00- down and only '520 monthly. Ph,one 32, Dungannon. 43tf BRAND new brick house, with garage,*Down payment was $4,000—now make an offer to the owner. Call JA 4-8881 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. 41xtf . W. J. HUGHES Real, Estate Broker. General lnsuraace 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 Homo FQR SALE Three-belroom wartime house onElgin Ave. Full. basement, oil furnace, garage. Make us an offer. 8 Deluxe rug brick rahch type home, overlooking the lake. New three-bedroom home, south west. Attractive white brick home, centrally located, hot water heat- ing, 'lovely spacious' grounds. Three-bedroom red brick, north. This home is very well built and must be sold to clear up estate. . Income home, brick, central location. 100 Acres on county road, 2 miles from Auburn, 7 -room house, L barn equipped for 6,000 broilers. Full. pOce $8,000. „, 20 Ares of liend in Town of Goderich, priced for deck sale. FOR RENT ' House to rent at 162 Mary St. $110 per month Farm Salesman: L. H. Pentland Huron Rd.—JA 4-8041 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES' INVITED HAROLD W. SHORE REAL E'TATE BROKER General Insurance - 38 Ifiiiiiiffen SteeT -Phone I A 4-7272 Your agent in the Goderich District for Kernohan Homes REAL ESTATE FOR SALE How About a •New Home in the Country? This new home, close to Goderich- on a main 'road, has three large bedrooms and all the features of the contempor- ary modern lime. • Log House or Log Cabin Situated four miles south of Goderich on Highway 21, this rustic log house may be pur- chased with from two to ten acres of land at a very reduced price. The log cabin, on a separate site, would make a cosy retreat. Call this broker for an appointrnent to inspect. , Completely Modern Duplex Close to uptown, this duplex has been completely modern- ized, .This is an excellent pre- perty for retired couple, .pro- viding a lovely home, plus income. WURIELt tvrAtt omE appointed rnid h eXtellent state of repair. CONTACT Petei''' S. MacEwan „ Insuranee Real Estate 44 North Sttiit .1i; 44831 •,riv ,* Looking For a Large Home? Presently listed are four larger homes ranging from four to six bedrooms. 1I. are in an excellent state repair. Building Lots in Huron ,VieW Park Subd ivis Several fully serviced lots now available in this excellent' location. , Prices start at $1,200. Special deal availeble to build- ing contraetorS. To build on or just to invest in, now is the time to buy your lot in Huron View Park. Prices are bound to increase as this area builds up. Farm and Rural Salesmen: Harvey Lassaline. R.R. 2, Goderich Frank Mackenzie, R.R. 1, Ripley George Ashton, Fordwich LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED. 11.211151111MIC•cal11111111111/MMINOWNININIMINSI 4. Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS WANTED — Farms, SuMmer Cottages and town Pro- perty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, Bank of Commerce building, Croderich. Phone JA 4-9662. - -18 5. To Rent TWO-BEpROOM, newly decor- ated apartment, front entrance, rubber tiles in kitchen, bath- room and hall, venetian blinds. Available. immediately. Phone JA 4-7813. 41 CONSTRUCTION MEN — Fall and winter accommodation, large self-eontained units, show- er and frig., "gas range. Mrs. Ken Allin, Maple Leaf Motel, Victoria St. -42tf THREE-BEDROOM house, all convcniencM:las-furtrAce, mediate possession. Choice location. Mane' JA 4-9598. 42-43 *UPPER heated apartment for rent with stove and frig. Phone 7556 after 5. ° 40tf SMALL heated apartment for tent.' Phdrie JA 441609; -41-43 PRIVATE offiee, fleeted, at 46 West St. Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker. Phone JA 4-9442. -24 FURNISHED apartment, all conveniences., Ridgewood Park phone 8891. APARTMENT; two large reems, heated, 1.44 South $t Phone JA 4-8416. 4Itf HOUSE ft& rent Mailable im mediately,Telephone JA 4-94.34. • , 41 -38ti 5. To Bent TWO-BEDROOM, heated apart- ment available immediately. .Apply 11. W. Shorelteal Estatc likpker, 38 Hamiltotr St. Dial JA 4-7272. • ,• -41t1 LARGE red brick home, three bedrooms, double living rooin, dining -room and kitchen. There are two bathrooms and house is heated by oil forced air tur- nace. Available Nov. 1st tor 5100 per month. Apply Heroic! W. Shore, Real Estate Bnoker, 38 Hamilton St. Dial JA -41tt TWO-BEDROOM house, one year old, in Saltford. Apply Glazier's Store, Sanford. ,43x HEATED furnished apartment, built-in cupboards, stove and fridge, laundry facilities, TV hoop -up, no children, available November 1st. Apply 92 Cam - brie ltd. JA 4-943 7. -43I1 FOUR -ROOM apartment, Private bath, low rental. Apply 194 Walnut St. 43x FRESHLY cleaned and decorar. ed house on 102 Gloucester Ter- race. This houge is suited and has been used as two apart- ments, or is easily adapted for I one family. Rent $85.00. House on Elizabeth St. Rent $65.00. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN I Goderich Phone JA 4-9662 ' ROOMS and apartment for rent, or 12 -room house for sale. Ideal convalescent home. The Greg ory House, Bayfield, phpne 37. 43x TWO furnished roOins, near Square and Post Office. Board if desired. Phone JA.4-7707. -43 TWO-BEDROOM duplex, self- contained, back and front en- tranbes: Phone JA 4-9447. -43 TWO - STOREY, four - bedroom house, oil *heated, good available - December Phone JA 4-7011. , , 4311. 8: Help Wanted FULL or part-time sales repre- sentative wanted for leading grass company in store -fronts and aluminum siding. Write Southwestern Glass Limited, 200 Queens .Ave., London. -4243 CAPABLE girl to live in, to assist with housekeeping; must have a genuine interest in child- ren.. Reply, stating age, etc., to Box 48, Signal -Star. - -43 LADIES—Do you want to earn money .easily? A beautiful cata log to help you take orders from consumers. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. J-216-317, .4005 Richelieu, Montreal. -43 BUSINESS ADMINLSTRATOR; The Clinton District:Collegiate Institute Board invites applic- ations for the position of Secre- tary, Treasurer and -Business Administrator. Knowledge accounting, purchasing an er- sonnel management, preferable. Duties to 'commence on- or be- fore January 2, 1963 and ap- plication to be -submitted by November 12, 1962 and marked accordingly. .Apply stating age, toralificatiens, educ,ational back- ground and salary' expected to: II. C. Lawson, 'Sec.-Treas., Clinton, .Ontario. -43-44 anallIIMINIONIEWABC=.41148GOMMIMAIIIIMM 9. Agents Wanted EXTRA money to make your dreams come true! If you are willing to work two nights a week and on your day off, you can augment your present 'sal- ary selling electrical appliances part time on commission basis, with well-known company in business for over 50 years. Write Box 29, Signal -Star. -36tf ansumssonsisuipsestisissereessuiai 10. Wanted (General) ROOMER watitecti breakfast if desired., 159 East -St. Phone ..TA 4-8565, -42 ROOMERS wanted. 94 Napier St. Phone JA 4-7162. -42 .DRUMMER and bass player wanted for' local Orchestra. Write P.O. Box 306, Goderich. 42-43 • BOARDERS. 26 Bruce St. -37tf 16. Public Notice See' 0 12. Tenders Wanted SEALED Tenders will be receiv ed for the snow plowing of a portion of the roads in Gode- rich Township, 'season of 1962 and 1965. Tenders to be priced per hour when • needed, stating type and eqUipmente tenders to be in by 12 o'clock noon; Noti- ember 5. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: ":"v R. E. Thompson, Clerk. Roy Tyndall,: • Road Superintendent. '• - -42-43 TENDERS will be received by Qocierich Township School Area Beard for: , , • 1. Sale of building, contents and site known as No. 11 Sells:Ka, Goderich Township. 2. Sale of buildings, contents and site known as No. 6 Schodl, Goderich Township. 3. Sale of building and contents known as -No, 4 School, in Goderich Township. Building to be removed from site with- out damaging dry well, found- ation to belevelled. Property to be cleared by May 30th, 1963. :Performance -Bond of $50.00 to accompany tender. 10% to be submitted with each tender. Highest or any tendor not necessarily accepted. Tend- ers to be in hands of secretary by Tuesday, November 27, 1962. Frank Yeo, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. No. 3, Clinton, Ont. 43-44 13. Auction Sales AUCTION Sale this Friday and every Friday, 2 o'clock at Ber- vie Livestock Sales, of good fresh and springing cows, heif- ers and calves. All springers guaranteed; delivered $3 a head. -43 4111111011116.. 1____- 14. Services Available LET Us restore accuracy and beauty to your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern ' equipment. Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. -42U 701-Septie amt -Cleaning con-' tact RONALD E. FORSTER, Phone '29, Lucknois, imenufac- turer of septic tank e and well tile. -1 3547x ACE Radio tV Service..Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St., W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phone- JA 4-7771. . -31if tSHARP? Ready for business? I Saws: hand --and electric, skates, I cutlery, etc. Please call even- ' ings. C. H. Homer, Huron Rd., opposite store. -40tf- ELECTROLUX (C ANAD A), LIMITED For service call, J, Amsing, HU 2-7302,' Clinton -38tf SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs.. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 9631. -31tf SEPTIC TANKS -CLEANED Modern equipment, all work I guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels! 442 W 6. 41-49x ' Amine CreditiiIS Notice ons having claims gains e Estate of WILLIAM FRANCES HUBERT PRICE, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County _ of Huron, Gentleman, who (118d on or about the 10th day of October, 1962, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersign- ed by the .10th day of Novem- ber, 1962, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontari•a, this 12th day of October; 1962. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. • -4,1-43 ALL persons having claims against the estate of ROBERT ARTHUR MELLER STRAIIGH- AN, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County, of Huron, Farmer, who died aff Or about the 2nd day of October, 1962, are required to file the Fame,with full particulars with the undersigned by the 17111 day of November, 1962, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 18th day of October. 1962. HAYS. PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. -42-44 emilorammormosewreammozoome Phene 7990. COMBINATION coal cook stove and heater wanted; also an electric rangette. , 85 Trafalgar St., at rear. 43x THREE-QUARTER size, spring - filled mattress wanted. Must be sanitary and ih good condi- tion. phone 8808, 40 Cambria Rd. S. -43x HOME wanted for kittens. Phone -7954, 43 GIRL'rbicyele. in good condi-- tion, wailled. Phone JA 4-8792. BOARDERS wanted, two private rooms available November 5. Phone 7113. 61 Church St. 43x PIANOS' WANTED any condition. Will pay caSh. Write Box '46„*gria1-Star. 435 vamesionsiamommossainappows, 11. Employment Waned HANDY man will do Odd jobs. Phone 9127 befors,1 Or after4 qp4r, 88 Hamilton St .1).41f 16: Public. Notice TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES • MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF' HURON PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TOWIT: , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the list of lands to be sold for„ arrears of taxes in , the County of -Huron has been pre- pared and was published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette Upon the 1st day of September, 1962. Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be secured in the County Trees, urer's office. IN DEFAULT OF PAYMENT OF TAXES AS SHOWN ON SUCH -LIST ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1962, AT THE HOUR OF TWO, O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER- NOON, I shall at the said time, in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by Pub- lic Auction the -said lands ' to pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY OF THE SAID LANDS REMAIN UN - .SOLD, AN ADJOURNED SALE WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1962, AT THE SAME HOUR AND PLACE AND AT WHICH, MUNICIPALITIES MAY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE ANY OF THE SAID LANDS. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treastirer. Goderich, Sept. 4, 1962. -36-48 -A COURT of Revision on the Assessment Roll compiled in 1962 for West Wawanosh Town- ship will be held at the Town- ship Hall, West Wawanosh, on. Tvesday, November 13th, 1962, -from -10 - - John F. Foran, Twp. Clerk, R.R. 2, Auburn, Ont. -42-43 THE CANCER CUPBOARD IS BARE. The Goderich and Dis- trict Cancer Society solicits gifts from individuals and organiz- ations to help provide for their patients' needs and -Alio Christ- mas service work. 42-43 t A. Births BURNS.—At Alexandra Hospif- al, Goderich, on October 26, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Burns, Bayfield, a son. Martin Frederick. -..G4LL0w.—At Alexandra Hos Pital, Goderich, on October 27, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Gallow, Goderich, a son. GOODMAN.—At Belleville Gen- eral Hospital, Belleville, on October 26, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Goodman (Marion Curren), Belleville, a daugh- ter, Sharon Elizabeth. KAASALAINEN.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, ori • Octo- ber 26, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Arva Kaasalainen, Goderich, a son, Kevin Paul. McDONALD. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Octo- ber 26, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McDonald, Kintail, a son, George Compton. VQTERS' 'LIST "TOWNSHIP Ot' COLBO'INE Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with 'section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that have posted up at my at, R.R. 4, Goderich, Ont., and at the Township Hall, Carlow, the ligt-of. all persons entitled' *to vote ill the said municipal-; ity-at-muipcipal-elections--andi that suchlist remains -there for inspaction. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate pro- ceedings te have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being November 174 1962. . • ,Sigaed, • B. C. STRAUGHAN,- Clerk, Township of Colborne. .. .43 MONEY available for first mort. gage on good residentialana some types of commercial pro- perties. Apply to Harold W Shore,. Real Estate treater,. 38 Hamilton St. Phone JA f/-7272: -12t1 NOW finance your new or late model, used car purchase at Bank Rates through Harold -W SHRIER.—At Stratford General Hospital, October 30, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shrier, Goderich, a daughter, Anita Marjorie. TREITZ.—At Alexandra Hospit- al. Goderich, on October 23, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Treitz, Goderich, a son, Robert Paul. • minimaimmtamosmv...memai C. Briefs Goderich business firms! Are you making your Christmas plans? May- we suggest yOu include,greeting cards, specially designed for businesses, from the wide selection now on dis- play at the Goderich Signal - Star. 40tf Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products Phon e, JA 4-8386. -39tf Arrange now for your winter Supply of Texaco 'heating oil. Automatic deliveries and bud- get plan available. Phone Vic Walden, JA 4-8812. -38-43 People are already doing it! Yes, people are already order- ing their ,Christmas cards from the many fine chaices available at the Goderich. Signal -Star. They can be' ordered personal- ized or plain, as • you prefer. Drop in and look them -over. No' obligation. -40tf simoismemenesemperahemeammreeee D. In Memoriam MASXELL.—Iii memory �f ward Maskell who. passed away 10 years age today, Oc- tober 30, .1962. ' A LITTLE STEP AWAY To close 'the- eye, ' to fall asleep, To draw a labored breath, To find release' from ,daily cares In what we know- as death.. • Is this the crowning of a .life, The aim" or -end thereof? The totaled sum of consciousness .The ripened fruit °Hove? It cannot be, for works of God Are wrought for nobler ends, And those away contintie on In the hearts of kin and friends. It, cannot be, far they live on A 'little step away, The soul, the everlasting life, Has found a better day.... • tIttf: Cepha, ArWI Ina. .0. in Memoriam _ 'FORSTER.—In loViiig memory of a husband and father, Ar- thur Forster, who passed away three years ago, Novem- ber ist, 1959. He fell asleep without saying goodbye, But memories of him will never die. - —Ever remembered by his wife Agnes and family. •-43 IMMMONNNOMMINIMMINICINOMMIIMMIMIII E. Cards of Thanks DAVIS.---Mr. and Mrs. James Daviswould like to thank the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital for their kindnesses and service. Mrs. Davis has retttened to her horrie in -Port Loring and is doing nicely. -43 GOOD. --Many thanks to my friends and relatives for cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in the hospital. ,Special thanks to Dr. N. C. -Jackson, the nurses and staff of the hospital. • Merton Good. 43x LAITHWAITE.—I wish to thank all those who were my cus- tomers while I was associated with Adams Furniture in Goderich, and hope, as dis- trict representative of Elec- trolux Canada Ltd., - to see many old frYmds again. • Bill Laithwaite. -43 WILKINS.—I wish to thank Dr. G. F. Mils, the- nurses and staff of Ward 2 East, for their kindness and sympathetic un- derstanding during my recent hospitalization. • J. Alex Wilkins. -43 F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allison, Goderich, wish lo announce the engagement of their daughter, Blanche (Perky), to Mr. Graham Mabon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam R.R. 1, Port -Albert. The wedding will- take-J:4am Satur- day, November, 24, in Knox. Presbyterian ChapI, at 2 p.m. -43 G. Coming Events Turkey shoot at Sky Harbour, Saturday, November 3rd, at one p.m. Sponsored by the Godc- rich Gun Chili. Everyone wel- come. • 43x Goderich Graduate Nurses' Association will meet Monday, November 5," at 8.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. L. Bamforth, 23 St. Vincent St. Dr. V. L. McGeough will speak about "Hepatitis." All nurses are welcome. -43 The November meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter, will be held at the home of Mrs. D. D. Mooney, North St., on Tuesday, Noveinber 13, at 8.15 p.m. -43-44 Goderich Senior Citizens will meet November 7. The pro-' gram will include a play by the ladies. 43x , G. Coming Events Don't forget St. Peter's annual Christmas Fair, December lst, at MacKay Hall, 2,30 to 5.30 p.m. -43 • Goderich Home and School Association are sponsoring a hobby show on. Wednesday, November 7, at Victoria School, and Nevember 14 at- Victor Lewiston School, at 7.30 p.m. -43 COUNTY CROP REPORT Snow and wet weather has brought all fall work to a stand- still in Huron County.. There is a lot of plowing yet to be done as well as harvesting of corn, turnips and sugar beets. WE BUY WRECKS FOR PARTS WE SELL PARTS FOR WRECKS. Right now we're wrecking: 57 Pontiac sedan, 6 cyl.; 57 Ford Fairlane 500, hard top; 56 Ford hardtop; 57 Chev. coach; 56 Vanguard. WANTED: scrap cars. Highest cash prices. , SPECIAL: re -cap snow tires. No, trade-in required. $11.75. One year warranty. CLERE-VU AUTO WRECKERS Highway No. 8 at Holmesville. 41 tf 0, PH 1 LCO A AMWAY-Of tk.rd://64.4, KMAiGniaS, A CONTEMPORARY .STYLED MODEL AT A LOW PRICE WITH ALL THE FEATURES OF MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE UNITS. • Another -quality, trouble free, Canadian product sold and- srviced by HUTCHINSON RADIO & T.V. 308 HURON RD. JA 4-7831 TRADES - TERMS EVENING APPOINTMENTS Signal -Star Want Ads Bring Fast Results! Hand Crafted Briars — 20 Styles We are Exclusive Agents for FAMOUS -BRIGHAM PIPES IN THIS AREA . . Sales and Service . . . GODERICH NEWS STAND ON THE SQUARE AT COLBORNE ST. mummommormoppioni BLANKET SALE' Luxurious Satin -Bound Blankets • 4 lb. 72" x 90"' made from 1005 pure Virgin CANADIAN WOOLS Reg, $16.00 Value . $9.50 Colours Gold, Green, Rose, Blue, Red, White. at 1/2 Price Glove and Mitt- Sale EXCEPTIONALLY FINE -- Ilien's goatskin, iiind- seWn dress glove. Colours natural and tan. Reg. $5.00 Sale Price $2.50 Ladies' kid, hand -sewn, lined and unlined. Colours natural and tan, Reg. $41.007'.., .Sale Price $2-.00 Lined Children'a mitt, deerskin tanned to always dry soft. ... Reg. $2.00 4. ...... . Sale Price $1.00 Also, Men's Work Glove. Genuine Goatskin, Only 50c pi,' MEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS heavy weight„ 1;321on reinforced. pr. fo* $1.00 • BAI,NTONA LIMITED These offers available November 1 to November 17 t6, 43-44 ,varamiaisaymmirombrarmaram8