HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-6, Page 830.10WINPIPARRNIFIAAAVANAPPIPAPIONNAMMOINIMIt inISERANQX, Ti'BNEST EiLLIOT,AGBIIT FOR 4 TWO', WESTER11 AZSUliAKGE, COM. RANY. of Toronto ; also tor the IPH0ENTs, KBE iNST,..TEAKOF, CCMP'art*S7, or Loudon; Englend, the 11,0 raL C4UDLAL oMon- treal, and the QNTABIO VII MAT.. LlEE ASURA CE, COI': of Waterloo established 1$74.Aatatrancesinforce,$13,127,400,13ormsos every eve nears. Smallware Devilment The Mart Counter Goods Z.) previttee. Personale. Miss Biggart, of Bayfield, is the guest , Dogs are killing sheep in Stephen thyme ship. ssElla Faoson.-MisPhinnemore, of Mitehell, is the guest of Mre, J. P. of MiEs i Thrashing operations have commenced Clerke,-Mrs. H. Burden, of London, who for the seesom has been Noshing friends in town for two Snell Bros. & Co. are tooling large ship- weeks, returned home yesterday. -Mrs. meuts of pork from Exeter tbese days. Frank, Gill and 111r, Luther Gill left oo `Davis' butcher shop has been enlarged, a Monday morning for a few Weeks' visit with frieude in Guelph and Bowmanville. large refrigerator hexing been built to the rear. -Miss Mlie Sheere, of London, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs, W. Treble, a few Dr. Fraser, a London, died 911 Sunday days of this week„ --Messrs Geo, Laidlaw 114°1741g ; cause her desease. Aged 54 and Fred. Southcott, of Toronto, were in town on Monday. To cempany with John TeThorn appearaoces the yield of plume mod Bawden and othera they are spending the Toys Stone Polish Pitchers peaschee in tbia section this season wilt be week in camp at the lake. -Mr, Luther Beads Shoe .• Spiee Jars inunense. Gill who has been a faithful employee of Delis Mateb Safes Salts,Ind The east side tailors were again beaten Messrs Carling 13ros, for the.past number t Hammers d at foot bell last NiMek. This . 57a$ their of years, has severed his services with the TIAN Harr Pinsecond efeat. flrin to aeeept a lucrative situation in a MI.Vga Needie6 IWO SI Petella But!on Agate Screw Drivers A potato weighing 24, lbs, and grown by dry goods Store in Clevelend Ohio. Mr. far HS Thimbles Tacke :tin Edi ed Drew, of Ls Aogeles, Cal., is Gill being a steady, energetic and affable Broclies '' Pearl Postal Cards young man his success is assured. -Mr. J. On clianis liertnietelaiefs Can Openers me exhibitioit nt Knigh.ts ' grocery. *Bowden who has been spending a few Curs To-dd-t Cnrliug 'Tongs 1D Messrs. .te191(1'1111.1.4 and tiveellw.h-e°r°0'11•4:tf weeks in Toronto returned on Saturday. - Toy Boone Neck Ties Eire Shovels pun as, - an„ 4 ippe fromeMiss 0 ussie Holland, millther, has return- Keives Fane Sett Sifters week 4 ear toed of horses to the Mauitoba ed from Watford to spend her holidays at ttln Orgiens St laein 1'3 Peteto' Mee -bets market, hone. -The MissesMuir'of Clinton, aro Whit,l>s 1%th%, Mats Toast Foam A meeting of the Luke Smith Gun Club, the guests of „dirs. M. J. White.-Mrs.W, Soaps Biles - nippers will be held at Lake Smith On Sept. 1St. J. Clarke, ot London, spent several daysof :cl, /Sri:slice Tin Pails Egg Beaters There are several members of the club who last week visiting friends in town. -W. F. tzLre '• Tta, Steepers Cake Turners reside in Exeter. May, High School teacher, of Parkhill, and Inking D. T, a; <,.t 3trte,d8 PAW! Sacrament was Administered to :members family, are visiting at Mr. Thos, Mity'e St.,vo -' t,s, ::.b Cases 1.M. Squeezers of the James-st :tleth. church on Sunday London Roadsouth.-Ree. Mr. :dleDouagth Idi t n It Pant (.. elk Serews meenleg,. teext sunny it will be given in who was last week called to the sick bed Cti'VZ. 3 Ph.:rt,'73 Seim Ladles the Mai:lest. Meth, eitureti. of hie sister in Toronto, reports her as eon- Tcy Bents Trate Goblets va.leseing.-Mies McTavish is spending Mr, Chas. Tom has again given up shoe. J. holidays with her parents in Ripley. -R. 0 , GBIG- Cr - Exeter maki.g, his heath b,avin,g failed so as to Leathern wilt leave for the old, country ' ptevent him continuing the business. He shortly with a cargo of cat'le and earriage nt ------- -- , ---- ' ties not yet decided as to his future °cell- horses.-Mre. Dodge of St. Johns, Mich. is visiting her father: .11r, Thos. Bowman, It'l Bz'ITict-crzoll sq=i),-_..y, pntion, i The ehoir of the Maievat :Sleth, church of ralorne.—The Selvatiou Army, here, EXTB. 1 ito4 1 cell augmented by the addition of wee ieinforced on Sunday by several visit - several More Bast elase smgers to its IIIIM• lug brethren., -Me. J. J: Pickard mi i voives. ailya . s Seaforth, spent the past week her. There ere now some twenty-two fm Specil. visiting friewln this ueighborhood, The officers of the G rend Orange Lodge Mrs, Geo, Reuton, of 'Toronto, spent the e i - of British Amerlea were elected beat week, past week whither parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. IL Verity --Miss Maggie Moir who For the 11 eX t few days we rit':':-1.`7'1.e 11"Meerlti,veorltOtilrirg will show au extra choice as behig a Deputy Grand itimplein. t.luet.t ( f Ditto. r,.,a„„ 1COW stone walle have been lain nu the ft -tot no. ' ina: Mit square, and eompleints of those teats a the walks being flooded certain seesoue, will be no more. In selecting the ilegsa little care might have been taken to wore smoother ones. It'' it% Meant itzie-n eed warp. Vt bile driving a sulky rake on the farm et 4r.T. litswlvius,Cbiltxue, lat week,Mr, itt idle Atpae05- isevehe. Atiata Whiteford was thrown front the freed: Alio:teals- plam. retie and beilly shalieu, in consequence of 11' est: Caeiriti 3.V.5.. ; the liotte rinittiewity, Ile is UAW able te be out of bed. Goods, ail at midsummer clearing prices. Bieek Henriettas-eilk, weep. Jiavk Cellilee, Etenteaine Senses. Diattie Como Cnrde. Meek :11erree. Brrk Renaezulto; this choice lot of .Black Gooas, cut to close clearing prices, will soon tie cleared. oat. J. /3.. $'113W.A,RT, Batihrupt Stock Denier, Fxeter nimisamoomenonsmoseamsei Zive ie3rttv vo. THURSDAY, ti , 1591. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. To :1 tv tThursility) ie Exeter's eivie holt- lbt klay wiil no doubt be spent in tetious ems by the Qitizera$. Some will visi, Greed' Reuel, the majority. go, on the exmoraion, utile litany will remain t4AVII. II However spent we wish all a pleaSaUt day. Rev. MeDonegliof the Methodistchureli preaehed a sermon in the Presbyterial eltereh on Friday evening teat. There was a large attendance of members, and the diseouree a practical and eloquent one. The eornion was on the oil:cameo of the summon The sehool house is being reshingled and otherwise repaired. With the Improve. menta made to the building Net year, Exeter now has ono of the finest and beat equippid sebool houses in the comity - well ventilated, well heateel tool seting large and comfortable, On Tuesday of last week John Hawk - thaw threshed his wheat and the yield proved to be good, and the weight 03 lbs to the bushel. Daring the past few days considerable wheat has been marketed which has tested from03 to 05 lbs. per. bushel. In Minnesota, U. S.,. according to the Paynesvillo Nowa, the ymbi of wheat this year will average 25 bush. to the acro, which is considered good there. In On- tario the average yield will be 35 leashel to the acre, and 101 average weight of 63 lin to the hush. Canada, especially Ontario, still takes the lead. A cleverly raised two dotter bill is in eiroulation. The alteration, ho Inver, can be very readily detected if a person takes time to look at the bill. The Government legal bill reads : "The Dominion of Can- ada, will pay the bearer two dollars” is altered by means of pen and ink to read "The Dominion of Canada will pay to bearer ten dollars." 1),ucer Way of Xttrvearing, A gentlemen who has just returned from the Pat ifie. Criast, says that "the methods of harvesting in Califoruia are peeuliar. het, I was given to uoilerstand, is often allowed to stand from one to two months after tieing ripe and then they soluetimes ouly cut the grain. as they want it. Bat what etruelt me moreforeibly was the way in which the reepinvis done in California. The reaping n -whine which they nae is worked by lid mules and managed by five men. It. however, not ouly cuts the grain nut theeshes it and pots it iuto sacks. When give of these lacks have been filled they are thrown off just as we do the abeeves. In this way they out and thresh about 30 acres per day. Tbe sacks aro subsequently picked up and carried off to the depots, where they are stacked in the open air 4 or 5 tiers high, just as you have seen cordwood piled here. As there is no rain or even dew, for a period of five months, the grain is about as safe there as it would be in our barns. What I am tell- ing you came all under my own observa- tion. Cricket Howl. Eleven ot the London City Club yisit- ed Exeter on Friday last and played a match with the home team The absence of Pope and other strong players of Exetees regular team crippled them somewhat and in consequence had to submit to defeat. Several of the Londoners secured double figures, while McDonell for the Exeter club alone approached coveted "doubles" in scoring nine. Below is the score :— LOEDOIsT. Deploy, b ,T. Elliot 1 c Remington ...... ...2 Ross, b 3. Elliot 1 o F Elliot-- ....... ...3 Becher , b MoDeneIl15 c McDonell 3 cox. b afeDonell 1 c de b McDonell...-te Harris, c Bissott . 23 o Harding, ..12 Burwell. b McDo nel _12 b J. Elliot 0 Macbeth, c &b S Elliot 1 b Remington ..... ..12 Daly, b J. Elliot 1 b McDonell 3 Mills, c & 133, Elliot -0 c Carling 3 Noble, a Carling 0 b McDonell 1 Davie (sub )uot out .. 0 Not out...... ....... 1 Extra. 2 Extras • 12 52 74 EXETER, J. Elliot, c Mills 3 - 1 b & c Ha rris,.„ ,.1 I. C arling, b M ills.. , 7 c Macbeth 3 McDonell; b Harris......9 0 Becher 6 Harding, tb Mills . ..0 Run out.... ...... 1 F. Elliot. b Mills 3 b Harris 2 Remin g ton ,run out,.....0 13 Mac 3eth s Eiseett, c Ito s s 0 b Macbeth.............2 Lutz, c Noble .. 0 b macbeth ..... ....0 W. Carling, b Fra rris.„I b Me.cbeth..- ...... ....0 Earneombe.st.Becher.o Not out . .0 Hyneraan,not ont.......0 c Davis 3 Extras 6 Eat ras 13 -- 23 32 Lecture. Conductor Snider lectured in the James. Street Methodist church on Tuesday evg., on "Life on the Rail," or people you meet. The audience was very large, the proceeds amounting to over $60. uch has been told of conductor Snider being a forcible and convincing speaker, and his lecture of Tuesday fully sustains all reperts. He spoke for nearly two hours dealing with railroad history from the time of the manufacture of the first engine until the present -the age of ingenuity, progress, and life. He recited briefly his career off and on the railroad and told many amusing things relative to his experience as a conductor. Conductor Snider is a splendid mimic and personator and the in- troduction of these characteristics lends interest to the lecture. has been ill for some time. is gaining strength. and is on a fair way to recovery. -3. if. Melloberte wee in town on Friday 1o:siting up recruits for his volunteer com- pany. The Exeter empininy are preparing for the camp whieh this year will be held in St, l'honatie.-Mr. end Mrs. Fountain, of Torooto, spent the past week visiting friends in town. -Mrs. James Fensou lett on nionday for Detroit where she will speoil a week. visiting Menden-Mies Josie Perkins is spending a fewweeks in George- town as the pest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev) lluellimmo.-Miss Sadie llawkekaw has re. turned from visiting her eieter in Detroit, -Miss Ferguson, of Clinton, is the guest of Mrs, Chas. Snell. -Mr. Peter Bow- den of Ridgetown, spent a few days of last week in town. -Geo. Southeott returned borne to Toronto en Monday. -Mrs. W. J. Graham. of London, is visiting friends in this neliihborbood.--Mr. and :Alm Thorne are visiting in Toronto, -William Drew spent last week in Bothwell. -Mr. and Mrs. Triek are visiting friends in Godericia-Mr. and Ira. James Creech, of Tilbury Center are spending vacation with friends in Exeter.-Iticherd Henri - eon is visiting his eon, Dr. N. P. 'Harrison, in Detroit.-- ttlessrs. Bert Puke and H. Lambrcok, were delegates from Exeter to the annual Cantonmont of Patriarch Main. nt, in Galt last: week. --Mrs. D. Russell is visiting friends in Kalkaska Mich -Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Smith an spending a few &ye in Toronto. -Miss Mabel Kemp is visiting Mrs. Wm. Pickard, Seaford). - Mrs. Kemp and Master Arthur Kemp left Wednesday for Sherbrooke, Que., to viait frieude.-Ce IL Verity left for Toronto on Friday to take the boat for Quebee.—W. J. Gaudy took tne boat at Sarnia last week for a trip up the lakes. -The following persona left on the Minn Lehorend Excur- sion to ttlanitolm on Tuesday 1Alex Dow, for Douglas ; Rat Kydd, Killarney; Ire Andrews, Virden ; Wm. Kay, Douglaa ; AL Down,Killogney; John Fulton, Port- age!. la Prairie ; Wm Pybvs, Souris ; Jahn ttemer'Virden. -Misses Hattie and CameFitten, 1.1t imSeturcley last for Hamilton, where they intend to speed their boll lays. -Mrs. J. Davis, of Wing - bare, is visiting her pareuta Mr. and Mrs, Pratt Fisher. -Miss Murdock, of Lucan, is the guest of Mrs. R. J. F,acrett.-Misa Sootheott, of London, is visiting friendhi town -Miss M. Norris, of Hensall, spent Sunday with friends here. -Mrs. D. Mc- Leod and theetibthrs, of Parra Ill. who haye been visiting at G. A. K. McLeod's have returned home. -Rev. W. McDonagb, of the Main -at Meth. Church, has been ap- pointed deputy grand chaplain of the orange order, at the meeting in Kingston, -Miss Burritt, of Mitebell, is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Verity. -Mr. and Mrs Wm McKay are visiting friends in Dungannon. Miss Weekes, of Caradoe is visiting at W, D. Weekes.—W. Levett is in Parkhill spending vacation at home.—Mrs James Swenerton, of Niagara was visiting friends in town this week.—Mrs J. P. Ross leaves on Saturday tor a two weeks' visit with friends at Niagara.—Martym Williams, of Ridgetown, is the guest of John Sweet, sr.—Thomas Sweet, of Blyth, is visiting friends in town.—P. Bawden. of Ridge - town, spent last week in town -W. San- ders has been appointed 2nd Lieut. of the Exeter Company of the 33rd Batt. -James Pickard and wife returned Tuesday even- ing after a two weeks' visit in Pert Hope and other places. -J. A. Monroe, B. A,, and wife of Richmond Hill, are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs William Folland. -Miss May Gill is the guest of "Miss Cook, of Hensall. -Miss Alcock, of Alma Mich. is renewing old acquaintances in the neigh- borhood.—Mr and Mrs Robert Fanson, of Seaforth, are spending a few days visiting friends in this neighborhood. -The Misses Gillispie are 'visiting friends in Detroit. - Mrs Goodacre, of Lucan, is spending a few day s with friends in town. -Mrs John Dignan and Master Harvey and Miss 'Haile Dignan have gone to the Grand Bend to camp for two or three weeks, in company with Rev. R, Redmond ano. wife. RICHARD PIMARD..4: .sox 01--M ‘.41:ZI:1\TO- DRESS GOODS Zb PARASOLS GLOVES HOSIERY PRINTS oz$ Q.) czx Within the past few weeks the names of all the streets= which there are buildings have been conspicuously posted at every corner, and the houses, with few excep- tions, have been numbered, so that here- after no difficulty will be experienced in finding any place required, -Mitchell Ad- vocate. The improvement is a good one and should be adopted in Exeter. The voters' lists for the township of Hay are printed. Tho list contains a total of 1,045 voters, 585 of whom are eligible to serve as jurors. The first part contains 917 names; second part 1111 ; third part 16. The lists are posted in conspicuous places throughout the township and all in- terested should examine them to see if their names appear. The Trustees of the Protestant Orphans Home, of London, desire to gratefully acknowledge the very kind donation of shoes and cloth from Mr. John Grigg. Such donations are very thankfully receiv- ed and tend to show the interest taken by outsiders in the furtherance of the excellent work in the above institution. J. H. Grieve not being able to clear out his old stock in time to get away by Aug. let , has released his old stand one door north of E. H. Fish's barber shop, where he will be found showing a larger and better assorted stock than bas been shown in Exeter. coneisting of all the latest nov- elties in fall and winter clothing. Watch for next week's change of advt. THE TIMES was not published last week. Following the custom of the generality of country papers in taking a week's holiday, The TIMES for the first time since the first number, took its holiday. .As an evidence of the popularity of the TIMES, for severed days after usual time of issue, 'are were favored by calls from scores of subscri- _bets who assured us of how they missed the paper, for even one week. . Several matched horse races have taken place on the track here lately. On Wed- needay evening last two horses owned re- spectively by John Gillispie and John Leathern were pitted against each other. Leathern's horse secured two beats, Gillis- pie's one, The race was witnessed by a large crowd of spectators and was quite interesting, the exhibition of horsemanship on th' part of the owners who were drivers, being unique. Ott Saturday evening "Sir Bonner" and a pacer owned by W. White tried conclusions. One heat was trotted Sir Bonner winning by one length. Both horses went well. GINGHAIVIS EMBROIDERIES and MILLINERY A RICHARD PICKA RD & SON Family -.Reunion. On Tuesday evening of last week the residence al W, 11. 'Verity was the scene of a joyous festivity. \\'e refer to the celebration of Mrs. Verity's:55th loirthday. The occasion was improved by the holding of a family re-uition, members of the family being present from different points. There we: o present i -Mrs, Hutten and three children of Winnipeg; Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Sonthcott; :tirs. Rennin and Mr, and Mx'e. Rohn Fountein, Torouto ; Mr, and Mrs. MeV.) Ramsay family, of Londeehoron R. H, Verity, wife and family; W. J. Verity, wife and fatally; T. B. Carling, wife and family; together with the follow- ing iiumarried children : Misses Lizzie EdithMil , lie end (=Pale; Messrs Chas, anc‘ Perey, in all 32. The happy gathering assembled about 7.30 o'clock and after having a photograph taken, all sat down to a %umpteen:5 repent with Mr. and Mrs. Verity at the head of the table, and their sons and daughters end growl children seated .0eng either side. The picture of these seatett at the tAle was a beautiful one and can bo better imagined than des. cribed; and to view the family all in good health was surely a gratifying picture for the parents. Supper over, the remainder of the evening was spent m singing,anuwe- inents and chst. The noteeents reeeited by Mr. and Mrs. Verity were many and of the beat to be •roeured. Mr. and 'dire. Verity have raised a family of 13-9 girls and 4 boys -all of whom are living and whose reverence for their parents could not well be greater. while the love of the father and, mother towards their children is indomitable. Mr and Mt e, Verity are pioneer residents of Exeter 81111 are very highly eateemed. There was a very heavy froat 1. shiny morning. It hurt the tomato vines. 1)r. Wright, of Bayfield, has located in Mitchell, The Recorder is horrified to learn that ho is a Scotch Presbyterian and a Tory. Mr. Joseph Foster, of Stanley, had :mine 15 teeth pulled at onesitting the other day. He dul not take anything to alley the pain- ful operation either. The foot ball match played last evg. be- tween the 'tailors' and 'butchers' resulted in a victory for the former. Score, 1-0. While carving on a granite monument on Tuesday a piece of granite flew into W. D. Weekes' right eye, severely in- juring that member. An A.asembly of the International Fraternal Alliance has been organised here, having some 15 charter members. This Society promises to be one of our strongest institutions on account its ex- cellent benefit advantages. On Saturday last while RobertWebster, WHY WILL IT PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH ? 1E3H0.A.ITSHI We pay CASH and are in a better position to sell cheap than those who buy' on credit, I3M0A.-U-SR; We are situated so we can visit the garket personally every mouth and select such goods as our trade wants. PM:ICA:U-8M We sell our goods on a close margin and satisfy the public they are buying at as low prices as they can be sold in lawful trade; Mrs. (Rey.) Robiusou while at a picnic, at the lake 1st week, by some means got one of her arms poisoned, and is now suf- fering considerably, in consequence. The Ladies' Aid of the Caven Presbyter- ian church will hold their annual social in the skating rink on the evening of Aug. 16th. Fuller particulars later. Canada thistles, oxeyed. daisies and other noxious weeds are growing on some untitl- ed property in town contrary to law, They should be cut before going to seed. A word to the wise should be sufficient. Sam Grigg, of the Grigg hotel, London laving sold out his busiuess, has started preachine. The hotel men are proud of him, and that he has graduated in the righl school to makes, good, honest Teach- er. A practise shoot by members of the Exeter Gun Club on Tuesday evening re- sulted as follows, each man shooting at 12 pigeons : Ed. 13issett, 10; R. J. Eacrett, 9; A. J. Snell, 9; I. Handford, 8; J. Tay- lor, 8. This is a good score. Never in the history of Canada were staple dry goods, boots and shoes, tea and sugar, clothing, wall paper, etc., offered at such low prices as they can be obtained for in Exeter to -day. It will pay intend- ing purchasers to come many miles to Exeter. The dairymaid's social given on W. H• Verity's lawn last week, under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Main street Methodist church was a very successful affair. The grounds were well decorated, illuminated and arranged, while the dairy maids acquittedtthemselves in their vari- ous departments quite creditably. The admission fee was only 10 cts and, the pro- ceeds together with the sale of buttermilk, ice cream, etc amounted to $45. Miss Browning, who, since the closing of the Ontario Ladies' College has been spending her •well-earned holidays in visiting friends in Toronto and the east, has returned home. We . are pleased to reproduce in our columns the following extract regarding our young townswoman from the report of the speech delivered at the opening exercises of that institu- tion by Canada's greatest landscape artist, Prof. L. R. O'Brien'for the past ten years President of the Royal Cana- dian Academy of Artists: " I know " whereof I speak- and 1 know that my " uttera,uces here will not pass unregard• " eel' by my fellow ai t ists of this country, "but I am willing to stake my profes- ".sional reputation upon it when I say " that for., solid, honest work -for real " and substantial advance in true art, "the work of the pupils of the art de- " partment of this. College, is far in ad- " vance of anything done in any other " art school in this province -not ex- " cepting the art schools of 'our. Provin- " cial Capital, Toronto. And I wish foreman of the blecksnntlung 'department " here particularly to mention the work of the Verity foundry, Vali making play " of Miss Browning and. Miss Reynolds, " the merit of which is such that I have " procured their pictures for the Art "Collection to be exhibited during the •' great International Teachers' Convert "tion to he held in Toronto during the "coming month." beams he met with a very severe accident. He had placed a beam under the steam hammer, but in some unaeeonntable way, it began to teeter, and moving suddenly sideways the beam struck him on the left arm,, breaking It at the elbow. Mr. Web. Children Cry for Pitd,er's Castor V ster has gone to London where he will re- . min until able to resume work; IBMC.A.,T.TSM we think one of the best ways to advertise is behind the counter by treating our customers so they will believe, respect and. stay with us. CARLING BROS. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods—all new goods. 0 LADIES ! Call and see Spackman &. Co's. Sateens, Prints and Angola Suitings. All good washers. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroiders', Skirtings Lawns and Delaines, for the hot weather. :0: LADIES! We sell the best 25c. Black Hose in the Dominion, worth 40c, and warranted stainless. Galland see ihem. LADIES Remember we carry 'one of the largest stocks of MILLINERY In the town. Every hat new. No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new styles for spring and summer, E. J. SPACIIMAN & CD Samwell's Block, Exeter. CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings,. Prop Shaving and Hair ontling in thnlatent style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladles' andehildren'sHair The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED BY PA RLIAMEN T ;1855) R st Fund $12.040000,0000 Paid up Capital ... Head °glee, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN TROAIASsEtIo., GRICIRALMAEIGNE MAIMadvanced to goodfarmers on their own " • note with one or more endorsers at 7 per eent per annum. Exeter Branch, Open every lawf ul day,from10 a.za.to 3 p.m SATURDAY S,1.0 a sane a p.m. 4Per0ent.perannure anowedfor money on DepositReeeipts. Savings Bankat 3 per cent: N. DYER ECTIRDON; Sub-Managp/.