HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-13, Page 1Y�> li ti. 1 tf ...17 f �h R AND HURON & MIDDL 1-{ S HSN, GAZETTE. VOL. XVIII, NO. 39. The Coming School of Iviedicine, TEE UISTOQEREEII SYSTEM, Tide system is camplete having different rho helees for all the different diseases, The theory is entirely different from that of the old echoole. The mad/eines are perfect- ly erfect- oiooneust uaturre`cant ver, aud tare quite of A iasteiesa uature whatever, q For three years those medicines have been given away free and thoroughly tested iu the most hopeless .eases before being placed on the market. The result has exceeded the most sanguine expectations. I3nudrods of oases supposed to be incurable have been eared, and abundonce of proof mu bo pro- duced to oonvinee the most akoptieal that Iiiatogeuetio Medicines have cured and aro curing to dap DISEASES ata later atago than any other system of medicine iu the world, In ACUTE cams the nredioiues sat like magic, Chronic troubles require a lou -- ger time, goueratly front one to three mouths, AceorJtug to the nature of the com- plaint, In FEMALE IRREGULARITIES, wo:1I13 TROUBLES, eto, the utedioiues have beau especially successful, Private E115f1NATIO NS in those troubles are al- most, if not quite, absolutely unneeeasary. Call or send for one of our free booke ex- plaining the waters). They abould be in every house iu the land. Rheumatism and Sciatica. LONDON, April 2018it1. I am happy tonekrowlalee,and now testify, to the culeacy of your medicines in curing Rheumatism. I have autl'ered with thispain- ful disease in nay shoulders. knees and ]lips for t{YQRCY•ilya PACS, rS, a180 with sciatics for some time, I decided to try Histogenetic Medicines RB a last resort, as nothing ever seetned to give mo any permanent relief. The first week's medicine gave me relief, end in two weeks the sciatica dishPpeared 'and has not returned. I took the medicine for six weoks,and am cured f the rheumatism. I feel better in every way. am sixty voars of age, and feel quite smart d aetia' I can cheerfully recommend these licincepto the public, and will be Mad to tell Iiifererapout my case. Ws now nearly alrhsseet is permanent. t king the medicines gto Mas. roiwi .ION Mable Street. i3esii malt; Valbeen a great manor from a female of longstanding. have boon treated muiI physicians and also boon under Pres¢¢ in the Toronto Nonoral Hospital and Uontiyo4reme. I saw a medical book went;I,thoHistogontioSystem and resoly- n,, it a trial. I consulted Dr tour, who gd these remedies, and assured me they 1$nghe me. I had my doubts but doter tract t"y once more. 1 took treatment two m utterly astonished at the results, machin,well and no language can describe Pon of ff I am that my life is spared. son had Ay is voluntary and I give it hop - was ,.aindreda of my sex may try the medi- ad receive the same marvellous good dohavo. They are good to take and unlike theilieine I over took before leave no bad Mas. J. FAwcerr,102 John Street, Toronto. Juno 5th 1490. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY ]MORNING, AUG. 13; 1891 Facts are Ftctst And the Fact that McTavish 86 Co.'s is the right place to buy good Goods at low prices is fat becoming established. We have no long prices for long credits; but Cash will go farther with us than with any house �rnc�la does the long credtt trade. No credit means "No bad debts," "No big profits" ; but means "$niall profits and quick returns. We call attention to our special lines of White Cottons at 9, I1, sand i?e., and Grey{ Cottons at 6i and So. A lice P a,3 asolat 50a., worth. 75o., and an Umbrella worth $1.00 for SQc. Big Values in Co sets at 88c A J. MoTA VISI 00. SPRINGFIELD ON TER CREnlT,ONT. March 18. 1291. Ilistogenetio Medicine Association tIE\TLemns, wishing to testify to the su- por 0r merits of histo enetic medioine for the euro of lung disease, I ,submit the following statement : Two years ago I found myself, as a result of exposure to cold and wet weather, taking frequent colds. I took a severe cough and got run down in vitality and bad several spells of hemorrhage of the lungs. 'I coughed a great doalin the morning and some during the night. I consulted two or throe physicians one very clover Toronto physician. Ile treated me without medicine, by hand -rubbing. and did mo considerable good, but in the course of time the hemorrhage returned. Two of the physicians lconsulted considered mine a serious ease, and one of them gave me to understand it hopeless, and I have no doubt that consumption would soon have caused my death. I heard about the new system of medi- cine. and consulted Dr, hoar at the head office for Canada ,19 Young Street Market, who ex- amined mo very thoroughly, and thought His- togenetie remedies would cure mein about six weeks. I commenced taking the medicine about Jan lst, In, two weeks the cough and breathing were bettor. The amount of sputa rapidly lessened. There was considerable e bronchitis and itsoon disartpear . d, My strength came again with astonishing rapidity andthe ravid breathing disappeared. I have not had any hemorrhage since the first .lot of medicine was taken. I have gained steadily in the body generally es well as the lungs, and feel almost as well as I ever did. I can walk fast now, or do anything in a hurry, and not get rapid breathing or palpitation. Iam now following my usual employment and can stand any kind of weather. It is the best treatment for the lungs I have ever known.I can conseientiously recommend it to my friends and acquaintances who mayneod lung treatment as far superior to a,other system, Sincerely, T.M. IIA1iaioxn, ( R REPRESENTATIVE WILL 13E AT Gciderich• Bull us.---lilr, A. durdooli, of Bewail, who was ono of the crew of the Goderioh war canoe, "Aleneaeting,' that visited Da- treit last creek, parted from the members on his Worn home olt Thursday. -Deputy Shorriff Ifeynelde returned last week from a three weeke' visit to the U. 8, -Mr. B. 8. O'Neil, of Exeter. visited the Co. town on Saturday,--.-Tlro ateauaer "Monarch' when in port on Saturday, took on several passen- gers, and loaded a large number of borne for Manitoba.-Meosra. R. H. Collins and A. Q, Bobier, of Exeter, were :in town tha Pest weak.—TheYachtNorma,left thie week on a run to Detroit and other porta on the St. Clair cud Detroit rivers. The Norma bas proved to be ono of the fastest boats on the upper lakes. -The schooner Pinafore Is now entirely engaged in carrying salt from Port Frank to Goderioh.-Mr. Blair, father of the cast, principal of the Central Sohool, died on Saturday aged 78, The funeral took place on D.dauday afternoon to Mait- land cemetery. -The • Goderioh war canoe and crew arrived from. Detroit an Saturday morning per tbo steamer Monareh. The members report a vary trough journey he - tweet). Bayfield and Sarnia, but an excellent trip otherwiso.-A fishing party consisting of Porev Shepphard, Hob. Cooke, Harry Ball„ John Grant and Frank Humber, re- turned on Saturday, after a two woke` stay at Pine Tree, Bruce Peninsula. The party chartered tho yaoht,'Speedy' Captain Wig- gins, and had. a moat pleasant time, the gime bass being plentiful and hungry - Our now watering Dart is now in suceossful operation, two journeys along our widest streets being all that is necessary to give them a thorough soaking, -In the town- ships around this way there have been some excellent fall wheat harvests,and in Ashfield there are some of the finest fields of spring wheat seen during the peat tan years. - Second cut clover and roots are likely to be excellent, the rains on Saturday and Sunday giving them an eatre,ordinary growth. -Mr. Dewey took out hie trap nets between Bayfield and Goderioh (some 14 in number) last week, It is said that five thousand dollars will not clover this gentle man's loss, in connection with the season's trap net business. Merit wins, as the marvelous success of Hood's Sarsaparilla shows. It possesses true medical merit. Sold by all druggists. EXETER CENTRAL HOTEL. Monda}' Aug..17th- 9.20 R.M. to 5,20 p.m, AND AT HENSALL HENALL HOTEL ° Same Monday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CONSULTATION FREE HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- QOCTATION—Roome:, 2. and 3 ,Albion Bloch, Richmond Street, London, and 19 Young Street Market, Toronto, Mention Exeter Times, Holmes v vie. FATAL ACCIDEsT-Monday forenoon Mr, Thos. Holmes. son of Mrs. Samuel Holmes, of this place, was kicked in the abdomen by a horse. Tuesday morning he died, Ruch regret is expressed at his sudden taking off, Deceased was very much liked by all his acquaintances. He was 49 years of age. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. Samuel Holmes at; 10 o'clock a. ni, Thursday, 13th. t e.ylield. Bnisrs---?11x, Chas. Gardiner reportsa pleasant time camphig at the Bend. - Mr. Alex. Cameron cut some oats on Wednesday last, This is the first oats cut in this vicinity this season, -Capt, Babb of the Government life saving station, Goderioh, passed through Bay- field last week.•.--11Irs. Will McCoy, of Piricatitsing, Miols„ is the guest of Mrs. Moorhouso,--Rev. Mr. Elliott, of Sea - forth, delivered an excellent discourse to a large congregation in Trinity church on Sundayy.-Mr;' Johu. Stanbury, of Toronto University, is home on his vaca- tion, John is very familiar to no all, but we hardly knew him this, time. -The Salvation Arany of Bayfield. ,will hold big farewell meeting on the night of August lith. Brigadier Philpot aud Ensign McGee, of this division will fare- well. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps andBlemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. 'Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Solcl by C. Lutz, Druggist. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. Fruit Jars ! Tucker with Foor avian-ThetAIill Road foot hall team are to play a metal with a team from School Section No. 4, Ribbert, in a few weeks. This match will ftkely be a goad ono and be evenly contented, as both teams have boaters the Moonlight Buffers, one goal to nothing. A Must' ,Aor-Ono evening last week as a party of invited guests from Seafortb, Hibbert and MoKilfop, were enjoying them- selves at the residence of James McConnell, Esq ,of thisis township, someme mischievous person or persons securely fastened the road gate with wire and chains, aud when the party wire dispersing, they were obliged to remain in the lane, until they secured au axe, aud by its use forced an exit.. Home Dtito-liar. Donald McDonald, of the 10th concession, lost avitlnnblo mare on Saturday night last, He was driving to Staffs and the animal took alek on the road. He drove as foot as he oould to the reeib hoe of Mr. Peter Campbell, and sent for n vet-, erinary surgeon, but the beast died before he arrived. Gas on the stomach was the cause of death. Ur. McDonald had the mare aold, and was to deliver her on the following Monday. Bruceflelc1. LAWN Socrt.L-Tho lawn social under the mamma of the Christian Endeavor of Union church was a grand tininess. The tables decked with choice flowers ; the refresh- ments of the firat order; the music by tho Seafortb Brass Baud as well as the singing of members of the band, was excellent. Proceeds about $53. Fool BALL -The match between the Chiselhurat team and the Rovers, of this village, played there last 'Tuesday evening resulting in a -victory for the home team by two goals to none. So farnone of the three home teams have met with a defeat this year, though the lioversbaye played several matches. Good for the Brumfield boys. ACCIDENT -While practising at foot ball, Mr. Wm. Simpson, one of the Rovers, was accidentally tripped. He fell and broke his collar bone. We feel sorry for Will, as he is one of the favorites. It is likely that the team will rest for the season, as some of the members are going away for a time, Enters -We are glad to see so many working about their houses. That's right, beautify your homes.- Our popular post- master, bar. R Marks, captured. three young mocking birds the other day. Look cut, boys, what you whistle. or it may be heard again, -Miss Goodie Marks is visiting friends in Wingham. ► .e Clinton. BRiEFs.-Veterinary Blackall has about recovered from the effects of the accidentwith a few weeks ago. h emet -Williatxi Johnston, M, P., of Ballykil- beg, Ireland, and Past President of the Council of Orangemen of the World, has had to cancel his engagements to speak. in Clinton, London, Hamilton, andother Ontario towns and cities. He is on a trip to the Pacific Coast and will return to the old land at an early date. -At the last meeting of the Wingham town coun- cil a communication was read from the Clinton Organ Company, in regard to moving their factory to Wiugham. Atter some discussion, it was moved by Thos. Holmes, seconded by J. J. Homuth, that the communication from the Clinton Organ Company be referred to a special committee. They ask that the -town bonus them to the extent of S12,0,00. - Those who have borne. and even enjoyed the vicissitudes of pioneer life in Huron are gradually passing over to the silent majority. We are called upon this week to notice the death of Janet Munro, re- lictof the late Donald MacDonald, which event occurred at her late residence on the London Road, in the Township of Stanley, on Thursday morning last, the 6th inst. The subject of this notice was one of the oldest residents in this section of the country -having come to the township of Tuckersmith in 1833, and in 1840 married the late Donald Mac- Donald and went immediately- there- after to liye where she died last. week -1 having continuously resided, on the same farm for 51 years. Mrs. •MacDonald was born at Thurso, in Caithnessshire, Scotland, in the year 1806 and was con- sequently in her 85th year.--Cantelon In all the sizes desired in the Crown, Gem, Porcelain and LIGHTNING JARS, In wine and imperial measure, at Close Prices for Net Cash. SLTOAR In all brands will be kept as be- fore, and we will not be honestly undersold. but do not pur- pose giving them away. —IN TEAS--' A new supply and good value. Please call and test our Japan and Black Teas. Our Grocery Department is Fully Equipped. in Raisins we offer 16 lbs. for the dollar. In Glassware, Croekeryware and Earthenware -a full supply. -Farm Produce taken in exchange' and prices paid for same according to their re- spective qualities. Reap. Yours, J. tJ CLARKE. P. Bros. made their first shipment of harvest apples on Friday, and a choice variety of early plumson Monday. The apples were of an excellent quality. .Rarpley, Bsrs€s-Mr. John Brans, of .Exeter, has plot,eollIpleted the brick work of a new residence for A. Haiter, When completed it will be the finest residence in this sec- tion, and will contain all the modern im-- psovetnents. Mrhailer is to he cosapli- rneuted ou thecreetinn of 80 fine a reeideooe, and the mason, Mr. Evans, is to be com- mended for the despatch with which Ise erected the br'elr work,• -Tho harvest is ell but tiniebeRt in this neighborhood, and those wbo have threshed speak well of the field. -Mrs. iieiter while driving to.Park,. hill the other day, her horse ran away. She was thrown out of her buggy but not aeriously iujnred, The rig was badly smashed, however. Urediton. BIluiEs.-•-Master Geo. Schnarr of Berlin Out, formerly of this place, has been the guest of Mr. C. Zwiker, during the past week, -Mr. John Lewis has returned from Michigan where he lsas bees visitiutr durlug the past two months. -t1 alter Clarke left on $atttsday last on an extended trip to Europa ; he laterals, however, to spend most of his time in Devonshire, England, Ham, of Brantford is tho peat of 'ti m. Sweet, sr. ---The Hisses Kate and Tillie Schneider, of Detroit, are spending their vacation here, and are the guests of Airs. S. Link, -11r, and Aire. August Hill spent Sunday iu Zinrieh,--.Our citizens are afforded considerable :amusement (the ma - jerky, however, call it .annnyanee) by the ringing of the old town hell, which had been dismantled 10 years ago, as it was cracked, The boys hall discovered its whereabouts and erected it on the Mack - smith shop, and persistently ring it(' banes a day. They say they wilt keep it going until they are supplied, with a new one. The idea is a good one, and we think it 1 thet vin a new i ahoaild be means of scanlitl S for the village, as it is surely needed.The severe wind during the storm on Sun- day destroyed a great many fruit trees and lodged a lotof grain in tiffs vioinity. Hensall. Bums -Our Civic Holiday was held on Thursday last, and nearly 140 took ;:advantage of the cheap excursion to 'Sarnia.---Thebrickwork of Mr. Mitchell's now residence is now completed, and the carpenters are pushing along with their work.-11irs. Babb, of Mitchell, was in the village last week, the guest of 11Irs. Harold and Mrs. Wren. -Mr. and Mrs, McLaren, of Glasgow, Scotland, were in the village this week together with their relative, Mr. D. McLennan. main buyer. We believe they were very favorably im- pressed with the appearance of our vil- lage. -Miss Kate i1Io1wen, of Portage La Prairie, and formerly of this place, left on Tuesday last fur the Portage, there to join the rest of the family. - Mr. Thomas Peart and .1, F. Irvine both of this village, also left here on the same day for the Portage to work dur- ing the harvest months. -The Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, and formerly of Hensall, accompanied by his daughter Mies Maggie, were in the village this week. -AT W Boll, hardware mer- chant, of this place, is the happiest young man in the village, his wife this week having presented him with two good looking and lively girls. -Miss Arnold, of Thornhill, is visiting her biother, Mr. G. D. Arnold. -Mr. D. Urquhart, one of the oldest and most respected citizens, has recently been ap- pointed and qualified as a magistrate or Justice of the Peace, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Whalen. Ba=Ess-Mr. Thomas Lawton bas sold hie farm to Mr. Wm. Hodgson. The lana contains about 80 acres, and is in a good state of enitivation. There is on the place a large and beautiful brick residence; and as Mr. Hodgson hes two or three sons of marrtagable age, we may soon expect to set some fair young ledy installed as mis- tress of the "hie tick," -The Trustees are having the Milord put in a good state of repair before school begin* on Monday nest Messrs. Boas <tTaylor, of 1 eter, are doing the Rork, -..:During ltbo atom on Sunday night 1l.snnia McGee bads fine young horse killed by lightning. Be also had oncrdl'op dead Friday last as W. laearney was driviug home from Woodhaiu. The latter was not a very valuable one, --dos. Morley found ono of his beat cows dead in the potato ono morning last week. --John Brook's new residence is approaching completion and makes quite an improvement to his place. St. ,Marys. ,f�ciazi. ushers-pnx farmers are jubilant over the grand harvest weather. Many of them hove nearly finished. --Mr. Stephen flicks threshed last Saturday, Iiia grain turned out welt.--Tbad, Jones is ou his roantl8 again gathering eggs His weekly gather-. raga amount up to about a thousand, faxen, .--Aubrey Buswell is home harvesting. coax wAti rE .* ,sols Pubilsner and Proprietors AT THE Market Stare Exeter, You will find the bet and cheap. est assortmentof prints going, and. they are going to go at our reduced prices. We have a lot of them and they Must be sold. Call and get our prices. Cream, Fawn and. Grey Dress Goods will be reduced ;to per cent. Now is your chance l;,adtes ? bring the Gash and yomt will get goods at right prices, depend upon it. The best stock of Boots 87, Shoes we ever had has arriv- ed and prices lower than ever. He had been finishing his trade as a tailor iu alitohell'-Quite a number of our Sonug fotka took in the eseursian to Serra on Thursday Inst.-Dan't forget tllo grand enri• IilttnFa•�lti rn, 8 3tt who has been latl up cert, under the anspleea of thelEoen alblette with rheumatism far the rant few w1eka is tksseoiatfon, to be Heid en Friday Evg•Aug,'' able to be 9s1-Qua3d again,--Agaisi the rootlet - Highest Prices Pahl, For Trade. BARGAIN DEPOT". P. ROSS 01:1' 2nth, Title will be one of the grandest con- 0110218 burn of t1. , thrrelsing iiia iniac dv- arta of the day as the beat talent in the county have been engaged. Foora.tn a -Our football club went ;o Ailea Craig yesterday to play the postponedmatoil with Lucan, which was to have beenplayed two weeks ago yesterday at the Craig tour- nament, but so much rain fell twat it was impossibte to play, It will be remembered that two weeks ago; Eden beat McGillivray club at Craig then bad to play Lncan but did not come oil as above stated. There are two prises -a silver cup valued at ,, 4,.a ,i. and a football together with goal posts and aide stake, valued at $1.0. fly Eden beating McGillivray it gave them second place. The match with Lucan will not come oft soon enough for the report to appear in this week's paper, bat fall particulars will bo given next week. Baxxrs-It appears that the death of Herbert G. Clark, at Devizes on Friday night, was due to internal injuries caused by the team ho was driving running away and throwing him out on the wheel and from there to the groped. Contrary to first report he was perfectly conscious when picked up and slept quietly during the evg. The runaway was caused by the bottom boards of the wagon box sliding forward and striking the horses 011 the haunches. -On Saturday afternoon application was received by telephone at the Stratford Hospital from this place for the admission of an old man named Michael Slattery. The unfortunate man is 67 years old, and has been lame with rheumatism for the last four years, On Saturday afternoon about two o'clock, as Slattery was walking along the street he staggered and fell, breakiug one of his legs in two planes. No attempt was made by our people at having the fractured limb Set, and at about eleven o'clock Saturday night Slattery arrived at the Stratford Hospital witb a board, which had been taken from a fence, strapped outside his pants to the leg. The doctor at the hos- pital est the limb. -Last Wednesday after - mon as Mr. T. Thompson of the 81h line, Blanshard, and his son Simeon were driv- ing to town, their ihorse took fright when near the fair ,grounds and bolted. The older gentleman jumped and escaped with a few seratehee, but Simeon was thrown out sustaining injuries to the bead. The horse wheeled around and started in the direction of home, but was captured at Mclntyre'e. It narrowly ;escaped being run over by a train when going over the crossing, -We regret this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mrs. E. W. Long. She was in her 78th year, but was quite active to within a few hours of her death. "On Thursday she had ,a paralytic stroke, and on Friday night passed quietly away. What does -"OR" Mean ? It means the only Reliable Kidney cure ever put on the market. Put up by the OR Company, Box 89, Belleville.-ag.6m3 Lucan. Bnrsra-Airs. Cole aud Mise Mollard have returned from their trip to Manitoba. They aro looking web after their visit and bring back favorable reports of that coun- try, -Mr, J. R. Grant and family have changed their place of abode from Taman to Listowel. Mr. Grant was a highly respect- ed and much esteemed citizen of Lucan, We wish him every success in his new home. -On Monday night of last week Mr, C. Hackett while driving through the vil- lage, his horse took fright and upset him on the hard stone road, His injuries would not have been so severe but for the horse falling upon him, -Recently Lncan passed a bylaw prohibiting cattle running at large. The Constable did not strictly enforce it. He was threatened with dis- missal from office. Next day beimpoundod ten cattle, seven of which belonged to one of the councillors. This pat a different phase on the question, and it is thought that the h;;:-,, will be annulled.-Lucan jail lair on the 16th and 17th ;sept. -'The storm on Sunday did a great deal of damage in this neighborhood. Fences were blown down, trees uprooted and buildings unroof- ed. It was the wildest storm experienced for years. -Miss M. E. Lennox, St, Marys, has received the appointment of assistant teacher in the Lucan High School. -A St. Marys gardener appeared before lone of our mahistratea last week charged with eel ing vegetables. from house ;to house without a license. He pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $5 .-One day last week a telegraph was sent here from Winnipeg, Man:, to the effect that Mr. M. Ryder, telegraph opera. tor, and son of Mr. James Ryder, Biddulph, was dying of fever in Winnipeg hospital. He,illsas since taken a change for the better and"we hope to hear of his recovery. -At the last meeting of the Biddulph township council, a rate of 5i mills nn the dollar on the whole ratable a roparty for county and township purposes was ordered to be levied and the school tax as provided by statute. The whole ratable property of the lewnellip as apneara by the assesiiHeet toll is $t,' 217.000 and the amount raised for county and township purposes is $6,693.00. The council adjourned to meet in the township ball en Monday, Sept. 7th. at 10 a:m. Constable J. F. McFadden, Clandeboye, arrested Alice Taylor and her daughter Llizabeth, of the lst ooneession of Biddulph township, Friday morning on a charge of stealing some bedclothes and wearing ap- parel from Annie Batton, of :Osborne, and also purloining similar articles from Mrs. Penwarden, of the same place. The steal- ing is alleged to have taken plane about three :weeks ago, and also last Monday night. Some of the stolen goods were found in the prisoners' possession. They were token before Squire James Owrey and were remanded tor a week. There will be a couple of trotting races, for $100 purses, at the Stratford fair. Algia dog and pony races. loges the atrrroavhere,-308. 11, Atkinson is working on the new hotel, nriw incense of erection at Kirktm.-'i ea I'1ettater iaft on the 3tlah ult for Dakota. -Thai firat Unveiling of the season in this neighbor- hood was perforated; on the premises o1 Mr. Henry Switzer, The yield p was creep - A Venally geed, wheat averaging '., bush and barley 50 hush per arra.--The Misses Darl- ing of Trinity College, Port Hope, are en- joying their vacation under the parental root, -Mr, Curtiss. of Stratford, is the guest of Air. Whaley. -The young ladies now appear to be more interested in Foreign Miesious. We presume that Manitoba would be their choice field of labor since so many of our young men have been drawn tinnier by the golden wings of fortnue,- Mrs. Thos. Hyde is at present indisposed. Mr, Evans aud bia gang have completed the brick .work of the new church, --Mod fall wheat and barley of this section is hatred - ed. The wheat promises to be above the average yield. -R, A. Switzer Ieft on the 28th tilt for Alanitoba.-Mise Bell Cameron left Monday last for Denver Col. -Mrs. White is at present seriously indisposed. -- Messrs John Lane, sr., Geo, Lane, Levi Lealie and Miss Lane, left for the Prairie Province Tuesday last. -Mies Sinclair, of St. Marys, is visiting .'tire. D. Sinclair, of Anderson. -Our atteetiou has lately been called to the fact that the bridge over the Flat Creek on the Center Side Road is in need of repairs. The delapidated reminisc- ence of by -gone days proves a serious in- convenience to the travelling public. Itis time that our councillors were awakening from their dormancy and manifestiug same interest in the needs of the township. MEasiss 0 0 RICHARDS & Co. GENTLEMEN, -I take pleasure in giving my testimony to your well known MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, as I feel that it saved my life. In the winter of 1887 1 was at tanked by a severe pain in my left gide caused by a fall from a building during the previous summer. 1 got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LTNI MENT and eventualy cured by the nee of a few bottles. This liniment hae made some wonderful onto, Sheffield, N B. Thonfad INAssOtv. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wo6lfofcl s Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. 1..a tz. Blanshard Council.. The mar"',^^' -'` `at on Monday -., yea twuucu the 3rd inst. All members present. olid- utes of last meeting read and Caufltmed. Mr Stewart addressed the board in refer. ence to ditch on read in front ofhio premises and wanted the same cleaned out, On motion of Berry and Sinclair the reeve, dcpatyreeve end Conn. St Johnwere appointed to inspect the same and report at next meeting, 1tlovede by Johnston and St John, that patbmasters are requested by this council to see that all burs and thistles growing on the highway in their respective road divie sions betorthwith out down. -Carried. A communication was received from the ooanty clerk asking that the sum of $4514 be raised by the municipality for county and county school purposes for the year 1891. Moved by Berry and Sinclair that the county rate on all the ratable property in the municipality be two mills on the 5 for township pur os s for the year 1891, and that a by-law be passed confirming the ran- i tion,-parrieu, . A, communication from Mr Barton Ailed referring to the work done on the hill in his division was laid on the table and read by the clerk.-Fyled, The following orders were paid : James Fairbairne, $14 50 bridge structure and ap- prcach con 17; Ruth Riohie, $7 charity: W Atkinson, $8 96 gravel; John Elliott, $700 part contract bridge abutments; James 1. Balkwill, $58 bridge structure con 10; Ab - ray & Edwards, $17 04 plank; Robt Moir, $7 gravelling town line Blanshard and W. Nissouri; D. Kenny, $21 50 overseeing and spreading gravel St Marys load; Jas. Balk- will, $10 filling approach to bridge base line; Thomas Crosier, $6 02 gravel and $3 25 gravel town line Blanshard and W. Nissouri; Fred Hanley, $1 rep'g culvert Mitchell road; John Howard,, $84 gravel- ling 4th line and $11 grading lower side road; Geo Hogg, $3 12 cleaning ditch town line B, and U. and $4 50 culvert and grad - west boundary; Thomas Elliott, $2 50 culvert k w^ line Blanshard and F; Mie. Ready, 53 40 grave;; N.:2 (lrefgbton, $25 bridge structure base lino; Chss Cook, $8.50 cleaning ditchtown line Blaushard and Biddulph; Egiesdir McDonald, $100 brid$e structure, approaches thereto and raising abutments; Geo Hogg, $27 50 bridge struc- ture con 8; G. F. Robbins, $35 part contract and extras; Wm C. Eppiett, 50e filling up approach bridge centre side road; Thos. H. Evans, $6 statute labor road beat No. 36, Counoii adjourned to meet first Monday in Sept. at the hour of 10 o'clock . in the forenoon. -J. H, JAS•IESON, Clerk, Trustees of school sections who have not sent in their estimates of expenditure for current year am requested to hand insame to the clerk at once. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori