HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-6, Page 5Condensed News. (Continued from page 4,) have sold out the entire stook and good -will of the wine and liquor branch of their bud, Bess to the well-known wine firm of Messrs J. 8. Hamilton h Co. ot Brantford. The Forest .High School Board has en- gaged J, C. Hutchison, of Fordwioh,Huron County, as assistant teacher, in place of Mr Hamilton, who resigned, The new teacher will get a salary of $600 per year. London's bonne of 0100,000, granted to the Loudon, Huron & Brace railway, has bon paid off, the Consolidation aot having ) esn availed of in retiring the debentures thereon. which tell due on the 14th inet The city'a debt is therefore 3100,000 less. 1The F. C. 'C. Club, et Loudon, has issued invitations for the annual tour to Goderioii• Avg. 16, 16 and 17. They go via Exeter, Varna, Brumfield and Bayfield, returning through Clinton, Holmesviile, Seaforth, Dahlin, A4itebell, Sebriugyille and Stratford. A boat will likely beprovided for a trip from (ioderielt to Sarnia. The; ',nation of $1,0G0 made by Mr, Tim, Barri, of McGillivray, to the R. C. church at Mt Carmel has been put to use in the purchase of altars and bell for the church. On Angnat 30th Bishop O'Conner will bless the new altars b the horning, atter which Solemn high mass wilt be snug by the Very Rev,. Dean Murphy, ot Iriehtotirn, H1s Lei4lahip will confirm about fifty children. At four pan. the Bishop will again appear to bless a new bell. TLC bell will cost 30O and weigh 200d lbs,while the altera will coat OM The "lecoratioits of jte nUare will goat over $200. Tnesiav afternoon Geo. Atken, of Bath - Inst •eat, Loddon. and driver of a pop wagon ler 3. Tune it; Sons, and who is well known in Exeter, drove up to MSeCali'ahotel Lump, and after a short 13eneral conversation, and Vie transaction of a few business matters, t`Qid the proprietor of the hotel to have Me team cared fee for the present, as he was going to Forest on the train, and would re- turn that eveui-g. Aiken did geton a train at the Leman station. but further trace of Mtn cannot he obtained, Aiken baa since written a letter to his mother, and says he did not intend coming honed again, and although it was a hard etrugele to leave his Mettier, he couaidered it beet "Loader the clrenivatal es." What the "Cometataueea"' are, iitir. `enealua a mystery PBBT11, 11Stava and faruace coat is being solo in Stratford at 34.70 per ton, ;lir. e.'t. W. 13414, of St. Marga. has dia.. pcaed-el bia farm, ;lot 1E, 8.13. Blauebard, to Mr. Ed. Coilfue, 'Broils Mr. llugh ;pestle, of the 101heon., Ilib'tert.wee busily cupped with the binder, Lis°Load got caught ire;.he machine and out trff part of his thumb. :'"t the I'aistowel cheese market last week, *bout 10,000 boxes °:•cheese were sold, all lettered being taken. This represented over '3500.0 in harts ea*. On Monday the Robson -Sperling Co., `:orwarded from St Karp six carloads prime "at cattle to the ,Gid Country markets. 'Average weigbtper llead,11001bv. Amount ';laid to farmers, rengiug in the neighbor - head of $0000. BABY Was Stcx,.-My baby Was very siek with diarrhoea and atter everythiug else cad failed I ttied0r. , Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry:; the first doss gave relief. and a perfect rare soon resulted." --Mrs.. John (s. rk, Bloomfield, Ont. On Monday vrhile ?Zr. Andrew Forrester, of Mitchell, waa'eiorking in ouo of his barna' he was buried ibeneath several hundred: pounds of preened fax, which rolled on top' of blur When' reached he was almost ex- pired. Ces Nor 0ogeara,--\lien Maud Grant,. of Mountain, Gut., writes : "I can room.: mond Ar. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-• berry for summer complaints anddliarrhoea. There is noticing to compete with it As it, ,3uceeoda in the severest oases." Thos. Geary, of Hibbert, niet with n painful accidett by which three of his: fingers were kttdly injured, ono el thorn' having the fleet/ torn from the bone. •Elie' hand got oanget in a pully while:unning =tt pateut hay elevator. The to.va,eouncil voted 525 is pay wit- nesses fees inaonneotion with the ,cont od. revision. Mec.'Wilson rendered ria amount for the modesty(?) sum of 540, bet we believe it bac gime eon reduced to .025. Mr, Idingtoa's account will likely rap_ from 00 to $75. As elm debts have been illegally incurred Ali. 'White has iustrneted Mr. Mc- Pherson. ae seen as the montes ere all paid, to ane the eaembera of the council, holding each one personally reaponeiblo ler his share of the outlay -Mitchell Advocate. They have O3iscovered it! "Mise'l" Mtn Ore, which is wrxranted to care Oiliphtheiia,? or any Throat trouble, Dyspepsia.orFemale Weakneasee. Sat up by the VitauGre Com.;, puny, Box 8.9, Belleville.-ag6m3• BORN. ?IOORE-In Ecsetor, on the 25th mot„ the, wife of Sohn M. -sore, a so a. AMOS-In Elxeter,.on the 25th uit , it a vire' ' BRINTNET.L--ltn:Piseter, on 23rd a8itt.•. the- wife of Jaynes Brintnill, a son. ' WALPER-In Exeter North. on the25tholt ,' the wife ofMr:E,evi Walper,a son. j :MONEY -At Rieleton. on the 27th nit..the 1 wife of O. L. money, a daughter :MoTAGUART-In ZJso^rne, on the tad wife of Ptter 110 aggart, n daughter. 133 E RRY-In Tuckarsmi th, on the 23rd ult.iAro i' wife of Arr. Jauae 113erry, a son. ;TODD --Th Clinton.on August 2nd. the wiifeaf A.M. Todd, o: The News -Record, a eon, of Dr.T. A.Amc e, a daughter, DIED • g,tti,TER-In Osborne,, cn the eat inst.. Richard 'Mater, aged 73 years,? xsli W.i--Ia Hallett, on J'iily 30, James own,.agod 77 plane. 5' months and 29 ,. Y-InTuckersmitheeth con, on August -nd; Mary Ellen, wife ,of Mr, Jas, Berry, aged 28 years and 2 days„ MA.RRIEO. E,LIZBB1dAN-JAOQUI2S-Ina Mitchell, on the ,28thuult., oy the Rev M. Mr. August Elizormeu. Logan, to Jane, sea pail daughter of Mr. John Jacques, Mitdiel1. . KELLY-33R0VVN-At the ,residence of the bride's parents, 12th con Bullet, en the 5th inst„ Mr- Henx} W.Iielly, of Blyth, to Miss; Ag3ie, daughter! of Mr. Jo'iu Brown, WARE-SHERIDAN-AtSt:Patr elrschurch Biddlulph, on the 21st nit„ by tee Rev. 1+'ntner Got nelly, Mr.Williani Ward, to Mise Mary Sheridan, all of'Lucan. IR(iNSIDE-WESTMAN-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 22nd ult., by the Re v Mr . tiros n, of Granton, Ur. Alt. Irouside, to Mise Eva Weetmao, all of iddulph. ROBINSON-1WTY.,•AtP1trilby church. atit- ehell on the 22nd uttt, by •Rev,. A. D. � 'Dowd' Bey, L A. Robin',soa, Esq.. of the Merchants' Bauk, Brandon, Manitobai to Neenah RE bud Maunder, fourth daugh- tei 01 the late t'oljamp QWty, "Royston," Fullerton, `REATxalcrAoller Mills, SH,rvs Clearing Sala J. H. GREIVE Is going out of busines, and his immense stock of Fine Tweeds & Worsteds must be sold at once regardless of cost, Now is the time to buy cheap Sults or Cloth by the yd. Note prices: Scotch Tweed Suits for $11; worth $16. Fine Worsteds for $14 ; worth;$20. Fine a'! -wool Tweeds at 40e. per yard. `Illus is no shoddy goods sale, as the stock is NEW GOODS and the best patterns. Remember we guarantee a sure At or no sale" Call and fnsiedr our Stook J, H.�.+F R I E V E. pIANO TUNING. W. A. 3w+'etran (Piano tuner) fie iii town this week. and will he at regular intervals to future, Mr. Sweesnianl orsid a number of pinnas in Exeter last winter that will be - emetic hie ability. Ho ale° holds; credentials frontloading piano dealers, L,oavQ ordere early etttiosee jewclet.'latoe°. FA.Rtl1 FOR SALE, lice auderai(,nedoffers to rent on reason. able terms, lottl,couLtovnship of Iiiddulpll frontfrg on Landon road, 0 miles south of Exeter. one lieedred gore% of land. There are on the prclntses moil frame house and hem. awl geed wells °!water. The teras fa to °good, xteteof cultivation. For terIOS, etc apply to Perrueu G LAVIN. cul. p.• 1i.bira F01 North half °Clot 4, north boundary of Step- iien,wll denied with gaol buildings and good franc inose, wall feneedand drainoi, fares in Aral-classcondition • also west halt of lot 0, north boundary of Stephen, with about fifteen .ores goal hardwood bush - tho rest of which to aoc4i gesture lands, well fenced and good water supply: these properties are eitunted i} miles from Exeter. Terms reasonable and immediate emersion. h'urtuur eartioulars on application to Jona Sweet', . ti lsae-1 m, Exeter: FOR SAL.'', A Two $ torey BRIM DIVE"r.I,INtl HOUSE. situated on Mill-st directly rest of tho Presby- terian church, Exeter: together with three. qa irtore 0f an ner0 0f land tlydt Oia,s fratllo stable and driving house. Tainted ;splendid orchard of oleoie° young fruit bearing trees, with an abundance of amali fruits ; good well and cistern. Will be sold bhee.p on terms to `suit purchaser. Possession given any time °Furtieer IlartiettIar,1 on application to M. application dly 1& mI 0n the promises, WesternFair LONDON. September 17th to 260, 1801 DIARI►ET REPORTS. Wheat , , $1,02to $1.05 per bush OUR SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 75 " do Logy Grade .. 2 00 Bind ,.. 90c, Middlings , , . , 1 00o. Screening 1. 00c. Chop .. .S1 20 to 1 30 CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stook, Agricultural, Industrial and .Art Exhibition i i:9TABLIS Eo 1808. LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS ANIS a ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR. 1890 was good, but 1891 will bo better. $25,000 IN Y.ItIZES Attractions, etc., whish aro being arranged for, will surpase nuy yet produced. Special Excursion Rates on all Railways. Entries close September 12th. For Priao Lists and informative apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, TILOS. A, BROWNS President. Secretary. Exeter Packing House James -sit., Exeter. We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store-keepeos of Exeter and ssesrounding countaey that we have on ,band a good sup- ply of SUGAR CURED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BA4COi'I, BACKS and Sl[aEs ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. We also keep at the Main Street Meath Merket a good suppliy,of first-class MESH & CORNED ISEEF, MUTTON, LAMB. VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, ,n.seseon. BOLOGNA And SAUSAGE. -- CASH. PAID Gl°CIR HOGS. SNELL BROS. & CO. 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT —OF— Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, etc.,. —B Y— VP. B113130. t 44 44 44 Chop stone running every day. "TERMS 04511. TILE EXETER DIILLING Coy. MARKET REPORTS. EXETER RedWbeet Spxiug Wr4aat .,. Baxley Oats Clow er Seed Tiutonby Peas Corn gags Rutter .,, Flourperbbt Patataoa,per imbed APl'les,per peg Drieddppleepr b Geese per lb. Turkey porn) Ducks ear lb Chio'keneperpr Ho,^seiressedperl(0 Reef ... Eidesrough, dressed Sleekest -One °nett Calfsl:lne Wool per lb B'ayperton Ouionsnerbuah� W0odeeroord 1.0 0.0 010 011 11.0 014 11111 200. AT;1IAUT8 010 000 • 90 io p;, 99 to g5. ea e, se 40 to .t3 4to) to#70 1 4+1 to 1 4e 15ito re 0 40 tq 5a 13 to l3 10te9el tt0 to 5 1;, 50 to 0 51 100t0100 o Ato0G0 0 C5to0o6 (7 to t'8 0 tO to 0 07 025 to 030 040 to023 400 to0,W#, 4(0to4:.Q ,09to1125' 060 to i0 O';4 to 0 as 113 to019 R G toil (M! 050 to 050 2e0to2o0 $ Pail Wheat....................„ 9e 95 Spring Wheet ............................. ... 90 95 Barmy 0 4044 Clover Seed 3 ,G 4 25 Timothy ...................... 1 25 2 se Pees 0 03 0 To Eggs. .:........................a ata Butter 14 0 14 Potato** per bag 30 35 Apples per bush 050 \l aolper lb 18 0 19 Eayperton 8 50 900 Bran per ton 14 Ota 14 CO Shorts 0. •, a a tweet per bbl,. , gogs,dresse,l per re.. 5 OO to 5 25 .... ......... 20 00 20 00 0 00 i 00 LONDON. wheat. 93 to 93 per bus. Oats, 44e to 40c por bus. Poaa.72e to 75e per bus. Ilar- leo,lo 43s peri to Gporn' bus. Baehr toll a pe x. bushel, �_ TOP"0NT0. Toronto. Aug, 4 -Wheat Syrian --No. 2. 97o to9Se par bus; red winter.No 2, l G2 to 102 per bus. Manitoba No 2 hard,1 bl to l 07 No. 3, 94o to 95e ; PEAS leo to Tito por bus. OATS Plc to 47e per bus. FLOUR. extra, $3 85 to 93.91 strong bakers,484,e0 tht 4 roller.. BARLEY, No I, TUE GREAT FEMALE MxptciNr•.—Tile 19110 tional irregularities peculiar to the weaker sex, aro invariably corrected without pain or inconvenience, by the use of Dr Morse's Indian Root fills. They are the safest and surest medicine for all the diseases in Mental to females o! all ages, and the more especially so in this climate. Ladies who wish to enjoy Itealt ', ahoald always have these Pills. No one who ever uses them once will allow herself to bo without them. Dr Morse's Indian Boot Pills are sold by all Medicine Dealers. When Bay was sick, we gave her Cestoria. When shelves a Child, she cried for Castoria. When sho -became Miss, she 'clung to Castoria When shelled Children, oho gavethem eastorfa. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If yoit'will send us your address. wo will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Tor. Dye's Celebrated Elootre-Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and theiroilarming effeots upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they willequickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pumelhlet free. If you aro thus afflicted wo will send you illicit and Appliances on a trial. VOLTAIC BRLT CO.. Marshall, Mich. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old.pishysician retired from Pre ctico,hav ing had Owed in his hande•by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy -for the speedy and perma.nentcure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asibma and all throatand lung affections, also a positive and radical euro for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wondorfal curative powers ,in thousands of cases,bas,felt it bis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated'by this motive. and a desire to releive human.suffering,I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe in Gelman, French or English, with full directions for preparing an4 using. Sent by mail by addressing with -stamp, naming this paper,'W. A. NOYES, 820. -Powers' Block Rea ester..N. Y. For Over Fifty Years. MRs. WrNstaw's SOOTHING Svune has been used by millions of mothers for tbeir children while teething. If disturbed;at night and 'broken of yourlrest by a sick child suffering :and crying with Bain of cutting teeth send at .once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for ohitdron teething. It will relieve thepoor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers', there is no misteke about it. It cures Diarhoen, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, euros Wind Colic. softens the gums, roducoe Inflammation, and gives tomo and energy to the whole. system. "airs. Winslow'sSoothing8yrup"for children teeth- ing s pleasant to the taste and is tbeapreserip- tion•of ono of the eldest and best ,female physicians and nurses in the Hutted States Pries. 25 cents n bottle. Sold by all druggists. throughout the world. Be sure and arae for Mas WINS SOV 50(T WHIG SYR C P." Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN, R 9 €N4 Wo have eunstantly on hand a largo display -or the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL .INSTRUMENTS.. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low ps can bt hadat the manufactories. see our stock respectfully ie ass fine'as will be found iu any city musiccstoro- .e.s.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural imple CM STAND :-Fansou's Block, Exeter: Flower, Field 2 D--- Garden Seeds FARMER BROS JTJLY DItIVLS Milliners At Halt Price. L:attiea' Rid Boots ..$L25 Ladies' Sllppers 2:i Heavy Flannelettes,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 'Muslin 4 Shirting ,., (i Print, 10004004.....,.0.00,.,,,. 5 Dress Goods i Tine Suits to Order . . . . . 13.00 Cott+aaades, 12e, and up. —SUGAR AT CUST,— tlltoiee (Groceries and Pure Spice - Cheap, Wo give highest price for butter and eggs, DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. NEWT Sprin Gcood4g New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Skirtings. Cottons, Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. HURRAH! . NEW Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS.. FOR 30 DAYS Cheap Binder Twino: Com loon Sense, 9c. Composite, 9c. Crown, lle Red.Cap, 12c, 'Famous Blue Ribbon, 14e. JAS. N. HOWARD, W. Ii. MOND, Propr:etcr. Manager. • 1.1.4 The acoompaning .cut repre- sents the famous Crediton Road Cart,' manufactured by Wm, 11 Wenzel and Israel Smith, Credi- ton, Ont. 4 iThis .cart has now been in the market for about two years and has met with great success. The manufacturers claim that it is the best cart int knfactured, bout as regards convtl;ience and durabil- ity. They have dozens of testi- monials from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms at then. The 'orkmapsbip mllsl material employed in their COO - Tem o Enxzorr CART. etruction can not be surpassed. and the price_is as lo was is consistent therewith. A glance at the cut will show the reader afew advantages this cart has over all others, viz .-The easy. mode of getting in and out; the absence of springs or bars which bring the rider's weight on the ahafte so as to sag them ; the convenience of carrying a robe or rues in cold or stormy weath- er. These carts are manufaetured for one or two persons, and finished to suit the pur- chaser. Gears furnished to the trade. Mr Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Etc., and does nil kintle of repairing in these lines. Mr Smith runs a 11 st-class general blacksmith shop, and guarantees to give satisfac- tion in all kinds of new work, repairing, horseshocing, etc., ete, to which he gives lite personal attention. See circulars for further particulars concerning road cart. W. IL WEA ZEL,) Crediton. Out. „ISRAEL SMITH,i BISSETTB.ROS. O THE PRO ' • The cheapest plao in town to by Builders' Hardware, Naris, Hines, Locks, Class, Put:,y, Paints and. Oils. New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Urinul Paints -Showy Colors. New lines c f iists' Paints and Brushes, Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black and Galvanized Wires cheap f.A. Cash, Tinware Stock Complete. -- Eavetroughiug a Specialty New Rayilaor4t1 Sewing liachincs and Needles. GIVE US A CALL, SZVT 1310$ SET ¥OiiT iz Eavetroughing DONE: SY WILL FOLLAND. CLERK'S NOTICE OF THE 1 FIRST POSTING 01' VOTERS' LISTS. Voters' Lists. 1891. Municipality of the VIL LAGE OF EXETER, County of Huron. No- tice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3rd and 4th sections of"The Voters' List Act",the copies required by said section to bo so trans- mitted or delivered of the list mado pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said munici- pality to be entitled to vote in said municipal- ity at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office in Exeter, on the 21st day of July 1891, and re- mains therefor inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list,and if any omiss- ions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have tho said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 21st day M. EACRRTT. of July, 1891. Clerk of Municipality !ai1iniI1 TEM BEST YET ! TELE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Best Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders ea•ly, f or with. the best staff of Tailors ; the 'Lest stook of Fine "Trimmings and the best Cutting in Town, yea ate sure of Wishes - tion G Whizz Did you see our stock of FINE MOOTS and SHOES That we have put in the store one door south of the Post Office? Now it is worth your while to give us a look. We will show you through. We have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and Gents` Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they aro right as far as wear and value Roes. If you want a real nice shoo, something that it is a pleasure to wear, Dome up and see ours. Besides our fine line we also carry a large and well assorted stook of Boys' and Misses' Shoes for school wear. also Mon's Working Shues and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN 1N PRICE. All our goods are guaranteed good, and as we - wish to build up a TRADE and KEEP IT, we are selling CHEAP for CASH. Children's, Misses' and .adios' Too Slippers and Oxford Ties for hemmer in all the new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a eel. You are welcome. GEO. MANSON, DO YOU RANT TO BUY FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAD." GOODS- -ARE OODS--ARE USUALLY SoLn--. -THEN GALL AT-. GI L Y'S -ONLY FIRST -(,LASS - Reliable Good At Prices Lower that so -e,: led Cheap Houses can giz ill all Undertaking , b Branches. • S. GIDLEy Af s =' (Successor to C. & S. Gidley) - 0DEFELGOWS' f3LOr