HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-13, Page 5i NATIONAL PREJUDICES VANQUISHED. (THE TRIOXPH Or AA GMAT DISCOVERY, ' The magnetic influence of ;gold linnets the people of every (lime to ou shores, 'len of of all nations, and speaking all the languages Of civilization, are to be found songtegatod on OUT auriteroua plains. Dif- fering in all other things in the customs, habits and religion -yet there is one point upon which their opinions coincide, Eng. Nehmen and Americans, French, Swiss, Germans, Swedes, Italians and Chinese ad- mit, without a dissenting voice, that the great remedies introduced to the world forty years ago by Holloway are better adapted to the ore of diseases in this climate than any other preparation in existence. This appears, in fact. to be the experience of mankind in all parte of theworld.andhenoe the univereal popularity of these medicines, We consider, however, that the boundless confidence placed in their efficacy by the repteseutative3 of eo many nations, at tbe F muss, is a striking phenomenon in medi- oaf liistoryt litany of these people in their youth, and even at maturity, were ascus- S, toured to the nee of drugs and nostrums peculiar to their several countries, These remedies were connected in their xraindra with their associations at home, and in. i deese;i as it were. by their national preje- a dices. Yet they have been thrown aside and utterly `.repudiated, while Holloway's Pills and treatment have been adapted by a common impulse throvglio t the entire gold regime. There is Daily one way of ticeo'miiting for this movement. It le the result of ceuaietien--eouvietien grounded on et eenel ob-s:rvation anal experience. The Ointment is used with ouch wonder- ful aeuce es rte a dressing for wounds, and sere lags, and far all the external dieeaeoi and casualties to winch the adventurous gold hunter le peealiarly lisbie,that scarcely a digger's tent can be found within the vast area of the gold fields unprovided with a tslnclt ai this healing, soothing, cooling pre. partition. The hard fare of tbe digger, Aad aomc'timea Lia habits,, tend to vitiate the blood and develop running aures and guru •; lent ulcers of the body and limbs. Bad legs are especially very bad at the diggings, and eeriouely interfere with the Tabora of the diggers. The -:Drat cases of this class 1 lira cured by the Ointment with extraordtn- cry rapidity. The beat method of healing Bore lags, and sores and ulcers generally, is by rubbing the Ointment into the indented parte around the crit co, brat opeuiug the nares and Battening the flesh with warm fanlentaticu. The part alkeeted is then dreuea d with lint or linen saturated with Me Ointment. Such is the external treat- ment, but it ie also prolit°rtogive the petient n few of the Pi11e during the progress of the car., as they serve to purify the blood and dieehargo morbid matter from the slalom, while abs Ointment le dolug ata work on the surface.. -The Ss:tentiflo witness. To the Renter r of the. Exeter Ti:,.ir Tho Crediton oorreapondent emus great- ly given to making blunders ; he has made another in auplroring the ;ballift to be the author of the piece signed " header." Tito pathos who impounded the hogs etc known, and we are not responsible for,tbeir adieus. They knight have lieaen better employed. 'tb nB it appears only a piece of ,pita work, are told the hogs are no diegraco to t'x-'t" an'e yardand thoy,were fed three et ,e a day in then own pen, (,hieh is half le from town.) That being the cane, it tot likely the bags would wander very from home. 11.. nd we were also informed at the parties made their boasting that they were bound to get tbe bailifre hogs iu pound if they bad to buy a half bushel of peas'to coax them with Mr. Carrespon- deut,f a hog wero the !iltnieat thing that walked your streets, certainly Crediton would bo a most desirable spot to live in. And if yon are so precis( in hiving your '•Tp. bylawa" obsnived why not cleanse your streets of those "annoyanooa;' nohow' VIII 1)0 daily seen running your 'trots, and more objects of pity than those were. Anti ea wonld like to know if our correspondent malls any ordinary man's advice "legal ad- vioc" ; if so, we pity the town as ruled by such ; and we have proof, Mr. Correspon- dent, that no legal advice was sought, and every word of my last item was tine. Signed by Crediton, Ang. 4,'91. Beenan. m . HAVE YOU Any intention of taking a BUSINESS COURSE THIS SEASON ? SF' so, THE FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, Would like to correspond with you. CATALOGUE FREE. W, WEST �'RVELT, PRINCIPAL. Mortgage Sale VALUABLE !tM PO!RTPROPERTY In the To wnshii of Hay. TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Power of Sale contained in acertain rortgage, made by Peter S, Geiger, and atharine Geiger, his wife, to the Vendor, ioh will bo produced at time ^.f sale, de• lilt having been made in the payment thereof, there will be sold by Public Auction At Fettle's Hotel, In the 'VILLAGE of ZURICH ON SATURDAY, THE 29th DAY OF AUGUST, A. D.,1891 AT 3 O'CLOOK IN THE.AFTERNOON, Subject to such conditions ao shall then be produced, the following farm property, viz : All and singular that c ertain parcel or traet of land and,premises,situate, lytugand being in the ly'ownship of nay, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement Fifty [OU] Acres. ba the same , more or loss being composed of the SCUT ti HAT,F OF LOT NtJ11I[illli TWENTY FIVE,(25], in the `TWELFTU 112] CONCES- StON of the said Township of Hay This farm is in a high state of cultivation, all cleared,ten acres ready for fall wheat. There is a good log hour -e, 2 frame stables, a good,youog orchard, and a.flowing well on the premises . TOBMS :-Ten per cent. down at time of sale and the balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, ED•Bong:toMIBBY, Vender's Solicitors, 'Auctioneer. Exeter, Ont. D».tod 8511 August. 1831. -31 CREAT idii.i. ,1,n Sale ar Gall of eharining tiioserial, J. l.l- • \.Jf RE 1 Y E w I going out ofbusines, and Fl his itnnleuse stock of ins Tweeds a Worsteds Bi ust be sold at once regardless of M cost. Now is the time to buy Sl cheap Suits or Cloth by til yd. Note prices: Atch Tweed Suits for $11; worth $16. Fine Worsteds for $14; worth:S2,0. ino all--voo1 Tweeds at 40e. per yard, 'X This is uo shoddy goods ale, as the stook Is It NEW GOODS u ud the best patterns. 1� P C teI11ember' we guarantee a ii sure fit or no sale. e and InsPec! ow' Stock J. H. GRIEVE. Prank .L t341e's Popular Monthly tun Ar,at'Sr, 1t>)1. Great interest ii now taken in anything ertaining to Alaska, and those who cannot fo and nese-shat that part of our coulitiiy la Ike for themaelvee will be glad to rend the eeperienees of two persona who bare been here, as set forth in "•A Trip to Aleska" by ,)r A. Victoria Scott and Emily J. Bryant, a Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Aug. flee article is profusely illustrated. Other nighty interestingillu.trated artlelea in thin lumber of the Popular Monthly axe :'•D4-rn lie St Lawrence an a haft" by J d, Bell; 'Mediaeval , pidemie;3.'by Joel Bottou; 'Tho Older 1iostan." telling of an ancient English town fromwhich eamo the founders our "Haiti"; '"A. ;ti'ellegeeay Man." by [dent Shufeldt T, S. ;Z: "Women as In. Naomi" „by Frames Stevens; "A Black .Iiant," an interestingly told story of bow ;team engines ate ruts ; and Nelly Had Woodworth contributes another of her bird articles. There ere Fix abort litories, beelike an exciting instalment of ''Jahn ,lagga, Barbarian," awl i several pretty poem- a I1 is rumored that Mr. Beason will short' ly he celled to the Senate. The appoint- ment would give general eati8factian. i 1)1AN() FOR SANE. A Debrief.:en Mix (Now York mato) Inion el condition. '4t'illbo sold ehnap. Apply} to -it Minim . AtAllTIN, _�__�„ FARM ICOR SALE. --- ma uutior'lt,nod otf.ri to rent on reason- able terms, lot -. eon 1, LOW nablll of Biddnlph, fronting on London road, 0 miles south of Exeter. One hundred acres of land. There ora on the promisee good, framo lhougu and barn. and good wells of water. The farm is to arced state of etiltfvatioa. For terms, eta apply to PATRICK G rAvE4'. F.O. alm1 Elia% FUR SALE. North half of lot 4, north boundary of Stop- hen,all cleared with good buildings and good frame houso, well feneedand.drained, farm in first-olasacondition • also west halt of lot 0, north boundary ofStetrlioa, With about fifteen acres good hardwood hush • the rest of which is good pasture lands, well fenced and good water aupply•�thcso properties ATO situated 1, miles from Exeter. Terms reasonable and immediate possession. Furthurparticularson application to Jon SwssT, jlyl6-lm. Exeter: FOR SALE. A Two Storey BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. situated on Mill-st directly east of the Presby- terian Church, Exeter ; together with throe - quarters of an acre of land. first•olass frame stable and driving house . painted ; splendid orehardof choice young fruit bearing trees. with an abundanoo of small fruits ; good well and cistern. Will be old cheap on terms to suit purchaser. Possession given any time Further particulars on ap L,lication to M. Ytxcu. fly l6 nil On the promises. Western Fair LONDON., September 17th to 26th, 1891 CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stook, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition ESTABLISHED I8G8. LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 was good, but 1891 will be better. $25,000 1N PRIZES l Attraotions, etc., which are being arranged for, wilt surpass any yet Produced. Special Excursion Rates on all Railways. Entries close September 12th. For Prise Lists and information apply to CAPT. A.W. PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE President. Secretary. Exeter Packing House James-st., Exeter. eater Hoer Mits. ti D1A.RKF.T REPORT`S. heat , , 850 to 880 per bush QUJ SELLINf1PRICES. our, Strong Bakers', $3 00. per 100 do Best Family 2 00 "" do Low Grade - , 2 00 tan 80e. tddlings • .. .. 1. Opo. :reening , , 1 3.Oo, sop .. ....$1 20 to 1 30 ,. ec .e f. Chop stone running every day, TERMS CASH. 1-1E EXETER alII.letNc Coy. A'i'AR/V$T REPORTS. ed tWheet ,,. . Pring West .., ... O. ate •.- o -r err Seed ... Ti AIc laS Das .•, orn ». IIge ••- Hiker lwa, rei�t,r,1 .. atatoes,por beebel ples,lter oat/ llr.ce appdceer h tloeRo per In. TnrrION per 11, Auckapor lb Chickeasporpr 11(41,..1 coo perli0 Beef 41. #ii" dressed. liheepakip9 ei;oh Caltsl;tps wool pertb ... lrsyroston tnionvnarbua0 woodperoar • erne 4,0 RM .94 S5 to 83 5 to g4 u'i to C.S ;SI te, -Id vii tot ;r, 1 •�'4 o 1 4•, 4faco ;;r, 11.7. to 1..; 11�co01.3 ea to 5/e eta to 0 1Ott teD e e 4toeel 0CUto0ee co to tS tt O9 to 0 r1 (425ro0914 0nato432� 460te521 400 to 469 .5 0) to 521 0 6e to .0 050to0 3 018 to0Ii4 • ,+ ,,4 ▪ ualto059 CIto;i00 sT;t1A11.:rs Fall Wheat .............. .... ......... Fe se t3pring Wheat .... ...., .., ...... .. ... 85 l+, Ilariey ,.,... 0 4`a 9 Sit gats - .,- 6 44i ; 4o Clover Septi... , .... 3 , 4 23 Titcotlty ... .. ....nee.... ...... 1 ei 1 .t. PORS 41 t ( "r 0 11 ;go .. IS Putter ,4 41 11 otetaert icor b^a :..... .,,.. „ .., ,,. ret ..n 1pnlee per bulb 060 woolttorlii..,.....•18 0 7th Ifayperton a Sao ern ;ran per ton .14 0014 PO 1lstniealperbbl......-- a 69 R0 oge.dree,e=l per 1'i'il,. ,....... 5 (4150 t55 :a. 1,0ND0N. Wheat. 9/ to 92 per beta. (tate, 41a te. tit per bus P033..2 t't par hue. Dar- er. lalling. '4 to 57,' tor bee. Beller Feed, yo to 44e par bus Corn. tll3o to at per. #u'hel.--.--.emmemm• TORONTO. Toronto. Atte, 4-W7hear GprlsaR^-N9 2. '7e c53a per bus; red winter.No 2.10. to 102 nor ns. f7'ianitoha No 2bard. 1 1.7 to 1 o7 Na 1, 94 o 030; PEAS we to We per bus. 0411n 4'<e o 47e per bus. FL'iU R, extra. $3 81 to ne.)f 'er bbl • straight roller. 4t. 40 to.t4,`,I trong baitors,N,00 to et.10. BARLEY, No 1, Tac Gnr1T FryrLxr, lilenrctem-..Tile fane tioual irregularities peculiar to the weaker es, are invariably corrected without pain or ineonvenienee, by the use of Dr litorse's Indian Root Pitta. They are the eafeat and surest medicine for all the di eases in cidental to fomales of all ages, and the more especially ao in this climate. Ladies who wi:,b to enjoy heart , should always have these Piller No one who over uses them once will allow herself to be without them. Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all Medicine Dealers. We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we nave on hand a good nup- ply of SUGAR CURED 'HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE, LARD. ' We also keep ut (he Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH & CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, n season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAID FOR, HOGS. SNELL BROS. & CO. When Baby was sick, wo gave her CastOrla, When Shoves a Child, slto cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she c'ung to Coterie. Men shelled Children, sbc gave them Castor's. SEIWSI Flower, Field -g Garden Seeds FARMER BROS. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your addresv, wo will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Electro -Voltaic Bolt andAppliances,and theiroharming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you aro thus afflicted wo wilisend youaBelt and Appliances on a trial. VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marahali, Itfioh. Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. JTJLY_DRIVES MiItarerr At Hall Pnce. T :=lies' Kid Bats „$1.25 1,3dies' Slippers... .......... , 2.) Bevy F mimi;ttes 10 A10311n 4 Storting ..• ti Print 5 Dress Goads 7 Fine Suits to Order 13.00 Cottooades, 12o. and up. We have constantly on hand a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MARINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low as can be hadat the motif eateries , We would respectfully ask you to call and see our stook. It is as fine as will be found in any city music store. P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural imple STAND :-Fansou's Block, Exeter. ----SUGAR r1.T COST.-. .,�. Choice Groceries and Pure Spice -- Cheap, We give highest price for bnttos' and 1891. 1891 A .FINE ASSORTMENT -ON'- Farac:y Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Dopar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, etc., -BY-- J. W. BROXIIM. DOUPE 4C CO„ Kirkton. Lel E'a� W SpringGead New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shixtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonacles. tit $i tt tt tt it tt at tt It C J. MATH. SON HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. HURRAH! STZW Tailor Shop „[l flsal3 =ECM C3Z�.T sZC3 4:343.1=-M. and the price is as lo was is consistent therewith. reader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz --The easy mode of getting in and out; the absence of springs or bars which bring the rider's weight on the shafts so as to sag them ; the convenience of carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy weath- er, These carts are manufactured for one or two persons, and finished to suit th', pur chaser. Gears furnished to the trade. .lir Wenzel also manufaetuees Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Etc., and does all trim :, The aecompaning out repre: seats the famous Crediton Road Cart,' manufactured by Wm. IIs' Wenzel and Israel Smith, Credi- ton, Ont. This cart has now been in the market for about two years and has met with great euceess. The manufacturers claim that it is the best eart miikutactured, both an regards convert vnee and durabil- ity. They have dozens of teati- moni'els from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms or: them, The workmanship and material employed in their ceu- etruction eau not be snrpas. vel, A. glance at the cut will show the We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared. to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. • W. JOHNS. of repairing in these lines. Air Smith runs a 1i-st-class general blaeltsmith shop, and guarantees to give satesfu• tion in all kinds of new work. repairing, horseshoeing, eta., etc, to vi hie•h lie iv: s 'e personal attention. See circulars for further particulars concerning road eart. W. 11. WENZ L, F Cre;litou. c.n - ISRAEL SMITH, t BISSET1' B ROSI --- THE "''_R} N The cheapest plan in town to by uilders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges, Looks, Glass, Pu.t ty, Faints and New stock of the cel'-thratcd Johnston's Liquid Palrts-.Sal .-. a Cw; New lines d Artists' Paints and 13rushes. Barbed, Flaln, Strip, Mack and Galvanized Wires cheap for Tinware Stock Coltlplete. -- Ear; etro lgiling Snecir." Nem Rc,yriiUled MacLineti and GIVE US A CALL-, 3 FOR 30 DAYS Cheap Twine: Common Sense, 9c. Composite,, 9c. Crown, 11c Red Cap, 12e. Famous Blue Ribbon, 14c. 0 JAS. N. HOWARD, W. H. MONCUE, Proprietor. ,Manager. GMT YOULt E avetroughuiu DON'F1 Y J WILL FOLLAND. CLERK'S NOTICE OF THE FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS. Voters' Lists, 1891, Municipality of the TOWN- SHIP OF HAY, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I havo transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3rd and 4th sections of "Tho Voters' List Act",the copies required by said section to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Aot, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said munici- pality to be entitled to vote in said municipal- ity at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at munioinal elections, and that said list was first posted up at m5' office an Zurich, on the 7th day of August,1891. and re- mains therefor inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine tho said list and if any emiss- ions or any other errors are Round therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 7th day SAM. J. LATTA, of August, 1591. Clerk of Municipality !a5hina ! Did you eco our stock of 'INE 'SOOTS and SHOWS That we have put in the store one door €€ :'h of the Post Office? Now it is worth you- ..:<'.'.N to give us a look. wre will show you t'.: 1.'.'1. Wehave all the Finest Lines of Lad1c; Gents' Shoes made in Canada. and gu•a:, r .o they aro right as far as wear and value If you want a real nice shoe, soutething t...° fo is a pleasure to wear, come up and see t rs. Besides our fine line we also carry a largo:...] well assorted stock of Boys' and Misses' ai,, es for school wear. also Men's Working ...s and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN PRICE. All our goods aro guaranteed good, sn.l ;s we wish to build up a TRADE and KELP 1i. we aro selling CHEAP for CASH Children's. Misses' and Ladies' Toe S!::. ars and Oxford Ties for summer in ail in Law shades. Bring in yourirls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a call. You are welcome. G -EO. MAN SCN, DO YOU a WANTTOBTJY-w FIRST-OL.A.S • FURNITUFi.E AT LOWER RATES THAA SHAM GOO S H TED; BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Best Ordered Clothing pioduced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the beet Cutting in Town, yoe are aura of satisfac- tion ..x, T' L. -ARE USUALLY SOLD ----•- -THEN CALL AT - GI LEY'V -ONLY FIRST-OLASS- Reliable Good r At Prices Lower that so -ca led Cheap Houses can gra Undertaking in all, i' Bran. es S. G (Successor to C. tit S. Gidi. ODL`FIdL• LOWS