HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-10-11, Page 4" 4 4 The Goderich bignal-star, -Thursday, Octobei llth, 1962 1- Articles Per Sale VALL clearance of freezers, televsion, Stereo combinations. Name your- Own deal now --no rqaSOnable offer refused. Rush tct 1i14tehinson Radio; Huron Rd. -39t1 • PUREBRED toy Manchester ' putt, male, six weeks old. JA 4- 8607. 39 STOVES FOR SALE: Warm IVIOrning, coal heater, 4 years. old, $35.00; ,Finpire kitchen • stove (needs --tainor repairs), $10.00; McClary kitchen stove, In excellent condition, 525.00; • Evans spaq., heater, with blow- er, $35.80..' ,Phone 12 r 7 Dun- gannon, or -call at McDonald's General Store, Kintail. • -39-40 GIRL'S turquoise suit, size 12- 14; boy's three-piece winter out- fit, size 6, beth in good condi- tion and reasonably priced. JA 4-9437 or 92 Cambria Rd -40 APPLES -Crisp, juicy Macin- tosh, hand picked, a few. toueh- . ed by hail, $2. per bushel. Bring your own containers. Free de- liveries around town. Other varieties of apples on hand. Arthur Bell, JA 4-3037. 40-41x-tf BEIGE and brown live -piece dinette suite. Will sellfor $40 or best offer. Phone JA 4-7992. -40 Articles F.or Sale 1IRONING CAN DE A BitEEZE When you use the Automatic Ironer at • WEST STREET LAUNDROMAT Ye" ur complete fabric condition- ing Centre. , CUT flowers, gladiolus, "snap- dragons, zinnias, Moms, aSters„, etc., flower arrangements, Ims- kets for any occasion; tomatdes. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St., phone 8852. -37tf THREE excellent 21 inch TV, one almost new, with bass con- trol and outlet for record or tape reproduction; the other two completely overhauled. Priced right to sell. B. R. Mun- day. 127 Widder St. Phone 7994. -40-41 •HYGIENIC suppnes ,( rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, waled envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples 5-1.00.- Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber. Co, Box .91 Ham- iff-oh: OM. SEE OUR large selection of metal dinette and chrome kitchen suitestt - 7 -PIECE Bronzetene dinette suite. Extra large table in walnut, size 42 x 60 x 72 x 84. Regular $215.00, Special $159.00. • 9 -PIECE CHROME suite with extra large table, size 36 x 60 x 72 x 84. Regular $179.00. Special $139.00, 1 -PIECE CHROME suite with large family -size table. Spec- ; lel $59.95; OTHER' Bronzetone and 'chrome suites from $45.00. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE West St. • • -40 RADIOS -Genuine Delco ori' inal equipment custom radios for '61 and -'62 -Chey's. Pried from $49.95 installed, which is saving of over $30.00. Rouse Auto Electric, Kingston St. 40-41 THREE -BURNER Propane gas stove with oven; also gas water. • heater. Melvin Jones, Dun- gannon. 40x BABVS pram suit, pink with fur trim, 12 -month size, like new. Phone JA 4-7259. 40x •rotr WHITE enamel Wingham Clas- sic cOok stove with 'high shelf (lik• new); extension kitchen table and 6 chairs. Wm. Sterl- ing. R.R. 2, Goderich, phone JA 4-7014. 40X USED MACHINERY: Tractors, M -F 35: M -F 50 gas; two Fergu- son5, No: 20-85; Allis Chalmers merle) WC; M -H .44 standard., Heston 10 -ft. swather; Versa- ::.-ather; M -H forage blower with nine; Lundell forage blow- er: McKee forage harvester; :28 bv 46 McCormick threshing rnachin, with new rubber,: 4.08 New -Holland baler; No. 10 Mas- '—feralYaTe'I.7-1VfaTs'-ePre-aifslin millinery, Purina feed s. George Wraith, Montreal St., • Goderich. 4 4-9934. -40 _ BABY'S basket; also _ coffee table! Phone 9164. . -40 BOY'S melten cloth grey coat, size 8, like new. Phone 8117, after 5 p.m. - 40x .'-Et1:0-THERM space heatel., 35,,A03 BTU output, automatic lighter. $60.. Also used washing machine, $25; apartment size Norge refrigerator, $65. Phone 9724. or 219 Picton St. east. 40x 20 LITTLE PIGS. JA 4-7026. 40x GIRL'S 'sidewalk bicycle, CCM, in good condition; table jigsaw withstand; three-piece chester- field suite; bed-chesterOeld; playpen; two lamps. JA 4-8843. -40 GOLDEN BARK weeping wir 10W trees, 8 to feet, $2,00 each. Gilbert, Mill Rd., 4rro'llt, fili-diteilleat-~,--4131t;" -40 24 CHOICE well -marked West- ern' Hereford yearling steers, 750-800 lbs. Arthur Garland, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 35 W 3. LADY'S blue winter coat and red car coat, both size 12; girl's coat and leggings set, blue, size 6; girl's snow suit size 3 Reasonable. , Phone JA 4-7170. -40 SINGER Zig Zag sewing rnw, chine, sews forward and back, does decorative stitches, makes buttonholes, sews on buttons. Can be had for balance owing, $52.00 or 7 payments of $8.00. Write Box 42, Signal -Star. -40 LARGE crib, $20; folding high chair, $5. 69 Britannia Rd., west, at side door. • -40 22 BUDGIES, matched pairs for breeding. Complete with flight and breeding cages, etc„ plus complete information on this interesting and profitable hobby. E. Davis, 160 Brock St. -40 1111111N1111111111111‘, 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale THINKING -of Rambler? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Bayfield Rd. JA4-9461. -15tf 3. Real Estate For SttiC MODERN house in Bayfield, seven miles from Ontario Hos- pital, two years old, three bed- room, brick and angel stone on large shady lot, close to store and post office. • 'Large bright kitchen with lots M. cupboard Space, double stainless steel sinks and exhaust fan; dinette; large living room with fireplace. Colored four:piece bath; storms and screens, aluminum awnings and porch. Low taxes. Selling at cost, much less than today's replacement value. Immediate possession. F'S. W. A. Reid, phone- Clinton HU 2-9753 after five. -39-41 $2;500 REQUIRED as down payment on a NEW 3 -bedroom brick bungalow, This excellent home i§ built on a half acre of land, (meets VIA requirements), has full basement, automatic forced air heating, garage, new type win- dows, and a surplus of cup- boards and clothes closets. ,--Ex- cellent waterfrom private well, and taxes are Less than $160.00 per year. Full price has been reduced to $13,900 and balance on easy terms. , Three-bedroom stucco house in central location. This is a tidy and reasonably sized resi- denc,e, but with an extra large living rciorri. Kitchen and,small hall' complete the first floor. Three bedrooms and bath on second floor. Roof, eavestrough and paint in excellent condition. Oil furnace, storms, screens and glassed -in yerandah. Outside entrance to ''basement. Full price $8,000.00. Three-bedroom brick home in north section of Goderich. Large lot, well kept home with large glassed -in veranda. Many extra features and very reason- able price and terms. - Solid brick building on corner Square. GrOund floor, 1200 sa,iti 2nd fleeLAreero_agart., ment,,--pTiTi -bath. Reduced price with reasonable terms. Fully equipped restaurant. Ex- cellent income. Good reason for selling. A GOOD BUY • for anyone who wants a small farm, with a comfOrtable home. Fifty acres, three-bedroom house with furnace and bath. Barn will stable 20 head. Good fences and pasture. Christmas trees ready, for harvest this year. Priced at $8,500 for im- mediate sale. LADY'S wool plaid juniper, size 14; boy's ,p,arIca coatalMOst size" 12_;_ 'Zjay betl'*rith inner' Spring inattress.tT Patriek St. • -40 USED, reffigeratoks from 09.06. to $129.00: , • V$ED TV sets, recOnditiOne frisfir $65.00 tO$14906. W 5.Z.the tadfos, $2850 tip. JW u ft Westinghouse freetert. $410 $p0.00. Waor ,itV (EINHART'S SerVice E. E. CRANSTON Phone j A -1.8861 Realtor Manager For ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Goderich 'Phone JA 4-9662 3.. Real ,Wate,For Sa]le 3. CHOICE building lot 91' front- age, 1.94' depth, on Pieton St., near lake. Magistrate Glenn Hays. 39-40 'W. J. HUGHES Real Estate Broker General Insurance 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 HOMES FOR SALE Two-bedroom Wartime house on Huron , Rd., attached garage, nice lot.. Full price $6,706, Deluxe rug brick ranch type ome, overlooking the lake.. New three-bedroom home, south west. Attractive white brick home, centrally located, hot water heat- ing, lovely spacious grounds. Three-bedroom red brick, north. This home is very well built and must be sold to clear up estate. Income , home, brick, central location. . 100 Acres on county road, 2 miles from Auburn, '7 -room house, L barn equipped for 6,000 broilers. Full price $8,000. 20 Acres of lanid-in To.yn of Goderich, • priced for quick sale. Farm Salesman: L. H. Pentland Huron Rd. -JA 4-8041 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED Malcolm Mathers Real Estate Broker 46 West St. JA 4-9442 We have an attractive, new stone veneer dwelling, nicely situated among new homes. Features are stone fireplace in pleasant living room, 3 bed- r000ms, National Housing fin- ance at $96.00 per month which pays ta-xes,- prinsipal -and -inter- est. See this with us. A new 2 -bedroom bungalow, in a nice, central location. Fin- ancing can be arranged. - — We have a 2 -apartment dwell- ing in a very good location. This is a very satisfactory property and should be investigated if you are interested in -income property. One floor i-esldence • oti a really excellent lake bank property. Picture win- dows, stone fi r e p 1 , 3 bedrooms, as well as large living room, attractive dining room, attached garage and many modern extras. - Modern split-level, on corner ,lot, many extra features. • Long ranch -style home, on lovely lot. In an excellent central loca- tion, an attractive 2 -storey brick residence, with attached garage. In a nice west end location, a small, recently built bungalow, 4 rooms and snnroom, garage, oil furnace, small lot. Fine red -brick residence in Ood residenti al, district -four bedrooms, ultra modern bathroom, good-sized kitchen, double living room, double lot, two gal -ages, large attraetive patio area in 'garden. , A large four-bedroom brick residence, with small acreage, corner Bayfield Rd. an ie'Blake St. Bungalow on Picton St., two bedrooms, three. -piece bath, liv- ing room, kitchen with dinette area, utility room. other at- tractive features. On Bayfield Rd., 11/4 miles acres, or will sell half, insul- brick home. At the north west corner of Cambria Rd. and Elgin Ave., a very good frame. 2 -storey owelt ing. We, have several choice, ser eked building lois. 60 ft lc 133 in a developing area, for 4ale. , -6.7" • We have • approximately 4 acres in Goderich on west side of Bayfield Rd., in an area zoned for local business. ' At Dungannon -a large white brick residence, modernized, Ind now in very nice condition, Jight rooms, and • toilet, and basin- on main floor, complete bathroom on second floor, new oil furnace, insulaled, alumin- um storms and scfeens, garage, and many other features. Real Estate .R• For Sale 5. TO RENT MODERN upper apartment„4 rooms and bath, heated. Tiled floors throughout and tprivate entrance. (Adults only). phone JAcksoit 4-9376. 40k ONE -BEDROOM house, modern conveniences.. Apply at. 140 13ritannia Rcl., east. -40 SIX-ROQM hpuse, partly furn- ished, close' to 'Square, TV aer- ial hookup. No dogs or pets, Phone JA 4-7769. -40 HAROLD W. SHORE REAL. ESTATE BROKER General Insueance 38 Hamilton Street Phone JA 4-7272 Your agent in ' the Goder;ch DiStriet for Kernohan Homes 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE How About a New Home in the Country? This new home, close to Goderich on a main road, has three large bedrooms and all the features of the contemper- ary modern home. Log House or Log Cabin Situated four miles south of Goderich on Highway 21, this rustic log house may be pur- chased with from two to ten acres of land at a very reduced price. The log cabin, on a separate site, would, make a cosy retreat. Call this broker for an appointment to inspect. Completely Modern Duplex Close to uptown, this duplex has been completely modern- ized. This is an excellent pro- perty for retired couple, pro- viding a lovely home, .plus income. Looking For a Large Home? Presently listed are four larger homes ranging from four to six bedrooms. All are in an excellent state of repair. Building Lots in Huron View Park Subdivision Several fully serviced lots now available in this excellent location. Prices start at $1,200. Special deal available to build- ing contractors. To build on or iust to invest' in, now is the time to buy your lot in Huron View Park. Prices are bound to increase as this area builds up. • Farm and Rural Salesmen.: Harvey' Lassaline. R.R. 2, Goderich Frank Mackenzie, R.R. 1, Ripley GeorgeAshtoni.- Fordwich- - L 1ST I NGS AND INQpIRIES INVITED. HEATED furnished apartment, built-in cupboards, stove and fridge, laundry facilities, TV hook-up, no children, a-vailable October 15. Apply 92 Cambria Rd, -IA 49437.- - .36tf MODERN housekeeping cottages and cabins., fridge, stove, sleep 2-4-6, $25 to $50 monthly. Hazel - wood's CabinS, three miles north of Hayfield, on Highway 21. • -35tf "THE KENT HOUSE," comfort- ably furnished room, living room, TV and kitchen provided. 155 Quebec St. Apply after 4 in afternoon or call 8433: -32-33 PRTVATE office, heated, at 46 West St. Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker. Phone JA --49442. -24 IN SARASOTA, Florida, a -x-3.-5, ft. furnished, 2 -bedroom mod- ern trailer, 4 -piece tile bath- room. $500 for season. Owner can chauffeur and supervise set- tling. Write G. Hazelwood, R.R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. -36tf FURNISHED apartment, all conveniences. Ridgewood Park, phone 8891. -38tf 6. Wanted To Rent NMI UP TO 200 acres of land wanted for fall plowing. Must be suit- able for crop. Phone Clinton HU 2-7231 or write Lyle Mont- gomefy, R.R. 3, Clinton. 39-41x • 8. Help Wonted -,110USEKEEPER---wante4-Mon- days to Fridays, off at 5 p. Write P.O. Box 1112, Gode KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance Phone JA 4-7253 BUILD for Less with a I-Tanis:lay Home -Call at our office for your new 1962 catalogue. • New subdivision, 3-bedroom.1 ranch style home, brick, beauti- fully landscaped, 2 years old, close to schools. Priced reason- able with terms. Owner mov- ing from Goderich., Wartime house on Huron Rd. Owner transferred, Tip -tap: condition. Furnace, oil heat. Low down payment and priced for quick sale. LOW down Payment rough -cast home, on Cypress St., ideal for the handy man. LADIES, MEN ALSO. Good Opportunity offered you to make money selling our 200 daily necessities. Full or part time. No capital needed. No experi- ence necessary. Write us prom- ptly. Rawleigh's; Dept. J-216-132,. 4005 Richelieu, 1VIentreal. .-40 AVON IS CALLING. In your neighborhood through TV. Be the Avon Representative and turn spare time into money. Write Mrs. M. 1V1illson, 960 Wel- lington Rd. S., London, Ontario, or "call collect 'GE 2-9019 be- tween 7 and 8 p.m. -31-34-37-40 CLERK, IST Shorthand Preferred. Usual company benefits. SjFTO SALT (1960) • LIMITED Goderich Mine. WE HAVE a selection .of 14 WAITRESS wanted. other homes in rest of the Bedford -Hotel. town ranging frcim $3,000 up. See us today. WE HAVE one of • the largest ,listings 'farms in Huron County from- 83,300.00 to $75,000..00. LCTS FOR SALE 1-66 x 104 -Nelson St. 1-66 x 104-Caley St. 2-66 x 104 -Palmerston St. -x 289 - St, George's • Crescent LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED KEN. CROFT Farm Salesman: John I. Rapson 152 South St. -JA 4-8559 -13 111111111111111111111111111111111111111W • 74-.TRearEgtate-Waiited *Thiee bedreerrifinished retreation ,rbom-u#restricted -„vieW" the lake. , CONTACT Peter S. .°MacEwari lXamilton St 1natirsirteeIlea Estat 4 e `.4. North Street ° JA 49531 LISTINGS WANTED - Farms, Summer Cottages, and town Pro- perty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, Bank of Commerce building, Goderich. Phone JA 4-9662. -18 5. To Rent -ammemit ONE -BEDROOM apartment at 59 North St., fully furnished, available now. JA 4-9303. 38xtf COUNTRY HOME, one mile from, Bayfield, three bedrooms, three-piece bath, living room, dining, , rootn, two-ptece. wagh- room, modern kitchen, hot water, large basement. Apply after '7 p.m. to S. B. Higgins, Main St.,,Bayfield. -39-40 ROOM, suitable for two girls, completely furnished. Laundry facilities. Phone 9983. -39 MODERN three-bedroom up - PIP; t„#,PattlVq,4,-AP creationF7-4:44efertelfalleWg.. stand, 16 The Square. • -39 FIVE -ROOM„ apartment, with bath, unfurnished, heat e d. Phone' JA 4-7164. -39tf • THREE-BEDROOM house, all tOnvenienees; gas furnace, im- Mediate possession. $85.00 per month. Choice location. Phone JA 4-9598. ' 39x UPPER heated. apartment for rent with .stove and frig. Phone 7556 after 5. -40 40 Apply 40x CLERKTYPIST, five afternoons each week for general insur- ance and real estate' office. Ap- ply stating qualifications and previous experience to ,P.O. Box 1270, Goderich. -40 MAN or woman to, supply estab- lished customers ;with famous nationally advertiged Watkins products. No investment. 'Earn- ings of $75 and up weekly pos- sible. ,Full or part-time. Write to M. Beaiimier, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15, Quebec. -39-42 LOWER, fMnished apartment.' JA 4-7635 -40 ONE -YEAR-OLD three-bedroom hotiae. for rent. Mailable Oc- tober 15, Apply to P.O. Box 1535. or phone JA 4-8429. 40 9. Agents Wanted EXTRA money ,to make" your dreams come true! U you are week and on your day off, you cat augment your present sal,' ary selling electrical appliances part time on commission basis, with well-known cornpany in business for over 50 years. Write Box 29, Signal -Star. -36tf 4111111.11.11PIIMENOMPO11.1111111111111.111.111111111111111111111111111111 10. Wanted (General) BOARDERS' wanted. 35 Cam-, bria Rd., S. JA 4-7833. 40tf ROOMERS or boarders wanted-. JA 4-8224. 40x BOARDERS. 26 ,Bruce 4, St. Phone 1690. -37tf • ) ...a.ffsimmasomataimmranwe 13. Auction Sales DON'T forget MeLelland's pony and 'saddle horse consignment sale at I3ervie, near Kincardine, at 1 o'clock, ,SATURDAY, OCTQBER 13. ; -40 svOcitts 3ffa i,FEEDEit CATTLE SALE at hie Livestock „Sales, Barn Hensall, Ontario SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 13th at 1 p.m. -500 Durham and Hereford steers, ranging from 600 to 800 lbs. -150 Hereford, steer and heifer ealves. • i -20 Holstein heifers. For consignment , call: -Jack Morrissey, 23426200, Credi- ton; Victor Hargreaves, .11U,2.- 7511, Clinton; 1Viel Graham, HU 24908, Clinton. TERMS -Cash, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. -39-40 k, 13. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE1 OF FINANCE COMPANY RE- POSSESSIONS, BANKRUPT STOCKS, BAILIFF SEIZURES AND PERSONAL CONSIGN- MENTS ,,OF MODERN HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, TEJ.,EVIS- IONS, APPLIANCES, AND 'BRAND NEW CLOTHING, ON SATURDAY, 00T0l3ER 13th at '1.30 p.m, sharp . AT THE CLINTON LEGION .HALL, CLINTON, ONT. CONSISTING OF THE FOL- LOWING -Large console model organ; large chest freezer; com- bination radio and record play- er.; 2 -piece foam rubber zipper- ed chesterfield suites; 5,picce liardom states with bookcase beds, box springs and mat- tresses; 5 TV sets; 2 -piece dav- enport suites; kitchen suites; 'automatic washer and dryer; refrigeratqrs; electric ranges; conventional washer; two 39" continental beds; platform rock- ers; coffee and step. table; tri - light and table lamps; hostess and arm cheirs; other odd pieces of furniture; quantity of brand new clothing, plus many more items which will be re- leased before sale day, but not available for publication at this time. TERMS -Cash on day of sale. Cheques- accepted: /.3% sales tax in effect. FRANKLIN BUUCK, R.R. 2, Gadshill, Ont. Auctioneer, -40 AUCTION Sale of 32 head of 'fresh and springing Holstein cows and heifers will be held for Lloyd MacDougal, lot , 9, concession 4, Kinloss Township, 21/2 miles north and 1/2 mile west of Lueknow• on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 1.30 p.m. - 22 fresh and springing Hol- stein cows; 10 springing Hol - 'stein heifers; Universal 2 -unit milker arid pump. This chdice offering of cows 'has been on test under qhe Dairy Herd Improvement As- sociation for the la-st fiVe years. They have shown good milk records. Wray Osborne will give records day of 'sale. TERMS -CASH. . -Sal d --- h eld-Th MO -eh V dry if necessary. Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer. -40 14. Services Available FOR Septic Tank Cleaning con- tact -RONALD E. FORSTER, Phone 29, Lucknow, manufac- turer of septic tank and well tile. 35-47x ACE Radio TV Servic . .Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St., ., Gode- rich, Ont: Phone JA 4-7771. -31tf SHARP? Ready for business? Saws: -hand and electrfc,"states, cutlery, -etc. Please call even- ings. C. H. Hornar, Mixon Rd., opposite store. , -40tf ELECTROLUX., -(C ANA D A) LIMITED For service cal1 J. Amsing, HU 2-730.2, Clinton -38tf SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop -custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone, 9641. - -31tf gifir 15. No,tice To Creditors ALL • persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Isabel Francey, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of August, 1962, are required to file the same with full particulars, with the undersigned by the 20th day of October, 1962, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 21st day of September, 1962 , HAYS, 'PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., . • 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. -38-40 ALL -persons -having -claims against the Estate of •Raymond Jesse Moore, late of the Town- ship of Colborne. in the County of Huron, Weaver, who died on or about August 17th, 1962, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 20th day of October, 1962, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be disributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 21st day of Septernber, 1962. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario- -38-40 IN THE ESTATE OF DAVib • WILLIAM HAMILTON, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF AU- BURN, IN THE. COUNTY OF , HURON, DECEASED. , All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of - their claims ,to the undersign- ed on or before the 18th day of October,. after which date the assets will be distributed. „ DONNELLY, D'ONNELLY & • 18 The Square, Goderieh, Ontario, Selicitors' lot the' Estate. -38-40 ALL persons having claims against the estate of LOUISA ALICE SMITH, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the lst day Of Octdber, 1062, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 3rd. day Of November, 1962, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated .at Goderich, Ontario, this 3rd day of October, 1962. HAYS, MST & HAYS, Barristers, ete., Goderich, ()Maria. -40-42 6. PA& 'MAW „I C., flrietis' f TREASURER'S SALE,. OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF HURON PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TO WIT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the-1ist:6f lands to be sold for e arrears of ' taxes in 'the County of Huron has been pre- pared and was published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 1st day of September, 1962. Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be secured in the County Treas- urer's office. IN DEFAULT OF PAYMENT OF TAXES AS SHOWN ON SUCH LIST ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1962, AT THE HOUR OF TWO O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER- NOON, I shall at the said time, in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by Pub- lic Auction the said lands to pay such arrears, tegether with the charges thereOn. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY OF THE SAID LANDS REMAIN UN- SOLD, AN ADJOURNED SALE WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1962, AT THE SAME HOUR AND PLACE AND AT WHICH, MUNICIPALITIES MAY RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE ANY OF THE SAID LANDS. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer. Goderich, Sept. 4, 1962. -36-48 NOW finance your new or late model used ear purchase at Bank --Rates through -Harold•-W-. Shore, 38 Hamilton St. Dial 7272. -7tf MONEY- available for first mort gage on. god. ,r,esidential and .. sthi ttp-oa perties. Apply to Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton St. Phone JA 4-7272. -12tf TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES , Town of Goderich „ County of Huron To Wit . BY VIRTUE OF' A WARRANT issiled'by the Mayor of the Town of Goderich under his hand and the seal -of- the said Corporation bearing date the 9th day of July, 1962, sale of, lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Goderich will be held at the Municipal Offices, Goderich, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 31st day -of October, 1962, unless I the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that .the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gaz- ette on the 4th day of August, 1962, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 27th day of July, 1962. S. H. Blake, Treasurer • • 30-42 ANYONE having an account or claim with -the Gederich Junior Chamber of Commerce, please file the same With the treasurer, N. T: Ormandy, before Monday, October 15, 1962. -38-40 imeilionsampuemmammr 17. Business Notice BAYFIELD Cider Mill will be operating Fridays % and Satur- daysthroughout the season. D. 19: Lost And Found ' WILL the ' party who found silver earring near Henderson's Book Store, please contact Signal -Star. -39 TRANSISTOR radio left on park bench last Saturday evening. Sentimental Christmas gift. Finder please phone JA 4-7689. 40 1111111111111.111111111. A. Births ADAMSON.-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on October 8, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adamson, Bayfield, a daugh- ter, Karen Marie. • BEACOM.-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on October 4, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. William Beacom, Goderich, a daugh- ter. ESSEX. --:At Alexandra . Hospit- al. godcritti, ,01) gctuber Essex; Goderich, a daughter. pek.RDNER.-7-4t, Heron „Bay, 'Ontario, on October 5, 1062, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gard- ner (Ruth Reed), a son, Thomas Adelbert. JACKSON. -In Chicago, on Oc- tober 7, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. James N. Jackson, Chicago, a- daughter, Jennifer Suzanne. NICHOLSON. -- At Alexandra ' Hospital, Goderieh, on Octo- ber 6,, 1962, to Mr: and Mrs. Donald 1VicholSon, R.111, Dun- gannon, son, Gregory John. STOTHERS. - At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Octo- ber 6, 1.962, to Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Stothers, R.% 6, Gode- rich, a daughter. 1 46derich, businesa firms! Are you Making your Christmas plans? May we suggest you include greeting cards, specially designed for businesses, from the wide seleron now on dis- play at. the Goderich Signal - Star. Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil 'from Edward Fuels tank truck dealer for all Shel; Oil Co. Iiroducts Phone JA 4-8386. . • -390 ,t‘ It's not too early! The Signal - Star invites you to drop in to-Aook over ,their wide assort- ment of -distitietive. personal:- ized Christmas cards. The set ectien is bigger and better than ever and there are many fine cards suitable for business firms also. -35tf Arrange now for your winter supply of Texaco heating oil. Automatic deliveries and bud- get plan available. Phone Vie Walden, JA 4-8812. -3843 People are already doing it! Yes, people are already order- ing their Christmas cards from the many fine choices available at the Goderich Signal -Star. They can be ordered personal- ized or plain, as yeti prefer. Drop in and look them over. No obligation. -40tf Am going to Preston soon. Anyone with old woollens for blankets phone 9284. Mrs. W. Dockstader. 40x E. Cards of Thanks 'ALLIN.-I wish to thank Dr. N. C. Jacksoe, Dr. J, R. Leitch, the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital and all those who sent flowers, cards and treats. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Kim Brindley who so willingly looked after Larry and Janice - while- I wag -a patient in the hospital. Adeline Allin. 40x „ GRAHAM. -The family of the .late:Martha...Graham_wish.. to thank their many friends and neighbors in Goderich for the kindness and sympathy shown, them in _their „recent bereaved' ment and for the beautiful floral tributes. 40x HENDERSON. - Words cannot express our appreciation to all our friends and neighbors who sent floral tributes and who helped so kindly at the time of our recent bereave- ' ment. These kindnesses have meant much to us. George and Eileen Wraith and family. -40 McNEE.--I would like to thank everyone who visited me and sent me books, cards and treats while I was a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace and nurses. J. C. McNee. 40x RIVETT.-I wish to thank all those who remembered Me with treats, •cards and flow- ers while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospital. A special thanks to Drs. Cor- rin and 1VisKinr; also the nurses and staff for their kindnesses. These were all very much appreciated. Tom Rivett, Dungannon. -40 ROBISON.-The family -of the late William T. Rebison, of Auburri, wish to express their sincere thanks' to relatives, friends and neighbors, for all kindnesses and sympathy shown them in their recent Sad bereavement. Also in loving memory -the donation to the Children's Aid Society at Goderich. , -40 SMITH. - Words cannot ade- quately express our deep ap- preciation for the many kind and sympathetic • 'acts that came to us at the time of our recent bereaVement. v-The-fgrtfily---of-the----late- Mrs. • - Louisa A. Smith. -40 disints G: Coming Events Welcome again to the Hobby Tea, on Wednesday, October 17, from 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. in St. George's Perish Hall, spon- sored by 'the Margaret. Seeger Club. Various handicrafts, in- cluding different methods of making rugs by hand. Model trains, guns and swords on ex- hibit. Visit our nearly -new lib: rary. Tea and bake table. Tickets 50 centg. -39-40 Bazaar, bake sale and salad plate, Saturday, October 20, at 2.30 p.m.,,MantKay Hall, Gode- . rich, sponsored • by Taylor's Corner ladies' group. ' -40-41 • - You are invited to attend the Seminar in Art on the after- noon of Wednesday, October 17, at 3 p.m., in the Art Room, Victor Lauriston School, Picton., t.,,.entrance- Mr,• gat.4.2,B`e;ii• nett: ayrIrdvigorliii -therenn- munity PP:I-grams Branch of the OntarioDepartment of Educa- tion,, conduet the 'pragrani.\ The topics covered will include: (1) 3 criticism of group paintings; (2) 4 p.m. -a lecture complete with slides, and dis- cussion on art composition. A session on programing for art groups, inchiding new ideas, re- source material, etc.; (3) - a qnestion and answer' period. -40' • Ahmeek Chapter, IODE Sale. Bake table, white elephant table in the front office of Thriller Busitie§s College, East St., .on October' 20th, at 130 p.m, Nearly new clothing in the rear. -40-41 G. Couting Eveltts /8 BIG' DAYS -Oct; 18th thrii Oct. 27th-RIECK PHARMACY will -pre,sent the Fall,. Rexall ONE CENT SALE. Watch for ads in Weekend Magazine, Star Weekly. VITAMINS, Medicines, TOILETRIES, Stationery, GIFT ITEMS, Personal Needs THURSDAY, OCT. 18th th-ru SATURDAY, OCT.' 28th, at RIECK PHARMACY. TWO for ONE plus a Permy,„„ -40 The Victoria 'St U.C.W. will hold their November Fair on Wednesday, November 14. -40 .= The annual meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday, October 15, at 2.30 p.m., in the board room. :40 St. George's Evening Guild fowl supper, October 24, 5 and. 6.30 p.m. Adults $1.50, child- ren 75c. Admission by ticket. Phone Mrs. C. Bannister, JA 4- 8216. 40 The official opening o/ the Auburn Community Memorial Hall will be held on October 12, at 8 p.m. There will be a pro- gram, lunch and dancing. Ad- mission -Adults $1.00; child- ren 50c. A:0 Art classes are proposed fn- Goderich Collegiate night school if sufficient 'registration. Phone Mr. Day, JA 4-9332. -46 , The Ooderich Duplicate Beidge -Club will resume th*r playing on Monday, October 15, at the home of Mrs. A. Nicol, at 8 p.m. New members will be _very welcome. .-40 N-ILE Oct. 9.-J. C. McNee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc- Nee, rnrned home from Gode- rich he'Spital Monday after a ten-day stay; he 'is still con- -fined- -to bed -and Ails. _many friends wish him a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Ruth Hayden, of Gode- rich, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack, GajeWski• and foiii• a:lighters, of St. Thomas, were- recent visitors with • Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dickson and family. Robert Bogie has sold his farm to Gerald Dustow. Mr. and Mrs. Willex King and Melody, of Bervie, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNee. • Miss Alma, McPhee and two friends, Of Tdronto, Mr. and Mrs. Knight and family, of Sarnia, were Thanksgiving guests- with Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter McPhee. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brihdley on the arrival of a new boy on Tuesday. Mrs. H. Horton, of Dungan- non, pas a Thanksgiving visitor with 'Mr. and Mrs. Orland Bere and family. An auction sale will be, held in the Nile United Church on October 27. Anyone having articles to donate may leave at the chureh or contact any member of the board of stew- ards. There will be no services at Nile on Sunday as it is anniver- sary services at Port Albert. The following Sunday, October 21 will be anniversary. services at Nile. Y.P.U. Elect Officers The Y.P.U. held their 'first meeting of the fall season on Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Gostonyi presided for the_election of of- ftcers which are as follows: Past president, Joyce Matthews; president, Barbara Taylor; 1st vice-president, Glen Ribey; sec- retary,„ Douglas Fisher; treas- urer, Donna McNee. CREWE CREWE, Oct. 9. - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reid, of Toronto, were week-end-visitors,..wittUVIr,_. and Mrs. Reid and Sack. Miss Joanne Crozidr, of Lon- don, and . Mr., and Mrs. Colin Crozier and sons, of Dorchester, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier and Bill. Mrs. Addie Treleaven and Miss Edith, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Oke and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnston and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Willis and Miss Mary Curran, of Goderich, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jed( Curran arid sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Drennan and sons were Sunday visitors in Lucknow with M. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan. • - ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Oct. 9. - Mrs. David MaeMurehy is visiting her daughter, -Mrs. Charles •Hatherton Itt Alma. - -limn and urray ohnson spent the week with their aunt, MrsCookOn, Waterloo, , Mrs. Ostrander, with her son and daughter, of • Georgetown, visited her consin, Miss Sadie Johnson, "on Sunday. Among those ,who yisited re- latives here this week -end were: Ray MacKenzie, of Toronto; Malcolm MacLennan, of Barrie; Jack Macdonald, of Buffalo; Misses Anna and Charlotte 'Mac- Kenzie, of Toronto; Mr., and Mrs .• aeorgo Leadbetter ' and Barbga,,61 Toronto; AtisS Marg- aret Macdonald, of- Detroit, , Bain Mriodonaid is visiting With his datighter, Mrs. Jeof trey Lundteigin, in Kitchener.