HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-6, Page 7TIBIrcat Ind A Word to the People. "Truth is Mighty, and will prevail." HE remarkable effects and most satisfactory results, in every variety Af tTt! disease arisin from isePOn TIES of THE BLOOD, which are experienced and made manifest from day today, by those 1.030faints taken eie NOROP & LYh1AN'S VEGETABLE DISCOVERY, fo e p pro- nounced incurable, are surprising to all. In many of these cases, the persons say their pain and sufferings cannot be expressed, as in cases of $creamia, where apparently the whole body was one mass of corruption. . This celebrated medicine will relieve pain, cleanse and purify the blood, and cure such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health after trying many rem_tlies, and having suffered, for years. is it not conclusive proof that if you are a sufferer you can be cured ? Why is this medicine performing such great cures? It works in the BLOOD, the Circulating Fluid. It eau truly be called the Thegreatsourceof disease originates in the sLOorn and no medicine that does not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate, has any just claim upon public aiteration. When the blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from change of weather or of climate. want of exercise, irregular diet, or from any other caress, NORTHROP & LYMAN'S VEGETABLE DISCOVERY will reuew the Blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and impart f a tone o£ vigor to the whole body. Tho conviction is, in the public mind as well as the medical profession, elate the remedies supplied by the I/EQETABLE KINGD4ra are more safe and more ellu:o- tuat is the cure of Mame than ininerai medicines, The Vegetable Discovery is s pleasant 1 orbs, It i s t to -s n l h bal,_a b roofs r is a ale etre remarkable 'uicoafm s , - t of the i ae l c o. ori ] P fake, rind is perfcotly safe to give an infant. Allow us to oak yen a caaidielwee. tion ;---Do you need it? Do not hesitate to try it. Yon will never regtet it. All drug gists have it for sale, Ma. Jo1,N C. Fox, Olinda, writes :—" Northrop 3M I.yman's'Vegetable Die. covery is giving good satisfaction, Those who have weed it say it has done them inose good than anything they have ever taken.,' iN IT$ WOc ST FORM--bMiss r' raa A. Puswonen, Toronto, writes .-- "1 had Dyspepsia in its worst term for over a year, but after taping three bottles of Northrop & Ly man s Vegetable Discovery, aperfeetcure followed, 1 takragreat pleasure in recommending it to anyone suffering from Dyspepsia. Mit, W. Mayen, Wright, P.Q , lead DYSPEPSIA .Fart TWENTY YEARS. Tried many remedies and doctors, but got no relief. Ilia appetite was very poor, bad a distressing pain in his side and stomach, and gradual wasting away of flesh, when he Beard of and immediately commenced taking Northrop at L.y man's Vegetable Disecvery. The pains have left, and he rejoices in the eujeymeet of excellent health ; in fact be is quite a new man. Sold by all Medicine Dealers at $1.00 per Dottie. LATE BRITISH NEWS A CURIOUS RELIC, funny Incident at Cambridge, " Pink eye" has broken out among the horses of the loth Hussars at York. At the recent literary ladies' dinner in Leedom, tbe toasts were drunk in coffee. A trout caught the other day in a Suther- land loch had made a meal off an adder. An anebovy was eaanatt in the Solway nets recently by one of the Annals fisher- men. A little terrier dog tried to commit suicide in Forfar Looli recently because a boy whipped it. The N eweastle City Council are to confer the freedom of the eity on Mr. Gladstone en the oceasion of his visit to the Tyne in October. It is expected that Mr. Parnell will pay his Glasgow supportersan official visit at Iii)tts to Those 'Who Travel, ""Travellers mustbe content," says Shake- speare, and so they must, but not too con- tent, One cannot expect to take home- comforts with him everywhere ; but, on the other hand, one must not consider all dis- comforts inevitable merely because they are so univesal. Very often the remedies are simple and easily applied. For instance, the worat of these ills, whish, by common consent, is nausea, from the the motion of prevented inthe.. the be entirelyr n h ernes P Y fo llgviu gteay Aa rule the Indian women of Bantle Take a sheet of writing -paper large eeengli are superior to their lords is intelligence bra stomach, and g to cover both the cheat and na , put it on under the clothing, next to the and earn the larger share of t"neer mutual honors, a Lord 'Mayoralty, and ppoosssessing a Welsh university and .a national museum. It is rumored that the Britishgovernment has given apromiseto the Newfoundlandde- legates, who have been two months in Lon- don prosecuting their mission, that no more shall be done with France unless the eoleny consent ; that in the future no other issues than the lobster question will be referred to arbitration without Colonial consent; that all the lobster factory owners will be corn. peraseted in case the decision of the pending arbitration shall go against thein ; and that there shall be established on the French shore at once a court- composed of English and colonial judges to pass upon all issues arising under the treaty. Should the report be confirmed we may expect too see aspeedy termination of the dispute between, the col- ony and the motherland. Meanwhile the French war vessels are acting with a, high hand along the French shore, driving the colonists from the fishing grounds and seiz, ing their nets. When this side of the diffi- culty, which appears es acute as ever, will be settled remains a question. the end of August or the beginning of Sep- tember. A stone cannon ball bas been discovered near Roxburgh Castle. in the bed of the Teviot. It. measures 4? inches in eircum- feren:e and weighs 95 lbs. The natural ca'•e recently discovered near Rumbling Brig, Dollar, was formally "open- ed" to the public a few days ago by the ?coyest s of Dunfermline. Sir William amitl I aa1tliordcn (n i nrintend passine theshooingseason at Go doustou, them plane near Elgin, as A.ltyre, tees let several months :leo. EXETER LUMBER YARD e 1 that he ' in OIl..I3 t The undersigned wishes to inform the Public� <eeps constantly in stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL BUILDINCG MATERIAL D eszed. or Undres ed. PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER. LTX SHINGLES A SPBCZA 00,000 X X and XXX Pine and Cedar Shingles now in stook. A. call solicited and satisfaction guarantod. J1A.UE$ DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM• NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, GROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. MoCOI.IL BROS. & COMPANY TO .ONTO. 1 Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in the following specialties : Laraine) Cy1mder Red Engine OILS Wool Mc1t Cutting Eureka TRY OUR LARDINE MACHINE OIL" AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. For Sale By B1SS.;T'T BROS. Exeter, Ont. is wed both internally and externally. It sots quickly. affording almost Instant relief flrom the severest pain. 1. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. I14STANTANEOUS Int ITS HMO For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHMA, DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Rowel Complaints its effect is magical. It cures in averyshort time... THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLO EVERYWHERE Ar 250. A sorrLa<, 6a" Boware or Counterfeits and Imitations. The authoritlea of the tower o. x,ondon have forwarded to Edinburgh several boxes of old armor, etc„ to be place -1 in the re. stored hall at Edinburgh Castle. Of4,100,1L2 porgies enumerated in the Irl h census only 1703 ileelined to state their religious persuasion.. The potato blight has already made its appearance in several places along the aea- coast in West Cork. A gold watch stolen at the time of the murder of an innkeeper at Glenluce and hie housekeeper eleven years ago. has just been found concealed in a tori wall near Strau- raer. The origin of the are which took place some timeaga at the farm of Raesmill. In- verkeiler, near Arbroath, is stated to have heels the rays of the aura shining on the straw in tete born being (itemised through a flaw in the glass of one of the skylights. A yaehttng innovation was inaugurated the other day, when the Clyde Corinthian Club started races from Hunter's Quay for yachts to be steered by lady member&. Al. though the practice is new to the Clyde, it has beep In vogue for some time in English waters, •sno>snds era Legs'uopuoZ';oeaig psolx0'SSS ion st ssoxops Bili 3I - 'gsoa pus seam mu no legsq eqs pi noel pinogi sse&sgoana }g1 .. ba�•J Xa0�0 y�1o03 it+o 0S• 4 �o`•yoba qa 44 R4$2+6t Qb `>dt(X4°°4 p ,o 1anes`,00N0,. 044aX04 0-- 4fij -%1701- 40.$' b a ab • l 44�ti4 op n`�10°ati e • a0 1 ss0,�ta1' �,0 1,1 "04 *.ao N ou 's FtaroIr,S CC'2I D ETXO 11A ISN: 'fez Stxaxasrrayssg e,avetovxog sv'swsi, ens Selo peznsn miss CASTO1 1 for Infante and Children. `"Ca� torIa#scowelladapted'toehtidrea.thl►t Cwtblaea_r Bloke,encu. Ze Freco eaditsainperiortoanyprescriPt$ort S° Trorns—Vi)isr iti� rF s Pr°,,.4�e known tO me."" IE, /k., rant, AL1?., 1 1 WOrl4s, r.LYeM. gie4y. etait ,a^,.,._..,- "Ig" 1# Ela, Otrfond St., $rcokiyn, if. T. w t blitnOlf rogtl$ zszedicalkc. Tax al4a4CX CoarrA'rr, 773i4sray' Street, ::. Y , Ira, Pone guaranteed-"Witasy a n4 ExPeten sails 141144T67622$46160 270012¢28. $tMXC0123P 4 feetraellhoC 01PEPIT Nur. Tse etsoonatte Itratatta adry rust. Write asAtrasta sasnaTitrats.NRrcersusea. Isranablet WIERR WQM1 I tf.Ial. be batten =fen to Ueitvla nre saurikless 4'rcratrsres—W ruetf'lake ietr Place*. person- If one sheet is not large enough paste the edges of two or three together, for the chest and stomach must be well -cover. ell. Wear the paper thus as lenges yoe ore traveling, and change it every day if your journey is a long one. Those who have tried it sty that it is a perfect defense. In spite of deelaratious to the contrary, it is possible to both lead and write with coin - fort while traveling, if one knows how. Pains lathe head after reading on the care are due to an unusual strain upon the rnuseles of the eye, its fooue being clr.n ;eil almost incessantly ; but with an oceasioual rest the saueclet will not find the work too hard, So try the plan of readinSfor two minutes, and, thea, for five mintues, review- ing what you have read. Butif, meanwhile, you ,viae to look out of the window, let in be the one on the other aide of the ear for to look out of the one next you will require quick local changes as tiring to the eye as; reading. There are two ways of writing on a train. The firat requirea that the paper be laid upon a light board, perhaps eighteen inches square ; one end of this will restin your lap, and the end furthest from you will bo raised a few inches by a cord svhielt passes around the neck. The whole affords a sloping desk which moves with the body and is fairly satisfactory. The simpler and perhaps the better plan is to plata your tablet upon a feather pillow in your lop, when yen will. find that the elasticity of the feathers re- duces the motion to a inlultnttm, anti snakes writing easy. Ono of the lesser discomforts of traveling is the difficulty of standing or svalkiug in a moving train ; yet railroad mon run or walk with porfect ease. The secret lies in allow- ing the body to away with the motion of the extra, the knees being slightly bent, while the feet are at the timo held ready to be braced firmly, if necessary. Those to whom the term " sleeper" is a hollow mockery may profit by the experience of salesmen and others who travel frequently and have the bed made up with the pillow toward the locomotive. Just why this should make sleep easier is not explained, but the plan is highly recommended. If you aro over ru straits for a clean hand. kerchief or two when no 'washerwoman is within easy Call, try this plan. Upon reach - ins your hotel take all your soiled handker- chiefs, wash and rinse them, and spread them out smoothly on the window -panes. Be sure that there are no creases, and that the corners form right angles. When dry and careiully folded no ono could tell that they had notbeen ironed. Heavily embroid- eredhandkerchiefswill not look asamooth as plain ones, but will certainly defy detection across a car aisle. Wether at home or abroad it is always better to treat mourning hand- kerchiefs in this way, as their black borders will not fade so rapidly as when washed as usual. While some workmen were engaged in digging the foundations of some houses wliiolt are being built on the High Street, Dunbar, on the alto of an old house, they discovered . at earthenware pot containing coins. Up examination these proved to be of tato till, of Queen Mary, and are all in perfect concis n. An Engliah gardoncr has (Recovered a way of making edelweiss grow in an ordinary flower pot as well anon the Alpine slopes. Queen Victoria is to have a statue erected to her in Hyde Park while she still lives, if the subscription started by Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar succeeds. While six years ago there wasn t an elec- tric launch on the Thames, sixteen wore counted at the Henley regatta this year, and there aro niflo stations between Kingston and Oxford at which the storage batteries can be replenished. Mr. Butt of Manchester has invented a pneumatic dynamite gun on a different prin. ciple from that of Capt. Zaliasky. Instead of having compressed air in the gun, he fills the rear portion of the projector with com- pressed air and fires it out by its own inter nal force. Sir Willian Gordon -Cumming purchased his lieutenancy and captaincy in the Scots Guards. The money value of these com- missions and the recognized over -regulation price he forfeits on his removal from the Army. - The Queen has for the first time officially sanctioned the use of the words, " May it please your Imperial Majesty," in address ing Her Majesty. Henceforth, therefore, this will be the correct form of addressing the Sovereign. Twenty years ago the road opposite Southampton Municipal Offices was as- phalted to the depth of two inches. ]i'or the first time repairs are now being made upon it. The asphalt has been worn away in the interval to the depth of one inch. According to the -returns of the British Board of Trade for the first six months of this year the exports from Britain to Canals have increased 1Ot per cent. as compared with last year, and 1,he imports in Britain from Canada have increased 14 per cent. A Jew in Loddon is said to be ma:ung 1 lot of money lay lending out a £1000 Bank of England note for s'Vcll weddings, to be exhibited as the gift of the bride's father. A man is sent along to watch the nota, and can bo made very useful at .,the presents table exhibiting the articles. support• lh-ing the older of the two, elle is naturally the head of the house, and is more 'ikal} to thrash her dutiful name than be is to rniense ller, ail the markets where farm products are ' disposed of, she can drive a better bargain than he ; site ca -. tn e<rry as heavy burdeu endure as nutelt manual labor, chess: as ffi:lelt 1 eocoa, and drink as much alcohol. The In - diens have little or no mosey, their itieili- ums of exchange being whatever they may ft raise, or the labor of their hands. They eat when not hungry, drunk when not I thirsty, sleep when not cepy , anywhere and any time when oppartentty o«t'ees, a net the tines of need,' ag they sal". Til majority are Ina state of sel:ii-in- toxication from babyhood to the grave, al- cohol being used on ever* pretext, freely a4 their means will allow, on arasloua of t s t d � latter births, dca li ,ane fess ay+t--flu, l to occUrrieg nearly every day in the year. They are &aria' creatures, and not :at all in• dined to live alone ; hence their houses are u � mid hem als+raya lusts pa, •tat community of t , though numbering not more than half a! dozen, is called an Wanda. In the interior of Bolivia, if an Indian, desire so change his place of residence, he is not allowed to settle in another village until the authorities thereof have looked into his private history, whoa, if the record. is not satisfactory, he nc ordered to maroon, But that seldom happen&, for they are like eats in their attachment to Orme, and will cultivate the Mame bit of poor hand front generation to generation, though barely able to keep body and soul together. ' Free Education in England. The English Free Education bill has pass- ed its third reading in the House cf Lords and now only a -r urs the signature of her Majesty to make it the law of the land. In order to clearly understand the nature of this important measure it is necessary to bear in mind that in England there are two kinds of primary schools voluntary, or those supported and controlled by one or other of the denominations, and board schools which are under the care of the Government. Both kinds are considered by the new law, a fee o; ten shillings per scholar for all children between the ages of five and fourteen being given to each. Practically though not ab- solutely this grant relieves the supporters of voluntary schools from the burden of fee - paying. The annual receipts at present under the system of school pence aggregate about R1,900,000 from an average school at- tendance of 3,63.3,000 while the government B church parade of the Cyclists from all I grant as provided for by the new law spread parts of the surrounding country was held i ores' the average attendan'peof scholars be - one Sundae afternoon recently in 11' inches,; tween the age of five and fourteen will be ter Cathedral. The cyclists, who numbered about £1,600,000; that 1st. instead of being about 700, fuel outside the city, snit pre- called upon to raise £1,900,000 by fees, the seeded in double file to the C.utl.•:,lr:a, I supporters of voluntary schools will need to raise only about £300,000, or not (pito ene- mata' of the former amount. This so nearly realizes the boon of free education for the working classes -tint it is no exaggeration to speak of the schools as being free. 'That the gaestion was a difficult and intricate one to deal with is generally conceded. The promoters of the bill showed their good judgment in not seeking to do away with the voluntary schools. Had they attempted to do so they must have met with opposition not only from those who think that religion. should form an integral part of a child's ordinary daily instruction, ant rat,,., c_,_ headed by Colonel Saville and tee '3th Middlesex, and, after piiirg the machines in the churchyard, walked in pro.:essiou into the' Cathedral, where a special service was held. - A very interesting review of cricket as it is played in English novels has been prepared by a Mr. Christian. Dickens, it seems, niaele absurd errors when he Wrote of cricket. Miss Milford knew a little more. Even the author of " Tom Brown " showed a lack of cricket knowledge, but George Meredith knows all about it, Our esteemed Welsh contdmporary the Westerdi. Mail publishes this interesting announcement regarding the future political development of its own beautiful country. " A movement has recently been set on foot which not improbablywill eventuate on the part of the present Government in a recog- nition of Welsh nationality greater than has ever been .known. Negotiations were opehed with various noblemen and gentlemen, not only of great local influence, but in close touch with the heads of the Government with whom it was found a feeling existed strongly in favor of a scheme which should recognize Wales as definitely as have been ScotlandandIrelandand which would in. volve the raising of a Welsh town: to the rank of a capital town and to thelevel of Edinburgh and Dublin, with fullest civic distress (benevolently to her maid in au- ticipation of a compliment)—" What would yen de if von eould play the piano as well fes I cant'} :laid—" I should take lessons," the thousands who would object to the ex - pease necessary to provide'sohool accommo- dation for the nearly four million scholars, in case the voluntary schools were done away. This, however, was not the object of the government which was to combine the abolition of school fees with the continu- ance of voluntary schools which at present provide nearly two thirds of the school ac- commodation and have cost on an average £5, 7s. per scholar; Ali things considered the government is to be congratulated on the wisdom displayed in the bill and the skill with which. it was carried through. Asker—" I see young Shallerboy wears a mustache now, Did he raise that during his late ocean voyage?" Tasker—" No, but he raised about everthing else," I)_IICEN ()PNCE E Lp 4 it� To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you -wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. Exeter Butcher Shop R•DAVIS1 Butcher a General Dolor -IN 11111 BINDS Y --- EATS -^ EATS Uastomeresupplied. TIIESDAYS, TtiUR DAYS Arlo SATURDAYS at tbn.r residen ORDERSTHE SHOP WI RE GENE PROMPT ATTENT O.1 BMEAD -MAKER'S 50 .SSS S ONE $ ATiSFAOiIEIr NEVER FAILS 0 N FOR 'BALE BY ALL 'DEAI-ERSI ng DO IB°11$ 8Y USING Morse's Indian Root Pills "Har are the Remedy that the I bounteous hand of nature has provided for all diseases arising front WOE 81,100.•-- s, •AAA! OPS e{A��i f Ake a mitre cure rev saw. M i M Y M DG$UO ' ZIV L . cteu r�n 8lCre111a MIA, Lte.,Ui.;FOR SAIL` CY ALL DrALE4$ W• H, COMSTOCK, BROcKY:LI6, tzar. MaR,srmwxe #,r, ;184 acwilAmEStsbT Apenapitetor tnformattou endeb- ptractof tbe la ixi,ibovinsliew to Obtain Patents, CaYee%e Marks, Qeryryrrt1gbta, Mat . Masse MUNN & 40. New Torte. "+ Plso a Remedy for Catarrh is the Zest. Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by iaa1l,50c. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., II S. A. RICORD'S SPECIFIC (rnaoc MAnta acotarcnco ) • .„ Sole Proprietor. ECROl!'IELD $cnoneld's Drug Store, u Er'Sr., Tono5To. The only Sotnody which will per• momently cure Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and allpprivhte diseases, no matter how longstanding. Was lon and successfully used in French and English hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to curd the worst cage. Price,$1 per bottle. / /• ff nEveYp bottle has my sig- nature on the la- bel. None other genuine. Those who have tried o- ther remedies without avail will not be disap- pointedly. this. Mention thispaper It ie a certain and speedy care for Cold in the Hoed andoatarrhis shits iiifei. �+, d`.,,O i i-IIM), CLEANSINO, HEALING. Instant Reliett, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Mew so•csllea disables are simply Symptoms of eats th, such as head. whet artaal guanine, losing. esnia of amen,,c breath, ha nQ and spit. inns8, muses eats. 2 !elina of It bllity, etc. It o� �.r tontine w,.. - any of Neese ' km m toms; your bate colones, said sena time 1s�e ivem warned E15 °t Amy e4 ,amok. bah tote Ooaa in bend remits ft os rr fol. fowea' by um tiosn at4Tagebattb. o leu b pent, 76 loll b d all acurgiareceiptte; price leo tunas and I1,eelty aaaresslog- FULFORD it CO,, (gockvlites Ont. jg, GONE E argue tsornarteerar. For LOOT or r IXUI MaiNEOOD, General and i.'&B- pus D1BILITY, Wellman of Body and Mind, IBo.e• " Errors or L'toernea la Old or Tom,. • OODN1171e,+•-•• ..ou0E liob10 SAS - mow .. mowto°tiarge and ntrongthotT MAll �rv3LOP1tiD Of0ANs&PABTaofBODY• eboolntelynn- fsiltn$ BOMB TBBATU MT—Benefits in a day. Moatoatify from o0 states and roans Oonatrlee. writs them. Boot I:planation aa4 proofs aatlo4 (Reeled) fros. Addroof. ORM MEDICAL 00.. BUFFALO, N. Y