The Exeter Times, 1891-8-13, Page 8etilisewieneeseeeatli
PANT, of Toronto; also for theRIHEN/s,
:^ngland, the ROYAI. O3,DiADIA.N. of 14(oA-
tweak, and the ONTARIO htU t.UAI. L1FE
A.SKURANCE, CO'Y of Waterloo established
A:ssaranoesinfoxce,$13,127:400, Bonuses
. y :,-es re*
Smailzerare t unlined.
Me Mart Coulter Goods
Trs Stove Polish Pitchers
Fetne Shoe "Spice Jars
1' :s :iatehSetae Sa1ts.Ind
h° .es Neenles Ranlea
Fent Fair Plate Hammers
• `t.? in eseeso s ,Yalealt
St Pencils Beaton Agate SerewDrivers
Brae( es '' Pearl Postal Cards
. e ' *a '3 ai ,•::'-.?>e-rchiefs Can Openers
a r. r";11:.!..14 Curling Tanga
Tey Beene reek Ties Fire Shovels
KK'e Fnns• Salt Sifters
'"e+.c) : s ` lislacrs - Pototo'ltiasbers
" -.a Pel,:,:: Mats Toast Foaks
sag' Bibs Dipuera
nit i, nsties Tin Pails Egg Beaters
• Tea weepers Cake Tureen
1" itag •• Testate stauela fans
tis ., Veneto t,°ae, a Lem. Squeezers
T t 'teat ran. Cor? Screws
Connw c .e 1�:3t,:8 Senp'.pe
Tey Bents `Rises Goblets
. O 'Geo, e 3.717snosete e
B.. , vER1gT T SitO
t of tile next t fe &lays we
t. 41 :show an extra choice as-
. Biacts Dress
6 :h? is, all at l!11idsuuliuer
R...4..L ,iCit 'rtt13-Silo. tv': Sir.
'a.'; ((cineol„---zr,,sa1 warp.
144+ saga's.
I a.^:
11 .. l;••galiliutiaa Senna,
°y ee ; t. Y,taac. Cents.
ll7^ 'Metes.
Steep; dill;s,
:ala"311 « Y this choice lot of
1':tlrtZ'ii t iela ti, cut to e1C,s0
'.L ntil1g prices, will soon
J 4.9TE :3E�T.
a .a,.:...., t ^t..;e': lea *43% l a^<t,
t•4=, w. trepang
netino e.i the Quarterly Hoard of the
” i .t. \Jett t'l.,ttelc .was hell on .lien-
. v ., awl ening other business trans.
1 the minister's salary was placed at
' af.•rthe eurrent year, as well as the
f :rtr:ic,: e:liongel from In.30 sits.
..:1=e pen. t.a 11ate). mad . *',', ek par.
u mashe in the time a •f arra vieo is eon:
1 .as 1 eiu,s preferable for many rea- Ji
.. ...,,: ,iiia cal., settee:: teat week frote
"'?'A_, (rosiest.
w..ath,er for the most part during
teat „_ tars( weeks has been favorable
' .,,acceastul harvesting. Wheat ani bar -
:•::v pose been housed in splendid condition,
• i;pring wheat and oats are coming
'_.,;f ui,a:iy mot will, for the greater part,
,tut this week. The yield in these
g.. n;, will be exceptionally large, •about
• ..:,1.: the usual crop. Flax is all but
a._. tested and it tee is reported as good.
1. twins ar_e and will bean abundant
;a • •+: Rots are doing nicely, assisted by
i...:..te tants, twill also be a large yield.
.:.s year the farmers have good reason to
tae, at all tunes, in the best spirit, and if
tint pricks be good, which is already eon-
• xl, the mach depressed Canadian farmer
Li rain be lifted onto solid footing.
The Storm.
storm on Sunday was one of the
:tea of the season. The preceding hot
days did well as brooders. The rain fell
in torrents while the wind blew a hurri-
cane and the lightning flashed continuously,
It Iwsted from five o'clock till late in the
c euin g. In Exeter the damage was slight,
„ail i the fruit suffering; while in the coun-
try the storm wrought great havoc. Scores
,P loxes were unroofed, fences and trees
:evel:ea, fruit blown down, and barns
bunt by lightning. The tower of St.
Peter's (McGillivray) B. C. Church was
blown down, and falling on the roof of the
e1 irch, broke through in several places.
The damage to the church is conceded to
be $1,500. The thermometer during
nu:iday and Monday registered 1100° and
ever, and the weather was the hottest ex-
perienced for years. Since the rain, how -
aver, the air has cooled and we are now
enjoying reasonable summer weather.
Civic Holiday.
Thursday Iaat, Aug. 6th, was Exeter's
.'(vie Holiday. The day was very fine and
the majority of townspeople took advan-
tage of it, and spent the day out of town.
The excursion to Sarnia was the attraction
of the day, and some 250 persons went
thither, while more spent the day at the
lake, one of the pleasantest summer resorts
in Ontario. The enterprise of Mr. John
Spackman in erecting cottages, cleaning
grounds and otherwise improving ng the
grove on the banks of the lake, has rendered
Grand Beud a delightful spot, and persona
from cities, who in previous years, spent
the hot months at Point Farm and other
places, are this year to be found at the
Bend, Besides scores of row boats, there
is a large excursion boat "Minnie Weekes,"
making periodical trips out into the lake,
all of which add attractiveness and pleasure
to the spot. To spend a week at Grand
Bend is to realize what a genuine summer
resort is.
A shooting match for the gold medal of
the Exeter Gun Club takes place this
(Thursday) evening among members of the
club. It is now Ed. Bissett.
The Ontario Statutes for 1891 have been
issued and are ready for distribution.,
A. Q. Bobier on Wednesday made a large
shipment of butter and eggs from this
Mr, Robt, Leathern left this week with
a car load of 'mane and cattle for the Old
Thos, Sweet, thrashed his fall wheat the
other day and the yield was forty busbele
to the acre. •
A party of 659 laborers from Ontario
base reaehed Manitoba to work in the
harvest fields,
The James -et Meth, Church Sunday
School will picnic inBewden's Grove Wed-
nesday next.
Sunday morning next Rev. Russell will
preach a sermon to the scholars of the
Sunday School,
i e • voters' • list Eur t. a township or
Stephen contains 11GO names, an increase
over last year of 10. *ea
q•eur rnent wan administered in the Main
street anis ehnreh on Sunday morning
and the Lord's supper in the evening.
TRH: .FIMEs hopes that in view of the
bountiful axops its subscribers, Milo are in
arrears wily pay up with lightuing speed.
Mr, James Jewell was on Monday last
married to Mina M. A. Arnsby, of Loadou.
E n,;., at the reei^.lecee of lir. lames Beer,
lie men report that the crop of honey
has rot beea whet was anticipated. What
the warm= oam•evil( yield in the pre -
dons nectar remains to beseen.
Several nes-Meeks are being placed in
the greaten at various paints throughout
tow, .tor else pre,tection Thin is a timely
neve, int still mere Bre menet(.
Pattie is ' as r, intim rural districts crepe
Mc slat: la xt, At:gnat 17th, and iu tw
weeks -thereafter the sob o1s In towns,
eities au•l iilleges will l e opened.
A sample of Wheat and oats . grown o
the farm cif lir 3. Pinnin, Indian Point
'Man., is on exhibition at Tue Tinos tatlic
The straw measures over six feet.
Tho free rel sermonsermonof the late Richer
Hunter was preached in the Trivitt Mein
oriel church on Sunday erg. hast by Rev
5. F. Rolsi:won, to a large congregation.
The Royal Template of Temperance wil
el:elft) attend divine service au the Mai
street �lethiecliet Church, where. a scan=
tbe prelehed by Rev. alt. McDonagh
The srt:9ortri crie';et team will visit
Exeter to ahoy to play a game with th
Loup ; a team. The Seaforth team is a gemgemIone air( en interesting game may 1 e!cokeal
Were seine of the cellars Meng 3iaiu•s
e 1 3:.e.t mei .liaitife to lt the settee Of =wile
tont -trianan�laulalnotLe80neeely ilisturb
e i, It to ant tie well for the lnspeetur to
fee is smeltt or two.
nose r --a u ,suds for taxes tidies Voce in
t.c.denn:h teal Nov. i1th. Sauth half of lot
ie tee :Lout coin of Stephen is advertised
fen hair, The taxes amounting to %t2 Ot3,.
town), 91 :1; total, $13 K.
The tusvnship of Hay voters' list con-
taining as it does 1043, entitles that town-
ship to a seeausl deputy -reeve. And on
the ballot next year names of candidates
fon thole new cell= will appear.
A house in which Messrs. James and
John Carrick, of flay, had stored away a
largo quantity of honer, was struck by
lightning recently and, with the contents,
totally :destroyed. No insurance. $O,H
The Exeter Mechanics' Institute will
draw this year the sum of $225.00 from the
I:.lueationalDepartmcntofOntario. After
the payment of a few outstaudingaeeounts
this will leave a fair sum to be expended
in new bvveyks.
On Snu•tay the. C'roaslev.Unuter Church
in South Dorchester, about four milea
sonth•east of Belmont,' as emceed. It is
a neat brick (elitieoeapable of accommodut
ing al'nut two hundred andwith shed cost
about $1,n60, counting about 3.300 worth
of labor which was done voluntarily.
Snell Pros. S; Co'y butcher waggon came
to grief :l ue.'auay. "1 bo horse was standing
in Trout e.f the butcher shop, and the flies
beim; bad caused it to run away. The
wagan was overturnedandamashed. The
horse was Vaught in front of the Times
office, none the worse for its little episode.
There are upwards of fifty in the Exeter
Volunteer Co, They are being drilled by
Capt. Andrews preparatory Ito going into
camp at St Thomas in Sept. They are a
fine body of men, and Capt. Andrews is
to be congratulated for his splendid selec-
tion. If he doesn't carry off a prize there
will need to be some very fine looking
companies present,
The Canadian Agriculturist, Peterboro',
offers us $1.50 for an advertisement worth
$6. Prof. G Chase, Montreal, enclosed
us $1 to insert a local for three months,
which would not appear in the TIMES for
less than es. The Tisrxs, it must be
understood always makes its own advertis-
ing rates. We have not built up a large
circulation toreceiveadvertising at these
It is said that the Grand Trunk Railway
has decided that after this year there will
be no more "Civic Holiday Excursions"
along the line. They advance a number of
reasons tor this change of policy, the chief
of which is that it is not to the company'a
interest or convenience to 'continue them.
Special low rates will be given as occasion,
for circumstances may require, but not in
the way of Civic Holiday trips.
The Postoffiee Department makes a
simple but practical suggestion to the
public relative to the complaints that post-
age stamps will not adbere to letters and
packages, Complaints are made that the
stamps have not sufficient mucilage upon
them, but it is suspected that too much is
taken off in the process of wetting them.
It is, therefore, suggested by the depart-
ment officials that, instead of the stamps
being moistened, the envelopes of packages
be wetted, and the stamps then affixed.
It is thought all cause of complaint will be
removed if this plan be followed.
A novel remedy for the fly nuisance has
been given out by a New York man, who
vouches for its reliability. It won't do any
harm to try the discovery. The New
Yorker went into the country last year
when red clover was in bloom and brought
back with him when he returned a num-
ber of clover blossoms. He hung them in
his room to ornament the walla. The
clover dried and since then he says not a
fly will stay in the room. He has watched
and studied, and says he has discovered
that flies cannot stand the scent of dried
Arrangements have been made for hold-
ing a Provincial plowing match at the
Experimental Farm, Guelph, under the
auspices of the Agricultural and ;Arts As-
sociation and the South Wellington Plow-
ing Association, some time in the latter
end of October. It is the intention to
make this match one of the best that has
ever been held in the Province. What is
to'prevent some of Huron's famous plowmen
trying their skill in • this competition ?
They may be out of practice, but they used
to be able to hold their own against all
Miss Maggie Sheere, who has been the
guest of the Misses Treble for a few weeks,
returned to her home in London, Tuesday
evening, -Miss Maud Christie is visiting
friends in Sarnia. -The Misses Steacy, of
St. Thorns, are guests at W. D, Weekes.
---lir. Sep, 1[ogarthleft =Tuesday morn-
ing an a prospecting tour through
Manitoba and North-West, We wish hint
a pleasant trip, -Miss Tillie W hite, millin-
er, in Sarnia, is home spending vacation,
She is accompanied by Mins Lizzie Elliott.
Mrs, Alfred. Bayley, St, Thomas, is visit-
ing friends in town, -Walter Clarke, of
Crediton, left Wednesday for Exeter, C;ng,
to visit friends, We wish his a bon voyage,
and a safe home. -ll. Lannbrooke left on
Tuesday for Stratford, as a delegate of the
Exeter Lodge to the Grand Lodge of the
I. O. O. F. -.-Mr. Bert t=id(e)s is visiting'
friends to Sarnia, --A number from Exeter
are spending vacation at the Bend, -:Mise
McInnes, of London, spent the past week
with friends in maxi's.-.--(:eo. Russell is
visiting friends in V Ingham and vicinity.
1 John E, Tom, I. P. S., of Goderich, and
family epent a part of last week visiting
Mr. Tom's paletnt' in town. -Mrs. J. P.
Ross is visiticy, friends at Niagara Falls.
--Mr. and Mrs. Fray=s visited London on
Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs
Ig' reFneas sister. -Mrs. Gocdacre. of Lucas
who has spent some (lays at Jaynes-st par-
sonage, returned inn= Tuesday evg,----Mr.
Robe. Monteith, lo¢ (;shorn, leaves next
week on a trip to Manitoba, -Miss. A,g ie
Washington, of Gonlerich, is visiting
Weeds in (Exeter --atlas. Andrews anal son.
of Ellnavilie, left on Monday for 'Brandon,
Manitoba.- Mie, Jamey nazis= hes
ed from Detroit, after spending ing a week
visiting frienels.---Miss l±ig> art, who Inas
been the guest of (lies Elle Finnan, has re
turned to her hone near Ilaytietll.-Mr.
C'ase,St Catharines is the guest of his fath-
er, Vino Case of this place. -(leo l eidlaw
who has spent the past week camping at
the (lend, returned to tloou on Monday
and lent for his henna in Toronto) 7,'uesrley.
-Pr Irving of Kitt:tort spent Tuesalay in
roan- W Juhi Stain. louden, was visiting
at ::r F.1 •ektikmtweek--MissHill.niter
spending the past Creek. with frien;is Ian
town, Woole A to Lennon Townley.- Mr -
Semi 31anningr, Civil Engineer. of Peel le
Cola.: -lo, is speuohfng vacation at his
1 retl:er's, lir. ;;,,i, Mannino --Miss l.+'ttie
lamins, den titer of i1i. Cita% 1'erhiain
is the proud petsn sser of a Lealre Ilievele
The 1z.:1 lento is a laausim mo ono. -Mr.
Alpairae. a f Toronto, who lams (teen spieling
reeativn at Mr. Grieve e. teturnest Were
cu Tucenay•--\tr l' hes- :lleltanetl, track
premium: part in a twilling , eeremere : t
St :alarys on 11e.dueselay bet. Thu i':
t z-:. n a::n'a the marriage of his eanRin
'inn Isla Sperling to lira;.. Waste loth ( f
that t,it^cn,--•t; e:.. Caw, of St 'Thom au was
in tntsn Met' Sunday attending; the fnner
al i; f hie niece, a little dau ;later of lies( et t
Cole of Lumley -Belot Cole of Lumley,
triao recently, lee he lent Of his arms, as
fully repra;t'.l in a previous issue, is al,le
to l;e,arei;n'l, f4; l loss injuriesare menet et-
ing; favorably .-Rev• Turnbull of Toronto
is the guest of his father, Mr David Turn-
bull of thin place. Igo will spent time
with friends in the country. ---Rex, David
Rainey, of Lenelesboro" will spend a few
days with hia parents here prior to taking;
charge of his new e:..ingreoetion at 31nuint
Forest. -•-Rev. Fletcher and family of Ham
Ilton are spending; a few weeks at the Pres
byterian Manse, Thames (load. The Rev.
Colin Fletcher will go to Hamilton -win ex-
change id pulpits aa it were.- lir aneltMies
Blanes of Parkhill, are vMtinng; at S. C.
H'eraey's•--3 r and Mrs L. Thorne have
returned from a trip to Peverel eastern
towns and cities. Mr Thorne goes to New
Tent in a few days.- Miss Spading re-
turned to hen home in Seaforth after visit-
ing; at Mr (I rieve's for a couple of weeks -
Ft Hicks and family go to the fiend this
week, where some time will he spenteamp
ing.-Miss llcssia iiartn.'ll ,has secured a
situation in Lindon. --Dr. White of Mie.
vend and lir. D. \I.C'osh of Luean, spent
Sunday in town.: Tho dig's es Carlin; and
Mrs W. J. Carling and daughter returnee(
Immo this week ftom a visit to MIackinaw.
--After spending several weeks in Exeter
Mr (leo. Armstrong has returned to Paris.
Miss Morrison, late of Bengali, spent the
past week with friends in town. --R. H,
Verity will take a business trip to the
Northwest shortly. -.Hiss Manson and
Master Harry White, of Port Hope, are
guests at Geo. (raison's. -Miss Miners, of
Sarnia, is visiting friends in Exeter and
vicinity. Miss Jeckell has returned after
a visit to her brother's, H. P. Jeckell of
Sarnia. -Mr. and Mrs. Bowe, of Toronto
are visiting at Mrs• Howe's father, Mr W.
Jeckell of Usborne.-Miss Holmes, Barrie;
Miss Brown, Pt. Perry, and Miss Fay
Morgan of London, are guests of Miss
Edith Hyndman.--:Hiss Annie Gregory
has returned home after an extended visit
with friends in Hampton. -
Presbytery of Huron.
A pro re nate meeting of the Presbytery
of Huron was held last Tuesday at Clinton,
when a call from the Presbyterian congre-
gation of Mount Forest to Rev. D. 3I.
Ramsay, B. D., ;of Londesbore', was dis-
posed of. Rev. 31. C. Cameron, B. 1)., of
Barriston, appeared on behalf of the
Presbytery of Saugeen, and Dr. Meikle and
Mr. Martin on behalf of the con-
gregation of Mount Forest to plead for the
translation of Mr. Ramsay, while com-
missioners from the congregations of
Londesboro' and Hallett appeared to
oppose the translation. After all parties
were heard, Mr. Ramsay declared, what
he considered to be his duty, his acceptance
of the call. The stipend promised is
$1,000 a year, with a free house and four
weeks' holidays. Mr. Ramsay'a present
charges will be declared vacant on the 16th
-inst,, and he will be inducted at Mount
Forest on the 20th inst Rev. Alex.
Stewart, B. A., of Clinton, was appointed
moderator of the sessions of Londesboro'
and Hallett. A the same meetiug the
resignation of Rev. Alex- McMillan, of
Manchester and Smith's Hill, was present-
ed. It was agreed to allow it to pie on the
table till the. regular meeting of the Pres-
bytery to be held at Blyth on September
8th, and in the interval to oite Mr. Mo-
Millan's congregations to appear at that
meeting for their interests.
Robert Shields, of Orangeville, probably
holds more positions than any other man
in Ontario. The following is a partial list
of the many offices he fills :-Chief of the
Orangeville police force, caretaker of the
town hall, public health inspector, noxious
weeds inspector, truant officer, street -light
accountant, -poll-tax collector, dog tax de-
tective, etc., etc. -Sun. We think Exeter
can beat this. Mr. Creech has to perform
the duties of Chief of police, night -watch,
caretaker of town hall, bell-ringer, health
inapector, noxious weeds inspector, truant
officer, street -lamp lighter, tax collector,
poll -tax collector, dog tax detective, street
watering accountant, etc., eta.; etc., etc.,
etc., etc., and all for a salary of 0375.
, IC
Are. showing an elegant range of all classes
of Boots Shoes and are clearing
a number of lines in order to
make room for, the immense stock which
they have purchased. for the fall trade.
Big bargains will be in order for the next
Fubllc School Board Minutes•
July fin*. sleeting; held in the town hall
at b p. m. Itch's passed :--;llinutee of
previous meeting; ; per W. Weide and A.
to flyer, amount to l•e asked from Council
for wheel purposes to ire ,,S00 ; per IL
Hueston, adjournment.
August 3, meeting held iu the town hall
at S p. m„ absent A. G. Dyer. Items
passed ; Minutes of preview) meeting; per
#i. liueston and W. ifoskin, that the In-
epe:eter'a revolt as rend le adoptee(; per
Hueston ant Ar. Lutz that the roof
committee he en:r,or:•ere,( to piss anlceder
payment of accts in connection with the
Koss it Tailor contract ; per H. Unestau
awl ty• I'rel.lcthet the sus f earn. be ern-
pnn ire 1 tl4 lln-pnse rf old shingles : per
W. Cf( -kin snit 11, Uneaten, that the
teachers desitiog re-engagement be re-
g0..ti•.i to satlmatt applications not later
tatau the 1:.tli cif teptenal,er : per W.
Ifo -kin, ad;.'aait.tneut. J, time, Sony.
:a .tiui; et r a intent: 1 a good deal (•f
;,tt.rt.nton Meanly eta;.
Die Linn:am Ptutinel cern upon the
to p a a z l y Face pit hit itis, geese
1::" 'et .:., .e, twil=it the earperatien.
I,uclnlear meet ions "y l e ;a leaehtvconsls til.
Lee e tea have t.".J ,*.c.1 vete westering privi-
lege a ee (erg.
t.itirent's litaaitag (tattle will do well to
reit,, tdlae r that on nia.l after the 15th inst.
a town l ;—law wills for the clods„* up at
slight cd all eatt%o roaming at large in the
corporation. The Constable will rigidly
enforce the In now
T'rall;ic„ ab+eaat 3 tteet corner loafers, the
T"•ronto Empire says t --.iia every means
hitherto trito.l to remedy this practice has
proven futile, the :advisaln:lity of photo•
graphing the crow.k and placing the pic-
tures on exhibition has been suggested and
the idea will liltciy be carried out.
While teetering in company with another
little girl on Tuesday, Florio Bianclt,
daughter of Tilos Bissett, jr.. met with a
hail aeekle lt. The girl en the opposite
end of the lu and ,get ow, thus allowing
Florio to fail to the ground, dislieatinguno
of her arms.
a,II aboard for Grimsby Palk and Me-
gan, 1 sella, 5atur1Ly,;Aug. 23nd. Tickets
trout Exeter and Liiu,lesb,ro', inclusive,
$2, aoe.l till ITaicsday night, Plenty of
time at Niagara; and Sam Jones at )rims -
by. Vona toast alienee. See posters and
nett G. T. It. 1u,'Cnt'7.
The excursion to Sarniann Thursdaylust
was a very large one. It was run along
the L. H. it) B. railway, and when the train
reached Sarnia there wore over eleven
hundred persons on hoard. DOM'S one of
the largest excursions that has visited
that town this year.
Tho past month was the coldest July re-
corded during the nast half of a century.
The only July at all to bo compared with
it was July, 1860, and in the present year
July, which ought to be about two degrees
warmer than Jure, was over half a donee
colder on the average ; this has only oc-
curred twice before. In 1841 June was
healf a degree warmer than July, and in
1Sg4, when it was nearly a degreewarmer.
August is making up for July in the matter
of heat.
Fall Fairs.
Hensall Sept 15-16
Lucian Sept 16-17
Godericb Sept 16-18
London Western Fair Sept 17-26
Mitchell Sept 23-24
Exeter Sept 28-29
Clinton Sept 28-30
Ailsa Craig.... Sept 29-30
Seaforth Oot 1-2
Stratford Oet 1-2
HOWARD, -In Exeter on the lith inst. the
wile of J. N. Howard of a son.
1krA.RPIE D.
JEWFLL-ARNSBY-At the residence of the
bridegroom's uncle, Mr. Jas. Boer, Exeter,
on the 1051.11 est. by Rev, S P itobinson, Mr
Jas, Jewell, of Exeter, to Miss Mary Ann
Arnaby of London, Eng.
JOHNSTON-BRADS1-TAW-dtthe residence
of the bride's parents, on July 29th, oy
the Rev, A.Grant, B; A..St,Maxps,Remy
Johnste t, of the tp, of McGillivray, to
Rode, daughter of John Bradshaw, of
West Nissouri,
WILSON-SPARLING-At the residenee of
the ibride's parents, 81: Marys, on the
evening of the l$th inst., by the Rev, John
Seott;M.8.,.Reginald St. John Wilson to
Ida B„daughter of Mr. 8, Sparlin g, all of
MAODONALD.-In Stanley, on the 8th inst.
Jane Munroe, relict of the late Donald Mao
donald, aged 80 years,
COLD. -At Lumley, on the 7th inst., Margar-
et ']e thel:Jane, daughter of Robert Cole,
aged 1 year, 8 months.
WILSON. -In Exeter No to, on the 12th Inst
Minnie Lewis, daughter of Chas andMaggie
Wilson, aged2 years,6 mos.
JOHNSON -In London, on the 7thinst. Han-
nah, second daughter of Samuel and Ear -
nett Johnson, and sister of Mrs Peter
Prayne, of Exeter, aged 32years:
JOHNSTON-In St Marys,on the Blst
Orry,reliot of the tat e John Allan John
sten. and mother of Mrs. E, Long, aged
87 years 9 months.
"Juno As Goon," -Say some dealers who
try to sell a substitute preparation when a
customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do
not allow any such false statements as this
induce you to buy what you do not want.,
Remember that the only reason for making
it is that a few dents more profit will be
made on the substitute, Insist upon having
the best medicine -Hood's Sarsaparilla. 11
is Peculiar to Itself.
TO Tip AD F; WITH [I� ?
We pays CASH and are in a better position to sell cheap
than those who buy on credit.
:8MA% 'S2
We are situated so we can visit the Market personally
every mouth and select si.7,ch goods as our trade wants.
We sell our goods on a close margin and satisfy the
public they are buying at as low prices as they can be
sold in lawful trade.
We think one of the best ways to advertise is behind
the counter by treating our customers so they will belie -•e,
respect and stay with us.
Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods—all new
Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and
Angola Suitings. All good washers.
Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroidery, Skirtings
Lawns and IDelaines, for the hot weather.
We sell the best 25c. Black Hose in the Dominion,
worth 40c, and warranted stainless. Call and see them.
Remember we carry 'one of the largest stocks of
MILLINERY 111 the town. Every hat new. No oId
trimmings to work up. Call and see the new styles for C;
spring and summer.
E. JR SPAC A litT 0
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hairontting inthelatest
style of she art.
Every attention paid to cutting
ladte ' and eh ldren'sHair
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital „. *2,000,00
Rest Fund .., ,., ... 1,000,00
HeadOfttoe, Montreal,
Money advanced to good farmers on their own
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent
per annum.
Fleeter Branch,
Open every lawful day,from 10 3 p.m
SATURDAYS,10 aon. to ip,m,
4Per0ent.perannum allowedformoney on
DepoaitReoeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cont.
Sub -Manager.