HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-10-04, Page 11HOME AND SCHOQ4. ASSOCIATION Parents Quiz Teache At Meet On Curricula The first meeting of the Home and School Association for the 1962-63 term was held Tuesday evening' of last week .with Mrs. Evelyn Wright id the chair. Mrs. Wright welcomed parents and teachers and told •them that " the Goderich Home and School Association now was an associ- tteridarice At by Mrs. Jean IpIrst .and treas- urer's report wa given by Mrs. R. Round. Mrs. R. Cornish gave a brief outline on the 1962-63 theme, "Meet Your Schoolage The meeting was then thrown open and the parents could ask Ve of the London Home and "the teachers questions about Schpol Council. the "Curriculum." Mrs. .J1-,•; She pledged the organization Cornish thanked the teachers to work together with the teach- for their aid in the discussion. ers and school boards. Minutes period. of ..the last meeting were read The attendance draw is again in use. Mothers ' attending count one point for the child's class and fathers' two points. Thus, if both parents attend, "little Johnnie's" class gets" three points. So come on "dads' and help "little, Johnnle's" class: The awards were won by Miss Carpenters in a six -county Kerslake's grade 4-5 class at Victoria School and Mr. Black's area of Western Ontario will. class of Victor Lauriston School. receive a $1.17 per hour in- The annual field day was held crease under a three-year agree-lon Wednesday of "lase week and ment reached with a Toronto the Home and School Ass.ocia- firm. I tion prepared the treats for The United ;.::rotherhood of grades 4-8 Children. The hot dogs and ice cream bars are Hike irk Pay For Carpenters Carpenters ano Joiners of Am- erica, CLC, and Angli.n-Norcross Ltd., said the pact calls for a 90 -cent increase immediately, a further 15 cents in 1963, five cents in 1964 and seven cents' an hour in 1965. it will raise the -hourly rate in. Huron, Perth,'Bruce, 'Oxford, Elgin and Middlesex from $2 at° present to $3,17 in the flnal year of the contract — an in- crease of 03 per cent., The schedule Is the same as one agreed upon earlier by the union and the Londgn Builders' Exchange. Fringe benefits in the six- sOunty pact include four per Leith, •of .Listowel, formerly _ef cent vacation pay, and double Blyth. The- bride and groom time for overtime instead of the were attended by Mr. and Mrs. present time -and -a -half. J. George Leith, of Listowel. Anglin-Norcriiis currently has Following the ceremony a re• projects in only two counties. ception was held at Palmerston While union • agents said with Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Mc - agreement has been signed on Elroy' as host and, hostess for the cOntract, a company spekes- a turkey dinner. The table was ' man in Toronto said it is to beautifully alecorated., with roses be signed soon. and candles and centered with The agreement involves 20 a wedding cake. The couple carpenters covering Anglin -Nor- reside at 424 Elma street E,, cross projects, an Ontario Hos- Listowel. A wedding trip to pital at Palmerston and two Western Canada is planned for salt silos at Godei-ich. the future. paid for each year by "The R. MacKay bequest." The meeting adjourned and lunch was served. Mrs. M. Mc- Kee and Mrs. R. Cornish poured tea. LEITH — STEWART A double -ring wedding was solemnized in ,Listowel United Church at five o'clock on Wed- nesday, September ;12th, when the Rev. L. G. Stapleton united in Marriage Mrs.° Pearl\ Stewart, of Goderich, and George D. Pat Patter -son, a versatile per- former and writer in Canadian radio and 4elevision, has been named permanent hoSteas of Trans -Canada Matinee, the wo- men's program heard 1VIonday to Friday afternoons, on the CBC radio network. An Appreciation • • From Scotland Bruce MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. MacDonald, Bruce street, returned horne last week from a trip to the British Isles.- While in Edinr burgh, he-VIM-M.4n a World War II acquaintance of his father. "Mac" MacDonald spent many leaves in Edinburgh with Jock Harkess. Just a few days after Bruce MacDonald returned home, the following airmail letter was.re- ceived -by The Signal -Star: 17 Albian Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 25, 1962. Editor, Signal -Star, ,Goderich, Ont. Dear Sir: This the eve of departure "I SOLVED MY BUILD! ERNIZATION PROBLEMS I BAYFIELD: The 10(ith annual Bayfield Fair last Thursday saw a smaller, crowd than the pre- ceding year and fewer in,sde exhibits. A contributing factor to the fewer exhibits was the fact that there were no par- ticipants from the Holmesville school this year. due, in part, to the building program in pro A parade of school children, haaded by • the, Clinton Corn. munity Band, opened the after- noon's program. Officiating at the opening ceremonies were Township Reeve Walter Forbes and Stanley Township Reeve Harvey Coleman. There were the usual fine en- tries irr the commercial apple production division. Top win• ners were: Mrs. William ,Clarke, Varna; Mrs. Alvin Betties, Bay- field, and Mrs. James• Snell, Clinton. The essay contest for school children was won by Elaine Townshend, of Goderich Town- ship. Despite the fact that Elaine has no arms, she is quite adept at writing with her foot and stands high in all her academic pursuits. Among Goderich winners were Mrs. J. H. Johnstone for baking and vegetables AO Mrs. W. Rathburn and Mary Howell in art. Poster section -winners were: Mrs. R. Peck, Hensall; Mrs. of one -of the citizens who came to renew a wartime friendship formed by his father, Mr. M. N.° MacDonald, M.M. I refer to Bruce MacDonald, a worthy son of Canada and "OlthMap." The "war has gone but the bond of friendship endures. The visit of this young man 'recall's all tb'e—gerieroUS- atity by the Sheardown family, The Canadian Legion, and the townsfolk generally, when I visited your lovely town.' I shall always remember that' "Friendship" proMpted this young man to pay tribute to "Auld acquaintance" and the bond between your country and Scotland. I conclude by wish- ing your town and all its people, the best of luck and prosperit39. Sincerely yours„ G AND HO THE PLACE WHiRL VALUE COSTS LESS . . ..WHERE 1 ALL "MY SUPPLIES IN ONE SPOT . . . WHERE I CAN BRAli\ID-NAME PRODUCTS AT ROCK BOTTOM 'PRICES. THAT PLACE IS Alex Smith, Gocterich; Mrs. W. Legg, Goderich. Mrs. Robert Taylor', Clinton, had the . best cake and pie i,n the domestic pie and cake con test. Second place went to Mrs. Betties, for a pie, and Mrs. J. H. -Johnstone, Goderich, for a Fred Tyndall, Of RIR. 3, Clin- ton, displayed the best steer -in the Bayfield Beer Calf Club competition, and aho took the top showmanshlp honors. Results , Other winners: Heifers, jun- ior, Gerald Hayter, R.R. " 1; Varna; Robert Hayter, RR. 1; Varna; heifers (senior), Fred Tyndall, R.R. 2, Clinton; Patricia McIlwain, R.R. 2, Goderich; Richard Westerhout, R.R. 1, Londesboro; showmanship, Mr. Tyndall; Barbara Watkins, RR. 1, Londesboro; Bud Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton; steers, Miss Wat kins; Mr, Yeo; Beverley Hill, R.R. 1, Varna. Dairy calves, Holstein (jun- ior), Donald Watson, R.R. 4, Clinton; Wayne Potter, R.R. 3, Clinton; Holstein (senior), Bruce Bettles, Bayfield; Robert Vod- den, R.R. 1, Clinton; Keith- Orr, R.R. 3, Goderich; showmanship, Hugh A. Lobb, Clinton; Douglas McCullough, R.R. 1, Goderich; Bruce Falconer, -RM. 3; Sea - forth; Ayrshire, me. Lobb; Jer- sey, Mr. McCullough; ° Joan Rathwell, R.R. 3, Clinton. Ponies, Shetland, Delmer Johnston,. Atwood; Adam Flow - Sheep, Shropshire, Archie Barrett, Parkhill; Leicester, Donald A." Graham, Parkhill; Lincoln, Mr. Barrett; A. D. Steeper, Ailsa Craig; Oxford, Donald Dearing, Exeter; Dorset, ' Beef, Dairy Cattle Beef cattle, Aberdeen Angus, Richard Doan, Thorndal slz _Here- fords, Harry Watkins, 1R.R. 1, Londesboro; Hoffman Brothers, Dashwood. Dairy cattle, ,polsteins, G. R. McKiel, --Clinton; Alvin Betties, Bayfield. Grain,•Jack Hamilton, Varna; 1Russell Oesch, Zurich; field cr,op competition, Fred Gibsob, Ralph ,Stephenson, Edward Greig and Allen Betties, all of the Bayfield area. • Poultry, Earl • Becker, Dash- wood; James Sproule, Auburn Vegetables, Fred McClymont, Varna; Richard Oesch, Zurich; Mrs. Johnstone, Goderich; fruit", Fraser Stirling, Stewart Middle- ton and Fred Middleton, of Bay- field; Mr. McClymont; flowers, Mrs. Stewart Middleton, Mrs. J. E. Howard, Mrs. H. S. Bryant, Mrs. Thomas Penhale, all of Bayfield area. IVIrs. Vernon Oesch, Zurich, received the highest number of points in needlework. The French Jesuit mission- ary and explorer, Father Charles Albanel, was probably the first white man to reach Hudson Bay by land. He -accompanied the French expedition from Quebec to Hudson Bay in 1670 and 1671. WEb.DING spreGEINBERG ',Brunswick Street f-,Vnited Church, Halifax, was -the setting when Dianne vSasan Cal- lan and Barkley Arthur Spiegel- berg .exthanged wed.ding vows. Rev. Attlitir Wesley Vertall -of= The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William' J. Callan, 'of Ottawa, and theigroom is the son of Mr.,and Mrs. Arthur The bride chose a French blue dress with white acces- Mlird A Wrage. Qf pink. The groom is with the. R.C.M couple plan to make their home in Halifax, N.S. DOUBLE ROSE To come up with a , double r se is rather unusual but Mrs. Da Willis, Picton street, pro- duce the evidence at The Sig I -Star office this week. The wi colored roses at the end the same stem are side by side. The er ett '$ignal Stan, Thursday, ' 4ctaher� 4th. 1962 1 The only woman named bY Prime Minister Diefenbaker to the six -member royal conliPO' chant. Mrs. Stanley M. Milne, of Winnipeg, first Manitoba wo- man to sit Q11 a Dominion royal - commission, is a grahddaughter of the late William Andrews, who for many years operated -The connection With 'their old home town is noted by Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Davison, form- erly of Goderich but long-time residents pf Winnipeg. Mrs. Milne, who since her four daughters grew up hes been ,private secretary in her husband's public accountancy 'firm, is serving a third terni as treasurer of the National Council of Women; is vice-pre- 0de0 Q a Teez'eatien pari ant president o the , o=o `d41ata is eouneil of the Women's auxwa*y ox Vit. axe urge's Ab.glican Chin h - , She entered the btlsineSs Weald. at 17 as .stenQgrapher end 'ac. countant with ; .a zu4Ppr ':'e0114!+ papy,' and later managed aha Western Canada branch of: as insurance, ° 4rni, • Her mother, Mrs. Martha- Las some• years until her ;death In 1959, tie, Annetle and pale hayo re- turned 'from a trip to the Pacific Coast. They flew 'bY jet to Saskatoon Where they "visited . sister. From there; thOY _motor-. ed tO VancoUver Island by way' Edrhonton and Banff. if your plans LitiiitA8111 LIA Fe [-COUNTY CAMPAIGN FOR THE BLIND HURON 'COUNTY OBJECTIVE IS $6,000 SEND YOUR DONATION TO -39-40 It yojkwant to pay oft all your bills or take care of medical and dental expenses, just give us a ring .and arrange the necessary cash. If you have plans to, purchase d tter car, make home improvements or take a holiday, simply call us for the money you need. Thritty' families can accomplisn almost every family objective by borrow-_ ing with a purpose from Household Finance. Drop in or phone your convenient HFC office for neighbourly ' Life insurance -available - at low group rate MAT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS OF 36 30 20 12 LOAN montbs months months 'Months 750 31.65 44.13 69.2 L 1600 60.88 68.81 94.11 146.52 2200. 83.71 94.62 129.4-1 201.46 2500 95.12 107.52 147.05 228.93 Aliove payments Include prineiparand interest and are based on prompt rePaymentAut do not include the cost of life Insurance HOUStHOLD FINANCE 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH I FOUND CAN BUY BUY TOP -"HERE'S WHY cONKLIN'S CAN BEAT ANY PRICE" Conklin Lumber has 15 yards. Since they buy in " tremendous volume6they receive tap discounts and can pass their savings on to their customers. Id. Self Service helps Conklin's cut overhead _costs. Again " these savings are passed on in the form onower prices. Y-9.0 don't have to spend time and money rirning Stop Shopping saves agoin. ASK A CONTRACTOR WHAT HE THINKS OF CONKLIITS -- HE'LL TELL a:3U THERE'S NO BETTER PLACE. THE PLACE TO DO IT IS CONKLIN'S! I "WAN: TO BUY ON TIME'? TAKE'IT FROM ME '- • PLASTIC SHEATHING HERE ARE EXAMPLES. OF CONKLIN S TOP QUALITY PRODUCiS AND, ROCK EIOTTOM PRICES 2 mii-• 1, 0 cent per ,sq. ft. 4 milL.02 6 riiik-.03 cents per sq. ft. cents per sq. ft. STURDY LOW' COST LADDERS 4' $3.98 — $5.75 $(:,).50 SAKRETE CEMENT and SAND MIX 11-1b. Bag only .45 cents jcisimparative' low prices on other size 1-4" Waterproof Plywood Underlay Caf3inet Hardware -.04 cents' each 4- 9 cents each — 96 chrome offset hinge's, .25 cents each EVEN" NEWER BEHIND, THE WETEEL I In „f,act, the ,cat is 6111411MiStakably Ctsdillac--,majestic, graceful, , substantial and elegant., More than one hundred and fifty major advancements for 1963 embrace every significant aspect of exterior and interior -styling ... bod: 'construction . . .Thassis design . . . ap• pointments ... a unique new troe-centre drive line . and- the most improved Cadillac engine in fourteen years. The car is even smoother and quieter in. operation . . . even more t. restful and luxurious to ride in-. . . and even more beautiful and. inspiring to behold. There Are' twelve new models—including two individually -styled coupes, the distinguished Sixty Special and the world-renowned Eldorado. Each is available in the widest variety of colors and persOnal typtlons Cadillac history. Truly, this is a Cadillac year in every way— and y,ou owe yourself a *Bona' investigation and demonstration. Your dealer has the ear ELECTRIC FIXTURES., - .as I", $L65 —and the keys—and the full story. See him soon. 295 BAYFISLD ROAD, OODERICH JA 44321 To U.S. V11;114;13 and rotidents, your U.S. dollar is worth OA at any Conklin centre. 37 HAMILTON, BT. 01. m REG: McGEE & SONS LIMITED GODIVOH