HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-8-6, Page 4Established• 1877.
23... S. CYNEXIi,
Traniseete a6aIbagbulze55.
Receives the aecounta of merchants and
titers on f exorable t ernas.
Offers every amenamodatio ee onsieten *with
riveper gent lutereet allowed on elepesita
Draftsissueapaeable at eny dace of the
'Ott esvttv
4t th, 1S91.
Me fernier whe saved itis oats, in the
hope that nriees weuld go higher arid
higher, now limit thet enowing O.Way is
not always Frac:table. It h elways hest
to sell when a tie aerate price can be &ne-
* *
Tbe =tiers in regard to the amalga-
m:46 ,n of the Grand Trunk and Cana-
dian 1).1,4:1,.. reilwaya nib's% as
Z14 re spezuletion on the part of those
who are given VA aurripingat 4:oriole:shins.
A tradie arrangement rely be entered.
into, 'bemuse at would be mutually
benetivial, but the Canadian Pacilte,
having the finest raileav syetem in the
world, would hes eht tat gala by f eaten
with 440 Grand Trunk., winch parallels
t though a great portion a Canada.
* * *
In Canada and the United States July
of this year wee vender than that month
bad ever been since the establishment
srf meteorological asthma. In Northern
Canada on several eceasione there wa
considerable frost, but nownerei t
Dominion WaS the weether so unseasen
able al at I,Viscaaset, Maine, one day
last week when the by iedulged in the
uneeeseneble pastime of ailiding down
bine and snowballing.. There was a big
fall offt hailatones,
No young man altould heeiteteto he
put on the voters' list from the feer that
he may be thxed on his ineome, if it is
under $704 pm -annum. All income up
to that amount is exempt trom taxetion
under the Stattite44 Ontario. Anyone
who is of the age of 21 years, and earn-
ing -9-30111a year may vote, and not have
to pay one cent. By the passage of the
act amending the Dominion Franchise
.tet, which received the assent of the
Governor Gene/ars representative Fri-
darsafterntosnoThe time for closing the
preliminary lists has been extended to
Aueoust 1ith when the first list will be
t• 3: t
The Canadian immigration returue for
the half year ended June 30th, show a
total arrival of immigrants by rail and
water routes of 14,244 as against 13,311
for tho same period last year. They
brought with them into the coonny in
all 6106,400, or an average of about .$200
per family of five. Certainly Oil is not
a very large amount to begin life with
in a new country. ..A.nd yet if properly
husbanded and. judiciously invested it
will ease the start considerably. It does
at any rate place its possessor at a long
remove from the pauper immigrant who
is tnving the U. S. so much anxiety and
• + +
+ 4+
The Government is safe, and be
Liberals, whose hopes of office reached
the eulminatine noint whets tine etniejtain
was laid in his coffin, are to -day crushed
beneath the weight of the Conservative
majority-. The majority, recorded at
daybreak Thursday morning, was 26.
The division taken was on the trade
question. It was on a tesotution moved
by Sir Richard Cartwright approving
the principle of unrestricted reciprocity
with the United States. It was on thia
issue that the last election was fought,
and it was oii this issue the Liberals
were hoping to carry the by elections.
If they could not defeat the Government
in the Rouse on this question they can-
not defeat it on any question. There-
fore, the stability of the Abbott Cabinet
for this session may be censidered as-
sured, and, safe now, it is safe for five
have been contending for aud. yet so
good a aulastitute that i; will require
•considerable genius to show that the new
measare is not aa desirable as the old.
The Chief -Secretary has announeed that
a bill will be introduced next session
providing for A local government for
Ireland similar to that which. England
and Scotland now enjoy,
Shipments of "stocker" cattle to the
old country are now proceeding. Ad-
vices received from the north are to tbe
effect that prices are poor, oivizIg toalim
demand, and that the consignees of
cattle to Aberdeen, per the Cremona,
lost from $3 to .,%." a bead. Thia is not
a very satisfactory report, laut it supports
the latest deelaration of ex -Ad, Frank-
land, of Toronto, who contends that the
Canadian farmer can make more motley
by feeding his cattle himself.
t t t
To those who cherish feelings of geed
will towards the Motherland -and who
of Canadians sloes not ?-it must be a
gratifying' thought that the trade between
Canada and Britain is eteadily increasing.
According to English advices, the ens
ports frien Canaia to Britain during the
half year endithig June 3Otli, amounted
to 4.1.791,i1011 which Ives an ineteene of
4.:223,o71;;, or 14 per cent. over that of
eorrespendieg period of 189(1. On
the eller band the amount imported by
da. was 4241lio. Wei was great-
er by 4227,757, or 10 per cent., than
of the tirst eix months of last year.
ea lens will hesitate longbertire adopt-
!' any pelhey tint will interfere with
his trade, or will place the Britialt man-
ufacturer at 4 dieaelvantge as compared
with these of other foreign nations,
The refurin press is attempting to
make eonsiderible capital out of the fact
Chat Sir, John Mac,Ioredd died poeeees-
ing a quantity o lilek, in the Canadian
Pacific Railway: The omission from the
published verewn of the will of any
Mien a this atock liCkS led to the as.
unption that aoinetliing is wrong, But
explanation made by the exeeentre
pieced •the matter so cleerly Ora
n the Globe has expreased itself as
istled. The stock SVAS purelia.sed in
he open lnarket fur cash at SS cents on
be dollar. When Sir John made is
will he did not know but that the to
would be sold before lab death. That
/ed him to make the clause in Mil will
read in the following way "that if I
hould die possessed of any "stock in
the Canadian Pacific Railway "it shall,"
Ike. The executers in first making the
vill public appear to have thought the
clatiae mightlead toa misunderetanding,
and therefore unwisely suppressed it.
That's the whole atory.
** *
It is reported from Wathington that
another attempt in about to be made to
induce the British authorities to rens
the restriction which compels exporters
of American eattle to kill their animals
at the docks within the dap; of landing.
Our neiglibers contend that this is an
unjust regulation seeing that their thor-
ough syatem of inspecting meat has
demonstrated the fact that American
cattle are perfectly healthy. They claim
moreover Reit the English law was en-
acted in the interest of the home feeders,
the pIeuro-pneumonia argument beieg
used simply as a blind. Should the
hopes of our neighbors be realized there
can be no question but the Canadian
trade will be affected by the change. At
preaent Canada is the only country that
enjoys tho privilege of taking her ani-
mals to vhatever point their owners
choose, and slaughtering them whenever
they please. Were the Americana to be
granted the same privilege they would
form lively comi
petitors n what is known
ea the "atore" cattle trede, which has
rapidly developed of late.
Many a cause has been hindered if
not killed outright by the iinpudence of
its advocates. It is not enough that
these haye zeal and are fluent of speech
they must also know when to speak and
what to say. They must be judges of
human nature and have some knowledge
of the motives and sentiments which in.
If Chiti Secretary Balfour keeps up
his present pace a little longer he will
have so thoroughly treated. the principal
sons of Ireland as to leave the advocates
of Home Rule very small ground for in-
terference. With so much skill, and it
may be added, justice; has he managed
affairs in that much -troubled land that
even his enemies are constrained to
praise him for what he has done. AU
the world knows how when the potato
crop filed last year and dire famine
threatened the people he at once came to
the rescue, and by the inauguration of
public works brought relief to thousands
who but for this timely aid must have
greatly suffered, if not miserably died.
Speaking the other clay of a recommend-
ation for an appropriation to pity the
salaries and expenses connected with
• relief measures, Mr. Balfour said that
"it was the intention of the government
that these works should prove a perman-
ent means for the promotion of the wel-
fare of the inhabitants of Ireland." Bub
of all his deeds and projects touching
Irelandnone has more startled the reb-
lic or caused more comment among poli-
ticians than the proposition to give Ire-
land Home Rule --not exactly the Home
Rile that Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Parnell
Minard's Liniment cures Colds, etc.
France aud Itussia Still ;Pleasantly Tate
ting One Another on the Baetc--13arou
Ilirseles Jewish Colonisation Schemes
-Revolution in Barcelona -Au Rae:aped
Siberian Betires Story -The Anderson
Barssaas, Amos. 4, -The Queen, of the
Belgians has been seized with a sudden ill-
ness and is dying. The sacrament of extreme
ction has been administered.
The queen returaed from °steadiest even-
ing. Yeeterday she visited Princess Charlotte
the ex -Empress of alexica, at the Chateau of
Donchonte. lahe found the ex -Empress in
an exeitea state, and was so much affected
that she was seized mitts a nervous fit and in
Jas afteraoon fainted, tette afterwards re-
gained consciousnees slowly. The Dean of
Iseeleen, who was sunnuened whea she
fainted, wireinistered extreme unction.
The queen is 31201Y in a troubled eleap. Her
emilition is said to be critical. King LOO-
M was hastily summoned from Oetend.
Salute latetriette, Queen of Belgium, is the
leughtel of the Lite Archduke 3.teeph 02
Amelia and is Oa ya3r$ of agee. eShe was
merried to King Lcspoti III August, JS -13.
Lirrin`,.-1t as now eanionneed that the
lawni. eveoveriegs The t.atese of tier M-
oues is ascribed ite Ikert-ents attaele anal
zr pir,ylvians 4k...bre she is now oat of
.Atkinsotri suspension. •
1.•sittoN, Aug. emitenee of sus-
sion iMletseti upen IleMy if. Atliineon,
.1 for Poston, for elierging tbe Speaker
witb buse of prover in platiug on tire record
tlaut MbiITh('fl had frivolouslYcliallengeilihe
of tlivisione, expiredyesterday..
inson was in thelleu,eeseesterday and
eilleeveto enaliea 3notion tu cepunge from
e Journal the resolution ordering his ex.
ruln.. He detlarea he •veottlit rather die
t aa euar the disgrace that attaelred to
.ie name by mem) of the resolution being
spread upen the journal. - •
Chancellor of the lassitetitter Geeehens ail -
let the niatter pee&
Me. At hineon vaiti he could not let it pasa.
He Nei been drowned out of the Ibesee
ama if he was not 4:04115itiereal entliciently re-
elm:entitle to remits within the prevents of
Parliameet he meet have the question of
ostraeisin debated. If the Brom centimes].
the iliaarace put upu him he wmtal resigu.
Lotataton Ang. 4. e StendarraTienn
correspantlent touts the idea of a regotler
allianee between Russia and Frasier. but
thinks Admiral Gervaitt diseussed at the
reussian office the details tif ttossible
operation on the part of Frenelt and Russian
fleeta. The correspouilent points ont that,
it would be impoesible for Liege irenclatis to
iliretelv through the sound into the
leltie. eaitudral they:tits lied found he hail
to talwtliu ront*. ef the great belt, end pass
the gulf of Iltviihniburg. Mite in tines Of
war, would expose a fleet desiring to assist
uesia, or Rutestan vee -eels wanting to attavk
he German coast, to an encounter with the
German fleet in Kiel bey.
Revolutionary RepithIteause
Pains, Aug. 4. --There was a serious up.
rising in Barcelona yesterday, but thepoliee
suppressed it and arrested the ringleaders,
who are federal Republicans.
Senor Zorilla, the Spanieh Republican, to-
day denies that he was in any way implis
cated in the Barcelona affair. Ile mid he
would do nothing without the certainty of
The latest report from Bareelona jufitifies
the he'lief that the affair Was a genuine
revolutionary attempt on the part of Repub.
Baron Hirsch and the Jews.
PARTS,keg. 4.-A conference of the
French Jewielt associations here yesterday
discussed the plans of Baron Hirsch for the
amelioration of the condition of destitute
Hebrews. The conference approved of the
plan of the Baron aiming at the co-operation
of the Jews in European and America in
organizing the emigration of Jews front
Russia. It was decided to again send dele-
gates to Russia in order to conscitute a con-
atral committee in St. Petersham and estab-
lish provincial committees,
[faience the fellowmen. Lacking these
qualities the advocate may do more harm
than good. Indeed, he is sure. sooner
or later to become a burden. An illus-
tratien of this fact is afforded by the
recent utterances of Mr. Erastus Wim
the whilom subject of her Majesty but
now citizen of the American republic.
Speaking on Canadian affairs in General
and the late Sir John A. Macdonald in
particular this hot-headed annexationist
is reported to have said that "the effects
of a bad policy are his (Sir John's) best
monument." Commenting on the ill-
divised utterance the , Philadelphia
Press with a juster perception of things
remarks: "The Liberal cause in Canada
will receive a distinct set -back from the
untimely and unseemly assault of Mr.
Erastus Wiman on the memory of Cana-
da's dead Premier, Sir John A, Mac-
donald. All the people of the Dominion
without regard to politics, have a com-
mon prideen the dead statesrnan'sabilities
and the coarse fling of an old and self -
exasperated political opponent that 'the
effects of bad policy are his best monu-
ment,' was a worse than tactless and
tastelese utterance." Would it not be
well for his Canadian sympathizers and
associates to procure a muzzle for Mr.
Wiman ? Plainly he is a dangerous
character to be abroad -dangerous, that
is, to those who would sell their country
for a mess of pottage.
The declining powers of old age may be
wonderfully :recuperated and sustained 17
the daily use of Hood's" Sarsaparilla
"Oh, if I had only' taken this .medieine
earlier in life, what years of suffering it
would haye saved me !" was the tottela;ng
exelamation of oue who mei beau oared of
rueuraatisin by the use of Ayerai Sarsap a -
ilia. Scores of such cases are on moor&
Children Cry for Pitcher'? Castoria
Russia and France Patting BizekS.
Sr. PETERSIST:RG, Aug. el. -Yesterday was
appropriately observed as the "name day"
of the Czarina. The Czar and Czarinasvisit-
ed the officers of the French squadron to
attend the ceremonies incident to the oc-
casion, and the visit era were treated with
the most markett Courtesy. The French
Hest will sail to -day. Admiral Gervais, the
commander of the squadron, will go to
Moscow and will subsequently rejoin the
fleet at Biotite,
The Barbarous Turk,
Losnoes Aug. 4.-A dispatch from Crete
says: "The house of a Turkish family in
the village of Ceramous was recently at-
tacked and two men ancl a woman and child
were murdered. Eighteen Christian sub-
jects were arrested for the crime and were
imprisoned -with Turkish convicts. While
in prison they were stabbed with kniees and
so seriously injured that they lay for eight
days in a dangerous condition."
Liberals and Rule.
LONDON, Aug. 4. -Mr. Morley speaking
itt Leamington yesterday said that if the
Liberals dropped home rule as their fore-
tnost plank it would lead to the greatest
Split the party had ever known. He pre-
dicted Mr, Italfour's local Government Bill
Would be an irretrievable step toward home
rule and would mean the suicide of Union -
am, '
Serious Blot at Carife.
Role, Aug. 4. -Serious rioting. occurred
yesterday at Carife -where a municipal elec-
tionwas being held. A mob hooted and set
Eire to the town hall a portion of which was
destroyed with the archives. One person
was lolled and many others seriously in-
Shocking State of Russian Prisons.
BT.:MAN, Aug. 4.-ARussian named Katon
has arrived at Breslau • after 28 • years
eonfinement in Siberia. Be had made
numerous fatale attempts to escape and
each time was visited with a fresh sentence.
He iully confirms George Keenan's acemmts
of the shocking state of the Russian prisons:
To Settle Jews in Italy.
13max, Aug. 4. ---The Stets Zeitung says:
The Barou Hirsch Committee is negotiating
with the Italian Court to obtain grants of .
lt rge tracts of unocupied land in Italy upon
v hich to settle Jews and that the Roths-
childs promise pecuniary support.
gable Chat.
• King Alexander, the youthful ruler of
Servia, arrived at St. Petersburg to -day on
a visit to the Imperial family. Re was met
at the railway station by the Czar and sev-
eral of the Russian Grand Dukes.
Vriday, July
After a strike of nearly four mouths the
ship carpenters of Chicago are returning to
work witloeut conditioue.
The final budget of the German empire for
theyear 1$00-91 shows a surplus of 15,148,,
20/ Marks over the estimate,
Scene Danzig officiate have discovered that
bacillary, befected, can be communicatedby
the membranes of telephoues.
Mrs. Martha. D. Washington, wife of a
grandson of George Washington, lacts just
died at Dennison, Texas, aged H.
A joint stock company bas been fornaed in
Great Britain f.or the purpose of controlling
variereeCanadiaa phospaate mines,
Dr. Thrum of Dusseldorf claims to have
emopletely cured 40 per cent, of the natienk
treated by hint with Koch's lymph.
Floods have succeeded, the drought in
ludia, and hundreds of people have been
drowned, as well as great numbers of live
The Leber Aesetably of Chicago has de-
cided to issue a wanting to the worketert of
the woad not to come to Chicago in expec-
tatlen ef getting welt itt eerarsetion with
the Woria's Fair.
Among thepa eeengers for Irotzn:iania who
left Victoria, B. C.'Waive, on dee
steamer Empress of Inslin were 4E:3 follow -Ina;
srai•-•ionaries;-Mi•-s latresee, Miss Roliereent,
Mies Lechloote, Bev. Dr. febeffieal, Mae. and
Mrs. Walker,
satnrilay Aug, I.
Preen:tante Journal 1ue throw
over 3Ir. Permit.
The reelpriteity treaty between the Vnited
amts.; and ;avails Was 111301i* lelblie at
ington yesterday.
The Legislative Assembly of New Sem
Wales has rejected the percent to gran
evillest the right to vote.
Near Bellaire, Ohio, fourteen peeple were
injured, four seriously, and one fatally, by a
railway muesli yesterday.
Fifty kegs of powder explofled at midnight
lartniugbaw, Ala. Great damage was
one, hut no loss of life is reported.
Maw. ECM% Eames, the operatic artist,
was married in Iondoo, Eng., yesterday to
the son of W. W. Storey, the well.lotown
The Rusetan Government bus deverated
emirat vignee and Commandent Le,
bbs chief officer aud second effieer, respec-
tively, of the Freud), 21inietry.
I?rornVajons SOIliaeeS Tlu'ougli
out VIAO lenStriete
The apple crop in the northern put of
county ia reported as being good,
Fersythe, of Inckerstuille, left last weak
Min Janet Mustard, along with Ur. Alex.
.or a trip to Scotland,
John Arislay, county conmetationer, ifs
laid up with eryelpelas in hilt light foot.
Doneld. McLean., of Ashfield, who met
with an aeeident at a barn raishig recently,
died en Saturday. He was a well-to-do
farnaer, and highly esteeMed,
A, Landesboro' correepteedeut speaking of
thetedepexture of Rev. Renuety for ArimMt
Forest. says "We ars awry to lose him as
he has given be utmost satiefaction."
A repreeentative of tae Doherty Organ
Works, Clinton, is in laamilton endeavor-
ing to interest eapitaliatts itt tile removal of
the worlsa from Clinton to Hamilton.
Elijah, a young son of John Colwell, ef
Centialia, was *brown from a horse last
week and badly iojered. Ilia spine being
badly affeeted, his recovery is doubtful.
Mr. Robert Carter. of Selt con of Hallett,
bad the miefertune to lose a bore on Mon-
day of bet week; tbs horse WaS running
&met a field wed tripping over eome tes,es
broke its necfor wirieli the ;firm .aa Awarded the
quantity of the eralnetiva Gf tio "Myth sal
The CS rev. Young Le Sparling Co., exhiblt-
ea at the rezent Jamaica Exhibition
gele Florence Gowned
. the pacing mare by
Coleman time. ri Seaforth, wus !alien to
'reroute lost twee to tr.rept ea in the races.
It must Lave been eta .if Jay, es eke ditl
bad work,
Mr. S. McKibben has leudered his resigns
Mien as Postmester at Lvadhery. We
udereteed that Aire: MeLiven, Wbe has
been Attending le the ellicene eseistant, hes
pplied for the retitle%
nerhis. the little :ten of Mr. W. 11. Mc..
Elroy of Illyib„ went into the sellar aud atO
a piece el bread on whieh was rat poieon ;
and but for the timely arrival ot a doctor
Herbie would hue been no more;
Sfr. JaftElder, of Virden, hlenitoba, lets
been elected Peoident of the Centtel Per.
mers' Institute for Matitote. Mr. Bakal%
an old mannite, no still nrrne a lino TAM
n the Londou Reed, near &decry -111e.
TIVNINTIMI IlAill:NINGS-1 hare used
Dr, Isowler'e Ealteet of «ili Strawberry in
my family Intl can blgWy reeaunneed 14 far
elneteteanPlaint, diarrheee, ete.--Mre,
Oeo. West. flunteville. Out.
• The lfelf reed cheese factory, near Luck-
Seltwieger, wbo eittentivolY robbed the now, ettntd by E. A. I/cooing, was totally
Deutche Rank at Write, hes been arrested, cleat -peed by fire an eveaassav mamma a
and his companion, Franck, is believed. to he hot week. The fire origineted near the lire
on Lis way to the United *Mee. boa of the engine. June mid July n34103 Of
A hewn in grain freights by lake aired cheese' wee Fared.
water has oeeurred, owing, to contracts being Mr, John Scott arid family left ClInten
let for shipuient of the greet wheat erop of on Tuesday for Virden. Um, UMW. W.
the West to European markets. and J. Browelee, of Clintoe 1). W. Cook
• and 3. Miller, of Goderich Ip. ; G. Kings E.
Feulkuer and H. Morrison, Of Bayfield ;
oIo len for the Paine Ogee
alert ealeree, WitS hanged at Helena, Ark., for Paltsdation of the hetet. nereoasneee,
the murder of niece Malloy, n catered plan-
Wrelthough ears bave been generously diss
tribunal by the railroads little wheat is flaw-
ing eastward from Kansas. It appears
probable that the Washington circular has
had its effeet, and fermert. are holding link
their crops.
William Caldwell, a negro, was hanged at
Houston, Texas, yestt Way, for the murder
a Dr. J. 31. Shantblen In raga. Isom White,
Monday, Aufr. 3.
There have been serious floods In /mita.
Last week 5,400 Rassian Jews arrived a
The cotton worm basappearea in Alabama,
and 31iissippi.
Dorn Pedro, ex -Emperor of Brazil, has
suffered it relapse and is again confined to
The sale of the Paris Gaulois has been pro-
hibited by the Gorman authorities in Aimee -
It has been discovered that pauper children
are being systematically sent from Liverpool
to Americo.
A grand celebration began in Geneva on
Saturday in honor of the sixth eentenary of
the Swiss confederation.
Turkish despatches say that the Govern-
ment troops were victorious in a battle with
the insurgents in Yemen.
The Spanish Government has prohibited
gambling in the casinos at the watering
places in the North of Spain.
Six persons were killed and many injured
by an explosion in a lire works factory at
Corunna, Spain, on Saturday.
A winding -up order bas been made in ton -
don in the case of the English hank of the
River Plate, whose suspension was recently
A Chicago despatch says: The barb sake
trust went into effect on Saturday and an
imultediate increase hi the prices of this ma-
terial may be expected.
The neer Balnumedan war vessel Errazuriz
sailed from Lisbon for Chili on Saturday,
having apparently found her compleuaeut of
men by some secret meanS.
The well-known periodic comet of Enecke
was rediscovered yesterday at the Lick ob-
servatory by E. E. Barnard. It is very faint
and if following closely the path predicted for
it by Dr. Barklund.
Tuesday, Aug, 4,
Chicago had a $1,000,000 fire yesterday.
The Queen of the Belgians is seriously ill.
The fraternising of the French and Rus-
sians continues,
George Jones, proprietor of The Raw -Yak
"Times, is seriously ill.
• Bishop Flasch, 00 years old, died at La-
crosse, Wis., yesterday. "
Rev. Mr. Williams was burned to death at
Palmer, Mass., yesterday.
Rev. I. L. Nicholson has been elected bis-
hop of Milwaukee Diocese.
.A. shark 24 feet long and four feet in
diameter was caught in the Panama harbor.
The Dakota harvest is over and it is said
the yield in all sections has been very abun-
The United States immigratiOn COMMAS
shiner are gathering much important inform-
ation io Europe. •
The salience between Fretless and Russia is
mid to,amount to a possible co-operation be-
tween their respective fleets,
The Detroit schooner F. B. Pomeroy,
bund for Rochester, was burned yesterday
off Oak Orchard harbor with its cargo of
800 tons of coal, The crow was saved by a
passing yacht.
At Bowling Green, Ky., Rev. W. N.
Perry fell dead in his pulpit on Sunday
while preaching to a huge congregation.
The sensational despatches about the mur-
der of the Brurofeld family in Wayue Coun-
ty, W. Va., are now said to be without
Abraham Backer, one of New -York's ex-
tensive dealers in commercial- paper assign-
ed yesterday. His liabilities are placed at
trent lenge, mime befeloefte„ hands
and feet, pain in tho back, and other forms
oi weakneas are relieved by eartersa Iron
Bile, made specially for the biood, *term
aud complexion.
flea. Newton, of Londtaboro grew in his
garden a etelk of S. S. torn which measured
8 feet feeheil flfgh, And 35. inches around
the stalk at the butt, it being less then two
months front the tune the god was sown
till measured.
Mr. Prea'k Cole, of Lumley, fell from it
mow in his barn last week said broke both
arm at the wrists, 11e caught holder ene
of the helms in getting down, which break.
ing caused the accident. Ile is out of bed
and inproving rapidly
A. joint stook company for the raanufee-
tare of butter and cheese in the township
of Ashfield, has rondo epplioation to the
Lieutenant Governor in cannon of the Pro -
vines of Ontario for letters patent, under
Cut great aeal.
Ono day last week while:Ur. Geo. Platzer,
con 14, lot 30, „Hulled, was entting wheat
milt a veil binder, his little 4.year-old
daughter wandered out to the field and went
to deep in the grain' The father not notic-
ing the little one the guards of the machine
caught the child's armaand nearly severesi
it from the body. The arm had to be am-
putated above the elboveti
The distention of the stomach which
many people feel after eating, may be due
to improper mastication °Ube food; but,
in moat :eases, it indicates a weakness of
the digestive organs, the best remedy for
which is one of Ayer's Pills, to betaken after
On Sitiarday evening the ladies of Trinity
church, Blyth, Woman's Guild ntet at the
Rectory and presented Mrs, Remy with a
handsome silver cup and saucer, accompani-
ed by an address, as a little token of
remembrance, and to show their apprecia-
tion of her unselfish and genbrous nature.
The family leave this week for Belmont,
where Mr. Racey has been appointed
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Taylor, of Wingham
went to Toronto on Tuesday to receive a
portion of the estate left to Mrs. Taylor by
an uncle eh° died ,in Australia about two
years ago. The present division to Mrs.
Taylor and her relatives will amount to
about $220,000, and there will be another
division in the future. Mrs. Taylor's de-
ceased uncle was an extensive sheep farmer
in Australia, and his fortune was estimated
at from $300,000 to $500,000.
The family of our esteemed friend, Mr.
Thomas Coates, of Usborne, have, during
the past few years. had their share 01 the
troubles of this world. The latest accident
to record is that which befell Mrs. Coates,
one day last week. She was going into the
stable and while pickmg up a strap from the
fleer one of the horses kicked her, fracturing
her collar bone; and after she bad fallen, it
main kicked her, this time breaking her leg
above the knee. For a time she was in a
lcw condition, but now, we are glad to an-
nounce, she is recovering nicely. Our
sympathy goes out for Mr. Coates.
ln Middlesex County they art est farmers
for neglecting to cut the thistles on the
roadside opposite their farms.
Jas. Hennessey, of Ilidclulph, last week 1
injured one of his hands in a bindet to such
an extent that one of the lingers had to be
Several barrels of broad were seized at
some �f the London bakeries Tuesday mem
ing on accoeut of the loaves being under
weMigohnLday the leading local bakers surpris-
ed their easterners with the information
that the price of bread bad fallen to 5 cents
per loaf -London Free Press ,
While James Flennessy, of the 3rd con,
BicIdulph, was receutly trying to repair
something about the knettiog part et his
binder, while in motion, his hand was caught
and his finger crushed.
Messrs Edward Adams & Co., of London
(Contiuued 'on' rage 5.)
H. OIOXSON, Barrister, Stal-
l -A citor et Supreme Court, Noeery
Public. Oonveyartcer, gonsmissioner. 49
money eo Coma.
()Luau% V4r4qoA'oBlook. Rxeter,
R a. catazisTs,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer Ito
Office weer the Post Office,
VitisTOT 4 BisittOT,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Couveyartoers (te, 4e.
aW"Money to I•oon at Loweat Rake of
it, Y. nt.T.I0r. ETAITOr‘
SI4Ce°50r tsR. TABIllings.; ,
ateMber 01 .11110 Rapti CoUege of Dental
Stugeoue.) Teeth iusertett with or without
PleteAle Gold or Ranter. A. este Anstinatio
e'iven`ror the painless extraction of teeth.
Pletes seemed firefly in the mouth by
Temees' Pateet Valve.
OFV.1(,) ; Over O'Neirs Bank.
en's Week, Main.st.. Exeter,
nxtrooto Tooth lothotit
peette_ Away xtt 11ExsAti•
first tailley: Crete, feCOU4
ate* fourth Tuesday; and
graters on tbe lest Thurs.
day of eaehmouttr:
W. Bit° WNIN(/ If. P.. It. a
P. 8, firettnete Victeria taelvots tee`
Oalce aad reaideurse. Pox% plop x.9.1.4 a.
tory. Rxeter,
)R. B.YINTImxAN. coroner for Lie
County of Huron. Ottlee, opp-ette
arling Bros. store. eter.
'nitsJ.A.11OLLI8,1N1.0. 8,
0. otueo„ 5ls.ju St. gxotor. Outs
Residence, h0400 recently occupied by R.
2s:141414 Ewe.
R.T. P. ',VeLALTelliiIN, !UM -
bar of the college of Pt's -steins end
Sorecees, Ontario. Physician. Sereeee and
40.1e2Clienr. Micas DA$11W001, ONT.
nalsuetigaZeglizeotCoilege ot Phyai el nal
Pbysiebui. Surgeon. etc. Hering spent the
inter of itisree7 in Now York, and winter of
Weeel in Vieune, Austrie.
DR. W 0 0 TYRTIF.Eil
BhiVasea of The
Rye ;levees and Spectaeles furnished for
both Neerand Distent
Alware et home, except on Friday,.
No. sts.queen.'s Avenue,
Landon, Out a
..s-d. tioneer for the County of Huron,
Charges moderate, Exeter P, O.
-4-1-, Auctioneer for Counties Huron aed
Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of gala.
P. 0.. Exeter.
BOSSE/v.11E11NY, General Li-
• oensad Auotioncer Sales conducted
in aliparts. Sattsfactionguaranteed. (Merges
moderato. lieusall P 0, Ont.
T_TE &WY EILBER Licensed Atte-
Unman. for the Counties of Eamon
and Medici= Setes conduoted at mod-
oret0 rates. Ordee,at POSt•Oinee, grad.
tan Ont.
• AuctioneerandLandValuater. Ordera
sent by mail to any address, BayileldP.O.,.
willreceivaprerapt attention. Torras moder-
ate. D. R. PORTER, Attetioneer,
Graduatesof the Ontario Veterinary Col-
°erica : One door South oiTown
per tient, $25.000 Private Funds. Best.
Leaning Companiesrepresented,
Barrister. Exeter.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En -
Office, ilpsZtS1-amwmet,r;1331lifel?, *Exeter, Ont.
CANADA: Head Office. London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still,
continues to offer the owners of farra- property t't
and private residences, either on buildings ot
canton ts .th e most favorable protection in ease
of loss or dam age by fire orl ight nine , at rates
upon such tiberal terms. that no allot respect-
abl ecompany can afford to write. 42,875 pol3r.
tiles in force istJan ,1890. Assets 8378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government depost, Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. Limn Gits.sm,.
President; D. C • .....atoometee await :seer • Davin
JAcoss,Asent for Exeter endviemitv,
Established in 1863.
;This Company 'has been over TwenIy-eighb
years in successful operation in Western
Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or
otmago by Fire, Buildings, Merchandise,
Manufactories and all other descriptions of
insurable property. Intending insurers have
the option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years this company has
ssued 57,095 POliCi08, covering property to the
amount of 840,872 038 ;. and paid in losses alone
S79752 Go. *170,100.00, consistir cr. of -Cash
in Bank Government Deposit and the unasses-
sed Premium Notes on hand andinforce.
3. W.WALDEer M.D., President; 0 M. TAYLOR
Secretary; J. B. Bee n NS, In specter, Cil AS
SNELL, Agent for Exeter end vicinity.