The Exeter Times, 1891-8-6, Page 6salitatissesiesualcamanacomorealeaMmoieleamamenanwasammemecommw "Aug st IVIower„ This is the query per - What is petually tat your little boy's lips.And he is Fox's no worse than the big- ger, older, braider -head- ed boys. Life i5 an intt,:rragatiou point. " That is it far?" we con- tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. $o with this little introduc- ttlry sermon we turn and ask: "What is A.L`GUST IFLO\V) *R POR ?" As easily answered as asked ; It is for Dys- pepsia, yspepsia, It is a special remedy for the Stomach, and Liver. Nothing More than this ; but this brimful. We believe August Plower cures Dyspepsia. We knoll it will. We have reasons for knowing it. Twenty years ago it started iu a small country town. To-dayit has an honored place in every City and country store, possesses one of the largest manu- facturing plants in the country and sells everywhere. Why is this ? The reason is as simple as a ebild's thought. • It is honest, does one thing, and does it right along it cures Dyspepsia. G. G. GREE', Sole hlan'fr,Woadbury, J, INTEROOLONIAL R,A1LWAY OF CANADA, . Thadfreet route between the West and all paiutson the Lower St. Lawrence and/ate des Chalenr,Province of Qucbec; also for New Brunswick,Nera.cotta,Priuce Eduard Cap °Bret°nIidands ,audNewfoundIan dand St. Pierre, Express trains leave 1loutroaland Halifax daily (Sundays exceptedi and ran through without changebeta eelthese point/fin:'S bouts and A:t mimics, r),'itottuou,th express train cars of the In, tereoloniai Railway ore brillientl't.shtad by Oleo trieits and heated ,bv steam from the locometive.thus greatly the"essiug the eons. tort and safetyut travellers. New and elegant atutfer'aloepiug and day etre urernuOushrOuEh expreestrains. Canadian -European Mail and Passenger Route. Pt32engorefor Groat aivita innr the conti- nent by leaving Monti eel on 1Prlday=erlain; will Imo olttsv.ird mail steamer az 11alrfax 4)32 Saturday. The attoasion ofash ipners is directed to the superior faailit ies offered by this route for the transport al don r and general tnerchan- iliso intended turtheEaateirn Provinces and Newfoundland; also forslipmonte of grain mad erode:mint/ rtdoatfor the Erlropoaumar- het. Tickets may be obtained and 1 aform attest about the route; also freight nuit passeugor rates on application to N. WWI:1TM;ItSTJN R 0 t'resternFxoight tt/pa song AAent 951t a aeinilouseElook,Yorlr tit ,Toronto D POTTINGER, (thief Sups:int-ondont. Railway Office, Moncton, :C.I3, Jan Ir t 91 se 000.00 rtyear tan&made by Jebel blot avoln;l roy,N.l.,at nark for us. Ikeda, you may not make as melt. but ria eau tench yooquirkly bow to tam trim ■b to 610 a day st the mut, and mote as you go cn, Both Sexes, on age. irony pertet ',manes, you can c,.mummy at home, pr. iiig t - iug e11 your tlate,or spare Mt mrata c ntyto 1140 work. All is t:aw. Creat t ay SUES for Gary Vorktr. we startar. farniahlnr eterythlnp Will.SPEEDILY lrnn ei 5Altr'1CLLAIta SUE. Address at once, STINSON * aa„ PORTLAND, ID4LI•C. Cures Barns. Cuts, Piles in their worst form Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost Bites, (Chapped Hands and all Skin Diseases. HIRSTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR —Conlin— Lumbage, Sciatica Rheumati,m, Neuralgia Tothnob e, Pains in everyform. 13y all dealers. Wholesale by F. F.Dally &Co, MON can u c mutant out NEW line eraork rapidly end ung or of by those of oither ten,,vnlorali young re old, i1eyd in (bear own lo, do�the u011,er they live,Any one amt the No .10 , Easy r in leaWrn. J0 furnish nmen10, o *11 start you.time 0110,w. You ran devote entirsporo mmn ,an orals your rime I atm work. every worker. It er. Beni:ulely raw ire ruin brings wonderful perwetoenduworkar- Beglnners m earning from *45 to *50 per week and uthe ant, 0104 more after a tittle enFpEES.ce, We ren explain youth. 000- • Rloymentand teach you R1101i. No apace to erp lain here- Full erormadon *11611. TR. LIE cittt.0., 50 WJ*TA, 51.0115. saIra l. mew - le ONE EY -. Writeto* descriptive catalogni Containing testimonials iron. hundreds or people wk0 Nave sawed from 4 to 9 cords daily. 25,000 now 8u10085i fully used. Auenc+v can be had where there is 'vacancy. A New INTENTION for 9;ing saws sent free With each machine; by the use of this tool everybody tau 010 their own saws now and do itbetter tban the greatest expert can without it. Ai ar:ted to all ross•eut saws. Every one who owns a saw should ave One. No duty to pay- Ivo manufacture in Canada. AOour dealer or write ;FOLDING. SA.WING MA. PUIISE Oe., 808 to 811 S. Canal St., Chicago, 111 9 Corr, m MUR2 Runs Easy NO BACKACHE. AI{4THER, PURR l ;XSTE,RL End .rate or ant Heiress, The pleasant village of :doutigIall,, on the sleepy Oise, ilot far from Versailles, is in a ferment of excitement over the finding of Mlle. Annette Gaspard lying dead in her pretty villa bathed in her own blood. .An - nate was 23, and has for several years been her own mistress. Her father, old Antoine Gaspard, was known for miles round as an opulent fanner, whose death, when Annette was only 10, he having been a widower, left his pretty daughter to finish her edu- cation in one of the most fashionably patt'on- ised convents in Paris, the -trustees, hinder the will, de•.iding that only the most skilled instructors eanld put the finishing touches to Annette's education iu view of the large inheritance into which she had just come, After leaving the convent at 20, Ulle. An- nette sat up, under the chaperonage of au elderly relative, to keep house to herself She was young to thus launch out in life, but circumstances seemed to leave her uo alternative. A peculiarity of her disposition was her almost entire disinelination for the society of the opposite sex. Finely developed, enjoying the best of health, A PARING Eula TItIENNE, e r. re. PURE POWDERED iO4% rr 05 PUREST, STRONGEST, NEST. SOfoeningoWi use Disinfecting andoaahundredgother Uses. A. can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. Sold by All Grocers and Drugglete. E. roar. �r�3, i"'. 'Sonoscszan E RRORS OF YOUTH ,'Nervous De• 'o ty, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay, promptly and rarmanently cnrod by cos not tnterfere wit L diet or Mita AOoupat on and fully restores lost vigor and insureenerfect manhood. Price. $1 per box. Sole Proprietor, E. SCBQFIELD, ;3oho- dold'b Drug Store, ELL' STARAT, TORONTO. 4,41s,`.alilZ,.�..i�1,:. LADIES WHO SMOKE .t Queen That Consumes. Forty, Cigarettes a Day, At the recent annual meeting of lady journalists we are told that many of them partook of the fragrant weed at the e uclu- sion of the dinner. This is good proof that the fair sex enjoy a smoke as well as their sterner brethren. Indeed, if any further evidence is required; one has only to take a glance rotind to see the extent to which' smoking among females is carried. Not is only the habit indulged in by the woman of the most blue-blooded aria -j tocracy, but by a vast majority of the Empresses, Queens, and Princesses of the world, who rest in the conviction that life bears amore beautiful aspect when seen through clouds of kaput smoke. Empress Elizabeth of Austria: smokes from thirty to forty Terkish and Russian cigarettes a day, .and it has been for many years her inveterate custom to puff after dinner at a strong Italian eigar—oue of those with s straw running horizontally through it—and which is brought to her with a cup of Turk- ish coffee every evening, already lighted on a «o1d asiver. She states that and more like an English than a Preach suouINI SOOTOES NEE NERVES, woman in her fondness of outdoor sports and that whenever she feels gloomy, a cigar and anausernents, Annette spent few hours oracigaretttewilidomore than anything else in cultivating the poetical audsentimental , toreiselierspirits. Spendingmttchofher time side of her nature, and the novels cf il. iustudiesofaseriousnature—she is a perfect Mauppassant and others of his schoolwould f Greek and Latin scholar—and in writing, have found but few purchasers had the she smokes almost continually whilst thus gublie in general shared Annette s views. engaged. On her writing table are always But Mile. Gaspard was none the less pope• to ba found a large silver box of repousse lair and ec,urted awing to this peduhatity. work filled with cigarettes, a .matchbox of The difficulty of the quest renderedboth carved Chinese jade, and a capacious ash - the rural swains and their Parisian rivals receiver Made of the hoof of a favourite all the more intent on securing the prize, hunter. The Empress cense(' the hoofs of every new enitor beine convinced that al- the mare, whielr was killed several years ago though she might be indifferent to his sea - whilst bunting, to he mounted in silver in in general, she must at ones see his train the form of ash receivers, and gave one to the Em eror, the other constituting always part and parcel of her dressing CASA where• ever at, goes. Almost mechanically does her Majesty light cigarette after cigarette, as she site at seendant merit and manly prowess. Un. fortunately for these theories, the heiress dill not melt, but remained heart whole during the most impassioned out -pouring . Slue entered the present decade with ap. patently no wish for other aocietyr than that ' work in her great writiug room at Gedelle, of the women folk among her neigh. whit'b is fitted up with carved oak panels bourn, But the year 1890 was not far and t lobelin tapestries, the somewhat som- udvenced when chance threw in her way a bre hue of the walls being relieved here and youth who seemed to possess there by trophies of the chase. Anyoue who A rrrt , IAr.1'A>:CINAT1aN has the opportunity of examining closely the for sills. Glas aid. His Hama tins Ncerc, slender whrtehand ot the Imperial lady, will P certainly have noticed afaint yellow stain on and his occupation that of a highly skilled the first and second fingers of the left hand employe at the Government manufactory: of porcelain at Sevres. Wbather it was some caused by the eigavette.But this is assuredly the only deleterious obscure hypnotic influence or other secret effect which may be said tc have resulted power drat none of his rivals possessed, it front her use of tobacco. She still remains soon became evident that the young mould- not only one of the loveliest, but also one of er of ceramics had found the talisman that the most intellectual women of the age, would overcome the heiress' uneonqueredai Tar, t zalttxt air Itrssr.�, fectio►is. But althoughAlulette was interest• lihe•vise one of the vassals of eKingste, cosine, ed it►s ite of had, t 01 and her heart for ala- : smokes in somewhat more indolent, and one parent y touched, the course of true love, if Might sayOriental, fashion. .natretebed on love it was, slid not run amontllly, and ix• 8 understandings that lasted for days, and j the silken cushions of a broad low divan, at even weeks, were of frequent occurrence. The theory of the police and the neighbours is that M. ~cera armed, like his rival, at se- curing the broad acres and golden crowns left by old PereAntoine,but, that in his dis- position, there wore two more powerful ele- ments than his a varLeious propensities— natnely, an insane jealousy and a violence of temper that caused even the stout heart of Annette to quail. Perhaps the fact that she had once capitulated made Annette, marc tolerant iu her commerce with'tho sea ; solace, and spends many an hour reclinntg or perhaps she had become thoroughly weary among the gold embroidered pillows of her of conch, sett dmglittle clouds of smoke upward to the t•eiting, and sipping exquisito tea. nen F.\ACTT\(: LOVER.;r ,Clan latter is brought to her in a service at all events she did not turn an entirely made by the goldsmiths of the 1leccan, who deaf ear to the advances of M. Paul Bon- provide week beside which all the best th.tt duel, the son of a prosperous manufacturer E' urope can furnish appears clumsy, vulgar, of chemicals in the neighbouring town of and inartistic. Nentoise. In fact, the young elan was of (MIMES TT.lnf;ClS.tITE OF ITALY excellent habits, the only sou of a wealthy is anotherof theroyalladies who seesnoharm father, and all their friends advised Mlle. in the use of tobacco. Her .flashing black Gaspard to range herself, escape from her eyes look laughingly through the fragrant anomalous position, and settle down as a clouds of smoke emitted from her mouth, married woman. But she could not bring and she is wont to declare that her cigar - herself to dismiss her procelain-maker, and, ette is more essential to her comfort than to tell the truth, he was not one easily to be anything else in life. Xing Humbert, who disposed of. He knew but little of the is still as much in love with his charming Bonduel episode, but that little was enough consent as on the day when, twenty-two to drive him to frenzy. He took an ear y years ago, he first brought home to the occasion to taunt Mlle. Gaspard with what Royal Palace of Turin the lovely daughter he called her perfidy, and the breach between of the Duke of Genoa, delights in smoking the young people was growing daily wider his cigar in her company, and certainly pre. Beyond this all is mere speculation. All fors that 11e should bb� a allowed to join his that is actually known is the finding of the wife in a past prdafttial cigarette rather than body of the heiress as described. There had be relegated, as are many other husbands, apparently been no struggle, and nothing to a distant smoking -room, and to temper - had been taken except the dead wonali s ary exile from so fair a presence. watch. The police believe that Mlle. Gas- l ewe QUEEN REt;ENT OP SPAIN pard was murdered by M. Seere during a quarrel, but that he wished to convey the impression that she had committed suicide. tiatchina, she follows dreamily with her beautiful dark eyes the rings of blue smoke . that her crimson lips part to send upward t ofI it the perfumed air ler botldai a into o, boudoirwhiielisbecalls her"den," and which, iscopied from one oftheloveticst rooms of the Alhambra, with palms in oloisonne vases,1 raisingtheir green homers against the gor- geous coloured and diapered gold of thej walls. She finds in tiro cigarette her ureetest {foods in Bond, Senator Cullom. who bas shown suck great zeal in trying to take from the Canadian railroads doing business he the United States the privileges they at present enjoy, will not, it may be presumed, feel greatly slated over the decision to which the Trea- sury Department at Washington has come touching the question of consular sealing in the transhipment of goods in bond. A few weeks ago it was reported that Secretary Foster. would soon issue au order that all goods imported into the United States through Canada should be inspected at the frontier, instead of as now, being inspected at the point of transhipment by the United States consul and then being allowed to pass on lmdetained to their destination. This order has not been given ; nor is it likely to be given. It appears that Attor- ney -General Miller has given his opinion that such an order would be.a violation of the treaty of Washington which exists be- tween the two countries ; that the treaty can not be modified by an executive act, or even by legislation ; and .that the only way to divest the citizens of : the Dominion of the rights which have ' vested under the operations of that treaty, . as by a modi- fication of the treaty, which can only be accomplished by the joint actran of the con- tracting tracting parties to it. This opinion bas led to such a modification, of the order as that only dishonest shippers will be annoyed by it. Practically tile former privilege still remains. • • why Can't a Girl Throw a Stone. The difference between a girl's throwing and a boy's is substantially this :—The boy crooks his elbow and reaches back with the upper part of his arm about at right angles with his body and the - fore -arm. at 45 de- grees. The direct act of throwing is accom- plished by bringing., the arm back with a sort of snap,; working every joint from. shoulder to wrist. The girl throws with her whole arm rigid, the boy with his whole arm relaxed. Why,teis marked and, un- mistakable difference exists may be explain- ed by the fact that the clavicle or collar bone in the female anatomv is som, inches longerand set some deglr.' - • t•.1 than in the masculine frame joked, awkward bone interferes 1,x,11 ,,; . lull and ftee"use of the arm. This is the reason why a girl cannot throw a stone. JOHN LABATT'S India Pale Abend XXX Brown Stout Sigbest awards ana aledals for Purity and Beeel- lance at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876; Qanada,1876 ; Auettaila,1877 ; and Paris, Trance, 1878. TESTIMONIALS SELECTED: Prof, BHCroft Public Analyst Toronto, eaye:t ""t and it tibeperfectly soundeontainingno impurities or adulter- atior.e, and can strongly recommend it as perfectly pure end &very suppe_rior malt liquor," John B Edwaras, Professor of Chemistry gfontreal, 8aY01 6,ndthemto be remarkably souni ales, brewed frons puiremalt and haps, Rev .R: J. Ed.Page,I'rofessor of Chemistry. TATA Univer- sity, Quebec, says ,—"I have analyzed the Indian Pale Ale maniaoturedbyJobnLabatt, London,Ontario, and have found it a lightale containing but little alcohol of a deli- cious flavor , and. of a very agreeable taste and superior finality, and compares with the best imported ales. I have also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the game brewery_ which is of esee]lent quality; its gayer is very agreeable; this a tonic more energetic than the above ale for it is a little richer Malcolm', and can be compared advantage- ously with any imported article. ASK YOUR GROCER it'OI% IT Bain by Artificial Means. Should the scheme of Col. Dyrenforth prove feasible we may look for the speedy coming of the time when the clerk of the weather will have less influence than at present, end his caprices be taken less seri- ously to heart. A Washington despatch states that " Col. Dyreuforth, of the Department of Agrietllture, with two assist - ante has Rue to Texas where they will make experiments in the feasibility of pro- ducing ram in arid regions by exploding balloons c' ao'getl with oxygen and hydrogen at a co:isiderable height ii the air, Tests will also be made in exploding dynamite attached to the tails of huge kites, in con- nection with the theory that rain may be produced by the concussion of high explo. sives in mithair," One hardly knows whether to wish for the success of these cxperhnente or not. Certainly it would be a great gain to be able by artificial means to produce rain in arid regions ; but then there is the danger that man in itis time and shortsightedness might be dispos' ed to try the same means in mare humid sections, and where the rainfall, though it does not always suit each person's conveui- ecce, is usually sufficient to meet the re- quirements of vegetation in those regions. Therefore to induce by artificial means greater supplies would very likely overdo the matter. No ; we cannot feel safe in leaving snail power reposed iu man, coned- uted as he is. Better that thilegs remain as they are than to be subject to the whim' of every dissetishetl grumbler, The College Oot,rae. The question is still open, whether a. col- lege course is an advantage or disadvantage to the roan who has not a profession in mind, but who proposes to devote himself l tradeor 1. a cautile situ t medical u r ea to e g, The arguments of those who have ranged themselves against the college training, aid who are usually found among men who consider that the chief end of human en. deavor is the acamnulation of money and are wont to estimate a wee snccese en life by the amount of wealth he bas acquired, do not, appear to weigh much with the young men of our country who each sue. ceeding year aro attending in greater num- bers the various educational institutions throughout our country. That their edu- cation will make thein any less capable as men of affairs few will believe, especially if there ie the right kind of stuff in them. Be- sides it ought never to be lost sight of in this connection that a man must bear with his own company all his life and that there it is of the utmost importance that he should make of himself a coenpaniouable person by both storing his mind and train. Ing his sensibilities. There is divine phile osophy in the statment that a Inan'a life eonsisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. s a greatadvocats of tobacco. She consumes a large quantity of Egyptian cigarettes, and there is nothing that her little "Bubi," his most Catholic Majesty, Sing Alphonso XIIL enjoys more than when his mother permits him to strike a match and apply the flame to the end of her cigarette. When thus en- gaged the little fellow laughs merrily and, indulges in all sorts of antics, lik., the light- hearted little monarch that he is, his dimpled shoulders as yet unburdened by i the cares and anxieties of his lofty' station. The smoking paraphernalia of the ex - Queen Nathalie is of the most elaborates and magnificent description, while the Queen t -'f Roumania, so well known in the literary world under the pseudonym of "Carmen Sylva," is content with a gold cigarette case suspended to her cbatelain. THE COTVTESSE DE PARIS, (the Queen de lure of France) is addicted to mild Havanas of delicious flavour, and her daughter, Jueen Amelia of. Portugal, is a source of considerable fortune to the manu- facturers of Russian cigarettes at Dresden. All the Russian grand duchesses and most of the Imperial archduchesses of Austria, including Marie -Therese, Elizabeth and Clothilde, smoke to their hearts' content and in the most publie manner, and their exam- ple is followed bynearly all royalty. Queen Victoria has an intense horror of smoking, and it is strictly prohibited at WindsorCastle,atBalmoral, and at Osborne. This is, indeed, one of the main reasons why the visits of the Prince of Wales to his august mother are so brief, and so few and far between. For the heir -apparent is so fond of smoking, that he is scarcely ever to be seen for au hour together without a cigar or a cigarette beween his lips, and cannot bear tops for any length of time without it. Referring to the condition of Quebec fi- nances La iVlinerve, the Conservative organ, claims that since the advent of Mr. Mercier to power the annual expenditure of the province has been increased by an average of $1,000,000: a year. Alt butter tabs should be soitkeil in strong saltbrine for two or three d•eys !reeve flack- ing and then filled with bili tee to within one•half inch of the top ; then cover with a cloth and t%' paste of fins silt and water, which should be pressed againePthe tub so as to exclude air iron the butter. Boy (who had lost his waye--" 1, say, mister, how' far it is to Oisinptown Creek?" Man (surlily) --Find but,, I ain't -no city directory." Boy (with. acute emphasis) -- "No, you ain't ; you're a volume on good manners, you are. • During last year Cambridge University matriculated 052 students, A high personage, on visiting a small country place, asked : " How is it that all the children go barefoot in this neighbor. hood ?" " Beg your pardon, sir," exclaimed a woman present, ""They were born so." The London Times summarizes the harvest prospects of the world as follows : In Rus- e= there is a grave deficiency, the peasant- ry are starving, and there is small hope of relief. In India a serious anxiety prevails over a considerable portion of the country. Madras, Rajupatha, and the Paunjale are the worst sufferers. :There is drought in Bengal, and the need of more rain is urgent. Bombay talon promises a good harvest. The American harvest will be good in quality and amount, but with the failure of the Indian and Russian supplies it is of the ut- most importance that the English crop shall not be short. The prospect on the whole is goon. In the chief wheat countries, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, the crop is above the average and in other countries up to the average The harvest will be late and prices high. There is, therefore, a good outlook for the English farmer tobreak te long series of disastrous years. CENTRAL Drug Store A fall stook of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- erg, the hest in the mark- et &IA always rePh. 1rilrnil.. `reci 3' P e,5 oalsltil'. repared at Central Dill; :hare Exeter. C. LUTZ. PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Contains no Alum, Ammonia, LIME, phosphates, or any Iniuriatiete THE KEY TQ HEALTH. THE 1 xETER TIMES. Is publtsnedevery Thursday morn ng,as TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE ,lain-street,nearly opposite Pitton'e Jowotelc, f bmzo,Exeter,Qut„by`JobnWhite it Sous,Pre- nrietors. BATES OR ADVERTLoING irir'atinsertion,eerUue 10 cents. Via cb aubse0nee t i nsertion ,per line a cent.. To Maitre insertion advertisements should li's sentin notlaterthan Wednesday morning OnrJQB PAINTING DEP t,1tTMBNTIs one otthe largest and beat equlppeaiu the County o- liuron,Alt work entrusted to 008 will receive o sr prompt attention; Dees ions NregardIng News- papers. iAuyperson who takot a alp sereaalerlyfr gilt_ the postrollice, whether direeted in his name or anotfcr'e, or whether he has subscribed or mat is rertponsible for payment, 2 If a person orders his paper diaeontinued lie mast pay all arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, and then collect the whole amount. whether the paper is takenfrom the°Alec ornot, 3 In suits torsubscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub ]]shed, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of mites away. t Thecourts have decided that refusing tG tal:onewspaporsorperiodicals front the post* *thee, or removutg and leaving them uncalled r is prima facie evidences of lutcntional fraud. Vnlocits ailthe clogged avenues of the Vowels, Efdneyys and. Liver, carry ingoff gradually without weakening the system, all the imlluritioa and foul haulers of the seeretionsk at the saane time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Riliousneaa, Dya- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropag, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, lalutterfn�g of the Heart, Nervousness, and clen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield of e happy became of BB BLOOD BITTERS. =DUNE k CO., Praprletors. Toronto. How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new editio of Dr. Cnivero well's Celebrated Essay on ho radical cure of SPsRItAToaRseiA or incapacity induced by excess or early Indiscretion. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmingconsequences of self- abuse may be radically cure; pointing out a mode of cure at oneo simple, certain and effectual, by means of which overy sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may Duro himself cheaply, pr vately and radically. tt� Thisleeturo should be in the hands of every youth and every mania the land Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt et four cents, or tw postage, tamps. Samples of Meiiolno free. Addrea THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York ab Oti.e Box 450 4686.1 Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, whoinhis Folly and ignoranoe hos Trl'' tledl away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, caueing exhausting drains tine Fountains of Life. Headache, Dreadinl Dreaavi, Weaknesnpors aokaohe, t Memory. Bashfulness ie Society.. Pimples upon the Faoe and all the Effectr. ,actin t0 6 E riyy [leen sumpllan r It'9eanity Rill Sud in ourr epooiito No. 28 e loeitive Cure. Yt imparts Youthful Igor reatoros the Vital Powet in old ani sung strenythena and invtgoratea the Eralr i d ldorvee build■ ap the rnusoular aysten nd arousoa ibto action the whole physics energy of the human frame. With our epoch to.23the moat obstinate ossa can be cured 1 ea months, and recent ones in lees than thin, Says. Eaoh packe�e contains two weeks tl o: mont. Price 9i5. 4urea Guaranteed. aur ilio No. 24 is an pal* Cure for all Pt'h' df ®castes no matter of how long at ng. sola under oar written Cuarant ,: ,eOoSeot..Toronto. a til. re, Ont. 1'rioe *5. TerTerm"111edb. LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION ''"ILL Fac superior to Ergot, Tansy, PerrIvr-e-, .oxide. Endorsed by the thottanni.• who Iso them MONTHLY, Never •A lh'1 in. iNSJRE, REGULARITY 1 !e .-. V10001111. 0111'. Price. 52. Tnrcntr' v, • or, n- •. r.•+• CURE Sick Headache anti re) eve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of Use system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. arowslness, Distress atter eating Pain in the Side, fie, While their most remarkable success bas been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CARmsn'e I.1T'rl.e levee Puns are equally valuable in Constipation, est • g and prevelntingthis annoy!ngcompe1h,laint,► lle they also correct all disorders of the stein annulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEDt> t: Ache they would be almost priceless to Moser who suttee from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not encs here, and those who once try them willind these little pills valuable in so many ways hat they will not be twilling to do without th m, But after all sick head is the bane of so many lives that here is where we snake our great boast, Our pills euro it while others do not CArsra'9 LITTLE Ltvra Plias are very small and very easy to tairo. One or two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall. CARTES IIEDICIl=E CO., New York,( hall Pell Small Dago. Small Mt THE I�y Is> e..: EXETER TIIYIES dREE AN3 WORM ACAdER_ SC Aro pleasant to tape. Contain their owdt - s'nr^.tiro. Is a safe, Euro, and cffectrzl SE�i pp��� In stamps [simpl1yy as a ! 7I u C: guarantee ofgood faith] to us, and we will send you by express, C.U.D. this elegant watchwhiob. you can examine, and if you do not and it all andevonmore than we. T claim fITor iTAKE , but if perfectly sat- isfactory, the Express.&gent.Opay(UR SPECIAL CUT-PRICE DF 55.35 and take the watch. Such a ohance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridien Ionsly low price is seldom if ever be. foreisa gen, o kereduine C, Thir- FILLED WATCH,m Iry of 2 plates of $ c' (LOCOon ovmeretal com, tiit h ti solid bow, and crown, hunting case,beautifullyen. graved and is dust- proof. The works are Waltham style, richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is regulated and we warrant itan accurate time- keeper. regulated, dries: suitable Eor either a lady or gontleman. A guarantee is sent with each `watch. Address OEO. VIl. WYATT & 'CO., Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. SEND US $IFM and a slip of paper the. ■ size of your finger, and;, we will send you postpaid this elegant • _ ELDORADO DiAMOND SOLID COLD FILLED RINO These rings are now worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best. society, and have the same appearance as a ring costing $25.10. We. guarantee aperfect flt: and satisfaction. Adddre'ss lino. W,: Wyatt & Coe, 3t?-.velieis Peterborough, Ont.