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The Exeter Times, 1891-8-13, Page 3
w 7,iePjm IOli�'$ WRS 1'Aeaelug Contrast Describes by a Ilon- ttee).Traveller. Mr, D. Lockerly, of Montreal, recently trade a trip through the states of Washing - mu and Oregon to British Columbia azid Deck ria the North-West territories. 1?lrhile in the districts around Tacoma and Seattle, Mr, Lockerly says ho never saw so much destitution and begging, nor so many train 3a his life. From the time he left Gllenforks till he passed Tacoma tramps surrounded the dining ear at every station, begging for money and food. At one station in particular, just before crossing the Columbia river, three tramps were hung up in effigy to a sign post, with a notice posted above theta that any tramps found around the neighborhood would be treated in the manner represented, Turning to a fellow paasssenger, who happened to be a lawyer of teeattle and a member o£ the State .Assem- bly. fir. Lockerby asked for the necessity of giving such a warning. TO this the lawyer replied that if Mr. Lockerby was troablel with tramps as much as the people there he would act the same way, It was then ex" plaited that on account of the recent troubles. with Chili a great many of the large mills of the district had to be closed. Then again certain projected railway extensions were never carried out, Thee left a great many people our of work, and this, together with the large influ' of new settler's, brought about enforced idleness and eons went nes- Motion. Tho eastern papers in tho 1dnited States had givenglowing Woof the beauty of their we t r country g i the cheapness to n a td l e cite p end fertility of the land, and schen the people reaehed there they famed nothing to do but beg. From Seattle Mr. Lockerby went to Vancouver,. Victoria aid New West. ;Muster in turn, and declares that the change wee most refreshing. The business along our course could scarcely be better. There was also P. lar.go influx of people, who se- ed to settle sowgem- ed at once, They brought with them wiLatever little cappital they had and invested it in the purchase of farms. .At Benders' lauding on the Fraser river the land is all bottom land, caused by the wash of the river, aid is UAW one of the richest valley a on the continent. Dar, Thomas McNie1y, who has a. farm utero of SI0 acres, average from «a to 3 tons of hay lier acre. and at a 1r eetiug held while Air, kerb was in the district a discussion took place the quautity of roots produced, when one gentleman remarked that he had seamed an average of WI tons of turnips to the acre during the season. Ile had never emit any country Rite it for production. Air, McYi 1 } e as hAlso set .ee out .... acres in oretaards, outside of the nursery land, and tho fruit producing qualities of the soil were found t a remarkable. oheequ equally ,I. le. Can. tinning up the Fraser river Mr. Lockerby went to Clsilliwack. Although the p'aco is eonlparatively new, still the soil is the ane as at Lander% Landing! and thequantity of fruit raised in that district is surprising. Asan example. a gentleman there realized onan average from 1400 to 1800 pounds of fruit each year from one plum tree alone. " How do you find the coast oitiesprogre.s- inga was asked. "The improvements in the coast country is e, feature of the last two or three years. iippit,; -i years dao in Vancanver there wore not r:�t;ilihabitanta, and today 1lrestminster 1 •Sts of 10,000 and Vnueonver of 15,000 pie. They Imo an electric railway be - :len the two cities, and a. now line of ilway ie running front Fairhaven, Wash- it ,gttin Territory, into New Westminster. *besides this there is now talk of the C. P.R. nettling a line by which 'Westminster and . o vormore `t aq, st will. be put in r direr. corm nttui:eation, and thus do (Kay with tho present detour of about twenty-seven miles." t'•ontinuing, Alr. Loekerl.y said that ho went up the Fraser river to Yale, whoro he gathered some specimens of silver ore, An English company had 'purchased a large tract of land there and had already pat up machinery for their hydraulics for the pur• polo of goldinining. At Kamloops the sea- son had been somewhat dry and business was quiet. From there ho went to Sicamius down the Oknagan valley, of which he said there was no butter for agricultural pursuits. There was the best of soil, which never missed a crop, and the farmers there now were all old hands who wore running largo ranches. Here the different parties raised 15,000 bushels of wheat last year. Turning to the south the Kootenai valley was reached, rich with minerals and fertile soil. Ie is understood that the 0. P. R. will shortly, instead of runnino. through the present unproductive and mountainous district in that part of the country, bring a branch line from near Medicine Hat southerly through the Kootenai Val fey. In the district of the Similakamen river there were rich deposits of platinum and gold. In fact, Messrs. McGuinness and Ewing, who have a company out there, managed in one week, with the gid of spades buly, to get 40 ounces of platinum and 10 ounces of gold. They were now putting in hydraulic power for the purpose of working the mine. The country there- about was als greatly appreciated as a grazing district, and was familiarly known as "The Hunter's Paradise," in consequence of the abundance of deer and game of all kinds. Around the Edmonton district there was nothing in the North-West Territories to compare with the grazing there afforded. During Mr. Lockerby's stay in that neigh- borhood about 150 families came in with their ox teams and horse teams from over theuborder, and they said they had never seen such a country for fertility. At that time, in May last, the grass was as high as three feet. The families mostly came from !Aberdeen, Dakota, where they had suffered ef.ror bad crops or no crops at all. In pass- through Aberdeen, subsequently, Mr. y ekerby was informed that two or three r£had uvzishs s been deserted bysettlers who had gone over to Canada. Thse people had mortgaged nearly everything they possessed with the Trust and Loan Company of Scotland, and were at last bound to give up their miserable land. At Medicine Hat the immense runch of 'Tweed & Euard was visited. Here there were 275 head of horses and 600 head of horned cattle. The firm had purchased 3000 acres of the valley from the tovernment, and they had also a run of over sixty miles on the foot hills toward Montana, Gretna, Plumcooly and Morden were visited in turn and Mr. Lockerby drove north and south of these places for a considerable distance. Every farmer met had the same word to say, that the crop prospests wero of the brightest. However, he personally did not think the percentage to the acreage would be as large as usual thia year west of Manitoba. But then again the general average for Manitoba and the North- West would be about22deper cent, above last year The cattle wero wintered better and the gases shone as if they were groomed in a mitre If the dry weather lasted for an- other three weeks they would be able to turn ..out this year, with the increased acreage, from twenty to twenty-two million bushels for export from the grain there. All that was now required in the mining country was roast es -ed the branch road downtheKootenai r eleae. Teo importanno of theme branch l• roads was very great, and as an instance he quoted the ease of one pian, wife last year bought thirteen building lots, and who hae just sold them through his agent, clearing thereby x5600 of a net profit spot email, Mr. Lockerby says it is indispensable to the developmene of the minesto open up breach railways. It is true the minea are being worked all the time, but not to such an ex- tent as they would if better facilities were afforded for the transport of machinery, etc, _ seeNeste-s LOADING A LINER. MOW the Stevedores, leo Their Tletel,—Pier• lag the Vargo. Did you ever note the tact that eneof the great trausatlantio greyhounds seldom re- mains in port more than a week? During that time she is unloaded and loaded which in the case ot a vessel like the Majestic or the City of New York means the handling of some 15,000 tonsof cargo and coal. Almost; all the British steamships send over the coal to be burned in the eastward passage in sailing vessels, only 'shipping enough in Liverpool for the western run, Thus they have snore hold -room for freight, for which they get more money than it costs to seed over coal by sail, Thee work of loadiuga vessel eennotbe done without extreme care. The very safety of an wart monster depends in a reng - t measure on the manner in which her cargo la stowed, Nothing is more dangerous to a vessel than to have iia cargo shift in rough weather, and hence only experienced men are engaged its the stevedore business. The stevedoro, therefore does not regard himself as an or - (finery laborer but as a skilled workman. To load, and unload a cargo properly ie an art, for a vessel play be stratued in united. in Aa well as in loading. Then, again, the bad loading of a vcssal May not only achy the voyage of a greyhound, but it may cause her to labor. and roll to anolt an extent as to render every passenger on board seasick. The distribution of weight ao that no undue strati he suat,•tinel by the iron hull of the vessel is the problem that can be seen successfully solved everyday by one curious enough tospend an hour ot► the stocks of the great transatlantic ship companies. The process is an interesting one. The boss stevedore, who in responeibte for the earrying on of the work, stattone at each hatch end Ade port a gang of men. The gang cousiets of from ton to tweitty men, the number varying with the size of the vessel the character of the goods to be handled and the distance they have to be moved. Each gang is in charge ofa"leader." 1l'ereceives five cents an hour Imre thanthe men under him when the work is paid for by the hour, the men receiving thirty to forty cents an hour for day work. and about sixty cents for night work. Theta is also over the men a foreman, who is paid by the week and re- ccivea from ti30 to -;30, and an assistant fore- man who is paid by the time worked. The masters tevetloremaps out tItoduties of each, and is responsible for any mistakes made in stowing tbe cargo, The duties of the master stevedore are by no means light when ono caneiders the varied character of the�goods shipped deify across the Atlantic. He has to see that goods aro not at \ , vet l a together • e e whichare likely trlk to .,e yin - jure ono another, ant h t i 1 that space Is found for everything that conies alongup to the nt• most ca &it of the ship. The duies of the foreman relate to seeing that the goods are so stowed that the cargo cannot shift, and that the rolling l o n ftt the 1 vessel Inatt damage ante part of it. 1'he stowing of tho vessels of the White Star, North German Lloyds, the Inman, Guion and Hull lines is done under the con- trol of the company. That of the other lines by contract with master stevedores. Some companies pay es p y by the ton, and others by the package. When tho payment is by the ton the English ton of pounds is the unit of weight. Light goods which havo litttlo weight, but take up censiderable space, aro paid at so much per forty rouble feet hardled. Among stevedores cotton is regarded as the hardest to stow, and railroad iron as the easiest. The iron rails aro laid across the keel diagonally, and arc said to strengthen the 1hall. Whoa the cargo of a liner outward bound from New York is properly stowed she will roll comparatively little, as the steerage is largely given up to cargo. Coming from the other side the case is reversed. Then the entire steerage is occupied by passengers, with the result in rough weather that the vessel will often roll her lee rail almost under. Shropshire Sheep. A New -England sheep man writes as fol- lows !about the Shropshire Downs to the dlinor and Farmer " At the present time, I believe 'the Shropshire is admitted to be the most popu- lar of all the English breeds, both in England and throughout the length and breadth of this country, with Canada thrown in. They seemed to have crossed more successfully upon both the Merinos of this country and the grade long and middle wools of Canada, than any of the breeds that I have mon- tioned. In fact, fine mutton lambs have been produced when they have been thus far used upon any breed or grade of sheep. This probably accounts for their present popularity, in a large degree, together with the printer's ink that their breeders are using to boom them with. They are, no doubt, a valuable brood for crossing, but the average New -England farmer should go a little slow in this matter. They, like the other breeds mentioned, have some faults. They are not quite uniform enough in their markings and general characteristics to be called- a perfect sheep for crossing upon all grades of sheep. If they were as prepotent in transmitting their good qualities as the Hampshires are in im- pressing their bad qualities, they would be nearer perfect than 'they are. They succeed, however, in producing lambs that fatten at almost anya e and when raised for a breeding flocthey make good shearing sheep of a quality of wool that brings the best prices, while the ewes make the best of mothers. But flocks that are thus bred must have good care th e year through, in order to be made profitable. None of the breeds that I -have mentioned, I believe, will get as large a percentage of twin lambs, when crossed upon Merinos, as the Shropshire. It thus becomes necessary to furnish the ewes good nutritious pasture, in order that they may give sufficient milk to grow the lambs. The ewe lambs from this cross,, when kept for a breeding flock, much resemble the Southdown cross in form and appearance, but are about 20 per cent, larger in size and shear a fleeoe of wool that is of a longer staple and about 25 per cent. heavier in weight. The farmer that has land, that will grow clover and furnish good i averagepasturage for his fiork of anof the tame grasses will probably find theYShrop- shire as good a breed for him to choose sires from, wherewith to improve the .mutton quality of his flock, all things considered, as any of the English breeds of'the present day. We cannot conquer a necessity, but we can yield to it in such a way as to be greater than it we could. The Whistling Boy. o'er the pavement comes the schoolboy, lips a -pucker, cheeks outbiown, Serape of ancient tunes lift whistles, little catches of his own ; For is it not vacation time, the greatest ot all boons, . When he wanders like an Arab in the golden, afternoons; Whistlo„ whistle, how his treble through the. varied bustle cleaves, Drowning out thenoisy chatter of the sparrows in the eaves ; Wttistfo, whistle, what a joyanco as it echoes up the street, I have heard in alt my joarneyings no music Iialttsa sweet; For ho whistles down the shadows that the jealous eer have east. And in whistling off the presenb be has whole - tied up the past. have heard the btaekbirds whistling on a swaying maple bough, And havo heard theploughman w histic as they walked behind the plough; I have heard the mournful meadow -lark,. wbose whistle is a wail, And welt I know the whistle of the brown and bonnyquail; Yet none of these may enter in the city's grimy walls Where the creek of wheels is constant and the veiling smoke Appals ; But the trilling of the schoolboy seems to bring them back to me. And I see an old red schoolhouse by a gnarled wild cherry tree - For his. whistling tells of happiness unmixed, And I mtahrk amial, uashrilling lilts' whistled when a boy. "Ronnie Doan "and "Annie Laurie. " " Yen tree Doodle came to town," "Failor's lilorra ape," ""Old Dan Tueleer," Money Nude and"Gatnperdown. Why. I seem to smell the clover and the bass- wood buddinga bright; There's a wcll•sweop in filo dietenee .and an orchard to the right And the pink evltito apple 'blossoms nod this message ,from each iee r, School 'IR over; over -now, 'whistle, whistle, they are coating, all any harpy bo.iioed days, With the sound of running waters, and the lumaoateeWhiste,w)itle,wotases -and yen sun- shafa amber glean Turns as gray and cold as winter —OA have nacrcy. lie admen. The etirl'Who is Bash fill ." This is vrliat (moot my girls has written to me : " I wieh and prey you could tell me how to cure bashfulness. People say ;lot to think of yourself, but of others, le have tried that, but I cannot Succeed. I cannot take my mind MT myself. I ant always cee - ing myself if my hair is out of curl. if my clothes look pretty, and at thousand other suet*uestions. 1 eaanttot help it, I havo tried awid tried, but I ant continually think - log whether I ant acting right, aReaakin right or looking right." First, to this girl must be we'd, that when ono is eighteen years old one would not say I "e' 'uiwt" do ., �i in She , n th can if sit will,Su ase y o �Supp ase she th" ks this. .lea says she is con- sidered pretty. What is mere prettiness? She is not beautiful ; for a beautiful wo, Man, an ahr,nlutelyr beautiful woman, heel - lone vain, Very few people care whether a girl's bangs are out of curl or not, if her manners are pleasing and site shows a desire to make others enjoy themselves, Very few people care if a girl's clothes are pretty or atot, if the girl is sclf- oonsoious atul atupid. I like a girl to want to lookpletty ; that is part of her duty in Butwants o lifo, llstt jest remember J , that beauty in the merest thing lost in the world ; vanity will make it offensive ; ness will cause it to vanish, and itgoes with old age, unless the mind and the heart have been cultivated that the woman herself is a joy forever. When tide le so the good Gal lets tier kcal) leer beauty. Try, niy inquiring little girt, and obliter- ate self, ZW`hen you are among people look out for the one who is shy and bashful like yourself; go to her, talk to her, and after a few times you will find that it will become very. easy. Stop thinkingtbat people are looking at you. Thorn are millions of beau- tiful things in the world, and itis not in the leaatlikelythat you are the ono selected by overybody to be stared at and admired, Just learn to think a little less of your own appear- ance. The women whohave been .famous iar the world have not always been beantifulwo• men. A women, who to -day is very popular among a large circle, is neverapoken of as a beauty; bat whenever anything is gotten up, whenever any pleasure is to the fore, whenever anybody is in sorrow, whenever anybody wants a confidante, it is Kate who is called for. I had sufficient curiosity to ask a man why this vas, and he thought a minute and then he said: " It is because sho always has a pleasant wordfor every- body ; it is because she always ie courteous and considerate ; it is because site always looks ladylike and refined, as she is a lady; and, really, 1 think it is because she is what a woman would :all a thoroughly nice girt," You know how in the fairy book the prince always comes and finds the princess. Well, justafter Thad written this, a letter, was handed me in which I read that Kate— " the ate—"the really nice girl "•--had married one of the richest men in this country, a man who it was supposed would choose a great beauty, but who, instead, selected his wife as one does a coat—to wear well. There's a moral and a real one. It is given as an encourage. ment to the bashful girl who says she cannot, but who I dui sure can ; and to whom I say "be of good cheer." The Pigmies of the African Forest. During the very hungriest time spent by Stanley's expedition in going through the dense forest, it happened that the dis- covery of a little child. of the dwarf tribe -proved truly providential. Upon approaching one of the settlements of these people, the natives, fearing that the Arabs were upon them, hastily retreated to the depths of the jungle, leaving in the vil- lage one of the young children. He was an ungainly little creature, and from Saleh's description hall an enormously big head, protruding lower jaw, lean frame, and un- gainly fat body. The Zanzibaris sat about in dejected groups, complaining of their pre- sent hard existence, and the sad contrast of to -day with their joyous life in their island in the Indiau Ocean. home away The little Teles-L'el:ti (pigmy), although not more than three years old, was busily searching for something in the dry leaves. The Zanzibaris were attracted by the child's activity. Presently the sparkle of his eyes and the increased earnestness of his hunt showed that he had been successful ; and, indeed, he returned to the camp -fire carrying a lot of pods like enormous beans. These he scraped to a fine powder, which he damped, rolled in some big leaves, and then toasted in the ashes. When cooked to his satisfaction he opened the dainty package and the whole Damp became filled with the pleasant odor of this new dish. The men of the expedition then closed around and,, much to the young Teki-Teki's disgust, helped themselves to a tasting pinch. The Zanzibaris knew the tree quite well ; it was the f" mamma." - This new ' discovery brought a gleam of hope, to the hearts of these hungry beings. The capture of the tinywoodsman was a godsend, and Saleh said that had this unhappy little creature bat faintly understood their language he would have been overwhelmed with the heartfelt blessings showered on him. Afew days afterwards another tribe of these same small people was met, and the child was handed over to them to be returned to his arants.-Anrytcst St. Nicholas. JOHN LABATT'S India Palo Ile and XXX Brown Stout, Highest awaras dna Medals for Purity and Excel- lence at Centennial heehibition, Philadelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, France, 1878. TESTIBIONfALS SEL.EOVID: Prot.$.11 Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto,says:"L4uait to beperfectlysonndcontainingno impurities or adulter: atiox.s, and can stronglyreconJmendit as perfectly pure `nn A very superior malt liquor,"' John 13 Edwards, Professor of Chomistrg�, Montreal, says: "Idndthem, to be remarkably sinal ales, brewed from Duremate and hops. Rev. P: J. Ed..Pago,Professor of Chomiatry,aval Miaow - .7 _ L city, Quebec, says : "I have analyzedthe Indian Pale Ale Manufactured b yjol:tn Labatt, London, Ontario. and bO V s found it a lightale, containing but little alaoliol of a deli- Mous flavor, and of a yore agreeable taste and superior quality, andcornparos with the best imported ales. Iphive also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery, which is of excellent quality; its flavor is verY agreeable; this a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is 4 little richer in alcohol, and can be compared. advantage* 011001 y^witli any imported article. ASK 37OT3`1Z GfOGER F01; 1T The Beats Sturgeon. Ofthe Lisbon. Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on, all chronic diseases pccultar to man. Dien, young, old, or middle aged, who find themselves xaerv% oua, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depressiou, premature cid age, loss of vital. ity, loss of memory, had dreams, dinulesa of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in Otte kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face of body, Jtclaangor; peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast- ing of the organs, dizziness, species before the eyes, twiteliinoof the mimics, aye lids, and elsewhere, ba.ihfulasess, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the elle ad spino, week and flabby tuuseles, desire to sleep, failure to he rested by sleep, constipation, (Whim of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunkeneyes surrounded with LEADEN, eelm.;oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to 411140' irtanity and death Jinlese cured. The spring or vital force having last its tension every femation manes iin.consequence, Those VIM thmugie abuse committed in igaor- anec may be permanently cured. Send youa address for book on all diseases peculiar to mall. Address 11. V. LU11011", 50 Front St. Toronto, Ont. Beaks sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms Of *4 h are s faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, 110n skip beats, hot tc csru¢l of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregelar, the second heart quicker than the Prat, pain about the breast bone, eto., canpositively be cured. No mire, no pay. Send for hook. Address M. V. LUI1ON, 50 Front Street lust, Torun to, Ont. .'t.,Sarate, . letter tolls of as woman these whose hair has turned within a year from gray to black—its original color. She is 70 years old, and her Naar has been bray since early in the '70'e. Two munlore, similar in character to those ascribed in London to ""Sauk the Ripper," havo been committed in DIaraoiiles, 1'' ranee, within a week. rento A i!�n t►1 Well K ow - I d Let Tells y 6 of Great Benefit Derived From Hood's Sarsaparilla For Debility, Neuralgia and Catarrh "TORONTO, Dec. 28, t8eo. " C. I. HOOD te CO., Lowell, i<lass. "GENTLEMEN : For many years I have been suffering from catarrh, neuralgia and general debility. I failed to obtain any permanent relief from medical ad- vice, and my friends feared I would never find anything to cure me. A short time ago I was induced to try I-lood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk even a short dis- tance without feeling a Death -Like Weakness overtake nee. And I had intense pains from neuralgia, in my head, back and limbs, which were very exhausting. But I am glad to say that soon after I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing me good. I have now taken three bottles and am entirely Cured of Neuralgia. I ala gaining in strength rapidly, and can take a two-mile walk without feel- ing tired. I do not suffer nearly so much from catarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a changed woman, and shall always feel grateful to Hood's Sar- saparilIa for what it has done for me. • it Is My Wish that this my testiinonial shall be pube lishe t r order that others ,11;41: g I was may learn how to be benal ed, " Yours ever gratefully, " Mrs. M. E. M>~laauc-:, "36 Wilton Avea i:'e, " Toronto, e ria." This is Only Of many thousands of F pec who peep' gladly testify to the excellence of anct. benefit obtained from hood's Sarsapa- rilla. If you suffer from any disease or affection ,caused by impure blood or low state of the system, you should cer- tainly take A Wyk° • . ur^-ac .sY" S1 r a Sold by druggists. 81; six for $5. Prepared Only by C. I. IIOOD &. CO., Lowell, mass. 100 Doses One Dollar AKIN© P C QVlIDEr oI.i,ETT,T Tiff E I M E - R►atr BAKI�It� PWIE� PUREST, STRONGEST REST CQZ1talns no Alum, AJtlmonta, time, Phosphates, or any Injuriaat. Ee W. CiLLETT, Toronto. int. I 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks theSecr•etlons,'Purl fiest'he 'Blood and removes all info purities from a Dimple to theworst,Scrofutous Sore, BL�'.D .:.G URE. DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION. C I N. HIADAE H SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM. SKiN DISEASES a 3 How Lost, How Restored Just published,a new editto of Dr. Culvero well's Celebrated .Essay on he radical cure of Sracuelon teats or incapacity induced by excess or earlyindisoretion. Tho celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstratestrom a thirty yearn' sacoeeetul practice, that the alarming consequences .ofself- abuse maybe radically oared • pointing out.a mode of ouzo at once simple, Douala and, effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition maybe, may cure bimselt cheaply, pr vatelyand radically. SOT Thisleeture should be in the hands of every youth and every mania the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of tour cents, or tw postage tamps. Samples of)1elicinefree. Addres THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York at Oiii;a l;oi 450. 4686.1 1FREEMAN'SWD WORN POWERS /km ploasant to take. Contain their overt THE EXETER TIMES. Is publisae d every Thursday morn, ng,a4 TI MES STEAM PRINTING ROUSE illain-street hearty opposite Fitton'a Jeweler! Store,l`ixeter,(nt.,byJohn White ck S;ina,t'rt>• Prietors. n1TE8 0J" enVEnTJerY4 birstinsertion,per tino . ,........ .........10 emits alma era sequoatineortion mer..ne scente. To insure insertion, .advertisements should be aentin notlaterthan Wednesday asxoraing Onr30D PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one et the largest and best egnippea. in t1 a Comity 01 Euz'oa,8*L work entrusia .1. to LIS will receive promptattention; Dees1olls Regarding News- papers. tAnypersanwho take, a paperre;alarlyfr one the post -office. whether directed in his name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for payment, 2 It a person orders his paper diecantinued he must pay all arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, and thoucollect the whole amount, whether thcpaper is takeafrom the office or not. 3 In suits far subscriptions, the suit may bo instituted in the place where the paper is putt fished, although the subcriber may ry side hundreds of miles away, - - ! The courts have decided that refining to takenewepapersorperiodieals from the poste otlice. or removing and leaving them uncalled r Js prima facie evidence of intentional fraud CARTERS rt-fLE IVER PILLS. . ti R E leo Tree acheandrel eve all the troubles tee': eat to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness Distress after eating Pain in the Side, &o, While their met remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CARTER'S Ltrrts LIVER Prize aro equally valuable iu Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the Stomach, stimulate the liver and d regulate ate the bowels. Sven if they only cured Ache they would be almost pticeless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end. here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they win not bo willing to do without them, But after all sick head AC 3 3 Is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure 1t while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE Lrvsa Pmts are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. e CA2TE3 =DIN= 00., New Taek ei Small Pill. ball Dm Small Prices Purgative. Is a safe, euro, and effectual • ^.-fro lar "i•az?nnAalla- �oll send Inyou stampsbyexpressfsfmpiy,C.O as a I� u.. guarantee of good faith] to us, and we � wis7 .D„ this elegant watch which you can examine, and if you do not find it all and even more thwe it DO NOT TAKEclaim IT but if perfectly Sat- isfactory, pays the Expressan Agent OURfor SPECIAL CUT PRICE OF $wat5.35ch. and take the a chance to secure a reliable timepgiece ab such a ridicn, lonely low 0 wprice' 1 yS seldom, if ever be. fore, offed. Thin is a genuineerCOLl3 FILLED plates of WATCH made $OLID [nut os etel, It har compost•s tion mo solid bow, cap and crown, hunting case,beautifullyen grated and is dust. proof. - The works are Waltham style, richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is regulated, and we warrantit an accurate time. keeper. It is suitable for either a lady or gontlewatch. an. AAddress guaraCEO. ntee�+y". WYATT is sent wit&.h COeac.h m, Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. ABY tV Ani who isWeak, idervous, Debilitated, whoin his Folly and ignorance has Tri- fled away;his Vigor of Body, blind and Maanhood, causihinain t o Fountain9 ofng Lifo. Headachedrnsupo, Okaches Droadful Dreamsexaust, g Weakn 11Memory, 'Bashfulness in Soots y, maai glto EarlytheDecay,anCd onl sumption r insanity, will find m our specific No. 20 e )onitive Cure. Yt imparts Youthful Igor reaores tho Vital Poaver in old and Dung,7strengthen. and invigorates the I;vr'aln add arrow es en omaction tthemwho o physical energy of the human frame.. With our specific lio. 23 the most obstinate 0050 can be cured it three months, and recent ones In less than thirt. days. Eachpackage contains two weeks {roar wont. Price $2. Cures Guaranteed. Our spec Inc No. 24 is an infallible Cure for all Privet % Diseases no matter of how long stand Ing. sold under our written gluarantee OoclIoct.,Torontoa Cu. re.Ont" Price $6. Toronto medics,. Assam LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal• Oxide. Endorsed by the tbousandsoEIS who nse them MONTHLY, Never fair. Rees,•, pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant -.1 Effectual. Priers. 52. Toronto Medinine ". Toronto. Ont. A. THE OF;; y EXETER TIMESin SEND US c+S! f andaslipofpaperthe e size ofyourfinger, and we will send you postpaid this elegant ELDORADQ DIAMOND SOLiD COLD FILLEIIRINII These rings are now worn b . adies an y d gontiemese iw.the best ssealsocietyelJ*pea, tt. hraweaave,as a, the ringccetZing$25,OO._ Wo guarae:keeap feet' Fit an6dded untesatsfaction. Beo., 5l Wyatt a,p Co Jeweilo a :'eterkcl-eugh,Onte leeeeeseeate