HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-08-23, Page 10O. -The Goderich Sigual.Star, Thursday, August" 23rd, 1962 • hit is a, s.ad, thing in the world for hockey training camp. 01 sport when a td'p official of Some of the -'boys are trying -a professional sport gets sus -1 to catch a berth on the Hamil perided from another sport ••for• ton A's._�while for .Chuck and, making-a..mockery of the game' Larry it means much higher and its officials.. I stakes. few. weeks ago; NHL lines- i Good luck, fellas! man George Hayes did just this! when his • IngerS4ll ball team-; The Bissets play Monday and hosted -the Bissets. •The Bissets 'next Wednesday. .We trust y:oU lodged a formal protest im-:, will support 'them with your mediately after the game and attendance. Remember, this is George Hayes, along with- one of -his plays,, has been sus- pended indefinitely. In Hayes' case, it Will probably mean a life suspension from organized baseball. Iii the game referred te, Hayes intimidated the umpires all night by his actions and vulgar, profane language. The suspension of linesman Hayes does not come after one mistake or display of this na- ture; it comes, after repeated warnings and after much long suffering on the part of the league mentors. It certainly.- is a lousy day in the world "of sport when this type of thing happens. Yet this winter we will see Mr. Hayes performing on Saturday nights and it is our guess that he will banish players for 10 minutes for use of the word "damn." , Congratulations sports fans! You didn't shake our faith in you! Last week, not one person .as showed any -interest in the Sifto -$:oroster Club:=• -This then -means that you don't care whether the Junior "B" team functions or not • this winter. •Well, it will, and all the credit will be going to the staunch members of the Booster Club. The credit will go to them because they are selling tickets to build up their coffers (a job they detest, incidentally, as they hate begging for your support). They are taking .a week of their annifal vacation to go .down to Hamilton for players, , and gen- ' erally Working like dogs to pro- vide you with some entertain- ment this winter. Our hat` is off to these men. .They have our deepest admin. ation• and they should have yours: With this littletirade we will close the issue of the Booster Club. If the cool evehings don't -tell you that summer is coming to a close then this will. This week will find Gary Doak, Chuck, Connelly,, Larry Jeffrey, John Arthur, Bob Le- duc, Wayne Canfield and a few others : reporting to Hamilton playoff ball. The third and final meet of the 1962 racing season will be; held this Saturday at ,the Green Acres Racing Circuit. Regis- trations for the 'event are over the 8.0 mark so this should prove to ,be the best of the current season 'at the local track. These racing events are sponsored by the London Auto- mobile Sport, Club. OBITUARY ROBERT F. JOHNSTON . Following a heart attack suf fered at his home in Keistei Saskatchewan, Robert Francis Johnston, 78, died on Thursday, August 16, in the Hodgeville, Saskatchewan hospital. The body rested at the Stiles fun- eral home in •Goderich from Monday afternoon. The fun- e;ra1 service was held on Tues- day afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. 'W. J. ten Hoopen, of Ndrth Street United Church, officiating. Interment was "in Ball's cemetery Auburn. Pall - 1 arcus " were Gatie t- Jntiiiston,` Guelph; J. Nelson Amy, Water- loo; George L. Ellis, Earl Raith- by, Ken Allin and Frank. Mac- Donald, of Goderich. The late Mr. 'Johnston was born at Parker, Ontario, on February 9; 1884, the son of the late Richard F Johnston and Elizabeth Rudd Johnston. Following his marriage to Miss Edna Hickingbottom, of Au- burn, on January 1, 1916, they farmed fora time in the Parker area. , They later moved to the West, eventually making their home in Kelstern, where they lived for 36, years. Mr: _Sohn- ston operated a barber shop, i etiring a few years ago. Since that time he` and his wife had visited in Goderich 'and district a number of times. Besides his wife, he. is sur- vived by one son, Frank, of Edmonton, Alberta; two grand- children; four nieces and two nephews. Two brothers, tdwin, of Missoula, Montana, and Les- lie, of Guelph,, predeceased him as well 'as two sisters, Mrs. Walter (Ella) Boyle, of Parker, and Mrs...William (Anne Louise) Auman, of Elmira.' ATTENTION MOTHERS OF 7, 8, 9,GRADE PUPILS Have the.. aforementioned youngsters bringtheir garden entries (from the seeds giventhem in May by the God- erich Horticultural, Society) to ST. GEORGE'S PARISH 'BALL Saturday, August .2 5 BEFORE 11 A.M. Enter one oraII classes. Class 60 --Zinnias, 3 blooms Class 61—Calendulas, 3 blooms GLass--62•Cosmosr3--blooms— Class 61—Vase, not over 10" high of Cosmos Class 64—Arrangement of Zinnias and Cal dula for a buffet -greatest dimen- sion not over 16" «, Prizes 1st, 75c — 2nd, 50c — 3rcf, 35c — 4th, 25c nq SCHQOL, BUS ROUTES TIT GD I, Board policy regarding 1 About 50 golfers teed off in the Zone Cl, Legion Golf Tournament held last Sat- urday at 'the Maitland Golf Club. Putting out on the fifth • green are, left to right:, Frank Betts, of Clinton; Carl Schneiker (putting); Harold McPherson, also of Clin- ton; i'rank .Young. (Incidentally, Carl missed the putt). Signal -Star Photo GDCI Has Six New Teachers Six new additions to the teaching staff of Goderich Dis- trict Collegiate Institute will be coming commencing with the fall term in September. The new teachers are: Wil- liam Mcllar, from Rodney, Ontario, ftto will teadh mathe- matics, history and geography; J. Allan Goudet, Brampton, teaching French, Spanish and Isatin; -Bruce_ Bailey, Galt, teach- ing' commercial and' English; Lorraine Plapcke, Delhi, teach- ing English, guidance and health;- Ann Smith, Hamilton, specializing in English, and Mrs. Helen Mitchell. Goderich, teaching home econ mics. Mrs. Marlatt, of Toronto, has been visiting her sister, Miss Fraser, East street:, Mrs. Colin H. Young, accom- panied by her daughter, Marg- aret, :on John,- and grandson, Colin Ruttle, all of Willowdale,- are spending their- vacation with Mrs. P. J. Green `'arid Mr' and Mrs. Tait Clark. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Earl ,Raithby were: Mr, and Mrs.. E. G. Hoare, Pem- broke; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Petrie and daughter, Kathleen, ,sof Kincardine, and Staff -Sgt.. and Mrs. ,W. J. Raithby and child- ren, John, David, Dawn and Peter, of Camp Gagetown, N.B: EIGHT YOUTHS CHARGED WITH GASOLINE THEFTS Eight Goderich teenagers will appear in juvenile court this week charged with the theft of gasoline from automobiles park- ed in various sections of the town. Complaints from citizens, stating thai,t their gas tanks had been siphoned overnight; re- sulted in the arrest of- Shree youths. Subsequent question- ing and investigation by Gode- rich police led to the apprehen- sion of five other juveniles. SLUG SPENDER AT WORK A local laundromat has been victimized by an ingenious thief who obtained about $26.00 in coins, from the coin -changer, by the use of copper slugs. The slugs are the - exact size and weight of .a quarter and have been stamped out of sheet..cop per:. This is a variation of the procedure, used last year, when sparkplug gaskets were plugged. wit'ii a one cent- coin, to obtain the same result. Goderich pollee are investigating the case and hope to apprehend the petty counterfeiter: - Progressive -Conservative NOMINATING CONVENTION • FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELECTING A CANDIDATE FOR RIDING'"OF HURON BRUCE Will Be Held In The , TOWN HALL, WINGIIAM FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 8:30 P.M. Many outstanding speakers including HOn.Wm. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! LAST CALL FOR SR. CITIZENS HOUSING A total of 16 lrer,,o_is has so far given definite notific- ation of their interest in securing living accommoda- tion in the .proposed senior citizens' housing project. A -total of at least 20 ptsons is required before consider- ation is to be given to the new building. The advertise- ment containing the applic- atiOn form appears again on page 14 of this issue of The Signal -Star. Signing and for- warding the application does not commit the applicant to' taking one of the units. But there . must be at least, 20- applications 0applications to assure a ten unit housing layout. Please , act fast! Helped in Will,. (Continued from page 1) extra curribular activities. The third share went to alma mater, Queen's Univers- ity-, Kingston. Of this amount, $2,500 is to be set up as a Trust Fund for a scholarship (Matriculation) in Mathematics Parents, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan or Science (or both) to be nam- and Mrs. J. E. Mason. ed The Mathieson Memorial Misses Mary and Elizabeth Scholarship (in honor of the late Professor, J. Mathieson). The residue is to form a Trust Fund, with proceeds awarded- annual- ly to ' encourage students pre- paring for teaching in Canada or for post -graduate work in scientific courses in a Canadian University. _ His house, lot and . contents at 31 Victoria street, was be queathed to Alexandra Marine his and Genefal HQSpital. He sug- gested that after his broker, W. H. Robertson, no longer wished to occupy it, that it be used by the hospital as a con-•, valescent home, chronic pat- ients' hove or home for old people. If this Was Lound im practical, then it w is to be sold and proceeds .used by the hospital as deemed advisable by the Hospital's Board' of Vow erngrs. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Oke, of Sarnia, have returned frotn ° a motor trip to the west, having, visited Jasper and Banff parks and the Black Hills, Mt. Rushmoore and the Bad Lands of South`Dakota. Visitors last week with Mrs. Pearl Priddle were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Priddle, John and Jim, Ottawa; Mrs. N. McNevin and her sister, Miss Alice Thompson, Mrs. Herb Cranston and son, Wayne, all of . London: Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mason and son, Paul, have returned to their home in Omaha, Ne- braska, after visiting with their Near last week visited their grandmother, Mrs. _ B. Roth, Stratford, and attended the fes tival. Mr. James_Garrick and daugh- ter, Cathy, Windsor, spent a few weeks' holidays with Cathy's randmother. M'r. and Mrs. Pat Scrimgeour visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Garrick, Windsor. ' ,,OVEN FRESWT BAKERY SPECIALS Weekend Feature Butter Cream Icing Raspberry Filling PINEAPPLE LAYER -CAKE ea. 40c PIONIO SUGGESTIONS LOAF CAKES ea. 1,5c Date & Nut, Date Orange, Tilsta Fruit BANANA PRALINE CAKES ea. 40c ORIENTAL FRUIT 'SQUARES - - ea. 50c COCONUT SQUARES' „ ea. 50c CULDERT'S 'BAKERY 49 West Street -- Goderich — IA 4-7941 Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat., 8.30 'til 6.30 Fri., 'til 9 p.m. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Hughes and son John returned at the weekend from a two-week vaca- tion spent at Thorel House on Lake Rosseau, Muskoka and in Arnprior with Mrs. Hughes' brother, R. S. Atkey, and Mrs. Atkey . Week -end visitors with Mrs. T. H.. Bradley, Huron road, were: her sister, Raye D'Eye, and brother, George D'Eye, of Toronto; her niece and nephe' V, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niel, of Tor- onto; , O.P.P. Lloyd Bradley, Mrs. Bradley and children, Lloyd, Mark and' Lynn,- of Sebringville. Mr. and Wallace Mc - Brien, Toronto; IVfr. and Mrs. H. U. Hillborg, Mr. and Mrs. , Allan Higgins, Mrs. Lynn Fill, of Detroit, and Mrs. Harvey Williams, of ' Singer Island,. Palm Beach, ' Florida, were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tucker, lighthouse street. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glen had as thgir guests over the week - .end, the letter's -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carwford, of Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Walter IVfotters- 'head, Ken and Judy, Victoria, B..C., have been visiting Mrs. Mottershead's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Harris. MAXWELL, HOUSE 1 -Ib. Bag 'TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 62 48 -oz. Tinsfor3 C GREEN GIANT FANCY QUALITY PE15 -oz. Tins for BLUE BONNET YELLOW QUICK 1, -Ib. Pkgs. MARGARINE4 � ry 2f0r YORK P RK and BEANS 20 -oz. Tins 3,e49G Pink Seal SALMON _: tir.0, ... . ..............................................:�rn... . .v::o The trimly1styled,gas furnace that will keep your home wonderfully warm on tht cold- est day. Circulates warm air smoothly throughout your home .. ,. maintains an even, healthful temperature, Compact design saves space. Easy to install — just two simple connections ... and you've got clean, gas heat. Tall Tins 59c SAVE WITH OUR MEAT FEATURES SIRLOINSTEAK 1e 99� For Outdoor Cooking 1VAC PACK Ws -DINNER HAMS 99c Try Thick Slices. for .:Bar -B -O SWEET PICKLED Ws - COTTAGE ROLLS 69c Fine Cold for Sandwiches Culverhouse CREAM STYLE CORD 20 -oz. Tins 589c SUPREME SWEET PICKLES <ao= Jar -59c SUPREME FANCY . Milk of Magnesia 49c 69c Size 49c Size—MILK OF , }w Magnesia Tablets 39c S, •Instantine 49c Size 39c CHOCOLATE BARS ALL BARS 10c 12 f";1:00 MAPLE LEAF CANNED HA 1%2'5 �-4 9 GRIMSBY SWEET GHERKINS 48 -oz. Jar 9c COOKING. 3 -Ib. Bag Transportation • Will be in accordance with the Depart- „ menu regulations that every. - -effort will be made to arrange routes so ' t-hatno student 'a�rill have `toy` NVaik more than one mile to the School Bus, ti, AT 8PA. Sponsored by Goderich Social Sq'uargs' Instructor — AI Haveling, Stratford COUPLES ONLY INQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS ' 9979 :and JA 8159 FOOD 1 RED& WHITE • FOOD STORES pod'• Nightly t 1 M, for Your • . n , S!lippir g Convenience 1 VICTORIA ST. N.