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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-10-04, Page 10
41 m p The Goderich Sign -al -Star, 'hursday, October .4t.h 1962 IELL -NEW PRESIDENT, , p PORTER'S RILL, Oct- 1- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, OF DISTD1fT F LM lE lJahn De Ruyter who� COUNCIL - PORTER'S HILL TRAFFIC HELD UP The annual Meeting Of the Goderiel r and' District Filxn Councu of the Blue Water Fed- e .ation, was held September 26th in the Goderich Public Lib racy, The Blue Water Fihn Federation 'comprises Huron, Grey and Bruce • counties. The president, Mr. W. C. Breckow, presided over the meeting. The ,,Rrgsider;t.., holds office .for two terms only. Some of the pur- poses of the Film Council is t� provide knowledge 'and under- standing about people, their problems and aspirations on the local, national and international level and to encourage the de- velopment of a democratic citizenship. Projectionist training courses were held, so that eacho agency would have their own qualified projectionist to show and look after their 'own films. Applic- . , .:11 L... aeons for prof accepted to October 15. 1962, as stated in Coming Events. The fees are used by the Fed• eration to purchase films. and to carry on necessary business en- tailed in handling films. There is a special account to raise funds for a new projector and screen. as the one now being used is on loan . from the Na- , tional Film Board. At present, there is $200.16 on hand for this purpose. The retiring officers are: Miss, Josie Saunders. past president, • and `Dr. J. C. Ross as librarian..` . The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:. past president, Mr. W. Chas. Breckow: president, 'Mr Mel Bell: \ice -president, Mrs. A. P.' Holmes: secretary - treasurer, Miss Myrtle Johnstone; ' librar- ian., Miss Betty- MacKenzie; pro- jectionist instructor, Mr. J. E. Wright. Mr, Robert -Taylor of the Na- tional Film Board, Hanover, was guest speaker. An annual, - report was given and discussion of the Huron County Film • Council. which had be"n held previously in Clinton. •An, in- ried recently in Pine River lin- vitation was -extended to attend' ited church. and are making the dinner and B1u'e Water Fed- their home on concession seven, ,eration annual meting, October • The bride, formerly Marian '25;, 1962, at Paisley. ". , Louise Geddes, is on the staff of the Clinton Public Hospital. STUDENT AWARD Deputy Reeve Grant Stirling, The Canadian- Waterman and Mrs. Stirling left Saturday Foundation has awarded a de- for a holiday in Prince Edward Lsland. luxe honor graduate pen and", Mr- and 'Mrs. Allen Betties u pencil set to Jack David Kalb- spent the week -end in Toronto fleisch, who graduated this Year °with-Mr.-amfMrs. W. E.'Bettles.. from GDCI. The set, which Mrs• Reid Torrance,,-Kippen, bears emblems denoting super-. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tor- ior scholastic proficiency, has .ranee and family, on Sunday: been forwarded to GDCI Prin- Little Mary Jean Betties has cipal Day, who will present it' beeh ill with measles. to Jack Kalbfleisch.. erious Collapse Of orth Harbor Road Mrs• Bruce McClinchey and her pupils attended Bayfield • Fall Fair last week. Elaine OBITUARYTownshend is to be congratul- aced on winning first prize in MRS. JAMES YOUN'G • Rev. A= - Duke ow officiated at the funeral service on Tues- day afternoon for Mrs. James, E Young, 71. The Lodge fun- ei al home was in charge of arrangements. The pallbearers were: John Wain, Forest Mc- Clure. William Stirling. Samuel 'Westlake, Everett Mcllwain, and Charles Moore. Burial was in Maitland cemetery. - Mrs. Young was the former Catherine Blanche Elliott, a daughter of the late Edward and Mary McBrien E Mott, Gode- rich Township. As a young wo- man .she was employed in Tor- onto for about 15 •years. , After her marriage she and her hus- band farmed in Goderich Town- ship until they moved to Gode- rich 14 years ago. Mrs. Young had been in ill -health for sev- eral years, and died at her home—en-Sunday. She was a member of Victoria Street Un- iced Church and a life membe of the W .M.S„ Surviving are her husband, two brothers, David Elliott, Goderich; William Dear .born, Michigan: two Elliott.,isters, 'Mrs. Percy Speiran. • Goderich Township: Mrs. William West- lake,' Saltford. • the essay 'competition. Rev. A. G. Pease conducted the' communion -service on • Sun- dav at Grace Church. 3laxine Pickard and Cherr-1 v - Cox have been ill for several weeks and unable to attend school. John Harris, Toronto, and Miss .Shirley McCowan, Londont were 'at their homes over, the week -end. Grant Sowerby has recovered from an ankle injury he re- ceived while playing football in Sarnia with the G.D.0-I. A' gaping hole 30 by 40 feet Harbor 'Road has been deterior- marks the collapse of the North ating for the past several weeks. Harbor Road adjacent to the' Jarring potholes, had appeared area where the' Ontario. Marine in the road surface and the and Dredging Company are con- stretch . of road was becoming ducting dredging , operations. a test . for cars using the, thoro- The cave-in occurred «'edn.es- fare. Part of this damage must day night of last week, neves- ' be attributed to* the Heavy sitating the hurried construct traffic prevaleht aq the area, tion- of a temporary detour 'Heavy dump -trucks loaded with along the railway tracks. dredged clay and ',gravel from Undermining of the -roadway ' the harbor bottom are eonstant- ,by the extensive harbor deep ly backing in and turning, on ening is thought to be the cause this section of roadway, while of the collapse. The road is a transport vehicles loaded with main thoroughfare for traffic 'products of the Sift° salt mine to and from the Sifto salt mine ; use the road continuously. Add - and is in co nt use daily. ed to', this is the motor traffic An estimated tons of f fill !involving Sifto employees and Yell out from under the road- other north harbor visitors. way leaving a water -filled gap Engineers from the Depart - reaching halfway across the ment of Public Works, •I:ondon, road. North harbor motor traf- have surveyed the damage and fic was held up for several hours 'shortly will make the neces- while the temporary detour was 1 being constructed. WHY' BMONEV Some warning of the possibil- sary recommendations to ,their Irinotypes on Tuesdays and Wed - federal headquarters. Repair nesdays to be setting events of the roadway will commence which took place ..the week following the engineers' report.,before. The co-operation of press secretaries in this respect would be appreciated. - PAUL VICKERS STARS IN SARNIA LEAGUE ANAL Mrs. Johni Vickers and Mrs. IT= Davis; Goderich, are show - ling interest, and • pride in the athletic prowess of their grand- !son, rand=!son, Paul Vickers, Sarnia: Paul is credited with, being the star of his softball 'team_ intheir successful pursuit of the Donald Barr Trophh emblematic of the Sarnia Minor League Pee' Wee championship. Paul pitched a five -hitter to Reports From Press Secretary Numerous organizations in Goderich annually appol t press secretaries for the purpose of getting publicity in newspapers for their organizations, Ii` 'this were not dune, the activities of the organizations would seldom be published because there are !MI 'many. of them -and too many meetings to attend for the news- papers to service them directly. Thus, the publicity the organiz- ation receives rests squairely on the shoulders of the press sec- retary. Some of them are faith- ful and prompt in sending in accounts to -the press while others are not. Such accounts, where at all possible; should be turned its early and never left so late as. a Tuesday or Wednesday of the week of publication. There is too much other copy to be set on the A 10 -part dramatized serial, Paul of -Tarsus,- will be seen on CBC- TV's Heritage series' each Sun-' day this fall, ,starting October 7, Patrick Troughton (above) plays the lead role in the ser- ies which tells of the acts of Christ's apostles, especially of, St. Paul. and of the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome. team. Under the law, alibi is the defence that, at the time of the commission of a crime, the accused was at anoTher place. The word means. "elsewhere." DEALS IN 50's Unable to be present last Spring at Maitland. Masonic Lodge when there were present,, ations of 50 -year jewels, Robert E. Turner, of Stratford. was in, Goderich on Monday to pick up his jewel. Last year in Gode- rich he was presented with his 50 year Oddfellows jewel. Now in his 78th year, he is more than .50 years married. He now _ wonders what the next •'50 year" news' item will be. A regular reader of The Signal. Star, he keeps in contact with Goderich each week through the Signal -Star news columns. , 'ACTION BUILT FOOTBALL Official size, weight and shape, Pebble ,grain surface for fewer „tumbles White end stripes for eider visibility. �.on Valve type - REGULATION SIZE FOOTBALL Laceless type with double lining' tock stitched Genuine leather Com•co- plete with inflating needle J. iirtrafrIrrfirlarfaerT Superior top -grain leather Official size and weight Lock stitched. and tripie•Iin- Yed to retain shape Complete wittiitiflatina� needle9.98 Tom ("The Bomb") Tracy FOOTBALL HELMET Strong yet lightweight butyrate pI:stic for maxi- mum protection Adiust- able chin strop 3.49 FACE GUARD Professional type - ..made of tough, high impoct plas- tic Double bor design for muximte=tionum Pro - 219 PRICED R'/GliT YQ11..iR ALLEY BO LING SHOES A very durable pair of shoes, suit- able for either occasional or for regular 300 bowlers! Sturdily con- structed with pebble grain' block leather uppers; strung but pliable leather soles and hard, solid rub `ber heels • Men's sizes' Wit it Lodief sizes 3 •'79 6-'12.,Poir 7 V 4.9. Pair = High Quality BOWLING SHOES Uppers 'tyre made from smooth "Kip" leath- er. Sole on right shoe is mode of rubber with 'Jrrl'Vlrlg"tf6`J• Tbtr;S,;'febt@rtbrlffdr�,•"":r- �. .!wM1Wpk • :--^"Y.'-•ar.TOin,:•:1 :�.. -u ..•.n. u �'.•';!'^ST.".".. .w Men's sizes 29 Ladies sizes 5-1-1; block, 4-9; red .- • i'BOWLING SHOE' CARRYING -,BAG °5.© Blocs vinv,Lwithh chit riro,-12.' airs. Holds 1 pair . 7 ityv. tofoo to a collapse had been given TO B Y Y 0 U R C A R wn council by Councillor ' Kenneth Croft, chairman of the • public works committee, who had advised council that pro- tective•"measures were indicat- ed. Councillor Croft had sug- gested that piling should be in- • stalled along the dockside to . protect the underfill and per- haps avoid the probability of It pays to use our purchase plan. We can tailor terms .to fit your budget. Delivery is immediate. Ask about our IAC TIME PURCHASE PLAN IT PAYS TO FINANCE THROUGH YOUR `DEALER extensive road repairs. This section of the North down his opponents 11.-5 and win the deciding game in the - league finals. Apart from deal ing 11 strikeouts to his oppos- ing batters, Paul aided his own cause by slamming two doubles and a single at the plate. Per- haps the GoderiCh Bissets had better send a scout down to the border town, Mrs. Isabelle R. Pollard, as- sistant manager of. Zeller's Shopping Plaza store at Guelph, last week visited with 'ter son, William Pollard, and Mrs. Pol- lard at Goderich. • Mr. Frank Clark, of Goderich, Mrs. Victor Young and, Mrs. Mel Tyndall, of Colborne; are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Delvin Runt;'and Mr. Hunt, at Louisville, Kentucky. 14 COLD WAVE SPECIALS With Lynne Comrie, Mae Ketchebaw and Diana Neville ALL BRAND NAME SOLUTIONS REGULAR 15.00 --r 12.50 REGULAR 12.50 — 10:00 REGULAR 10.00 — 8.00 ,„ •OPEN SATURDAY Our salon will be open all day Saturday with Mae • Ketchebaw and Diana Neville ac- cepting appointments in the afternoon. ti HEATHER -BEAUTY SALON Open Tues., andThurs., Evenings 108 Lighthouse St. JA 4-11461 24TF a Let's "Carry On" the traditions of progress enjoyed by Huron -Bruce. by ensuring these two men work together in the Progressive Conservative Government The Hon.. John Robarts —Prime Minister of Ontario, holds a respected place in the hearts of thousands , of Canadians. His tireless dedication to the. aims of th- Pro: essive d-his-reGo service to t e people of this Province have proven he is a man of his word ... a man who keeps -promises. • ' ake'I-t w w George-McCutcheon is your Progressive Conservative candidate. Elected Warden of 'Huron bounty after six successful years on the _�as-�th�-periene to "Carry On" the traditions of progress this community has enjoyed under the Sound and dynamic Progressive Conservative,administration g ._ _ _ - ' • a progressive" vote Many outstanding developments and improve- ments to your liking standards have been achieved during the past few years. These can , be attributed in many ways to the vigor and strength of your Progressive Conservative can- didate. Now is the time to recognize this fact — to show, through the Ballot lox, that you support George McCutcheon., Only ' by doing this can ,you expect to enjoy the wide range of business,. social and personal imwovements'• • planned by the Progressive Conservative Government of John Robarts. 1/101111 nr-^ .L'>GL.rry1 Vlli-eartanj l7[y"makG-i9i11 [-i'�'GiIri.7eMpiGCIw--arrr :•r carried out, is George McCutcheop. A family roan, whose wife, was a school teacher . born in . Morris Township, he is typical of manyof us who live in this riding. Today,. George HETSTONE 86 NORTIlsTREET G ODEE WH Piton ;A 4.704' ALL THAT'S BEST COMES YOUR WAY WHEN YOU VOTE (PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE • Impressive Improvements to Roads, Highways and Bridges • New and Diversified Educational Facilities GEORGE McCUTCHEON, Your Progressive Conserva-- • . • Overseas Office ta,Prom to tive candidate for Huron -Bruce, shown here %� with les ' , /. ' wife and two daughters. ' f .__.' ourlarrn , . �Wrbd o a. •e - LT��e• ilGti['i'a7 �ro'�d�=o� ... , .McC�tehn� l°ie=b pe . sary to repres nt, you capably at Queen's Park .. , . to .become an . acti,e . member. of Ontario's o' active- government . . . to work with John Robarts for the good Of this con unity.. - FOR YOUR PROGRESSi1fE CONSERVATiYg, CANDIDATE HIJRONBRUCE OCT. 4 A -910 Subetatititir-' Agricultural Grants Advan`ed' Health and Welfare Programs GEOItG ▪ Published by the Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative Association. McCUTCHEON X